Si FARMERS’ JOUR^TAl.. ' FKINTKU AND FI lILISiriCU K\EIIV W t:D>KSDAV, IlY NOB1.E & lIOI.T(>.N....CIIAKM>TTIf;, MH(JKL.ft:NBLrKtt COUISTV, NORTH-CAROUNA« I WILL TEACH YOU TiTnraCC THK OK TIIK rAIlTII AND BRING OI’T lliriJI TIIK CAVCRMil Of THE MOUNTAINS, MKTAL3 VMIK.'H W'lLt, OIVF, !TnE.SOTH TO CUB MAMIlt AM» SUBJECT ALL N TO OVM U8E AND FLKASUHC. Dl. JOHNION. YOL. I. ^VJEIX\ESI>AV, ALGUST 3, 18:it* NO. 43. TIIK iriincrK’ & Farmers’ Journal Is printed and nublishpti every Wednesday morn ings at 1'ico Vollurt aiul P*fly f'tnts j>tr annum, if iMiid in advancc j Thi ft Uollart a year, if iiofc^ ^ paid uiitil after tlic* expiration oi bix moullis. AUVERTISK.MRNTS will be ini-erttd at nfty i-ents per wjuare (notixccrdinR20 lines,) for the first in»ertion, and 25 cents fjr tacli Kuccwding week—or 61 for tlire« ww-ka, for one t^uarc.— A liberal diiieount will be made to those w lio •dvertiacbytheyeu. ITi Oualladverlisenicnts communicated for publication, tlic nunilxr of tnsertionb mubt be noted on the mflrj;in of tlie inanu(criit, nr tliey %vill be continued until forbid, and charjjed ireordingly. rr All cnmmunreation* to th»; Rditors must romc free otjmMagc, or they may not be attended to. JUST RrX’KIVIOI), LT TTIK NFAV.YOKK cash STORn, a new axsortmcnt of FatihtonttMf Miry (mOtMln f ALKO A Sl’PPLV OF ;kocekiew,| VIZ.: I Sugar, Coflco, Molasses, Ricc, N. E. Rum, Pcach aiil Apple Brandy, Acc.A:c. Charlottf, Julu 18^ 11^1. 3t l.» K t o. Commiiiion Mrrchanli ^ Fonrarding Agents, FAYETTKVIM-E, N. C . OFFER tJieIr »ervicc» in every branch of their Bii«ineRii. They have larj^e and convenient Waro-Houicii, and are well prcfjnreil to receive Colton and oth«r I’rod'ace, which will be forward ed or mid, as may be directed. Ooods and Mere handize received and forv. ardetl with promptneu to orders. Tli'-y have on band a good iitT’ply of OIIOCERILS, ffc. tStSU Wrrnh •trriraln. IM'.NTKR H>. hare jiiM received. W W in addition to tlifii tbrmer itock, A supply of fVeMh Olt AXOKS, London Porter, riiiladelphia Mecr anil .S'orthcrn CIDKH; Champaiirn, i TennerifTe, • W1XF..S. Muacatcl, \ Firt i ]ualitv SF’.\X1.-*H SKG.XR.^. Scotch lIKkKlNt.Sand t K.U Ki:RS. ALSO—A supply of new and splendid Chinese i'lRK \V(JKK.S. CharltUtr, Jul^ !:•, O'l'IC'I*'*—a-**ocijttd niyselt in tiM; .Mcrcaiitili bu^intxi with H. H. \\ iliiaii.3, it bce«me» necciiary to have all areount^ due me 'clo!«’d eithrr by cash or note. U. S.MI'l'II. Vkarlotte, June 27. 4') N. U. All [>erion» having postapc aci~ounts due np to llir 1st dny «l Juty, will plratK c»|t «nrt tiicni, as the accounts alter tiiat date \s ill Ix due to ooacern. - SMI I'll, i'* A/. A IIATIII>C;-n(LK SK Has rcrcDtly bcin erected at Mr. Cuhcn’* l:I^taMi»hnlellt, and is now open to the |«il- rfMiage of the eitisehi. of Charlotte, which is res- pr tliilly s*ilicitcd. \\ «rin and cold baths can be tiriiiklii'd at any time that may be desired. ('harlaltf, Jul^ l!i/A, IKI. 3/l.'» ~ TO JI> StoHi' CtHtittn. TIIK Subscriber would re^|HCll'nlly inform ti'old-Mnitrii, Oiriiert oj MILItS, and tb»- public ecmrally, that he carries on tho S TOXi; CL'Tl'l.Nti llusinrsa in all it* varmus branches, at bis residoiiee, T miles south of Sdlubury. ills atones shall Ik: made ot the l>ckt grit in llie State. agrrcal»ly to direction., on the »liorlftt iioticc. and ill a style of workiiiansliip surpassed by none. ^ Tb.- aubacriber al»o him now on hand, a few Kimttrat Mu, made of jjixxl prit and in a siqie- nor st_>le of «orklll*ll^hlls which he will kill on cccoifitucMiaUnu tf*rni:>. KNOCII E. rniLMFS. Junr 2.*i, 1^31. 4i4.5 tntfi'ital itnprorftiH’itt. rOR TIIK .»II.NKRa' AND t'AKMCRS JOUUNAI- j properly to secure the rails on tho pillars: j (lerliaps a (K.‘i()on(jicular Ixilt pa.ssiug tlno’ {the pillar, and some of the brick iiioiildcil (lone in speculating on alMtract principles l>ertaiiaiig to this purchase; they may .learcli for their dolegaied power, exprcffsed or im- plied; they may analise and e.\tend our Fed eral con.stitution with all its sinuosities and fKiraphcnialia : It is all fine spun declama tion luid splendid sophihtry ; it is searching lor tlie shade of a shadow where no sub stance ever had existence. It is not nor ever was contemplated to be on that re cord ; we may search the musty records from I’ulTondorf Grocius and Vatel down to Chancellor Kent, and at last we will find the purchase of Louisiana, honc.stly, fairly and justly founded on the imperative and Messrs. Noble Holton: I have road ""1» “ l*«Je of suitable sizu through thoir with pleasure the coiiHiiunication by “ Ben together with a depression moulded Franklin," in vour Jtmraal of HUh inst. on '» ‘«l» o*’ ‘>'e '>nck exactly to embrace a rail-road in this Slate. It has aflorded a '>•« rail, would sufliciently secure it; but of cooling zest iu prosiKjctive to my at;riciil- conijx-teiit judgo cxfKJri- tural pursuits, under the torrid sun of July, ment oti a small scale w-ould test tlie plan j exriectiiiK in 5 years to have mv i’..ur deliv- j cap each pillar with a dressed rock, on emi in our own iwrts, for exiK.Aation to tho | " h'ch the rail would rest, in cn^smfr deep West India market, for 20 cents cost .^jr ! passiii-watercoui^ts, it would j be necesisary to turn large arches lor vents If we view the present state of the world,. bases for the rails above, or take a retrospect of ages past, we will, >r, il there were anv doubts as to the so- _ , - , ^ • find one rule universally ai.phcable to all, durability of bru k, the liest plan | omnipotent mere common sense law of sell I'le nations of this earth. We find at the 'after the surveys were made and the route |(jecuritj-,ofself-dpti:ncc,of!*elf-presrvation, present day every nation happy, wealthy, I *'"“*•>' designated, would lie to commijice I and that as uj .int stock interest, the jiecu- influeutial, enli(.htencd and independent, in ' rocki, region o» the State niary profits to go to the rnenilKTs ot the proportion as they have improved their in-, complete tho road ea.stwurdly, so a-s to | firm, and that without the .«anctioii and 1k?- ternal resources and applied their own cn- foundation in the most approved j yond the pale or control of the Coii9titulion, ercies to their own necessities. If we look ; thus enjoy all the facilities of tho j except that when the said liuid;; aio settled bjick into futurity and trace the rise and i ilmlf in its own coa->truction, and also , and portioned off into States the Constitu- fall of empires in bye-'^one days, the same ' progress westwardly according to circuui- j tion is imperative that then and in that rase rule applies: a few nations, to be sure, have j stances. ' jthe U. S. shall guarantee to every State risen to lustre by military prowes.®, and' If it would not be considered almost pre-I in this Linon a Kcpubliian form oi gov- shone with splendor by rapmo and conquest,' sumption, for 'jxtc who was never at any ! eriunent.” hy not, then, chim our i--. but venality and luxury soon proiluced that I I>oint of our coast, or in th» lower section of tnbutivo share of this our perfect, and ni- efleimnacy and debauchery which clouded this State, to dcsignu.e a route for a rail- | herent right? It i.s true, the Uopre.senta- their rapid decline into mis^'ry and perfect, road through the centre of this Slate, keep-1 tives trom this State, aild the one Irom our obscurity. Where is now the Kepublics of I ing froo frou. intersecting wuter-courses | district, has declared in his circular—-IB:.!, (.i reece ' Where is Home ’ once the proud and aflording important facilities of commu-1 “ J hat had he no constitutional scruples, he mistress of the world—shroude.l in igno-, nicati.m to other sections of tlie St^ite, I -‘h.Kild be unfavorable to the s\stein of ranee and sunk to insignificance, they exhib- woukl att.;mpt to lay down the route, as such i roods am\ rarials, as tnerpcdient. — it in bold relief a memento of the pe'rfection , a proposition may b? the means ofelictling ' 'el, oould they accord with the view we of this ruk of national greatness. Human the views and obsr nations of others on this | have taken of tint; subject we hope and Ijc- nature is the sa.iie in all ayes; the same all importam sul^ject. Tlie general coast ^ heve fheir deteriiiination would lie diPerenf, , Communications intended for causf,-.^ under similar circumstances will m-1 of tins Kuie being indented in form ol el- and we hold that this mow ol the siil.iect is , because they were written so bad- variably produce the same efletts. T» ben- hpfc ^j>hercs, and Ocracock being near the {tenable and correct on every princmle of^ • 1^^ content.o. efit by the e.xjtrience of others, to avoid ' centre of one of these indentations, i» is | constitutional and national .|uri»prudcncc.. ^ that it is”pretty generally the their faults and iiiiprovo their excellencies, presumed that its l.x:ality will be more fa- , 1/ »his was not a mere business transaction ^ v-ho writi farele^slv ou IS the highest pcrfccticn of human wisdom. ' vorable to the prevention r.f an accuniula- | for our own sectinty, profit and preserva- , ’ ■ j y ncgh'Tcnt when A raibroad from the b-^.t and saRst sea-, tion of sand thrown there by strong and , tion, ^perfectly uncontrolled, what right un- j Appropriate Extract.—“ While the Un ion lasts, we have high exciting, gratify* ing prospecta spread out for us and our children. Beyond that I seek not to pen etrate the veii. God grant, that in my davi at least, that curtain may not rise. God rant, that on my vision never may be o- pened what lies behind. When niy eyes shall be turned to behold, for the time, the syn in heaven, may I not see him shin ing on the broken anddishottorcdfragmenta of a once glorious union; on states dissever ed, di.;cordant, belligerent; on a Ian J rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be, ia fraternal blood—Let their last feeble and lingering glance, rather behold the gor- geoi’J ensign of tho republic, now known and honored throughout the earth, still full high advanced, its arms and trophies strram- in their original lustre, not a stri|>e erased or polluted, nor a single .■;tar obscur* ed—lioaring for its motto, no such misera ble interrogatory as What is all th is tl orth ^ Nor those of delusion and folly, Liberty firat and Ionian afterwards, but every where spread all over in characters of living; light—blazing on all its ample folds, as they float over the sea and over the land, ond in everj' wind under the whole heavens that other sentiment, dear to evcrj- true Ameri can heart! Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.” Afr. Wrbster’t Reply to Mr. Ihyne. Legibility in Writing.—The Editor of the Petersburg Intelligencer, mentions his having been compelled recently to throw own interest, and know our own rights, so as to support our just claims at to an equivalent for our interest in these public port on our coa>t to the l>ase of the moun-' counter currents than at the projecting j dor Heaven rouKI our to iauis, tog..thcr with an txtension into Ten-! [>oints, viz : Capes llatteras, Lookout and i bartar away and transfer a |K>rtion of these nessfc, IS ccrtainlv our true iiohcv, ai.d the Cape Fear, where it is .siip[)o.scd tiiat an ac- [ ve^ry lands with the resident iiibabitai.ts to only means we can adipt, for cheap and i cumulation of sand will always exist. (/«. a foreign government ? And I hope and tnist siKM-dy transp.rtation : the direction of our 'formation on this jmint is rnpiested.) Coii- i the day has or Sf.on will arrive when W h, ridges and water courses, especially in tlie eordant with these views, and I presume the people of North-Caro.ina, will feel our westernpartoftheState, preclude the pi-ac-'they are correct, I would propose for the ticabihty of canals to our coast, anl the ' ship communication to enter iVom Raleigh’s tidls c\en to the south arc so precipitous as Hay through Ocracock Inlet into Pamptico , • .. to rendrr cuualing very expensive and e\en ; Sound, thence up Xeuse river to NcwTxirn, ■ lands, purchased trom a toreign power w ith pioblciiuitical. * and there commcnce tlie rail-road at or near our money, millions of which have already ’ As to rail-roads htrc, we have no prac-1 the junction of Trent river, iImiicc to Cole- ; been given by Congress to other ..tales tor tical experience; an,l in no section of the nian s, m I^noir county, about .‘3r. miles,' purprjses ot mtemal improvement, and who wor!.l, so far us 1 can learn, has rail-roads thence the dividing line bctweeii I>i!phii and I art' now reaping the rich reward of these fcawrf oi> timUr Ueii tented isn to durabili- ( Wayne coumi. 3. witK .he j«ne».on .uooatious, while are nature tv. The rail-road iti South-C:arohna from *f Sampson an«l .lohnson counties to Aver- ! found us-—a rich fOil, a hoalthj climate^ as Charleston, so far as it is laid down, is on aslwrough, in C’uniberiand, on tho north delightful a country as ever was on earth, -this ,»lau-the iron rails are laid ..n tl»« iu- |«ae of iner,^atH)wt 60 miles— ! nimcs:, mincrab, water power in profusion ncr limiter the allowing rea-^.ns: 1st. The sap and in- the C;ip> I'ear ri\er to Carthage, in market. Not to claim, rweive and protit moisture caiTnot evaporate from the centre .M.>orc county, nb.,ut 10 miles, from thence l>y our just, fair and equitable right on this i»lau-the iron rails are laid ..n tl»« lu- «ae of Ca.K* I'car nver, atwwt 60 miles— j nimcs, mincra a, water power in profusion and utiper ed-^c of the large pieces of comnuiiitcatinrr here In steam bf«t or rail- ,audpvery kiftd of agricultural products, jet Icr exte.Kline“in the same direction of road with I•’a^ ettevilic,and by niil-road with our every etH.rt completely paraiised, ihro rail. Thu plan I think haKxrdous, for Kaleigli, thence tVoin Averasboroiigh cross- j the vs-ant of Ucilities for transportation to of a lartre piece of timlier, it therefore iin- through the south-west corner of Randolph 'subject, is actii: ’ly to turn traitor to our dercoes'a putrefactive fcrmciitutioii, and of and ilies-.uth ea.-t corncrofl)a\id^n,cross-: own rights and interests it is pohticalU crnirse desli-oys the textur.; ol the timber in mg tho Vadkin river to Salisbury, al>out 75 ; .-md pnictically a/t/o dt sc, and ought to be wt, coiustilutinc what is miles; thence to Statesville,-,'-^ miles; thence di.siipproved as luch, by at least trcriy/tfr- • hence we find tliat a piece the Ix'st hicalion f..r the road through the mtr ct North-Carohria the boiie and sipew d to the vicis-Mtudcsof the south end of ilkes or the north end of of the Slate—to which class I am proud to A -MECKLEMil RU FAR.MER. July 2(1. 1M1. r ii II Y IK>rSK. ( I it i ...tM on the trossMtriit. a liw yards II..1 ui->«i>tul the Court-Mou»e, in L'.rinjftufi, .\.C. is a;;aiu «im ned liir the reii i>tion of Travellrrs \ Diardt-rs. 'I'iie Statilea are exlennve, roouiy and dry; grain aud provtsnder of the best, pleiitilul, and served by C'"** hoslh rs. '1 he house has nia. ny coinlorlable rmniis, rerve* a ;;ood table and re- tti'sliineiits; and the proprictiir and his tiuiiily «ill oiiiit nolhiiii; in thiir jxiwer to make it nio>t null t and agrri able. i;itf n. n Ri>r\sAvn,i.E • ithnitiislluttor'H Sttle. ON ' ol Augu»t Court, at the Court- IIoiI'h; in Charlotti. 1 willexiM^.: to public »nlr, a first rale ItorBe and .'iulkej-, llie proinrly of Maralial '1'. I'olk, di c’d. t»n tlio evening of the same day, will lie *t)ld Ihi; Library ol the deeiased, cunsislinj,' ol a valu able coKecI ion ot and Minccllanroun Ht KlkS. Those nieinbcrs of Uic li "al proliS!.ic>i. who wish to lurnish themi»clvc?i with a colleitmn ofalandard worka would do well to avail tlieiuaulvua of this oi'porlunity. Ti^ibs made known at llic time ftf (sale. Uf A.NKI.I.N I,. S.MITH, Adm'r. Charlotte, July o, IKtl. %OTirK.- All those » ho are not im uiIhts ofihrt hintottr hifayrttr ArlillrryComjmitt/, twit have Muskets iK-loncins to the Kaiiie, are re- inired to deliver them to the eoniniaiidiii); ollircr ol b«id Company, by the first Satnrday in AngusI n^xt, or suit will 1h iimtltuted lor the n’covery ol u„ in. JUS. r. rKnX ilAKl), Vapt. Juty, 1R31. i'onslilulion of Carolitia, THE I .MTKU ST.VTE.S. Sale nl tl'is tWiec, a few copies of a * I'aniphh t conlJinms th* Conftitutiim of the I 'nit'd Stutis, the Coiistiliilwii of ,\urth.Carolina, and the Drelaiatiun of Ind,i,cndtim. Trite, 20 renl'J. '^SHKKIl’FS’ 1)KKJ)S, I10R Landr. ^'oM for Taxes; for l.ands sold ’ under a Writ of Cirri I'aeian ' and li'r Lands •old under a Wii; of \ uditioiii Lxpona*— ?a!e »t this Ollli e. the centre or heart called the dry rot of timber exjjosed .V, . ■ i i weather, (i by 1-', will last longer aiul l>e Htiike, to or near l.'ie \ ellow mountain, a- : tx long, more .«oltd than one IV! by I,'. -.Jd. 1 here Umt (iO mik-s, then crossing the mam n^lge is no piece of timlier Ut'dvt long of equal of mountains -,’0 niile.s, then through the curi-eston colbier. texture or durahilifv at butt and top; the State of 'rcnnc-ssee, by passing along the ^ ^ top is softer and less durable, and subject to ! dividing ridge bet ween the waters ol Ilol- ^ dnnk—Hy^hy Fairly." nearly double the shrinkage mst'aaonmg ; stem and 1 leiich Hroad to Knoxville, ^ ^^vith internal Improvement, and Tariff and trick, the danger is, that the rails will through miles, w here steam fjoat na\ igafion is now boly |«jlitic ia very pick; time becomc loose by |>erciis^ion and de- established, communicating w ith Alabama .\,„i state quacks propose, w ith vocitVration, oressiou and splay oil so as to U.-como un- State, and down the Teniie.s«ee into ,Mis- A new fancied iH.strum, called Nullification, steady. :?d. The rails and bolts or clamps siss.pp.-iiiaUuig in North-Carolina to the | ;;,*;";irSsind Nullrition. hv w hich the rails are lastened to the tun- ridge JiK) mile., and J0 miles crossing the ' , n bers, bv oxidising, must destroy a jiortion ridgc, and Ironi thence 110 miles to Knox- )'’ of the timber, as well as diminish their own villc : said road to be constructed lor trans- i people tv licve, to our mortification, substance, w hich in time, will jH-rinit the |tortalion by steam cars alone, which is said -I'he patient would dio ur.der Niilhtication. rail to vacillate so as to be unlit for trans- to lessen the exi»en.scs i to J j O Uoiluration, Mystifii ation, portation ; but should time and e\i>eriineiit, I would just suggest a plan of I^egislative ' prove these objections to he altogether chi-, procedure a.s to this rail-r,«d. somewhat va-Clih will reX'e; merical, why not, when the rail is thus sup-1 riant from that proposed iii the puldication oif the ilU nnjrhi cause dissolution, ported on every [>oinf, substitute cast m lal alluded to. Supptise our present legislaturt* hrin? back tin- land to a souml Conatituiion, raiN, for thev would lie at least one-half incor|)orate a compain—‘ North-l'arolinn | AndTaritf,and I’nion, and Stale refiinnatioii, cheaper and equally durable. 4th. Form-: and Tcnncs.«ec Rail-Rc«d Company’—un-; iH assuredly nullify Nullification. «. ing the piers or abutments of timber, in deralib«'ralcliarterforO!)years, and pledge that all pains are thrown away upon a paper which is to be used but for a short }>eriod. Bad writerjj cannot write well, withoi;t more than usual deliberation and delay, and this is the great cause of their continuing to scrawl. We wish it were possible to convince them that it is as easy to form characters correctly, as incorrectly, and that the most distinct and legible hand i.s witten by some persons, with as much tacili- ty as they themselves display. We have often been amused in compar ing the appcarance of communications re ceived ia msumK^ipi witU the «ame in print. A miserable scrawl, never to be decyphered but by the study of the contcxt, filled with interlineations and blots, and the nice ad justment of points and capitals totally neg- loctcd, is metamorphosed by that magical machine, the Press, into the perfection of beauty, regularity and accuracy. It is like the form of an edifice, rising at the incanta tion of a magician, from a chaotic heap of spars and brick-bats.—Ral. Register. Ej-traordinary Occurrencc.—Mr. Joshu» Hempstead, a respectable citizen of New London, Connecticut, an acquaintance of ours, has been so blind for 10 years past, as scarcely to discern the ditference between day and night. Being of an industrious ha bit, it was his practice to be led into the field to assist in hoeing his com and pota toes. A few weeks since, while at work, ho placed, as usual, his statf in the centre of a hill of corn, as a guide ; when stixiping with a quick motion, the top of the statf struck his eyebrow a violent blow', and glanced over the eye, producing a severe pjiin. Immediately an intense light broke in II,ion the organ of sight, of every color of the bow, “ a new heaven and an earth,” were presented to his view, and he imme diately hastened home alone. l>earing the joyful tidings to his astonished and happy family. His eye has not l>een intlained, and he continues able to read a large type, and to distinguish objects at the distance of a miie, with a vision nearly equal to per fect sight.—Xew London Gaz. Legtil Anecdote.—At the comnieiiccmcnt a?.hman way is ineligible, the diHicultv presents, Tenne.ssec for tliei^r to ^e^^^ Lw'you"fdone‘"t! Lid told S,aulding’s wife that she heard John where rock cannot b.> procumi, as in the said '’"f H 3ev^ porson near him; when he continued- Frink’s wife Siv, that her mother told her. lower s«:tion ot tlas fetale, a brick lounda-1 diiioncd tlial il ailer a lulKsur\c\ and esti- * _ - . . . tion as the alternative. person S) far as I can din- ■ niate of expenst' made hy the most expcri- ! ^o\v \ou \c done it • you \e don^ it. uncon- exciting to instance has a brick foundation been expor- consiuerea pniciica.m; u.iu w..: , . ho sat down with his •' iniented on ; but it may bo no less practica- of .said comimny, the charter to be held va-, V‘ ’ . . , _ . ■ „ , ble; that It would be solid and permanent hd and the company declared organised.-i ^ono^ upon him wholly t astodurabihtv.therccanlMMioquestion; the 'I’jiis would at least test the fact, j° ^ j n«'ibles of only doubt is’as to the adhesion of the pib we would receive tho necessary I lurs and their ability to bear up safely un- from tho (leneral Government, without ; ,i i nlilio ^nr !ier Z p^es^re. That large' brick; well, which all our efforts will Iv unavailing; and j n.or, ’ made from clay of a proper kind, and laid on what ground can wc doubt the willing-, rounding multitude, ill good mortar, will boar any degree of ness of our government ? On what princi-1 pressure without crushing, has been sulh- pies will .she withhold her aid’ Have we ciently testeil. 1’hat a pillar of brick pro- {not un absolute and inherent right at least pcrly laid in hydraulic lime or Roman ce- to an eqtiitable divide of the proceeds of ment, wouUl |)o.ssess suHicient adhesiveness,: the Louisiana lands ? Are we not co-part- even below the surface of the earth, to w ith-; ners in tho purchase, and did not our nit»ney stanil the pressure and trem>r of the rail as memlM'ts of that firm go to procure the under any weight and any velocity, I have . security and transfer of the fee simple ?— no doubt. 'I'hc only ditVicuHy will then be t Congress may spend wc’k'» as they have We find at the fnfr end of the toasts of almost every celebratiun. one to “ the fair." Some half a doion now before as. speak of “ eoiiraije to sup- [Hjrt tki'in." &c. Now, w ould it not be more ap- propriute to say “ iiiduntru to support them.” r. i’. Gaxette. A habit of lyin^ in small thiuf;^ leads on to a habit of lyinp in great; and tlwu a man is wholly detestable that -Miss .lenks heard granny Cook say that it was am.ttter of fact. Lines sent icitk a couple of durhs to a patient, hjj a physician. “ I've despatch'd, my dear madam, this scrap of « letter. To say that .Miss Sarah is very much betfn; A regular doctor no loiijrer slie lacks. And therefore I've sent her a rouplc of quacks. The W(rrld.—The world is !-tie a v.nsf sea—mankind like a vessel Tiilmg on its tempestuous bosom. Our pridence eervcj* us for sails—the sciences for oars. Good anil l;ad fortune are the fav irable or cor, trarv winds, and Jiuigment the rutkler.— W ithout this last, the vessel is tossed b> every billow-, :^nd will tii shinwrock every breeze.