THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL, not nmke gootl all the loss and injuries, in- [ was held. Tijis letter was addressed to a deiHJtMk'iit of the probable l(»ss of life, | relative of Mrs. C. and abounds with the “ It is said the Mississippi, at St. Louis, 1 most bitter cliarycs and reproaches against is also hiffh. Should this prove to be the fact, what will bo the situation of New-Or leans and the whole lower country ?” “ Cinrinniiti, Fvb. 19, “ Ycstenlay, at noon, the wafer began to fall, and has now, (6 o’clock, P. M.) subsid ed alwut one foot. 'I'his gives us some re lief, but we are in a wretched coniiitif)n.— Many families arc fed by public contribution. Fire-wood is eight dollars per cord; flour si* dollars per barrel, and not enough in the city for one week’s consumption.” We arc indebted to a friend for the fol lowing letter, written at Wheeling, Ohio, on tlio 12th Feb. I have seated myself for the purpose of piving you an account of one of the most (kivaslating floods, that has ever occurred in the western waters. But 1 find the words inade{uate to express the terrific grandeur of the scene, the lower part of the town Mina. I’he court has passed an onier, in hibiting the publication of any of the evi dence introduced in the trial of Mrs. ('hap- man, or any comments thereupon, tending in any way to prejudice tiie public mind a- gainst the prisoner yet to be tried. l*i-e|)a- rations are making to present, the whole case to the public, after his trial, ia a heavj pamphlet.—lidleifrli Star, had been relitKjuislied. Rut the f;»llowi;ig i Do.spalches Imd been received by the extract from the IJoston Fatrio? of the 04th lKo;jiish (jovehiment, which state that 80t) ult. has convinced uti tliat we had not dut'* i I'olisli ofhcers in Saxony, who have refiised justice to this generqus people; and that the j the Amnesty of the F.mperor Nicholas, are on thuir march, in »mail detachments, to Traiicf. Each receives a sniall sum per dienj iVoiu tho Saxon Government. act is the more worthy of our admiiation, liecause it has been done so unosV%iitatious- ly. It will be recollected, thit i>la.s"»Hchu- setts contrilMjted i.iore to the Relief Fund than any other State, and the city of Boston Loh st from Mcrico—The \ew-Orlcans more than any city cxcept I’liiladelphia and j l’'ee of Feb. 1 Itli acknowledgns the receipt New-Vork. Add the probable cot-t of thio |»f Vera (.’lu/pa[>er8 to .Ian. W7tli. They ICngine, and Boston will stand second only j contain, say tl.u oililors, very violent arti- to Philadelphia. Ides, lending to inflame the minds of the Besides the intrinsic value (which is not |i>e«ple. lilven the Onsor itself, the prover- ■?.■■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■ ■__! MABRXES On tlic 11th inst. by 'J'homas BoyJ, Ksq. Mr. Henry HotrhXisf, from New-York, to Mis* iltn- rifltn Standley, ditugliler of the willow fiitandley’, near this placc. M«K)N\S rilABES. CIIARLOTTK: mkdm;si»av, MAiit ii 11, ih:} '. Tothe Editors-of the Mirirfs' /( Fanners' Journal : a little heightened by the embarrassed state of the 'J'own Finances,) nf this nohle ofil'r- ing from “Boston to Fayetteville,” it will serve as another obliterator of lical and sectional prejudices, both among the donors and recipients. It will never bo looked u|)on here without kmilling and strengthen ing our afll'ciions for our brcthern of the Fast. Its arrival, which will probably be within a fi'w days, will ti)rn» a new era in our Fire Departnienf. As it is doubtless of the be.^t Gknti.e.mks—Observing in your paiwr of tin; 2fHh ull. »i)iiic fjucries ruspocliii]^ tlie trciitini'tif of the auriforoas orus of thi» country, I am imluued to olTcr tlie followinjf desultory rcinurks. Iti reply tollie firbt, I should say inueh d( |>eiids presents—[mrticularly when emanating fVom I upuM locality. The quartz in the lodts ot tliis 00 feeble a [)Cn. | -'ou»try is either n'laMsivu, granular or cellular', 'i'lie river is now fifty-five feet above its I and according to its structure the treatment of the ordinary level; this unprecedented rise has j “'"c.'» prcparinfr for tho stamps, vuries. inundated all south Wheeling, and has car- Supposiuj the quartz tu b,- ma*bivc, with its au- ried ofl‘twenty-eight houses. The distress ' riterous minerals disKeminated Uirourhout; the of the unfortuiKite families thus driven from I it by artificial means tor pul- their honK!8, is heartrending U'vond expres-1 venzatioa to a jriven quulity lu the short. st time, 8ion. Mothers with their little ones, are 1 ^ ««■:>»« H>c greatest tcono- v nndering about the streets seeking shelter i 1" “““ •'■"I'loy "ould be and f.K>«j. The counsel-rcH.m and other j '’y iniblic Iniildings are filled, and nunilters have b«(.n received into private families, 'i'he ^ ““I most praiseworthy exertions, are actively 1 made by every class to Kihahitants who are reduced by the destructive element. , ^ ^ Bridges in every direction have been j , «ja.—which veins arc ! **(i Fiiyi p^rept nwny, and there are now .■ight feet | ...tprejtinjfly cliaraeterizcd by the i contiil.mlons «f th. M. uiber- of itie Dci.aitment, bial weatherciH-k of the; Mnxican politics, seems to have shifted in favor of tho move ment. A letter of the 29lh has been com municated to us, by which wc learn that the Ministry have not been changed, as re ported. It states, on the contrary, that \^'ra (.'rux will be invested by a body of men, who left .lalapa on the ‘-i3d, ’.vith 1 pieces of artillery and 2 howitzers, commandf d by the Vlini.ster of War ! Tho inhabitants *if the city are in great trepida tion ; though Santa Anna, at the head of the WEEKLY ALMANAC. M AKd'H, I Sun j Sun IHS-i. |ritich|8'ti>. 11 VVediie!id;iV f» ^'5 .W 6 5 64 5 a 5!> »•> II! l.J 'I'hursday, 16 Friday, 17 Saturday, IH Hiuiday, 1!) Monday, iift 'I’uesday, (i 6 a r> G Uj5 .'iHi (! 1(5 .W For March 1830. . II. H. M. New, a M .35 morn. Full, l.a»t, 0 :U aft’n. S 15 morn, a 2 utl’ii. construction, and ca[able of being made ef- i garrison, makes a show o( gulluut resistance licient in time of nec;dj it will iiifuse a uew land prep ires the city for the brunt jf the siege, i'rom the firm, di termined ob.stina- cy of the parties, much IjUkmI, it was appre- lieiuled, would be shed in the approaching i taliac character would be destroyed, tlio rock be-! I.arider Carri.iirf) and the l-'ayeltevillo Knfrine, “ l.'nioii,” with thrir cliif.-ri'iit apjiuralus, niakiiiff thirty-oiie cotii|«nii !i, oouiprisin:f in all 1155 men, ' ihn rtlVirh’fl 1 *'■ be tram.Ia^ tho appear-! 'Y-i-tant r.n>cin. ers. assist lUe annctea i r i . • . . .Most of iho hn;Mfu p, m cojun! tc orJiT anJ thcir Ml.iced to k-.rarv, ’ "‘ibru.s work bn^i.tly bun.isi„d, wore decorated ’ ; *™" >n-‘'osuig the jjrains, such as fbuiid in a vein | with Rantiers, Aincricuii Ensigns and 'rii-colorid of water on the national road, w hich has pr!vented our receiving the eastern mail du ring yesterday. 'I'he passengers and mail are within two miles of town, but cannot approach further. Serious fears are entertained for the safe- ty of faniihes living on the lianksof the riv er, and on islands; they will remove from floor to floor, and thus procrastinate their I, f I. 1 .1 I - I formed an inlereslin^ part of the puradf, beinir large ,Kjrtmn o silver contained ,n lhem-,n iJns | ,y,„„ U ease the particl.-s of cjuartz arc naturally loosened, | bore a ba.incr, “ I’nion," with ^ drawin}rof the and (alcinati'ni is unnc':.»ary, lieiiig ready lor 1 (•ni;inc,andiindernealli “IN^iiton iiid 1 r.yctteville.” each blow of the stamps to taku diretl eHect. I I’he ollii r bdiincrs lior«- the mutturs ol the (“evt ral Cellular )uarl^ with rc/ard to this n'lcslioii,— * ’oinpanies, of W asliin;l-.i, nnd I.ayfnytllr, not m.n..ral.;;;ically-u,ay’l^ sub,,l. u into two I ... , ^ . a la;iiu;r r» prc.->cn*Jii:r a buildiiijT nil witfi tiH ir kinds; what is com;nonly called “ iloneyco.nb,’' | j,, ,>o„t_“On Hand.” 'I he Uro-.k., No. and another ol a siwngy deBcri).lio«, resembling : H, ( ioeularlycailed the I'iiino roilc,, had a banner pumice-Ntonc. 'i'hcsu cills are either em(ity or —‘ tN'm|K r I'ariitUF.”—'I'he l{,n>iii. No. Ihad a departure, until the means of escajje arc | idled with argillac ou.s solution, the civi.-ions 0i ba'i'if r inscribt d—‘ r.apid we move, our duty to cut ofl'. Accounts have already reached ; whnh beimrol' n brittle nature, rciuiie nut tho' , , , , - , , ^ I ■ "ini 1 I • I . . .1 • 1 . I i he proeespion moved With the uttno^t rroiilnr- us, of whole families liaving (H'rislieil. aid 01 calcination tor llieir reduction, .'•ome spe-' •, ,1. spirit into theC’ompaiiy which will be form ed to rcceive it. From the Jlostnn Patriot. The Fire Drpailinriit,—'I'he |)aradi’ !>y this bo- [Cl•nte^t. dy, on tlx morning of the iJiid, t:on^isted of tvvr^n-I ~ ly Enjjine C’oinpanii's, two Hook and l.adderl'om- , 1.. FIAUi.X I.IiXCOLNFS'SJS- panics, two Hiicket('arrai:je C’-oiu|ianies, one Ho.^e j o\ti,m'I I) Company, six Fire ('oiin»aiiii's, (e.xelusive of two j I.ycopns atnerirnnus. UaUr Il'mrhmind. attached to a Hiicket t'arria;;,', and I|j«)k and t’alatpa cordilblia. ('nlalja-lrer. 'I'liis treeappcars to have iH'eii inlrodueid by lh! ulmri'/iurH, and d('rivc.- it^ naine from a tribe of Indiaiis resid ing on Ihe t 'atawtia river, riileiim prat(;nse. ’/'iiiiolhij-frrilfS. F,vidrnfly in ti (.dnccd, blit now wiU'cesKl'iilly'naturaliztd with in the limits of the L'nlled .States, rotanio^i tun iiatans. I'unil inerd, Klepli;iiiti)piis earoliiiiiniis. ]'^lijihanVi> fimt. Daetjlis plomeriita. Orrhard-prasn. Introduced. ■Molliigo veiticellata. Cnrpel-ti'rrd. (!-phalanthiis occidentalis. Iliillon irwd. .Mitchella rrp ns. I'orlriilce-hdrij. Coiiins Florida. The bark of the com mon 1 logwood has been found to be an ellioa- ciou«i and valuable substitute tor the I’eruviaii bark. “ 11’, therefore, as Tliatcher observes, our native ptcduuions are ade(|nate to oiir exigen- eics let e.\]M n>iv' exotics he rejected.” C. si riei a. Hiil-rud, ted iritlow, ('. strieta. C'lilliearpa amerieaiia. linmuJian Mulberry. OI)olaiia virginiea. I'rninj.wuit. Aninianio humilis. 'I'lxtlh cup. I.udni^ia all( rnilbiia. fi. maeroearpa, L. nitida. ll'Aopaca. Hdlhj. I. prinoide.-;. (treat Hurnet, 'I'iid Fayctti ville Knginc, piir( ha.ced by the . ity through th'; principal street? of the eltv, and ; STiigiiiMirba canailtnsis. The loas sustained above, in consetjuence I cicB of "llomycomb” arc biised upon nia>«ive , a,t,aeted in-i. h dileiition. As the IVpurlinent M’o'*voluihisa'v.n,Ms. Hind wetd, Morning Olory. of the floKl must lie iinUM'tlse, as dwellings, i quartz of such soliuity as not to be tei>araled by , moved through (’oinin. reial street, a s.iliile was bams, mills, lumber, flour, wheat ami liay- ! manual labor; in tansequencu tliercot calcinatioa ; tired from the Uallimore i'ier, by ilic Columbian Ptacks, A:c. have been floating down in great j would lendt-r Uie separation simple. j 'i tillery. _ SliJ ■ ■ Mctnon,! i. effects of the rise below. m'»,st melancholy app I turnaces. stans. Jhim f Moritiiig Clury. C. tiatala!-. Siri tl jHLialur, i'inuiina jiutatue. C. paiiduratus. Wild /Kjiiitve-t ii'C. Ipomoeu nil. Murni 11^ Glory. I. Carolina, I. nuatn- wlit, 1. Ixins nox, I. coceinea and some other.®. Solaiimn mitrmii. Deudty tiiirfilnhade. S. caroli- in iise. Ilorse-iitittr, S. tuberosa. Irish polatne. S. Ivcopcr'iicuin. Tmiwlues. S. iiielongenB. jih.nt. Almiit 100 species f)f this extensive ge nus am imligenons to America, rhy.salispeiisylvanica. (irouHdl'herry. I’.obscura. Humeliaobloiigifolia, Sperniaco(,e dioUina. l)r(»-erd roliiiidifuli.T. Sun dew. IJhamnus carolinianus. Ituek-thorn. . j' ^ di^.nn..-.r ' ', well Worth a siinilur movement >n the part r. II^ .wi.l J ‘”^«!ofthe citizens of this town. Indeed, ed, and 111 ^ Lms‘uf'l-h!m "«r|>nsed fhat it has not l>ef ,ie re inure IS to l)C sctii than the toj»s ol chun- , Hiibslancru uniU r Irom 5'JO to (iUO Kalir, Cure ' n’ys- Nothing could lie learned resjiocting should be taken in tharging the funuee, lUoider ^ tho s;ifi'ty of the inhabitants, as the l>oal, particle may be #x|)«t^'d loan ecjual dc- coiild not eflect a •■afe landing. jgrccoflKat, »hn h must Ik- turthcr aided b) tun.- The efllrts ol this terribh' calamity, will mgr tim uhar^je and e.xpoaing a new surface to tiie Le sensibly f'.dt by the mercantile portion ol, jjn. access of tin; oxigen 01 the air. 'J'iun process your citizens. \’eiy many merchants bor-j is concluded when the «uli>liureous sn,eil i^i no «1 ring on the Dhio, who were doing a large ' Inngrr p rccptible, and tiie pyrites losing its luu- and prolitablc, have last evcrv , taihc lustre U eomes of a dark red color. I'^ryngiuni virginianum. Kryngo, .Va /W/y. E. aipnilicum. 1^ foelidum. Ilimg, and arc thus made bat.krupf. But j the iiu>st deplorable consetpiences, is the 1 clFfct it will have u|)on the health of he} coiintrv. 'I’he vegftablc matter the river | [10 UK ro.sri,\ri’,o,J (L/ The communication of “(.hiu of the IVopIr,” i on tlie subject ot liie 1 lei lu rat ion ol liic ixiston ! .VlasoiiK, has Im'cii received and c^iiaideied. One de|H>sit, will, I fear, pnxllice levers ot , ulijertion wr have at^inst ( ublishing it, i& it* ex- Ihe iiii>>t malignant nature 1 h.4\c not time at present to answer the cni|uiries made in jour last, but w ill takt! an curly op(K)rtunity of writing more fully. Fiom the Cincinuali [O/iio] Gazelle, Vth. ‘,M. Tin: 1 1,(X1I> AM) ITS ( (WSFt^t K.NCF.S, The riyer continues to subside slowly.— At fl u*cU)ck last night it had fallen ‘J liet 1 indie's. titnie length; wv also object to t ni:a;'iiig out col imins on tiie aubiect ol wnii.ii it treais, either pro or eon, as it coinucts uilh the rules lo wu have eiidiavoreil to continu oiir.'.elvis Rineo the comnirticement ol oiir tiuiiibl' liliors—not to sub ject Ihe pa|ier over whi;li vie have contiol lo any ol the i>arut;s of the day. iNotwitlistaiiuing, «e will endea\or to give “Wiic ol the 1‘eoplt" an iu- seition, 111 coiise|Ueace of its bvu/t> an ansuor to an artiele wnieh we Uioiight pioper to pnliii^h a li'W weeks I)a^t, as an alterpirce to tJie iiroeei i-Siigs . . .. i» .■ ;\s vet littieop|M»rtlinity isafliu'dt'd of the Anli-,*U»onie meeting in tins county. c ! ^ number of I'putu*,''. ceived tlieir atteiitifiii. 'I'h-?!? is mor»* m-jc«nieimi muculatiim. lU mlock. A deadly nar- tcrcour^i*, arir'liis out of .'igriciiltural and | eoiie |«iisoi;. comiii-Tci,ildea!ii|o., In'twecn that town and ■ Sniyrnium trilolialiini. Alexander's. this, tliaii k-tween this and a'ly other town j >■•'>« Kelipta procuinbeiis .1 . I t icuta macnialu. Water Hemlock, WiL in the we^trni part ol the Mato; and we | trust tiiat it is de.stined to Ix' a orov,ing in- I terci.ui'sp. \ et tln'ie is no din*» t stage i coiiiinunicatii.n. 'I’he iiilliienceof the Mem- j hers of ('ongress from that district and this, j will no doiibt begladiv employed in further- j ing an object so iisel'ul lo both places.— ; Tliey will w(>ll deserve the thanks of their j constituents, for promoting an ohjei t calcu lated to unite dilli'rent sections ot the State 1 Wild Pamnip. This plant resembles the hemlock in its delete rious qualities. In the spring of the last year, two children of Mr. .lohn (Jasfcn of this coun ty, and a iiegru girl were searching for angeli ca on the banks of a wiitcr-courso, and, untbr- tunately dug U[>, and cat a considerable quanti- tv of the root of the Water-1 lemlock, »up|»osing Siih'mn\tnn Mifms. 1^"^OR sain nt this otHce, BcvcrnI thousand Kgps of tim Silk-Worin, at 50 eeitti> per thousand, with instructions for the manaf^ement of the saiiie. 'f'hoBc wishing to try tbr experiment of raisiii); the silk-worin, arc requested to apply immediate,, ly betbre tho warm weatlitr commences. March 1, le.'U, 1F01IF.W,\Rn'b11 persons from trading for a note of hand, given by me lo Alex. .McKib. bon, I'br the sum of Taenty'jive IMlart, dated Ue- cember 30, IH.31. Any {lerian trading for said note may exjieet to lose the amount, as 1 nevar intend paying it in consequence of the note bein^ given throujfii rashness and without value received. JA.MKS M. UI,.\.'K. _;WirrA I2t//^18.32, Iwp Forkei Hook LokI. IOS'l’, on Wednesday evening, the Ijitth ulti- J mo, in Charlotte, a Red .Merocco 1‘vckU ISuok, containing a small amouiitof money, about lt2j ;, two NotcF, one on .■Vnron ti. Urillitli, of and some cents, dated '2 or 3 years ago; the other on Hamilton .Mcltec.of j also an account a- gainst .lohn F. Hunter, of which has been. Settled; also two receipts from Mr. Campbell, tho i^onstalile; also other pajicrs, which are not recol- b'ctod. The public are cautioned not to trade for the notcf. \Vhocver will return the Pocket Hook, witli its contents to the subscriber, 4 miles soutU of Charlotte, shall be rewarded for ihiir trouble. MARTIN iCKlUnVLU. March 1, IMP. _ ^i TRUST SALI^i ~ KY virtue of a Deed of Trust to me given by- William J. .Morrison, for pur[ioses thcreiii mentioned, which fully appear on the records of the County Court of iMccklenburg, North-Carolina, 1 shall proceed to sell on Monday, the !)th day of April next, at the Conrt-llouse Tn t^barloUc, tor really money, the following tracts or parcels of Land, viz: 'i'he one whereon the said William J. Morrisor* now lives, containing three hundred and seventy acres; also, a tract joining Robert G. Howard anil others, containing one hundred and twenty acres; also, a Tract of Land bounded on Ihe lands of Wil. liaiii Stitt and others, containing twenty acres ; al so, the Ibllowing negro slaves, viz : 1 lii-k, .lames, Klias and Noah, Fielding, l.ucy, Kli-za and her two childicn, Adaline and her three cliildrcu, also & negro slarc Nancy. l>uc attendance will bo given by R. L DIXk'INS, Trustee of H'. J. Morrison, f'e/iruary Qi^, ]832. it"7 Land for Sale. rB^FlE subscriU r being onxious to remove from ^ this State, offers tor sale his plantation, about five miles from (.'barlotte, lying on the head waters of Sugar Creek and Gum Branch, and near Capps’ and &nnttt’s Gold Mines, containing aliout 4 10 nrrrs, on which tl>«r« are two dwelling housrs, iVc. which would answer for two families—the land is as good as any iu this section for Corn or Cotton. There is on this land a fine prospect of a mine being opened, as somo very rich 8|^-cimens havo been found. Those wishing to purchase will please apply to the subscriber on the premises. WM. MetOIH). Meehlerlnrn ety. March 2, 18.'W. il77 more'lv together.—/'///• i)bsimr. LATi^T 1 i:o.M i;n;i.a.m>. The pac!-;et sliip ('amhria, fVoin London, has arrived at .N’cw .^’oi k, bringing London dates of tlio 14tli, and Portsmouth of the Kith .lanuary. 'J’he French Ministers have been defeat- Thursilav, AOTICF. XlHI'' suhscrilter having qualifii d as adminis> tratoron the estate of .-Vlexander 11. Ingram, dec’d. at the I'ebruary term of MecklenburgCoun- ty C'ourt, requests all [jcrsons indebti-d to the said estate to come forward and make inuneifate set- i* to 1m.‘tlie object of thfir pursuit. A very sliort tleiiient; and all having claims against the samo to present them within tho time prescril«,d by law, or they will be debarred of recovcrv. KOirr. WALK'IJP, Adm’r. March 1, l'S3‘3. 4t7.')p time after it was received into the stomach, the usual effects of niircotic poisons were induced; as diiotion of the pujiiis, nausea, dimness of vision, vertigo, wild delirium, convul.sions, &c. One of the vliite children \\’as so far exhausted from the virulKiiec of the poison, before medical aid could be obtained, that all etibrts to rtsioie it proxed abortive. The other two, with great dilfienliy, were saved. Ttiis holds out an in- struetive less-on lo purenls to discountenance \ that too coniinon pra(-.tice with children, of, searching for fragrant roots. Isiiardiap.ilustris. Water purslane. Ludwigiapal of Klliott. Polypremuin procuinbe.ns, PancMtiuni rotatum. Celiis oeeidentulis. Kettle-lrec, llaek-herry. To those desirom of raising good Horses. .EKOAAIT. THIS thorough bred and cel ebrated Morse, (sir«-d by the ini- ported horec Eagle, ttic fleetest luirse of his day,) will stsnd tho present season in the town of Charlotte, two days in each week; and at Joseph .MctJinnis, seven miles north of Charlotte, the same iiumbc r of days. The low prices of all kinds of produce has hith- fo survey the extent of actual destruction. ! muy tind r.n.m lor .1 next W.ek, .tour are , they wish.Ml to grant a C imI List to l.ouis lerlo prevented mostofthc farmers of this country *ablo. ! (ions of this kind, as w e do not wioli to olfend any It i.' ascertained that there has Ix^eii ^ one t>y n-jccting itieir pieces, plundering to a considerable evtent, in the | d.-vi-rteil hoii^is. Some wretches detected ; The Sdk-uvrm.-ihx iho p.-igeof this week’s ,i,„jr „r. ' pn|sr wiillK-Ibiind an artii Ison tlic rearing ot the in attempts ol the character, or m tlie r ac- r .„„tb, Inal per|s“triition, have be’en^ coiiiniitteil to ()„. cntor ol the American l-'Hrmer, which prison Ml. ()dillion i’tarrot and Ins friends out ed the .Ministers, and granted only twelve nulli'-ins, being le,ss than hall' the amount tory tumour. V, dentatum. Arrou-vemid. enjoyed by ('luirles the'I’enth. Tri>dcscantii virginica. Spider-wort. (Jerman pa|»ers to the 1 Itli January had ' Orolmnche unitlora. Syuuw-rovt, ( aneer root. As- ( Kher doings little less dishonora-' lurnislied to l»oct. M. W . Alexander, ot' tins b!* are tolerated. 'I'here is a prospect of eounty, a tew years ago, \ ho ha* maae siR-cchsiul liiuls 111 tins interestin,f culture. Those who may have a desire lo iry the experiment of rai.sing the been reci-ived in London, announcing mili- i i;'2^o^^TTli:,cart. U. sessiliflora. Indians apply the dockmackil externally as a i . 1 ■ . tlmx,,„i, . , ,,, . . . liovereign rmnedy in every species of intlamma- ' /1.RON AU I ha* hitherto stood : " -■ ■ - lie will stand tlie present season ut the exceeding ly low price ot' Four Diillarn the single leap; Sir ! Dollars the season, & Dollars the insurance. As op{>ortunities like tho prcKtnt but seldom oc- Silk.worm, will be lurni.di, d with a copy ol these instruction-!, with the I'^ggs, which have been letl Ibr dlsjHisal at this othee. AVir I’tipers.—i’ro|«)sals have been issued for Ihe ount a scarcity of provisions, esfM'cially fhoaiti clesofHour. 'I'lio holders have ailvanced Ihe prices. Befori' the ris**. Hour, in store, V as live doHars twenty-five cents |)cr Irarrel. It IS now ,«ix fifty to w-ven, and on the rise. This is individual speculation upon a |nihlic coiiiinoii calamity, a \ i.sitation ol I’rovideiiee uiM.n a whole country. t)ughl con- c.crncd in it to Is^ eounlr-naiiced ’ Trial of Mrs. Ch(H>mn>i.~''\\G trial of Lucretia ( hapman, :ihas .Mina, on a charge «if Is'ing an accomplice with the Spaniard ISlina III tiie murder of her late husband, Withani (’ha>man, before the Court of r,neks county, IVnnsylvaiiia, resulted in her aciiuittal on the 'Jtith ultimo. 1 lie trial vcited Ihe iiiovf intense interest, and lasted ol the cities and towns throughout tiie coun- tary preparations by Holland on the Bel gian fVonlicrs. It isa very anxious moment, find it seems to hang on a breath, whether there will Ik? There is an English fleet in the Tagus, under Admiral l*arkcr; the Kegent, 1-ti; the ,\sia, (( ’odrington’s flag ship at N'avari- 1‘olrgonatium multitlora. Solomon's seal. Juii'eus etfiisus. Rush. 1. caiiip'.‘-tris, 1. tenuis, I. erhiiiatus. .Mcl.inlhiiim \irginiciim. lilar'n.flnwer. '\esculus llava. Itiick-ei,c, Hnr-ie Chesnut. Polvgonum aviculare. Iturkwheut, and two v»iie- tle«. P. scandeu.'i. CliiiiLing Iturktrheat. P. ori- riitale. I'rinre's feather. I^ persicaria, P. piine- tiituiM, 1’. convolvohis, P. e.rilblinm, P. Saggita- tuai, P, barbatum, and a few other,-*. aniciilata. c publiealmnofa pa,H r in Asheville, Ituncombe , „o, \mug the finest round .steriicd HI ,n the A.urborea. A. Panic unty 111 Ihis •. lo he called the *• Jaaison , .) tl,,, Uevcuge, 7t! ; ai.ft \ IC- ^ repens. Trailing Arbutus. by Mr. N\ illiaiii roller. ' * i • • o ai . • i i t * lor bri^ ot wur, [ .Monotropa unitioru. Jrttwn ]nju\ Pro,wsals are also out for the publication of- a i embarked at Lislwn for Ma- Ccr. is canadensis, Judas-tree, Ited bud. Literary ami .s>eieiilihc paper at UiaiH-l Ilill, by ' i i ,i „ i. c il.r.* llvdrau'»ei vulrnriB. Il'idrauyifa. the tiile'ot -Tm: llAKBi.M^KR.'- As the design a,! ! have been re-landed the people of |M*arte lo btj gcx>ti, wo hliuU givo au ii)tw:rlioa Lo the Island iK'iDi; about to sliakf? otr the yoko oi | ProbiH.etu8 111 our next paper. lK,ii .Migiiol in favor of .Maria da (Jloria. j Slcllaria pub- ra. Stitrh-wort. The States Cieneral iiave gratited a large ! Sj>ergula sagii.oides. Snurrci/. budget to the King of the Netherlands, .Mou^..rar Chieheeed. t ■, I ' 1 II * I ^ I • 1 Aiirostnniua ititliairo. ( ucKfr. which, we apprehend, will not le.S^Cll h.s o.xalis vi, laeea. Wood sorrel. O. strieta, O.ace- Frotn the I'aiicttiville Ohscr^cr. Our readers will recollect, that imnicdi- I'he trial' atclv after the lire of Mav last, whilst manv 11 iiavs! ”'i'he court sat on an average try were making up their generous contri- n -ht hf>urs a day, and on the l.isiday more biitions in favor of tho sulli;rers, a plan was than eleven hours. Mum’s trial was (Rist- i mentioned in the Boston papers, for procur- ,*o.icd until next court, to l>e held on the ing a Fire Engine, to supply the place of 1;;5.| of \pril, mainl\ on the ground of the those consumed in the fire, to bo purchased mihhcation Jf a letter signed bv Lucretia by the voluntary contributions of the Fire- riiai.nian, which was iiuhlishcd in tlie Bos-; men of that city. 'I'he time which has e- t..n Moini-itr Post, and copied by tho pa|)cr lapsed without any further notice of the published at Doylestown, where the court; subject, led us to suppose that the purpose, warlike pro[XMisities. 'I'liis IS the Summary of the news from Euro|M’. 'I'he London Sun of the 13th snys, the Paris evpres.s mentions that the Sultan has declared War aoainst the I’acha of E- tiy I cles had readied the Prussian ICinbas y thi preceding day tosella, O. eornirulata. Penlhoriim s':doid;s, Orpive. Caetin op'.inlia. l'i;r, Prickly Pear. Prumis Chickasa. ('liickasiu' I'luin. P. spinosa. S!oe. P. ( Vrasu."!. Garden Cherrj. P. doniestiea. Plum. P. virjMniana. Wild Cherry. Ciiphea visei .!.->iaia. iVVix ioicd. rypt, and that it was currently re[)orted in Agrimo.'iia l.upHtoiiu. .t-irimnnu. Paris I II Wedne,sda\, that the formal refus- ! ‘ .atagu> puKeitJa. Thorn lush. C. crus ga'.li. C. I .. 4 * • * , v ,1 * ,, i' * fnrcin. a. (r^;lr^ .’uNa. ( . irlanci-.wo^a. il ol Austria to ratity the twent\-four ai i- (.\,ld,„.roJ. s. c.nadcnsis and some o'.ht- ' nr, .-.A i-iN’-rn. cur for breeding from a good stock of Horses, it ia ho|>ed tliat the present w ill not be passed by. i ’ Further particulars will be made known in handbills; THE PK()PIUETOK. ('barlotte, March 6, ll;.3:i. 3l78. Istatj: of i\ort/i caroli.\a^ JlKl'KLKXItrKi; COf.NTV. Isaac Price and otiters i vs. ( "/ F.quHy, ^o. Thomas Orierandoiliers. ^ remier Tcnn, lb31. IN this ease, it was Ordered by the Court, that publication bo made si* weeks in the .^liners’ &. Farmers’ .lournnl, to Archibald White i nd hi-i w it'e Su-!an, tw o of the deti ndants, who reside out of the limits of this State, that unh ss they appi-ar at the next Court of Equity to b«- held for .Meck lenburg county, at Charlotte, on the 7th .Monday al\er the 4th .Monday in March next, there to an swer or plead, the bill will be ,takcn pro eonfesso against Ilium and be lii-ard ex parte. Py order, D. R. Dt-NI.AP, c. m. c. March 2,1«32. itM TAKO I I’ 4M) committal to the jail in (Concord, N.C. a negro man who calls his nan:-.- JIM, He ia a- 1 imt !2'J years old, ti feet and 2 in ches high, mid savs lui belongs to William W.C. Kirklin, living ia Barinve'l l)iti ict, S. C. The own- I cr is roqiiented to come forward, piove pro|H;rty. Duv changes and tike I im away. ‘ ’ 0’\I \HAN, Jailor. Mar.’h -r !':50, 7'i

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