I ' ' ‘ " . , ■ ' - - - PUI.NTKU AM> i‘I niJSIlKO KVKRY N Vn'K|>AV, IIY TIIOiMAW J« IK)l;r6N....f1IAKL>TTK^i: kLKNBrKG OINTV, NORTII-t AROLINA. —-TUTrrL «*CH VOO mHO«TMK Or ^K. AM, ».UM. M.T.M T... c~AT;.7;;7or;nr>W^^ -THfi^JiTTrT^, > ,HS,TTsnVvnJZVr^,,ArVR^ OUR W. AND RE.—DR. iOHNfO.V. VOIi. Ill* . • W’. "* ***' « ■ 3 u|>orti..n still iHrj^eriind not UtM» Mil. lflilirr! A 1‘arilMTxi .roiininl jportnnt uimIlt llicjr own iinmifiliuu? Luanli- s prinu-d ind p.iWi>b.d e very Saturday n.ornn.g . j„ r*,|a„y„ ,,rK^Wr.r.,^r annum,ifpu.dm«^.HC. ;;^,,,^,, «nre: Tkrff Dollar* at tho e,.d of the year, j u„cl,a„«ed un.l u.MlimiiM.lifd. ADV.:RTIS!:MKN IN w.n b.- K. rtrd at crnt.i^r.quate(.>ot r,cr.dmgaO right, uml w« rcK«rd U.e dutv firtiinwrtion. and‘is ccnu for cach »or,riTdiiij . . • nWthnc wccksforonc^uarcil*’* “* tbe.r «n Cretan A liberal diTOunt will I* made to Iho,.- who 1pr‘>tM.‘jn« thoir .dvef.l«byth.yr.r IT “On.lladvrrti^m.nt, ^^7 tKc u„, o,.wl,t.il,o„al and u,,. romrumi«t.J ftf publicalion. lh« numb.r ^ (.o^om..K,nt, ,n.mic«. mnrt br noted on fhr margin of ,l.c I > ^ "« ’h**' manwripf, or they will hr fon.inued until 1‘“'‘K “*'• forbid, and chnrprd arcordindv ! »liicl. rit^.IlK f^rom the u. t« of .A11comunn..r.tion.».t(.eF.!..orrT,a.tc„„„ '*^ur,^l..H,^bvcrMvc o| li,„ ngI.N nnd fr^,.fr»«>.!r>.ortlH-vn..yr.oitK-.ttrnd..lfn. , CH n.e «i,..uid icUict- a 1* iiKiiib«tr ‘>f ttiw c/MitetWraty to rewiit t« tni*i AbDKKSS inl'r|Kinitifiii, Si*..h, lunvi'ver, ih tho nif|- TO TIIK ri'.)Pl.f; U’ TIIK I . VI' VTIX aiirttitlv, ntid p»iiihil necessity iirMifr winch »i Ttu. Tu.. *.ou>*. , jetittr**.! the «.:t« of ('un-r. w* iin- fo the pfofle .r \faP«rh.iirM.. V.rpinia. Vew fT.rtOClint'lull. *S ti.lli and \ old vi ith- York. Pmnivlrania, No»ih « '.rolina, .Marrl.iid, '*' Imul'* «i S.HJth.l’aroli(iu. 'I'hn spirit ronn^lirut, Vfrt;.-i.it,.N. w.ll.n,p.hirr. Mai„, , '"*1 •!»•' |T»r« iph-» nhicll animat, d .V«HJr SttrJcttrf, i.rtrrm, IVtaw, Rhort*-.UI»nd, nii e«tori in the coiiim ili« and in thr ti« Ids of K«ntHrky.Tmiie*«^.»»ii«. lioiii.iaiia. liidKina, ihi-ir coiiiiin.ii Kiorv, forl.id an t i buliiiiit imnui*, Alabama and VliMoiiri. • »>•> l«Hu'’r to a n;,>l*iii nl' Iy0^f|whiliij|i, now M K. th#* m'0«k of S ,uth.('nrolma. a?.. I"-®"''"- «1'»- c*»«blihl.i*d p«.Im v ol tint l Vd»*. N.VTI RIMV, l)C]rK>IIIKK J5, NO. llfia |>rocrss ofiiinniiracturr ? llpon no prim i- |)Io of ('oiifititutioiiHl riglit—ti|X)a no juin- ri|»l«‘ rf liuinan leusun or justice, can any liiM-rimination I)** riraun Ix-tweon tlie titles of .Soiitli-Carolinn and Nt!w-.lers(;y to those God has cast our destinies. Having form ed this rc'soltitiun, with a full view of nil Its bearings, and of all its probuble aiid possible issues, it is due to the gravity of the fiubject, and the aoleinuity of the oc* casion, thnt we should speak to oiir con federate brethren, in the plain language of fmokness and truth. Tliough wo plant What right, thfin, human or divine, have th»! inununictiiriii;;; states—for we regard the Federal (lovmiinf'nt, as a more instru- nieiil ia their hnnds—to prohibit South- Carolina, directly, or indircctly, from go- prodijctionx of tlu-ir capital and lalx»r.— ■ in|j to her naturiil markets; and c\chan^> i«t what is tnc discrimination actually ! ing the rich productions of lier soil, with- iiiade by the unjust, unc.onstitiitional and I out r»fstrirtion or incumbrance, for such partial l>*gliljlion of Cfingres*;? A duly,; foreign artirlcs as will mo.^l conduce to the ■ ourselves u(>on the Constitution, and tho ofi an average, of fifty per coiit. is ini()osii(i i wealth and pros[)erity of her citizens ? It j immutable principles of justice, and intend U(>on the productions of South-Carolina, j will not stirciy be pretended—for truth and ' to operate cxclusivoly through tho ciMl while no duly at all is iinfioscd upon the decency wpially forbid the allpg^tion—that I Irilninals and civil functionaries of tha ninnlnr prcKluctions of New-Jer'-py ! 'I'he i in etclinrigin:; oiir productions Sir the j State; yet, we iriW throw off this oppres- inevilalilr ri'suit in, that tb" maniifactunjs | clicapcr manufactures of Kurope, wo vio-jsion, at every hazard. We believe (*ur thus lawfully accpnrcil by tho fii>no»it indu#- ] late any right of the dointstic inan'ilactur- j rouiedy to essentially peaceful. We be- try of .Sjiith-( jirohiia are v^urtlt, annually,. ..is, liowpver gratifying •( micht !k? to tiirm i lieve the Federal Government has do shat!. lhr«M; miiliuiiH of dollars Ifxs to tier citiz».*ns | if we would purchase thfir inferior produc- i ow of right or authority, to act against a thr.n the very samo qunntily of the very tions at higlicr pric*-s. ' sovereii^n State of the Confederacy, in any sanir d^vription ol iiianulacturcs arc worth | ('|»on what principle, then, can the SlatP |form, much less to coerce it, by military to the cilizruH of Now -J'-rtu y—a diirt;rciic* of .Soiilh-(Jar>lina l>e calh-d ujjoii to submit i p»wer. But we are aware of the diversi. of \ulim pmdurcd •*clii-.iwly by tho o(k;- to a system, whicli excludes her from her ties of human opinion ; and have xeeu tofi ration of I Ik* protecting «yslMni. , natural i.i.Ti k't^i and t!;f manifold b-nf'tils ! many proofs of the infatuation of human No in;.'cnnity can •,illit r i-vrule or refute ol that riiriL'ii.'sc; coinfiu rre wljich a kind power, not to have looked, v/ith the most tills pro|xntitioii. 'J'he vi'ry axioms ol .uid b; tifljccnt I’rovid -iico has pro>id‘.‘d to | aii.xifius concern, to the possibility of'a rc* ceomttry are not more M’lf i vid' ut. For i:«>niifct her with the family of nations, by sort to military or naval force on the part '’v*>n if the [»lantcrs «>f S ni*li.('arf.|i'i;i, in the Ivtiid? of mutual inttrest ? Hut one an- |of the Federal Government;—and in or* *hecaw sop|KiM-d, wero fo w;ll :ind oiiMiriK- ^wor can be given to this qu''«tIon. It is { der to obviate the possibility of having tha iIm'sh priKioftions of th. ir iiiuu.-tr\, it la in vain timt we altcmpt to disguise the fact, i history of this contest stained by a single I uppfov wltf*»* net approved the 1-llh Ju!», 1 Ifrnng ami ■mcnWin^ the teveral arts ini- jf'ing duties «n import*, arc nnrunstitu- imial, atnl th»rer>rp, a!»*«d«it»-!y void, nrx) no btndin»forr» withm the hiuit>. of ihi Hwlvi-s by th«? w ir of the ri'voliitioii. 'I'here 1-iin*-rpiantitv of the Kaine kind of maiiti- of colonial (!fpetid'*ni-i> and vass«ilai;e, in all j ^derate Stales; and will, forthwith, pro- iH n right whu'h ♦•ntcrs more ^'«^••^llalU t'u turei-, wiihMit piniii" anv dntv at all. reHjMcts, ide ntical with that which n’straiii- , vide for the organization »fa new and sep. into n jii-t HtCfptii*ti of lil>.Tt\, than tln.t '| hi-* f*ingl*- m-w f t!i** i.», t vhibits pd cur forefather*! fn>m trading with any arafe Uovemment. ill'ihr trw! aiKl uareMrirted iiM* ofih'* oro-|th.-eii,rni..iisil,. tjii:ililv*anii II • i-.liccofthe nianiifK t'iriDs natior, of l^irope. other than i We implore you, and particularly the ductioiH .H o«r iiHlii-lry. * bih cli-uly in-] prot-cting >.)>tcu, iii «-ii'h a lisiKt, tliat we in-at Mritain. S,iith-( arolinu now Iwar.s ' manulaciuring States, not to bcln ve that fate; «nd I'or the purfww* of rnrrvmg this volv»->. the nj;ht of carrv ir):» ton pr dot tion^ iVcl the ni'»*t «onfk4uii; c i.nlidMue that we wunc relation to tlie nmnnfacturing we have been actuated, in adopting this re ‘ ‘ ‘ '’’ ill Ito fu(l\ justiri* d li\ the nnpaitial •'':it»-ff this co>i|/'d»mcv, that the Anglo solution, by any feeling of reaentmeut or , laration info full and cm.pkM^ i tP-ct. we ^ n.ciiMry nlierewcr th« > can !»• ni -t uve nntHited tfn- l.egi:4amr* wilh onipjn advantageHi»lv ctch-.nge.!, uI,, i r n, lot- (iwern, and nwdr il ft.e .hm of nil tbf • > Kiih 'an.lina jii'I^^'iient .f |Hi>t-(it\, sv!;atv\i’r iiiii) U ihr i"H»‘ ol tills iiiihafpv C'>ntro\*T>-v.— tsfKlicniari'«» awi all the citi/.en* of the “I''*"'* e» lu-'ively, aL'nciiliurnl j V\ c.>i fi it utU ap]*** il to our ront-Hi'Tiif rate, on their allepance, to co-operate m ’•’•'I*’’” »* bub derive their priiiei|r.l value, Si.,te.. ,.i,d to the whole world to dr^i-i‘ jiforcinp t*»e «f^-*jid declaration. ‘I**- ‘I* '•“‘"‘i lor them in l^n i,j(i c.Hin- .vS'-th.-r th- HnitaU of hnn.an I^ -i-l:it!on In reaortinj; to this important m*'*isur«*, to I '••••‘r lln-se rin uiii'tanc^. her n.i. j l.irnis'i a parralU l iii-'.inr" of iiij\i'ti' ‘ ajul hich we hatT lieen impe||rn>\ the nio«t «'iarket» are abroiul; and r» iitrK;ln- .j j>r ^mkh peqieirjtcl ni.d t th» I’rms (>f a t. red of all the dutiew which .i fn-e p*H^lr J'*'"*'' «'»'P''-ed «(^hi li. r inter. -MirM? «itli I f„. riiifvnt. Howexnr it n.nv U dis- Vmf‘r;c:i;i colonies hnrc to tlie mother hostihty, towards them; or by a desire to c«.iiiitr\, witii the =ini!o excef tiun that our dissolve the political bonds, which have so l;nrih-ns an? inconiparalily niori* oppressive long united onr common destinies. We than iljosc of our afice.Ntnr*;. ihir nine,'rtill cherish that rational devotion to tha • iir pi i le an l ''m‘ cn ion. e.jually forbid . l^iion, by which this State has been pre- i:‘-t ,itri"‘ out tiie d*::ji.i.ling aiuloyy.— 'eminently distinguished, in all times past. \\ t: lc;.v(; that t>i tiie In .torian who shall But that blind and idolatrous devotion, riTo'd th«- |iiu'gment whu li im|*aiii.-\l pot. whirh would bow dowTi and worship of». I owe ntber to Ihe HM'cnory of their an- ' gn " d bv i:>e co*npl-Mi\ .f tiie pn*. i-».« t>\ tersty will pronc.iincc iijjon the eventful pression and Tyranny, veiled under tho .r» or to the claims of t'l-.r pftenty, valiMUr vidu-of'li.r pro«ltK;ti..i»i v.-rv nvar- j^j„rh it i-. ff, trd. m isn..ih. v-l.-v.i|,;uit!ie fivl that It i« tJiH* to the intimate p«i4iti. *>' •“ ***'' *»*”**• *'• diitws. j ii„,i„;ri u- •ulr.ig» ufl.ikio^'incc ii.i .m.ii'i ’l I al r» Lt.on which exi!it fr-tween S. Caroli- ^ mf'*r a ■*\>teinof Fn-e'rrsik*. ih*'ag-j •lolUus itiiim.iii^. the \ iii;c «,f liu* [>ro- ni !tf»d the other .'‘tatf^ of'this rnn(^v4«nirv, gregati* crtip of S. i'nr«lina ro*ild !•*“ , d-i.tinn of fhn.;ina i;nd ir.u.'!-t n.ig it thai »'• sh«Kifd prr«mt a r|r-ar nnd lU^tinrt cbao"«i l*»r a lar^'cr quantity *f m in'ifnc- i i t e t- '’|*li* of nth. r nrd ,!i*t u;! r.unmuiii- etpOMtiin of the pnr.eiplci on which we turen, h\ at hfi-t *r>-l‘tird, titan it can No hii'n.n ii^'it- hare acted, and ol ll>e cairaea by winch we « *rb«njr*d for uii kt th'- pn.iei tm_' fuIK i xcn.i- —o. h a |»cui r. ll violai.- lm\e b>*'n relnrtnnllv convtraifi*^ to nt^um'' '' I* •* I-evnl*»nt. that th-’ v al- t.ie t ii-riral iiniM i( i>-' oi' i, ifu. il jn't.c*-. and nfiituite of'•o\erri”n n-istnnce in re. uc »»f that cr»p i« diinim*!*!'d bv fi«- pro-' r,.'tvert» th" (Juvi rntn iit inM a tiier*' in- litirn to fite UMifjintiMis of the g»'t>eral t'^titijf *■»-t^'m vrrv le-arly, if not prr-ri‘ei\, •'nini-nt ti\ > ],irHi'^»'r. * >:'rJI llw niiii'‘iit. I'' tfi-r\ti nt that th'- ac^T^’.^ati' qn.nitilv I'r.r till* purpose It will hf* f>e**.««nr\- to "t maniitactiip-^ wliicfi can tr. ti-K ri.in-- r f thi« d.i\. ; consecrated title—if it ever e.xisted amon» It 1'ill v.iiii iliat m; attempt to console us, has now vanished forever. Coastitu- r'.r - Im > I)> iiio empty an.i unreal mocke- ticnal Liberty is the only idol of our politi- I V I'l in r pn serdatifiii in (’impress. As cal devotion ; and, to preserve that, we will :i!l l’:!'' '' pr*-tl : ikI vit.il ititerest.s of the rnit hesitate a single moment, to surrender u!,i. !i arc itl-rfr-i! by tlie pnjtfcting .the Union, itself, if the ^acrilice b»; neces- ' -f' IP. it '.w.i.ld be Ih :ter tliat she had no sarv. If it had pleased fJod to cover our - '.r >i. iitaiujii in that b«*Jy. It serves no lt*yes w ith ignorance ; if he had not bestow* «tf'r pori« fjiit to conceal the chains ed upon us the unilerstanding tocoriiprehend which 1 tt’r our lili^rtios under the vaitk, the enormity of oppression under whicli »e \ r:i(ii* :.t'on th-;'ir -'.t tln • :uili, llie I’ -, l*>r:ijs of a n'prc.'-entntive Gov-' labor—we might submit to it, with abio- rrfl ll .M rii'i.cni S o. ill. !i jnI-!iail..w .if a ''ni'iirnt. In the eiiai'l iicnt . f the protect- lute degradation and infamy. But the ■ r; ih" ‘•.•trin of pn ti; tmj dntir«. a» 'he prviw m'-aKijr*- >f thri/ agjre^niif vai I !T^ ■ tj v^ir rijht-s, our ii.tT'**-t-. niMl o*ir I’*1 (' r the prt ralmt aui hHbitud ‘eri,i-.i. ••rmr of ronf. iii.riuit; th*' irMHi*'V price w.tn hfiW tlten. ifiiit on th-ir *^fnrT«fKi the exrh:ioj«tiliU val i*- of .»ur :i:;ricultural r m it;i" cr^nn of ir«'at itriiain, the » vr. prup.4itions would !»• p' Tinl- 3'.-. briefly, what w» con*-.iv« to ih*> •••r •«. i** diniiin-h*-1. Il i-. in. .•), m. .iIk iiiMiUiIi'iimI ii^ht |..#\rrrtv m„-1, r. s;.ste:n. the maj.)rit\ of Congre-i, is in gifts of Pn.vidence cannot be neglectf*d, !aTi,.o crcstrd by the F'-drrnl ’..nHf itii- ;»fMf phil»*.j»Hi«-nll> im.-, ib«i the ipni t.tv It uas r r. ,ii-d p'lrx ipai y. ai d alrn'-.st . «!ri I j rt.pi loty of >p*f. l^ an irresfK.iisible or abused, with impunity. A peip!c, who >11, If-tn'cn the Hti,tr and ill** gnfn r«l of .mihum il.ln ri>nuiHHiiti»-» w(n.-h can U* • hi'.i\• . t^r tl'..-; tir|'iM- f prot'tiii;;. n;i- \ very brief analy-'is will ren- delil)crately submit to oppression, with a n\t-niii’nf : and aUn v*hat we to ol.iiun.tl t-r lb** c..tt..ii qimI r.ce t nnntU , pr a in^. an.! r\'. n !i:ij tliat \cr\ "^co:;!- l'*'' i lf'Jr to »-very und.'rstanding.— I full knowk^g.; that they are oppressed, aro • ih-irti*> rharat trr ntvl prartn al oiK-ra T.xlDcrd l»y ibe indus>r\ ot the .'*tai., i> oh r. c. v*bitli i..r lli. la.«t ti-ii\- ar>. all ils Whjf. th* n. wu ask, is involv ed in the iciea lit only to be slaves; and all history proves, [w.w r-i Ut!| nio't uniiatiiraiiv ami un- of pol t|.-Til r> «[>on'-il.ility, in tho imposition that su h a people will soon find a master. •i_» ;f.vrt!''\ |vr\*'i;> l to cripple an'l ile- of p;iblr tuj-theii>i ! It clearly implies that It is the pre-existing spirit of slavery, in .-ir .\. I be (viwrr t ) “ rc>' tli'>-e wIm impoi“ the burtbcii3, should bo the pople, that has made tyrants in all a- *Hli f..rpi„n imSi.Mi',” wa' "raiitcJ obvious- rt sjionsiblf to iho.-rf? uho Uar them. F.ve- ire« of the world. No tyrants ever liiade a .V r tlie pre* rvati' !i ..f that cn;iimcrce. ry n pn-'fiitative in C.»iisrc.-.s ‘.hould be re- slave—no commuity, however small, hav- I rolonics lircame fn-o ami nMlr[-**r»«)fnt eij a-. «*'lf i-v i.l. nt. If the pr. to tin" duiie- 'I'b** lufist unpiriani ofa'I iIm ihitu which s|K>iisil>le. not onl_\ t.) his own immediate ing the spirit of freemen, ever yet had a t rojo>in^ ihc : z |Mrwtcar».lir>de wrrr repealed, one bim-lred l»al.*s t.f .-oft n ih-l’, (iernl (io\ > n^mi iit . -.w to South ('ar- constitiiei.ts but ihrough tlv m and tin ir master. The most illustrious of those • :mI= lit nuht ..fV|f.g.,\enim»nl : aiKl fhat or ow bundn d burrrl^ .if rice »,.ul.l imr- ubna. iin.f. r t’■ r, .np.irt I'lbc I ni..n, i«th«' coiuaion frartu ipatioii in the Lairtheus im- .'^t.ites, which have given to tho world ex- Ki .T.ithoritv can lirfxerff.*^! ovfT tbcin or »*h»««'lnri«* a ipmnliu . f nimiU :i«nirpr.i'.iction ao 1 .N i'ciu c of her r>n-i.::u com- posed, Io lh>* coii'iitiiriits oi every other auiples of human treeuom, have occupied '4;Uim till ir limit';, Imt hv their con»iit, :« hundred .md tiflv will rw>w fnin"ia'*»>. iu m ‘ rti;..iii«t all ti:«-on. ioK*' bv whom it I’^preM'Dlatue. Il in tho enactn>ent of a I erritories, not larger than some of tha resji, iive'y giv* n a .'*lnlr->*. it i« r«nJ4li\ ’l’(i‘ annu.il irtr>nie of lh»' St.ile, iis nv'an* niay fv; ,iy-;nl. ii. .\ii.l in vv hat u.anin r ha^ iri'’, thnt tfif> •'on^lilution «'f the I . .'^lalf* of(xin hn«i i5 aiidciin'.ui:tin> th" n.'c»-«‘:t'ie» thi-(hi(v ! «h'ii ili-«clinr^ •!' All tlv'i«iwrsol' I-a coinpn.'t f./noed U-twc-en Ihi' sev».|al an.l comt'orts amf hixiine.. bff, wou'd I**-f the ••arth, by t.u ir coiiirn. r.'ial r. >tri«-tioiis, ’■' ttc-, a ting a.t i*ov/>reig!i communities; iiK-r.-ax d in a corr»sjH>n«iini; ti-vre. . ; and ail ili«-piiatcs of tli.> rs an, bv tiu-ir lint tl). ^overnnicfn crrat.*«l bv It IX a jomt .Mniost iIm-entire . ..tton cr. p .>f S. I';tr. lawit-s »L.l. rin-, c.Kild not h;i\c tioiie s.. ' mii‘ n to .!f'ir"y «uir c.iiniMerve, as h;i- !«'«'ii .i"ii' h% that vcrv tlov. rnment, to which II- un.irdiHii'-hip h.is U-i-n committed devixfd n”amst oppre-.MVc lc^i>lation. b\ th' I ' d'Tal ('. n-iii'iti-n. I !i»; c.nii- Ibit tin'fact is precisely the reverse of of rashness, by the vain iinaginati.m that m»*n‘» t f Siiiili ('.ii.Min.i consists m e\- this. The majority in Ciin^rcs.s, in iinpo- Sv>uth-('ar«dina uill vindicate her rights I.j'i*. Ill the S.iiiie Mn.-mgn cnpHcitv m .H'lhntrrvp w.miW !*• all the nianiifactun-s '' bancing tii’-tii|il*-pr.-ai. ti.ins of le-r soil sing pr.itei ling duties, which are utterly , and liljerties, with a less indexible and un- •Ill'll ll.'\ adopletl the I’ederal Conr^tiln- which we coiil.l oblnin f..r il. under a \-,i'r ilic inannliu tur« .s of Kuro(»«!. It is a destructive of the interests of SouthCaro- faltering resolution, with a population of ' .'II, to pr. n iince, m tlio la*t r-*orl, aiiflior- lem ofiiiin'-lricti-fl rominerce. 'Ibr ,;rfi li«iul i ontiin rcf. It violates the iij:hts linn, not only imjv^c no burthens, but actu- some halt a million, than she would do with •"' judgment on the uMirpatioiis of llu- 'alne, pr.slnced 1,% the unjust am! un-! "t'lo chi-s . f |« »;.1.‘ in an\ jR.rti.iii of the nll\ conf.'r enriching lH«mties upon their a population of twenty millions, t U ii,! i:o\crnrpnit,ai)d I.j adopt such mea- V..imtitutn>nal I^egivlntuwi of « oiii;riw«, i*^ cont.>UT,. y. It is this very coinmcrce. constituents, proportioned to the burthens It does not belong to Freemen to count "'iri> a ilif y u.av deriii ne.oiHaiv nnl ex- onlv «iich part ofth'*^f nianufictinev as w ili llK'n'ioif. Mhich tin- .•oii-titution has on- llu y iin|*os»‘u(K>n us. I nder these circiini- the costs, and calculate the haziirds of \in- p^di.'t.t lo nrr»>«i the ni^ration of the un- rcnnm nfl. r fwvma a dul v of liliy p^ r cent, j .imil it ui>on ('.«ii:n''s t.i encourage, pro- stances, the prim iple of ro,ires'ntative re- dicating their rights and defending iheir ii^'iMitiunal acts of that gov. rnnK'nl, to the ;..verninenl. or. I.* spr»k with more t.-ci. and .ici. nU by su. h n i:nlati.>ns as may ,[>onibility, is iierverfcd into a principle of |,f>erties ; and even if we should stand a- I :'liin ihfir rr^jxN ti\e limits. Such »e pr»>cisi(vi, to the Norih.'rn inaiiuta. Iiirers. ! I'*' nc.-. >sar\ to ac.om|.!i'h that «ihj‘ct.— absolute dcsj.otism. It is tins very tie. lone in the wor^t (wssible emergencv of this '^' eia to |,(« !}„. iiihrruit rights of the To mnk* this obvious to the humblest com-1 But instead »l tl)-;l prclection, w hich is the binding the majority of I’ongre.ss to exe- great Contr.norsy, without the co-operation —right-, in'li-very natiiM* of tilings, prehension, |rt it Ik.'up|»o-a>| that the whole only tie of onr allegiance, as individual citi- cute the will of their constituents, which or encouragement of a single State of tho 'b- :.ii. lv IIp.arab!e ir.lm >«>vi r»-ignl\..f the prf-ent crop shuiild bo exchangeii, |/ ‘ns to the reu.'raU.iivernment, we have makes them our inexonble oppressors.— confederacy, we will march forward with ‘ r I- t|„ duty i.f a stalo to arr* -t mi un- by ibe planters lheni«-Ui s, for tb"«>c tor- ''ec" i' i!ii:aniic sv.xlem ol r«Htricli.iiLs grad- They dare not open their hearts to the sen- an unfaltering step, until we have sccom- *■" -tiiuii..iial and opprr*m\e net .)f the li'il- eitrn manufactiircu, for winch it is destineil.; ually rc;ir.-tl up, and ut length bnaigl.i to a tini.'iils «.f human justice, or t.» t|ic leelmt.'s jdi.shed the object of this great enterprise. ,* " • '!''\rrnim-nt I* * im|wrnlive, than the by the inevitable i..ursc «.f im.ie, to bt ill-1 futal maiunty, of whu h it is the avowcil of human sj mpatliv. They are tyrants by Having ii.iw pre.sented,for the considera- ri-ht m ii^;„|,tc,tib|p. iCach Siatu by rati- Innately exchanged, either by tben»selves' object and must oo the inevitable result, t» the very nccessilv of iheir poxiiioii, howe- tion of tho Federal Government and our ♦ if'gllie federal consiifiiii.rti, bihI liecom- or Iheir ap-nls. I.et it Im> nls.i n««umod, ’ sweep our commerce fr.im the gn.-at hi;;h. ver elevated may lie their principles, in ; confederate States, the fixed and final de* •a in.'fTilter of tln' conled»'racv, contract- in conformitv with llu! facts of tho caw, j wav ot nations, and covit our laud with their individual cujKicities. i turminatiun of this State in relation to the ' I I t-lilisniion to “ protect and defend" that New-Jer«'y, for example, produ.-ej. | l>ov.'rtv and rum. 'I'bo srave ipiejition. then, w liicli we have ' protecting system it remains for us to sub- ' ■'! in‘^rntn. nt, as well bv resi*ting the u- of the verv siiine description ol’ niAniitiic. I I'veu the state** mo«it deeply interestel had to iletermine, as the sovereign {»«)wrr init a plan of taxation in which we would .iiiiiis (if il,( turrs, a (pninlitv eipml to that which is m ihi* maint.'iiance of the protecting s\s- of the .'“'tale, upon the awl'ul responsibility ' be willing to acquiesce, in a spirit of liber- ^''**aiiiin^ liiat t:«ivernmeiil in tlie eiernsi*' |iurcbat>ed bv the cotton crop of S. ('aroli- j teni will a.Inut, that it i« the interest of under w hich we ha\e acted, is, whether we al conces-sion, provided we arc met in duo '* Ihe |K(weM actually confernsl u('.»n il. na. We have, ihn, Iw.i States of the S»*iith-'aroliim lo arrv on a commerce of will voluntarily surrender the glorious in- time and in a becoming spirit by the States -Jml lit,, obligation of the *H»th which is samo confeiferacv, liound to liear an equal I c\chan;es w ith f»n*igii countries, free I’rom heritance, purchas«‘d and coiisecnitetl by , interested in the protection of manut'acturcs. rerv *ihare of the burthens, and entitled to enjo\ ; n"«lri«'lions, prohibit.>rv burlhtMis or incuui- the toil.-, the sufl'crings and tho bl.M»«l of an i e believe that uptwi every just anil '■n V ol the st^te«, ;p|Miinl''d lo exe, ute nhnii, amounlin:: annu.illv t>* more tliHti t)i' p .mrv enmneniled arxl grnnlts! by that «i\ million .if doll.trv, i-. iiHiiiiat.'tv ex-; r.'tr.im>'iit : tliat all its acts not inlfiiliixial' chiiri;;ed eiifier f* r l'>irM.';n fiianufi.'liire,i, | Iv ri!||iiri/i-,t, nrr of tliemH'Urs eoM'iiiialU >-iib|.-M lo pr«>|.-ciini' .hi'ieM, or for simihir M ni.il »"id. nnl that the .''’titi n have ifii- rlorne.^tii’ ninniifaclures. 'ITie ntilurul v ilu*>! protecting laii.'T. the majority in Congress Ihstricts of South-Carolina; whil** the ii:!pos*-d upon tlicir own coii.stituents the largest masses of population, that were e- -am. biiiilit IKS \tiii. Il ill. y inipo*«f'upni the ver united under a common government, 'H'fiple of S tiiih-t arolma, that majority have been the abject, spiritless and degra- wouM act nndt-r all the n sjramts of |>oliti. ded slaves of despotic rulers. We sin- c«l n‘S| .in'ibialy. and we should have the cerelv ho|>e, therefore, that no portion of U-'t socuMt\ V.hn !i lutnan wisJom has yel .the States of this Confederacv, will [)ermit >n. I themselves to be deluded into any measures nn|M .. ,1^ f ('onstitution, on rverv *ihure of the burthens, and entitled to enjo\ | n".lri«'tions, prohibit bi’» liointy of ibe stiiiex. In “ pieservr, pro- , an equal shan^ of th»' bi ii.'fits of l!ir cum-1 brances of any kind. • I t. ninl ilerend" the Federal (’onstifutioo, I nion government, with pr**cis«'|y ttie same “• clearly eoniprebeiids the duly of pro- qimiillly of produclioim, of the same quality ’••'■ling nnd delirniling it B)^imnt the u.xur|>a- and kind, priMluced b\ their lawful iniiistr>’. ii.'ii* .if the ffil« rnl government, aa that of We np|Mal to your candor, and l.> y.Mir I’f"!'. liog nnd defending il against violnlKHi I seiiKi* of justice, to say whether Soutb-Car- m an\ other t'orni or from any other unnrter.' olina has not a title a« sacreil and indefea- * I* true that in ratifving the F«*«|pral . sable lo the full and milimintslied rnjoy- ""‘••iiiitioii, tlM* ,Siati.s placed a largt? ainl; mont of llie.se pr.Hliictioiis of her industry, •"ilM'rtaiit |torlionof the rights of their eiti ;acqnire«l bv tl»e combin'd op>rations ofag- under the joint protection of nil the ricultnre and coniinerc«', as New-.lersev can ales, With n view to their more efK^clual j have lo the like enjovnient of similar pro- 'Jrilv , but ll ia not Icsa true that they re-' ductions of her industry, aci]uired by tho Ue leel, and we illustrious ancestry, or transmit that inheri-: eqnitablo principle of taxation, the wholo know, that the vital intere,-.ts of the State, tance to our posterity, untirnishetl and un- list of unprofecletl articles shoul.l be im- are involved m such a commerce. It wr>iilil diminished ? We couhl not hesitate in tie- ' p«»rled f'ree of all duty, and that the revenue Im* a downright insult to(Hir understandings, cidmg this question. We have, therefore derived from import duties, should be miseil to tell us that our interests are not injured, delibrrately and unalterably resolved, that | exclusively fr.mi the unprotected articles, bv tliono pndiibilory duties, inteiHliHl and we will no l.aiger submit to a system ot or that whewver a duty is imposed u|>oii cab'ul.ile«l to pn v« nt us from otitaming the oppn'ssion, which reduces us lo the degru- ' protected articles imported, an axci^* duty cheap inanufactures of fbreigh countries for ding condition of tributary vassals ; and . of the s.anie rate should be ini|io.st'd upon our Maples, and lo compel us to receive f«.r w hich would reduce our |»o.«.lenty, in a few all similar arlicl.*s iii.inuiIicturod in the I . thom the dear niiuiufactures of our domes- gi'nerntions, to a state of poverty and Slates. 'I'his w. ul.i U’as near an approach lie establishments, .>r pay the penally of the w relLhednes.s, that woul.l staml in nielun- In |>erfecl equality us conh. posMbly Iv protecting duties for daring t.» exennse one cholv contrast with the IxMUtihil and dc- iniule, in a system .it mdin'i't ta.xalion. N of the inoft •lacred of onr iiaturnt rights.- - lightfut regmn, in wbu h the Provulcn. o r\ «ubstantial reus.^n l an be given for subjoct-