THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. •wNiggpieiiggi Ruolwd, That tJiis Ucncrnl Assrntbly doe«' mi] i„ IRIS, tixing llie suiu «o be hereaflt-r hereby imke in ippl'caiinn of iHiid to the State for vucant luDdit. Kead L'nilcd SUlM, U> c«ll » (.oiiTeiiUon oi the iKrvcral J, . Sutci to propw>f niirnduicnU to iJtc CouUituliwi of the United State*. j McUuccn pivscnted a resolution rc- Rftoii'td fuHhtr, That thi» Gcncnil Aiscmbly . turning the thanks of ibe LejjislHlure to r« that the I*pi»Uturea of the neveral States 1 (^\,|. '1'. Avery, of Hurke, for lii) pro- will make »a appW.t.on that | , .cncrouH donation to the State ..f cer- the (Vmsntution ot the United ^Utcs luay be M>, . ® i . » . i. j amrndod an to rrstore pcace and harmony to the vu.uahlc Kii^l.8n Authoiitics K>..ka, Conftderacy, prevent a disw>lutiun of th« Union, rffcrred to the Library conimitli^e. and jx-rpctuatc tli« blcs»inga of liberty to us and I 'I'hc eiign>ssetl bill uuthorisinj' the Com- prwperitv. I i„ji^ioners of the 'I’ovm of Fayetteville to This amendment was carried by the cast- j horror* i.’00,0(50 dollars to U; invested in the ing role of the Speaker, there being a tie. \ Cape-Fear and Yadkm Rail-Road Compa- Mr. Hall naoved an amendment v^bichiny, and tor otlur purposes, was received was negatived, tljc object of nhich was to fjoin the Senate with an uiiiendinent, con- prooounce affirmatively that the Tnritf is ' curred in, and ordered to be cnrolhd. 'I'he engrossed bill to reduce the salnries of the Supreme Court Judges, was received From the Cliarle^ton (. ouiaT STATK SOVEREIGNTY. ^fr. Jlditor—'I’he very alarming mens-! cimtidtnce of the public urcs which are in agitation in ikiulh Caroli-1 na^ and whiih have brt^n mainly urjjed by j clas-sed aiu»t!« th..He who are filter Hihjecis 1 at;d when unbound, 10 cents the p,junj for the asvluia at ('oluinbia than for thejwrigiit. .... , . All other printed books, when bound,3g . . . X. I w . i> 1. ' iiiK T\iiii r. the frenzied leaders ut the Mute Kiylits ' r-r- I’arty, on tlie imfKJSinp plea of “ th«! Sove- j I'ay,UtvUU ULurvtr, 1st tnfl r(»igji(y ofthe States,” iiidiieos nu; to call ih«? 1* niv t'ellow citizens to tiie I'ol- CDM.MON SH.NSF.. I cents the pftiind weiglit; and when unbouod 120 cents the pound weight. ’ I In addition to the articles made free of I duty by the net of 14th Julj, 1^32, (|^ . , following articles shall be admitted free gf By yesterday’s n.ail iweivcd ;,juty afler iW Mwrch, : that is to *»y, attention ot n.y teilow citizens to ' ' I of the bill reiK>.ttd by ‘l'« y* I ootion, wool, iiKi.go, and printed lK«k«. L‘ lo«,ngs..^plehlcls ^.h.^R lhope u,ll t...^^Vaysa.ld^ic•a,.s,.o^^hKM‘th^ whatever language, prii.t.^ thirty yni ,n some to explam to he under- p.^.ules, that trom the Ud ol Marc ., lb. d,, y**" Mnndiiiirs >i the in.«t ignorant, he true , nnmunutacturcd tvool, the value latureof Mate SvneiiMgnlies, aiid the r. • I f exceed H cents per pound, j the lowort rate of duty, calculated nt.on thev bear to the Supreme huvereign- i every hundred dollars worth .halj y ot the I nion. , be paid until 2d March, 'W then . , ,. 24. On nil articles not herein enumen liuturc mill fill* n*« I J* II i II I u ^ Intion ly of the I nion. ; pyij u,j„i -.i -vian li, if'-M, men r.aval.le on I»h- same, either uZ IVior to the acceptance and ratifii ation . „,.j „,e„ ^15. \\ ^ol : ^ ot ihe ( onstilulion, ‘‘'J'". cents per pound value, to U'tice ,. regulate the duties on iinporti and tonnag«>,”or the net ol'24th July, I>;32, reign within its own territorial limits—but j„,y. the act of |81(>, ur tiut unconstitutional, instead ot'asserting as the Resolutions do, that the Legislature Iwlieve such to be tlH' opinion of a majority of the people of this State A vote wa then taken separately on of the Resolutions, the whole of vere uixanimovaly adopted, with the lion of that submitted by Mr. Wilson, .ject had been referred, reported a bill to a which appears above, and that which de- mend the lt»th st tlioiiof the art of 1741 nouDces Nulhlication. The first was rejsc-1 t’or the btltfr observatioii of the Lord's ted 30 to 27; and the latter was adopted | day. Rtad the first tiiiK*. 4^^ to 10. The dissentients were Messrs. 1 Mr. K. tVoni the «inif t’ommittee, rejwr- Bailey, Bell, Carson, Faison, IJussej, Li'jd-' ted a bill to render the land of a deceased My, .Slatthews, Montgomerv, of lleitford,; debtor liable for the costs where the plea i.l Stedinan and Wellborn. j •ully ailmmistered lias U-en lluiid in favor Momlajj, Dcc. 31.—Bill presented.—Dy of his lv\e«.utor or his Adiniristiator. Mr. Railcv, to allow the taking of Dono^i-1 .Mr. fl. t'rom thesume Coiimiittec i ^ ' e I 1 11 I V .miiiiin. V , ^ 1 itr 01 wnicii \vot*i 13 a I oiiiiioiHiii (Kill, I*- tions m cases of removal. 1 nis bill was an adverst? rejx.rt, w hu h was concurretl in, 11 niiui, w1m>.mj laws were to be " j , ri>i as hen in o^htrv^l^e pio\ idi d, ai.d on jread the first time. on the Resoluiion instru' tmg them to en-land obeyed as “the supreme law I ,,,^10 elothmc i»40 !cr r\er'\ VlOO i Rail-R-Md S..rvyt.—The Board of In. Daniel M. Barringer and Benjamin Sum-1 quire into the propriety of so amending ti.e | land.’’ i \alue, until 2d .March, l^:ll, then ^3o un- tenuil Improvementu has made its R**port Der were put in nomination for Trustee of > bws relative to F.xecutors, Aio. as to reijuire From thenccfor'h the State ! t,| oj’Mm-th, thVn Lt gislature, «-o\cring the Hepnfti the I niversity, in the place ot Judge Mur-1 them in all cases of iiim.lvent estates to , lies ceased to exist, and no liMigcr nwikcd | Wcmlle'n aiid'worsted h.>*i»‘rv, mits, R vv^le of his SurvTya of ihe ( a nor enter into treaties ot alliance with ei- tiir reasons maintain to hold a place among the nations of the earth. 'I’he wi^*est among our Revolution ary heroes and statcmen, sjw the actual necessity of tormiii;; the stparate Statis ir enter into treaties ot alliance labinels, and all other iiianufartiires , j. , . er, f..r the very Cog. ..t and best o) .»H j ^,11; Horsled, &10 for every ?10l> ^ asons, no one ot' the .States v.ere able to J- - nintain that rank which would entitle it , v> ittiotit pnitnu ... . . »aiu«-. «k.. ...l.iuol I. a r L'tending to much knowledp ... n. 1 r ow»n I i of the subject, we cannot but believe, that 3d. Blanketsfor every mO value, | until 2dot March, 1^31, and then * la. Congrrm, „„rfy 4. Carpets, cariKlmgs, flannels, b«k- ^ of the South, n«t ings. baizes, cloths., ker>e\ mens, t * lator. into one Sovereign Ke,Kiblie, or as y,„i „iu.,i,i.r V.K>Jl.n, 1 ittee made 1 .lent W ashini!ton said, “ one C.ons^didated , ^ ,.o,„,K,ri.-nt («it, ex- _ J A ... .1 ...! Jxcepting I .May harmony thus be restored! phey, deceased. ; make rateable pavmeiit of all claims a The Resolution requesting the Stale of. gainst the estate oV their te»Utor. Sjuth-('arohna to suspend tho execution of I ■ 'lucsda^, Jan. 1.—i)n motion of Mr. ti.dnihi;.ll> HS t'lee, s».ver( ipn and ind.-pen- Li.rvVs, sT.KViniirts, and' on w JrUVd bind’ lr»l Ji'd Vadhio R.iil-R.wds, which we «,J .lent States, but collectt\cl>, as a • | *,>0 f„r e»erv SlOO value, until 2d lierearter of presentmj , soven ign, independent nation, distinguish-| then $10. ' to our read* r.-. We cotil'e.M ourM.lve» ci*. her Ordinance, A:c. was read the third tune. O'Brien, tiie liouse re-coiisiJeied the vole | cd as •• the Inited States wf AiiierHa.”— j ^ MHinilhcliiits «if Cotton cost in? not uppomtrd at the nsult wh.» h .Mr. H. ha Mr. Seawell moved to strike out the words, j of yesterday on the rejection ot (he bill to ! I'he Slate S)ven ignli.-s, ah. ut which so j come to in bii r-^timation of the exprn« « c»n’.lfuttm;J a Kad-lload bet»«-€nthis('ify Merchant’ Bank in the Town 1 much t'uvs has been iiuide bv lliot>e who es- to give time to the present or next Con estabhsii th for evory ^H*U value thereof, until 2d gress of the I’uifed States to aci upon the ubject of the '1 aritr"— 'i'be Resolution then reaciHi;, and was ordered The dissentients .00 to 3. A'^hew. Bailev and Minton. protracted debate ensued, in which .viessis. | whole people of the I iiited Slat and IS Tennebj»e. y preva.i:::g ^e^> .•.x.cusivrn in j 'f'-’ Ue fear tluilifthe Centn.1 U^d.R.d The Senate took up the bill to erect a tects, espeeialiv in the w inter se.oson. It ^ ^ , wtigni, unni .uarm. 1 .•> 1. men ly cis. 1. ‘ lh‘-y cnnnot ft«.rrow uiouey on the ( \t.s.,els and other iron castiDgi, cannot b accoinplmbed at a niurh --m Ri® credit ofthe rnited St.ites. p^,,, p« und. ‘1'^*' It"**!©’* estuoate, it will not, it 3. Th'^y caniL.t regul.ite commerce; 1 9, i p,m„ls pr*>tcol, be ifWt.-d. Ibat IS the privilege of sovereignty, which ....... «tiows ti;at the States, individually, are not new County in the West, out of apart of may becalled the o/« Mt/oor/nuaiu. That it B'lnc imbe. Il was amended s«> as to read is a menial disease, iii*ie can be no manner “out of parts of Burke and Buncombt.”. ofquestion; for wh,> in a sound ^tate of mind, and was then rrjected, 29 to 2b. wuuid leave the door open wlieu the uiercu- rv IS at zen)? I 'I'he weather has l»eon so moderate this ” tdnccday, Ihc. 26.-(.hi motion of Mr. season, that until a few d;»vs we have had C’.aUon, a message was sent to the S-naie, |,ttle cau^c t- complam of theetHct- of this })ro{*usin" that the l.^gi»laiure adjourn «nt prevdling disease ; and w».r*‘ soni«;*»!iat m dir. on the 5th January. For lae motion hopes that the first cold weather would can 9(, against it IS. >cllow ft ver. sovereign*. 4. 'I'ltey cannot estahlinh uniform rules of njiturabz'ilioii. And if a Slate shad as- Vuin ho^ie ' weight, until 2d March, l‘-31,lhen I. y> uiii 11 not, m’he mean tii e,»*> 10. .Manut’aclures of iron and fte» I, no« rable. if a ^uihcieiit tion r .i. be iicrrid riiu.'urrnteJf fhe oral rates ul*(III- Uined t*/f lK lo rfmliuu*’ * ** ly pruvitiini by •11^(11*4; uiitil L'd p«nii.. nial Kail n*ad tn jkmuIon Nr.« March, I"34, nnd thenatter the lom M Rivr, frmn whence g'xid r at iwvipit f 'tiiiwi to ilnelf the ri;.-hl t.» sw.-ar an iiidi- „tc of duty wfiith wiiulJ have Le‘-n p-uu- ‘‘‘'wlJ a' »='=!•* *' «'»'.> ' f M lual who has alrr;dy taken the oalii o: i,!o undt r IImt act'of Th* R -. d ihu- ma.V might licrenlti r ^ r»| Allegiance to tho Initid S-ates, or on.!.^7,h enliiitai "mi art to r. - « part of the C ntral RtMid.—Ka/. Kff ■I'he bdl to establish the Merchants’ thVdiseJ^s^ Ve an- ufVaid IS ab».luiel7m.i I,• i . r Bank m NewlH^rn was read the 2,j time, curable. IflA.etor Nott amo„c his otlur ^ «''—>r the act of llih JuK, 1-32, ontitUd The I.ntikt vn^fuxT given by the C; amended anti passed—veas «3, nays (HI. .ti..rts to keep us warm, would invent aiiv 1 n,'"*' , an act to alter anmil the several act. “X'‘'f tins pla^- aod u.milv, ' • alle^ianre to the Mdt*-, and not to the I ni- impoainc duties on impotts.” ' M. ml/-rs of the !,**gi»li)turf, on I r«y ted States, 111 the former case if would l>e ^ u,.„,p 35 y,„,| March, »• he i»v Hotel, w.m a] r=- consid red p-Mjjry, and in the latter, the j j ..3 j 31J Il,^5 niurkablv well, considcrir.t^ibc Urge r.-“ indiMdiial is n-.l acitiz-n -f the I iiitei States; nor woiHd he be entitled to it« pio- te-ction or its Internes. o. 'Phoy cannot coin mor.ry. G. 'I'hey cauuot detl»e piracie;, nor pun ish treasf>n. Ihurs^day. Dee. ^t. l‘>tilionpresented, rnode of curing this dreadt'ul disens-, u. — By .Mr. Caasler from sui.dry citiz‘us of would acquire a new claim to ihe gnti’ude Lincoln, prayuig an alteration in the laws of mankind—and orie wherein he would rf-ldtive to the duties ol Shcritli und Con- warcely need an injunction for the setoriiy etablcs. Referred. ^ of his ri»ht., for n iie would he so bold aa to On motion of Mr. Pearson, Roolrrd. That l>ic I’ubli'; Tr atjr«r and Alter, liy IJ-ii. ral b“ insUucted to uke tlie nictsjtary h.' dispute them.— }ttrk Cilizin. Covrttsy of Lncmitt.—I'l the .Memoirs 'I’hey raiiuot declare war, nor iii;.kii r.:’4ints lor the purjKwe ot ifcerUiiiiiijf b> a ■ ^ , of tl»c .■'uprt.'riitf Court, wJtr tiipr tiic ( a}-t oftjen. .Macomb, lately published, an iiici- “I H related to ^how'the spirit ofcouittsy peace, qui.-ed by Uv» 0!it ol tli.-p;ofit« ot mid Bankj be- ' u Ti. .u 1 . fore divi'itndi »;«; tiecl.ircd, iiare acted lu pursu- mutual forbearance, which after the ' ■'*^y ore n’t autnoris«-d to rai.s* ar- •r.c(j of tiiC itropT »cin-'.-ii.:tlo.T oi that Dart ot i ..1 . i>i .. i 1 j 1 > fmes, nor to ^urlI)orl them. Bui to evyit tUirchartcr-wiHcl. .....ct, Dut a ta. of o^Vr 1‘latlslMirg, prevailed l,etwecn the ( 'otistifntion, a rei IMIC gtXXJ rtie I'ran.S'aff?! 12. Co/dv;;#j tarred, 4 tenli fl»« pooixl . Ii*^r ol pi rM.ns presrnl. Tli until 2d March, 1-34, aul ihereatter 2 of Udie* was bri'.lunt, thr M |CCiitsllie pound. Cordage uiitarrel, and Sui ;>er ‘ph i.duf 'virn, twill' , and p.n»kthn‘ad, 5 cents iho cies which orn.imer.!rd l:i«* r«-om, p*i.'-".| j piAJiiil until 2d .Nl.nrch, l53i, und thereat*- b} Mr. A. S. \^ ah.11, of this ( ilv, ter 3 I ( .'its Uie pouml. t*‘d univervil nll iil oii, as well on oj. i 13 l otion bagging I'j for ercr 100 of the b^imf) of i ofi.xi as the t*-'. vjlu'.-. d»‘sigii. 'I hi y were five in nun.l^ r, j 14. All monufartun-s of hemp *r of flix *ete arranged t.illows; ! not herein inum^ruted, 10 for every 100 No. 1. \ «i. »i of the propo*rd n^w Ciy* \,lluu, "Tcr »hirli li.-nlid a in«;i =itic b»nnr ^ Hritish cam perMin *ball b- rxjuipt lleil to [»ay the co«tji accruing p, an AiiK-rirHn I t(>r arrived. n ii;nf\, h-;ralK, proi>*-rlv and eonsiiftition frortjtlii »iun:lanci; of wntcefctary to lux With (Jeneral .Macomb’s ( harg'rr, tVesh hto- •dlv, ran, and do perforTn, a!l such acts and »Hssta'.:es. 'I he rl.arger, Umg ! thincM, which i.o iiKlixidiial State of ih- him. •‘rt'ts pr« tt/ft »• recogmz/d by Lieut. Riley, was pr.mptl^ I uion is allowed or aulliori7.ed to do; w hile pnrf«t, Z»> ceniH, fiHh pro*. , , „ and over fifth t.roof, oC cents. I '*»* •• f'- *' Ui. Salt. “ rent, the b.i.s|.»!, nr.fil ’-.M' “ V"''“ l-ra«.-n o'>•* gair... ... WWrJ/ur/trr. Tfiat they T,quire into ihp f;t. p!eas-l with an p^diei.ty of coHipi.ilirig Uie ’{.ro»icut,f to pay n!i op{K)rtonity, so singulai ly pre» iited, of rer|. BucliroiK |,roaimg tne co'jrtcous hbcruhty extended 'Ihe II iu«e, on motion of Mr. O'Brien, to themsflvei..” restdved it-ielf inloa 'ommitteeo/ Uie wlioh;, •Mr. f),md-.on in the Chair, on the Bdl to An idle fellow the other day complainms csiabli^-h ihe Bank of -N'ortli.Carohna.— of his hard lot, said, he was tiie la-.t cliilrj C>risid* rHhie detrtte ensued, and a numb»;r his ii»oth»'r ever had—he was !>rn on the of ar:^ndni.-nt werr ad.,p,«d. ft was re- |a.t day ofthe vear, and the last -lav of th..- ported to th- liouv, wr.ei, Mr. I5rag„r, mo- month, and the iast d .\ ol the we, k^ and he ved t-r it-i it'iiehn.le po.MiK>ncmeut, wi.ich had al'^avs been Ix hind-haiid. lleU ln ve.j v»as neptived ,2 to ol. It was fort!, r a- ,t would have Im cii fiitv lolIars in his i.ock- me: .: d, and {>a.sed it« second readin- tj I et if he had not b.;en I'^orn at all. to 01. fndaij, fhr. .Mr. I**ar«.on called ! A Clergyman nt Blackheatli was renro- «p for con.,d.-r.t.o„ the bil to provide lor vmg a marriedco«p|e for theirfrcriuent dis. a II.;; '‘-t'’ 'of the peo ple for or against sentions, w hieh were very unbecomini'.bfith am-:ndments to ih«> ( ...^t.t.K.on,, m the eye.of ;o.l and man, seeing as he ob- v»heii on iH motion, the said bill was hid served, that they wepj bith one. “Both the table until the th.rd .Monday of No- o,.e'” cried the hu.hand,“ were you.- rev- ereiice to come jmst our door sometimea, I he following engrc^^ed hill pa-s-d its you would think we were twenty.” third readiti*; and was .>rdf-red to U- enrol-1 h'f i Ihe f«|| to rpf.e;,l 11. pmt an a. t pa»- A drunken S>;otchm.m retununjj from a I'^'^'-i >'* rHr,f.Mu,h-epby theroad«id.-,whenapi,^ 1-..0, direr,.,,. U.e ,ou:,tv f, "1 nn ’• li\* Mr l ' I ''7'*'"' '^ ~ ' ‘‘^ among the l>> .Mr. LJiaouitoH; to rtfK-aJ the act piu. lu;»«s li*i-l.el. by th*- wiverrigii power cf the J»-n-ral (I’f). 17. ()1,vhoiI, iji ri.'-k '♦•rnmeiii, all laws arc nmle “ which shall ; |r>ii, until 2d Mnn.ii, 1' he ne.OMsary a.^d pro|^'r for carrying mio h) cents tVKull m. ’ c\*riniun the foregoing powers, and all ; * •'•‘■'O' M OliUI *11 , Mar h, l^ai, and thcr.afler o cents the Sv 4 \ by hi-,1 •• (iri d or riimimalii . lo cents fh*' {*al • !!, and lhercat( r \ ♦ran»j>arrncy reprt»rnlin(r •h'' -.f* »»ilhin ( lie Ur^'t one—iw' * >r>. .*). Pri .!rv. . I'l !t\. t n tin- Ir4in>|'in if' at cvriHiun itie foregoing powers, and all; 1-. iJrown sn.-ar, r.,.i s>nip of sugi.r vr,,. ,U,-cd o.I.J . .p,M.r.aU do.%. -th. rt mveHt.-d by the ( onstifulion, in the irane in ra-ks, 2' cents th- p.«jnd, until 2d i.-tM.- -t. iovernmMit of the Cniu-.l State.s '*r an\ March, 1'3I, and lhcr«uifter 2 cents fhe ' dep:irtment or ofl|.;e thereof; nnd such , jK,und. \N hilc claved siitrar 3 rei.f, the ' 1 and th, I «;ra.-The laws are dedar-.l to the •'upreme laws o.j M^rch, 1-31, and ihereHf- of the laml, any tbin^ in the ('onslitutioii or laws of the Statea to the contiary uotwith- standing.” Havina thus simjily defined the tnie cha racter of Sfiite Sovereijjnlies, while I lejvf to their (rrittl lucubrtilionn those profound, tee ap|Miinte.l hv the l/egisl«liire ol N •''(I* ler 2i cents tho p.Hind. Sugar candy und la iijMin the all nhsoi lung Mibju't C^"*® cut of Ihc pi's«-nt attitude ol S. • other refined sufjar 10 cents t!ie p,-uiHl. 10. .Midas.'i'k, J ctnls the gitllon. 2'I. ColFec, 1 cent the p.iund. iiiadc their ri'porl. Snne upjirel'eD'i"'*! 'v re fill that the Conmiiltee vk.uM >'■*^'1 21. leas, after 31 March, 1“31, f() Wit: a n jxirt so far in favor of th*’ **“* *^'**^^11 on im|s rinl, gun|>owder, and gamu, hj'"O • un lii ii, ns lo |e (lardiM- the riiion. *'*1 ll'.vu a I'liie t.j lb'* fe|i!igs .1 the metaphy>.iciaiw, who hiive illuminated our | an«i voung hysrm, lUtentsthe p*und. On State With the (ns lights amaaatiiig t(.>m ^ hkin and oth.;r green, sou. hoti|' und other their effervescing braifi", insomuch thar black . xcept U.bea, G ceiit.-f, and on bohi .1 tho liltl.* ones in the streets have Ujcohm' ; 3 centa. profourid pr>litieians, and marshalling iheni- .''lat's which mi^hl corolino fhir*l^'*“| to ovi rwh' liii tin- CoiisliV.iti'iii. It i;tHtif\irg i|,i; n ul fii( iid» «f *h«' I '”** 22. All n’.atiufaclureK of silk, nr if ulodi lo fin.l ibiif the c. in'iiittei' do n t fors'ii" selves un«|.T the Wo«ly flag with one star'silk sIihII l,e a com|H.i,ent part, coming from fh-j rels'lhi.u^'s.mIh^i a-r.iimtl bv lH«-*'“ undertaking to show that the .State can lie , l*fyoi J iho C.ip.; of I .’kh| Mo|mj 2U for evo- lif'..-rs of S. a!iho«i-h tlwv disirr^' in ilie t mon and out of il at th.- sam*- j ry liMJ value, ui.d all other maiiiifaclures .,f ;u«l proi. si mjaii.' i ih^^vowtrs assumc) f-*' time. I congratulate my fellow-eitizi-i»>., orwhi.h silk is n compi^uent part, the Cen.-ral M,MirniP'ut m O.neral on the cheermg prospects ol a timely and 112 f.O for every KM) value. ^.,i’s I'rw ;amati.,ii.-/?u//. iiui. salutary re-action among their deceived 23. All print, d lsH.ks in other lanqua^^e, ' and deluded brethr n; and l.of.i that all fu-1 than l.atin, (Jr.-ck, or Knclisli, 4eems th.’ ’ 'I'ho ^ntence of Bofi.vN, the fni"-''>'^ tore appeals to State Sovereignty, will ^ , volume. (•ommiss.oner of Coorgia. treaterl as halluciuati.Hi of brains not health-j All printed b.K>ks, in f.atm and (;,.-« l, vai.i.n '.H' Ollicc und .l.:.francliitcni I* lully excited, aod th« advocutcj tlmrcof tw 12^ certs ' ^cyr-d v,«.vg*,t, 1 , J'* je ,- ,

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