TIIK MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. »AJ>OL£ Ai HARNESS Jfiuking "~|1HK Sl'HfM'RIBUR hu now on hand a Ikrgu Miid ^cncr- •J kMortraont of \%ndll€M A, Hnni€M«i, manufkcturcd in hia •wn sliop, wurruitrd to be of Um firat qiwlity, utd will he iiold in future as low DKl KKKiCU AIlTM I-tX Tlie fi)iiuwiiig remarks arc CTtructed frum uo admirabltt t;)|iei‘ch duliverud at Charles-. toMn, (Mass.) by tl>o Hou. Ki.« ahi. J^vi n-1 lor il.« Kwdwicl. rrr, on the evening prt-viuut* to ttiu liitt: I IK If, but in 9u hIow and confiuicd a manner HM H) be unintelligible. At lust, bt-ing pret The IblloviinK ilyiun wm tung kt • in..tiii({ ,y ,;,rcbly rouwd by his com|wnii.nij, who hold inN. u-lxii.Hon, (( W) i.rf,rt.rutory to tt‘«'{ 'Ih* uliiniM'd fcr his nilellecls, he clecliiin. ... “ The iViondsofthcConstitulinn, Sir, labor M Mij Northern work, with the addition of I under thu inconvfiiieiice of lu inu obliged to bemf detcrinincd to carry on thw branch ol Husii-11 • . i i. neat extensively, and from the patronatr alnady ^ J.rincplos. It we were at received, will stop at no kinall ejjunw to rxiouie ' liberty to mutate the exninjilo ol (he (ricnds •very article in a ntyie Uiat cannot be- ««miilUd in j of tho l*n'8idt'iit, in the Siuth, who nullif) Ihi. .ectiou of eountry,apcaking a« lUlnv.-. I ' |ow» and tieuties ad libithm, 1 siu.iKJt^e heeneng.(r.d ron.tw.tly at the .Unc bu-i-I ,, j „„ Aevs eigiitoen years,eKccuiinr continually tilt: best ' . • v ‘ . u .• v i i.- kind of work. Hcience) we riiiyiil nullil)' the elecUon. If Below it a Matcmnd of Work I shall kt rp we think («s the peu|.lo of MassucliufictiM on hand. ' unquestionably do) that the i*remd«'iit bus Gent, beat cut back Saddk-h, Super No. 1, $lfl 00 violated thecoubtilution, 1 twjppose we mi(>lil do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. coniiuon do. do. do. do. 'id ({ual. No. 9, do. No. 3, do. Na 4, do. No, 1, do. No. 3. da No. 3, do. No. 4, NADl>Li:^ Madf in thf nralfrt mannrr. 1 cannot fail to picaae the I/adit'n in that articlr ; til I ask ia Ibr to call and rxaniuie ajid a ttire nalr. t'arriagr Jt 0mig ti\R>ESH Of every description. MILIT4RV Al’t’oiitmiK'iifN 16 00 nullify his re-cleciiun as uii onstitutiuijui. 13 00 Put the people of Mussui-huM'lts iu not so 10 0« Constitution. If the l*re.si- : di nt is re-olucted, it is by the will of thi- (a 00 majority of the people conKtitutioiiully ex- 4 00 pn‘«t)f«d. And to that will we are bound I to submit. Nay, sir, I will ^n a little furl her, and, having; alluded to imHiJituliini, 1 will f^uy, that this subject now pr‘!‘nl4 lU'.elf to the I'eopie of these I'liiled Stule.s as one of greater ini|KirtaiK'e than tlio I'resiilentiul election itself. Or rutlier it is the coniiex-1 ion of (he two sul jri Is which gave to tlte I i election tnii. h of uk mtnrest. It whs tlie a iupert»r fact, that the I'riMdtnt liad nH'ordtd hia | ttili latlt ani/ele/anrf. ! couutenunce to (irur^m IM ltiil!it> in|( tiiu ! Bridlfi.MitrlingaUt, Valisats, 1 lawn, and tl*e fear that, hiiMii^ clniitied lo j In addition to my prcarnt numb«-r af hand* 1 himself th« right ot iiil'r|ireliiig tlic t'oii- ^M!ThT*t"r Jounityincn.or good .t.tution in his own wiiy, he could not re- "“I'nowUyT'thr proph>. that I w.ll sell any .r- Car.-lina, I Uciv in m)i Itn« lowrr than It cao be tii4j luriushru ol tiic n a* * aeciion of Nortb-farolina. ; sons for opiK>siiii' lii>* rf-t |ect»on. 15u; liH , I1.U111I11. Ya. my native land, I love Iheo, All tfiy M.'tiicn 1 iuvi tbi'in m«II, Fnends. Poiinexioiis, lia|>jiy fiountry ! fun 1 bid yon all fuH Wi'll? I’an I leH*c you— Far in hcktlicii landa lo dwell 7 Ilonu ! Iliy jo)!« arc isioHini; lov ly ; •loyH nu iiLruii|;rr heart can t-l|! )la|i|iy lioiur ! 'tia Mure I lovr llicr t fan 1—ran I auy—Fun well.' Can 1 Irave liiir— Far ill b.-atbtii lundi to duill? .Sccnea of i.acri’d (leace and [ili iuiiire, llely days and Snblmlli 1h II, I(ii'liti>t, liri)>lileiit, »«tt:«l Ui jaure, Can I hay a laxt litn u«ll ! Can I l vt; you— Far ill hcailiin land . to dwill T Yes i hsaten from you Rladly, I'roni the acrin'a I lovid »o well Far away, yr billoWK, iK-ar ni« : l/^vel\ imtivc land, farawcll! I'Icaiid I liavi ihee— i-ur in iM'MlJien lahd* to dwell. Ir ttif dr«i rt» l»'l me labor, »n the tuoiinUHui let in«- (i-ll llow Ilf ilird—liip hleKM-d I'o I) ill • III a world fruiu hell Ix-t nit lu»t('ii, Fw,iii hcatiicn lunda to dwtll. Il ar ni^ on, lliou refllr*a © >!aii; l.l Ibe uiiiilii niy caii\aM •well— II) a\ • niv Ik art with warm rinoti.^i, bill' ( go far hence to dwi II, (;iad i Hid 0..r, Natl^e lai.d I—f art nrll—Farewell ' .TiiM i:ij.A.\i:oi .nwoke with a sudden stait, uncenscioun of ull tliut had hap|>eneii, having been the whole time t'dst iisloep. I'ltruile Infrrpidity.—We were yester- day tdiown the litot of a large blurk and white Fi:igle, wliirli was killed last week in the lower part of Woodstock, in the inoHt siii;;ulur and daring inanner. This noble binl entered the house if Mr. W illiain An derson, in pursuit of adurk, while his wife wus ;iluiM!, aiul which she no sooner per ceived, than site in.->tantly soi/.ed the biped by the wing, and despatched it in the true liob Hoy Ht\ le, and (>erhnpa with sometliing of the .wine chuniclei istic feeling wliich the following lines express, as wbea ap plied to that b«>ld ctiieilain: “ The Kairle he waa lord above, And Kob waa lord U;Ium.” The wines inea.stirwl G I'cet across; .3 feet fr«im the tip of tlie b ak lo tiK- extreniit) ol the tiiil, and encli lliot extended covered I a space of 7 iiHrhcf*.—Frtdtricion O'uzittf. I (hlitroim U'ixk/.— \ travAlIer, who visit- j *^i the ••bsit*-au of 'I'ar:i'p, ^Switzt-rland) wu* •■truck lu uliiioi^t e\cr> npurtinent with 50 NEGROES VtM.VTKn. The Subarriber wialiea to purchase FIFTY ^E({l(OES, coniiistinjf of alff II, If *oiiu n, Boys 4* Crir/«, aged from 14 lo SJ.'i yeara, to furniah a plant4iti>q in tlie State of IxjniRiaiia, for wliich the C'A.S{[ will be paid. I’erson* havinj; auch prop« rtj woulii do well to apply iinniediately at my rcsideuo' Sdinbury, IS’. C. either pcraonally or by l« tier, ad! dreaaed to me, which ahall be punctually att> niigj to. RICllAKD W. I,ONg. Drrrmbtr 9th, \Ki2. iIUf N. B. I alao witih to purrhase a Carpent. r, « IlricklaycV and a likely Nejro Fellow, actjuain'H with tlie pr«M»Ka of burninj; brick. K. W. I,. C JIAKLOTTK llOTKl/ #(W SiU4’. ynHERub«cribtr,wi»hing toremwe from H:ir Ibite, Attira for aalc, upon very reasom.U« t riiia, the above riatoi d eatabliahment, wliich 14 ai prcaeiit in rxeellent repair. All the out-build. iii|Ik are well fixed for carryin)r on the bnMoen eoiiifnrtably. 'I'he aland is well known to c. (]ual, if iiA au|>«rior. to any in Ihia aeetioa of liw country. Any (-ommunicatinn upon tlie aubjiot will be att;nJed to. Fuaaeaaion given forilmith, if re.)ue»ted. J. 1), BOYD. Charlottf, Der. 1H3'2. 1 otf U.l The Rulryih H>fitter anil CumJrtt Jimntal trill i>li»te iianl the uborr 3 moiUlu ami fonrurd thtir affountf lo J. D. Royd. XOTirK. ■■ FOIJFJWARN ull ptttont from trading fm it ,1„ ce„,lr. (..o,.- ^ L'S ^ pill*') d w liirn liK* w.iinscoating and diM* r* j gietn on romlition fur irAirA tatd I'arktt km I out arlic|en ul furniture consisted ; ald con- nut cumplytd U-I/A. / am drtermintd not (0 }vf , iid«‘ring that the wain>«-baling, atien>it, :>iuidiimf iiiiiit*aiJc»nJtiiouiMromj>U^fd KUli. ii.iist be .««.nte ccnturios old, he justly con- ■ * ’• * ~ iMilercd It IS .«ur|iii-4inK thnt it sIxHild have ‘ coiiiiiiu (I to i-xli.iN’ this perfunK- for .such a length of tune, in undiiiiini^bed rtrenglh. litnutrkahh {‘hi iu>mtnon.—In one of tiie j ‘ "'(f. »• *s pr*’»uiiied, to the sinell of this j cootidentui fi i^nils clmiu fur him the credit Ute MngliaJi journals we timl the li>llow mu , wi>n»J, U|».'irlti»*‘iils wuin.sooatcd with it are a few**^^*^ *** ^ rc*olulely o|i|mm’J «ecKJiit of r»-nt!irkuble )tubl* rri(iM-«Hit iire* '•• '•'r inliM lcd with l>ugs or mutlis. It n» Mftf f'iIh‘iiullilHation which is *.t Ml foul Ul which have Ut II wiine .s«-d in »etn vn and ■spe« ie?t of troe, however, lie’oiniilg vcr\ U’K K I 11 11 ^ iT I ' !l>ouh I’arohua. it"* n'ighborhoKi.— I'U** articU; is dated i rai-u 111 ttie .Vl|»».—liulUiia L/tirn'mil. w bidi I w lU i«U aa low aa mv nnrhhorn. , . , . 1 1 r «■ . .• JOH.V •/. HUSKI.N.S * "’*’'**• ">*hin a Ifw days, rereived lel-, l-;ik« (>en \a, Au^. lf». 1 CJmrlctff, fiepf. \h32. 'C>tf tors from the most iiiti-llif^ent and auitieiiUc j I'he evtraon^niai v beat wlncli hns pre-| liar-maids.—In I'rance, Ter>' liarMl>K>ine Stfam §:uf^iMrn for Sale. tors from the most iiitr-lli^ent and auitieniu-1 I'he evlraoniiuaiv beat wlncli hns pre- | Ititr-maids.—In I'rance, Ter>' liarMiK>inc sources, uKKuring me that tl>« rn-snit-nl is :'ailed almost without iiii» rru(>tion ll>r nine girl"* are MjOK tiim-s employed as bur-inswls prodiir**d a ph iiOiiieiiMi in the to ••niu e riHtoiners. Ilut oti^ of tb»'I'rench >* .V I i iH> IN D JKW ELLKY. RE>i)VAI.. TII03I AS TROTTER r^i\V(Vfow*DreMi*ir^ I'inistif to thc full ex- we' k, l»ns prodiir»*d a ph i.omeiiMi in the to.nlue rintoiners. Hut oti^ of tb»'French OLLD inform the puWrt, that he ha» rt, J. horac pow«r. IVy have been uaed only a lent of his authority, to Uphold ihe law. ci.untm » Utrdeniy our lak.-to wIn. Ii there ' pro\iik lal j Kirnals, gmnj{ a lew details re-J aljort lime; from tb« eare « hich haabcen taken of. If this should be tlie cav*; it', at this uiiXiou> is no p.iralli I on riTord. .At tientvii a »pi>ii- ' specliiij' tlic f’lir of' lieaucaire, publishes the t of l'oyd'a'lloKi.*whei^ all wok' them It la pre»um^d tliey may again be p«t into I crisis, when a seiiariitlon of the .Stall >* hai, taiK-.^w ronilMl^lioi, took pl.ire in llie churrli follow mg order the polire : “ No Cf»lt e- , ,n hi» line will recaive •unetoal attention. Sliver J'aLic and T^a Spoonf, nkanuiarti:iTii* I PHlabliahiiK nt, and .Nortb-CaroliiiaUolU wui into any artielr tlia' mav be ordered. kirlotlf, Ori. i»7, lf3-‘.-l-;ttf fbreinj pump with pipe tor rai«inj{ water about Iwenly feri high, aud which will be mild with the engine* or not aa may suit liu: purchaser. Fi furlber uiforriiation apply to RAVE.NKU .STtrV KN'S A TO. ing aw.iy fruni tho Mhackles of part\, im- eng.n*- to \nni;iii««h it, which was elii-cled exce|»t Ins own lawful wife, under the {>cnal- preSM‘d by an awful seu'vr •( the duty of hi* but o t without dirt'K ulty. A more re-, •> »*f a b« av> line, statiun—should ituriuc a wiiw. a l*'jal, and ni.irkable event Its.k place in .Sivoy. near cofkstitulioiml course lo niiiintam the th*’' ilUgo of .Mary (province of I’aiM igny. W/*’«/on. .V r.^ integrity of tlie I iiion, and aK.«i rt iIk* nu- Ml on e the alnriii liell wh.« sKind( J,uut I’harlcailuil mitl 4'h«'ravi. jthontv ol iIm; law, hv williiinl, (I lH.situl( o«ily Millie \ilUigf, but III th«> htilo wir- rilllK .STKAM WmT ***'*“>■••) "dl tind in on^reiis uihi r 'liridin’countr) and in the whole »alk \ out of It, his steHiiie.it mipjiorlerH iiiiKii4> to u nil non the inhabitants with all S|ieeti rCapL J. C. i.raham. hatmf ihose who have tiecn tlie iii.*t .|.jH«,f,l (o t.i rMiiij;iii>h a fir*'of n kind bitl.i rto un nnr in tlie trad.- running between Char!.*l..n and " ‘'‘‘•Cll.fl. Truth ainl C.ilulur com|S*l lu-ar.i ,.f; ,i w;,. ur t Ik-U'u s. or tr.-e,., or Chcraw, ealling al (u-orgctown >m her way up *'> |Xilic>,us hllbeito he.nth l.i.it were Uirniii^:. Uit the ro^« id and down, will n-«uiii« iitr lrip« in the eour-; of d«'ve|ope^, I iiiKl le?» eiicuurageiui'iil lloin trets lwi> fft unl**r ;»ro»ind. few dayit, and i« intmdtd U> U coiilinti d in the | coiiUI wish, lo Ik'Ih VC that fie will pur'u well a rour'w*. I^ul llic op(M.rtiJiit(> \h bo glorioui, hi» p.iwer so ample, f») utie gn at him] patriotic itilirt, to throw into forg» tful- iiemall lliat Ins lii»-,t decii'‘d «'p^»,ii« ul» iiavr evi r objected to bun, th»t one- can w wrce bflieVL- he will wgieit louvail liini.'olf of it. trade tiK* 1 fiauinr »ea»oo. The exei. iline lirhl dri'\ nC water, draniiiif t^ilr frnir and a hal;'fMt wh*n loudi-d, will Miable her to reach I'htraw it all lime*, eacept upon an uoruminon low rmr, wh'ii hi r riirgrj will be lifjhUntd al tl»« eX|xUM M' Ihe liual. ( umlbrtable arcf»nm»dationi for a fuw pasacn l^ra, a itii all due atU nUun. J. n. CUM i.it C'./rrli-itttjn, Xiyif. 2(>. I«l. 5f.lf 'I'liia siraiii'c (ire t«juk pbi e .it S me, {in the conunune i,| Armche.^ .No»tiin^ up- p* an d on the autfuce , I(r furze n;ij l»i,4ii> Wen* uiiti U' liiil, till at oni »■ .--fM i.il trt"*'.., Ii'll Bfid «-re tlieii consniiit'il In thi- (iff li.at Ixjrnt 1ri.ni the ri-oi*. 'I li^ p-opU* m. I. r«l, fi lled the wo.m1 that the lire niijjlil Ucmiriiuhh J'/H'timir.—TIm? efllTt of| e^'Klriiiics, niv mlinitely variegated. 1 re- , member, ul t Kford, some veara ago, seeing . a i ase of sn cpidt*niir. which eonN|i.ti*d in I the mortilM-ation of the thumb to the (ir>t i j >ii)t, simI nlturk*il .ncnrly a whok* village.) rn* |» siiiffn • wl.H-h l»i»gan n',*->ut v. d. In.I, wa'* I har.n lniztHl liy a loQlljsouif gangrene it' (lie f.-rt, probuLly Hiiiiilar lol iIm' iiH>rtitW'Blion of the lliuinb wIih'Ii I ! ^■nw III Oxiynmiirr.— f'irttiron Chohrn\ Mi>rliui tiiui i.'/Mf/t mi' RKKl lTOr .^EDIl DKI GM, Ac. Just rcetirtd ami fpt ned at ihe comcr, wifi of Ihe C'otui-JIouae. ^ UtflS new tuppiv is so extenaivr « •“ ooiripoae aim«M>t every ariitk which pertaina to tlie Aputhecnrv I! iJs;..) hinem. Ail who wish to purrhaM* e; I'ei iiiat » hich ia pure, frcvh and good, under w.,j. rant and at the loweat market jiricet. Ail ordcra atlendd to, and the preacription uf [’hypuiaiM carefully coni|»omied. V MORRISON. Chutl.itle, .NV.!», l‘‘.*h?. I.C>WI> AM> KKFIVS 20 IH)LLAKS KI-:U'AUI>. •VihI I re|N!«t, mr, if that I’rmi-lt ik« nM tpread, and would w ilhiigly li ivf lurned uji the gio.nn.’ to rxtingiiish the t\tv lli;il W.I., iKirniii^ t|,« ro«..ls ; b*it in the |rrnbl w IiK'li has lio |i>ng wa( lied uM r the oun- try, Ml»,uld |>ut it inlo the heart ol Ihe I'nm- d»*nt, Ull lliiN oca'.|i.ii, to (tlani hiii.>e.l 'h* AN.WS AY fr.Knthcaub..M. u,^ iHilwurks of the (•.H,-litut.o„ auo tk- Iwiw-*, and liold Ihe ayis of the K\e uine ill)' Ml|>. COMIMU .NIX IiU»iU>L'TO(>1il WAMI, iti »E U8T»1SEU At TH* MEiiieisK A iiait “r.vxr. Kinr .imk.ti\g.-A pentl^rnan of thiM ; r B ^I!Is wa.h. tf. nualh el, u,,e, tin-tr^tl. itror. I'llV, willl a rilic, hil ibe -.ii- ol .1 six Cfnl ; & tain» no aetd er unv ingredient which e»ii a JHTf, al r>j«- (iiitniK-e of ;kl )ard«, III times 1 ■"! way l» Mijurxwa. Ill la agree'abir to the I.-*/' lu 3a 'I'lii.H unusual pcrforniatKe | of Uwroughly ueuira'i/m: iV in .liTwI.na . wn..*r lknt„. r^l ) f.'" '"'f’P m»he l.reatb, » ll. Ul. I II '■ • Hager, that in .>01 decayed tr.th, the u»e of t..U.ni>, )mt, litinjr mCharblte, N.( alj»u( iIm fir«l ot' March la«l, a ni - gro man named IV.Ialmirt over the I nion, he will b(‘surn o| hwlH 1,0 wiHjId have a clear inajurity of U.t 1 other eauwi.' It hatdena die gtim.s A 1 IriHi^ht where w«-r*’ lliey to w.itrr ’ I hits. The firint,'was from it reiil in an o]>en ! a valuabk; rtiordy for (.anker or boreues* o. This Mihtcrraueous firo there curi'umed fi Id, with a rifle carry uig aUxit .'*( balls to j '-.Ml .11 rv of line fun at. 'I ;ie f ar of tiie ,« p,sjiM*, and .»i;;hl«?d in the usiwl niantK-r. i —2., f'v**’. ^ '"ilitfrrdiK ous rirf had su,h Ull etil-. I on lh- I he ol.j«-» I shot ul was a picce of white! 'To •fUlurs. mftill Kifihts, Sr, iwtniy-»ix yam of ace.ratlM-r light [>ori ol i\er\ one ol his lillow ciliz-ns, who, n halMlanIs I'nal ii»aii\ % illagio, fur loHlante Jeard diiI in llie firrn of a aix rent piece, and ! f 11 IIK .SuU>tribtra arc engaged in Uic ca.-urf *ior\Tlii^Ir*l!j*ujj'jn MMjini iind jiutrioiic pniK'i^e4, ^ M*re hholly auJ .14 Itit* - ^ griHJiMi. What u rcmnrk* **** nincl*eabiThrhH>ci«^lVl!. «.f.VL.VerJ^^^^ o(.po-^d his elcclioii—H) c. .sir, much stjnr l-ople wen- alsi nfrnid of going ii,l.> Ihe; able, he nccon.plisia'ti sixteen liils ir» suc-j ;ol4i tlacllinrr}', than he cun 1n‘ol lh«* »u|>|Mtrt ot luatiy, uho fh‘\ r'MnHin*-*! * f! lo ih*'w .»n h. |c *iHuin, and f|t;hi ol' tli«* iiUdilMT cariiCii ^lll havo hflpd him again to till* iliair. mg raysol itie «tin, p* iiefaliy IG deg. of^awa) the ceutrc of the oli)i-41 shot ul. ) liiill A; €• \ C. ****** Keaumnr (ll „’ deg. I',hn-n!i« il) »n llie | .'S. V. ( 'i-uriir. In rofK-fu^t.-n, Mf, let me . that iboii^'Ii, naked pl,iui, where the welU U g.m I ) dry ' the prns(H,*ft i ^'looins, then* IS ».ni-course, np. This subierr^neous fire i> doiihtlesK iind one (n,ly, lo pur-tuiNl. A rouri.*- in 'liis«*|y onnecti-d with iIh; iJ.une which at pros|icri>us limes rasy, honorable and safe : ihe sariia Inno i»Miel from the earth in rill places in I.ausanne. The ram -,.w 1*“’ course eithi r safe i.r lioin.nible ; whu h ram*-n lew d «eo, nnd coiiii|d*ra- ^barlotte wa» broken into ami kimdry ihing« nio-, _ nieaii, to adhtrt to our frinriiiii m anil In bl\ luweri d the leiii[’fnilure, aeotns lu hnvr k n, iiiimediatelv aller w liieh ihiH 1; How ind w'iiiMii dinappi and. The public ar-fcjueiited t4, U-(«i (N ir guard. I will give the aliore reward for Walli y, and pay all ef[)enii-« if brought home or ck rd, of or*iinarT d»-»criptM)n, no doubt, howcv *r, he hai fvr will get onmc of a hrtler kind. I ral«ed Ihii l ll"M and have nokntm lrdgr w fiatdi- rerli.in lie « ill uLi : he waa (H ard Iv •)»■)« >4 (J. hf . and wiil firt-UiUy iitaka fur notnr of • hut in er,i..(M.iily ealled free S*fale«. Some ulri-mjr ciii|>i CMn re.t4 icaiiixt a while woman of midlin^f i;nnd ■r>pearaiiei; but of bad character, who haa be' n in thi. neighWlM.^ Ii.r ».nie tune, and with uh..i„ u, |,ke lhe«- h|„ llier e...ss or not It II lielieved tlie above lellow wa> tu intl.-iial', ind f mjointly w ith whwii it i- U ii tid a »lore in eor.fimd in any jail no that I can gel him. I aii>n ri«''a further reward ol lw nty dollar* for tin woman if found in coiiifianv uith lJi •mil lellou, •o but ‘•he iiiav U- coovicled for (he ort', nee. VSM |)A\|hs«),\. narLiif, X r ipr^i c. i-n,». >.i„ it A \ A \V A I iermiiii\, by nx'Hiit u{'w liieh it is .•«id that the mohi rapid sjieech may be wriltrudown as fast as delivered. Indeed, its celerity of application is surh that it tiit^lrips, the hu- ila our dull/. 1 trust in Mr .iven, sir, lhal eliei ke,| il,. ili.Mi;;h many [mtsohs fear , "rile the sentence, “cve- wherever e|s«> the cau.eoi the I mnii tmd lliat ihe rsin wnsliv no iiie.in> of aiitfieiont- *■.' I«'giniiing is diiru'ult,” re]ure.s only four the iii.-iy (h; desTled,it will U eherisli- H long coiitiiiuaix'e lo [n m'lr.ile so ikep m- j sln'kes, in n.s (|nii !. siicre>wii>n as pi^sible. fd iiere ; ihat ihoii^h thousands and li ii lo tb' e.irih as to reniovc all danger i>f the liiousands may be louud willing; lo hUukIoii fires U'ginning again, on the return of hot llie dear hoiiglil iiirtii-ri::iit uf (Viusiitu- dry Meaiin,r, Mitli as ^ev.•nlS lo be "letiing in. 1 tional l.il)crty, not one Mill ptove n) ijiih- j less in this regmn, where the lir.st costly I»r. I!la« klo« k, the rol-I tiie holv I aioK'actings of all sorts at llieir Iron Work». wh' rr rrdem w ill k- thankfully reecived and uttendeii ii. A writing m.iehine has f.e»»i invented in; **'e puUlie can grt Im'ilicr information by mpli e.itio*i lo them at the Works, or lo .Mi».r>. Lli >V Jt.a .'spring', C)iark>tte. K liKMIAM \ ( » Chrrokn Iran Honta, \otk di». S. C. 10/*. V/ l s;ii._f.(rJUr mipsa f#mi«»*a >Wf «'i«a n imi a«»a^ i I ~ • • ti> alHHit (iel 'I or 10 inelie* lni:h, atout fmilt. | town.” I'rriii wlut I ran learn from ditTerenl iwureea, I j am mdmxd to b* lieve, tfiat hr haa Iiren (lemuad' d lo iravo me bv k/ii>« while per-.m, who ha* ptj- siicrilicos 111 liic holy c.iu.sf: wi.to olien j elirated Wind [hk t, after his ordinalion at m-iM.ivf t 1 .1 I. e.i, Ol . Ik aeon lires n.ay wuiie Kirkeudbiight, dined with wiriir frienJs ).'iober la^i, my liegm ir!!in''’lViM", ab^ut i.' out, on a ihoiisiind lulls lhrough..iil who had iirroii.panie.l him from I>.jiiifrRN. Ti r--ara old, hlii/k eompktied, had on a Wiie I ’*1’"' *'nfre they .shall _ and hn-iins n-st iicre^ary lo recruit his i»at and pjintalooni*, bUi k lur baL, (ta«liion- ! slkill Lie iNi tin: hci:4bt!t o! i ImiIcm- hunij''‘N| nntl » vhaii^lf'd sjuriff*, wkh) aAffr* warils left ilir table an.) retired to licd, "hen the lollijwing txiriioidinary iirruni- .‘^oi Tiirr;> Port i vtiox.—The free pop-1 o curn'd, whn h nierils a pnriicular •iiioi d him bin freedom on tin ir rekehiiig Komr'fre-i Illation III .South ('arolina, uc'cording to the "***" *'• a etinotis fa I relative lo the I.'*'•1 pay ten dr>ll.y« to any p. r«on who 1 iiiic census, iiinounts lo l«vo hundred sixty- **•*' >-!eep. «»n« of his w ill eonnnr him in any jnil in the atulr, iu> thnt I ,• .l i . • . ...... . . i i i •* live thoiisuiid neven hundred and cighlv - '*'"'asy al his ab.setirc lioin the lour—und Iho slave [>orlion of (he mlia-'' * went into Ins b»-d-ri«rn a few hilants Tin- ataic of *'*lTwards, and finding him, as he . .. 1. .U I I r.i . eonlaiiis v^i,„p n,hHbiliinlH, and •*“l'l»‘"ed, ,^wal»i', prevail.d Ufion him lo n>- A the'iXml.t.'aJWoma'nwhoryri""^ slaves. TIm' cily of New York ^room. When he en- alonr nearly rqijHU ific wholo %*hitr [Kip. ' r(K>m, two ul In!) nc]uuintatireM Illation of South Carolinii. rennsy Ivimiii >“''»'g‘"g. a'»‘^ he joined in herself exceeds in population the four stales •*'** conairt, modulating Ins voire «s usual. Si:.NIX A Tl ItN KU. infy, S. ’l-,»lf TAKi-:.\ ri» “ NP eofnmillrd to thi Jail of Ihia eonnly, on the (lib mxt. a nnjro man who aaya hm naiii' (» CHAHLES, iH'tween ‘20 and 'iC> ye;.ra of ai'' . 6 Irrt hirh, yellow eornplreled and rnther ragired in apiiearanei-, may* he l» Ion:; i to I'hihp Clarke, of WiiiriHl«,r»ii,'rh, Fairli'hi dulrict, K. C. 7'h ownrr I* reoui Mtcd to eoiiie forward, |>fove prop erly, |*y fhargea and (akf hitu away,or he will l» dealt wtlh aa the lau din-ets. J )S. .\J i «;.N N AI ; 1II; V, 0,1. H. l^l.'. ;’lf JOI5 l»KL\Tf\(; fyf all kmdn, nnillii r.rrrhti/t nt thin Warruiiii t Dcidt for isaU at Ihin Offuc' A l»\Ml\ 'S Wll XT' \ dandy** nhat’ A dirky and a i|U7, \ pair of gc.jrVp ,ind a nrpro’.i frir, A feanly r«l with a treniendmii eu!lar, A preasv (WH-kil and a half a dollar , A plaitid Ik>'oiii ktiiddid thic k wilh glaan, A lbreh«-ad plaited w ith a coal ul btanii, ■\ ararh l iioki-, a long nine and a mjiiirl, A lUfhy vest nrnl may U’ hHlfa»liiil, .\ poiii|siui lone, a reverenlia) bow, ■\ allow while lini.tl, a itraddle lil.u a eow ; A ••r|iiraking ioic;(«, a •• a eup full of paint, eodHxh'* eye and viaa^e of a a.Mnt, A |>air of whiaki ia itulun from a goat, A (lewter wateli and wal afaree worth a groat; ■V (KM-krt eonib. a psir of randuin lir«, A |iair «f aeal siiiii alipfM ra black aa .sluea; A |H-aked li«t with acarcely any brim, A wpiiiiUe haiik und tiody wondroiia alim; A (lewtir broaeh nnil waleh chain made uf tin; ■A film imihn Ila and a littia «« iloh, A niiinkey fitllourd by a pointer hitcli; A Hi'ivilr ape, a pritly woinan'a tool, A Rliipid duni'T, a dmpiuahlr fool. STRAY FI) OR STOI.KX. HI..ACK Hi)RSK,!*oi iny.av old, middling long tail, a :'roin acut on Ins back,la handahv' .\ny information relative lo wm Horse, loilped with J. A I'. Spiir.;- in Clurlottr, will be attended to, with the nn ' -.arv exjH'nsca, togclner with a reaMinnhle rev jpaidbv Kit irn. SPKI.Ni.-s ihf.B.im. i.iif , . , .Km\HOSKINS of .>orth aroliiia. South (arolina, Jenr-j ‘asle nnd eleganei-, witheiH niisaing a ■ ■ .\.‘ju«i ree. iv.-,l from Xew-York, aU-autiful cm and .Mabaiiia, wiihoiil including '•Uves,! •• syllable; and after the words of* ® ■ a»Borlmeui of overplus of nearly one hiiiMlrud ihotLsaiid. ; *'"’ ’**'"2 '‘emended, he conlinueil lu sing, I addint; Nil i>iicni|M>re verse, wliK'h ap)ieitr- A Gierokee Indiiin being reeenlly naked ' •"•lie eom|>nny full of Is-aijty, and onile hy a while iiinii, whether Ihe trill** was dis- ***** of the originul. Ili; tlifn .V7’.t7’/; (IF yoKTH.cAiiin.nA, t VlSAKHI's » (H >TY. j Court of I'leoi ond Qiinrtrr Smuoni, I Sittton, 1^3•J. ' The .\dininiatratrix ■> of.Saniu* ! I’barr I .MtacIimenlandSt.-p!'''^ r». • Alrxandor ^utllnlonf^J Win. V.. Ale.Tandrr. j flarnislies-. II’ apjH iiring lo Ihe aatisfuctinn of tlie O'lH, that Win. ,M. .'VIe.\Riid«ir u not an inhal i'a»' of thia Sute, it It therefore Otdrmi, by Ih-- l o it' that publication l>c made in the .Miiier-i'\ I*' ^ iners' .foiirnal, for aix weeks, that iiiile'S the sM'1 ij in. ,M. ,\lc.\aiidcr appear at our nn\f t 'ocn'v I I’ourt of I'ieaa and Quarter S animis, t.' Is' lifM I for aaid coui.ty, at tli^^foiirt-Ilouse m (’oiiiorH.oB I ihi' .Id .Monday in January u/.\l, and |>Ieail lonrii I iiiiit, iiidgnient will b* rendered ajr^mst him I’.v > defuiilt. Witness, Jaineii t;. SjK'ari,, (’I, rt »f pur I said Court, at office, the .Id .Mondiv in Ocf 'Vr, JA.'J. O. .'l*K\i:.', f it'*- Price adv. * I * l,',_(!t posel t„ nmke a treaty—with Indian brevi-! *“ r''’’’* '’ IV aiiii euer. v ho rephcd, “ W hut’, the ' tTT.; ‘»ni , „ ' * • 1 »H‘casiotiallv altsent and inatlunlive. use jou vMpDoiic. 1 Hy-umJ-by lic was hcurJ .“peuking to Liai- f>Wd iV ‘*iltvr Plate, Military llutlun« Oolrt li.ioo riiiiiioM Stvoril** .^ork‘tM vVe. Ac. l)cfiiil'*r I'J, ISo j. LGtf MJY Xofea and IIooUk arc pl»ei-ii in the hn’’''’ of aNhingloii Morrit^on t «. I’oMeciioH-'' Ml neraona are ns|iiei«t.‘d to eall nt his f>.liee i'^ make payment iinmudiuli’ly, ax no indnlifi ’iee Ik* pivc-n. |{. !. ill.NKl.’^'' A’lr. lT:.-lHf N. II. W vi hinjrl 'ii M'irri«on is jiNo & t'i sril mv pliiiitntioii, l> In;; IJ mile* from I 'li»r!ii«:' b • ss 1 .St,all iii>c uo furtlier 'isc liji it. R' B

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