THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAl- el 1-L . r— fcrred ihe petition of Abealoui Siraontoo, | pening a road from Lane ('r«'ok to the reported a resolution in his favor which ' Chatahixichie wns tht*n t;ikeu up us iu Com mas adopted ao(i seot to the Seitate tor ! iitittee «>f the W hule. concurrence. Ciiundy expluined tlmt this wns a Mr. Uurgin called up the Bill to erect ^ part of the road by which the inuil was c»»n- out of a portion of the counties of Burke I veyeii to New-Orlcans; thut the iimil was &nd Buncooihe, a separate and distim-t ' imw carrtcd with ^rroat diti'u ulty tiirough county by the name of Yancy. The said jtlic C'reek nation, and the object i>t' thu bill bill was read the secitnd time atid passed, * was to make the road iu a moic advautage- 67 to 61. I uus position. Wednesday, Dcc. 19.—Petition / | The bill wa» reported without amrnd- ted.—By Mr. D«>herty, ot Isaac Alexander, i meat ainl ordered to be engrossed for a third Clerk of Mecklenburg County Court, pray-1 reading. ing to be released from a judgment obtain- The resolution, oflbred yestenlay by Mr. ed ajrainst him by the State. Referred. I Poiiulc.xt»‘r, was then taken up for conside Bill* prtscrUtd.—Bv Mr. Arrington, for ; ration, and ai tho request ot' Mr. Siuith was the bettor organization of tb« militia ufj laid i>n the table. this State. [Requires that persons exempt ] Wcdtieadtitf, Di e. 19.—Messrs. Robbins, from Mililia duly, except in cases of inva-, Poindexter, ami Hibl>, were ap|*oinicd the sioa or iosurrection, shall be ke|»t enrolled on the Library, ou the part of and returned to the Adjutant General.]— ihe Senate. By Mr. Shepard to establish the Merclianl’s 'j’^e bill supplementary to an Act to pro Bank in the tow not New bem. By Mr. Bar- vido lor the more ellicient punishment oi ringer, to prevent the unlawful carrying a- eertaiii crimes ngains.t the United Statck »ay and reinoval.of slaves fnwn this State.! was read a stcond time, and on motion These bills were read the first time and jo,- >jr. n,bb, laid on the table. Mr. llohues otfered the t'ollowiiig reso- Mr. Park presented the following Roso- [uiiou : lutioD, which was read and adopted : K»uited, Th.t the Comin.ti«- on th« Judici.rj Retoleed, That the Committee on Education bf bo inRlrucled lo iu«)uir«- into tJa- c»pc«li« ni7 oi iniUacted to eiiquirc into the exptdienc/ or«*Ub- providing by law lor rrrt liin; Court Houm;*, Pri-i. lithiiif a Workmc tH-bool in this JHali'. upon the | on«, and other nit't'tul buildingn ti>r th» sdniini.s. principle of the Fellenbiirg School &t Ilofwyl, ' Iratioii uf justice iu tlie Cuurta of IIil L'iill«.J Gerioanj, and that they have leave to report by j State*, bill or ^erwiM. Mr. Daniel, from the select Committee lo wham were referred sundry resolutions relating to the Tariff and Nullification, leporttd the same with amendments and 2 JS On motion of Mr. Arnold— From tt.. Niw.York Advocate A Journal. jiSl'i'klT lllsTOKY OF'ATION. AWrJ,mtaSclootCommi.l.ehc,.pp..u.t.d I Rli.XONlS'rBANCK AND PBOTI»r ' OF TO> ■ . rnioM 4* State MUghtn Party The I’NION AND STATE RIOHT8 Party of South-Carolina, a»»enibled in C^nvehil^ 4. RF.MOXSTRA I'E Sf SOLEMSL Y l^ROTl^^ ii(;ain«t tlia Ordinaace passed by th« Statg veiitiMi on thi- U4th day of NoTambt-r laat. I sL Uecauic the People of South-Carolim tl*^ ted dek'gatca to the miJ C^wvention ander ih« leiiin iu«urance that thete dulegatct would do n» ONe OF THE OUEAT ! ,„ure tiian devite a peaccabl« and roatUtut«ar«i ' remedy lor the e»ila of the protective Unff, »ii^ toinuuirciiitolljcijjiedii'iicy of proviiJiiii;by law . n Ibr the more gfiieiul dibtriUuiiiui of tlm JoMrualu Idler from wliich we take the lollowing ox- ot Coiigrt-M and the Law* oi' tlie Uniiid Slates jruct, called on the editors of this paper oo among the I'eoplt and Voters of the kcv«.l .Suu*.! ,„orning lust, and on being a«*ked Mr. Wicklitie submitled the “'S*' ,»ni, regard to the conversation with the which wiuj laid oii the table one day : | character in London, to whom ho Krfolrtd hy thf Sttiaie and Ihiutr llrpttftn- j letter, autborises US to Slate, Mtrnof the ImUd SUf.y/ Am^ira tu » ^ “ ONe OF THE trirntatinmhltd, (Ivo tiiird* ot bol>» lioUhes i-on- . earring.) Th.t tho lbllow.n|r bt provK.M.d t» the j J^)U rit AI. CIIAIIACTEKS IN J' ‘ . I the Union of these 8uti»; K StatiK a» an an.end.ntut of tlie C.hiMiiuI.ou oI t «• \> e are tM ther authorized b> M r. 1 lulriie, ^ h, that convcntiM. ha« pas«-d an t I'l.itid StaUi. to t-ke ctr.ct Iron, and afttr the! jpelare 1 lat he IS now ready to i„ Jirecl rw/*fi«ii of tke$t plrdgt,. ralificalion ot the ■ame by the U. gi»laturp o allfffn!U>n on 0»th befurt the bar /j j>„j. |lecaus« the taid (WiMRec hat intidio^. by ihat irrannical eii|in»W |iowsr—a Trtto^j 3rd. liecause ii hat d\iftmnckit4 »nd nmcix^ I nearly one-half of the freemen of Souin^^'arot.^l tor au honest ditTerence of opinion by decisnj,. Ihat tlKise wboM c«>ii»c»*nct‘S «ill not ueriuii thn, to Uke the test oath shall bv drjmtti s/ mryf fiff.nrd or mtlifry. 4tli. Bt'caose it has trampled under foot u, rrrut •/ lAhttlf teturtd (s tuttt* ^ w*!« elrctfd, be ap|p»inti'd to any t iul olBi't' ut Iribunal */4 tkt country. ^ ^ lru»t or protit uiidtT the autljority of tla'L. Stalls | tulluwing extract is Irom Niles a 'J'MMlay, Ihi'.ia .Mr. Anderson, from INN eikly Register, dated July Ud, U3t». the Coiiimiitee on Naval AtHiirs, n ported The letter w as addressed to (irneral I lay iie, a bill in addition to the act for the gradual 1 by Mr. Hulme, and was published by Mr. improvement of the navy of tlie I’nilfd Nil'ja at that time, taken by him fr«nn the Slates; which bill was read the first lUid j I’nited States Gawtie, where it was lirst in- second time, and committed. scrtcd. We ha>e nut iww room for the ^ ■Mr. .Anderson, frt)ia the Connnillre on whole letter, which is highly important and ; ,hr t on.ututioo of this i^u. in a. Na\al Ari'aiK n*Ported a bill to provide for . intervstuig, and wliich, ui aoiiie future oc- Y'*'* ci.n-siruclmg three bteain batteries; which casion, we shall tako great pkasure in giv- ii„ be whirh ** flares thit “The trisi by Jury as hetrlofort aau[ in this Stale, and the UbrrtT M tbe Preis, tlitii ttf fdrrrer tnrmlmUj/prtirrrtu.” | 6th. Hrcauac it has vioiatt-d ths iiMfependaor;! euaranti-ed to the Judtnaty, by enactiii( tku tlui HOrSE OF RFrRP-CKXTATIVFS. Thurstlay, l)ic. 13.—Ou uiotiou of Mr., public of nuvmis Ayn n, which ha* reixilud in ! the dr|iarture of the! harge d'Adaircs ot't.n I'm- I Kr»o.V*rf, Thut the Comniitte** on Ri-wds and' lidStatoairoin that tily. Has read the first and second tune, and coui-1 mg tu our readers. 'I'he letter coiiiujouces nnited. in the tblloaing word;*, viz;— Mr. .lohn Quincy .\dams then, by leave, I’Po a member ol'Congress— submitteil the following resolution, which “Sir—Yotiralluw'Hi to tho tariff in jour _ lies one day on the taUe, under the rule, viz : s|)eech relative to t>ur jHiblic lauds, rrminds j JJ^jjVs'ihall uke a revohinV tost aath;'M*te Rrtolrrd, That fht Prpsidcnt of the I'liiU d . me of a c*nversatu>li I had with «.00 nl the bitrarily rrmmtti fnm Uiertby 6efn»,o, Sut» bt' ruiwmed to i-ommunicatu tothin Houw ori-iU political characters in London, in the jthem o4‘ tlie privitfe of trial by iin^sachawt^ •H.fara...nhi*ot)iuionrr.aycom!«rtwiththep.ii>. „f Seiitcuiln r last, wblob ^>* 'winch by the cootlilnliooy ll.e 8utr u uUca«, lie inlcresl, the f-orrtnpofidencr l>rn»i en the «!ov. . ‘ I to be sccurvd lo every civil oinref. tullowsi: I B, cause thsOrdinanc* has directly ‘•My friend was very d»'.-*ir>us of liaving iif CtntiUutnmif tkt Vnutd Stmiit.mhKh I’ln mv op.iium resptx ting the atliiirs of this! smhority to t oojrrss to rolWt revrtmr, taW. countr). I stated to him tliat tla- natural jjsddmit th^ if>rrinpM»den4'« rrniiiriit ot Uh: rniu d Sutc* And ih«( of the K« Uiniu t/ South C aroima ( omniittre on Mr. ArnoUrjj rfM)lution of reM>urrw» ol lliis grrni cuiinlry, h«t« iiiMt CAn*iU mMructcd to inquire into the 7th. IkcauM It rio/«frW U« $mmi fectijal against persons who abscond and > cau.inp a.urvry ai.d estimate to b« «,«de. »ith a reside Wilhotlt the limits ot the State, «5iC. «iew to the crectiun of a pier in liis Niaiisra, at or was indefinitelv p^vstponed, 90 to 37. risar the village ot' Yoan^iown, Stale ot New. —York. Mr. Wirkht!e, of Kentucky, moved the following Resoluiion: rO.VGRKSS. SKCONl) srSBIOX_....TWE.NTl-aECONn COSGaES.^. L\ SEX.\TF>. Thur»ltiy, Dec. 13.—The following re- Me?»r». Arnold, White, of I/>uiw4iiia. Henry ' luort* than thirty millions of the public debt, i * J^'^'lkrau'^ “tiekNTrT tkt urn* ftiirtifahrl Kinu. Corwin, lUr^tow, AlUn. ol VerimMm and exclusive of large advances tor niltnial iro-! «nd Irampl.s oi«n the RK.HT8 oftbe ciim W "'IZn.a'e, .s tu U„.ry ->U K LrrnU, o. P^'en«.t; tiwt if we enjoy peace, and wr , *• M..«.i,u^-ti«; Mr. \cr,, of Ne«.Yo.k ; own government contiiiiie to eiKourage the ol ttie c.unt r>, as 1 U-lievc it wi4l,, . ,, - ,l. r Mr. \Vavn.,of IWtMa, .:iua..ry « inr couu.rv, .. -n., , ^ ^ dfrtr^tui. That the Clerk of U,is House be di. H M/ru w/ny, D,r. 19.—The Speaker O'y deci.lcd opiiiKrfi that the I «»lwl , ^ ^y c»rr!ully pcrv.ntine ibe tUaord reciultocou3mui.icai. totbeS. i.ateaco,.yofihe laid U-fure the House a letter from th»* will sooo be the iiiort wealthy, pow-1 Ir,*, rnt^rcinf tbe.r !••* throach tbe cr _ I Reix,rt with the Oncuul I\,cuu.enu .cco,upany., lW,„aster t.eneral, transmitting: a sUte- and m4!e|wiideut natufl ui the world. | of i»'«- “**■ o„ ‘T"‘ was taken up on Wednesday, and adopted : ty. and the reservatioo of four miles sijuare inj "*S ®* *'* ■ ’ ’ - - er a aisiubi-r of the I nun Rn^nd, That tho Committee on Public Lands Treaty. DC insinictea to inquire into ue expiKiicncv ol. I tie >peaker laid belore the House enuing .-rmrcn oi»i, i=oi,anu iii« —- —' . . ,,| bnnzing in a bill reducing the price of tht Pub-iCominuiiicatiiMi from tho Treasury De-1 i>ctt am.»uut in each Slate and '1‘eri itorA ^ I mtrd Statu. Corres-Uhich letter was read and laid uo ttn- ;; A|h1 ^ow^ ’ Z*“I ino^omm.iiecooruDiic lianas — Territory of the I’liiH-d States, for one P*'Tji-xed with our at home, xcy i,..-., .»W s^m*, U instrurted to inquire into the exp^^n,^ of, The Speaker laid before the House abcar, ending March 3Kt, lM|,and nus that the tmmmmt* and mdu of the Sui' ... I I. .I I. . I already srn«iW? affrcle^ BiMl will »o«H> b« taWf. '•»»« voi^ld tn-fitffatt tkt ,„d « pr.ossble and .ndoMrioos. ii w*. t Mr. WicklifT', bj^leave, mibmittivl tlie agni/tjt the otktr Slattt; ire vould Jdntia fro* ih«ii hones to »e«k t/aaiuili(j s folluwin* rrs..lution, which wa. read aiul runrirtct the jtoplr .>/ tkt raton | “"’rj'i'*'’ ^ . r laid on tL Uble • y*" »• rnnfvf.{>r, w , them, aiw/ ' ^ ^ ijio on inc laoie. y /> ii , . _ . do further rtmaost/ate and n4i K-WrrJ, That the Previdcnt of th. I’niird vf,rlk>m jo*rA P*’o^"/4on K, fKo ..» r »l « o I „r 1 I I ^'»at.» lie reiiiR-rti »i to to be Uid bes.fc lljr eimimrctal iidrunlo^ct, ut icottld lA- |,y the |i«riy m pr.wi-r, as danjerot^ ’ lloii*.. a lit of all »fce api«.intu>eiil!« nadc t>j the rfi>cT fAew fo rri>r/; and im U*a tkun frt ,iLe Itltrittitff They »cj«WrT.f«cif. ’ ‘“^•^o'Hhinif a .»lint, and regnlalmg Kircuurc dincc tlie Hih of April, 1*^;. »>o«ii the ^art ire vmild prtMltirt a $eparatioit of tke ! ly ■'k their irlkMtdtiun*, wheiber s«rlk a* sr»' • qinnber«of Congreiwulcritnf Uieir l>;»inof xrticr,, „ .. Il,,i " I • nn>(iaM>' VoU [i aiid for twflve iitoiilhii tliermtUr, •tatior the ' \ ’ , ' . ' t ^ . J i s * a« #11 t\ I k^\a M f Arfs * \ s ^ B L f V* ^ name* of Inc personk uppointid ; Il.t Male nr I > r- ilory by ihrm repri ntid ; the liiite trhrn li only a6 will reiiubur»e tl»e United Sutes tor the ’ , ri- currrenl annual expenditure for administerio^ the poodeiice of tlie 1 resident ot ti>« Hank, ni land system, and discharging the Indian annuTlies, relatiiai to the negotiation in Kn^Uod, with' and also for securinjr to actual sittleni a pre- the house of Baring and Brothers. I emption right to their laiprovcintnLi at such pncc 1 t, . , ,, .. .... ~ ' an may be established. tnday, Dec. 14—.Mr. Hoot ofSred tlie Mr. Freiinghuysen asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill for the relief of Joseph Nourse, which was twice read and . r ■ refrrred to tin; Committee oo the Judiciary., ^ Mr. fhllas asked and obtamed leave to! foliar, of the value ot a .>pam^h inilleti »■ introduce a bill suppleinentary to an act en. I”*fiuired to .-.x.tain 371,-'.'i 9U(>p!eii»entary I mor for the punishment ;he L'nited poses,” passed 3d titled “An act more eftrctually to provide "‘16 g™'"* ' ner/ap'^.nf.d; 1 of certain crimes a- .American F,agle,ot the val- i^frrrrd; *i.d th.- the nature of the i'p»iiitmrnt amount of saiar. ur ihcir >miioU virtue of surJi »).paintjMV(il. ... . , , , ,............ J stf* afsinU the i'»s*« of tb* wouW be di-ap|K>inte*l; )«.u know y..u cal- ^ , .JmhiW ibey resohe toeoerr^l culated on tlie eastern stati-s joining you ! them. hat other objtct thrrrfnr* ean tuck gainst the L mted States, and for other pur- “> contam amrnu rrre.ied by ‘ Id of March l'^2o • which ' grums of pure and 270 f^nins ol Mr. «icklilfe moved the fallowing niso- was rrad twice, and referred t'o'the Com- m«»*: act, th« i lution, vi* : mittee >n the Judiciary. j 'al'Je between sihe'and gold wnn Rntitfd, T?i»t th. Committee on PuWie I.arxi* Thp bill nmvK'infT fV.r iHp «orilpm».nt r,f at 1.3 tO 1 : “ ihat !.•» to «av, everv l.'» be instru.tcd lo rej-orl a bill pr.iW«linr t..r the di.. , , P.™ *he settlement of j Wi»i«ht of niirp ^ilv^r ihiill h«» (if »* I tribution Ol Uie nelt procreds of the saW»«»f tlK f»uh- the claims ol States for interest on advances, ^ “• 1 lie Und. sfter the ^ya^.ux of ibe pub;,c d.M. a- made to the United States during the late ’'"‘‘T’ »>«nts, with one pound. iVrntonr. acrordmc war, was read a second time, and referred purc gold. I to their Ktdcrsl irf>ptjUiion, upon tlw fi.llown.p to the committee on the Thf joint resolution offered to provide for printing ineots of coriiinerce and navigatioi ken up and on motion laid on the table. during the late war, but >ou v.ere di«- it>rT» aeeotnpli»h lUn (os«rtr a« an laMnwirxf appointed, and pr^wblv' w.mjW be di*- ^ .1 « V ■ " ^ i. ComrttUtm itstb f«rtl>rr sfan* appt-iiited aca.n. >o, Kiid h»-, irr (^ ^ ^ ^ f U ^^tr ir/unr bftf»-r **ir to tktae mat- 'ij., the .'*tatr froai tlieir fire«»de«, tcr$; we could with «xir rtet-i* prf'te^t them, ^ iheir hoot**, to laks op mnmt. and inetu tie aud our inerctiaiiti would take tln*ir prodoc** "“I pr''«l'''’» ^ in *«pport a ■ aiKlr-rryto th.Mn ii.aiiutWturrd arlK le*. *»-ch i>Hr i^i.»'j , ^ .nature and att rly irtcoi>ii*t'nt • ilh ant • ■ »/i.fy/rcr, tor their ow n use. and tor Ibe pur- ! ( «,.«,t„ or the t n«a. p«»se #f mt.cfhng inli> the oilier stut***, I rcnKMi>lrstiri{, a* the? Urekr d- uid thus bv tht-m- Bixl otkrr mraiu, (which ' fsin»t Ow al«ve n mtinned prK-»»nces, 1\t l> Judiciary. "’*7",?'* ‘u® Sol conJU,.H.. p. rn.a..«il plcd«c. to U.^ , .o.,W nrth-r e.pre^ th*.r ria. . r.s^i Kae u. aw Sliver biillHKi has, since tiint tiiiKS tna-i rnioriii \ i ^ ,^.s natioji, to omu t«m the wrmriplrt whtrh fl« anmial (on^'n'HS fchall not lu tonftpr in- ^1*® * !!. . I '■r l>» niK of ihru ct>nd*jrt »ftd nK * « ,Iv.™Z It rf Kur.,,, ,™t ,n th. th. T,m,.n,„,n a ll» pcU.c ■ V‘1'jtl'>■«'I-" — . J r i . I .»! /• I I'l ’ II . ! ■'Jl'- Hulllie IS a C ntleman of f.rtline, ih* r »|H not l»divrn fmmthr enjoymentota ■ On motion of Mr. Holmes, tbe Senate variation: 2d. C.m-re.s sha I aimuallj nppropr.ate . U.siAwtll known to the ‘•JL *' * ■■-‘■tT thiHWand tloU;us; an*l * .... , i .. . .1. ! cverv .^werirsn lHsrUimif.t. tf«r»- Thori'forr, ! the sum of i igbty JU I n I-7 «i r> 1 Tiist the fhrrctnr of the Mint 4r> re- i*|'ply the same, Ui>uti .™.», , . - I 1 w. . Monday, Dec. n.— Wr. Toindexter of-■ to th., Hou.m., •. i.r a. m h.s poHcr.ilie pr-. ^urvcviog the P»|,|,c Lai.^la. 3d. That f"“' th« ' N-itr* m. > fen d the lollowing resolution: 1 . - • Rftolvfd, Tbit tito Secretary be directsd to report to the Senate, wnn a* iiiue ' • » >"“• ~ ~ —.71 . ..1.0 ... ,...1 r . , dtla? as pructicable, a detailed rtateracut of tht- '"•c dollar, what u tlie value of tin , a'CrafcO qiMlitlt) uhich ban artiflcs of fi.ieijn ;roi*ih or manufacture, on ; f'U" ZnW- : b»^n offerrd at publR’ sale fur the List teu which, in his ofdiiion, the present rale ot'duties' /fstt/trJ, TUat the said Director do report tu vears. 4th, Iiitrra.sing the prc.'M-nt per cu«ht to 1* reduced, »pec»r>inj partici.iarly U.e , '!**• hi. opinion of lU l^-j(re« 01 fii.en. m. allowed to the Stales ill which thf pori 10 iniD M?u.>e, IS lar a4 in nts pouir, uie prr. >iurvcyioc in.r 1 uiilic 00, i iiai ^ 1 , 1 . 1 senlrelstive value of ;rold and «her buliion, m .here'shall Ik> hnKlght into iiwrk. 1. at jHih. , *" of tbe Treasury 1 "(.f"C"** , l.c .ale anuuallv, a quantity of public lamls ’ cof.Junci..«, this let., r, “''nk '« Ite, with a-.litiie!^t«t''=_“‘««*y.>f3,U^ to thr, «\pr.L n^ut,,^ uhu-hhn» prop. r to remiml our rrmlrn fh:.t I nTe^.r 1;I I DOrelorr, 1 inv win m i icdit luou-’siiiu uoii;irn; Mmi ^ . 1 .. . .1 :cverv .^werirsn in*r«. lHs-Uiinifit, «»rx. „ !j.iunied to Mondaj oc-xt. | „ . ^ , . _ _ i ........ .1.. ..-4, u;»der tho ex..tiD,t law, forwmofla«Us.or in.«rr^t..A| - --1 *v- I I they betrby thrir rf.»rr«iiiHiii.s lo led Ihrir ny W* ky all l«x*l ■'”1 >'onsliiqt>-| meani, and tJj«l in drune so lUrj will mnlir. . maiiiUin tlic 1 l.arirlsrpea- -able iui#iu. • b H rnmptllcj lo iJiruw it astdi hy imlatfn':- TMDS T.\YIX)R, Ifi%«y Mit.MrtoN, 1 Il4rl|l ( Ki. lusn I \l.s M-w, • ’*"• >Sr*«ij.v; T«. «l«, Hrri- ihr namti of the menjb^rt V J* o:;.ouDt of reduction on each art.cle» so ‘ best fitti d, in (fobJ ro.;.». . , 1:^,, ,.i f>niiivsb.i.i as toprot'oce the rciuitof an agrrepalc r duclioo to give .iiirabilitr and cftntinued brishtj.n., u> ihe hrs to 1 [»er cent., Ba an eqiii\al«iil (fi rtnt rly Jiids;» ) Co®p*T i*bh KngliAhniau —he was louch *Wap|>oiiil»^l 10 l'eniiayU:»- nin. where h** was inqi^srhed and dlsnlln^4.•d from the bench. Ilf ilicre wrote a great many artir|ei in tHiuiir of the pn>ii-cti\e »\fHm. !!'• left tlwir ntil w*nt South. e do not wy how, or in whr^' pay. IkiI ' C«,rn,tion. 176 in oomber he has li«>en iiiHtruiiKMilal in hriiicini; about the present nullifirution feeling lu South of t>ie revenue fC.VX'.Vi'J, on iuth'manufactufas "'“‘I- And altio Hm opinion wiiat is the njol, »he exemptioii from tatulion by the as are classed under the general denomination ol j »uiuble metal for that slloy. Slate authority of tlie public (lulnaili wilhin protected artjcks; and tfjat he aiso append to such I Mr. Plummer introduced about twentv their res()«*ctn* .'■'lutes. .*1, I'rmiding al-xi reportsn enuiuerstion of articles deemed to be ' , ,or th^ grad.wtion and reduction of th- “ toocir natiunal indeprndcr..-« iH time of, , ,, . r .1 .1 r 1 j war.” and which Uicrefort-ou^ht, op.n,™, ^ retimed the report of the price m tlii- refuv land. Cnrohna In be e.xrmptrd from th« operation of the pro,»os.. Cornirntli-e ot the bole on the State i>f the | M r. \ erplaiick, fr«mi the t oinniitt^e of ed reduction of dutnes. I moil, containing a s»*n*-s of K.“aolutionM ays and .Means, ahked and obtniiied loavr-■ (Jn moti.jn of Mr. Poindexter, the reso- distribtitiny ilic sr'veral portions of’the IVf- for that rotnmittoc to sit during the sC!i>»ion “'- 1* .Mom. CiiAiirRT ” asks 0 lulion was ordered to be printed. sident’s Mest>ajre among tlie ret.ijective com- of the House.—(It is «nd-r«tood they an* PhiliwleljJiia puper, and e\prt*»ses an ap- Mr. Dallas presented t.‘ie memorial of a mittees of the House. j busily ocrupied on the .subject of the t.iril!.] pr*-li» n>>n>n tliat h-h isgonooU in an etpio ^cnt inte ('oinmitt^* sioii. Not so. The fire-eater. 1 fVine at Colamhis, on Friday, ths fonrtr'-r.ti'!*’ of Ik-crrnbrr, in tho year of our lord ''tie L and I i(ht hundnd and thtrl) -two. and lu a' •r»rnlh vcar of the iiMitprndcnce of the t jf Stslr* of ,\nM.nca. .UtfH. FRA.VKI IV I M 'SJ.S JA\1K* F HIMtV, .Vrrrrfaricf s^ lar^e nutnlier of the mercantile c\U/^x\n of, Saturday, /hr. l.'>—Tliis lieing the dav i Philadelphia, praying that the I . Stat.-s „pari by the Rules tur Ihe conMdr-ni- would, as a natioual object, op**n the Jkxj- tion of private bills, a number of bills, ro. isviile and Portland Canal for free naviga- ported at the Iasi -ieysion, severally |>as«K>d tion; which was referred to the Committer ; through a Committee of the Whole, then on Roads ainl Canals, and ordored to be. objects being satisfactorily expLuned b«. printed. \Jp_ \Vhittli;sey, of (Jhio, and other g«*n- Oil molirm of Mr. Smith, the Scaafe f|#jriicn, and re ordered to l»e e«grcmbCM! proceeded to tlie consideruti-m the joint fur a third reading. 'I'he House then went poi‘Mn-«wa|- A Di'.corrry.—We find the fulln* Mohammedan oppr*“«*r>r*, and bimit iKil with th.- most iinrighteouH ainl exorhitant .V. 1. Ctli'.in. lur 4 fciiiiu ict«iiJKs I ^ I I ■ I nyKJ.itioii r.| b> him relative to the; U,e following additional f'ommittees are r |.r|s*.,,ted to be in printing of the Ao.iual Statement of Com- have hern appointed iu the Hou^ of Re-, rtirenjuirte^ of h/r. Accoiints “ ,1 go»J Aitm/ fw tht Uii/fftm 4nd ' / irrmfff,—Thr Wtrdi n» Ilf iJw S*«"ini' SfOMOn of WhiHkrrs.—]{ is worthy of^***! jr"i**rd«r %firrrfimi, un hmrH i , remaik thut wh»*n cohl weather approachfs, ‘ lyinj* iWtifidi- our whar»r«. j. k'f*i and I boi of ball railridgts, hr wli.cb t> of .\mr-ncan Iwnevolenrc liave re.iched and all other veijefables liri/m to fade, | raiuidgts, hr winch t>^' thf-rn. The) have sent hither one of Ihfir whiskers sprout up ainl fluuriHh with thr ,u,u( "a ni;KM*'" most pioibi and learned men, Rahbi I'x'K II utmoet vigor. Many a face. Mhicli in sum-> Zi .Mill,. He is now in the city of NVw m*-r appearel liarren as the dcsrrts of' CoMMntr r. or ll'.'tl.—ft> hy‘i \ork, and he brings with him, it is staled, Arabm, is now covered hy a iinisi ItKurtanl «tiir>fn*tii from ihr Roi(isifr’s OiFh e, Tr noon. Stewart, antjj ||„; u,„ie,l testiOHniials of IkmH tho coiigrc- crop. Kvery thing in iN pro|M-r w*av,n— «,,rv l)f|mrtmenl. that m lh« ’ear ndirr raiti ?«"«•>»» m Jerusalem,—the fienmtnaud the cowslipa ui the spring, ciKumlM-rs in Mini- :i()(h S.-ptemlx.r, I •'.'II, the ani.aii.l ol T mrm 1,11 Cunitrtu. l‘ortvvi„HQ, IIIm docuiiienls and letters mer, canfLlo[K s 111 autumn, aial whi.skers na;>r of th" I'nilod .Staii a was—enterf- men:* and .\a»igation. . pr.-.o„tatives: The lollow.n* resolution, bv Mr. S.nith, c.,m,n,t„r on the Puhlxc OiX I liurbday wing under coa^idcratiOTi ; ■ Jurvu, ('U^ton, .\lien,ot'V'irfiiiia, Mo^au, Apple 7’hat the SecrKarjr of liie Tr* a«ury i fUnk*, and Cooke,^ Oiiio. be iirecu»i, H lUi a-: liul.- fkUy as may be. to fur-; Ae MtUha^McuTf. n.irring.-r,I Vork, and he brings with him, it is staK-d. Arabm, is now covered hy a iinist hnuriant ' «laif»npnt from ihr (')in. e Tr nish tiie S.n.4te wiUi Hk; proji tt of a bill for re. 1 '• ''wkr, I'ltchcr, Cahoon. Stewart, antj i .1 1 1. .1 - V KOgisi.T S »r, ducing tin- duties levied u[*m iniportn, in confor- j arty, niily with the sug)'e»tioru made by him in his an. I ( emmitlrt rthlirt to Intt nual report. j >ht rzrrcise ,f dauUful jmr i It wa« ordered to lie jpofi the table. l>*'»i^l,^i>«irt't. Folk. Uverett, of .Mans, have Uen duly examined, it is added, by in winter.—Ibid. t»V2 clr>nnrfi..l irr; ".(it- iinml>er ' />....-.-Mr. . „r .U,. h.™, .„d th,y . ^ /?''• 1 (-—Mr. Verplanrk, from encourage his aUecting iniaait ‘ 1 ^ . . the Comiiiitieo «f Wavs and .Means, re-ilcnte. lee on Tinsrre ty, j _ 1 n 1 • ' .• ed th»* f'>Jlowing r^nolution RftUrrd, That the Corrrnittee iiiee on rmsrre iy . j 1 n 1 • instrocU-d to i-,uir. mto the expediency ofn.ak **!>P'-"Pnstlon, in |«rt,| tng furtlwr provision tor t.*ie prolirtKin ol tlic n supt>or1 of I ifveriiment for the \oai j veniio, by prohihiunt'officers of ttie rostfjms fro . I ■-t, fiiiil fyr ' ' rtJiifi exjK'ndlt'ires of thi'‘ jradin* in arti Ic* not subject to duly. j , 1^3 >; n blth bill Waa twicc md and | TIm; UU lo autliufizc lii« laying out atid o- i couiinittod- inuuioti of bene VO-j Tlie dillsrent ii*!w«pn[>ers printed iu the j I’. !^tat«-s, amount in niimlsir to in nrly ouf Prussia possesses ‘Jl.tlOO |oarh'’r« *' I.VTf RN.lL NaVIOATIOX. T ' thotimwl, anl the a^gn't:ale nuinlx-r print-! schoilniaxlers, pmd by tlif he length of ed uimuully, is i siimat.-d at /i^'v mi//ifn»,' Ih^ distinguished fr.'.pionlly of wkn frrvfl > the Ohio Canal, recently r.oinf.leteil, con-, which is about one pnss to «very IHIMI i-, „rdi r lo nt'pr" nectmg Lake Krio witU the ULio Uivcr, jK-raons, and 1 titwsimpem annually toeach ll,-i, knowledge, atij their «)»tcm«l *'' K 310 Ulllo. uihabitatit. ' catibu.

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