MINERS’ & FARAIERIS’ JOURNAIi. ^ ruiviT.ll ANl) IMiniilSIILI) Kvi;uv IIY NOHLI^ ^ irOLrON.... HAKLOTTI:, MKCIiLICMfLKO OI >TY, >ORTII-rAROLI>A. I WILL TfcAUII YOll TO rlKHl B Till'. feOVKL» OF TIIK tAaTH AND IlItlMi 01 T KHOM Till. fAVKBNR OF TIIK MOl:^T*J^I, MKI AIJI 1 VOL. If. AVKi>\l!:sl)iV, NOVlC.HilER 2, JHSl. XO. 58, IVliiiriV ^ FAriiier««^ .loiii’iiul' Is |iriiilc(l and publisibf d cvi'ry \\ -dnen'lay morn- i ii)^ at Tiro Dollars and Fifty Cent$ per uiiii'iiii, | if paid ill advancc; Three Dollars a yeas, if not i paid uiitii afler tlic expiration of fix iiioiitliii. ■ ADVLIJTISKMKNTS inwrt.d at I'lfly . ceiitH per Bquare (notP»rccding‘J01in s,; fuf *1“! j firMt iiiMTtinii, oiid 25 ci'iita fbr cach KU(;ci'* diii(( : wcuk—or 81 for three wri kc, for oin; itiuarc.— j A lilKiral diHcoiint will b‘ iiiad*' to tlios'j v lio I nilvcrlist bytlicycar. ILj OiinlladvcrtiHnnciit-: co:iiinuni(;ati-d tor puliliratioii, tlic number of' intcrtiona niuit be noli d on tlic luar^iri of tlii^. nianilM'ript, or tJ. y will bo ciiiitinucd until , furbid, and cluirgrd ucrordinjrly. ! *,* All cnininunicatinn.s to tlic Kdilorn muHl cotiic trp«? of jiuntagf, or they may not Lc attciidtd to. ( liarlCNtuii and Ciirra«v. ' sti:am iu»vt Jl 1 ■>).«. Jk 4'»•►»•♦*«m. h«Tli’jr j gbctii ciiga;fcd tlic last »uiii- im r 111 llic trade luiiuiiii; bHwetii C liirli *1 ,u iiiid fhcraw, railing at Goorjretown on her way up •lid down, will rcruine her Iri]* in the roursr of. B few days and in inU ndtd to Ik; coiitinnrd in tlio j trade the enxuing ira^oii. Thf cxcwding li!.ht | JrH(\ of wat^r, drawing only four and a half ti 11 ; whi’D loadi-d, will nable her to nach ('hiraw at i all time*, cxccpt U|>on an uncommon low rivi r, ] tvlu-n lirr cargo will be li[;htincd at the CAjK-nsic j of t'lr Hi*t. I Comfortable acconi mod aliens for a ftw pasrrn- ■ 2' ri, «ith all du« att iition. J. «. Cl.OllCll. ^'AarJruton, *SV/rf. 2i‘, 1 ".Tl. .'iCtf ' fViiiale School in ^latfwvillr. f||>liK KxcrciM'9 of this School will be acain B. ri Huiiitil on the l.t day of Novrmlxr next , llrajichi i taught, and tcriiis of 'I'uition, arc as forni«rly. j N. II. Wc refer those who wish to ^in infer- I inatiun rciprcliiif the state and charaeti r of thia twlrml, to any of Uiobc who have hillu rto [ntron. v u-cd it. .M. A. LIiL. 1 Of 1.5, 1.^1. 3t.V I €'oiniiaM*>. { SAI.F., a utiiHTiur Siirve)iup Co^lpa^^ | ’ and ’hwn. Apply to .M'-w.ri(. I'rotttr Jk. Iluntin:'toii. • | 0.». 1.1, iNll. 3i5>^ rin» I> i:us.—Th.- 1. >t prufwill Im- paid III cuhli, by :llTi>n Morris, \\ ateii-iiiaker, lor Hl'iji.KyS, in larj>- or Hinall (juiiiuliis, at No. iftiU Kin^-street, 1 (Mi.;rlii.ton, S.C. 51 I Apprfiilirfxi anted. , fM'^IlK ib»«ribor «ill take tviro'boyi between ! .1 It) and n yearfcol agi-, of wibrr and uiilun- t)Kills h«hit-, a* Apprentic . to tlx ’r«iinin;T and j • iirrvini: if application bv made imme. dmtelv. rKTMU M. UKUW.N. | V^irluUt. Oet. 17. IK'JI. it» C.AIiOMSCL.—rfai.isHKD iiv Ri.ufi;rti'. riiyKitiaiiB of the highest rank, ('i'o pay their fees we n>'cd a bank,) Cuiiibiiic all wiadum, art and Heifnec and Fcnw, in Calomel. Sincc Culomrl’s bf noine their l>o.ift. How many paticntu have they lott— How many thoU'ands do they kill. Or |Kii?on w ith tlitir Calomel. HowVr th#ir p.’tient« may complain, (»f ttchiiic heart, or head in pain, «)f fever iiitrli, or parts that *well, 'J’he remedy is l.'uloinel. V* hen Mr. A. or 11. in sick— “ (lo fetch t)ic Dfctor, •and b! qnitk.” 'I'lie I)of;tor comes with fr'e (joud will. Hut iic'tr forjct^ his Caloimd. H'! tak' s his patieTit by t’le hand, And compliiiient* him as a friend ; He »itf a while hia p'il.sc to feel, And then takia out his (’a!oiiid. He. turns un'xi his patieiit’ii will', " Have you ch an paper, iim’ain, and hiiifu? I tliink your h'l.-band iiiitht do well, 'iV, 4*k» ■ ot C nlomcf. I i;XTllAV.U;\NT LIVINO InViK I'.VCRKTSj I llxtraet of a iettef, d.4ed I IlAVKt:, (I’k.; Vug. 3, 1831. ! I liavo a fnw tliiii^rs tn say tli rrlation to ] our vo\ i\ly jiUb-^igo, as }oii !>now v.a«i I ill (tao ijf iIh.'sc no;iiinf5 iioie1.'^,a New-York l»«ing lilowu f-iit tlirou"li tin? o(W!iiing', or! Chirf Citun of the Hor/e/.-—A very in-* tliat tlio wliolc laiiric would bo tliushi'd to gonious calculation is given in n lute Ger« the oarth ; tliouoli 1 know it had stool “ un- j uiaii pubiication of the hundred most pO|»u* hurt aiiii'i.^t the war of eleinniit!,,” tor more j lous cjfies in the world. 'J'he.so are Jedido, than six hundred years. The (iothic work ' in .lapan, 1 ,G80,OOU inhabitant.o; Pekin, 1,- is so finely carved, that it is riiHicnlt to re- • TiUO.OOO; London, 1,800,000; HansIschen, imcket. 'I'hon^ is aii^ixtravajancc in tiie ^ alizo that it should have lasted long, or i 1 ,UOO,000 ; Calcutta 900,000; Madrusj mode of llviti}' increases the iti}' on hoard, whi’h ncedli'ssly j how the various pjuts su|j|)oit each other. wiTjOOO; Nankin, 800,000; Congo Ischert (i traveller’H expciiH;,end.iniri'rs The tower is erected on one side of u (jUii- ^00,000; Paris, 717,000; VVer.st Chana* this healtii. Lot me dL-scrib' to you oin- ' nioiil.s fir one day, and then uL, what you ' think of tiio course ? i On ri.sin;r, a dish of .strong cifll'o without I milk. At ei;^lil o’clock a bn'ailast. consis- i fiiii; of cofiiic',cluicolate amVtt : lish; fowl, ; wavin and cold ; cold meats of lirce or four j kinds; liam, egi;H, mutton ciio^ hash, hard • liHad,co!d liri'iid, ainl \va: in cjits cf seve- . ral (liffeieiit kinds. At tw hp o’clock, a j {jrand lunch of hreiid, chec^. ji.iicliovicri, or jiickled oyatcr.*!, tkiud herrifJJiilVJogne «m- sa::e, with oil, Jiopix*, nfustard, .Vd vims He then deal* out the ftilal praiiip. drangnlar base, of U'autitiil archit»!ctnre, alx^ut 3^10 i'ect high, the top of which is called the |jlatti>rm. It seems to have been 000,000; Con.stantinoplc, 597,000; Bena res, r)n0,U00; Km, .')1>0,000, Su Ischen, ■)(>0,000 ; Honng Ischcn, 300,000, kc.— ! gar, and all uaslicd down willi IrRionuJr', ])cct is bi'Undcd im one side by the dark 'I’h' .-'e, iiia'am, I’m 6urc, wil! caie hii pains; ' Newark cider and brown st'.nt. .^\^il,l'«e niountain.sol the lilack I'ore.st; nearer, the Once in thn c hours, nt jourid of bell, (iui; him a diwe of Calomel.” Ho !• avcn hii pntient in her Cirr, And bids ifood bye, witfi y:raccful l.ir :— In hoped bad liuinors to expell, Mio freely gives him Calome!. 1'iir man grows worw, quite fa.?t iidc d— “;o C8.ll tor cnuucol—ride with s[)e'ei!.’’ 'J'he eoun'H'I eofuet*, lii(e ixwt witli mail, And dmihh n tliu dfwc of Calomel. He now rerlinrn upon the bed. And o'er the pillow rcU^ hif head, i.ike hunted hares uimn the hill, Hu pant; and drewis with Caloine!. 'J'lie neighltors now iloek in to sco 'I'hc din- etTccts of mercury : “ What is it thus aireets the sincll,” ’’I'is putrid fuuit j of Calomel. The man in deatli begins to ijrcan,— 'I’lic fatal job lor him is done; Hi;t mul is w ing'd for hcuvcn or hell, A bacriticc to Calomel. The funeral charg-» must be paid, And under ground the boly laid; '1 he lawyer cxeeu^cs the will. And pays tlie charge for Calomel. now plays iU dt.ailly ;ra:iip, ^1U' I* Calomel has lout its iiaiiic i And docs tiic fatal work fulfil, ,\s faithfiilly ab (.'alomel. riiysiciaiiR of iny fortne'- cliciee, K- ei iv" my counsel and adviCc ; l!e iifit oil'cnd* d thoujrh I t-il, I'm not !«j food of Calomel. And when I mu^t ro'ijn my breath, I'riiv let me die a natura l rii ■itli ; And bid you a'.l a long farewell, ithoul a dase of t aloiiu I. S. T. Ayii.i'c • o’clock, dinner, of soup, «all li'h, coriybtief, Imulton, boilrd and roasted, ham, tii ^ goo.>f’, jjaked [iorl; and bean-^, c!iieken\ie, i plum pudeling, with a dessTt of ahiioits, I prunes, raisins, t'co. and all accomp iaf j witli freiu''iit liUitions of claret, ma(i*»' ; port, and occasionally oliampaigne. At I o’clock, tea, w itJi a variety of meats, I I.ook at tiiis !i.t of eatab!e.i and pota!)lo«, ’(anil mai'.y of our p:uiy paitook daily of iiii'arly every article,) and in a place where 1 exercise is out of the ipiestion, and then tell ! 1110 what yv'" ll'iiik of a voyage to Kurope j for the improve.lieiit of hcaitli under siljjh ; eircunistanc.es. 1 know it may be said thst the passed ' gcrs are not obii;icd to taste of all the above the original design of the architect to Injild ;The lortieth in the list is Berlin, contaming another f-pir'6, corres[Kinding with the one 193,000; and the lu.-«t Bristol, 87,000. A- which now exists, on the opposite side ofjmong the liniidred cities, two contain I,- the platform; Imt it re.]uireil years to I .*)00,000 ; two upward? of 1,000,000 ; nine construct as mu A as is now completed.— | from .'»00,000 to 1,000,000; twenty-three On llie platlorm there is a large c;i.steni, ; from 200,000 to .jOO,000 ; fifiv-six from kej)( always filled with water, to bo used in 1100,000 to ‘.200,000 ; and six from MjOUO cases of tire. The view ofthe citv below, i to 100,000. Of these one hundred citie?, wirriMiniling conntrv’, from thi.s [fjfti.citjht nre in A«ia, ojiJ liirty-two in r;levation, is mfigmliir;ent Imrei d. 'I'he pros- i I'.iirope; of which four are in (Jerrnany, four ' ’ ‘ in Trance, five in Italy, eight in England, mightv river iUiiiie .stretciies as fur as the eye can trace it, through richly cultivated liclds, now tlre.ss«‘d out in all the array of tffViiiner; and on the oppjsile side, meadows, atKl castles, and villages, exhibit a picture c([ually beautiful. KXTK.ICT fJlO.M MK. IIAVIs’ STI MP SPEECH IN KKMIM KV. lltire, fellow-citizens, wc have a man lio professt^d gieat-friendship f>r this tnrn- {'i«3 pi-evious to the election—and alter- vvaVdrt, when a bill was before Congress to mala an appropriation for it, hemadcspeech- t’avor—voted for il—and it was and three in Spain; the remaining ten arc divided between Africa and America. “ Referring to the very singular circum- tance of three of our ex-presidents closing their mortal career on the 4th of July— namely, Adams, Jefferson, and 3!onrie— considering the order in which they died, and the initials of their names: “ Dentil may be said on that day to have taken true A. 1. M.” Valuable Discovery.—Wc learn that a gentleman of this city has invented an im- [irovement in the Fine Arts, by which the representations of portraits, miniatures, &:c. ea lAits .... I . prwsM 'Xhnd sent to the President for his sig- arc rendered more |»crfect and natural.— V,...,. - - niituvflJii>ut returned with his relo. It then 'i’hls is efl'ected by a process never before . dishes. This is'tnie, as I know by eN()eri-' came before the House again, w hen lo! this j made use of, and by methods hitherto un- i nient, (for I a lhen.d to my cold water, tem- Jirdent supporter of the bill turned and vo- idi.scovered in this or any other country. A I m raiiw svstenij though it is no easy niiit-, ted it!! | patent for this invention, we uiulerstand, is ! ter .so to do where hun'’rv comrades arf* a- i “ Now, gentlemen, what would you think j about to be taken out; after which the piib- I round \ou the smokiri^' uands before vou, ■ of tiiat would go a coon hunting witli lie will have opjKirtunities of inspecting spe- i and tlu-appetite s!iarr«ncd bv the sea'air,' you—H.llow the track well—bark well— ciniens.—A'. Y. Etc. Past. : to a tenfold keenness. ' , run well—« atch the cmin—bite well—hold .,7^ „ .-©-r- I well—and just as you had come up with fiiin Lockit.—The New-IIampshire pa- boen taken out. i ms imi.oruuu ihm;iiuoii, | .. -- - . . , ,i ’ which ap,«ars deMin^^i to prcHluce a ncw,J‘»««- was the universal shout ol the au- era in modern warfare, is dccidcdly the lufjS't i^tence. DiVEKsrrv. This imi.ortant invention, 1 “A/Z/n'm.' by thunder!—lSln>otftim,h\ ison of Rev. H. Morsfi, of llavirhill, a lad ■■ ciir.nt/.»’till. fin. j yf 17 years of age. The lock is entirely concealed within the stock, which is of tiie cfuninon form, with the exception «f the trigger and guard, the latter U ing divided into two f>arts, one of which is moveable, and,drawn back \then the gun is ciK-ked, KOKK AWAY from me on niKiMio it Kri KEA—piKrt.n makti.n. ilie MHli in»t. in t'lc town ot I'litrlolle, N.C. a If'iuy M'irc, v.ith rMdoif and tiridlc. .\iiy per>>n ta- ini; her up and cMHf ving me 'Tord, ■ destructive weajvMi, in all its forms, that has ever h'-cn offered to tlic consideration of j anv government. Its extreme simplicity, I the fill ilit*- with whi'’h ir'P.'i'i he cleaned, its prodigious.*nl varied jxiwprs, render In coiiseciu'.'nce td‘a rectnt notiee ol tliis ' il peculiar*y ajiplieable to every P»''|his(: ! ,,g binl i:i the Miscellanv, several qne.-^tioiis "t iijv;il anil military wartare to'.viiicli tire | ^ since. Tlij hero of the r.'om l\c Xrirp'ii t {N. H.) Adrertiscr. AN OUK.INAI. ANIXDOTK. PrqffSiUoual tuct.—Thu roUowing in .tance ofd.a.latanry wa* r^e.^tly related to us l.y a ver\ re..;>>ctable 1 hysiciau ot tlii-s produced. ling her up and conxrviiig me >irord, have b«'en directed to us which we purjiose arms cap 1>^ ^ppli'‘d. l>t. A [ i^tiil, citht r i T li.: 1 .... I iifcTiailoiti-. ►hall be ri asounbly rr- an»ivi'rii»^ : i ltr cavalry, lor the di-fence ot brcach.?s, oTcat iiei war.:.d by i;ic. JAMl-.'* .\. (iOOI>JA. - -- - ..... ..... n (trluli-r 11,1831. Postponvmvnt. Till of the fnllowin;; properly is [Kistptmed until lii«^ Monday ol the next SuiK:rior Court. LWir^I.KS. r>v virtue ol'ordi'rsfrorn the Court ol llquitj . ON thr firM .Monday in November next, at the «. ourt llouw in t h iloU*, the followmjr tra- tf o! I. A .M> w ill •>e C-TiJO.'ied U' public am turn, v u : »i e trad lK lonj;inif to the heirs of thi' Iti.v'nd. S.>iiii. C. dec'd., joining llu' land.-- ol' .\laj. 'i hoi*. Aleafctider, (iio. >lr*. f*usan .Mexan- 1 r, and oiin r*, known by tla- lloljinwin rianla- tion, ec.ml.iitimg ;i(Nlaeres, more or le.-*), m a credit oi'OIK and two Mjars. One eallvd the On I’lan- t.mi>ii, joining I'r. Jo. Alexander, Albrl \V ilw>n ar.d olhi rs ; hie tailed the Heni'ersoii I’laee, jiiiiiiiii; I 'M I’arUti, (he laiidsot' Win. I.ueky anri oiiii'is. '!'• rni!> of the two la^t made known uii th'" day ol -ale. >imiir\ tiaet.' b Inntilig to tin heirK and devisees ol‘ ll.iiiI.tJallanI, ill!'d. W; One railed tlie Smith trart, jdiiiiiiif tlh l.iiidsof Hartwi 11 lilov.'r, I'red. crick l 'in.\in«. dll'd. anil^iicr*, eontaining loti acr -i. Hie i.ilWI tlw \W«ti-Hall rhinlatioii, on wli.eii sain Dai.l. formerly livi d, eontain- iiii' nil a -ii iiiore or less ; One oth r ealh'd the itynani tibtt. joining the White.Hall plantation, tlie l.inds of .Viidw. Hoyl, Sand. Cox, and oUiers, ■ coiit.iiiiini Kl.'iaeres : (.hie eallcd thi' (ire n tract, jniiiing the lands of ii n. Thos. G. I’olk, Mo. and Uieil. I’orti r, and filhers, eont.iiiiiiiL' 311(1 or 37U arn-‘: t *111 other tre.et near Mason'it l' rry, join ing till lands ut' M.ison, Carudiefs, and otIierH, cuiilainiiip I3il ai res. .Ml of which will be boM on a creditor IJ and Ic* months, subject to the widow's dower. ' Also, one small undivi.led interest in the Plan tation on n liieh I ien. (eu. tirahani formerly lived, on a ereilit of 1J muntliH. In ev. ry iiiktaiiee, lioiids and approved seeuri- tii's will be rtipiired. 1*. K. iH'M.Ar, c. .V. /;. »ii.')r>-pr. adv. ^31 T/ir iVn'imrs^ ant! iVatilrvs" I.TI I’OP Cakuland for the MrriJuin of Salrtn, A. Ji;.T nerived. anil lor sale at this Olfiee, by (he (»rK'e, h.ilf cro-e, dozi n, or single, a( (he publi>ihtrn priees—III cents siiiijle, ~o |K-r ilozen, i h.ilf crrn-e, and $7 |x r irroee. t'oiistitnlioH ot\Yo. t'aroliita, \M> Ol' Tin; I MTi:i» st\ti',s. I 'lOI! Sale at this Olliee, a few copies of a I’aiiiphht eontninini: the i'lWStitiitinn nl llir I'nitid .Stairs, (he CinittiliiliDii of \i)rtli-('iniiliii‘i, middle ItirliniiliDiiuf Indriimdinrr. I’rii'e.'J.ie.tt. WAI^KAM'KK DKKDS Kon S.M.l' AT THIS OKlK K. . . ^ ti> “ I’othecary stulf,” and a 'V* Mave the martins ever b«‘cn .seen on 'or for l«».in!ing, which can l>e load'd and (^^j;)t(..ii,iier id' all meilical diplomas, and re their inigrutory tliijht!" , I'r.ilirnft Pear Tree.—The famous Pear .1 noloiiou.^^tiuai ■, a qYt-c planted by («ov. Kndicott in Ki'J'', _\ears,) on ins farm in l>an\irs, then a part of .Salem, has this year hi r:ie three l.aticnst' r ? ’ |i t«eon th'’ 2(Uh and .lOth of ."\Iareli. I Kacli m.in di-':liargtiig l-'> ni.siles per slight di>ea»e. ■ minute, 1 (Ml inni m f n minutos arc enabled ,rave evainination bv feeling the I -V celebratpd dentist extracts tcetli witii- iiit pain.—“Ifow IS this?” we asked.— ; is like taking away the smell ol onions by ' iisinji assafa'tida. »on have been taking mer- j “ ^ When fashions are worn out in Pari?, tiie ,, t % \ t 1 I I*' • ’ »* iiiii itisiiiuiin «i»c. >v»>in i»ui III I «iri?, luu minutes could put l'.*l)0 hors o. combat.- ,^,^,,.>.1 to plehity, and .1 you hadent s-nt tor ' ,„iHi„ers send their antiiiuated a.ti. les to the f irtderiv- ul. A >ho.t cai bme, capable oi boin^ ch>-| y.,u Hid you would sartmly dc ; ti,^, >iorth ; that is to Sweden and lUl^sia. n. “ W ilson s ehai-ed w ith the .same ra].id,t> as the pis-1 | ^ along the i-snks of rivers and creeks almost | one ot their mi'Siles look i lioci, there stiil place 1 lifeleev, in cousi'quenee of cold weather af- n'main .‘lOll ueli-directed mi^.-^iles at tiie lir.'t ti« iit. lor their return in the spring. di'^eharge ; or, e\en imrigini'it possible that 1 Doctor.- “ ,\re you correct in saying tliat tlie mar- one in 100 was ciricicnl, l(t() men in tenjcm y .^„j your bleovl is all horrilied, and | tins have two bnnius \N e have no knosvlcdgo of the I f*d from our own observation. *• iison s eiiar^en wiui me .sum- rJiuoii\ as me pi- funrteil.” ] ^ vessel deeiilv t)rnilhology" states they have two hroinls. tol, hut propelling 10 m«-teud of 1'.' missiles, i Doetor I hant took any mer-' a Li^ndoiViiai^'r, w^Is' ruiV down .Mr. Trissler, who has marked the habits and particularly appli.'ahle to naval warfare, | j,„rv ! know.” ’ j tiie channel of St. Petor>lmr'r. Next of thest! birds closely, informs us that th''> as "lO men, din cling their fire on the ene-1 j)ort.—“ V .ii cant deceive mo—I can : salmon was c.u^^ht in tiie Neva, are some time in preparing the nest; the niy’s d--k, while (lie Ine on Tut more was ! (di ^-jon a^ 1 ■^ee a man, if he has been . ji'reJ.,ed in a white satin'iietticuat; aj;d 11 young are not hatehed until June, and that directed against the men on tlie musts and aiercin\ —and ifvoudont take some , the same net were found tAO lar'» osl-li^h they an' fledgeil slowly ; some time, there- li-ging, would m one minute i.our a show- , pU rotu-; you'll del'uiict now.” witlnnuslin handkerchiefs round tlie,r necks! foHN elapses before they leave the nest, and er ot 10,000 missups o\ er the wnole vessel; j Tut l)o( tor 1 have never been 1 sharks and porpoises were ob>erved i that the parents are prevented bv this (ir- •>"- .l. ru.,. ol..^.. ii...; 1 • 11 _ 1....1 .. i. , ' ... cnmstance from having another br«H>d, ever if they had the inclination, w hich he miicli d4ibls. |.‘ilbs.iii weight, with an elliptical muz-1 Here the I K>ctor scratched lii:^ head, for ' JmuIoti jtniKr. ■ir- thus rciidermg her defemeless, and liie ■ siek liefore, and have nevor had a Doctor, ; .^^w-.is ofthe latest taste, an.l hardly was l en boarding and capture conse(;uently easy and and i,;ive not been taken any medicine of; i’|,cr,; a lish that did not display some iif the ich alninst instanlaneons. TU.. pistol w as about .,„y ,„ v Uu..'’ I i.,,r„ia„ fashions that ev'er visited the ;t! iiw in vioi.t!,? iviili nil nlunttf.'il . ii .__.i... Ik head, for ' J,oiulon jni^Kr. had Ik'cii uiid. r the | ^ , i physu ian ; and now j following in a f.ondon paper ; l.mshHas apiece ol workmanship, | his reputation was gone torever, miless he | ^v.lliam Knox, Lord -le ImIIs were thrown wit.i such force , could m some way convince his patient taat “ lias the e\|H'riment Ix'cn tried .f keep-1 xle,and loaded with great ease and simplici- i ],c s;uppo,>ed his patient had Ik'cii iiiid. r the j ''breach. ’I'he specimen was adini- ^are of a ii-ighborin, ing sw allows over the w inter for the puqxise ty at the of ascertaining w ith certaintv w hether they rably finished remain torpid during that jieriod ?” ami the Mr. .lohn Hunter, the celebrated Natiir- that they rebounded from a brick wall, at, ho had been “taking mercury alist, constructed a room coiituiiiing mud, thirty yards, more than half-way back. ' als» water with a muddy lioftom, into w hich | Liviilon Lit. (t'm. a|>artmeiit he placed several hundred swal- : _ lows at the period when they usually dis-; Spire of llir('iith( linil of S(ra>thiirr;^h.— apjicar. These birds showed no disposition ; The prineipiil eurio‘-i[\ of'Strasbiirg i> the lo torpidity : on the contrary, they llcw a- ' sjure of its I'.ir-famed cathedral. It is the bout w ith great activity, endeavoring to es- ' highest stei-pie in I'liropi': indeed, the great CiijK' from confinement. 'FIk y Iw'gan to die | pyramid td' I’gv|)l exceeds it in altitude but; was takeii si> k.” from the cold wenlhcr. Having thus tested aiiont thn e feet, it is formed of a red sand-' Bishop , . , S'c in the world, and the right of apiKiinl- After remaining in a “brown study tor, devolves outlie Crown,or on Lord some time, he .-:apiK?d his head in token ol To this Bishop belongs‘)(i,000acre.s the mighty operations there going on m «he I ap.K.intms to .5J scientilic lalHiratory of his brain, and ,.,ihes, varving^n value from f^aoo to ix'sumeil his part m the (halogue as folbws: .^^^ual rent of the Doct.—- Put are y on i: -t a lover ot Ih,h>I. j^an £-JO,000. It is a prm- and hud you not ate of it freely before >ou and m- ^ ; dnence. The London ^lormng Pest fore- J at. “ 1 cs. , J-I, eitlier to the e\[M*rimenf to his satisfaction he raised ; stone, brouulit freimjiKirries near the Khine, | Well sir, I knew as soon as I j'jRichard Ponsoubv, brother-in-law, or the window in rebruary, and sufiered the and is built uuyi/'. i/W., each him k of stone : saw \i>n,you had been takin mareury, and ^Jrev De-ii of Hereford, his brother.” .survivors to escajie. They immediately U'iiig pierccd tlirough and through, with ' now I’ll show in what way. The b«.*ef cr/7-. ,,f,\,’,,i,^^tic ofthe London Post is mounted into the air, took a southern diri'T- large lioles d'ditferent shapes. .Many d' .rwheii it was n calf was loii-y, and j ^ |^,p j,, tlie London to the sight. , lhes‘> ojK-niiigs are .so large, that iron bars ^ anttrt,inti.in put on to kill the lice, and thus | pp'rcoivc'that Karl (-Irey, the las b en mistaken fir I are placi'd across them, in order to securc | the kef ytii ate was full of mi;vi/rv—j \\ I,jcr Premier has ''iven the See Vo hi; ly .some Naturalists,; those who ascend the spire, from falling out. ' sir, 1 knew I could not be deceived, or niis- i,r,tthir the iv'-iii*. ° tion, and were soon lost to the sight. 'i’he purple martin has ‘ the swift of Kuro|ic by but it only resembles the sw ilt in ca.se of ■ 1 do not recoliect ever to have had my lUTves taken, w iicn their w as to be seen such plain action and motion. I uu)re excited, tiian w hen cliaibin;; the 03-') .vi/wyi/o.wt/ic.'i id’ mcrciiri/ all over you— ; 'I he marlins took their tieparture from Istcjis which lead to the top of this towiT. 'f'liis murcnry is terrible stuli'.'’ this city on the l.'Sth, after congregating for 1 tJusts of w iud nished and howled with such , .'7'. , l „ ,, |i» i » 11 1*1 I.JIffl fM .“ *• Ti.x cl i*.5 in 1} (n*-.!V I two weeivs lor that purpo.se. j tury through the open work, in the upper ' , . ,.rv triin:n;u;Ts wo'uid t'.oil.c ;.:i ;h’ I Lnnca^fcr Misccllarii/. part «f this pinnacle, that I was f'earlul ofi nakcii. SilKKIFTS’ DKEDS, 1 r.nds F.ilii for Ta\es; tor I.ands soli ^ iiiuier 11 \Vrit( f I i I Facias; and for L.:n;. .. !d r .1 W ri'.; \ .* !(■■ ; Vi -■