MINERI§’ & FARMERiS’ JOURNAL.. i»ui>Trj> \M> i>riti,iM!t;i) i:vi:itv u j;i)\esi)av, hy nohi-k a iioL'i'>N...'.tiiAKi.o'rii;, county, !m»htii-cahomna. I Wll.I. TKM'll YOl' TO l-ILhCR TMK BOWM.S ClF TIIK VOL. II. IK KAKTII AM) BH:^U Ol.T KROM TlfH OAVMINS OK IIIK HIOIINTAINS, .MKT\I.' WIIU'll Wl^lilVK 8Wl)'NITH TO Ol tl IIAMW AXI( HUIIJICrT AIX NATUKR tO Oir« UBK ANU l*I.E^U«l£. l>R. JOIINMJN. Tin: ;Wliirr^’ A: Farhierx.’ Journal Is priiit'.i) ani |)ublisheil ovrry U 'dm'slay morn- 1115 nl Ttru Dulhns ami I'ljly ('mis jmt unmiiii, il'paid 111 advamr; Thru a year, if not paid until ol'fi r tlie expiration of six inuntbs. ADVI;RT1S1:MKNTS win be ini>rrlt d at Fifti/ cents prr «|uaro (not execrdinK -> iin«»,) (or the first insertion, and i;> ci nts lur eaeh suee eilin^ Ueck—or 91 for three weeks, lor one siiuarc.— A liberal discount l>e made to those who advertise by the year. J ■Onalladverlist nicnls coniinnnkatod for publitalion, the nuiiib'r nf insertions inu^t be noted on the inar(;in of the manuscript, or tliey will be eontinucd until forbid, and eharjjcd aceordinr;ly *„• All roinmunieatioiij t> the Editors must rotne free of pofta'ff, or they may not Ik' attt ndcd to. C:iiai*loltc X C'aiiHlni AKKA.\t;KMK>T. fEAVKS t’harlolloand('aindenev«'ry Suiid.iy J and Wednesday, at 8 o’clock, A. i\I.—and arrives in Charlotte and (’ainden every Moi.da) and ’I'hurcilay, ut I’. .M.—me*lin(; the Norlh rti stages at ('hiirlottr, find the Charlt ston and Co lumbia 8ta(;i H in Camden. The (Vjntra* tor plcdpes himself to iim- every exertion tor the coinfott and conveniince tif ■siiigers. lit has prqmred a six.|>ass'n}jer (oaeli t'i run on the line, and 4 ^ta}re, with hteady and careful drivers. Kor urats, ap|ihcalion ran be made at i{«'vd’.^ Hotel, Charlclle; l> llajrin; Lewis (iill, 1 jncastcrrtlle; Fliteller's ; and at McAdams, ( anidi n. Fare, einls |kt iniit, or t!ic pasM ngi r (utyincf in advanec, j tent.' per mile lur going and rtturniii|.'. TIIOS. B>YI>, CiiMtHii'tet. .S»-pt. Ti, 1'31. .'irttf Till ami ^lict'f-lroii W art* MAM’FAl TOKV. ■I. SI >l\Ml Ar Cl>. KESFI'l"i rri,l,Y inform the ri(i/,«nii of Charlotte, and tiie public ^en* rally, that they h.ive loniini-need the'above Hu>-uief!i at the old Ktand tornirrly oceiipitd by 1’. .M. Hronnoii, and rcctntly by Capt. Tho. A. .Mera as a !jri»ei ry, on .Main ktrett, a short di»tanco north-e«>t. from tlie Court-llousi?, where thi y intend to k*-.-p on hand a jrwxl a^■^ortment of U are, and fi|>*-ct to b- able to Kupply at wholi sah’ or n tail, on tin most riisouuhle terms, all who may favor th' ni with thcirciiHtcm. JOS. SIM N KK A Co. N. H. All kind^ of Job U'i(f* m tlKir line dom at Klmrt notice. iL)' \\ anted, an Apprentice to Uie above busuiesi ; one v\ho«an eonie well rce wn- mended, will rcceive suitable en^wira^-einent. (irntTG C‘ )( ilB V IIOI^SK. C>" I’oft.oflite, •- V^rd> 'I,.iitu-we.-ti.i th. Court.Hoii.se, in la aciin open' d ler the reci ption ot’ Tran llrrs Bcard»r». The stabh-N are i xl« nMve, ritmi v ni d dry; ffrain uiid proveii'Jc r ot llie liesl, pi-iili.'wl. and ^e^v d I'.• ;;''o»l I ’'ill rM. The lion -, ha- ina- r.s iii.fortabli r.rf':n~, s’l rvt - a i;iin.l Iub\- ;ini rt. fr.-hinBi:!'-; ai.'l the pr(>prntor and his tannl;.- v.ill i^nnt notiiiii" m their jxjAcr tomiiie it (nl•^t nu*. t and a2rt>.ab!e. ‘ l:irf H. n Uol II I K. ' la>i7sai.i:s, n> virtiieot orders tVniii the ( oiirt i>rKi'jiiy. j 0\ the fir't .Mor.flay in Xovtmb' t n> »t, at if‘>- ( iiurl-llou.-e in hsrlotte.tbe li llxwiii); ir*i t- of I. AN I* will Ue.vjosed to (lublie auction, vi/; ()Tie lra t b' lonain;; to the heirs o'" ih' I.’. \'nd- S.iiiil. CjCuldwt 11, dtc’d., joiiuiu; in.- iiiidt of Ma|. I'hos. ,\lexaiid r, jio. Koss, .^ir^ Susan Ali .\.in. •u r, anil others, Iviio-.vn by tbf Kobin-on I'lania- tion, ronlainiiiK :*()(• acrcs, nwn r 1( on a c ridit of one and two \ cai^. >i.e called the >rf I’laii- t ition, joiniit" l)r. Jo. .Mi xaiid* r. .\llM rt \\ iNon liid othi rs : )u.- e.ilbd tin- ili iiderson I’i.uc, jijiiiinir l.esi P.iTk-. il.t land.sol Win. l.uiky and 01,1,1'. T'rnis (.1 the two la.'-t made known on the day o) >^ i!-. Siiiidrv t.'.Kt Ix I'>ii7iii2’to lln Ik ir.ii ai.d d'-M-/'s of I >inl. ■ ilhnt. ]• ' 't.. M/ • On*- 1 alb d iJh. Smitli Irart, )iiii,iii^ tlie J.■^ds ol I laitw■ II il'.Ter, I'n i|. trick I liiiliilrs d I'd. i.nd otiiert, ( oiitai'lin;: I'Kt ac-ii '. Miie r-.ll«d tli' Wbtl* H.tII ri..nl.ition, on uhlfli .'■aid Muni. (iaII.'.nt liirii't.rly livid, oiit.iiii. in" 1 ti I ii'Ti s, I ».n or I*; tin ollu r 1 alli d the liyiiaiii trait, j-nnii.j; the W h't Ihill pliiiitatioii, till laiiiK of And ... I lov I. Sand. a'd oUi'r-, i'iit..iniii;; Iti.'i .1*; )ne c illi d lh' .n 1 n li.ici, I 'liiinj; the luvdi i,f (■eii.'I'hc-. 1‘nlk, and li-ibl. Forti r, and I'tliiT*!, e.iiilaiiiiiii^ i r .'iill lores: Oni olh'T trai t IK ar Masoii'.' I rr\,;oiii. ing the liiiids of .Mas>jn, ( ariitfMi-, and i.tmi., f.«.iilaiiiiiii' l.'lti ;,cri .Mini w huh wdl !»• miM on a ereiiit of 1 and I." months, s ibjit to tin w ii^ow's dow t . ,Ali«-, Oiii- sina!! tiiidividrd infin st in the I’I.ili- tatii n on A I.II h (jcfi. •' j. irafiuiii foi ineily ll .1 •!, Oil a credit ol I'J >i:: i;tiis. Ill I vt • y iii'tanii , b'lhd.' .Tnd a|ipr r.id v iin til.. ill 111 n p.in d. I). U MI Nl.Al', V /: Cu'.C-pr.aiiv.-inA yrvn: or M>krn.( \inuj\ \, K 1.1.Mil IK. ){ \ r V. William Hlack, i;x’r. ol'.bihn l:la 1..) r«. I 111 r..;iiilv- A'.'ani A. .Sprin;;:^, nor;ri IlM .pton, j .May I; rni, JoiiaH lat k tV llarri’t.M Uiycle. J I'.ll. E'l' Bppi iiing to tl.i tiilislai tion of this ( '■ urt, that lljrriil .\Ii l!rydi, une ot Ih- il'|i 1 laiit- >0 this risi, Um - -A ith' I'l the liii.il ot I hi- Sla'i : It is th rcj'ore olderiil th.i' piihiication l - iiiaiti ■lTt^elL^ in the ^lI'l'rs' Hii'l I Hrim th’.louinnl, timt iinle-s s..id lljrrii-l \Il!ryde appi :ir at our iii'xt t iiiirt11 ri|nil' IoIk )ie!d:illlii uiiri llomi- ill* h;.i I'.tt', 01. Ih( ii:l. Mmidiiy .illi r liii Ith .M'n- i'.’.iv in .•'I [ill II.I' r. nil lli'-re .inhv\';i, iiidnnc i.l ».|ll (11 laki n I ■.(i.ii: .ii; lin.^t lii r. Witi„,-s II 1; 111 M.i: •:,> pr 111,. t'l I 9'onsiiHiffoit 0/ t\'o. 4'at'oiiiio, AM* oj ■ III, iM I i.i> sr \'i i;n. M 1: : • (Mj 'i , » r w ciipli. 'fa U r.ii .1. 'arnrii.' I 1 t ^ii^l.lnhini i,f ih' / hiftii ' '' ( 'itt.if il >tt toil t/1 f III ai.dli. 1' !' : J'-tc I'li, ' 'I'lie writer ot’lliR tijllowinfj article iiiUil Imvc road th»- Nt;\v-l',iiolaii(i .Magjizitie and studied the “ I’rogros.s of Kxafr;;erution.” A Tropical Vibmite.—Iiisccis arn Uie of tro|iic:il oliin;itc,s. 'I'lio vcteroufte liiy.s the.foundalion of a tmnfMidou,s ulfer. liia*liiotiit'tit and you arocovcnul with licks. Chio»>t!s Iniry IhcinsclveH in vonr lle.sh, and lialch a large rolotiy of yotitio chi^ru*'! ii» a fetv liiHirH. 'I hi'v will not live tip''ih r, hut ovrry chigoe sots u|) a siC|mmto uieor, and has his own private puss; flir.s get mi- try into joiir niotilh; into yuurno.si-. Vou oat Hies, drink llirs, niid iucailio llios.— Lix.arilH, cookatrices and siiiako.s gel into tlio hed—ants oat the btxiks—.K’orjiiuns bling you on tho foot—c'very thing stings, bites or hruisc.s—ovon heoond of yotir oxisteucc' you are woundod hy some |»ie«;c of animal tiwt ouUidy has Mvcir m«ii heft>rr, ox* ^optSwnninicrdani and .Marian. An in.soct with olcvrn logs i.s swiniiiiiiig in your toa- cup—a non-doMoript with nine wings i.s:jlrug- gling in tho small boor, or a caterpillar, witliNTverul d07.cn eyes iifhis liclly, is hast ening *ivt r the broad and butler!—Such i- atriipioji climate. \vki>m:si)\v, orroniJi vi, ihiu. no* 55, — «■■■ ■ ' •iff-i-a.ri-iTT-iv I r..-r—lifinrnrmraiTi- ---T..M,Ti . . ng li.stincnts, should at time.s l>c five or six dayi ' its forage, i shall not tindertake to say j but i'i:itlOI)JC IM HI,U A TIDNS. The publish! r of the Saturday Mveninir I'ost, J’hilai.elpl i I. proiKiKcs to ffoinpii ' and publish in pamphlU form, a list of all the (u rioiticals in t:ie I i'.it(,d Sialio Ibr I'.ll. lb lielieve» that »ui h a \Noik will l*c vuluoiile Ibr rt liieitcc, and of inuih b in fit to miTi hints and olhcrw dtfirous of adver- timi',', and he rcspecfiully solicits ilie .iid ol tie cratt, ill cnd avminn;; to render it as tompkte as |»>sslMl'. II' d'sirc" thit one or more nuinlicrs of ♦•ach pul'hratioii in tlie Union may be li>r^v«rded to him, as soon as po«iible—ut |eui.t two nutn'icra >huuiu !«■ B'-nt, by ditl'erent inail., to avoid failure from mis(4rria;;e«. Totliose wlioeoniply with this n. qil 'I, n copy of tlie work wdl be liirw arded on ill «jiiipl-tifiii. 'J'bc desi;,ii of the p'lbliklier is not to rcalif' pri>. lit, blit lo allbrd the piiUiC a work which cannot I'Ul Ih* of L'fti.tral ad«antai'. The prie* will, llier. lore. U' as low, aji the eijioii.jcs of tin und.;r. takiii;^ w ill udniit. OltUil.M AI. oi>i;h, Sunjr ill Faiiciiil Hall, Huston, on the Il2tli R«'pt. on the occ asion of conwcraliiifi; the I’oli^h Stan dards, to be presented by the younjr men of llo- the fact is, tiiat aflcr being on board' thcii? vessels two or three days in the North Hivert they disembarked alwut four inile.s abovd withiHit Htcat—thon a.s many without bread —a«d once or twice, two or three days to- gothor without oither-^and that in tho same _ _ u.n to the jralhint herw s o! that devoted nation., np,„y there should Im; iiumtMirs of men with Kings bridge, and encamped across front* 'Ihe firnt, written by Air. U. 1!.’iiiATciiKK i thu KC-j c lothing as would cover th^oco to the East River or Sound, wherd iheir nukeihiOKS, and at leant a fourth of the : they hare lain eversmce, foraging* Find* whole with not oven the shadow of a blaii-1 ing this to be the case, and knowing that it kot, sovoroas the winter has Ioon. L'nder j was not in my ptjwer to dislodge them, t those circiiin.slanoos, it is no diflicult niat-|Cam»to this place to refresh my troops—* fl^lfl^ Snbierilnr wib :• to en; iL'e i{,04M) ■ bnsh* 1' ot orn ol the prcs nt crop, t'> tw dliverd 111 1 harlotte by the I'-t of .1 iiiiiiiry ni xL J. i), iXiVI). Spt. 21, 1-31 :)il.v'. ~ Ti> a>i jk.>iim:ks. ^ f||llll. Subscrilcr" vo'ild ri''p«’CtfuUv inli»/ii M those i ni;a0'd m tbe (io!d.iiiiniii|; lfu>iness, that he has now oji hana >! Irius/r i* llnl fli/U't, ofa jfUfx nor "Trit, and w'fll eut lor lli (>old./iiin- irry-Tniiiti.. ■■ t.u>i h;, aUl »ill on remac>na1de teriiis. - ■* .N. I). 'I h'' suli«-.rili- r vill kc p cons'.iiiliy on irind a fi A \rra tra-i lini t nn;-of thi ii'Uil , that tho«' wi.^hing can !jc »u;.f!ii l at tlie sliorii ' ! not!.-*. i;; I., rnii.i.ii ' .s-iii.'J. I'.-n 1!.-,.-. ^|M) n,' hi-h 1 ■ *.-1 prill ;il u. |,m;I in u-.iii, !iv H ’/'ioi I \\ !'■ b-iicil-i r. Ii.r (.tu I) HI 111 1 lar;; or small i,ii.ii.litii ,, .it No. liut' hinjj.^tri 11, i I harli -I..II, S, I %Vooi { fB^llf. sub'.erila r t ike.. I^l^ im iIiikI t'> inroriii : I till public that h). ba.s rt pai.' d hi machine with new (.ird.-s and ban It now in ojieratii.n. .\ny I jK rson '.visbiiijj totavor me with I', ir ensfuin lod | vx ill put till '* wisil III ord r, I tbiuh I can d" 1 work tliat w ill s.iIinIv tlieie. j Any pcrMiii wi*itiiii(; to piiri l .i.-e a iroisl W'^'l ; caruinij m o bine t-uu hive diic oh Ii rnis. ’'lid j n'lV. would lie the b t liim to jmU'c il vi ii' n i.i i oiK-ralion. I»\.\ M.lA \K.\ 1)1.1!. S pt.-'0. 1-11. M:(ii«oi:s wa.ntio!). ri^ill' .s^iibs. ril.i r i- ib siroii^ t'l piiirlia- i| B i.uinlKr of Nfit.IMKS, v illioul ,in; liiiiit, durini t!i'' uexl >ix looiilhs. Any |h ison Irivini; I sueh pro|« rty for ^ub', «oiild do wt :l t.i appi'.’ to ■ the Miliscrils.'r b' lbr>- tlie,' i.i ,!,«• n s.,1' , liir tln v ! iiinv ri st usniirid ll. il he will p:iv t;ie nio' I liberal I jirn r.-Ill ea..-h. lit'II! !IM' W ,\'i.-'(l.N. N. li. .'Ml b t'er- addri-' I d to the i-iibsi ril" r w i!l be a''' ndid to as piiiii tii illy as if .ijijiiii ation V,' re niadi in |» r^on. ( liarlotli, S( pi. 17, I'.'ll. TmtTs cond, by iMi.ss I.Kai.iE. AIK—M/i7 Coliimhiii. Freedom ! Freedom !—hear the i>hout, O'lT tlie wide sea Koundiiiir out. The lrniii|iet ot' the battle calls. To arms ! to arms!—the banners wave For the laft oii^et of the brave; From the mountain «nd tlic moor. On the furthest I>anube’» shore— From the Deserts »f the n'lftji. Where the blue Elbe riislx-s forth— 1‘olaiid vvKkeH t'roin slsM ry|}i^charm; I’oland litis up her ancii ntarni; !n her In rocs evi ry vcirt, I'olaiid's lile blood burns a^niii. ■Ayo, anti the wihes of her iHid •Slir in their ^reen and j;lori.#us lied ; T/itii npirits hriathe U|k)Ii the I'ab-'— Tin- fi'arbss bos! who dared in fi/tit, If old, the .Mosh iu'i> niynad iiii;;bt. Tlic war cry and tb>* eomiii' ror's hyiini liou' d tliem in tliLir iIvki lliiif; dun, ,\nd they ti.-.i once more lo ti el, 111 tluiT Mills, the tyrant's ktcil. I’oland waM , Ac. On! on! !lu n, noble }>aild I |{.ire the bie st, and iier\u the hand ! .\nd thro.v tin wurthless scabiwid by ! \ I- sliall iii.t lo-e at lejbt your l.iim ; Ve :.hall iiol tall without a nsMie To reaeh lh sl.i.s aiold tl.e -ity ; And \out bli.od, tiiat CJnni't i!i' — .\h! many a diy,oii niaiiy u ti Id, '1 lie martyr's harvest it si.ui! yn.J. I olaiid wakes, A. (tii'—o'er the Imnes that mouiilir round I’raca’s criiuw n l»atlli i^ruund— I In ! lor liie living mid t.i iov d; Ye fliall nted no otinr Ui.nl, ■ To iiiuk the kussian €Ji;li’ For the bride an'l for the si.'e, Hy your old hoini roit!e>» i.n , On I on!—O nobi* bam!, Biri the I rea.-t and iieru- tl.c l and ' I’uland w ikes, vVc. AIR-r.V Mfi.f' lint II. - u lla.l I to the e«j(li ’.4 tiichl of ;>lorv Now soarni:; inid the iiortlnm -.,i. Fair trii d'l^n’'I i:,>li—N Ins -ti.ry The -aine wh. rt’i r bir jn. ioie ri-' lor to conceive what a time 1 must have iiad to kocji up appoaninces, and prevent the most ihsastrous coiis?quoncoK. It may 1h' asked, how these things have wait the exp»*ctod reinft rcement by drafK —and the arrival of the French fleet, thua tlio matter stands at present—what eventii may cast up hereafter, the womb of tiind From the .Au^uiita Courier. TIIK STO^E .nOL.NTAI.N. Decatur, De Kalb Co. Ave.2[), Ih31. I passed far out of the main route from conic tu pass? the answer is plain—and | must discover. may bo ascrik-d to want of system, and not j Letters of this length Will be the host a.* to .s;iy luicsioht—-oiigiiially (if it is not still (|*ology I can make Ibr the infrequency of llio case with some) to a fatal jeajoiisy (on-1 them, for were they not raro, they wcaild dor our circiiuistan«cs) of a standing sirmy j l>e insuflerable. Aly best atFections attend —bv which moans we ri**gkvted to r>btain J my sister and the family. With sentimenta hoMiors for tlie war, when zi-al and |mtri-! of tho mrtst perfect regard, I aoi most sin* oti-m run hi;jh, and men were eager to on- icerciy yours, t p.IOC for a tnlle, or for nothing; the conso-1 GEO. WASHINGTON, j.iuriiec of will, h has 1.0. n, that we have | Fikij)i.nc Lewis, E-q. Frederick*bur{;. j pn.fraclod the war—o\|»-iidod niillions, and I leiix.f iiiillioHs of |>ouiiil.s, \\'hic'h might have {Ih-oii saM'd. Hinl h;;vi; a now army to ntise I and (iiscipliiio orii'o or twice ajoar; and with wiiii li w‘ ( .111 iiiidortako nothing be-1 loan e wo ha\«- initluiigto Utild upon, as the Macdotiou;ih to this place, for tho pur|K)so uiicii an hlii>piiiL'I’loiii usoveiy i]a\ h) ineans of visiting the celebraUMl Stone Mountain if their » \pmiig ciihstitioiit.';. 'J'o thi.-se '—a curiosity of so much interest v\ ith all t'liiiil.'iiiioiit.il eirors, iiia\ 1>" tiddod ariothor, lra\e|lors in this section of our State, tiial I uliii'li 1 will prove otir ruin, and that none over come within any reasonable dig- 1 IS ilio relii.iiiii'-Liiiciit of ('i'iii;re-i.sional |k»w- tance of it without paving it a \isit. It i9 joi- fo the Siati s inih\iiiiiallv—all tho busi- situated in this county alxiut eight niilea I IK 'S lb now aitt it is not dune b_\ from hero, and alx.rtit tv»o miles to the let\ ' 1 tiiind kind of p'Ciiiiiiiionilation from ('on- of the main road (called the rockhnd^e ioross to the S'ate .; tho conseipicnces o(' ro;«d) to L;iwreiK;ovdle, (Iwinnct couulv — uliich is, th.it iii'ti-ail of piirsiiiiio oiiu uni- a road alnuist as near, but not so goixl, pass- forin sv.'totn, which in tho i xi-cution, shall iiig out of that road, and by the fot.t of tlie • eorres|K.iMl in tnin; and iiianin r, eaeh Slate nioiiniain on lh>^ west side, and theti into it j ii;id riai.i. s toiii teriiiiiK*—l l.wiiothur they ^ dL'ain. linmodiatoly at the foitoftho .Moun- |co>iipi\ or tii'f : ‘Jd, III what inntinor thev I lain, hy iho road side, is a house, when-tra- j Will do It; and, ;i liy, in wli.it time—hy vellers can lie comfortably accorninodatod, j whicii in« uns M arc'ly any one inea -iire is, kept hy a .Mr. W oid, a goid huiiiorod, ac- , I or can U- rxceiited, while gn at o\|)cn.>>es roiinnodatina, and talkative man ; whow il- i 'lro in urred, an 1 the willing and Zi alou-' linoly arts as a guide, and fxjints out the .'^tati s mined. In a word, our nn asuros [K-culiarities of the mountain. I arrived at i ire not iindor ihe int!u» iko and din ctioii of his house after sunset, and alxxit suiiri>o Fr.iiii hi-bii. bt liUne. the Min lii.'b'strraminj; one coimh ll, liut tliirieen, oacli ol'which is next morning, went with him up the lonj^ : .11 tuateii hv local views and |iohli‘S, with- stoop ol this inajostic and sublime eminence ; joiit cons 'li-rmg the bii.il ( onv ijiience of which in its iiiiinonso outline of si^lid and I lint coiiii>lv ii'g vvith plan>i which *h«' united harn-n r«n’k or stone, towering far above wis'loinol Vin‘i lea 111 Its repre "Illative ca- tho hi^h hills arounil it, .seems like the ve- Ip.ieitv h.ivo (ii^O'ted, or the unhappy ton-. ry head of nature, bald from length of V ears, .ili'ticv of d« !,iv, iiiutd.itiiin «ir allf ration. or the everl.u^ting throne of old 'l ime him- II do nut acrup'io to add, and I gi*c it de- sell'. The iwn roads of a^icent are on the cisivclv:!'ni\opinion,tliat unless the States I'^st and 'N ost sides, each a mile and a will rwnojit i’i'-in.solve with a full awl cho- cpiartcr to the top. Un the S^ith it is cn- x ii repros*Mitatioii in (’ongro>s, and vest tindy too steep to l>o ascended in adinct ill it ImmIv vMlli alwohilo |M»w*Ts in all ii.at- course, as on the K;ist and \V t“st,and on the ll i--ri! .5iVi-to tlie great piir|s>ses of war, Nortti it is nearly perpendicular, and m ■ aiiil id'o -ijiira! ciiiici'it (h\ hieii tlio ,'^Uites some |)laces, tor forty or fifty feet, projoc- i ijnitedlv aio alil'ctod, res»>rving to thein-' ling out atid hiuiguig over consideiahlx — •-■Ivi s all niatleis of local or iiitenial |mi1i- pii-s«.'ntingani lStstu|>endou.S'^va^e,lrown- ^\ tor iho regnl iiii>n ol order and giKsl gov- iiig, and awful .Vi|»ect—calculaletl to excite eninunt) we are atteiiiplinii an inipo.'Sihili- llie most vivid and sublime emotions. 'I'ho ! ty, ai.d very si>nn shall ti.roine (il it is not view, from the top, is as e.vteiidod ns the aln-ily the ca'o) a iiiaiiv head inonstor'—a,o\o can n’ach ; but, unfortunately, I was I hetiTog# ii'ius iini'*s—that never will or can, deprived «»f the enjoyment of it to any nia- ; 'toi I to the same |HMnt. The contest among terial dist.ince, in conifoijuonce of the liHzi- the (liiii rrnt Slatis now, is not whn h .shall iio.ss of the weather, and thick clouds, ma- I do most for tho common caiisi'—hut whii h ny of which could Ihj seen far liolow us.— 'shall do lea.st, hence arise cii-iapiHMntinonts Among other distanl objects, visible in clear I and d' lay ; one .‘stale w.utiiig lo s«h’ what weather, are the higher mountains in llah- 1 another will or will not do through fear of orshain county, situated aliout ninetv or a ; doiii:; too much, and h\ their dehlx-rations, luiiiilred miles oil’, lo the North. 'I'lio ns- ■ alteraiions, and .soin'-tinies refu.sals to com- cent on the east is tolerably easy, and may “fhade, iijp ri'/jii.sittons of Congress, uHer ho tnivelleil on horseback almiit half wav ; thit C’ongreis s|H'iit iiiuiilhs in reconciling and it is s.iid that one or two advcntiiroiin (as fir iLs it IS p issiliU') j.irr inten sls, ut or- |>er.sins have gone even lo the fop on hoi>e- dcr to lonn liieir re^ujuiions as llir at the liack. •■V- \ 'irk pa[K rs wi- imd copie- of two j nature o|' the ca.se w ill udiiiil upon the priii- j 'I’he Mountain is one solid grey sfono, a ' I ciple.s of eipiality. - Uort of free .stone—|>orous, and verv Inrd— pn-I I.I. d to Sii.As I 'J'lioro is aiii'tlior soun't* from w hence and exccpt on the .\trlh side, present, gon- iniii II oft ur pie- .ll di.lre-.i, and past difli- onilly, a folerahly even, iniunding surface, eiilties have Unwed, and that is tin-hope and spreading outward, frmn tho top down, by e\|H rfalion winch sn/.es thi‘ States, and .slielvos of coiisidenble extent, hut little va- ('onixress lowanis tlie dos! of every year, ried, e\copt by tho n.'tnuitis of the fortitica- First ^-.IW I obiiiibia’i. st.irs in -liioe, 'I'hi ii I "lered F rance's tonilxov si.:ii, .\nd now o'lr ball th world is beaming'. n,u,uf. Mirch on. rinrcli on, yr bra’ ", 'i'o tnniiipii or to (all; March on. march on, .Saioa''‘ons, .Mar>h I'ufwariJ, oni and ail. 1 Ibe deiMTj’* fSidbC'* '• « " TTie shiin'iiii; (V rfit.l the '.r Halk: fr. Th'>il_')i >1. tors o’- r tl'i \|0I'| h 1. -i >n% Till y know rml >11 that I'uiiioi- art. I .iir l''i'.iiii’'i plains I.efuru th' ni l .i'ii’, .\ - III! .11 hii..l.t.- 11'.A miiM'iii, .\‘i iiiO'ii.la.n barri'ri. ralM ! -‘ut 'I'iji. li'n c i;..aoir'» CMir-i ''I'j.n.;. “Cciiii 1,11—om i.ii, yr ih'.' A, 111 Mi ll at b irt we an Ot ■ . Ciiiii i»it--n,me on—i ,ir - tio*# V'liir liali an rid” v'l.n. 1^ ." Til' ll wealth w.n lavi'bi d Wlioilt niensitre To aid ihnt eau . .ill ci.e .\iid woiiiun /:iM h' r le art's loud t-ca-ure, Tne vnrr d I in;^ of io,irri''d !o.e. Oil! 10,1,1. r:'.-iilill, -111 «' Tb. II I Ii'iv ol' tbf C.illaiil . II, • Wi .1 r,..,ic I'l aid ll"- en W' '.’.on I 'I'he ^loiiiiiis wreath ih.il n u r sli.ill [H;nsh. # "■ nnm. Adviiii 1. .Iiivaiice the liars - 'l ilt h'anilarils of the *ne I.(K'k down, li/'ik down, hris. ii's’io'' \\ v\.ni lb' III now f.ir fliii . IKOM no: I iiiKi-f.'ros i oi nifiu III thr ll tti rs Ir'iiii (« i;. \\ «-111'... 1 cd. ll.i i.ri;;in;ils of u hub i r pn -i nl. d lo Sii.as li. I!i Ki-.'iw-, i;M].of ih^il l ily, by ■> .Kiit. X'll- i'V(iio> Im 'I.t, l^ii. of I reiii rieksbur^', V. I'lom i.ne of these I't;. r««, dat'd Ik r:;'-n onnly. New .b rsey, .1 uly (i, IT'I', VM take the tiillow m,J I vtrnet, will'll at Ibc san;e tiiiii' L'lves the oiimion * . . i i • . i . i i i ■ ■ J I ' I I lliat acc nui't talM' place in the winter— lions, or a ragged, stunte.l bush, or broken . .irwaiMl. ;;l;^;o„, .Ii'‘'iri7:.r; o'h >;r.e,\md'" \!7m ■ •- M ledgo, ,.,w .md then. The top is t.derahly tm|V l!..vJ.V( .*IIruuo,ronthe|r.;.i|,r..no,i,ofo,'!K.M,,;,,he.v,sofConirr,. . !them mio ea-o and Mcwrity, and m- flat, and probtibly a hundred or a hundred M day oi Aurnst la.i, lie I .. , .,.,1 r,... I •i'"'"’-' "';: eoi,^«'iiii. iiecs at and lilty yards acms.s, with many holes hll- rZ ir"-id h""' ‘’7’“' i ti'.M. WOI.M briii;- our t.ovi nnu. nt ba. k U. tli.' '''' "“‘7’ ‘'ircular, like S."o«:Tn!,I.i:;t!r-h.>'rW^^^^ fonf'deraii.n, the .m|H,fiii„„i of whii h bad ! " upon It, lhat w o siiail tiev er hav o |M.a,;e wells ; and tho air there, is always cHj| and and n 1- not kno„v h. Ihe'r 'b. i^ ! m arly lo t our country its indi ,K;nderice and frc. ; "‘I ‘•‘•"vmecd that we are m roh.'shlllg, with u Strong, qUIck breo/.e. iurkiji;' .ifnMil in tlnj.s'’ j ,a coii'lilion tocariy on llio war. ll is no per|>enlieular height of the .Moiin- h.Hais.orwh.tbirbehasliftiheStat... .I.„„bisj v ( o. v ri Jer-ry,; .It. v (i. 17MI. ' n-w maxini in p.litns—that b.r a nation lo to Ih'about C,:tlO feel, or up- cir,:u,,,ib, ■iiiiti an impnd. nt and ill b«.k, nod tus „ iar;*' i f'"'"** "• oiieiiiy s movoiiH'nls on the . ill , 1^ alniiit seven tildes, covering alMiut a- ar oil !he bai k of one h.iml. I will p.i\ fii dnl- and of last iiMiitli from r.lr/.abthtow 11! I>nl ll •I'lio for me lo recoHoct inv»el|, crcs. A most exiraordiuary curiosity still I’oiiit. and of their havini; liilven |>ost there land i|ii!t .i • ihioct which wouid roipiiro a existing on it, hut much doslroM-d by the Irotn tlie one date to the oilier: tlieie can | folio voliiine to ( kii'idali', and o\|k>so the fhoughlli'ss mis;h^f of visitors’,’who sparo I III- ii'iiM ca iion therefore to dclail iho ac-, bdly ol oiir measures. 'I’o i-ei tily pa't no| even that which time, ifS'Ml', has res|H'c- iconiit 111 till' place; but may lament in the i hhindero is iin|H);.sili|o, hut we miglii ptolil jp,] ;md con.sotrated, is the remains of for- i hitleriie-sof !iiy .soul, that lin- pohey which I by tliervpcrienc.-oflhein, Ihoiioh even here tificafions, which have existed ihoro from has pei Vailei! all our niea''iin-I Ironi the be-11 doiihl. as I am Inrnished wiih iiianv in- a period which no man knoweth, or can ' oiiiiiiiig of tho war, and from which im ev- ; .''tancob lo the contiarv. j conceive rtf'. They cou.-ist ofa stoii»‘ wall, I rmii i.f I ,y (^iiaih r^Sigxiui,.-. 'J 1,11, ■ |,,.riciice. ||i i\v cver il' ii r lioiiglii, ,'iiii ciiange, j M'tcr the enemy had inaii-fiivred in the ' now nearly all thrown down, exlendiiig a- Flijah Siblry lirs t'.rtbe di hvi ry of hiin il'lakeii in Il.is Sl;ili- or :'!) dolbir ii luki n onl of Ihi'SI iti , ai.d di liv I r'd to me, r milus -outli-i asl of( harlolli. u 11,1.1 WI i,i;i:. Si pi. I'l, is:n. 71.'.'" SIM'h: or n (' \i!o/j.\ i, >li;i hl.I .MII liO I Ol M V. ^ try. Ml.— ll;led m Ii.r hai.d.' • • ^ , ol John \|. li.oram. mill bini I .M>'\111 ll r lS|b|i y \ Miimiioiii d a- uari.i..iii I'. 1 ^li IH .1, DI I by t 'onrt, llial piiblo .ilmu Iw . hoiild li.ive reduced our aiiH’. to '^o |ov\' all I .loisev—not niii';li, I lliink, to their advan- loutid Iho mountain, wherever accessible, elil), as not to iiiivo given a inore efli'ctnal t.ioc or cndit—they, a'^ you may h.ive seen about nno-fifth of the wav «lown. This wall, o|i[i.isilion to these movenii'ii!'Ihan we did : j hy iiic account piil)lislied, suddenly loft the .says .Mr. \^ >od, wa.s, when ho first knew ^ t*'•'! I'l-l’by Conrt,iliai piiblii .iiioii be Mi:id''I or that w e - lioiilillio i ildigeij ti i lie ieiiio\|i!o slate, aial I'V lln'ir niovenieiits .si'eiiiod to the place, .seven or eight years iifio, as high " ” III llie .Millers' A i armi i-' .I.mrnal ti hi el ,,nr stores from place to plai e to keep them ' llaeulcll olir pe)St« ntl the- North Uivor— as his breast, and four or live iJ'Ot thick.— I'.r Ibe de.eiid.Tnt I.) Hpiii'iir nt oiir " i onri ol I , ||,p rni'nn, iiisiead o| ; (his, i.s wo were ini'U'ehcus'jve (d‘tli 'iii Ixi- Of Its orii'in, no one can gi'o anv account. Me.'-- and '^liirler .sm'v,!,,!,! to !«• beM |i,r Ihi ' , . . • ,• ’ . n . ' i i i . i > i i .■ ” ’ . ~ .i'i e,,tm*\ of .Mecl.leni.i'i'i, lit ihr I .,urt-l |.,:im |, dri viiio I iial eiieinv 11 oin oiiv coniil I > . I, l.ire, iii(liic'ii (is to ni.ike miiIi aiKi'iicos I hat or form any snlisfactory coiijecluro. I h.' ii/rl.ite, on th-: lih lay m ,\im ii,i„’r nc.vi, t "I"’ wealuii - nl^ itfd tln-'i' iii'iilis, and w h\ I u.iv. as -a»o i.s a iiioiai corliiinty of ' ‘ ‘ Indians—the late and only former inlmhi- :md pi"''1 or rcplevv, otbi r.'I I |iidi£iiieii! In lie. i ilid llie\ not :illein|'t at le.el to do iinno j aiai s.-ciii i:ii'tii"*ii.—-N'. In tlii r the eueiny's taiits of this country now known, cati give iiiei. d u''niM'I him. \\ iiiirv.,J i, III.,,, t|„.y ,||,1 I I'aiiniil conceive. Now will plans were 'liaii;'( .1 tl;eic|i\, or wlietlierjiio fiirlhor acci u.it of il than this, that it ''■jit 1)1'V III III.dll' :i!iy one at the ill >1.nice tin ir .n!\ vei's w r I. oi.iipv cciiain has lioen standing lH?yond the memor} of ‘|iMi mill', h 111 V'- that oiir arinv, weal.- ^rmipd, w hn ii dn •, dr.i - r.cil w .ii'ii hiM -id- thoir oldos.t living or rejncmb'jrcd hrethren, dl'.-.lllbei .\!( VII '• r, I b rk ofour sai.l ( mirl. al olbi.-, Ilh Moiiib;y ol .\ll:'O^I, A. I> Is;i|. 'r I'-A \1' A1J \ \.\1.iL:]’ r.m.i- ;.r ad ■ - ' oi:,'d ii'5 it i- hy ll.i' L.'\piiatiu:i of ni'Mi's » n- ti'i hu "1 u«i , •11 •:!' r t_> di.iui iCuf or the traditions h mJcd d jwa by them from

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