mNERlS’ &; FARMERIS’ JOURNAL. PRINTED AND PUBUSHKD EVERY WEDNEfjDA.Y, B¥ NOBLE A IIOLlTON^.^IIARLOrrE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, wdRTH-CA*OLHfSu I WILL TEACH VOU TO PlKROE THE BOWEM OF THE EARTII AND BRINO OUT FROM THE CAVERNS OF THE MOUNTAUv'fi, HKT4IJ WHICH WHX GIVE bTRKNGTU TO OUR U\NDl? AND WJBJKCT ALL MATURE TO OCR VHE AtiD FLIABVRS.—DR. JOHNSON. VOL. I. WEDNENDAV, JUNE 22, 1831. NO. 39. THE Iflincrs’ & FarmerH’ Joiirnal Is prinUd and published every VVcdneiday morn ing at Tido Dollart arid Fipv Ctntt per annum, if paid in advancc; Thrtt Dollart a year, if not paid until afler the expirition of tix months. ADVERTISEMENTS will be insfirtod at Fiffy cents per square (not exceeding 20 linei,) for the first iuiertion, and 25 ccntu for eocli nuccocdinfr week—or 81 tor throe wecki, for one itquare.— A liberal discount will be made to those who •dTertisebythcyear. iryOnalliirtvcrti»cment» communicated for publication, the nunibT of insertion! must be noted on tiie niar|riii of tJie manuscript, or they will be conliiiutd until (brbid, and chared accordingly rV" All communications to tlie Editors must rome fVoe of pontage, or they may not be attiiided to. ituorportttioH of Charlotte. Having seen in tlie S. C. Cltrkb' Ofticc the Act of lucorporatton of the I'own of Charlotte, wr were induced to copy it into tlie columns of the Journal, witli the several anieudmentii then to. lX>ub(less many of our citiicnii have never had an opportunity of seeing it, and perhaps we arc p>'rforimDg a duty in publiiibini^ it for their in formation. The Act was passed in 1815. AMENDMENT—PACBED A. D. 1826. An act to amend an act, entitled “ An act to amend an act, {Mixscd in thie yew 181.'i, entitlfd ‘An act to incor|)orate the town of Ciiai lotte, in the county of Mecklenburg.’" Be it enacted by the Oenrral Aif»rmh!y of iowmc oath, i, A. B. do solemnly swear I or aflirm that I will fa.thfully perlbnn the | hMdhythcduthontyoftkcmm, That office of constable lor the town of Charlotte and every «;lec tou, which n.ay here- V. And be it further enacted. That the town constable or constables annually ap pointed by said cotnmiss^ers shall give i>ond and security to the sara commi.'ssioners for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, tuid take and suljscribe the fol neck-cloth,ahirt-collar, waistbands, garters, dtc. &c. especially those about the neck, must be speedily removed, iindthe legs and feet should be placed in warm water.— When the disease occurs in a full habit, or has been preceded by marks of strong ac- titm in the blood vessels, a pint or two of blood should )x immediately drawn from the arm, or jugular vein, and a d(jzen leech- in my power, all precepts to me directed by have resided in .aid twelve mo..ths the town couiniii.ioners, so help me G.xJ. |«»*>«^tely preceding such eloct.on, shall It shall be the duty of the constable afore- co.niniKsionc.s. said to e.Kecute all precepts to him directed by the cotnniissioncrsof said town, and make due return thereof, to collect the town tax | II. And beitfurthrrenactid, 'i'liat the |jcrson appointeu by said commissioners to collect the town tax shall enter into Imju-I i and security, in the sum of one thousand or other dues by distress of j?oods or other- ‘ wise, in the same manner us the county tax able to the COinmiss.oners and IS collected and accounted for by the Sher- heir sue cessors m otlice, f.r the laithiul coi- .ft; and in case of default thereof the town ! lect.ny oikI accniutiny forbid tax. AN ACr to incorporate the town of Charlotte, in the county of Mecklenburg;. Be 0 enactcd by the General Assembly ^ the State of ^’orth-Carolina, and it it here-' clerk shall and may proceed a;{ainst the tow n constable betbre the board of commis sioners, as the county trustee is authoiisicd to do against Slientls: and the said coiista blc shall be entitled to the same fees as oth (From th- SSoutltern Ajjricalturitt.) TO SAVE .SEEDS. But, vrhile these ojKjrations must be speedi ly adopted, a physician ought to be called to the sufferer, without one moment’s delay, for lij’o, though apparently cxtinct, may be saved, if timely medical aid be called in. Dr. Graham'a M'tdtrn Domcslic ikdicine. The inhaling of nitric acid gas, for cure of consumption has l)cen found to be too much luudecL It has the cflect only to les sen-nnd eas« the cough temporarily. The g:is “ hath this extent no more,” in the heal- I mg of consumption. We saw at the estab- I •ifiliineiit of iMr. White, in New-York, who All seeds keep Ix'tter u. their seed ve.s- | [„a,!i.|,ed the pragraph which has b^n so _ sels, but this can rarely be done, on account} copied, a gentleman who informed er con.stiibles appointed by Court. I ^ great s|»ace occupiH. As soon, | airurded by the experiment 71. And be It further enacted, 7j,at the the ease mentioned, was transient and I ron,i..i«sini«.r«. «t.:.ll fiv tl.P.r &c. tuHi browII, ftiid a piit Ix'coii.e uasatisfactory.—6W. .Wtrror. : dry, the’stems should l>e’cut and laid From tlie Worcester C'ounty (Fa.)Uepublican. ...-p, ... — I , . u II »• I I . 1 ■— — M “K -•i-.M LEUISLATUKE. fcitte shall be vested in the following persons ) due notice shall Jail or neglect to attend, uu- Lcttuces should Ix; tullfid up ; We have prepared tlie following state- *■-11 111 ' leiM nreventen hv MK^knnaw or .some otherl T. • ' . . i i- . j ^ Will be oK^ rvj-d that the number of wrKA tn t* ru.imcf i iicii iii«. '' r /• j . i I iY ai iii«; sauic tiiiic. Ai icii iii me ^aiucil —id conuniwicmors and their successnrs m | * *® * for the use r)f said town, by an> ^ |-,|,en, the earliest and best will be lost; ofike, appointed aj>rt‘^uble to the dire« tioiis j I m fact, except under very fa\ourable cir-j meiiil>ers co/nposing our L«-*gislature is the ..r tk;. -i,™ii 1.^ ....,1 o~> k„..o.i.., I VII. .And Of U/t/rWtr p/iac/frf, I hat tl^^^ will be obtained, a." | largest of any in the Tnion by far;—and .. .. shower and every stroiig breeze will jto reduce the constitutional number, is at 0l this act, shall be and arc hereby incor-( _ , poraUHl mto a body corjK>mU‘, by the name I coai.nissioiHirs, w hen duly quali of the Commissioners of llie Town of Char- j "hall appoint ono ot their body to act | j^gggj, quantity, and scattei those wiiich ' the present time an ihject that deserves the k.tte: and by such name shall have succes-1 ” I are mature over the whole ganleii. The j nous attention of the public. For a con- same course s!io»ild be pursued witii leeks siderable |)ortiim of the following table we and onions. It is a prevalent opinion that (are indebttnl to tiie Georgia Journal, the bush squash cannot be i^erin'tuntf^d &■ Table nhowin^ tl>r rnmpnsiiion nf the f^.gislaturet luong us, as such have a strong tendency \*s pojntlathninWiO.ofthfJlHtatesof the Union. to run, and w ill in ono or two seasons l>e-! j. 5* ? come a vine. This is a iii.stdke, and h^is j « r | 1. ««m aiHl a common neal: sue and be s,i«l; | ‘‘“""S *h« recess of their stated meet ■n.1 by Rich name siiall have power from ' call a meeting of the bKird of com- Uiiie to time, and at all times hereafter, to ! >«•*“*'>«««, who shall bo liable to the same make sui h nile*, orders, regulations aiKl f »or neglecting to attend a cahed l.>e-laws, and ordinances, as to them or a j ‘hey arc tor neglecting to attend niaj'trily of them shall seem nc-ccssary for o Uy puod goveminent of said town; by lay-! ' ^f/«rther enacted. That at ^ ing out, amending a.Ml repairing the streets, i«.oner,s, a n.a-: rigiiiated, no doubt, in the manner of sav- the seed. If the firit scuo-sliej which I ■,r„- Rhodt.'-Ii>land, ^ide fi>r the strict observation t>l' the !?ab- liath day: to ujipoint a Town Clerk and wu'h other persons a? may bo neceB.sary for tin* (iiud UMUM^jPineut aud cutiductiii|; thera- cf: by api>ointing a town constable or t »n- rtubtes, town walthes. pitrols anti overseer \ hy inacleifby thtauthorityi^'lh e.tume, That An set to amend an act pa«.ed in the year MU, ^ “'is purp«>, they will run, and moreover i K,,vYork, entalfd **4n«cttouicf>rpurat«itheU>wnotChar-. ^ Inter in k)cann^. lo luivc rarly j NowJerwy, lotu, Mi-cklcnbar^ count) j fruit of either this squaslijcucuinu r or niel- l>f’ldwarp, nil vi*rv Anrt mKmiM K • l*CI»Ilsylva ht u tmatted by iht Omrral A^vtjnbly ^, ou, the ver>’ fiwt nbould r.'w rv^L MsryllS,'"*’ Virginia, North-Cdfolina, the State of yortk-Carolina, and it inhere- nib II jVu/irf tiUhcorms.—We are informed of streets, aivl to make such allowance b\ and aller the |>assiiig of this act, it' •hut a lady iH-ar Georgetown, I). has a i s.juth-Caroliiia, -17 f.»* Of otiK rMse fnr the w-rvicesof the olli- |s|,a]| i^„ lul for the citizoas of Charlotte ' of cocoons ol the imti\e .-dkworm of. rem ali.n-Miid ns a majorit>- of the commis- j „ ,|,g court-house in said town on •■xtraordina.-y a size that a description [ n«ier:i may think necessarv', and to make ; .Monday of .March in each and ev-, ‘hem and the fly that has c.une out of' Kentucky,’ aiK-h ndes. In e-laws an«l ordinances as to ery year, for tiic [Hjr|»*jBe of electing five ‘hem is deemed worthy of publication.— ‘ tlie said commissioners or a m.ijorily of thein ‘ roniinii»ioners to govern and m-"ulate the ‘ ^'he cocoon is fully as large us a turkey’s I Hiio, ! lll'noiF, may up|s*arnecessar>'. And shall also have I agreeably to an act of tlie General resembk.s that of the common j . Tull i-twer to lake cognizance of all breach- I Assembly, passed in the year one thousand silkworm in other respects, except in tiie | w of the said rules, bye-laws and ordiiian- hundred and tif'teen, incor{>orutiiig tho ! hbre, which loi'ks like flux. Ibc ll_v is ve-, rKiuifiuua, f s, and entbico fiiKS for said breaches, ^^id town of Charlotte. I *■>' beautiful, and very large, the size of a [ *^^oIlleli And the 6.-ud eomnns.>^ioners b«*|ore they en-; ||_ 4,,^ further enacted, That no! "•'‘''i' antenn.T tire l)lack, legs and t. r u|»on the duties of their oHiee shall take | person shall be eligible to the appointiuent hack red, Iwdy striped. It measures be- and wil*crib«> the follow ing cwfh, beflire as aforesaid, unless he has tween tfie extremities of its wingssix inches. »ni»e Justice of the Peace. I, A. H. do so- I ^ g,n,j,ie „du improved lot in said " slmuld be glad to obtain the flies for lemnly swear for alVirmas the case mav l>e) preservation; and if they shall have pro- i w ill faithfully |»ertorm the duties of , jj[_ further enacted. That no; duced eggs a lew would l»e very acceptable, a rommis-*i.«er of tlie town of 'liarlotte to ! shall be p.’Miiitted to vote t’i.r a town i [ American Funner. tlx'Ix’st of my ability and judgment, so help I jjjj, purpKics aforesaid,! ^ inetiod. And if at any time hereafter any I he shall have a fee simple title to' -Vpnn.rxv //-nr is imiuced.— of the |KTSo|Ls apjiointed commissioners by the said town of Charlotte. /“^ Uur/UH/,'.—This disetise (.a\s a cele- tilts act, shall n fuse to act or qualif), or . jy. -IW fte if /urtAtr That u hrated modern physiciaii—D.-. (iraham)! Vrmnnt id.ail .he or remove thems.‘|ve» away, or citizens ..f the town of Charlotte afore-, '»“>■ hapfienat anj age, but is most frequent shfuld be otherwise incaiuble ol acting,. (^1 or iHigle. t to attend on the »b.>ut the middle, or in the decline ol hfe, | Vcw-York, the other remainiusr l•onlnl.^sloners b«-ing j Monday of .March m cach and every csi>ecially »» persons of a plethoric habit,' ” ‘ duly (juahlu'd shall fill up such vacancy by 1 ,;oiuinissioners as afore- " ho have short necks, and who are indolent, rle. ting or up|) some other fit |>er-1 ^,,1^ then, and in that case, the conmns- lead a sedentiiry life, and indulge much in Min n-siding m ithui s;iid town : which com-1 sjum-rs | elected shall act uutil new com- i mating and drinking.—1>\ niptonis—\Ve are nii>^si'Hiers so e| ted or apjKiinted accord- ,„issioners are elected. i sometimes warned of the ai'proach of ajw- ing to the dirt etions i,f tins act, shall ha\e j farther enacted, That the hy a duil pain in the head, accompa- an I p«>ss »s the same puurr and Ix'ntider 1 ,|j^j number of hy a sense of heaviness, giddiness, the hk«- re.^t.ictioTv-ai.ii |>enalli v with tlioi* i sy,.|, ,.lection .shairbi; deemeil dulv Jrowsiiicss, frequent fils of night-mare, ful- III wluisi' stead they were app>iniet,. ^ ] ,,|(;ctcd the town coinniissioiiers for the eii- redness of the facc and eyes, ob- lil.. hr it fnrthtr enacted. That it ■ contrary not-;'^“‘‘ity of .sight, bleeding frtna the nose, I faltering in the s|)eecli, ringing in the ears, _ I and loss of menion.-; but its attack is f re- .\MF,N1).'\IFXT—I'ASSI l) A.n. 1824, | quently more .sudilen, and the patient falls An art to amend an act, passrd in tlie year 1815, to the ground with scarcely any warning, rniitled “ An art to incorimr.-ite thu town of and lies as if in a deep sli'op, from which he Chirlotte, in the county of .Merkknburg." | cniinot lie roused. In this state his brf’ath- Hr it enacted by the (General As.iemhly of mg is laborious; the face is red ai.d puffed; 150 3-.'0 •501 212 a07 72 U8 42 31 100 PO i;4 135 121 14U 72 40 100 70 as 51 36 42 4S !?oinelimog more or less. ¥ 17b 2S2 541 224 2-J8 ci IGO 56 30 1^3 95 m 199 171 • 216 1)4 fK) 138 1U5 54 77 47 57 6d 399,462 26;^S33 610,100 2fcK),665 2J7,711 97.211 1,934,6'J6 320,779 76,737 1.33»,034 446,953 1,186,297 73i),470 5fil,478 516,567 30!),216 5?4,»l22 6^rt,844 931,67!» I.'•7^575 311,535 97, 1.17,427 215,275 TMethuipinsthe Population, numhrof mrmbertof tht I^uixiafuns, andtkeir pay for one mouth, o; the scDcral SliUea of the Union. kIhII Ix* the duly of the said coiiiii)isionrrs gi nerally in all lhi:ig fo su|KTmfend the pihceofsnid town el ('liiirloiH', ami losup- pi>rt the |>eace and goinl of its inhabitants and others who may be Iher*-, and to sup press all riotous ihsoideily a.VJCii.blies, ps- |H' i.dly on tlie Sabbath day, whether of f ree (n rsons or of slaves, and for the pre-1 the State of yorth-('arolina, and it is hrre- the veins of the head and neck are distended; vention of iiiiiinal liefpju^ses, olV-nces or 1 by enacted hy the authority of the same, That the head is hoi, and often in a copious per- brouches of the peace, Ilie .said conniiission-‘ the commissioners for the tow n ofCharh)tte, spiration; the eves are prominent, blocnl- ers or a nuijorily of' them are he.ehy ves. shall have full power, ami they, or a major- shot, stmietimes half op n, but more fre- U-d w ilh adequate power anl aulhoiily to ity of them, for the time l)cing, are hereby quently quite closed, the pupils dilated ; authorised to lay such a tax on the inhabi- and a frothy siiliva is often excr*‘ted from fants of said town and their taxable prop- the mouth. 'I'hu pulse is at first regular, ei ty, as they, or a majority of them, may ! strong, full, and slow, but siwn becomes deem sufhcient for repairing the streets, weaker, frequent, irregular, and interniit- and for such other purposes as the said com- ting. Treatment.—In treating this dis- missionors may consider ncces.sary for the, it is unquestionably projwrand neces- conifbrt and coiivonienco of said town. | sary to attend to the fbllowmg modifications, II. And be it jurthcr enactcd. That the namely:—1st, Ajwplexy occurring in the afoi-esaid commissioners shall have |>ower 1 vigorous and plethoric : -nd. Apoplexy at- to appoint some di.screef [>crsoii to collect tacking a constitution inlirm by nature, or and account for .said taxes, and the said col- enfeebled by age, intein|»erance, or exces- lector, thus apfiointcd, shall enter into lx»nd sivc exertion.—In all coses of the dis*'ase. Maine, •0 1* c p 309,402 •y, 0 0 —1 1 170 s’? i? li «'9;200 ! New.Hampyhirc, 269,5.33 232 13,920 1 MaFsachusetts, 610,100 541 32,400 1 Vermont, 2"'0,665 224 10,080 j RhAdc-Island, 97,211 82 3,690 Conntcticut, 297,711 228 10,575 1 New-York, l,!'34,i:i6 160 14,400 New-Jcrpey, 320,779 56 5,040 f’eiinnylvania. 1,330,031 13.i 11,970 IV;la ware, M.iryland, 76,737 30 900 416,913 6.5 11,400 Virginia, l,186,2t7 166 19,920 North-Carolina, 73M70 199 17,910 Sonlli-C^irolina, 581,47X 171 20,520 (Jet)rgia, 516,567 216 25,!t20 .Alabiuna, 309,216 91 11,280 Tennessee, kentueky. 6^4,822 60 7,200 6,'8,S14 13S «,280 'f/uui^iaiia. 215,276 • 68 8,160 Ohio, 937.679 105 9,450 Indiana, 341,.'>t5 t>l 4,620 IlliniiiR, Iri7,*i74 54 4.8»;0 1 .MiHsiiHKippi, 97,h65 47 5,6-10 .Mis;oun, 137,127 57 5,310 OOVrRNORS OF THE SEVERAL STATES. .Maine, Samuel E. Smith. Nrw.llamrshire, Samuel Dinsmoor. Vennout, Samuel C. Craft. punish the s;ime by laying fines and enfor 111^' the collodion thereof; and all fines in- c'lried and collecled shall be appropriated to the benefit of .sanl town. IV. And h( it further rnacted. That the rontims'iiotiers as al'iresaid shall have full power and aniliority to lay such fax on the iidviliitaiits of said town and their estates within the Rjimy as a majority of said com- iiiisKionepK iiiiiy d;em necessurj', not ex- cx-eding fitfy I'ents 011 each and every poll, and filly ’ents on every hundred dollars and s;curity for the faithful collecting and accounting lor said taxes, in the same man- worth of t*iwii propi'rly, for the payment of a town watch nr patrol, or fi»r such other piirpos's as the s;iid commissioners may j ner as the county tax is collected and ac- d- em nec(!ssary for the benefit iUid better | counted for by the Sheriff; ai.) law to tiie regulation of :>atd town. I contrary iiulvvUhstauding. the patient should if possible, lie immediafe- ly carried into a spacious a|Kirtment, into w hich cool air may be freely admitted; his head anil shoulders should be placed in an clcvutcd position; ull ligatures, m'h tis Massachusetts, Khodc Lshiiid, Coniiecfii'iit, New-York, New.Jersey, IVnnsyhania, Delaware, Maryland. Virginiii, Nortli-Carolma, Soufh.Caroluia, (.!eori;m, t)tiio, Kentucky, Teiinessei', Louisiana, Alabama, M iKsi-iHippi, Indiana, lllinui.s Missouri, Ltvi Lincoln. J^inurl H. .irnold. John S. I‘i tt rs. Knos H. Throop. I’eter |). Vroom, Jr. George oil’. IhivtJ Hiiztard. Daniel Martin. .lohn Floyd. Montfort Stoke^. James Hamilton, Jr. George K. (iihner. Ditnfiin M'.irthur. Thonia* Milciilf. William Carroll A. li. Homan. Gabriel .Moore. Gerard C. Ilraudon. Janus B. Kay. John Reynolds. John Miller. Those in Italics are .\nti-Juck?on. The high- est hfllary js tlut of tho (iovernor of Louisiana, which i-j IHMlO dollars i>er annum: the lowest is that t'l'Rliv'dc l^.hnrf. vluch is C'.'O denar'!. From the Nete- York OateUt, TRAVELLING MEMORANDA. Having, last week, busine«8 in PhiladeN phia, Baltimore, and the city of Washing* ton, I started at 6 A. M. on Monday, la order to show the facilities afforded tlio present day, of doing much business in a short time, I send you a sketch of my ex* cursion. Lef\ New-York at 6 A. !VI. on Monday —arrived at Philadelphia at 5 P. M.—call ed on four persons—settled my business with them by 9—went to bed, and started on Tuenday morning at 6 for Baltimore, where I arrived at 5 P. M.—got through with iny business there at half past 9—went to bed—started at 4 A. M. on Wedneidayy for Washington, and arrived at a little af* ter 9 A. M.—dressed, called on the Presi dent, and finished my busioeM with him— dined at Gadsby’s—took a hack in the af ternoon, rode several miles, and completed my business with four persons—took tea with a friend—slept at Gadsby’s—started at four on Thursday on my return—arrived at Baltimore at 10—visited the Cathedral, Washington Monument, the W'ater Works, dcc. before dinner—dined at Bamuui’s splen did Hotel—partook of a bottle of wine w itli three All -uiians—at 3 mounted a car, with 22 passengers, on the Rail Road, and visited Cllicott’s Mills, 13 miles from Baltimore— returned to Baltimore before dark—took tea, and afterwards, in a hack, visted tlie vene.m- ble !Vir. Carroll, of Carrollton—returned to Bamum’s—went to bed, and started for Philadelphia, where I arrived at half past 0, P. M.—made several friendly visits— went to bed—started on Saturday, and reached New-York at half past 5 the same day. W'as thus absent nearly six days— travelling about 600 miles, and completing all my business, at the expense of forty doU lars and seventy-nine cents. The observations I made were, that Bal timore and Philadelphia are looking up.— In both placcs the bustk of business re minded me of home—that is to say, New- York. The Canal which connects the Del aware with the Chesapeake, through which I passed in two hours, is a great and useful work. The rail-road, which already pass es several miles beyond Ellicott’s mills, is a most delightful and useful mode of convey, ance—the scenery is of the most pictur esque character, and when in June tlie lo- co-motives are in operation, must attract tho attentloo of aU tr«ve»et».—My visit to Mr. CarrolT must interestiag aad gratify ing —^n the eve of 94 years of age, such good health, such a flow of spirits, and so much graceful suavity could not have been anti cipated. Of this man, so well known, eu- logium could not do justice. Travellers cannot fare better, in this route, than m putting up at the Hotel opposite the I'. S. Bank in Philadelphia, at Barnum's in Bal timore, and at Gadsby’s, in Washington. 'I'he car in which I took my passage to Ellicott’s Mills, (four others in coinpany) contained 22 passengers, drawn by one horsc’, and the time in going the 13 miles, was ono hour and a quarter. By the first of July the locomotives will be in operation upon the Rail Road, when the same distance w ill be travelled in 30 minutes. This road is finished nine miles beyond Ellicott’s, and it is intended by the stockholders to be car ried through to the State of Ohio. Tho expense thus far has been about $40,000 a mile; but the residue will be finished for a much less sum. Yours, dcc. J. L. Curionts reasoning against Rail-roads.— A writer of the nullification school, in tho Charleston .Mercury, argues ve y learnedly against the construction of the Charleston Rail-road, into the interior of that State, 011 the ground that it would only facilitate the transport of cotton to New York, Philadel phia and Boston. Had they not better place a long chain across Charleston har bor at once, and stop all navigation with the rascally States north of them ? Courier Jf Enq. March of Intellect.—A Mr. Lewis George Wells, a gentle man of color, haa commenced a course of lectures at Balti more on Phrenology. In his carte de in- t'itation, he includes “ ladies and gentlemen of color, and others.'' By the “ others,” we presume he means the whites. This distinction is something like the colloquy of a fellow-citizen of the West, who ,.ddress- ed the Duke of Saxe Weimar thus: “ Arc you the man that arrived here last night, because I am the what drove you, and have called for the fare.”—Ibidem. Dr. B. , of New .Tersej-, is not only one of the most learned, exporieiiced, and sagacious physicians in this country, but the most free from pedantr)' and pretence. A gentleman once asked him the reast>a why certain diseases, such as measles, whooping cough, and small pox, could only be had but once. After considering a mo ment, the Doctor replied, “Ifyou will tell me why people have them once, thou I will tell YOU why they never have tUvm twice.’’

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