& FARMERS’ JOITRBTAIi. , *^yY_HATURDAV, nv TIIO.1lAS J. II()LTQW....CIIARLOri’JC, .’nFckLkNi'iLm; COUNTY/KonTilk’AROLINA. ‘ " ****' T» riKMCg ^KJIOHKI^ W THU t^r^ANH tmwo O^T moM TIIK CAVKIIWH l»» TIIK MOl NTAIXS, WETAt H WIIK II Wil l, fllVK !«TKr\;TII TO OI.'R IIA.XIW AU. WATTIIK TO OtR IHR AWn rfTTtl'iir j>,. JoHmtON. VOL. Ill* SATi KIIAY, M>VimHKR 21, IHIVZ. NO. ll.J, M ATC lUX A.M> Ji:>Vl:i.LK%-. ©1 REMOVAI.. TiH»i.{s'TTn)T'ri';ii n'^Ol.'IJ) lufiiriii lliu piiUlir, that ii ha» re. Uh»»i d tii* Shop, til lii;i ulJ ktaiid, liiti;ly I'mm thr Am>rir/in Fitfmrr. A.MKliK AN SlI.K. TIIK 9lincrN* A: I'annrrM' JoiirnnI ]i) printrd »nd |»ubli»hi d Suluriky inorniii); at Tice IMItiri (x r nntiuni, if |iaid hi advaiicc; Tire Duilatt und Fipy CrnU ir«4 |>oid in «il-1 \anct'; Tkrtf Dultart at llii' end of Iho ycir. j AI)VKRTISI:MF;NTS willlx- inwrti || Ot Fifly rnit* pt r »qu»rc ftiot rAcecdinc 20 lin.-»,) lor lh«-, fir»t inwrtioii, •n«l c« i»t» for c«cli surOA diny 81 fut ihrtc wrck*. for i>nc M|iiarr.— ^ A lit) ral (liFcotint w ill U' iiiailr to thiMM- w ho adviTti* tiv lln’yar. IT '"Onallailvi tti.K'UH iit* i •■(iiiiniuiiicati'd fur inibrK iliun, tlir iiiiiiiIm r of iiiiM'rtKmi mu.t imtrd on tb«' m«r|;)n of fhi* occiriii-J by A. (*. \\ ilkiiiwHi, u* a Taylor Simp, iii«nti.cript, or tl.ry «ill U rui,tinm-d uiilil ,« allwork _ . . J 111 (M« linf »ill riTi ii« piinrluai altnilKm. flirblil, an « largt ■ C T- j Ktltcr Tablu and'IVix Simoim, niiuuliicliir'il at | r ,, i . ,i • *.• All roiiiinuiiicati«.n« In t».c P.iilor niurt romr liif i Mildi.lniii ni, »nd .Norili4 amliim tlold nork- . frr or;«W«i",of Ibry inty not l>e ■tti-iidcd to. ' >i mtu ntiy artii Ir lliat may Im' urdirtd t harlutlrjh-t.''", I«T>^Utf ,111 t'rrHk 4m0MlH. IMF. Sub«crib€r (Bforiiu Um* ritiaii« of I'li » lii(t« and .McckUnburf ruunly, tint he i> now rrritini* and if>eiilii^ in the Slur. Iioum i»i> ril I sv 1)1(1,.':s >v ii aim:ss \ Of' «iiii krpf in l*T MHitfi-r.iKl w iirj ni' Mr. 1 Mill low Tor C4»h Of rr>un!f*‘r ^ ^ fl i .. m i r,«a. tc coll .n^ rt.m.nr bu k. Sfe-Vllifll rrt- |Hirrhi»Ml in ihr ntii • oi‘ I'hili •••*^54^^'^‘i?*’ ’ V. X' LI. - ^ ^ ^ ^*w7r -M ifivrri f>n Ihr limt «»♦ IK. ■ ‘^ J ^ II V ifH, li«f luilhff iii!uriiiulifiii iiMjiiin-ol ; oatof^upUcf. 1 !„ Nor.-ill vv,„. Huntrr \ (V i >* Ins taieiii. a (inrrol •iworliiiint of V !iii h h » ill Otil low for C*»h of rountf- prifcliK-r Mr V, l»hr« prrwMi llir e«d« «rr (trl!>hia and kkilfui mrrrliAiit at ibin . under llir c»rc «uJ nianapi m«il of II Mirtin f »rli»»ncljr. • ho»» diaractrr and atti-f.tiou t'» boctiirn i» •riH known. J. D. n«»Yr). Cherl^U, .v»r. I-3J—tl3 >F>i uix Ki IT or Jit ft rtair«/ iin// uptiud ntthe citrnrr, vest of I hr i!nurt-HoU9C. *'■» M«D[iOi» alaKwt fwry artuU iKKfl whkh prrlaiiu to U>e .Xpr-tltrrar^,' |(u. is, » All who »«i»li lo putcliaM' can frt ir •! whirh » putr, frrMt ao4l ftwii, ut>«!cr « ar fia> «nl At rt« lu«i'ci4 nurkcl prtcn- All o»di ri atlriidrd Id, aiid tiie |>rricrii4ioii ol' VhvcuiaiM (-ari'fuilT cqm|«utHVil. C. .MJ.1Pls«»N'. t kt,Unr. AW. 9.1-.U A.M> KKKirS, «t»Mi*oi MX iiumiM:rM>i ii u %sii. MkT ar OtttlMIl AT TMf HI.M('I\C tC MK. (Tvai bfil k litiili!iii[f .'1 lioor Iroin fliv lorii. r, l.v J.VS T. ASm K V \ t i >. 7tf I li'lit or fir^t rntr P.ulvili r« and nuriii-i)ii ^l«klrH i^waiitrd. ;'»vl «ill Ik-np in by J \s T \~lll i:v A cr» Foi{ Ki:>T, V III>ii>.r anti iut> II. th- tiiwii i lifli(MiIliL‘8 nre mere cuhuulitt in tijeir way. | The Bond Cane. The United States, it I How long is it sincc tlis wiiuie fac« of ag> | |pein8, though th«y succeeded in obtninin|ra Wc cannot resist ilic lemptafion, (prc-j ricultiire in the south was sutidenly chan-'judgment against Mesara. Holmes & a;nti;d by a rcri*iit vi.Mt InunMr. Uu|)ii,)' iJf’d, hy lli»* introduction of the culture fjf zyck, have found it impwaible lo make the to rrt ur to tlic >iulij(>^ yi’tho culture of .slU cotton f Ilow loii^ i»i it Riiiro tlic ngricul-1 woney. A house of Mr. Holmes’ was in the I. Siutos. Marty oli.staflcs luivi; I'liists of the New Fngliiud states were soine time since levied upon by the Mar« k>cn throun in the wav, ami n tiirdod tlir « lianred to inaiiufafiurt'rs? How long! shall, put np for sale, and knocked to a progH KS of tlii.s illtf'r»^llll;; liraricii of iii- will it bo Iji-fore the old field^J of the middle j State Uights man, who refused to comply iliistry ill tlii» couiid y ; and none have Ix-en i""l southern states will be converted into with the terms of sale, on the ground of th« so elli^cliiiil arnl nncfd so inut h injury as inullH,'rry orchard«; the young and iiilirni | unconstilutionality of the Tariff laws. Af* ilie vurimis publicaiioiis Mitiii^ liiitli the i>>|)iilation into iiilk rtilluri.st.s; and the j ter much consultation and deliberation a* c\troiii»-liiliicuilifH of the prtM n.sa of li'a- States into an exporter instead of an im- inong the oflicers of the Government the tiire, or rei iinj; from the cDCfKini. V, liati,- porter of iilk ? We answer, no/ houw was again put up for sale, yesterday, j on an;ount and rik of the former purchas er, but ncft a single Ind could be obtainfth Such i.s the Stale of public opinio* here, ia res|.iect lo the Tariff. It has been already practically nullified b}' public opinion. Wo ought to add that the Bond ia this case was given for duties on an importation of coarse Woollen.^, in which the duties were poM?d so exclusively for protection as to jtrohibitory, and that the goods in ques* ver tlie n al objp» l of lliest! |)ublications may have l»eeii, it is certain that llieir »I 'J'lie followiiifj rrs»»lutioii [la^sed the ry .liMidvanta^cons to the ,of il. • Hons*-r.f As^nnhly of N. J.-^-y, on the Hik tuiliire, hv lausiii;* liuri.lrtds lo almn- a >^1 .Ion all id-a of ,| ,n con^.iu-nre of ti.t- » h*'rule ol the ( ount .1 that such lireteiiih'd diirK'i»ltii-!>. I'orM Veri vt'ars u( :i resolution inu.'t li-.* on ihc tuLle for one have iiKiuiwd combaft. d ll.o'e pni.iie.ilioik. j’ ‘ su^iK-jideJ l.y n vote ol ^os adduciii/i our nttiie\|iL-nc:ite und that of I'vMbinl,; ajui ii was,ent to the .S;nate on I j,„ iiiiuiv otlK r iiidivi.iimis an prin.l of tli.-ir ‘I >'"> be^ „ i>rrtr(nc>n. V\ c b.ive stated ovit and | "1“'" V“ ‘1“^’ tion were imported by Mr. Holmes express^ -*r ajain, tiint the «liol«‘ pnx:«;‘'S of ma- ‘''■s-iori. ,\//. J//f. i^. jyr tiie purpose of trying the question. 1- law Mllv. from the fra lo li.o n.-l,.,.. ‘ ^''•"I''- of N. J.r-: ' Mercury. ItH' over ^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ o,r.,:.i,i;r the (he C'urtHHiH nicln^ive, sit '•iMiple, Uvr-li-m of* Ih. jr I Mnjujfui crMmlry, umJ prirtirtihr- that :i(iv diild ol ti n vciirs ui aj;»*, and ot I !»■ in rvcry infn-iiir.' Ii:i\iinr ruluiii II lo the Judi-1 Mcrcury. Counterfeit Motet.—We are informed ij:iry, lilt ’r«rirf‘S\ ,iriii, Iiitvrii.ii l!ii|irovtiniiitH, throui'h the medium of a letter from a eoiiiiii'iu mil lli^fiiee, iuiliIiI aoijuire il in a terv hliuit tiiiK'. In lliisasM'riiiMi we were up|Mirti'd li_\ tlio idnici'ol' our own «-ii- as ucil as by liiat of t vei v onf» who jlia l j/ivi ii tiic Hilij*‘ct a fiir trial. iJiit llii I ;nii>iic al lar;;r wa-. bai kw inl in iiroteeiiiii^ ..i iin- Miiu ol j r-»( v, uiat oiir .•scnn-1 tieinan had n,“ceived 5000 in Iwcnly dollar ^»lo|» llir Ktiii;iua>. '“t”*" 'l"-“C->limo„v, an.l iIm- buMi.e.Hs h.is Previous to \V nv V V Iih. r ,n Frid»y l;»>;2"i'hod or ii.mle vltv sluw pri.^ress.— ...i,,..,,,,,, t'., prcwnt Jiidniarv SrsUn of the T. j discovering that they were not genuine, N \ • ftnvr l;uV. al»o.it IT >ram old, V li'» |M rsiHi>>, hi>Mc\tr, lia\i‘ entered into .N iiivi.iU»i ;Ui jmv • adi-)|iiuif |irui.'Min^i tu,\iiieri-1 he liad passed to ditierent individuals be- H|f iIm- nani nf I n \ht (i. i..m a(.pr. h. iiiiii’ ^ it «iib spirit and |>« r-- v« raner, and have l'iJii-=irj. tu I'oxicr un.l ujiiiolil Intc rnal Im- tween two and three hundred dollars, thus b' \ \f nv '»r .niid ihr I urr. iu_\ 111 111. . .juiitiy—ilii; inaiiiicn. friend in Wavnesborough, Wayne Countv', ■iliir r.l I .-^rli. Ill all ihrir iHVi ilrtlnlil V, IS di niiod .. . i* .| X , .*,,niiJ to .lie Ko^iK-ri.v ol tiu.,c I lauil Sutc», 1*’“ “ Considerable quantity of counterfeit j — I III n ':.n- ’ : I'nited htates liank .Notes has recently been “ i;i it n -i.lv. i) hy tli* f’'r.nf il ;»niHn r>cr»I .Vs. passeil oil'in that nei^hborhfjod. One gen- icinhl . of Ihc- of .N. J. r-.( v. iliat oiir S. nn-. tfeman had n,“ceived §000 in tw It iilfiKliii^ p'-autK'. • lid boy aiiiJ 4. tin'in:,’him lo im of him 111 ai.y jail -i> lli.l I jd In n ai;~iii, r a-oiialiU f nanlict. It i» U h \. ! hr ii.. ... .(T IT. i^i.niMnv •I'h . »hii- mai., «ho nill Alin.Ji;' t'-i'-M: ai»l tin- iiio-t cwi- I provi 1, and an- amiually Mil dellloll^tr:|l|l>n ii tin; ei.ip i tiM'.'.s of our •«L him lo»4f... iIk C>.ur»ia niiiw', cf h.i* pro- cUfid a liiv |Mx. , P'.VII) IWKKS. (l-jrh.'.lr. Vrv •?. l^n;—ll'j -pH II SIS IS _^li. II.ipp, i f llcKiit,niy. Ill IVnns. Ivinin. ft- iiiIpkIiic i-il ili«> mltuiv of »iik lulu till* eotabli^liiii'-iil ol l!ie .S>»,ie- ly at tiial plac>’, ol mIik Ii I.o iii the in ad, ulxwit f;s‘ vfaisi a_'n film's ma> >^rt lualU Ihrterih.il c®n- I. uiot nn »rw) or aiiT ii.f rrdirnt mL.i'ti lan la any «r«y b- injunour. It i« «jrr ahl> u. ii«- UU aitd ha. iKc |.rn)>iit> ol l^irnu/hl« t.-uUati/iii;; rnrj Ihinj i.flciiMtr iu lh«- hr*th, nli. llifr it o. rif i.-vil.- t'rotn ilrrayrd tr« Ih, thr uv ol I >b«rc>. Of an) uiht r ^i^. il har'trn* llir ;um« and i> t laiualik rriiMdy for ConK. r of »or lit .a of Lbt IBluUi. ( i«i'af(f, Of I. trU .siAt/;//' .\tmmcMun.i\ i, Mi l KI.IM1I k. I Ol NTV toeit »( t‘i»ar «>■•/ ({miiUr .Sou Tr,m, Kl;i. Martin Iftb ur ^ liiijii.^l aiurbinri.t, I m>h1 " on lh i|. I. imI jtil'ii init I «» in a l.rirr l.iiirilli. \ Ira. ( Uml U.al Mr». I.iilhili h... 1,1., «.ij«ii,n,» iIh Ui.d. Jan.. - Wal.ti. >he iiuitrijl ol uhuh v\is s|.iiii, reiltti, U 1I11..U1 \V 4i;.rr anil oi'm r.. j tliiowri, il) e.j, vvov' 11 Hii! fi!ir lif-il, at liron- OK hLIt t.D lir >.iiri, ill it pit.liraiir>n Ik'mii.li ^ :iimI tli.jt ^ teiul liuiiiJicilis ot lluin • M w ' (.r.,v.-in..^ and 1..XOU- lorHm ^ distribution. Tho IM w.il Ot llir * h.ir» r tho jlrnh *>l *.\c I . S. ,, , , , ^ v.i.hMi.1. n.o^;llt•at 0.1. ns ni:iy U-d.t-.n. .1 nt*. ‘*'6 plate, Signed (ex- II-K. ary ” cept two of them) by Itiddle and Mcllmine "* —I..etter U—date —paper, very light, I.\,Tt it.u \ ir^min, 0.:t.‘37. | fliin and bad—made payable in different l.-j .l. v.\Vf l.'>.ini, irom a s.nirce States. The two excepted alwve, ana eiiiiiji .l to iiiiplii II roiiiiikiu*-, tiiat two ^^i^med Milton and J/cmiilton, payable at \oTiri-:. V Xo«r« ai>4 n»>4» atr f>|arrd in iJie h«nd« .T| c4 Wuluiift' n MofriHm (hr CollfrlM*).— iit prt*«it« are rfa|ut'*t(il to a^^bin (Khrt and lMi.r p«taMtilimii)fdial£|^0BK)ii>4p*‘n'' ''ill Uri»»n. ^ ^fPlShIS •W M.KU—1l»f ^ N It W «»kin*t'n MoTTiarwi ia aUn atifhof.^-d In w|| oiK^(«iiUI«nn, ii u>p mi!i > froin Cliariudr, a> I on furttmuM Iim il. K. 1. I*. TllK I.AST l AI.f. 4 1.1, prfwint intkMid t.-th linn nf ^ f/a«fiaftan, rilhrt b) ivjtr of book i' ’'vk«iiilit- VliiKrf'a.id ^•'»'nll.r^'Jwir. nal, lUal ttir dt li nd.i l a|f« ir a( i1m n \t 'loirt o' |4>'aa ai»»l i^uai(>r , lu l»- tx;..l lor lli* c^inl^ ot ,\1.rl,l»iil.iirt», a tin I ini!l.ll.Ki.« in ftiarl- li. . on llii ll*i .M>.fiii4r n .N'H.-mlj. r iit ,1, iIk n and IhiTf In f4i nf n 'ti > k, ri«hi ru i« jiiJ m-ut filial niU I*' rnicrpd as'iinrl him. W ilix ~ - 1 >^ar ,\h taix£ r, rlirk ttf Mid I at I Hi.o , liu; illi .Vlnti.lni in Aii|^u4, A U 1 -T.’ r. t HAM \l.MXA.MH;R,r, w r. f’.-irr a.tt t..‘f an 1 for tlinfvcar- >"‘'‘','4 ,H'’iitiviii( ii i.i \3.Kit:;oi!u'i\ euuiily, j New-York. The money is supposed to ' past lart’e iju.iniiJie-. I silk ^‘iiii' t«im >l-w eveniii-s slarit d on an u|.[)o,sum j liave been brou-'ht from the South, by a r«f, ' pnxluri-d ilipn —such a«, \ >iui;:, iiaridkt-r "I Cfiirs*' vmiIioiiI f.ro arri’.->. rhirin;^ negro trader.—Mai, Rigistcr. ‘ cliK t-., and oliitr broad g'tx!', S4.nviiiir -lik, ‘h. ir \t i.isu.ii llii \ an ariiinul,’v»iiuh, j - \.r. V. i |i4vo liiri '.ol. it iiiftiii.iie d ihai •'* lir't ihi.y si:p,ios. d lo U' u V\ ild Cat, Amm(7.-»n.—Does the reader know what wfre wcariii" a \« -t aiid hamiki n hiet ’‘"d toiUavitli ad.>j»li il ♦o»ans to etFcct it.s Pemmekin I.**? Should he not be so far ia> rapturf . Hciiig providid Mlh a\cs=, they I f>^rnied, we will tell him, that PemmekiiV is stH.n fi lled III.' iri.c, '\l.i li l.rintiinjr tliei'r i* name i;iven to the previously inaniniato Miiiin intlie ort.Ljnd tliey aliatked it will) 'mass formed lor the nourishment of the sai- -loiii s ,ui h oth T wt‘a|K)nsas were with- lors, who went under Capt. Parrj’a com- III tl.fir re.irh, and siiecee.ltrd i:i killiti:; niand to the North Pole—a concentratiou it — wli( n, to liieir siirpitsi>, tbev discoven-d «f «he nutritious qualities of meat, so pow. It to II.-a liill pr.iwii paiitlHT. iti^proba- erful, that fifty |Kjucds of beef make about l» I voii \i:i !>'•• ihfit the I'.rtillier was sttn.nod by ttie fall' a spjire inch ot it ; as much of it scraped, in llitj’wav of free, otherwise he had srartjriv bren "'il lie on a shilling, will feed a fellovv Hcrr III ide at the >*iiii*- liti»'. In i>nr c.in- vei.ilit»ji w;lii Mr. K.ipp. at lii-^ prtsi;il \i-. il, ti»*‘ Mji>jf*tt was n-i t:ried to. \V c liiin hoM *ie ( ini' un wiiii tin •■iik Ui-iiifs IIIK r*'pN wu', iiiHi anv of til is« liilfnaiMK*' rwhii"'silk, of m. inii. b has i, i, -t, p;isily con«|U.‘red—the y onn;^ luinisiiien, six feet high and four feet broad, for two Slid ,ind |>iibli>liitl, nf asket). ••N .”w«s indefil, lun ji'a nio.st fortunale escape, as. and twenty hours; its great merit is of i'il*-reply ; “ we fnni noiiillirullies wliati ver ni a fur Uittfe it is pn.Uihie the otic or Course it.s [lortability, and its utility must romt. arr oMot no/R ralltd upon t.iroHK t.vrnard i|i.tiliiliii|,* and inado lo *tnl th fnn lu» r. It Iin* in tlie pr.« fSB.” Ihi yiKj Imtl it si:ilkii-nil\ rfc>lli:.oW,i».r.’iT.r, f! r .»|r ' I** *' '-..nside. I th. ,.unt«. m Im> no«4i\t« rabir alii-nlion, w nipiin d. “ (Vrtain- •>«. «ii«ain! iw.i ii.ilr*ra*loft'li«r. Iv,” hf* replif.l, “or wi- a'lmild li >1 pur'll'' ■K i_,., I .,,1.. . J.. L -i Ih, ^iiu iiitpii.j to extend \oiir iip. ra- lioifs, we ron:ioii“il. “ Vi s,“ s.iil be, “ a- fast anti as far is po."ibli%"’ 'I'Iicm; hii- swers are proii.i!ily not *-\aellv his word.s, Uil ih'-y C'Hiiatii iIm' stib'(an''«* of tluTii; and 111 i!Iii'trNH*ii of tlifir st-vi'ral itii|toris, be iiiuilu vsriiMis ivmark.s \» bit h luriii'h in- cmiltKlible t xidmre of iln-ir corn ftn^K-, 1^,1 |,,nt- ''ii;ar i^rr«-k, a>|. i.Miiinf ih-I. ijiJa ui J.xi )ili .Mm'iinuaDicbry,* th h-iri'"I II nry M».on, rt-rM and nihrr*, nMilain inj alviut litii'i'rt d am ». 'nipre i» fO or >* a* r"-* cl. ill d ^nd im:J r f m., -ii of w hit h « fir»t 14*. niijJo t, t)» In! iiir 1, KnuH>«ri| .1,1, « . II tifllla 'I tk 'I'hr i'l.,.riA. II.I-I.I* art i;;.«»i|lwo Moiy l'»* I1mh» Ixnl-'", a lion an.I all ;i.t« ». • Sf* i^il-hmMv Thf ratnxnl will Iw" ai'.'oiii. and aatlb Ihcm, aa Unc*'' M>du;r*ni-f c^niiot he *itrnd>^ l« thciii; aad all thniK; « bo tlo not araii . thrii).»|(ra of thia nniii-r hy llw n«-»t County t'tmnly, may riprct lo pT !•. ti;«)MI*S*)N, .l^faf. (•hark 11^, Nm 2, MHf It. .1, I u lil wll Iity (n>)i and alock witli till .iIjCIi runs K III TI MISOV f'fiam (irvrr, \lkt> t. 7lf xrjs yy KI, %r«\niii *i SON UI?;rrTri'l,LV inlbru Uic tinr^’na n 4 Kailiilu: a>»d j^l v kWiihur;* iiHintv, UmI •krt tra nn« oprninir ’nd r»r»ning a Kfj.''- sn.l iMir newSTlH'K OK liO* >|K, ltt»i,i rhiUdtl phi* and .N’t w Yofk. -»>n*i«Hiie n( l>r> a’omN. ll;ir(U««.'irr, rriM*krr>-wan* A of all kimU ^rnrraliy »«d in tlir rminlry. Si-T rnrmi u i(ici(iil m mtn'urlubl' .mil lust t))lrnnl)H low 1 1 *luf v, h Ik rt' H t- n ill k> t |t >>iir •XU .'..cli :'f an«l pli il^r mirwlw i lo aril a> 1* lor raali aa anv "f t>ur n. i^hboi* in otir lin nt W'HKvw M j„4,. fni, ,1 ii|» in p>»k1 orti t l!it •'n nd akxy ol'lhi h.Hio ». tu t 0|>\, \*ln ri- wi' now " )■ Onr old ulork «»l‘ao.l wh.n »«• liili lid k'l PIIh io a jMrait from t,ur ii' w i>I.Ak. and » ill C'T frtal U' ■am* m ihi in, aa wi- an- d>-l( rniiii. •*» at Ii lilt III It r^Mt iiiii many artn lt « h-»-. ^-in '"►L I h> n.iftl of lilt gtaiiU wrft- |'iir li^'d fall and arr aa aa any in nt.irki I, (Mir- h«Hd al thal llitio. \\ I pli tl'.'t-iMir«t iv ~ In |>i\i '•H atl ntmn In thw » lio v ill i-all and lixor ti r-: !»oiIi oi ili.-Mi Would ba\c been badly woun- I"' evident lo the most inveterately preju ded if iMl killed. diced landsman, w hen he comes to consider —•— j that .lack can carry a quarter of a bulh>ck M e nre h.ippy to :;nni.unc? thnt pro|)o- hi.s lobacco liox, and slow away a b.ilf a sils bav> Ih'cii i.priiri!, an.) are Ix-for; us, doz^n hams and aliflet of veal ia the fob of lor lhi> I'UbiK-ntioii i.f Un; I.ife and W ritinrs ; his Irowscrs. of (ti-iieial II vMH.roN, in ibe most nntfien-1 ■ ♦ tie sbii|v-, Unng from the original manii- We note a circumstance which occa- •^ri['isiii tbf tto-jse^sii.n of ilie (Jeneral’s sioned considerable distress in this place a family , and iiviii the exu^ of the work, few dnys since, to check the many rumors as .oiutt .i til t!ie L*rop.xal.s>UT tielieve the >hal probably have arisen from it. On Fn- •'\|>t-i laiiutis of the public, however .san-i day la.st, some pickled oysters were brought S.11111 of uiiii:!! were in siib'iani-e, ibitl noiK L'uiJW on the subject, will be ftilly met.— to ihis place and olfered for sale—our citi- 1 of hiH people kiM'w any thins "f ‘•dk n e|. ’I'he publishers are Mci^-rs. (i. F. tIorKiNS z«?ns partook froely of them, and fr«m Fri- iiic. 01 anv oiln r icirt of tin; Imimu.'-s, |i|| »V: So\, the siine n>nthMfM*n, who, some day night uutil Sunday night about 40 ca ll w.Ts iiiirothit'ed tln-n‘a li«w vi'jiis years sinci', (Mibli'hei? •he first re.-p.cfalile sos of sicknc«), of the cholera morbus Uit ihev re.-idilv acquired llie art bv a little c^'p.' ®* *he Fkoi:i: M.irr, corrected by Mr. •yi)e, occurred in this place and vicinity, 'praitiei', witbliUt any otlii'r in.siiuctnm- 101111 Wdb, vxith the as.st nl tif Hamilton, all of which originated fn>ni eating tho .V. y. dazcttc. .oysters. Although some of the cases were —— , very distressing and dangerous, happily Pn^rrfKx t'f Statrn l*oirrr.— V seienlific imne of them proved fatal—they are all ei- ■jT'f-tleiiian lait-ly visilin;; tho I.iver|ioolnnd ther convalescent, or .perfectly recovered. MaiK hesfi r n«d\\uy, some very e.xtmordiii- • Tarboro, Free Prea. ilYar more |M-.ail.ible to iiianui'.*^o'it at -'ry perfl.rmun.-cs were etii'ct.d. (hi two. home ; that lin y huve two l.x.ms of an ini- a !'•«). ann.uiiliiwr t„ Kio tons, . ^ .Noricio. >T* S \f,r. a fniDiiv of liK* tv voun:? N n. \ l/.iB, lluiMNa ««!•.' i t' iitdiTH y\jii Im. lailJ , , v 1 1 1 11 . • iKa,.. \,.|>lvloll„ J-fini.r. '‘‘a* ft! •rd.'.l by pubiir«tioii« u, t|,.. «*./ I'.VA. r-X'. 7if I \nieriian I'arri'r nnd otbfr wmks; ihat *T \ K I-'V I'I’ ! '’a'dy prt pare tin* s>ilk for Ihf AM) t^-ninill. d to ihr'j.il of tin. ronnly, on | = ‘hat th. re is ,m dillkully 111 proper- thr t'lh nut. a n I'r-i man uho s hia imnii-' nig raw silk wr tiiaihi-t, but tbal they tind la ('II iHJ.I'.S, U Ittt' II -.*11 .Oiil y. ar- ..l' ai;.-, Il frtl hi-.-lt, yrliiiw rtini|.l. t il'd nn.l ralln-r rai.’f«l in «|»(waraiMi, »ay» lit- l» l»n|r.. U» l’hili|> 4 larki-, of \\ irn't«.roii;>h, I'airfMl.l iii«lrnl, .S. C, 'l iH- ow n. r i» m|ii> .t. .1 tn tuiiu l‘>i»ard, |ir.ni- |>r»n . rl», ;>ay 1 har:;i ai.d take him aw ay, of In w ill Lc il> all w.lli a*'hr law tlif'tl*. jiis Mt OSS M i;iirv..v';,rrt/. Itfl «, ls1.>. *7lf pn»ved lonMrurti. n now Mi atlilv al work : drawn by ont.> i utMiie tmni Liveri)oo| that two sjkHs are now visible on that Ihisi- lo.ii)is (or iil haM ihti’r improve- *'* '•ant;! :t-,UT, a dHtanee of iiIkhu .‘’0 imles the sun, one of which is 90 large im-nt) are of tlnir ov\ n const ruction; thal "" ^ a'^nige be seen by the naked eye. TI .N»vi-^ oiiK. (h r. l;l. An rxi'honf;r no roUnr>i.—ftjonie of onr pii-k|MN keta display a ilt \tt-rity in their iiianqnilatniiis, vdin ii v\iMdd do nn disrrt - lilt lo a \ .iu\ tir a llarrin;;lon. .\ gentle- ni.iii iVttiii St lu'iMM lndv on bis wav lo this Wo understand, from a scientific friend, visible on the disc of lhat it can The state of they an* makiii;; pr-|\irations for eonsid- almtxcphere is particularly favorable for eraiilc oMfiision this brnm h of ihoir bu-' 'f-'"" f'" eoti>in.>n n>;.tl, is capable of car- their observation. »-wn after the risinff, or siiK-ss, and for thiH puipo.-e arc cnlar^jtng '•Vinson!;- “ t-ns a day. It would take-just before the setting of the sun. These 100 ^lors••s, woikiii;» li>r t!ic Jay on a turn- spots, are supposed to be openings through pike nmd. to pinl.riii the .^aiiif wt^rk aswas tho luminous matter thal surrounds tho here aeeouiplisln-d by n sin;;le steam engine body of the sun, which renders its dark sur* ill an hour and a halrl—J.uu r'hKd Adc, face v isible, in the place thal is ihus uncov* —•' red; .’tnd tl»e present phenomenon has a|H .Vii/T.'iTi-t'Ph' more man .e.l men you [«.aranee;. which confirm the theory. It is their plantation I'l niullH rr\ IreeN; that hi' has jii>t oblained a coiisi.Jfrjblt’ quuiitity m' i lln' new fiiin«--e niullierry, (Morutt in':lli- ctiultn) for plantiii;: I'Ut. Ac. iVc. I Now here is proof, surely, of ijic prac ti-nbililv and . 1 „ .• ,1 - m-.iiuin c.i »lilt. 11 luiiiirin iQc invory. 11 u prohlai.le.ue^, ol the ciilturc |,^ve, the l^wer .Tir.if ti.en.- will be. j:.v- computed lhat the diainoterof the present mt. 1 . niies. i.ut it is „„„„p ti,c ir,ybti.il c«i!unit,s t.l your crmii- is over miles, or three timed tliaii has iKs-ti written and iml calenders: you vi ill thf;r-^ liiid a hundred Uiul of the Karlh's diameter, ami a^am. ^ tiy tfier, let youths executed lo oi.e iiilher of a tiimil v. Murfjlatid Rejmhlicaiu iiv in one of the slt-ani Uiats, on retiriiip ' ^**k in tho to his hirtb, t'nik his inoiiev (consisting ol’, ***''h'n5 riinre mUi ilwir riiMom. Ih»|.iih from onr-lot k of ircKuh. Imiilt |,|||., ti, |bo niiHMKit t>f lietwt*eu limr j P*'hlishel tini" ■n4^n.ianitam.-,:.-,Hr«llMhr..utMKH^^ hatidn’d dollara) placed il m his 1 ns a-k, isnot the culture of silk entcn u in- ;M3„.;ag,> rcnJers nif-n uioro virtuous an,1, “srM'lTM- «'MIIA s«).v. ‘wh, U» slept in his panlalotins.--1 «o m-.re generally ' Is not the^ven to ten ,„ore wise. The fatli.-r of a family is not f w tW--The Mobile R*. t'lottUu, »Vf J. I,If In tho iiiormng, he iMt for Ins money and ] millions dollars annunlly wnt out of the to blush before Ins children. Mt- is glvtor gives it as the result of manv inoui- ;T7 t liiithng It snir tfl it remain. In the course | country lor silk m its various lornw, worth | afraiJ to make shame thi ir inheritance. nc, urMi a I'n-al v irietv of oumion's nn tho To . . fit,, KiKhtH, «vr. ,.f ,hc .!«> he Mepl into an olht^. in all s.ivin. ? Is the cotton and tobacco cul- J Sjtir^la |^it^Ks.iWribt raaro.f.,.3,dii, tbccaaUiiK ^trrnt, li.'g.-l It exchaii««sl, v»|,cn, laking Jure so lucrative, fi , Wo menlionr.i but ye.sterdii^y the recent i\,r the pres.',it vcar, will exceed It from hr. fob, he found 11 traiisiniUed in- P*'rmiltel to interferr wiiU it > Are, death of .Mr. CnAnt.r S. nian, son of ot the last, ei2fht or ten thousand bales.— Hnrhiticr«, .Of/ hfjor ! nre now finished : ami the whole structure nl employ ment for one wu are unacquatnl-1 t>n the tapis, by which the son «if Louis , r m i 1 i. W \ I? ix-'i’i’i’’ I i’r^~i r is'•aid, by thom'skilhsi III MU h matters, to edwith. ,\nd so it i? lo those who think so; Philli|>o will liecome ihe huslmiid of IVtnna • ary .in as tppoio- Irjl'j DrjLDS jliem exccilent taste. The «Oit is ostiiTia-1 but to those who an* dik-iioxMi to niai;c a j Maria, and with the consfnt of ihe (’ham- 'I'hiirsthiy, lolh inst. to be observed as •■OB avLK .^x THiii oi Ktci:. I ted al 1 lillle exertion to k-llcr their coiiditior^ such licr.s, King of 1‘oitugal,” a day of puWic Thanksgiving Bud Pravcr.

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