MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOVR^fAL. V6l« II. ■ ■' i~ a »*R1.\TKU \NI) FI ItI.ISllEI) EVKRV Tl KNIIAY, HY THOMAS .I. lIOI,TOX....tlIAUI.OTTK, MIX IkLKNUl ft; t OLM'V, N()in il> AROLINA. I WIU, TKACH Yor; TO rit:nrE the BOWKLS nr the earth and BRIMI OI T from Tllt CAVKHSH ok the Urn'NTAINX, MKTAI.» W fin tl WII.I. give stremjth to our HANHH AM> RI BJECT AI.L NATURK 1X> oi r us* and pleasi re.—dr. JOllliilioN. Sl]|»TI]>I»lTiriHr ____ IIIU Winers’ & FariiicT)«’ Journal Is |irintrd und imblinlied every Tuesday iiioniiiig at Two DoUait and Fifty Ctnli per Bnmnn, if puid in udvance j Three Dollars a year, if not paid until after tli« expiration of six niontli». A1)V1:RTISKMENTS willbe inKftidat IHfty crnts per gquare (not excccdinjf 2U lines,) for tiie first insertion, and25ci!nts for each snc« cdin(f week—or ?l for three weeks, for one sqnorc.— A libcritl diiicnunt will be raade to tliosc who ndvertischy the year. (TJ OnalladvLTlisemi'nts fominunicaled Ibr publication, the number of Jnsertions must lir noted on the rnarfrin of the innnusrript, or they will be continued until forbid, und charped accordingly. All communications to the Editor mu>t come free nf pontuet, or they may not be attended to. iXolior. Subscriber liaviiifr qiialiticd :it the Au- gust Court, as idniiiiiNtrator on tlie tstatc of Uryan U'. Taylor, dcc'd. hereby nolitirs those iudt bted to said estate to make iinincdiate p.iy- nient; and those having cluiiiiH a);iinHi the Kauie art* rei|ueMed to present them pro|>erly aiilbniti. cated within t)ie time prescribed by law, or tliis notioc will be plead in bur uf their recovery. SAM’L. TAYLOU, Adm'r. Augu*^18ro. 02tf HEAIMI1 AKTKKW, ( CharloUt, l«r Sept. i To TiiHToMMiHsioNEn OmrfH.s op Tiir. 1st Reci- ME.NTor .Mei-klenburo, N. C. Y" Ot’ ur« (.-uiiiiuunded to appear at tlie (.'ourt-llousc in t'hur- lotle, on Thursday, the iltli day of Oetob«‘r next, for the purpose of drill, arinrd with side arnu, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Captains cominandin|;companvs arc hereby ordered to ..ppear at iJio t^jurt-Uoiise with their coinpanys under their cnniniand, lor the pur pose of drill review and inupcction, on l'riday,the l:ilhof(>'lobi‘r, arm. ed a>> the law directs, with U rouiid:) of blank cartridjes, at 10 o'clock, A. .'M. Hy order of JOHN SI.OA.V, Col. Comd't. W.M. W . LONG, Atij'l. Ki:ani:.^T.iL oi{1>i:kn. rj^lIK 6!tth Regiment of North-C'arolina Mili- \ IL tia will parade at fhcir uyual Regimental parade gniund, on 'I'ufsday, the !tth day ol' iK-to- }mt next, armed and cquipiK'd as the law directs, for the purpo-«! ol' ReMCW. The Cotmiiiscioned and nen-Commi«''ionpd Of- reeri and mtinii'ians will attend on the day pre vious for the pur(x>sc of drill. Uy order of tlie Col. Comd't. W.M. W. I,IDE. A,lji. Ci'Uh Kegitneni ,V C. MtUtia. 20(A. Ih.l:.'. :«v,r or TIIK LUiasLA’l L KL: I'OU lH3i. A«lie John Ray, S. Taliall'ero Witcher and Horton, C. Anton—W. A. Morris, S. TIioe. D. Parke and Moses (^uthbertRon, C. iiMrie—JaniesMcDowcll,S. Alney Burginund F. I*. Olass, C. Unnnmhf James Allen, S. James Weaver and John Clayton, C. H'riit—li. O. Askew. L. Thompson and IJ. Outlaw, C. Hlalen—U. T. Melwin, S. J. I. .AI’.Millan and R. Lyon, C. Ilrvntwick—W. R. Hull, S. -S A. Laspeyre and Jno. WBdilell,(\ Wpo«/ort—Joseph B.llinlon,S. Henry S. Clark and K. M. Konner, C. Cunihfilatid—John I).Toonier,S. John D. Ec- cles and David .McNeill, C. Cosu'ftt—Jnnies Kerr, S. Littleton A.Gwynn and iinrzillai (Jraves, C. CAr////a»i-—Nuthun A. Stedman, S. John Uuthni^und Hugh .M'Queen, C. (ViOiroH—-tVl. William hullock.S. Jofeph H. Skinner and I’aker F. Welch, C. ramilrn....U. S. Ik II, S. H. I). Harris-on and 'I’hos. Tlllet, C. Cohimlni)—Luke K. Simmons, S. Caleb Ste- veoh and Josiuli .MaultKby, C. C«/rn/—Thomas .Marshall, S. Otv. ay Burns and Duvid W, Horden, C. Ciaren—Hiciiard I). Spaigbt, S. Abner Hart ley and Wiley .M. Nelson, C. Calianut—.•Vrchib.ild Houston, S. Daniel M. Karrinffcr, und (ieori^e I'rj, C. (‘uirilnrk—Jonutban Liiidjay, S. J. B. Jonci and fJeii;. T. Siinn ons, C. Dujiliii—John L. liuM^uy, Joseph liiiispie and (irady, Datidsan—Juhn Hogan, S. Willium ise- nian and Henry Lodlurd, C. t'.ilaeroiAli—lH>iiis I). Wilson, S. John W. F’otts and (iray LittK, C. Franklin—\\'m. P. Williams, S. Alfrel Lan caster und NuthanivI It. Tiinstall, C. (iinnrilU—Thomab W. Noiniun, S. Sptneer t>’Brien and Jolm C. Ridley, C. Ouiljotd-—Jonathan Parker, S. Alien Pee ples and David '1 hoiims, C. (;rrerip—.Wvatt Moye, S. Jaiiits llarjKr and John Biiii.ond, C. 6'n/fs—Will. W. Coot cr, S. W. Stdlling and i^oreifiti Jntiititfenre. LA'I ER FROM ENGLAND. . [r» hwl’est.J I'loin the Arkanfos Gazttte. DENTAL SUKGEKY.--Ao. III. We arc often tiski d, whiit is the e.’tisting cmise of decay in the teetli ? We reply : Diaeji.'^c nmy Ik; brought on in tlie leeth ci- ther iVoni increasod, supprecsed, or dirnin- i»ih(Hi action.—Warm, and stimulant sub. htancos will iiicrouso tlio velocity of ihc cir- ciilaiing fluids. ’I’his increase is snccceded hy c:orru.s|»oiiding dehility. For instance; any stiinulfius taken into the sy^tt in will in- rrcu.so arterial action fora time ; but as thi! efi'ectsof'thc stimulus subside, the pulse sinks as far 1m;Iow llie standard of health as it was above it, hlien under the influence of the stimulants, with the teeth. If this do- consequently \vc have no further in send one or more persons to the I'nited States, to collect information relative to i the American sybtcin of banking and cur- ' rency. This is a step which might cer- Nfiw-YoKK, S'pleml)cr 3.—The schooner Courier and on Saturday, in sight - .-.t..., •. . , tlio fine new ship Orpheus, Capt. Cobb, i ^ x“) if fair play ai».l this morning our Collector reached town with London pa,«rs of the V»:)d July, ^ 1 inquirer, b.arded ^ “""'y ^ “dvantdge, and if tl,o ofl'iie I.sland Light, Iover-as it ought irnheus. Caot. Cobh, i P'“y iK-mg three days later than before received.! ‘ •">?«>• tant subject arc only to h» Our J.iverpcl dates arc of the i'.'ith, the , ''-‘I hringti.g tngelher all the in- dnv Capt. Cobb left that place, though his pilot did not qmt him till th« 27th. i .mportant No arrival has taken place in England,; ” '”‘1^"''>' since our previous accounts from I’ortugiil, In that country the trade of banking and currency is j>erlectly free. Ihere is a .. 1 , . i- .1 „ I. ].! Uovernnient bank, the renewal of whose bihty belong contmu.d, it may '''''rI charter is, like our own, at this i able to retu.vei- a healthy action. I'his, m i ^om l*.r 1 rt n i, f ' r consideration; but it has had the teeth, is sure to re.-ult in moilitiration coming from a quarterl. . , , . j’. of llii'pill*.—(’old uud aslrii)g*‘iil 8ul)slan-!inforiiialion ces dimmish the action in the teeth. that the Spanish Ambassador at Lis- mav never recover. .Mortification is the I‘‘"'‘^cts by order of his court all the conVequeiic'. 15v pr..»sure on the teetii, measures ot Don Miguel, whose ministers at the present moment are mere cypher.s, they having explicitly to obey the orders of or parts of them, the action of the circula lion ma\ MippK'ss^ed. It cannot recover. inon»>nt no mo nopoly, and has had to maintain the coin|>e> tition with other banks, of which there is about 80(1. It has, however, by its posi> tion, necessarily great influence over the whole of them. The Americans, we l)clicvc, liuve had lld.e.- iii> trrth d. cav. In'what nart o( "'a**'*'*’ he hini.elf lj, ing under ! "“‘j®*'®* ~ the .sole guidance of S|>ain. }},.ii|gi, ; but have dissoived them ; and a conimitteu the teolli diii s gaii^Piiie usually commence 1 Aii.swer : iinally immediately under the i-iiuiiiel; U ausc these parts are most re- moll- from the centre of circulation, conse- quf'titly les.H iiourisliinent is afforded them, 'i i;o first VII eiice of the existence of dis ease, IS (ii.scojoration, which maj be seen thiiMj;;h ihe enamel. It re-acts iip^m the hciltliy pciUa adjoining it; this on the next, and ^o »ti, till a large poilion is dis eased. It i.ow becomes carious, and as it Il'Ts hut lilt!*- resistance the enamel either l»rMk. 111 or ivciiii.es decayed also. Now tln ro 1.S a lar^^e cavity. This sometimes a; peais (iuiiiig the time of eating, and for ill. lirsi time the patient is apprized of dis- iii a tooth ; ai d |)crhaps thinks he has government seem, however, determined to I *’'cn gone the length ol see fair play between the two brothers, the i recommending the dissolution of this also, new Knglish envoy to Lisbon having des-1 grounds we are not aware.— icd an ofiker to ihe Spanish army i its eBlablishinent, howc\tT, is patched ihe frontiers, who is to repoVt to him e'vcry j curwus. In the period lietween movement made by that body of troops. 1the bunks in a majority ot tho Helgium and Holland still eontiiuied to ' occupy a considerable share of public a.teii- ^ op tion. ' The London Conference it is stated n ; I ' r- have agreed upon ce.tain neu- propositions bc-came desirabe for the Congress to re- .1 ..I * *• .1 . ^ fin medv, and as the law had prorided DO now- tor the selllenient ot the qurslion. Ihis; • • . . it . /o. . . scheme, which is to be emb^l.ed in a .Ixty i ‘^^o m e.ferc, the United States Bunk was protocol, comn.o.icesbvexpressi4 '^'’'*^'‘^'’"‘* ‘he general com- the satisfaction of the Conference at the [^y •" 11, I- .. II , cas), to do ttie same, i lus cfiect its es- uillm^ness e.\hiiiited by the King ot Hoi-' ... , . . , , , 1 I . •: , ® , , tab IS iment fiad, and a most treuiein ou3 land in Ins last propositions to come to an , .. MILITAHV' OKDKRS. iii;\i>-itrAit'i i:ks, CuHCOtd, -4ui’ui( -V, It>30. Ilrrt/ord—l.ridiLT J. Mont^'omcry, Carltr und 'I'lionias V. IiolM'rt>. C. Iredell.—Col. 'I’l.oinas.Mli derniilk and Ceo. F. Djvidsr Jiiuet Janies llarii.on, S. Nulhan 1 oseue and John H. Hammund, C. Jiihiiotnn—Hillary Wilder, !;. John .MelA'oi and Ji.siah Adams, C. Ui., ir—-W . D. .Mon ley, S. Alim W . W ooUn and ( ouneil Woolen, C. f.iiiroin— Daniel Hok^S. .Miles \V ■ Abermtliiy and Henr) Cannier, C. ihcklrnhuri;—Henry Massey, S. Jas. Dongli- ind Juhn Hart, C. .Much difierence of opinion exists here on the merits of the American system— some treating It as quite perfi^ct, and olU- Thomas Hill ii» more subject to dff ay than i the latt( 1. W h\ IS the pain of lontli-arhe more e.x- ierutiatmg than any other? I’efause the stiuetiireof the tc-th is so dense that their €l vB 1 ^|S A»;i ( h I .nlm. C. A'jr-//nnuier—Joseph Lamb, 1 ir W W and L. H. .MarsU Her, C. Soitiitimiiltin H.irod Fuiscn, S. R. B. (Jary und .\llin f'lerie. C; Au»A—W. W . Boddie, S. Jos. Arrinjion and Georgi iiotldie, C. i i i .i . cL/,t.'f--W. Moncomcry, S. Joscpli Lllison 1 turm cannot be altered—thoy cannot per- and F. H. .Manpum, C. ''' it the nerve to swell; and the moment in- OnW(/ir.—l.iwikDishong.S. George A.'riiomp- ji.iiniiiatioii takes place in the nerve, instead ,, I id' lx'iii2 mitigated hv the rt'cession of the \\ ilhain 1. , , . . .... — ■' h — -- - —ip I, - ■ 1 V . . 1- ilootli. It is increased by the resistance It of- Bri^ade ofthe lih fj ^ J. W. Town- ' lers. When swellmg takes place in a part MiiUn, are her.ty eonimande.lto»p(Har in on-! l fr^iHions-- iki r_, .'»*iiintr, .. ... v. .io»ii , r~ f • cord, on Tl.urMlav. the 27lh of S,-pien.her next, i »c"d ana I). Mulhn, ( . , , „ . ^ ^ lall.'cled with rheumatism, the aeute.iess of « nil Ihere re«|.i ciivc sul>ullcrns and privates, e- j ^ ersor—lic.berl \ aniiook, S. Benj. A. Sum- i j.gj,, ,j, abated, U'cause the pres?ure Oil quipped aeeordinR to law. loi Review, /riie Reg-1 J,’- ^ ^ j t he diseasinl part is removed. V. hv is more ;!iir, *.S:c. the lip siiieldiiig the under teeth ; tion appears to be theappointment ofcoinmis. _ 'I and the saliva which is uMiall> about them, .siotiers l>y the two powers, to meet at Aix- smI.S. i^olonion Lott-: U.-ops up tlie equilihrimn of temperature in ' la-Chapelle, to negotiate and conclude an oi.,c. ilifiii. TIh v decay in the sides before the'arrangement in relation to the division of , malar tectl^ he. au^e there is more pressure 1 territory and at l-lrecht in relation to the , drawing conclusions from it ot a wholly o.Hin them, 'i hey being smaller, oIUt but: .l.vision of the .National debt. On the .sub-; liti:-n si.Maiiee, ai.d there is an inclination je. t of tiie navigation of the rivers which ,*■ »'«*^'’ials, it is obMous tfiat no uf all the i-aek t.-eth towar.ls them. Win I sr r^nato or traverse at the san,e time the ! conclusion can be perfec ly re led on, and do the deno .ipientia almost invariably rle- ; Dutch and liel.ian territory, the Conference ‘'f “‘C pro|H^r course is to correct eav , krause .hey .ppeur at a late period,, however say, it is to bi,- un,lerstoKl that the ‘"'orrnation, which will not be diflicult, as a.s‘th.-ir mime in’.phes, v^hen there is less principles already laid down by them shall.Y",have for iiiany jears com- n.ui ishnu i,t a(i:..ded ihem than at an ear- .letimtely adopted. •“‘‘-••r ^a-ks to publish an annual ' statement of their atiairs, mnumerable re- hich are, in fact, e.xtant. 'I’heso ly/xid, divested of the local may contain, and conipre.^sed historical narrative, will form valuable document, and help any ed the King of Holland, in order to gain defieiency in our own experience of tho time, would propose to leave the settlement '‘“oject. i c I tmcs. f ■inn Commanding C)fricer», belongmif to the | ^ ■ m R. uinieiit of Cavalry altaelnd to Ihe lllli | _ ‘ n»yno«i«*--John I,. B:.iley, S>. im. nl V ill \n- formed at 10 o’clock, A. M. ’ I V’i«--Allred .Moye, S. 'I'be Offietrs U !.'nging to said Rejrinient arc ‘ ■ hereby eomniandtd lo ap|«-ar in Charlotte, on I Howell,S. -\le.\.\\ 'f'lic.day, the iMh of .ept. inber next, e.piipped as , jaiiiin Lee, t. re»|uired by law, for drill and other excreise, pre pared to form llie lino at 11 o’clocl,, A. .M. By order of W .M. C. MKANS, rol. Comd't. ( ll.\S. J. HAHRIS, .idj't. |>aiii I xperienced in the extraction of a tootii London, July 21. Wc have been rather surprised at a statement made in the Mornin*; (’hronicle. Strrt Ctrrk 7'i«o/i of Cariilry are eom- ■ maiideil to appear on their usual parade ground, on WtdneKday the IHih ol Sept. at 11 o'c look precisely, armed and c.juipped as the law dircels. W.M. H. NEEL, Captain. st, l*'32. 'iw HxcKu.ond—W. F. I.eak, S. Isaac Di'uyhcrty and Diinean Mcl aurin, C. Hockitiplium—RoIhtI .Martin,s. llenjaminSet- tie Hiid Fliilip I. Irion, C. Hiindil})h--.H\i^h .Mollitt, S. A. Cunningham and Brower, C. of all the disputed points to the arbitrament ofthe United States. The arrangement which places a son of , . , , , , the King ofllavanaon the throne of (ireeee, ‘''“V t-aJ been strongly n conirneiRled to appears to be very unpopular in London. >1'meters to despatch persons to the I nite«i It is b lieved that'he vvill be a mere tool “I****'" '"‘oration relative to the in the hands of Russia. The guarantee will, a view given by En«land for the pavmenrof a loan enlightening the Parliamentary Cornmit- to be raised tor prince Otiio, had fx>en the “*« subject of di..cussion m the House of Com- circuinstanee eon- mons, as had also again, the Russian Dutch " ith the history of banking and loan; the ministers, who were rather rude- ‘-•‘^‘•rency in America, that cannot l>e sufii- ly assailed by the Tory members, carried atsonandBen- jiluit aciies, than one which dews not ache? their point bv large majorities. i-IU-eause the nerve is swollen and intla-1 ^ The late resolution of the Diet of Frank- ex,Kiise of a special mission across the At- tort continues to be the subject of general . , , , , discussion nnd reprobation in both the I'ng- lish and French papers. Ky the last prU ^ul*«tance ot such inquiry will be f^.und ta vate letters n ceivcd at Pan's from Switzer- P'“'‘'> "'though m some ot the remnto districts, whose intercourse was difhcidt and e.xpensive, the local banks have been iiied. It is ni(»re painful fora diseased por tion of tlesh to be touclieil, than a sound one. ' PHILANTHROPIST. A man gives an account in the t'harles- W«fAf./or(/—Joseph Carson,S. Thomas Dew es ] ton C.’ourier of a gross outrage committed ICitiiut nf a Ictltr from iMuisxnlle, Ken. .iujr. l:i. “ A.S you no doubt are pretty much in the dumps, I will tell you the subject of a caruMttire about to be published here; but first the ffory, which iS^ri/e:—farmer in tins iieighlHirlKiod has u stupid n«gro, whom he .s4‘t to ploughing, but not having much faith in his judgment, told him, “ Ji»ey, you we that cow ?” “ Yes mas- R-.i.” “ Well, then, plough up to the cow.” “ Yes massa.” .M’ter the.‘«‘ explicit direc tions, the master the field. As long es tht! cow slootl still, Josey ploughed as straight as a shingle, but the cow had whims of her own, and would Ik* promenading the fiehl, nnd Josey after her ; so, instead of tiiakiiig straight furrows, Josey made them of all sorts of angles, round and square, .«hoit and long, acute and ,ohtus!, «\:c. So niueli for following the cow. Now, says yon, where is thea|iplication ?—Jacksonisin. I hope the Pfiiii.^ylvaiiitt Joseys will not plough on to the cow.” An acre of ground in the vicinity of Newhiirv[>orl, Ma.ss. pnxluced last jear Hl(i} l.iishej^of onioDf , iVom three pounds of seed. and Dr. lr«in, C. Ki»ir«n—Archibald (I. Carter, S. Tliomas (J. Polk and Riclimond Plar^on,C. Hiimpsou—Edward C. Gavin, S. C. Monk and D. Sloan, C. Surry—\\ ni. P. Dobson, S. Daniel W. Courts and Tlios. J. Word. C. iitokes—liabriel T. Moore, S. John F. Poin dexter and L. Zi).'Ur. T:,:iiil- -iivu. D. N. Bateman, S. Charles Mc- Clces and Samuel B. Spriiill. IVujnr—James Rhoiles, S. John Broadhurst and Patrick Cromwell, C. UiiAf—Henry Seawell, S. Charles L. Hinton and NalhanitI (i. Rand.C. Harreri—John H. Hawkins, S. T. J. Judkins and John Brayg, C on his |>erson in the streets, and attributes It to |Militical hostility, lie says he got land and (iernianv, it is asserted *liat the whose intercourse was difhcidt people there are confident of their strength, e.xpensive, the I.K;al banks have been and resolved to struggle against the confe- l>enoficial, that the jwwer o •lerate despots. Great disturbances grow- P«P«^ discretion has led “somewhat intoxicated” at night, and when i,,^ out of the infamous pros-cription ofthe «'»' unqualiiied mischief by he came to himself in the moi ning, he w as' Polish patriots by Russia, still continue to ri'">ous ftuctuating prices that it has lying in the Public Market, tarred all over, {oxi^t in Lithuania. produced. W e are aware that a nominal his head shaved, and one of his whiskers j We lament to perceive that the Cholera security has l)een exacted from the Amen- shaved off, his pantaloons and ooat cut, und j prevails to a sen. us extent in London and of his body mulilated. He knows no other: throu-rhout I'-noland -eneraliv. Thc(}ov- obliging them to pro«luco 1 that he is a I nion |ernmrat will not publish olScial reports of a certain proportionate amount of specie, reason for all this, but rioiisly druiik” to have undergone all this ,s evident from t.en. Jas. W ellUorn, S. W.C. Emmet ] parties are edil'ying the pub- *'1vu“»A"nJ‘DL‘-Jolm^ Joseph S. ‘^c With their diflerent versions of it. man. VVe think he must have been “glo- |the slate of health of the metropolis, vet it that the legislation from many circumstanges,' that ‘'as been so universally ev.ided by l^.rrow- without waking. A general rorr had taken place at the house of a Mr. Canipliell, a few nights tie Norman and Samuel Hardison, C. TOWNS. Tmrn of Fayrttrriilf—Iiouis D. Henry. Toirn if \Mlminf;ton—Daniel Sherwood. Town of Mrtrhrrn—Charles (i. Shepard. 'Fotrn of Sali»hury—Burton Craige. Town if //o/i/Vij.—William L. I.on;j. Tuirn of HillKhoniuch—Thos. J. Fatldis. Tiitrn of /’.(/(•nron—.Samuel T. Sawyer. FaiictfcvUle Obxerrcr. “ In npite (^' your Urtk."—Judge llrack- enhridge who has lately made some stir in ^he political world, and who is a comical son of a comical father, resided some years in Florida, it is said after he was engaged to be married to a lady in one of the Mid dle States. Diiring this time, her beauty was impaired by the loss ot one or two ol the pestilence is making great ravages »is ni all quarters, to meet the e.vuninatiou there. A man who was taken up for theft, t'« P''l*l>c mspectoi^, that it has virtually died with the disease between the time of to deceive rather than give security his first and second examination at the police to the public, riie fact is, there can bo ollice, twfnlv-tbur hours. The subjc'ct of adequate and eflicient stcurily fi.r a pa- tithes in Ireland, nnd the putting down bv P" currency, but by the est.iblishmeiit ot government of large a.sseinblages of people ,o‘ •'«uo, ut.oerclieck and in that country, still give rise to very a- particularly m « country einjagca crinionious debates in the House of Com-1 *" ‘-i'*- mons. In these, .Mr. O'Connell and .Mr. GERMANV. Stanley, the Iri-ih Secretary, are the must' M aniieiji. .Tuly lo.—-'Ihe wish to uni to prominent speakers. * the whole of (lermany into one kingdom e refer our readers to the remarks gninis ground liaily, and is the subject of made by two Londou j.nirnals in relation to discussion in the .wu n and the rafi’. The ('ommissioners who are to lie sent out to [>eople sjieaU Ivoldly, .'iiid declare they are her fore teeth. This circumstance gave . (.(.iintry, by r ( oinmitlee of the House determined never to 1«' satisfied until this her some uneasiness; and when she ap|>ear-1 of Co,,,,to iiiipiire into our banking object is obtained. Th. y pivtend that at present they are the sliijftlecocks of Fu- i:.Vi;i,\\n. rop-—then- eoiiritry llie fi( Id of Iwttle, on London, Ju'\ Cl.—Wo understand that wliirh disf'iites. to which they arenopar- it has Ih'cii strongly recnnnneiided to (Jov- lies, are decitied—that they are at the wilt (‘rnnment, as cjiii!cetel with th» pri seiit and mercy ol" their powcit'ul neighbors— jnvestigatioa into the aliiiirs of baiiKiit^. to that thev ait bought and «olii like sluves— gentleman who was whiskered up to the very eyes, was passing along the street the other day, when a -sailor observ ing him, 1 ed in the presence of her lover, aOer his I'e-1 system. cried out to a brother tar, “ blast my eves ! I turn from Horida, she asked him it he ' ! thouaht her much altered.— He replied that Jack, here s a fellow looks like a rat peep-;, » i. . _ ‘ ' I he saw no alteration, except in her tore mg out of a bunch of oakum.”—-V. Y. | sai,| |,e, 1 Jo not regard that, Co»f!hHfition. ‘ rH nutrrv i/ou in of your tfcfh.

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