■ mNERS^ & FARHERS’ JOIJRlVAIi. PRIMTEI) AMO PHniilSIIKU KVfjHV SATt'R|>AY» BY THOMAS .1. AHUm i'^ MM KI.F.NUURG COUVI Y, NORTll-CAROLINA. I WILL TS* II »OU TO riKRCK rM« OF THK r.AHTM ANI» BKINti OLT KKOM TIIK C'4VKtNH Of TlltC KOI NTAIMH, MKTAl.S WIIK »l Witj. «,IVK «TI!f Mrrll TO OrR IIA.'jtii ANII W.’IU»;CT XLL SATITHF TtJ OUR USE AMO rLKAHvir.. l«. J0HltW>5. VOI^ III* NATI KIMV, IIE( IIUKEK 29, 1H:{2. IfSrTlS. TIIK Jlncrt*’ Ac Fnrni«*r«’ Journal j printed and publi.bpd fVcry S.turd.y tnornin|f fat Tipo Mlart per animm, if paid in advaiicc ; Two Pollan and Fifty Crnlt if not |Niid in ad- | I «n« c: Thrrr fhtllurt at the end of tl« jrar. | (l)VrRTTSK>fKNTR «ill h- inntrvd at Fi/ly I cfnU i>fr wiuare (»>ot cxwpdiii|{ 30 liiii'H,) for the i ftr»t inw-rfion. and ‘J3 oriiU for each iiucc.»«linf | week—or f 1 for tJirw wreka, for one iiquarc.— | A liberal ili»count will he madr to tho«- who I |advcrtij« bfth*Tfar. IT( Or.alladverti-M'mrnti. ^ [rommunicat«d for piibliration. thf nuii.brr o(' I iHM-rtiona irniat be noUfI on thr margin of thr | I tnannw-ript, or Ibrjr will contiDUFd until, I forbid, aad charprd accordingly. i ' All miiiinunicatiooa Id tlw- Editor mu»t tome ' rfriv of /»Kr/«ff, of thry may ant b« attrndrd to. ' TIIK MARKfrrs. \ rflARI.EKTON. r*W' 17. 1-CW. CotkHi. So* lalanii, l‘) a 30; upland, new, 10 a P»; Rirp, prirm, 3] a SJ ; i«r« ri«>r to f«>od, ‘,»i a I; ►'Vwr, •u-K-rftne, 6 a 7J ; (Vn, "i a «);. ata 00; Whitkrv. 3j a 37 ; N. F',. IJnm, I bd, .1h a 3'*: Api'k- nrandr, 40 a 43; Ucf*. , ^ 17 a H; Tallow,('arolina, II a 11^; Mack- | No. I, 7; No- V. (i a 7; llama, ; J a lit^: l^rd, l«a lOj; Naila, cut. 5| a 6 f« fit» I, Hanr>"r« 1-^ ■ R'ix f> a 10 cmlii; ('Otar brandy, IM • ; liollvid (tiu, UMIt L'l; lr»n, Kumia and AiiMr*, 9t a 4i {irr Iba.; I lit, l.ivoriiititl. tn bar*of 4 Imi*Ii. ‘JI a 0; in bulk, I I k 00; T. Ii4and, 4 a 23 . Stifar, ilavina, 10 ) .11); brown, 7 a ; Si. Croit and Jam. 7 a *M ;, Lw.(>tlf«nK, 7 a >*li Molaaar*, (’uha, a -TJ; I ()rkaa«, 3t> a W ; ('oflVsr, pi iin*- erccn. 11 a I; t'l riar In i^nod, I'ia 1*J) ; llvaon Tea,77 a ‘'^1 rU. TNorthJ'araiina money, li a tJJ per cent. di*. Lint Savannah flank KilU 1 per c«-nt. di»oMint; pi oUier (>«atfta Rank ItilU li per cei,L • CAMm'N F)R-. 22. | %natry Ptmlmft.— Vton. )■} a 9); Com a , !, 7.Sa M; Flotir, minlrv, 4i a 4); lU- ' n, ^ a 10; Whiakrr. Ij a -iO; firaii^, Ap|>t«, j a U; Peacb, 4ia G2. { ; ¥frfia»4ttf.— BatKiof, 16 a 2^, lUle Rr»ie, ; a 19; ('«A^e. 10 a .Mackertl, No. 1, Hi;* ■. 2, 7 a 7|; No. 3. S a 2); lfi>n, SwedM>h. a KlnrliiJi.fi a 7; Ni»r«b ( artilina, C; Salt, por . ‘h. &i a *i5; aaeli, 'i' a 3; f*orar, brown, 'i \OTI(’F« |lf(R«uharribrr haTifir drfarrminrd torlor^tlK ! hiKim'M of Ihe laic flrm oT Mr‘)\in & ^HTII.reriierta all Iboat inilrUad U> the firm lo and ■eltid by no( or nibrrwiM. | 8AM L D MKt)Mn. itmmrtmg ttrtmn, nrftmUr \H. 17-31 Win. Filntr. I Ilf; •ub«rrib»r. ha*iDf at 0» Noran.Ur 8e*. •Ma af Merklrsbatf C«untr (Viurt •4>taiiietl r.ttrr« Trvuatriitary oo «hr nUtc ul th- tal«' Willia S«nith, reflue«» all m r«»>f»* hating i Uim* ?ain«l the e«lAlr In pr-»nl Uiem for •rllbtix at rilhin tite limt prrcriiwd by law, ar tbi* n««ier MU be in bar. All Ikoar indrbtnl In tiic I *»te are a»urc4 that iinlr»» unmetliaXr paintriil I ntaA, Icral peoo-M »dl br rMurlctl u> «iUjout ‘ :pttea of peraoft*. i VH \.\KI.IS I- .‘iMITII, F.ttufr. | l)rnHhrr 1C, KW, li-OW .VOTM'F^ " II I, hirr «ait in 1 harlwllc. on Moodav, tin- dar Se'oei .Nrw ^ ear. four or fitc lik ly . |7’f.rani>«in a*'!/■« and Hmm* with. rlitidrtm. foe Ibc Uriii ol ooe ti-ar. j J M. IIITt IlIN.SON. ! />« Ij, l-rf?. 17 3w iiiitlx;. I the wcond day o' January nett, at Ibe ; * ( «irt.ll(-iM Ml I'harloUr, I «ill htfc I'or l‘.‘ . rilli*. s*-»»Tal ^F-tiH(UlS, beinnfin; W tlia ca- of l>anul (•allaiit. ikriavd. i W. MOKK1.SON. ;.xeea/*f. ^ 17, ln3-i. 17. \OTICF.. i U II.I. m!1 tt tiy plantaiiun, two niil-« fVrnn I (’harlottr, Ml ihic 'id dar of January nnt, | •TOO «r HOO Corn, ^200 IliiwlirU 4,mM> Hi. of l*ork, •to to .TO llf'ad or f nltlo, H l|«ir»4‘», I.To llrad ol’ IIok«s \ larKTqii»rilil% ol’l*ulal«M*«.. IjniU RT I KINKI.NS. T)« ^l, l‘-n-3. |7.‘»w ! . i:iriTV s.\LFs! ' ■ IY an (*ri|. r from Ihr > mirt of r.i|utly, oi> llii ; m B likt \londay in Janiiart n it. at tlu Conrl. • |i’>u»r III I 'liarlotle, I will >«-il at I'lililir .\ut.liuii, ; A Tracih ol' Ijaiiila ! hViflfirr t»i the Mur* at I,aw of Jolin Sp^ln(^^ P n, (li r'il.»ij >iH' Inu t rnllrfi th»' Ham**'I'rnrt, lyinjr h fhr witr'>ol r? mile rrii-li. containmr arre». h)*> r.tlirr tratt on Mc.Mirliin'I'a crcvk, I nUiiimf ,'WI arr... hif> trm t. riill-4l Ihi' K'micIi 1’nirt, join- j i' 2 (hr U'tlkf r I’licw, 1b lani> of W IV .|irine*. j I '■'d. \ \. ■i>rini;i, l»f. Itixia and otbrra, I'ont.ilii- ■ kn'» ! h»e triK I rrilM tlir Wnlkcr I’hcr, join-1 -'il tlic IJrmi h ir*. t, W . r. .S^riii|^a, Jik U ilnoii, j te. eiialuiiiinr KM tern. , AU», i.n*’ tr:irtrallfl the Mntlii'W Rnni) j •art,(HI t|„ rnrUi.i ant i.idecf McMKhai t'* creek, , 'iii'aiiiiiii; I.Ml ai rc , And iffx' otiicr Irurl, on tlir we»t *ilr ol\ ud rri K, rontaiiiiiig 1)7 arrra. A rrHit >f iMi** sfMl Iwro y^nn* will b*' Ibiiiil* anil wriiritira r-juirrd—fiirthi'r .rtii'ular* may U- known i>n tlie day ol' aalr. I>. H l)lM.Al’,t.M.r. 17 1^.1.». l7-f,w »«.i.r. ^OTK’F. IB •iil»wriUT 11 uiiilir tliu nec«w*ily of in- I ■ 'ilinjf tliime |K riK>ii in arreari with him for yrara |S:i*.(, HU. 31 and 3*,» tociil ai.d make net llfmcnl Iwfore llie lnt ol I'ubruary next, aa by mt Uteywdlaavr cmL JOHN’ N Li:i:. ’":emlrr 17,1*»3-) 17.3w lllltixc; AM) SFLIJXj. ON thr 7th ol January, 1S33, I will hire'I’VVO Nl'Xi|{tJK.*, one a ^ruwn ii'liow, thi' rithvr «.firl. Thfrc will aloo b« rented A>nic Land; nl. I ao, a iVw liuslielM of Wheat w ill Le iold, the pro- j p rt_v of the hcira of John I'harr. Also, 'I’bon* will br nrtfrod for sale a nuniU-r of liki-ly young NF;;i;t»KS, ut the unnie time and plarc. LAIUI) II. II.\KI{1S. Dtr. ‘,«l, 1K«. ST A 77; OF MUt TUCA IWLL\A, «i:rKi.i:.\in ii; rof.viY. PEflS(>M,\|J.Y raimr bcfuru me, Iwiac I'rea. ac r, ooe of the Jualici • in and lor »,tid c«>un- ty, Jaiiwi Thntiifntun and Alexander .Mrl.ure, ami tM'in|( duly iHorn in dtic lorui of law, tu nut a value Ujioii a certain Stray //i/r«r, taken up Ly JanieK ii. .Mciiinn, liviii" 0 mile* iiortli-weat ol'Charlotte, and now in ncid .MiHiinn'a |Hm«*-*iiioii, a dark tor- rel. «uppo«ed l4> br •otnenhera lietw« n l:i and '/() yeara uM, »ilh a crop off the let) ear, a innall ipeek III the ri;lit rye, white atreak in the laee, hind fert tiolh w liiti, w nrth bv appraisement 91.V W ilncM i our haiidk till* l'.*lh day of l*t eeiub« r, Hrt*>, I JAS. TII()Mr^>X. ; T.rt. AI-KX. Mcl.rUK. I I*-\ AC F!!F\SKn.J S.%i)l>LF.?rAV IIAKAFSS. j J\MF.S T. ixin MV Ar «). I H.W n on hand and will conlinite to inanu- tai.iare at tlieir Shop in the noulli-eaat Miiig of .Mr. .*iprin;>'» t(ri k Huildiiif;, ij^uUen ffMit fiftUlrtfH ft'H j of a aiiperiur at) h ol workmaiithip and C'kx] mirth, ern matcriala, by t)i' Jittim*, bl* l.mcoln ro’intv. wlm are well known in the uekterii part ot thi» lilaU'a« rior wr>ekm«u—AImi. | SitiMlrhfi;^*, VitlitJtrii, Atnrtinpnlrx, Hifling ftrnllr*, i'tHich llnrnfu, i'arryall nrnJ ll d^'on Ilarnrnf, lli>rumt n» Vupt 4' Holftem, and all ntlier articles usually manufactured in . ahofw III the SouiIm rn Hal« «. I In addition liiltK aliore. we havr on hand a pen. cral a*»«H»mtnt of *ijf and C^iarh Moupliue, Hn dU Hu$, Sltirnf yriiaa, and all other artl. I. * I.e. eraaary tii trim oiT S idiilra and ilanH-ca, «buh • ill be aold low for c-aah. We re|>ii-»t the publir to rail and ejamine the inati'(i;kU aiid aork matiuU>.lurtd, iKar |«iitx* .ibU iwlre for lbtniwi»». i harlvltr, Ihe. 7, 1"-W. l.*‘f * Foor or fire jrairneymm Saddlr and llarnr«t Maker* i> wantr^, to nljuh jood «atft-a will U giTru, by a[>pl} in]; to ' J\S T. A.in KY A >. I UK A.N.MM. TRLA>I KY KKriiUl. 'I'lie .Vruiiiai Ilfport «>!’ the artnlnr) of tlw Irrusur) to IkHIi o(' rmi^n*v, tn roflt'uriiiit\ to the act «‘«tal>tishiu^' tlio Irea- ury (i«'piirtm>(it, uas \C5ter(ia\ Inmuinttpii to U»th ho«n»-« of cutign-w. A bri«f gliiix r •I It ciMbii'a U» to prcnvut tb« folluwiiig M t>»p«ia «>f il« contciiUi. TImj Krvi-ntjr, fn>ni th« lut January, I “32, to the lat Jiiiiu.-iry I^IW, artiml ui'kI (-'>tlUiill»i, la »i«lnl at S^l,7>V.’,(>oK .>1 — iiiakiiij;, with the Uiintic*' in the trra-ury wi llir lat ut JniiUaf), an ug^n'g;itr of i-no/iO.j,.'!: 8 yo. ’ I'lie iHliiun a, artiial and c^timatct], lor til** wiiK' prriiKj, an; »tite(l at ^:n,Ull, lOti .*»U, Ivaviu^ an ci>tiiiiutcl Utiaiicr in llif* In amry, mi I'M January, I(uk-IuiI- in» iIh' Ihinfih MHiemnay > i>(' frl,(ill.lH7 '•i, [Tliii Utlaiir*! iiK.UiiioH till! UHurutla- hl( fuiHi* in tli«‘ tr*aHury, heretolbrf Chti- loiitiNl at I.IOO.IHH* (ioUari*.] (>u lb*- l»t J.iiiuar\, l-o.l, flic wholp jMiblic «lcl)l will liavt? bi-«*n rvOuciti to t»7,- iMHl.Ot*'' ►'H, wltii ii, m't otr aijHiii'-l tbp .«i'vi>o tnillnma ol ntiirk lu the Iljiik ol‘ tb«' I iiilrj StalCH, may aliK* In* r-tisKkfrrtJ at* i t|Jt lu.illy »o aa I# U a\e tlir nation free of Jcbt. 'Ilic iniporlM f.ir the year r*iic!iiig tlip :Utib d.t\ ot S«'ptrinU.T Lst nr^ cMmmleil at 9l(l(l,t».'i-,f»7T ; uiiil the rxjieirta for tin- wini*’ pvrioil at S-*IH, ofulnrh fct .^,- ^>74,••lj wf re of iUiMi« »tic, and I’,”' ot'furei^'ii articles. The rvcfipt:* duriii){ th« year l-H.’lare ^stiinjitfd at i(J4,000,tM»(i, and the »*xp n- Wilurrs for the niiik- p« riKi for all objects otber than lliC public d« l>t, Bt 817",.'>77 M.'), tu which tnu.'^l be adiir^l tbv aiiiuunt of the IhiiiiNb inl«'innity, (•()(•,) ubicb Mill lie pnyable witbin tbr yrar. Th«i an- niial r«'»«-iiue for hoiim* years to rorne, umlrr tbfl revenue Uw of (he laat •M'ssion is cs- tiiimteil Ht nihl the anntial pxp«*nditur»* ut SH.*>,()(K>,000 dollHra, leuvin^r an e^iiiiiiiled annu:il surplus in the trt'URury, Miv.s the re(K(«t, of 9(i,(KM),0Utl, to wbicb aiDoutil a rt'cliH tiiHi of the revenue is ftning l\ p'coiiiineiKled, eitber by n diminution of ciiiliea on ini(>ort(*, or “ [wrtly by a reiin- i|iii'hiiM‘nt ol' the |Hjblic land.H u« a Mtiirre of revenue,’' ns Micgcttcd in tbi> last anniiul re[>ort.—Au/. InlrHii'cnar. The We»t Point ('udet*, wilb llielibemli- ty and xpirit wliirb ebaruoterize them on hII oeciiMons, uppetiliny to tli«* generous feeliiif^ii of Liberty aini pntriutiNiii, have, uA we learn, traiiainitled to tb« 'I'rea- Hurer of the l*olisb (\nnmittee, a.s tbeir eontrihiition for the relief of thr j;allHnl ex- ileii of I'olitiid throw ndesliliito on oiir shores. .V. }. Amtrii'aii. \ationnl Panulojrix.—SomrUnly once r*Mii«rked, that the l'tiKli.«hinan if* never Iiiifipy but w hen he is iiii**eruble ; the Seotcb- (iiiKi in n’v*T III boiiH* but wtirn he is u- broad ; and the In^iiiiian is ncvor ui peace but w heu be is fighting. huttifftiralion vf (Jurprnor Sirain—On /raxt,itt t'harify,noito(akc f^ace beft I bursday biHt, at T-i o’clock, the lion. />. furiod (not now remote) whrti every L. Swum, attended bv (Joveriior Slokrn, and the Le;;i.slij(ivp Cominittec np|*oiiitei to wait u(ioii him, entered the Hull of iIih llou.s(« of Cominoiis, for the purpose of f|iiulifyfiij{ jjH (iovernor of the State ofi North ('arolinu, for the ensuing year.— 1 he S«*fia!e, preceded by their Sjieaker and C’ierk'i, had previoU'ily repaired thi ther to uitncNs the ceriinony; whilst a crowded BMembliige of t»|»ectators of both sexeH itnpiirted a cheering aniiiiiitioa to the !« ene. 'I‘ho beveral oalbH of OlFice pre- M-rilM‘d by law, were Hilininistcred by the Unn. Jox(ph John F>aniel,fiM yf the .ludgr.s of the Su|K-iior ('mills of i/ivv.—After tiik- ing tin; oiiths, (J^MTnor Sirnin addresseil botli brnm in s of the I.e^islniure as fol lows :—Jliilitijh /{rui.,tcr, lith inxt, dtnllemfn »f thr Srimlr ami of thr liiuisf Iff Cinnmnnt: In enlerinr ii|ioii the duln a of the importart oAic«>, to wliieh you have tx'en piraxd to call me, I tiiiat I am ill.heii!il>le ot tin ti!;;h rexpoii'itiili- ly whieh I b:i\c RRiumed.—'1 he preunt is an I VI ntfiil |M riiNl. Aljroad, llie >llc«t ai>d Uft ea. tTblisheil (fO\i rnmt IIIH are in coinniotioii, and at home, our oun liiNtiltitinns, o «i(i|if’d, and a; our ^ilt^l'■r^ U lit »d. (»l iiUleil to innure llie ^riatesl atUliiaLli 111 I ft; of hln riy unJ h:i|i|ii 'ore the one of those itho harefouffht and bled in the catut nhull hate joined their contemporaries. Most truly aild affectionately your friend, LAFAYETTE.” *'%Tarlbmi'mrulina MA'giHlalvre. IN' SENATK. Thurndny, Dec. 13.—-'I’he Senate en- ten‘d upon the orderti of the day, and were occupied during the remainder of the sitting, ill the con.sideration of the bill to e^tubliah the Bank of North-Carolina. Il was re- ronimitled to a Committee of the whole liou.se, Mr. VVilaon in the Chair, aod sun dry aineiidmentii were proposed to it and carried. On motion of Mr. .Martin, the Cornmiltee rase and n;connnendeJ the pas- va^e of the bill, the s*cond time, which wuse urred in by the .Senate HU toJ2. J'ri,.,iy, iirv. 14.—liill [>rest nted.—By Mr. .‘'kiiiiicr, supplenienlal to an act passed in 1«(W, dirorliiij' how persons injured by ereriion of public mills, shall in future pro reed to rctovcr damages. 1 time. The fv-nnte tlien tfiok up the Bank bill, , "" I to w bifb sundry amendinrnts were made, the most matcr.ui ..f wb,ch wn, a reduc t,on all human l*iiii|f>.. .\t kikIi a eruiii, the (jtiiee ol . , \* ii . i\ Clitef M«|'|.'tikir !i'‘|i>;re« an iniportimc*, iiiercaa. | "I the C npital Iroin I bree Millions to One in? with tiie diilii iilii's wlii.-h aiiiroiind na. I ■ Million ci^bt hundred thonsaiMl dollar.s.— («•! most »cn..ih!y tlmt in ti e >ou will noi find ; |*,(>f,,re any que-jtion was taken on the pas- unif d. the rare .,.,a!itl.. re^itirtd by the K n.|).r j reading, il was, and spirit of thr I .itii Ku^Um**d id •ohm ^ i . / • «• d,rr^-.h..a..er.bytlaer.,..M«u..»,...th,itl,onKh !*'» 'notion, referred to a select Committee |»K,.- ar« many ho e.^l.i bring to j our aid i.iore for ivv isi-Ki and cornrtioii. . w ' of the day, and resolved itself into a Cora ability tl.an I Ihal no one eoulu f«.r\e you | Sntunuiy, Dec. On motion 01 .Mr. _■ .L- ...i...i_ i> with mote fidltl« and real. | 1'oollier The dai.;;' m » hle.h thr« r.len ii« may be lrar»d ’ in equity effectual against persons who ab> sconJ and who reside without the limits of the State, and for better regulating the pro ceedings in Courts of Equity, and for other purposes. This bill pasMHl its first rtadingj Mr. Bums submitted a series of RosolU' tions, which were adopted, instructing thJ Committee on Military Atlkirs to enquird 1st. As to the expediency of mounting a portion of the Field Pieces throughout the State, of the detiomination of two, four and six pounders, aod of procuring ammunition fur the same, to be distributed at sucb pla ces as said Committee may recomuiend.-^- ‘Jd. 1*0 enquire into tbc causes which have produced such a diminution in th« nunil>er of .\rtillory Coropaniefl. 3d. To eiKjuire into the expediency of encouraging an aug« mentation of Cavairy Corpfl. 4th. To en quire into the cxp^iency of encouraging uniform volunteer companies of Infantry, wf placing public arms in their possession, and of infusing more energy into the Mili* tin than they now possess, by placing thorn on a more efficient establishment. 5tli To d the fi7st expediency of imruediately ^ procuring from the General fiovernmenC our quota of Cartridge boxes with belts fur the same, with bayonet cases, pistol hol sters, &c. that they ruay be ready for uso when f^casion requires them. The bill to repeal the act exempting Teachers of Schools, &c. from mustering and working on Roads, was indefinitely postponed. The Mouse then proceeded to the order jmittce on the whole, Mr. Bragg in the Chair on the bill making an appropriation Ile>nlrf.l, Tliat the roromittce on Finance *>e j apbointiug Commissioners iiii.lrucUi) tu emiuirc into the expediency of re-i , , ?- e rahiir ih>t ,H.etion of the Revenue Act of l->2, ] ‘p «|.uild the Capitol on l nion Square la uliieli inipobcs a t"aV ofV-‘(W on Excliangi Otb-1 the City of Raleigh. Mr. Long took tho CCS, Ac. I floor in support of the bill, and after speak 'I'lie followinp engros* .1 bill from the ; mg some time, the Committee recoirnneo- cliier House was n.ad oihI ordered to be ided the pa.ssage ofthj bill to the Ilfrtjse.— inrolhJ, viz: to alter the tiii.e ot* electing I Before the question was put,Mr. McQueon an'l rewwing the bond.i of certain Oflicers j rose and addressed the House. Before tho •o that »y»li'in ot 1 iri»l«ti«'n whir h askutoi » the piw r in (•u«erniiiciit to iIifjm n«‘ tiie U>untu h oi 1‘rovidince witha more i.jual and im;virliji lianfl, thill ttier »r- diKtribntcd bk the lausuf niil'in. 1 look “ar reHre«» to Uio p.-itfiotl-Pi. Ilie wi-floiii, tlw priidriirr and 'oriK’nranct ol the l'rkiiknl, >; 'oi>(jie‘», and l'»' Aiiiniean I'ec^.le. 1 rely uitti lininblc eontitirnee I'l the iiojH-, that, that I'rotidence whieh ha. cuidul and •.•uinlcd ll» for nv.re than fiftf yBr', whieh he- p'f-hervid u- - . »« u /-» Uironcb ih»-fil» of two war*, witli the frcaie>i m MeckleiiHirg countv. quChtion was put, -Mr. McQueen rose atiu tx lbcvreiit of Lnff.[ie, will \tt i*uMuin un, and i The Senate tixA Up the bill to amend I addressed the House at leBfith against tha that *.ir pl. rjoti. »tri;.» and -urs, yll tai.iiuuc System of the Suite, Olid af- j bill. When hecoBchided, the question waj Mr. Mor,„ ,«„,*! ,«jl»dlyraU«lfo,,.ndbcin*pu.-Sh.ll .h» lam no ; ariitan, [H rf TJ** I a:ii ineniiaMe of indetiiiite po^^(K>nement. Mr. Hiuton mov-| bill pass its second^ reading? was decided *KT.niiiii: r.ni. It ii i i.t III iiy nature lo eloiiifr ^,j laid u|>on tlic table, I >n the affirmative, 73 to 60. Those who to^lay. and anahrmai./. to^m«ii.«va>.e..h par-i motion having preccdcnce was put j votcd lu the aflirmative, were— l'ml*/1- Arrington,^ker, Bio^re, Bod. ernm’ nlio ko.-eui.re ^-.i .rti.u lo no ,«rty. • Monday, Dcc. ll.—JUIl 1 d«e. Bonner, Bordan, Brag,,, Beeman, Burn, t ar. Shrp&rd, Spruii!, tirnll«ii'rn, it rrn:aii>i> i iilv tntnc to prr»ia »»i r ihe d. »tini' » .. tl troU hoiic»t (\„jntv, from her hlis-| Me.saro. AbernathT, Alliaon, Barrin^r, Brower, and repuUi.an M-t. ol .NorUi-l .r..,.na-and r- j Burfin. Cansler, Clayton, fourt*, ('unnm^ham, .M,.«,u.„, "ft;'- me, Aian^'uii*, mil iiM! to a"'.ure \m, tJmt «ln.le'i r n a\ l»> ihc r >iill of M.ur I'aviif to mo p» r-'.iia!ly. wln tfw r !ir »v«l or me lul rrenl u.ur lav.^ to mo p. r-.naily. r -..r Mr. llson, troin the LOinili.tieC O. r I- | Kdmon.ton, Emmit, Enioe, F.ddi..,(;,a« lor ill. I Ii.xer ran i.T '.t the Mote that nr.nc-, refM.rled a bill to amend an act • t.mhne, (iwvnn, Hart,Hill, Horton, Inoii, Irum brrtl.,..r te»-. tori,eri.h til. n..lprul.. j m.rt'asc the liability of She- |.,.dlord, lKi:ke, Loudermilk, Lyon, Aiaiyuii i.ilions ol a rcMniTiUiiitv Irom »b>ui I .r.v- .i... \f-r ri i'Tnrfi onij ccnlidt anti Kjndui'^ I ^ I ■ ’ j I «*«uwcii, ««au:»\Mnui4 frf-ntTcl —If ihnt .1 tIu* suWj«H‘1 of n (-invention, re-. ^on \Vfuvtr,WhiUker.\Vi»cuiau,Witclicr, Word, 14 living v»bo would ii.t blti^h. mid feel tin' ' l>*>rled a bill providing for the r.i II of a Con- j Zi/Iar,-tJU. bhaxl curdle in bi- v. ir at the very men-;'ention for fixing oii a Sat ol liovernmonl j Fritlity, Dcc. lA.—Bilt pre^ntcd— lion nlllie wor(iI>lSI .MON ; .mil, if then’' *bis Stale, which was read the tirst >|r. Wiseman, to exempt from cxocu- IK Mi( ban on»* culling liiinseff an American ' !ime. .Mr. il«»on tnovt'd that the further j tion a certain portion of the Farming uteu- cilizrn, let biin op*-n bi«i eves and read the i »‘'">iJ''falioti c.f the .«tiid hill he postponed Isdsand household and kitchen furnilure of words ol‘ the ve|.>r;m afM«stl.' ol' hiiierty, I'»)til riiiirMlay next, which was not agreed i the citizens of this State. This bill passed tleneral l.vKvvriTK. 'J'iie folbming let *“• -Mr. 'oHms movtii th;H its further con- its first reading, ter was r««'ri\ed bv an Aineiica.i cihzon, I sideraiion lie jiosipdiod indcfHiilcly, which nfeiidv retimterl fr«>m I'.uropr, the dny lie (ore lie sHileii. We e.ijiy it fmin the New \ ork OU*rrer:—( hox. ('ity i,'ax. L\ i iivM.i;, !» n. ‘JTlh, was agreed to. Ml to as follows: i'nr t’lf puatpov.rJnrnt.— Mr««yrs. Askew, B-I1, Ilouilii', lilt.man, l ulleci. f.iDina. I'oopcr, His- llinton, Hu» The “ Appropriation bill” was read the third time, past^ed and ordered to be en grossed. The bill to repeal the act to compel houi'lt, i'aisoii, iUrriM>ii, Ilawk!n^, llinton, Hu»- i. T. M-y, I.alha..i. I.ii J^y, Marshall, MaltlaMV., Mel- )“» “ ’**• Upon yoti. my dear Sir. I much dejiend vin. .Moniton ery, pi' llertibrd, Monipoincry, of | was taken upaiid decided in the alHrinative to »»,ve our fi tends in the I iiitrd States n .Move, oi tirevni-, .Move, of I’ltt, Norman, 70 to 50. |.nrp.-r rxplanalKMi of the st;ite of tilings in w'‘Z!r’and’“w‘il’' presented.^ l-SSp.. v..ui»v,K.,, Si;;”::,. " ■ i’’> int has ptt'-sed since the Kevolution ol j Ai^ainot tLr pntlpiinrmir t.— Messrs. Allen, Alli- JIO. Mtirh has l>een obtained here, nnd I aon, Unttaln, t arson, Curi. t, r>..U«>n, (iavin, Ho- other pans of Ivirop.., in thi* whirlwind | f--;- 'If‘.'l''TxT' * I liillv, .MclK.)vrili,-Mctnit, .Muorv'. I arnuni, n week. h.irlher ; P.'.rk. r, St.dmat,, Toon.er, T)^un and Weii- " ‘ bom.— The bill more efrectually to prevent liti- b/inViructed to enquire into the ex}ii*tlienry of gatioii and to avoid suits at lawr, was taken r.^'pt alinj: to mmh of an "Act to repaiate reuil- up, amended on Mr. Wollbonrs motion,! t-rii of spiritnus liquors,” paiised at the last S»s- b\ trikino' out the whole of ttie si'coiid j»ec- ' as authorizes the iiv ti'iHi, and then r «ad tho tiiird time and or- | >^‘.d -ct. dered to l-e engn^std. The enirro^>:ed bill—Vesting in the Coun-' yesterday, having /,r j„^$tp,mrmrt.-VcsnT^. Allen, Alii-! " r'ts of nipttis ad tatisfaciendum on Mtirh has l>een obtained h're, nnd I aon, ilrittain, t arson, I’urin, r>«iU«>n, i»avin. Ho- ludgments obtained before Justices of tha Peace in the first instance. Read the firt-t time. On motion of Mr. Paniei, Urtolv€l, That Uif coininiltec on the Jijdieiarr .11 ro|>e wbnt has pti'-sed since the Kevolution of l-'JUI. in of . an.l in other «(mniriei.—;reat P.rilaui and | bom.-^l‘H. Ireland included, will Ik' the certnin result; although they have Iteen injured and be- truved, where tliev otight to have received encoiiraxemcnt. But it w'llt not bo so short and so clie ip as wr had a right to an- tirij)ut* It might lie. I think it useful, on Ix.thsidcn of tho waler, to di.-pel the clouds which ijriioraiire or design may throw over th»? real st.itc of Kuroi>ean and rreiich |H>lltics. Ill the iiieantirne, I believe it to lie the duty of every \merican returned lionio, to let "his fellow citizens know what ill-naliired hamlle is made of the violent collisions, thn*ats of separation, and trcipmcal abtise, to injure the charactcr and question tho sta- bility of Republican Institutions. I have t'*o much confidence in tho patriutisru and cood w'li'ie of the several |Mrties in the Tnitcd States, to be afraid those dissentioiis may ternii.iate in a fmul dissolution of tho I'mon;—but should such an event lie dcstirwl in future to take place, depn*- cTted as it has been bv the last wishes of ourts, the bill rejec- .... engros.se,ibill—vesting in the I'oun-’i'^'J vesioroay, naving for its object to ex- ty Courts of the .State the right of e.siablish-1 **mpt tiuakers, vkc. from the performance iiig additional places of public snie in their militia duty, was re-considered, and on rcspei'tive counties, was read the third time motion of .Mr. G. A, Thouipson, laid upon and ordered to bi‘I nro/M. the table. Wtdm-.rdaii, Ihc. 10.-—Mr. Williams, Monday, Dcc. 17—Pilli pratentrd.^ from tho seWt committee on the subject,: .'Ir. Park, making approprmtionsj for reported tlie Bank Hill withsuiulry amend-1 P'^ic roads. (Provides that S.l(H»,000 of ments, which were nad and agret'd to, and , ‘J*** capital owned by the State in the seve- made the order of the day for Friday next.; Banks, shall, when the ailiitrs ol said 'I'ho bill to alter nnd ainentl the .ludicia-1 Institutions are wound up, be divided a- ry svslem of tho State, was taken up and i niongst the several counties pro rata, for discussed. Mevsrs. Carson and Hinton ad- ‘he purpose of improving the Stage roads vocated the bill aini Mr. \Vdlb»>rn opposed ' throughout the State.) By .Mr. .Murray, it. It linallv poslivwd indefimtely 31 tu ‘JO.; I'lakiiig the owners of Do-s liable tor the value of S>ieeplhat they kill or ofherwiso HorsiF. (.»K COMMONS. injure. 'ilieso bills jw.-sed thcir first ThurMtay, Dec. IS.—Hill j>rc.tcntcd.— reailiiu tiio de[mrti»d Founders of tho Revolution, j By Mr. O'Urien, to repeal in part an net Tutmluy, Prc. I''.—Mr. lJ.irringcr,froni W.VSUI.M.TON ut tlicir bead, it p?/g^ at' i>as*«d in 17?7, ch. ‘JTs, for niuking pro«c>s, t.he Coiuiwiitee of Claims, to wboai was r«.

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