THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. CHA1II.OTTK: SATI RDIV. DECEMDKH W, ISTJ. I'o the Rarl CoriiK-alli*, &c. The huniblu addrcM of direr* lojal inhabitant* of Charluiton, Wk, hia majesty’s dutiful and loyal mib- jecti, inhubitantsofCliHrlnston, (rom the Ivditorinl ('orrpK|Mmd«nce of the Fay. «tl( vill« ()Wrv«r. Kairigh, Saturday tiight Dee. 22. The bill opprnpriutiiif' ®ftO,UOO for re building the Cupitoj ill this City, has be wilvcs disappointed iii the e.x|iectHti(>ii we come a law. It paxned its final rcuditig in cntor(airM>d of ymir lurdshifi’s rcturiiing : f^niile by u majuriiy of acctn vole^^.— Mhortiv to this ra(>ital, whereby we are pre- i h«*re was a majority of nine on thu Recond eluded of pernoiial accetM to your lordihip, Mr. Cariwin, of Rutherford, inunity; and it ia boptd that yeutlemeii in the ministry, chriitiani and the people fenerally, of all dcnowinationa, will le«l aufficKnt inlereat in it In be |ire»ent, when it it expected lliat addrenri r.ill Im) made and the meaaure* requwiU l« giv« an UM-I^il e»iitcnce to the Societjr, adopted. The exertisea of the oi«ettii( wUI commence at btJi'fNuit 10 o’clutk, A. .M. We hare iaaer|ed ia to-day’* p«per the Remoiwtraoce and Protenl of the I'nion inunicated to us tbc following inforaiation, under yesterday’s date. “The fine W!W ship Russia, of 460 tons burdieii, belonging to VV amiiington, has li*^n chartered to transport five companieii of U. B. Troops from this [K»t to Charles ton, (S. C.) and is momently expected to arrive from that City.” By a gentleman just from Waoliington we learn, (says the Baltimore ChronU-le of the llith iiist.) that the Preaident intends to bUggest to Congress the propriety of pulsing the requisite ucl.i to enable him to demand the payment of duties betbre vessels are permitted to entry—to collect the re venue at forts, and to accept the servicer of TiOytlUO voIunlet‘rH. 'I'hene (lowers to be exercised only iu ports where obstructions are oiiered to the regular collection of the revenue. The inducement to the pa.isagc of these laws is tlie present position of .South Carolina.—Charlttton Courier, „ i-o .1 r> I . .k i a protec ting I'rovidonce is evident: which ^ Conventioo of S^ against the , Ortliianco passed by the State I oovention. HI u,„verse : and at the i^ame prf;me Co • .Isa LLil oTthe ‘*cca«.,med by the e ir«vTto ; “r lol^^ "all, u to take place.' .Messrs. Oan.H, 1 uinlifd conduct and ‘Seawell, Nunh and .Strange are in ! •- uro iti We understHDd, but upon no distinct au thority, that the Southern cadets, at West wliich they Curolitia should be We are requc«t«d to repeat the notice of Uic nceting in tliia placc on WediieMtajr, Uie 2d of January next, ftr the pnr|io«! of orjraniiiny an Ausilary to the American Tract Socicty, and «••-1 takt thi. ^liunity through the intervei'i- j changed his vote from the afiimative to the tabliabinf a perman«jiit depoeitory of ReUgiou* j (ion of the commandant, of tendering to Mfssrs. .McDowell, of litirke. Tract*, 'rhi* Inatiiuiion i* coiiMdered of great |y,,g|- lurdahip our joyful congratulations on ' -'lontgomery, of Orange, Melvin, of lUa- importance to tbc reliRioua welfare of oyr com. jQjgj ni,(j disperuiou of the rebel ! dt’n, niid Siiiiiiions, of Columbus, corisid»;r- ariny, by his majesty’s forces under your’* •*« command. joitiz»;nH of Raleigh, of course, feel much WiiEji we reflecl m tJie dosolation and gryl'fi*^! and intend giving 1 uiulerstand to ruin with which this province wsis threat- i memlx'rs, some public demonstration o! ei»«l by the unrelenting cruelty of a formi*, thanks. dabic and meiiaring enemy, wo think our-' Ulloting for Superior Court Judge, selves fortuiiato that w« had no idea of our**"*'*^^ •'^'»ain, comes on day aUer to- danger, until we were ctR*cHmlly relieved ^««n. Saunders, (iavin Hogg, from It by the glorious victory obtained by 'i^ttK l”H|rs. are in riominution, your lordMhip, wherein tin* interpoaitinn of '* improbable other oauKrs ina) be added. 'ednesday tlis election of a .Su- 'ourt Jul{;e, to supply the vacancy TUf Adilresi we have not received, Uit we j tinw! eicitesinour minds sliall lay It before our readers a* early as | manifold obligatious w po9Bible. The Convention adj.MinK-d to ,»hip, for your diHtir.gui»h*-d c,ii.Juct and ‘‘^‘"“"6" “7 ja.v^iled by the Ceiarai Governuieiit, they *"• ■'•K' (;oven>or Ilavne has '*wed hi. counter- [has rcnoued this prowiK^ from imp.n«hng to run ; should he^Jwhne it is Uhev.d Uial | tna""-CVW>/ryw! Proclaination to the citizens of Suuth-Car- i destnictioii, anJ is no le»s advantageous to ““'Igfr '*"• be brought forward. 1 lie nhiiti,and warns them not to be intimidated our moat gracious sovereign and the Hrit- •** not confKiciitly pn*dicted w any. [ by the threats i*f the Prenident. lie basal-{ "•h empire, than hoixiurulilc to)our lord-: ^ iuaker bill after l)eing rejected, ■o lasued his G«neral OrdoM calling forjahip; and which iame will tran.smit to the :and has Ijecome u law. Volunteer*. Tl»c l^gwlature of S.Kith-; latest p*-aerity, with that tribute of praise '>'th a provision requiring i«i.sons excus’d Caroluu treated tlko Proaident’s Prochinia-1 a«»l arfn'iraiiou > wir lonitthip ims an justl) f>erforiiian e of militia duty, on tK« with contempt. We shall lay the (iov-1 merited on this iiii|>orlant occasion. account of alU g.-d conscientious scruphw, to Iernor's Proclamation before our rt;«(lcni in I Altiioi 011 a prevailing faction subverted ^tli that tliey entertain sucl* “ con- loor IX*t. excelUntronstitution, aisl established a s^^ruples.” I democmttc kind ijf govertiim'iil in its stead, 1 ^ pm^d the Senate, .\t the request of a friend, we luive piil>- I li»lied this week, two Addresivs fr»im »ome of the iwinrtiio/ tfilMibitants of Charleston — - - , , i , •• .■ during ll« ReToluUo.i.rr W.r, f«iiul in ber ot tlie commumly had an iwlobitahle •«» v*--f'-'''- ... , M il Ramsi v’s Hwlorr. one 'addrewH to Sir right to consult his own happuH-s« ; aiKl as ' A Rew.lution has b.-cn intnxluced into nieeting being explained by Dr. J. M. Uap- llenry Chnton, tlie other to Lord Comwal- j “h’ p«--«ple m g.-nc‘ral, induced hv their pn‘- '•'« '"‘d "pon tlw table, pro|K«-1 pholdt, the tollowmg paamble and hs. It IS alao atated, that io May, 1771>,. dilect'wi and vei^ lUr tin:' ..HI c(Hi»ti- '"S “• aJj«um oti the .0th .lai.uaiy, 1^38. j tioii^., pre|^red lor the»u.u, vvcre cah- Commi«ioner*fron.t»M.orriM.«fCliarte». lut.o*., have made an exHict declaration •' ." n-t improbable that the loth will bncJ ^ cd for and read throughout, and allerwards ton consutini ef 33(X» Ln, were instrtK:.' ^ »‘*«t .n**g«»«:e. anl availed then«^lves I^-g.slalure still here. read v-purateK on tl.eir p..s^geandadopt«l. ledtopropos.^.,K«.ralUydunngtbew.r. ofO*- pn-^Honofthat govermi.n, un.: | \> hcrta^ matter.ot the greatest impor- |U tw.4 Gn^at Britam aid Aineric*. awl which they formerly enjoved the hi^^h-; aroltm.~Ouo of the tanre to us and our postr.nty now dt^ply that the question whether the State .hall esi degree ..f civ d ar^l pr.htical hl^rtv, as nn^t spln.did things ot the kind w« e*er , .>fr^rt the ii.mds of the ,«;ople of this Ibelor.g to Great Dntain or remain one of - «*ll aecurity in tho.r prr.p. rtK-s, weran- •' «'« -'‘“P ^ woich dc- fori.MMC.'HK'ATIC..'*.] ANTl.TAUIl F MLKTING. According to previ.iH public notice, be tween tifiy and «uty of the citizens of the neigliborhoad assembled at Capt. McCau- lev's niUMter ground, on Saturday, the 22d iiibt. A much greater niiinber was expec ted, but thowe at a distance were probably preveiiied from attending by the extreme pill>-M lf>“t arbitrary system of rule was ^ many heterogeneons ainendiiieiits, | of the day. At o’clock, P. .M. ' annibilated by the surr^iJder .!' this caiaial, ’** prol»ibly d( stroy it in the Comiuons. 1 the meeting wa« organized by the choice ot eston "nl wl«ni»«ionof the countrv, cverv wm- H'ajority in the S*nate, tkvorable to ' R*'hert Kirki»af rick, Presideiit, and David inbehnlfof jmeml p;rv.»t.he awwere,!. ai«i of the wi. kr.1 nmcbinatmm of the chi- camiiw*ndatirHi cannot I* b. stowed ed, Init to (eel ^at he is ii.teiwted in every • that tSev dKlool come ma legislative ca- tempt,We remains of that . f.icti.Ki, ‘he enterprumg jHiblisher, who has mea.uri* adopted or aUut to be ndopt^ by Mntv.’ ‘Tlie Ibrco uiMler general PreTo^t . have ao rrcentlv exeniwd a d«H>t-«« ti.r.Kigh dilhculties, neither l.'w I the ,oveminent, or any part thereof, and was -jlOO men. Is cwnroeut Dcc«a«iry. 'and lawk*« sw«> over us; arwl we trust «''« accompll^hnlent of ■ taking the nmtters seriously and circum- To H,r llct.r» (linion hr '“‘'‘ry e»,«riment, bv the r-^rpt M—through obMaen-^ whu h j «»»ectiy into con.ideration, to assume a hrm ■IV Hambk %adrfi.of*diver.u.h.b.UnU of ^'--ineM ,j( (*on. and v^ ur h.rJsJop'; vi- «ny Mie, n..t .1. ter.nin- j «nd d.-cisive stanri, and then ou to exercise tWk.ioo. gdance and nnimat.-d eiKkavours, will be «•' ''ilhl his pledge to ihe ; consi ientiou-lv, his opinions and influence: 'rtnd'-red cq-.Jilly futile. ,pt;W!o. In St.iles Maps h.ue been , therefore «e, citizens of .Mecklenburg, in ' ' the Slate of Nortii-Carohna, have here as- m-nihletl, to corl^nllt, declare and publish our The inhaUtai.ts of (*harle«ton, bv the ’ rtnd'Tfd cq , ■ , , , , , , > ■ • rticlo. of capitubtion are decUrr.1 pr,«Hi-, That llrav.^, pn.pitnjus to your lord- •i"'l‘'rt«k. n eri on parole; IhjI we, the uuder-wrilten, ■ »hip’s active in the si*rvue of viiur'^' coiiipt.i at I le p«i > ic e.\j)Cii»'- h al.r he re-admitted to the charartor ai>d cimdi- , linled ai«ter coIooh s to rartnke of ihM^ , . . tionof Hriti^h-.hject., Uke this oppo.t.i-1 We,Hmg. .4'who h wo«.tair apron ‘ v‘^'‘'>on of the whole de.i-.n, and « hat »ing every ii»diireir>ent l*i return to o*ir 1 Kinj^ and countr\, mav crown vfHir future mliiior to nf»**'. r^'iaiirc, and nr«'entl> hoiMug speedilv to 'e\erlu>n» with Mirr* ■h«, and ir.rlii>e inir k'- 7 !''* ciiomi er tt»e accoracv o( t le re-admitted to the charartor a.k1!.-, I.Hle.1 ai.,er cohmi. s to partake of ll„l,^ dehiK ation or tl..-ta.te w hich char.-.cter.zrs lio,,of British •..hject^ Uke this or>po,t.i-|We,Hmg..4whiJ. wo have M.tair a,^ k of tn^ering ,0 vour excellent,.; ,Mir ' peel, are ,h. and ardent ^M;heM. ccM the N ite ? Nothmg Mt is true, not expn^s oi.r 1 . ■ .1 . . . I .• I • 1 1 a small MJin waslo:uH'd to Mr. .MucKiie b\ ' in*'iit to the Lnion ot these I nited States; V.Tntei-t con;;raliilati«jn^ m the re»toration n«*t onlv ol us, hot we are iM-rhuaied ot . , , , , 1 »• ’ 1 .i. , 1 .1111 .u , , I 1 . I. ‘.I 1 1 1 .'/.II the Mate, to aid him m conioetinir the .Man. that we do HHJSt deeply deplore the conse- «>f thu capita and province to their pohti- every other o\ a mhabt ant ot Char estoii. ' j i_i views on subjects of momiutou!^ interest to oor»»lvcs, our |>oslcrity and our common country : 'I'ht rcjWe Re-’olrtd, 1 st That terms can- caiiital an! province to their pohti- c»t-r> wut-r in\«i iiiiiawiani 01 \..iiarieMoii. . ■ '■ , /... j ■ 1 . 1 _ 1 .1 co.inrI..^ with llK- crown a.Kl govern-, S,;»en,^r I'.-.IVh). «*h«'“nees of heir dis.>ohition and solemn I j inei.t of (;rf,i P.ritain • an event which b> ou. humlr.d and •uty-four ptrwni. Hint i.i fart she has gained by the invest- declare that nothing can authorize,«>r jiuti- *»«.tretovourcxcellenr..sclu.,.t.^ ..... , TT 1 1 ' ‘ M e lenru in>m the I uimli n .Jourra! that |Kitronage in vime way to the gentleman , _ . 1 . . .1 . . .1 V Will. iii.ii luirnitaiie 111 miiih: lu iiiir vr:i,iii:iiiuii t rs, and, we tru^t, Mititle \r-u to the roo*t .111,111 1 1 j i . . ” > - ^ J , , I .1 1 r the tmi.k robber has br» n oppn hefidt d, and who has stn ured nr the .'*t:ite st) "reat a ri»riii;,’ui»iiinj( mark o4 t lie r oval lu^r.— .1.1,1 1 n .... n t* 1 . «. .111 1, 1 . 'k ^ |i»*'.K>0 dolljrs r»-eiivered. IIi- is an r.ii- de«idemtiini as a rornct Man. 1 he least AiihfKi^h the ri:*iil of toxins .\inerica in , . . n 1, . .... , , . „• I , 7 1 1- 11 1 *h»hm«o end naioe«l Menrv B.irti n. I he thev can do, wn he to puicb.ise a ^ulli- *.irlnm*'nt, exritid conaiicrab!e ferments . u- . 1 » ' 1 1 , ' .. 1 r.i I f .L robUrv v»us ettnHil ftv tiieansi.J falM! ke\ s. ci*«nt nun» u r ot roi)ies to .vupp v cverv n ttie mii.d4 of i{i« i«e>f>le of this proviiM-e, . • ^ ‘ .1 11 ' . . ~ Nate in the I inon with onr to mv-;t ul ' , ■ , , L r'T ■ "'"«.) M N.». „„„„fa„„„larcl..,;acle,.-/I„/.A.4.. am tlie iiwt Ii>tai.t llnHight of disM.lvms York Mi the I.'iih in^t. in !Kl diiv^ pa^Ka-re , * he union that so h.ri>ilywb.i.ted between ,.,h only -J--pas.-,„.rs n-• rnunri/Zor. of .S7.,/, .-The followinr fy such an event, Iwit the deprivation ot that we hold dearer than all earthly couaid- eriition—o*ir :.’d Thiit we look to our constitution as the bnhvork enacted on the ashes, and cemented with the blood of our Fathers for the defence of our liberties and the pro. motion of our happiness; uihI tliat within its Siicn'd walls wc will resist the w retch who nttempts its hre.ich until we nobly con quer or are gloriously buried under its 8 impolitic, unconstitii- reduced to the I and made e- qual .and uniroim in its opTation on the ditli rt'iit eiiipl'*viiients throughout the L n- volutioD bought with their liTes and handed down to ua aealed vith their blood; and that if any earthly power is exerted to de* prive her of this Heareo-bom and dearly bought right, we, as fellow sufierers, aa brothers in feeling, io sentiment and rela tionsbip, cannot take up arms against her. 6th That we do believe the existing Ta» rifl to be a mortal tnalady, and that Nullifi* cation is used as a remedy in au extreme cate; and as our object is to get rid of the disease wo cannot condemn remedies: but the North must ^ve up our gold, or we must resort to Efficient means to ob* tain it. 7th That having heard the Proclama tion of the President, we lament that the individual whom we have viewed as the friend of liberty and e{ual rights, has be« trayed the cause} but still we have the consolation that we know that he, though great in power, is still a descendant of .\dhni, and though we have loved Csesar much, we love our country more. nOBT. KIRKPATRICK, Fre». Oavtd M. Lees, S«e’ry. BOAilRIED, In this con.ity, by the Rev. Samuel Willianison, Mr. Javttt f arh» to .Misa Kancy MeVulloch. WEKKLY AL.MA.NAC. JAM’.\RY, j.San 18.1.1. Irises 'J'J i^turday, 30 Sunday, 31 Monday, 1 TiH-nday, i U'ediienday 3 TIiurHday, j7 4 Friday, 17 MOON’S PHASES. - j 47 for January, 1(^33. ? n‘i i-i «>• "• "• Ijut l:i 6 3 afll’n New 2(1 4 5W aft’n Fir»t 28 7 0 af't’a 12 4 4H 12 4 4ri 1 12 4 4e ', 12 4 4»i THE .HARkEl>. FAYE'ITKVU.LE, DECEMBER 24. Brandy, Coirniac 81} a 2; Peach 55 a 6); .Ap* pie 45 a Bacon, 8 a 00; Beeswax, 17 a 00; Bajfpinp, 15 a 1?) (otfie, 16 a 17; Cotton, lOi a 00; Corn, 50 a 55 ; Flaxseed, *1 50 a $1 00; Flour, 95 a 5J ; Feathers, 32 a 35; Iron,4A a 5^ ; Lard, 12 a 13; Molaiiscs, 30 a 35; Oatt>, 30'a liO; .Vails, cut, fij a 7; wrought, 18 a 20; Rum, Jaaia- lea, 140 a 175; N. Enf^land, 45 a 50; Rice, 3^ a 4 ; Su|rar, 0 a 10; common, 00 a 8}; loaf and lump, 15 a 20; Salt, Liverpool, 00 a 75 ; Turk’s Island, 62 a 70; .Steel, American, 8 a 9; Eng. bliiitrrid, 16a IM; German, 14 a 17; TaUuwS^ad; Wheat, iKia'jS; Whiskey, 33 a 00. CHERAW, DEC. 20 Brandy, Peach, 50 a 00; Apple, 40 a 45 ; Ba^* ring, If* a 17 ; Bacon, 10 a 00; Cotton, 9i a I04; (^rn, 411 a 00; f'offee, 16 a 16; Flour, from w »o. Hons, 5a5J; FlaxMed, IJ a 00; Iron, Swedes, 5* a 6 ; l>ead, 7 a 8; .Molasses, 40 a 45 ; .Macii. crcl, .No. 1, a 00; No. 2. 6J ; No. 3, 5 ; Oats, .17 J a 00; Salt, in bulk, 75 a 00; io sacks of 4 bush. 2J a 3; Steel, German, 15 a 17; blihtid, 8 a OU; Sugar, 8 a 10; Tallow, 9 a 00; Tobacci^ liai’, 2j a 3J ; manufactured, 8 a 25; Wheat, 7o. I at the i.i. a, on.] we loqk Iwck w ith the Tin- c:.ptai;i statin! n*t painful r>'gr-l i*n thi»K' corMiilsmns that the di*ea« did not resemble the choi-1 \\arlilr Mor mnt.t.—The Sloop ol ^ hat gave etisieiw c to a p*iwer ot Mibver- ,.^8. The whole ,.f il»c ercw have lieen in Wur .\ot« h»z, l>ing at (If.'fx.rt, ( j ion, w ill destrov the gfiieral confidence in iiij a lonMitution, lor which we alwav* ^K-ifirt henhh. 'I'he |iU!MA*ngers were verv is ord» rel to In* littiil *iit imna diatelv, nml, mir tiovernment, dissolve the Lnion und ..vl, a,„| , ver sjiall re tan, the most pro- ,„d„Je,.t. "ond veneration, anf stihstitutnig in its . t-ad a rwik dem«icricy, whK-li h..wr»er \ meeting of tlio->e oppoo^d to the Onli- arefully digeMed m theory, on luing re- nance of the S. (’. Cotiventioii and (he l^>- ur«i| into pmrtice, has exhibited a svs u into pnrtice, has exhilMtea a svs- gmjaino proceedings con.-*»«|ia‘nt therioii, on the I7ih, “to org-.ini/.*' a iHiitalion or of tyrrannic «loii>in«tion, only to be „ i„. h,.|d m Voikvillc, on the first Mhi- reaiiiient of patriotic > men, v.lnn- I uhmI among the imi iviIiZ'hI |«rt ot man- ,1^^ January iM^t, in onler t i expn-^s ^rers, who will arm and e.piip themsi'lvev.. aid, or m the hi«lor\ of the dark and Isir- : ||,,.|r views lu relation thereto, und to con- and Ix* rendv if nere^suv to innn h in five ('apt. / inizinger ap[x'inted to ecmmand ! annihalate the Coikstitution. In r. H.r desiiiiatioii supposed to Ikj Snitli I 4ih That it is had policy in nny nation (,'arolina. | to lay duties on imports so as to injure the V meeting was to ho held in New-^'ork ' im|>orter, for the prosfwrity of every na tion is tlie interest of all nations; and c)Tt measures of resivtancc. btir* 11* n^'enof antiipiity. '•». •.(■n. ii l; lament, that atler the re-i the I nion." iT^I of th.r-. stalnt.., which Kave rise to ; The followinc letter fmrti a source of the Timessavs :-We nndor- LdJl"'l respeetnhility, WHs receiw.l by an „|.,ed antiioritv, that vol- "nde b his mnj,.sty cominins.oners, liom eUeiisiye . omm.ssion house lu C hurh stoii j,.uthern States, M O time werei.. r. gard.Hl by .mr la e on the Ibth lUst. ihe.r services tothe t.’ov- I'l frs. I o this fatal inattention are to be •• N1 w Vo«k. Drr. P. 1.1 ..1 v li'iKitled |||i«k; eulamities which have in- IamautlioriM lbyiuycomnnTcial pri ( cetisor, an Volv,.d our t ..iintrv in n aiato of nnsery and ' you. m r.«Mij.iri,cr ol a".v "arlike measures '••n, Ifom which.'however, w- trust, it ^,|| | »’of '‘••"'•'‘I '‘‘I'M'"'-’ '*> the 1 edernl t.ovem- , li.e wiiUiiicnU ronisiiHd III ihe .MmsBci'ot your. Ill,nit, lor the purpose of lore inerpe, by tlie wisdom ami cicmency (;,veriwf to the l.r|{ulature, tticy no Iw.ger con. guhmission.—AViu. '* iiiH H auHf | tidtr it Mfr to do liu«inc-«4 w ith your citr ; «nd I ( " wl the iMlUi. iM-e of prtA-ntial laws, udar>->>v them to direct you Irtcn.idor ; , ■*. . i* « . . H to thcimtun-of the evils we |„|K,r un-i *'^"7 I?'*’"'A iV ,V l« f • ..w4 lU . *1 I n 1 . I - * »re nut rxenilod, and on bocrd of Intdv fitMiointeil to the cuinmnixl ol the V. -I.. C vii " " ' TT i, "?'■ •^■-1'* “ rharlesKin, ,os«.d through this . ^ in iIr* nijvviiirnt ifcliercof fW vour I rr^rrt t«i add,l)itt nunr houn. i , i .a.^. ia thni »A hnr torinor feh. ity !here .rr tran.t. rru.; the.r onler. frmo rharl.-.- , )««crJay, on h.s waj to that city.-,/,. AMMArr.0 with'thcs.» ho{»e«, we entreat ,Mobile and Nfw-Orlrann.” •Mir eTre||,.„nes inter,H»silio,i m ns^urlng | understand, savs the X. Y. Commer- every diitv or restraint is just so much ad- (led to tho cost of production and conse quently to the price of the article produced ; da\s. to aid the IJoverninent m pic&erving that Heaven h:i:{ decreed that shall live by the sweat of hi.s brow, and io the multiplicity of occupations huth suited an ing this t'tate re«r. Xorfolk, Der. 10. -Vorcmoi/ of Troofix.— 'Ve understand ^Ta*i'i>ri"lf’»**"**r'*? *'*''!i* ciul Adverti.s«'r, it IS in contfMiiplation, should that tWe eomiitimesof T. S, Troops have ra.^ oh„.„,,„ting that real and afi.-c- y,„te« Bank fad altoKelher of | been onlen-d to prcKXK.I from Fortress TIST, \TERY rcspcctfolly tenders his Proressional StTvices to the I.adiea and Gsnllcnieii of Charlotte and it# vicinity. He will perform all the operation* of his prolesstoh. Will set Porec. I&iii or any other .Artificial Teeth, froui one tu a full set. Room at the Charlotte Hotel. I.ndies w uilt'd on at their residence. Dfc. 21, 1632. The .TIediriiie A: Drii^ At the Sign »f the G O L I» E .MORTAR, S'orth of lilt Cmrt.Hnusr and one door from Join Inrin's Utort, IB furniahcd with a full and citcniiive assortment of .Ml.DK lNES i IIHI'GS. raiiit»,Sur!rical /nsfnil metiln, Sh»p /'unii/urfj and all tlie Fancy fVr-l turnery and ^'(a/iorMiv| ArtirJfi pertaining to tlie Aiiothecarv B:i>ii. ness, wliith are otlered by IVialrsalf or Fifiail, at low prices, and under warrant to bt pure, fro>h ai>J ijood. FamHy .Vrrfifisr*of everv deMriij'tion are pat up in readinesH tor sale and labelled, w ilh di rections tor use. Physirians and .Merchants can also be accommodatid to any e.xtcnt that they will need. Prescriptions will at all times be carelully compounded and all orders dulr attended to. C. MOKRISiO.V. Charlatte, Drr. 2;1, the national gov- I * ' 'enimeni, 10 iane n charter from the State fti!irl.nton. .Tune't I7sO i IVim.sylvania, and maintain the branch- [Hi(.ski, hy'uo tf„ of >.s whenever permission nia be oUtaiUixi ' uiliabitaxita.] from the lo«al legislatures. Monroe to (,'hnrleston, and that a quantity of ordnance w ill l»e sent to the same plucc from tho above mentioneil I'orlrvss. In conlirmntion of the aliove, our cor respondent ttt I ortress .Monrgo has com- employment to every indivii'.tial; that the e\(s'rience of all natitwis declare that to foster or protect one occupation more than another or to the injury of others, has al ways brought distress and rum upon the whole ; that when .111 articlo is u'«>lul and necessary the niamilucturcr or producer can suppoit hini.«elf without legislative iMuinty; and that whatever is forced by ar- titicial ni(?ans into existence will be expen sive throughout Its duration; that all the nations of the earth descended from one com- imm orifiin and nre the people of one com mon Creator, und that lie hath made the i»eas for the highway of all his pe*iple to esta blish n spcvxly und general intercounn* be tween them that all hiscreatures may enjoy the bounties of his iilwral band. 5th That we do conscientiously siid firmly lielieve that our sister ytate of South Carolina is contending tor her just right, to those blessings deMgiwd and given her by Hsaven, and which our Fathtr* of the Re- liiKixc;. ON the second day of January next, at th# Court-House in Charlotte, 1 Will hire tor 12 months, s«-vcral SEdKOt'H, bebngia:; to the es- tatc of l>aaicl Gallant, deetased. W. MORRISON, rxteutor. Dfcrmhtr 17, 1K12. 17-2w OCr X B. The ahorc \EGKOES trill bt hired at R. I. Dinkin'g Sale. Z)er. JA W. MORRISON. sfTrvY 1-T> ^ About ten dayn^inee, trem my brother’s, 3 miles cast ofChar. lotte, an Iton (rrry .Wore, alx>ut live year’s old, sluid on her lore feet. She w as raised near Statesville, tor vvaiea place she would probably direct her ootirke. Any inforiuation concerninc her may be directed to me in Statesville, or aiy brother in Charlotte, which will be thankfully received. A Uberal ro. w ard if returned to me. Sr.LLEA J. CAl.DWELL. Dfc. 3.*i, 1832. lf^-3t ST.4YF.D OK STOLE.\ I^'^ROM the aubecriber's sta ble, on the nlfSt of tho 12th in»t. one Bay Horst, 'J yearn old, 14^ or 15 hoi}s hi|rh. Mill, a .'Ur III Ills lace, the inside of In* let) hitiJ !b«t whi'e. Any iiiformalion of said hcrsr either to Mr. llavid Chamburs, livinir o" creek, C''ounty, or myself in CharK>tte « ill bo thanktully received. SAMrKI, TAYLOR. Charlotir, Drr. S', 1— Iftl. JOB PIUNTING Of all kinds, neatly i i-i cn‘cd (rt this O^.

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