Tnr. MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAI,. . ■ba iBakm it unoonatituiioi.'*, tnd if til l*w» of i!i*t ' lipitrovr, iu ibat the aniouiit mined i* more thnti is I riulit, Uil would (mijw before Uii'V uiiKle u | ;:)r>iiiiic. It would rn>l do lo saj that oiir Magislrale of our coinnibn country, not h> dMcriptioii be ahrofUrd by *uy Sutc for ♦runL.J. t oi.jrcw, it i:* truo, are hj tl«-„r im.ur llic |H;imlilu-s coiisf-: oustituiion wusonly u N'Hgm!; but it , |»^ur tHe |«unlty o| its laws, but u«e tin tb*tc«u*c, ihtnindn^w tlic tVderaH-'onslilutiwi U oM^titulion ttithtlw right of dmditig tlu H iiuis- ^j^j liiiluie 1 labt>r»Hl to prove it a conijmct, (which Hi j innueiK-e thnt a h uther would over hi* cliH. unworthy of tin. rii^hie.t .ir.rt for if prc«,-rva- lion, •ccordiu? t. ihcr .ont.d d.Mr.tK..., ( ^ argtic timt as u , dren wlioin ht- saw rushing to cerUio ru«. lion We liive luthrrto relied on It B» thf p*-r- priM is coiiiuoHid of tli« Ivettrc'Hululivcn ol «11 nti uu;«r iii» t iiiun u m ■,« . !•» In lliiit fuilnniBl UnminuP will. ilw.» iKtutl bond of OK I’own. "e l»ave rtctrivid it the Stotc« snd of lU U.e ihvj.U of nil the Sluter; ptict, it is stuil (lie putlus t.» cM.ii.|m4l j lnj>ue w a coinpuct, evtry cohi|m ct Ik, III I bat ^toriiaUan(^a|{e, with that pater. Mthe work of the mscniblod wit^dom of the nation, j but w«, |»nrf of the jx-of'li «if mu Slate, to whwii mav, wh«*u tlii'V let! tlicm.xelM's »g;^rir\»!d, j twreii nalitMis liiu^t t»l CoUP^ be a leajjue, | iial IC(.iiiiXi let me tel! vou, my countrymo,^ We have trusted 10 it 0* to tl»c short anclior of oir ; ilieC«ii>iituiion h.iKjrivrii no|Knveron thc^ulij.ct,; ,j J j, |„ocist!y IxHausse and tliiit fVoni mm’Ii iiii einjiigeinent every that )cmj are deluded by men whoareeithor •afttjr, in the .tormy Umos of conai«t witU a lor- | from «lioii. it l,a» ex|.re«.ly ul^en it away-,,r.; A Coin-1 si.vereipn TK.ttor has (I right to remle.— ' deceivi'd llieniselvcs, or wish to derive ci#n or doracttic e have Wkfd to it u itl* who have Mieiiinly ngrt'til lliat thiit 1 ouHtitutioii ' T . 'i i ii i ^ I Itui ii Lk« Iimmi KliAttn tfciut in this scnw ' ViHI# Mark Uiwter wbol DrclOnccB vou K*i- sacred .wc a. the palladium of our UUnK-Miid. | ,h,ill be our law-i«. most of «hmu h.v. .«uri.||'«ct is an SfirrtmoDt or b.iidiiig obli-«tiun. I I5u« it has been sIi.h.i, tbat in this .««nse,>ou. i lara unwr wnoi preiences you hav, with *Jl the •olcronities of religion, hare pled{j( d , to support Jt—kt.uow abro^'iitcthisliw.iii.'lsuidr. It tiiuv, by il>> terms, have a saiiclMJU or to each other our li\i>s and (brtunci hrrc, ar.d our nnd lijrceotlR'r* to»\vcnr,thnt iliJiall m l beoSjt yid j p^.„a!(\ |oV iis breai b, or it may hope* of happincM hert-ancr, in iu dtRnci' and —and »c do tliii-, not bcc.iusi' tVmgri w haxt no I s;iiu:li«.ii il mav bo lin keit liad lieen loriiieii bv roinpct, there would , mitidtioa ol the value of your sUple com. .upport. Were we mirtakcn, my rountryn.rn, m r.Bl.t to laws; fl.i. we do not all. pc; bui ,,oothLrc.Hm .i.iPwc.- than niorul :>uill:' no ri^lit in any one .State to enonernto , rnodity, lowered by over produclioo m cMb. atUrhint this iinporUnce to tlie C onititution of b« cuusc lli.'y have pnsKed them with luipropir wiin nooiiiLrcoii!H|i.fHti uiaii iii ii j, , h Lr aiut iIia rnnwmM>nt liim.n... our country? Was our devotion paid to the vieu^ They are uncoaiititulioiial from th« nu>- il it have a sjuiclioii, then tic* broach lncu^^ ^ iVom its obli>;ali>WS. . ■ ^ 1 ' f II I ®** wrctched, inefltcieni, clunuiy rontrivaiicc, w hiih tiven of th«w who passd them, which we can ||)t> Josi|>iiated or iiitplu'd (icnally. A. So obvious an* the rensons which forbid m the value ol your iautu,wer« the sole ef. till* new doctrine would make it? Did we pkiicc mver «ith rertainty know, fr«n Uicir uf"''|n“l | |eaoue beUtfM iodepoiiileiit tialioiiH, gen-,this nctsaion, that it is m'cessarv oiilv lo | feet ol'the Tariff law*. 1 he cHect of tbo« ouTKlvc* to the support of an airy nothin^-a . operation; it i. nn^Mble from the im- J sanclion other than a moral allude to them. 'I he f’nM«i w«i formed : l«»«« ar« confessedly injurious, but the evii bubble that must be blown away by the hr»t inrc of thiiips that they uliould Uej«al—and Ironi ’ . ... ,, ' . , .• /• u • .1 a.. ^ wai. vri-ntl* evavfferaled bv the^^ breath of diMflW'tioii ? Was this nflt'des*iro\ injj, | ilw which wi- priitiiint' mav be iui.»lc t or, it, it should cuDtain a pciuiltVi as. for the benrfit «»f atl> C HU iIkm*©. ^ ^ t vitiooary theory, the work of tlie profound statts-1 of their pr»>oe.tis, alilwtigh that d«!«|'»iiion has not 1 there is no eoinmoii superior, il cannot be, he recalled ? (.’an the States who inu^rna* theorv )ou wer® taught to Deiieve, that i|| nen, ihc exalted patriot*, to whom the tajk of; been declDred. 'fUiK i* tfic plain mi'^ning of the ! ,.|,fi,n;ed. .\(loveniiiienl,on the conlrar\, nimouslv Mirremlerod their title to tlif; Ter- burthen* were in proportion to youreiporu, co.«utoiio«al reform was eirtruste.! ’ Did th. Ordmnnec in rrki.on to Iaw8 which it al^,e, ^ has a sanclion, express or implied ; i r, tones of I he West recall tlie ^rant?— o..t to your coosumption of imiwrted Mt,. name ofUashinifton sanction, diU the Matesdelib- or alleirid unconstitutionalltr. Hut it tloc» not • . ; J 11 11 ,1. 11. . • ,k I ' c|»a Vour oride w at rouwd bv th*.. eratelyr;,lifT, such an anomaly in the history of .top tiure. It reiiak lu expre« terms, an im- «n«l. •» «"r case, it is Ix.lh nec.r«wnly im.j W ,11 the inliabilants of the fundamcnul liegislation ? 2io. We were not portant jmrt of the Coustitution itself, ami of Uw» |)lifd and expn‘s.«-ly (jiven. An atteinpl | agrt'c lo |*ny the duties that maybe mi. seriion mat a stiumiaaiw 10 inoae laws wu mirtkken ! The lutter of ihi* great insuunient I pasiicd toaife it ctrcct, uhieh have never been al- t,y turn* «'f arms to dc^troy a (iinernment, 1 |K>sed hilhoiit their a.isenl by those on the | ■ ••ate ut vassulnge, and that resistaoce to is free from radical fault: its languaife direcUy ' Kifed to be um-«ii»iitution»l. The ('..iist.tution ojRnice, bv wliulc\eV means the c.n-1 \ilHnlir or llie (Julf, for tlieir own l*euetil ? tf»em wa» equal, in patriotic merit, to t|« r'S; -y^ „ r„... s,a.., Constitution does not contain the absurdity ol' the I’nited Stnte., and that such hw., the t onhti-. and such l.ovi-niiiient has the rijjht, by the, coieroin duties lu aihitber ? .No one be- | "riiain. 100 acre giving power to make lawn, and another power to tution and treaties shall be paramount to tlie State la w «>t't>elf-der»‘iire, to pass ucts li>r punish-j iit-ves thfit anv n,»ht exi!*ts in a single j l‘Hd that this oppowlion imgnt be peaceably resist them. Tbe sages, whow; nieuiory will al- Constitution. auJ laws. 'J-he Juoiciary A. t prr- ,u.r the otli i»ilor, uiiU-ss that right w moditi-j Stato to involve oil ihe others ill tliese ami 1—might be convtitutionally maie—th«t lheco,«.mu- rMn.He.s other evils, c«*trurv to the en-| v.-u might enjov allihe advaiiU^es tb. as they hoped, a permanent censtitutional com- before a court of the I nitcd Mate*, bv app«l, ’ , ’ ’ • ” . ’ , • r« ~ ■ - ■ when a Sutc tribunal shall decide aitlin»t ih': tio:ial act. lii our .-y^tem, a.thoujjh it i» gnj{t in« nt.s s.len.iily made. Every mie ; tnion and bear none of lU burtbins. pact. The Father of his country did net affix his rrverod name lo ao palpable an absurdity. Nor mukt si-e that the oilier Stales, m kelf-de- i Floquenl appnilii to your puaions, to ii'nce, must of>| al all liauirds. Slate prid«', to your native coon|^, privMionof the (.'onstitntion. The (huinaiice do- moditH*l m tlie case of lreo.-*t>n, _\et oulhori- did the States, when thev severally ratified it, do clares there shall be no apfiesl; makes tlie Sute iv is evnrCftolv given lo pass all laws Ihcos- _ that a veto on the law^ of law paraniount to the ConMituti« and law, of the . |Ilcl,and un- " "ThVi^^n'.’t'he al^e^lives that nrc pre- ' to your seoi of Wal mjury, were ui*d the United Mates was reserred to them, or that Lnited Staten; forces jud-^s and jiirorti to swear , • ^ , . 1 ,• i in'r an u» imw uia» mv • 1 . they could exercise it by implication. S-arch the , that tbe-y will di«e|rard iheir provisions; and even S'""‘ pr«viMon.« has iKtn made lot j euliiKi: A refs al of all , prepare you for the period when the debates la all iheir CooTontions—examine the makes it penal in a suitor to attempt relief by ap-' piiniNliiii^ acts which olntruct the due ad- act-s for nii-inp r*-venue, leavuig the tJov- which coocealed the hideous Iraturei o( speeches of the most zealou* opjiosers of Federal (>eal. It furtlier declare* tiiat it sliall mi« I* law- niinistratu«i of ihe laws. emm« nt without tlie m ans of Minport; or' should b« taken off. 1| frll, authorUv—look at the arotndwcnts that were ful for th« authorities of the I'lrited Stales, or of. 1, m .M .1 1 1 . _ *• imaHo In with enmnlar-MrY proposed. They arc all silent-not a.yUahleut.; that Sute, to enforce the payment of duties impo.- , M>|«erlW to add anv an acquire cnce m ihe di.mjiitl^ ol lered, not a vote given, not a motiou maie, to cor-1 ed by the revenue laws within its limits. lliing to show the nature of tbat I m«>n ( nion by llw^srcft««H‘n of one of ils mem- ; oti ol>|ects mnien, not long aiot^, ) w woi^ red the explicit supremacy given to the laws of 1 Here is a law of the I'nited Stales, not even t vvhu;h connect.'* iis ; l,jt as erroneous oj^m U-th. U'bcn the liint was proposed, it was have regarded with horror. Iamk bark it tlie arts which b*M bmught yo« to thj state—look lorwarti lo tlie cociaeauencea to which It mukl iuevitaUe IftMi! Look bad tu what was first luM >ou aa ait inducefDcr>t — - — — -- -- ---- - -- — ,,ni3 Mi IIIIM oic III'- luuiniutKHi KIIOWII IIMI II COUlU IHM ur iii>iriH.-u iw i lhat implication, as H now contend^, cou^^ authoruy of a small ma^rity of the voter, of a ,|.«,r,nes the m.«t .Ustru. tive to.Hir peace, momei.t. Il • as known if force waj It. No. wc ha»e not erred! The tonsiilutadn »s nn^le Slate. Here is a provision of tin lV^t.litu- , /■ .1 j 1 . ’ , , , still the object of cur revirencc, the bond of our | tion which is solemnly abrr.gatcd by the same an- must give sotw* furlber d«‘Vi-lo|temeijt to 1 phfd lo r>pp«i«e the executiiMl of the I Union, OUT defence in danger, the source of our ’ tliority. " my news on this subject. No iHie, lellow that it inu»t be repelled Kv' liirce— prosptrity in peace. It shall descend, a* we have I On such e\pri.iiions and rtaw.mjr. the Ordi- cliizeiis, has a hit;her reverence Ibr llie re. I’oiijfreiw coaH not, without involvin;,' itsi-lf to enter into this dangerous coorae. Ti« received it un«rrupUd by sopli.Mical construc- nance prottn^ n.>t only an a^seri.on of the riifht ^^ved rights of th« Slates, than the .Ma-, n, disgrace uihI the countr> m niin, accetJe great politicai truth was repeatetl lo jw, tion. to our posterity; and the sacnhces of local tn annul tlie law« of whith il compUins bot to t n- . . 1 11 v , .1 Ti . . L. 1 .1 J ^ interest, of Sute prep.lices. of personal animo.i. force it by a threat of seceding ttL the Union, ifi *'>" "O'* B«ldrcK*es jou. No ow: lo the pn.fwsitiwi; and vet, it ibu is not tbat )ou had tbe wvoJutionarv riiht Un ties, that waie made to bring it into existence, any attempt is made toe.veeiife them. j would make greater |iersonnl sicritices, or litiiie m a j^iven day or u any attem|>t u *»*tUig all lava that wer« pwlpawy uucot- will again be paUioticaliy wft'errd for its support. This right to sceede is deduced froin the nature otficial exertions, to defend thero from vtola- ‘ iiwde to execute the law«, tlie »St*le b*, by . stitutiooal and intoterabiy oppr«an*«—H The two remaining objections made by tlie of ih* Constitution, whirh, tliey s»y, u a compact' tion; but e.jual care must be taken to pre- the Ordinance, d«*;lared to be out of the ' was aflded that th« right to nullif) a law CWi>anwtoth^,tl«tthesumsinten. l*t2»;nso»^ ,,.^1 on thiir part an impro(«r mlerl-r- r„,on. 'itie msK.niv of a Convenlion as-' rested 00 the same pruKiple, but that It wi ded to be raised by them arc greater tlian ar« re- »r.ol'*o'«rcijnty,and, thertfor.-, arc subject to no .. . /• .1 i . . 1 . ^ ^ i . . 1 11 _ ^1. 1 TU _k quired, and that Uie proceeds will be uncon»titu.j»upcrior; Uiat. because they ma.le the eom,»ct, e'>ce with, or resumplitm of, the riphts-llM'> ^ iiibUtl lor lhat pur|«^ have dietaled a pea.^eaUe reined) ! lliischaracter whirk tjonally employed. The Cooriiiution has given ‘bey can hrrak it when, iu their opinion, it has I'avc voNied ill the nation. 'I he line l.a!> ■ these terms, or ratb«-r tbi9 rej*^ tion of all was given to it, made you receive, with lw> exprc^y to Coosress tii« right of raining tcv-, be;n di parted from by the other Sutes. Falla, not been SO distiiicllv drawn a.** t«> avoid * tenns. III tlie nrnite of the pe«>)>le ol’ South rnurh con6dence, the asaertiooa tbat wtw neue.a^dofdetcrmininzilicsurathepobiicexi. owssstjiif ^n>c of reasoning is, it enli.tsS'ate ,|o,j|rts m s.nne c»«ri of the everci.«-* ot (’nrolma. Il is true lhat tlie tJovemor of made the uncooalitutiyfialily nf the la*, i«-7- '■"> t""'"'-- which resulu from the power of changing the tiovernmcut sutHeiently lo see the radical trror un s^'unde-X v icws may difler in their cotMruc- griev aiii*~. lo a tonvciition of all the .Slates; . lowiti7.eiiB, that, by the adoiuiaioi) ol )*f Ruprcscntatives who abu^e it, and thus procure '^'hich it r> tu. tioo of some parts of the Coimtiuition: tvfiirh, Ire Hny«, they “ Mncerely and aux-, l*^dera, Oie uuoon*titutM(iality inusi b« redress. Conjrress may undoubtedly abuse thisj 7'he People of the T'nited Slates formed but there nrc otliers on which (!is(»«s>»ionate inoslv wi k arxl d»«ire.’’ Y»i this olivious palpable, or it will not iitstify either ren»- f‘f*^rctw"arv powir, but th^anie m the Constitution, aHin*{ through the Slate n tk-clion ran leave im> do;ibf. l>f thii iia- and coiisiituii'^ial inoile of ubtainiag the Unce or nulhficatioo ' Wbat la tbe mea. oOiers with which they arc ve^rted. Yet the discre- » .1® ■ .11 ji- ... 1 •/•.l 1 1^11 .1. tion mutt exist somewhtrc. 'fhe Constitution has 1 L^ffwlatures m making tli« cofDpaci, to t«re apfiear^ to t* the asMiniH rijjht ut s«*. h tl*e otiwr .''Utes on the e^isiruc- mg of the word palpakU, in the sense « given it to the ReprefcntaUyes of all the PeojJt.' meet and duMTuss itt provisions, and artme cession. It rests, as we havt- steii, on tlie tmn i»f tlie fiileral compact, and auien.iing which it is here iwed *—lhat wbieh is af- checked by the Kepr«-»entatiyes of the States, and in .separate Cun ve{iti>ns when thev ratified alleged undivided sovereignly oftli^ States, h, if iM>ce«»nrv, has u* ver Iwen aliempte«i |i*r**ol to everv one; thal vBich no maa (X by the F.xccutivc power. The South-CaroliM those priividions; but lik terms u-sed in its aod on llieir having formed in this sove- by thosr- who h.tve urged the Slate on lo' «>riJiiiar)' iut»?lkcl w ill &1I lo peixeire. Is ^«niionV^a^?ingl«* State,constructiofi, show it to bi! a tJoveriMiier.l rei^n eapjirity a compact which is called this d* !,irii live im iisun*. The Stale might the uncouaituiio*iahty of Ihce* laws of that peoplr of the differe-nt dates’, nor the .States in '»'l"ch tlie people of all the .^tates cl- the I’joslitulioii, trom whirb, because tb» y havr pn^x^ ihe rail Ibr a tJcneml C’oo- deacriptiool Let tlioM auMiif your leadtti their separate capacity, nor the Chief .Maf(Strati lectively are represented. We arc o.\t mad*' il, the) litve tlic rigiit lo .>.e c«le.— vriilitHi to the olh*‘r Stales; and C'ongrew, who oeice approved and advocated the piili- if a wiir»4 lent noinbi'r of ibeui cocn urred, tciple of protective duties, answer tbe tjuss- > uu ,;iiKii3 niiii-ii IS ire cDii iiiiisi hs*f*caM»'d it. Hul Ihc firsi .Magis-1 l>uo ; and let iheili cbooee whetlier Ibcy rtriuUOTar'cfs^Ttiw’^ih'aT'ii^^^^^^ than to direct the mode n> have been anlici^wied. irate of .S^iih-C’arrJiua, when lie exprrs-, will be coowderrd as locapabit tbeu.of per- language not fo be misundrrstood. Itut if you whieh the Votes shul! he given. 7’lie can- The States stiverally have not relumed •«ed a Ik»i>«* that, •* on a rrvicw by i Migresa 'ceiving lliat which aiu»l have been appor- elected by the people, have any repriscntation.— PEOPI.E in the choice of ll»e l*resi»!enl and l^olti of the-« pMitions are frnn« «kh-, and anuiional cispuriiion-that in.irumetu spraiu. a «han to direct the nriode m have been anlici^wted. anjTuage not fo be misundrrstoad. Itut if you whi«'h the Votes shul! he given. 7’lie can- The States at;vtfrally have not relumed , , _ v(Te aiacmbled in general convention, which didates having the rrajonly of all the votCH their entire sovt-rcignly. It has betn«»d ihe f.jncln>«iari*-s ol' Ihe (Je'tKTal (!ov. | ent to everyinon of rowmou uoderstafidio|, Taion'I'v Mwcr?n thelast r^rT?^ Wvluld ^^ou electors of a majority i*f shown that m b«:co«nmg (oirts of a oatiwi,, einm* nt of tlie merits «»f ibe coritrover«y,” or as im|MNnng upon )our confidence, aul idd a cliiifc giTingitVeach*of the Suiesf^ States may have given their votes for c4»e n.rf numliers of a 1ci*g’je, tln-y surrendered s*irh a ronveaiioa will be accorded lo ewleuvoring lo mislewd y«j now. In eiU- tould vou sanction the wise provisions already candidate, and jet another may he cliomn. inany of th«‘ir parts of sovereijin-' them, must have known Ih’it neillier Con- : er case, tbev are uimalW gUMles m ihe peni- nade by your Constitution ’ If this shouid br The People, then, and not tli« States, are ty. Tlic nxht to make treutivi—lieclare grp«« nor any Aiiicliofiary of Ihc (leoeral'ous path tlM-y urge you to tread. Pcmdrr fir t*ic*fut°*^ providing reprcsentcil m the Executive braiH.h. , war—levy la.xe»«—exercise exrliwive judi tioverninefit hns aulliorilv to call stich a well «#o thiscircuimrtance, and you will k»er» ruk'a'n Illai^i^ Md^deaTi^to"esUblish, foPaLi^ ' House ot Representatives there is cial and legislative powers wen; all of litem I Vioventu»n, unlesa it h* demand«-d by two I how loapprtxiale the exi^ggented lan^jaj* porary and a local purpu.-e, Uiat which too must j dilIereiH;e, that the people of one State functions ol sovereign power. "I li** Slates, acVnvMl”d^c fo be destructive, and eyen absurd. d) not, as in tlic case u| l’rc»Kl*‘iit and Vice- then, for all these iin|*ortant pir|iosfs, were as a general provision’ Carry out the conse- President, all vote Ibr tlie same oflkers.— rM»loftcer sovereiCTi. 'I’hcalliance of ibeir noences of this njht vested mthe different Suies. The people f,fall the Hutes do n.»l vr^e br cilizeiw was tnu.-ferred, m Iho first m- ar.d you must perceive that flie crisis your con-„ , , . 1 c. . ■ . . . . m nio iiin» m duct presents at tills day would recur whenever meni.iers, each State olcctiiig only stance, to the (toverumrnt of the I nited cretionar ftcld a VI fJT j j ' * ^ ^ would vou sanction the ulac provision* already candidate, aitd jet another mny he clio^n. inaiiy ol* lh#*ir e>w« parts of iM-j\erei;:n- • inuM ha^e knmn th'it f»ritJ»cr Coo- : »r cn»r, tU-) are ufu«lW pii«W in Ihr prnf- made by your Constitution ’ If this shouid br The People, then, and not tli« States, are ty. Tlic nxht to make treaties—tieclare grp«« nor any fuiicliofiary of Ihc (leoeral' »>us path tlM-y urge you to tread. Pcmdrr fir t*ic*fut°*^ providing reprcsentisl m the Executive braiH.h. , war—levy la.xe»«—exercise exrliwive judi tioverninefit hns aulliorilv to call stich a well «#o ihiscircuimrtaiK-e.aiid you will k»er» ruk'a'n Illai^i^ Md^deaTi^to"esUblish, foPaLi^ ' House ot Representatives there is cial and legislative powers wen; all of litem I Vioventu»n, unleM it h* drmand«-d by two I how loapprtxiale Ihe exaggerated Ung’jaj* porary and a local purpo., Uiu which yoo must i dillereiH.e, that the people f>f one Slate functions t.fsovi reign power. 'Hi*' Slates, thirds of the Slate*. 'I'his mit;ecsliv>a, tlien, ■ they addres* lo you. They are ool ebam- acVnvMl”d^c fo be destructive, and eyen absurd. d) not, as in tlic case u| Prc»Kl*‘iit and Vice- then, for all these iin|*ortant pir|iosfs, were! is another inst.mce of the ret-kteas inallen- ‘ pious of liberty, eoNiiating tbe fame of «or ... T. ...... . _ ibe provisions of the ('onititulioii Revolutionary I'alhers; nor are you an of- with which this erisis has been madly hiir- | presM^l People coolemiiog, a* tliey repeat presents at tliis day~ww;d'reViVr' s"hcncver each State olcctnig only stance, to the (ioverumrnt of the rnitedj ried on ; or ol' the attempt to peisuatle Ihe ' to you, agninat worse than colooial vawai- ary law of tlie United States dii»lea*ed any of the o"'*’ representatives. l)iil this crvatL*s Stale*—ihej became American citi/jens, |>eoplclhalaci»iisiilulioiial renn dy hadbeen age. You are free member* of a f)nuN*l Hair*, and thit we sliould sooo ante to be a no niuterial distinction. \V hen choMen, and owed ob*dieiice to the Cttnhtiluti»ii of sought and refused. If tlie feg’islature ol mg arid happy Coion. I’her* i> tie •ettl#l r».j; _:.i. .u 1. are all representatives of tbe I’mted the I’nited .States, and to laws made m J*oolh ('an.liMi ** anxusi^ly destre" a (ien-: design to o])prc*a you. You have iwVei ! powers It ve»l«d in ernl Convention in consider their com-' felt tlie utMHjual operation of laws whith position has not U-en, plami.s, why have th'y not mude appltra-^ may have lioeo unwuvly, not unconaiiiu- ,J. Ifow lh* n can thal tion fer it in fl*e wav 1^ Constitutioti pmnts ' tionally passed; but that inn^ualil) owft tamed with tertaio;y, the objection would, w^th nor aie tliey accfrtiiitable toil foraiiy act done State said lo I■ s.rtcr. it:n and iiHk'fK.n- out ? nic a*^^rtio»i that Ih^y •• earneslly necessarily bo removed. ,\t tbe very hip*^Lrprwecds. bn*s«rtly'^not *be ”r*ed iL I*erforman« c of their legislative fijtic- dent, whose citizi ns owe oliedience to Uiwh . sei k” it is cufii{iict«ly negaluei by tbe «neiit when you were madly urged 00 ioll>c gainst the laws Itvving .It duty. * tions ; and, however they may in practice, out uiaiic by it, and whr>se magistrates arif onnvnon. I unlbrtunutccourse }ou have begun,acbao):* These are the ailcffaijons cbiitained in the Or- ihwir duly to do, conmilt and pre. iwom to disregnrd those laws, when they This,* then, is the position in which we m public opiriKm had c-Mnmenced. dinance. Examine tliem serioosly iny fellow.cit. f'-r the interests of their particular con-1 rome in conflict with thoae pa.-ts-d bv a- staml. A small mnioritv of Ihe citizens of «»^«rtv approaching povinenl of the p®blK determme ^hetherih« 7re « stitucnts when they coine m conflict with nother’ What shows conclusively that ih** one State in tim rni.Ki’have electe«l dele-j debt, nml the cooso«(uetit nect-siify nf * mg, as to leave no doubt of their correctness; and >“t«rest, vet it is Stales cannot Im .said to have reserved an grites to a State I ‘onvt-ntKKi; thal Conveii- ; diininiilion of duties, had already proAjcW errn if you should come to this conclufcion. Low *f'd ‘Ughest duty, as rf-presenta-. undivided «iviTei2iilv, is, lhat thoy ex-, lion has on!nm>d limt all the r*.v« mie laws ' « eonsideraWe reduction, and thal !«»*«• «k air_ *1- I- I . . . I . . - • . t tS'Au a ._.l } ' ' ‘ » J I -tt . ^ s -l"V • M.|^ r* MliailllT IIII? ^'1 I'WIUII |r||f> 7 WWia**«a*/* ««•*:«««» wc -• L" ^^'ha.;:\nJhr.r.V.ri w's'f^r T "* “‘her manner, .r to puni.h It. Hut tlK, .«H.rved ngf.t of eti: ct, and that he maV lie cm,K,wered to vorv tmn. when Ihe .on.l,lio„ of l!ic cnu«- enu^. ,nd each Sute ha. a right to oppo^it their i i» »»c same. It is a govern- the Slalosare not less sacred, kcau-^ ih.'v ,;ive rKnme, « to vcvnr-i^ in ihc name of try ifipr-ri.Kisly demauded aui h a tnodilK*- In vain have (lii'se tageit di I !are>l tbat Congress Lv with the irfher States u single Nali>Hi, had no sepurate character I hii\o urged you lo hiok bock to •ur »|ip*MitiHi Ihe laws lie tiiilhluily ete iiled,'’ shall Is roniio*’” If fin'jf .... V. Inotix-ry 01 I...., .1 . » ’ -..v...... nn.i inn iii:r ( (IllllirV, niHI to |||( r.iliir* ami I ifir urls r.nM Itntin:: l.j.~Uti.,«; I)a bare m,j..r.ty of th-vot.r. many ’ ‘ | ^ I.. wrn,Me„„_j,„w in it, that tl.o most point out lo all the jnrilotis .H.tuation into ml.-r d.ii-tidin-llieir !>.v one S**t. may, on a real or .Iit,oo«-d iiiiowledi;. rnittmg anv ill>;nc.;. .Sccfssion, like anv is rfrft of Ihfwu^ sevfral iii'xlcs of iiniun «li,el. .„wul , l. t* ,i . 1 n iiiui 1 ukui, in i« tiiiiii^ m of t».e intei.t with *.».i/,fi a law has U-..n pa-H.d, othfr rfvoiutionar\ act, rmv Is? mor.iHy »hoijld n-,w U- r*.n*iihrf«l ni n mt.r. I .. 1 I ” 1 - I''!'*- Hers, iinJ Iiinkmj* ll.eir imine rr.s(ii-clel |l«lar«; Uwm^lv.s free from the op«ration —sn> justified liy the fcxtn-inifv of oniirfM^ii.n • h-ii»in* t'• t 1 I I I . 1 1 ll'e coiir-c lliuy art; llie rem«ifc,t |i;ii|s i.f the i*orlh ! ’on.'*i'^‘ h. re It triv»-s IM hiile, Ihjrr fo.j inn, h, uit'i f.'H . |„,t •„ r-,|| .1' I 1. ’ , I'l'’'"'"'*' nrj;ed lo pursin- is .iii* of null ami di^-;ni, ( Ihe exMit of ils l-rrilorV its iirr' S’*” - r.t*sun.M.ul)v-here.t..ifr.r,art..:le;u.befr.e ^ ri-ht is eon- Il islromari alxisrof terms, fomparti. t„ the v.-rv State «hosr ri-liS ih-v all: ,-! Il ' . ^ ' K ..^10 sr'- "*“ ** '* «“”•* •’ •«" • "““'J" *»u. ■jj'Lls “.'.'L' r.:~-.-us-.'