MINERS’ k FAIllIiJRS’ JOURNAL.. IMII.VIKI) AM> IM ItLISIlKl) ICVKUV W i:l»>KSI).VY, HY NOlijt.K A; HOI/f( "2^:': TK\cii Yoti in piFn. i: ti.i: i.owri s ot m.iNu o. T~'rF'oVivh JTTiif Moi^TAlx^^»i^r7^^« vol.. II. wei>m:sday, novi mber 2:1, —, s, . . . F'>tt Tin: JOURNA1« VliiirrM’ & f ariiirrN' Jniiriial » Ik printed and publixhed ivery Wednesday morn- ' ' KRSES—by timothy tooi-evwacc, E ia. iiig at Two Dollan and Fifty Crntg per annum, Tlicft-c livi g in every tnwn some one vc know, if paid in advdncu; T/irce Dollars a yenr, if not I " pretends wiili death to v.-rtsitle; t. of «ij month*. ' I'*'* >>?Iy for. .11 AKLOiTK, WIX ItJ.riMtriiG C«»V ,\TY, NOKTII-LAROLINA. !I( II W!*» •.IVK SIKKN'iTII TO OfK llANDv A\.) S' pjKl.T AM. NATirKE TO OCR PSF A.Nfl Pl.KASIJRE.—JOHNr'OvT" INO. (il. our fiddi; arc 0 curry. paid until »l\cr the ex(»iration ui »iA iiioiuiiii. i . ■ . ’ . Anvpii'Tiwiwi.-M'ru 111 i . i./• Ja Inncet, pili-bo.i: and iH-.tlo. ADVERT18L.MKN fS will be inserud U hfty 'n.tsc impiuinents, yon liiio«-, 'tis r.^lit to c, cents pot square (not e*eeediii(r 20 liiien,) for the For even Kelf-proU clion : f5r»t in«€rtlori, luid ‘J.'i conts Ibr each Kuecistding I*e»ide5, that “ king of tt iror.M,' iJfath, (^ori’t tarry, week—or 81 for tiirrc weekH, for onr unuarr.— ■« 1''‘ion. A liberal discount will b. made to Uioso 'I. ^ r ■dvertiwl.v«Jir-»r«r II . "*cl'blrrsrogfiieii andsch.^lp;' wliirli 19 tiius pOui'licd ill,fora tipniii: frrti.li .dvertn.ebytl.,ycar. “-^Onalladvert. en.ents- .v , .,., nibT of Hut nioKt Lliu»^-tfe can boast i." jtatent Jmln. i ,„i i.„ .r ,. ;. .J ' . ingK of tlin soil, severnl sown to w iiitnr rye, after Ukii)|T ofi' the corn and potator.s; orto burkf^KBt, altor wheat and rye. 'J’he birkwhett, we plough in, R'ly when in i>lo.'soui, oilin all F^pteinlx r, amJ harrow in wiiitor ryi tipoii it; or let it lie for oatp, corn, harlej^ or oMier .spring grain. Tlie winter ryo,.jr rye iind oats, Mill liettor for full feed, nkkes rii h pastur- iifjc, late in autumn, andjeajly in spriii;; comtnunicnted (or piililicatioii, the nunibT inaertioM n,u:.t be noted on the margin of the , .p „ . | by crops ot spring gra.ri, Corn, cnits or mannscriuL or Wiev will be ..mil »»ind 1 ve alway. Wn a friend ; , [wtHtor-a. 1 he tuto for doilia ull thlH, vou I ed by crops of spring grain, corn, outu t ■ II thi I by cliesnuf trees from the mountain, top off as much of their to:is as you leave of their roots, set them out as you would your apple trees, not deejter in tlie soil than they orij^inally stood. Tli(!y have a ra[>id growth, and if well nursed, will spread, and sjon b‘are,c- r_\ your prolitically, prtnJucin^r a nut three times the size of tliosc peneraliy brought to market, and of a lx;ttcr tlavour. 'I'he hick ory tree will do the same. All will bear engrafting as well as a j.ear tree. Kxp(;ri- mentsintliis line cost but a trilie, and negli gence is not to i)f justified. (’.\ni>i:Mi:K 15iki».—These birrls form a distinct class b\ flitiaselve®. i)f these, the iuN acf.>ruuij{ij• It mi.rht b«^ made out ehxr U lore 1 mrl, , . \ i i ' ' “7’ ' I To Dr. ThonipMm, “ the wise, Uif gruat. Oi>: gww,- | aWc State as to drTi>»^‘^a.rU(th atid uiois. ^ i» I - I : . . 1 .. Wbo’inim' ;.u . .._l. •Wir anti M'anry PATRICK HAKTY lake* Uiii opportunity ! ^ fiiTe cjuld prove if by « r_Tllo(;i»in; of iulurniin^ hi* I'rieiids and the puiilic in 'I'he («iii'l« ro eiear to ull, we will ri f'ram, VMieral, that he na* oj^'nert, two door aoutli of! And tlureby not enlar|;u tlie brcitih or schisin. Tloskioi', a handiotue amortuicnt oi article* in the . r u- MiUiner^ and iancy line, under the aiiptnnt. n. ."’'’"‘W''‘n>« new Ihompsonian Inr dancc of Mta. lirtfei ^ _ I especially those dihtinguifliej by the ivory ,"'« 'y '»>•• rankii ” 1 (ur«.. 'I'he soil of our furm"isTil'hi'raTi^bf ' ‘ " “ XI:d ib^Thrnkr^ all gratitude. | ^ , h.il alonc, we should Ik; disposed to cons.d- That '•Ileati.I.ire.andColdis n. ath.’-'ti^plain- Igeojogivt.i. In order to de-1ivory-billed .voodpecker (pu-usprin ■j aaiiVf Miiuvi ai«pv I «a > . * itmai., lorinerly of ( olunibia, " '‘("f*'. l'eli«i.e» to b' made a,ter tlie l'itche.1 hi« tei.t-not on the Rhin., jn tlic re».unable Itrn... lliaiiieH, nor Hug—1 can't com. near if. >j. DrcKaet and fatnt fuhioii and on tiic most reaiunablu terniK. I^'l^horn hata bleached and prcMcd, to be nidde to look eqiial to new. Charlotte, A'. t^A ,Vor. 1-31. tCl LOST, ON Tuc*lay ni|;ht,thv eili iiist. a common plain loether I oelkrt-iuMlr, tolerable n \s, lontain- UifT §36 in money, five bitla o: Ihe deiiouiin.'ilinn oi ♦.!, and one ot fin, all Soulh-Carolinii nioii. y ; If i1m> coiitiined Uie fullowing iNctr-, viz: one of 6-10. on .\*a Steven!*, dated the ii.ld l).-c. 1“!1U; one of *20 W, on Jarr;#!! C. Brawl^y, dsled ‘JJ1 Dee. l“5ia; one of 77. on Isaac Frmicr, datid v.''l>l Ihr iKiS, wilh a credit ni ; nrii-n' ^.1 II", ori T!io«. Shelby, dated -'Id I)rc. lf,'"; tiiic of on Divid Van Fill, OateU .\uc- l^th, li3l. Ail p« r*o«i» are forbid trading lor eilher of tlic said Botes. ,\ny pCTton fuiding kai.l Tick. t-Hoo*, wilh its oontenta, and d’liv ring it to Ihe owner, or coinfKisc the shitv gravel, or whiten the of the carpenter birds, surface of the gr«md with quick lime sown ' instrument is us white and broad ciLst, at ev*rv w.irkni r of it bv the | touglu-r, if not harder than ivory, and plough, which works the Mate .rradual'ly in- 1' '^uted. N\ ith this h- can dig in- 1 to clnv, and makes the soil a Irown ch.K;o.'‘■‘ees, eith.-r lor food or nest- llute ni.'uld, «arm, t.-imcious of nioi.sture I"‘t'C low couniiif-s of the Carolinas, I and e.xcctd.nglv [productive. To supply a timbered I due propjrtioii ol’ vegetable matter, we relv :' P^ess sNvanips lor breeding in ; and in the I on green dressing, aided by li:ne. ' | considera- I The iiouri-hmf.nt i.f plants is pro.luced by i aH««>ately, Change, going on in th- .soil, .such as i/'*" conjunction, dig out a large and ca- I fermentation, and, generullv de.coni|>osilion. i I]?*"®”® young.— h'o inrrea.^e this action, and somrtinies to : ‘‘‘“'f I liasten it, so as to save •.-me. we plo„„h i„ i‘'»'“J«'vn with si.metiines the eggs and young our green dre..ings, w-ll whit. ned “witli ;\being said to be gener- I ure> !*v “ tun” liuntJndh daily drew: f]mck linio anti q:\ |>snm, on the trif*nj- • ^ HUjdnig, liic better to keep oi'^ lliHiiame «aHliolu«. ' ing dew. 'I'urnms ainl carrots comc int.. V” H. ha. t (..ti. nf lyin? at Ih «'h> door, course of cr-i.ping «,n a small .scale but ‘‘"f ® * ‘i >.i.i. hr,e mil., irom fown,minht b. four; | I P - drejsin- ' ,-n:>.dered almost beyond Hug- Aii to diwose lie Kicked it out of M;.'hl; ;\nd y. f 'lis ftr.iii"'. to t. II, Altho’ the l)ofor'.( \va^ an (a.')' fiyhf, Ilf lived no ( alnnnl. H.' n. vi r I urned one up willi sfingiii" blis‘cr!«, Ni^r lipilled oii. 's \iiai blo«i—all ! deadly {>l.ii; ; Ntir dill he ott. ii pive opf t'aveiiin- cl\«tera: — Kvery old won;j.ii said he was a ‘Mine nun." Ills fame full .‘■ix mile.' round the country fl'.w ; l:i sho.’t, in reputation he was xoius ; .. ,1 . .1 ,v I . the evecution «/'tbese birds; but, when we with the pasture they alUrd than on turmps, tn.e of their other feats of car- '1 o w hoiii he -ctiX a “ mild l/«U,ha puk«"— —’’I'woiild fur.' him jufl as su.*- as it In took. It puk.-o him nm. tc n tiiiirs, aiid what it- cl. vir, ] a crop rather over estniKtel, we think Ibr ,r... ,r.// in ••t^oc.x,^ ho.,rs" 'tis ^aid: -our liard wintor elimate,though well adn;.t- ed tor middle winters, in tirciit Uritain. \\ Ith another «eek of I'avorablo weather, , Thf > ti (K iitry, the fact doc. not app»;ar the lea^t , , , " ...i.Mu*.* I'lMv'ra, . I r [ IJ... . yiivi fl« f» If r 1 I ** "111 ‘ . / • i, SU TpTl^ IHIJ. W l!^' Ill iiivtrs the following in- t T if“ o h “ *‘=’' cLchf.om bed.-'rCut Urilain. ,,r.,.tui/histor\ of on- vv li'ich he captured : rt wdTiJcU tor tiitiir Uuubit«ultli th(‘tiiai.k. u! the, >\ ilh another \>^ek ot iavorablo wratlior, , »im *il. r i ai i a owner. llh.\UV W .Mct oV. : thr Dm tor •i-nt a pUin direction. ! sow n all.in fields r*!'’ ~ \^\dVQ, Rays lie, 1 observed Aor. IIU, I*-.!!, uir | lo >••»" *>o ;;roa.nfd nio?.t io?nily trom thr:ouf; j . j r i ^ J *his bird at, wh*u on iT»v "ay to iho feouili, '■*' de..,...,- 7/y*^ ^ l ^,.a.s nU-ut tweUe mile;„o,th of WUm.ng AdnillllMiralorH .luticc. 'i»ilImakiyoiMi.ile to knuwliowiliu turn’d out. and lor gr»e:i dressings m the ' — ” I^ewgpaper liorroircra.—Reader, if yt u borrow this paper, send it right back—: a you may feel chcap after you have fuiishetl this paragraph. Ifflie tailor sends a new roat home to you, would you lliink your neighbor tiair in his request lor tKe first use of it ? If the baker leaves you a hot loaf, sliould you like to lend it to your neightwr, and have it returned cold with the corncrs knaw- ed cfl’? If the fiennyposf leaves a h ttcr on yo>;r counter, should you think it right in y. ur neighbor to seizo it, before you had time !c* read it, totally a load of potatoes on it, anl thank you for the use of it some hours after, if he should not be eo unfortunate as to lo.se it ? If these things are not right—then it not right to borrow a newtrpujMr on the da'j when it is pitblinhrd. Wo have received a request from one of our subscribers to discontinue tis paper f r the present, for no other reason than that he is plagued by borrowers. We prrsun.a they are not such persons as he can verv well deny the use of the pn[;ef. So 7tith i/ov, borrotper, whoever you are ! ^ [lerdon who lent you this.althnugh ^ rcntly did it with much pleasu'-’ "j'h« J that you would take tbe paper not take his new roat, hvt Iv, lei ter, before he has made full u-^ them him self.—Portsmo'-th Jourp-^' an THE .«ARRtAr> O' * I'A.NBV. With hair betwisted -ifiou.*! way.«, His hody et'iigfhtcr>id by stitf.stajs; With minci’iff ^aif, and all his toiu's Broken by c«tie »ighg and moans; His cheeks ak lips wilh rouge all glowing, ^ See ('urio to t^ altar going, W'ho leads, bu\ yet appears to linger, The lady by he^ htUe fin^'er; The priest, aiitcki:hed all the while. Then whisper’d to llic clerk, aside, ‘ Which of the .Nli.ss;9 is the brid>;.’ 11 \\ l»N* taken out lelt.;r* of adniinixtration, I ihe lalml of llie lieahi.g Htulf, ton in Nortii-(.’arnlina. 'I'liis bird was on- at Iho Aiii^unt .S-««ioii» of .McLklenb'ir^ County l'.urt, on U.o osulrnol .klurgiuet.V liui(a 1h.Iiuir, 4ec*d., alt Utwe having .laitn« aj(aiji»t •tid estata are re)ueatt:i to pnacnt liieiu «Mthin 0»e tun* proKribed hy law j and all tiioite who are Udcbted lo the estate, are letjufkled tu make ]«y- Q>eat imntecuitely. if. wrote tlii> \(r«r. Which one would thii.ii was clear enough, And \i ry ten,-— “ When this is taken 'Jo be well thaken.’ Nut moriiini; iJ-^lu* early rnoe. THE STAK, And North-(\irolina Stute Gazette. pURLlSHEI) the City ol* Rulci^rh, by lAticrence i( Lf\iiay,\a devotedloNew% To. Kkt.lQ, ItOl. J. D. SMITH, A,ltr,'r. “V I'**'"*'’* b** g^» Jtt,l „ . f P-^n lu. pad. Bved ' W lllK SU^'Rl^W *r^^tliFy Inlomi* I " ho a vile trick of i^tumblin? had. *» ^aUuaL#- tcji jorry liack. _ lat’a exp»xied nV^a lior 'I uIv wounded plic'itlv in the Wing, and Oil be. , _ ! ^tn in those fields '»bi-h by and by wil ^ reiterated, and I Imes Agriculture, Corumerce, Literature,Science , be clothed with a inuttiiig of rich, sw'-ct and , ,, ... .,^»1„ .•^^co.r,hl.n.r ! ‘‘“‘1 Morality. It is printed weekly, on a largo I delicious I'ood I'urour stock, instead ot’lvin" 1 . 'f ^ ^ r ’ i u i ? f i imperial she#‘t. with good type, al three doUar* i waste Ibr w .’eds and barronness, an eye ’sore ' ' ‘ ‘‘'’''‘"S ‘ I ■ ,1 .1,111 \ . * I rmod inv hors>* SO 445 nearly to coat tnt^ my rrmamder at the t;nd of the yew. VI 1 *1^ v*i u , I life. 1 carried it with me, in the chair un- In i«litic8,lhc Star is decidedly Republican, and \N ith ^hat delight Mr. Lditor, have I , ^ Wilmington. In parsing thro’ ^d'tors wiUimu presumption, are proud to just now «eeu three l.elds ..f mir httle farm,! or wriat’a exp»ited ot a lior>e, ith j'Jg* and bottlci heaiH>d uj«n hiH hack. T fricfida and cu«lOfiKr», tliai he lin» reii.oved Crwnhia .Id »Und lo the S»on ii-arly opimsile R. V. lUiUw^y. fUrmerly ^cupi.d by ^ ^ -bffO ho » ;ll Keep eonttnnlly on h*l»d ir. r> arti- ,■ I’orti iiding m«iiie .luastrr : jtiio corn cut and shock isd^flw p»>tatie^ I \lw-ITOp8 ! dows, with1ook.“> of alarm atid artxiety. lH>st, and the sot neatly--w.rk.;»l, so« n to : ^ arriving fit the piazza of The servant l^ts him in with di.^mal face ; clo luiUbki lirf Uie back coui.Iry Ir^dt. JKA.Nl IS W IL.-^N. 57 CKmv', Ott- 18,1831. Ituck'u founlcii.iiice b» rutlul loeki d and uriin, if the knowing Dootiir had pliy>icked hiiii, And not hu master. •* Wo.ll, bow’a the |>alloiit,'’ Dr. IVjIus suid : lliiek khnok hi' liLjid. I . . % 1 • .X I - 1 ■ UIX>*C UII. U4tU »»»^ - rye and .vts tlie ^rtace whitdi^ 1 hotel where I intended to put up, tl« laiHl- ^quick like a .March sl».v*cr ' ' |oH came tbrwimi and a number of'.er!^ns 1 he‘Hy. Wheel, rnv deaniir, be8id?n r'n-; hap|>ned lo be there, all eqimll^.a- belitVQ Uiat tliey have contributed a raite to th« riio C;OLI>-MI\KKS.-‘’‘;; V niaUT iM t.Oi/* lit I.LHIS, m “ In-fced hum ! ha! ». ry vlH." S^ror'liS^---,' i; Kmg.tr:et, ! - took the drau,ht."-Uuc. gave a nod. CUiHejton, H.C. joy ing all this in the iHds, where a*^ hcaKty , This wa.vgreirt- and hiKi H SCI of -raods.m,. ve af ^rk is , by inv asking whetlier he cpuld evepiiade the ii^^art of a fhtrmn-.h slad. l with accommodations fir in^lf T Hears (he hum of the ..pinmng ^.'hcel, on aod W coiiiiiig tothe hwLs.?. *)«ts ot nw- chfld- hood ! I love you; auii^ O my ggad sainted W.ll,how, what then’ speak otit vnjduncc:” j mother, never can I tlr^k thiit birm house . , i j»y, then, tay* IJuek, we hhuok iiiin oiicci” ' tny home, where there is nutie of this music J A|»|*rCnlH‘*?^ waill*u. |>‘VouiJiookhiiii,liow’tliel)octor»fainnier’dout:" jol'thef'pinnir»p wh^U It was thv niusic, I UK SubtiCTibrr iiill take two boy* between j “Wejoitrd liiiii aUmt.” j tlje harpof the fai IG and 1" y* ar» of ajre, of »«b«;r and iiidKs- ! ••Zouiu!?' >hake ajMititiit, man, atihiike won t do;” > farmer’s ( h.bit-, *■ .Apptentio-. to the Tanning and , .. Mr-aiid »o we gate him t«o;- | ‘ ' boy, the mortung inj bujsuiesi. It applicatifm be nnde imme- •• Two i>hakcf! odds cune. i , , V • _ i , ,l.. o.-u l,m ^ * -Two-Jd make the patient worse ;’* j«luml)ers ol sprtnif were almost alwajs bro- It did, kir, and »o a tliird wo tried•' ),kcn by the notes of tho Wild birds, and by Well, and whit tiien 7" ‘'Uitn,»ir, my n'lHier Iwrpof the farm hijttse.or the spinner’s ’ ■ ■‘H'tig- Charmed, alike with the lieairtieuof — . ■ .Hit door aud in dior nature, rural life *nJ j ■i^uu.r the side Of the window, nearly as pure ai^ cnnoflSV$'|jftiW{3e», they will continuu to eive their firm, but tem^ rafe support to fhg admiui«t««tion of tJiat w(fl fried and faii,fiful public aervSBt, Am^atw JacksJn. For his .sterling iij- tc"rity, hit unalWcd >atriotisui. a-’id hig ardent dfvotion totlic inferebtfof RrptJbiiraniMii, the by. sy .IVnpue of «IandeW.?» ;>«Bred upon /iir:rforrcn»' 'of tW» inost Tindick^e an.J iihri.ltufinjf p«-r'. fCcr.tVn; and cjm wv tf^eartii:.--^ an'hcrents oi* • ad>-iTi%j,arl!WDs tre -ac^f a fif rco Wnd maV. volent war «xpun.^^'"' ib' iind maV. _ lie stands firm jjj [I,q _ trious 23“^ FKTEK .M. hKOWN. CAur.'offe, Ocf. 17, IKll. j'» sMi |loll;«r» ICewaril. ,\.N away from the »uh- _ i- icr-lier, on the ^th of April last, a Negro tiirl ab»«il ‘J7 year* of age, of yellow complexion, wilh a icar above her eye. Said girl ha* an only f'-roalc child in (.•hatham | eounty, b« longing to a genllemau i ^by the name of Hiram tiarke.— i She is in the habit of pa&wng herij^lf under the •pp. Iktiwi of frti I^Ua. She n lU no doubt en iieiiing the door, lie sat up the same,Uis- tressinT sh.mt, which now apjiearcd to pro^ founded thtlibei i-«ed fivm grief that ho had been discoTcr- ilehadmoun- od in his iiflempts to escape. simplicity of character, tliH harp of my an- th,, ceiling, a UtUe below w hich he rrstors has never been banished from ’ my begun to break through. The bed was hbme. Associated with sii h re4:oll'‘Ction8, j,yvered with large pieces of plaj^, the Pll \(TH AI. A(iKU [ tire notes of the blue bird, plKvlH* bird, wreti, and ‘ half rearming,' half doijsesf icnt^ ro bin, are ot\eii heard iVoinorontiri their netsts 1 at niT door, now in my old age, as if to keep dcavor to get into the neighborhood of her .laugh-, ^ FAHMI H.-Frcm the A V. I^rmrr. * alive the afX'ctions of youth, and lead them areumiiHucea which indue* me to bfheveao. , ihcv SJtV, aiM-uotJiing to its p®wer, but that ' In mv next num r, . The ahnre reward will be given to aiiy person , gjic'ful ‘ ’ who 6haU return the said girl to me *r WK'' , in any jail aothat 1 get her ; and filly d..llar» will the sevtra b.' ''oen lo any oih- who shall d. ted the person j mcr, do m harbouring her, so that he may b.' bnjUKlit to jun- ^. tJjp fly-wheel (ilLL. , /*nrn niiH l>o IjttnraMterriUf, S.C- Oel. 1-31. The editor invert the above to Lanrasterville lath was expasecf for at least luieen inches square, and a hole large enough to admit the fist opened to the weather boards; so that, m ICS.S tliHii wiother hour he would have succeeded in making his way through. I now lied a string round his leg and tas- .11., the table, anaiti left him. 1 wish- •eiii to MiiOerrate the intelligence dlo of Mav, thi^ year, are now pricctlj Fighting Slm^rl^ah^^ ‘ll3!lJiwi\T’’The i.V fanners' In my introductory It comtnenrrd by conducting uriiird men to J’" ‘ „„,nber, thesipaiiorfirmeis were character- ,,carlv three d;iv5, but reiu.-ed all su.^loiiance, rombat. Warwasthen aniiistitulion both ^ tl,^ ' i-tioullv defined, and 1 tm-^ no one will u,,„es.s-d Ills death with regret, ihe useful and important, and ol high coii.m. er-, J” ^ | ' j ,vell ripei ed iuice.= ■ misun.icr.^tand my meaning. In an ardent i bill of this bird ure Iw; d in great ttion. .Mlh.nigh war has sunk in v«hio, .«tnlksan lull nt ri. hand well ripei.iiljuic .. nil that is useful in science, 1 the r^outhern Indians, who Ettrnal sa^nc i^tlas on \''cad/* Jl'iiat it istlK wislijf tRe u„ u ,, . _thu! iibertie*« i publie,'and uiidertlie will thereby assist in eecuni^ , tbe Union.' ' In Uie Star, every snbject cnriV public interest is freeW and iinpartiSN^j,. ! and great pains arc taken to cdiiy niui\j - readers. Particular attention is be^tow.^ proceeding of our Slate Legislature ; cr next BessU will probably be ‘he m».t im^i^ thathas been held for many ye:irs,the E.li or» haX engaged a comiwtcnt Stenographer, to " Bittinifs of that body as report, r; which will cnablo them to publish lull, fair and ii.irsrtial rep.)rts ot its debates and proceedings. As this will incur a heavy expense, and be of great uUiity to the_ n.i- zens of the Slafe, the Editors with great con iden,-., call upon Ihe public to susUtn them, sdiould t icir increile of patronage justify it, oth. r iin,.ort«^ improvements will ere long be niaue m the pub lication of their journal. . 'I he Kditors of the Star take fhi! o’casion t.^ ^av, that they are aw are that di speran ertorts hnvo b*ln made in dilV. rent parts ol tlu> M.ite to hrcak down tl.eir press; and it is probable t.iere are ihose vlioar.- still l»lK>ring in this despie il.lo vo.'slioii. If fortlu'ir contumacious treatment o! the dictum i,..tnt,.l demauoiru. s, and obstinate rclusal i tirely ruined the mahogi. _ he was tautened, on which he had wreaked liis v^iiole vengeance. \\ liile engaged in t ikiiii' a draw in" of bun, he cut me severe- (• i„,]ated dcma-ocu. s, and ou,- , v ri pla -,. »„.! on .l,e whol,-, d..- 'J . . ' . . I .. . i^ikt. t)ir in^ilic .y in^everal pla -es, and on the wnme, u s- r;.ti:;H aspi- [.laved such a noi.le and unconcparablc . | Editor* will fall with the spirit and t. el- rit 'that 1 was frequently tempted to reMon ^ i,ave too much ccnti- him to his i.alive wchkIs. He lived w ith me the justiec and int.-lUgcneeot thur t.llovr- I r- ||V au »»»■• v« ... - y "■■•-> , . .. ■■ ■.ii-i.-limeiit to all that IS useful in science,! , j.mi.nir the r'outherii Indians, w.'.o and industry has acquired inllii. nee, royalty 1 or n.amw^ ' the writer of these miinhcrs yields in zeal to ' „ ay of amulet and charm, as Mill retniii. the pr. jud.c; -t the warlike ago., "1^ "ro n7 d; -o one. whatever may l« the nature of his | ornament, and, it is said, dispose ot ll drs.iisesindiMr). The progre.ss ot in- NN e cut up the corn b> I he {^^rou i.l .dii.ck ,„r,,,its. .- .u.- dustrv has therefore tiiken place in .pite ol it, and save even the hnsks tor fodder, n,. ; -ncxatiui I ^ p.,weV. For example, how angry w nild every gooo lariner sliouhl do. I,..ms XIV. ba\.' iK-en, h.id he hem calle.l j I'rom the ’J.Mli of Xngiisl, there is great th.' chief of d.'alers an.l niainifi. tmvr.-. time Ibr wt eds. W e let none ot onr fields siirluiig l;in" tH'ara sword, epaiileite-., an.l ),e tool.mg without being croppe.l with some- well ^q^Iare? IkioIs Iv'fore he is sd.le to sit thing. It is therefore a busy time with us, on a horse. Arrived at man s e.-,tate, the asyoumaywellsuppo.se. W mter gram i'*' Fro’i t!:' Siiiindifj Erruinn Post. them to the northern tribes al considerable prices. An lii.liaii btdieves that the head, skin, or even feathers of cert;iin buds con- As I. w n-erul hints w ill bear repetition ’ fer on the wearer all the c.\cellence.. «il tho»'e, tlertlnn tiior-'c apjiertaiiiingto liuslvindrv. I binls, thus 1 have seen a ciwl made c ae follow m- are yllere.l for pnbli.-atioiiskins, heads, an.l claws ot the raven ; caps There is ;...t a shrub, vine, plant, or tree | stuck round with heads ol l^tcher-birds UrilLC III nn. ••-t' . , . eitizcns—they have too solid an assurance m the 1. inTe:isine- favors—lo imlulge tor a moment a sin- .rle forebidin!i fear. Hut whatever shall bo the h- nal sentence of the public on their lalwrf, ihiy will havi' the consolation to reflect that'"tiii'y nau u lea-t endeavored to deserve the kindnesj which has hitherto b«en no generously t.Mended to them. While they tender the only tribut. f*"'"” for past favors, their sincere Uianks.ad they a>k fai the future isthe iiuiubr. nceducto th.- I""' of human nature, un.i alitile ‘'^’‘^‘‘^'‘7., friends in the w i> of procurmg •‘‘‘f ccribers l!y c.verlions which wnuM perh.i,!* a., ford them a pK a>=iTe. they are satisfied tiieir sub- .erirtion list might W increased ur beyond iw pre!« nt number. other Slates cannot herenftcr be bo«iy.—