THE iMINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. make them immposnible, if they were not otherwise inipraclicable. l{y these varioui proceedings, the .'Vies- «. savs the State of Soulh-Curoliriit hus reed upon the (Jenerul Governrnertt the uavoidable duty of deciding on the ripw and dangerous alternative of |H^Tiiiittiiix l,e State to obstruct the execution of the j awi within its limits, or w>ei%; it uttenipt , execute tl>e threat of wilhdrawiuK from he I’nion. Both these pur|»oses, says tho .esisiigc, are revolutionary u> their chnr- cter and tendency, und subversive of the :wa Rnd of the integrity of the I'nion. The message then enters nt leiiirlh into discussion of the righls «>f the (iovern- irnt and of the Slates, Ax. and adds that, n dcciding upon the course im[»oM;d upon he authorities of the tnion, in the prfspiit ii*is, it must not be overlooked, that thero s iK> ftuHicient cause for the acts of S.jutli- ’arohiia, or for her placin™ m jeopnr«y the 1 ‘^'‘’^''-^'aroiina has I U'i-cjuostion. A« he livd. h-iH liev. J State,'had iiiterpt«ed his denial/ Tlio is- doclanid n dividend of TjO jier^rrijt. on its I coHt'ximice of any cot.soii.lattd cov. | r • . *. conioetent capiliil stock, pus able on thu 1st cf next I‘ 'nu^t incvit ibly K ad , . , ■ ‘ c month. Ibt next u> a military d.sp„tiH..,. At thisraonurii. uiih.;"‘‘l«'lli!‘^cidf-. 1 herc_Was one ol the re- The following gentleman lm»T iK-m np- pointed and coniinisnioned as aids to his Ex- cellency, (Jov. tswain: . Danifl ;V1. Durrinfcr, I'w]. of r»l)arni». Licli’d. t-. 1 orluiie, Kii|. of UuiKoiiibc’. Jiitcph A. Hill, I'.'wj. of Wiliniiijrton. OtorgeS. Mcliitosli, K«q. of iirauvillc. Cimgrctn.—In the Senate on the 10th inst. M inessape was received from the I’re^- ifliMit of tho IJ. S. iiccoinpanN in» lh! I’roc- lain:itii>n and other docuiiients relatinf; to Soutli-Carolitia, her Ordinance, &c. A:c. W c liavc ri'CLivi d lJu- Mcsnajri', liut not in time lor thin Wick's ()a|* r, but wd JibII try fn i.iy tin wliolc f)f it Ujfurt ncr read* ri ni .\t week, lii t):f iii(.'HiitiiiK', wc reli r thou to a iiyrto|)«i* of it in u [tri-crdinj; cotuinn, from the nrer. Alter til** was read, .Mr. (iriiti- I’lie President is cliar^jed with inconsisten cy of opinicjti in the cases of South*Caroii- out any condictiiijf cuuw>, iiiu tiriii! of jiiiLxc, and ''oarks of the Senator Mr. K. felt himself under the indui-nce of an iinc.Tiiiniilrd [irrwiii.Tily, ' Ixiund promptly to notice, lost his silence our Union ftandN on ll,o tve of dixgoluti.,.., or the : b,. c„„.strucd into ac(iuicscence.— vtTKu ol Civil Mar. Jlow was thih ? \Vtt« it n-.t . .,,i. . u ;,i._ .i‘ : : _ uttnhutaMc to th! jiowcrful workingH ot the coii- :olidatin|' principlf? Ill till* widely c.xttrdrd republic, there Ii.-cj j n* snd (iCorgia. bcrnot ncccbsity an activcoiiflittiifiriicrciit. In | [.Mr. C. explainrd. He alluded only to one (H.rtioii a systini workti Uneticiall), whit li, the opinion that tlio riupieme Court wua u 11 louiid to be ojipresiiivt in anothiT [lortion. 'i’lir | r. i synti 111 of [>rf)l( ctioii in suid to om-rnte to the ad-I •• • v»ntiij;e ol those |>ail«oflhe uountrv «liich are i'. sail. It wa.S not IQiportnnt aS to ihv btioiiycsi. i;»i ry one >iuid »u, ind Uierrforo 1 tlic extent of (he allusion. As th'.' solo re- hf \\u» boui.d to b lu ve wj. liut in the wcrI.i et i pnjspniHtivc at present (Gov. 'I'roufi is con- |K,rt.ons 01-the country, there «rarcely to hr „„!isposition) of (ieorgta, hc must loiJiid one who would not, it hi hud the |k)wci, , ■ i- , ■ l ■ ,.ut down thr pron.tiv. m .ten. of proKe.ion- 1 a«Hin.t the ot (.eorgia being ■|'h(rc Were ihiiB liiiftrci.i'\icw* on tK,th KiJcH. | =^“'''Jndi-d With that ot Stuth-Curoliua.— How- wuRthiK to o| trail ! He ii.ttndid, in i.o-1 Ilo hud on A furm' r fircasion endeavored to thinr lo «hieh III-KhoiilJ »ay, lo muk'.'any f rfon-1 fi(.|jion.stral« to the tSeniite the distinction ul rel. r. n. . .. It was hi. ;.virl. to artjue the .nl,. ,|,e cases. Me was ready a- We learn from the Salem Reporter that the paper mill in thnt place took fire on tho IBth inst. The proprietor, in a communi cation to that paper, states that it must have Iwen caused by the gass generated in tha use of chloride of lime and the oil of vit- riol in bleaching the rags. lappiiH'ss of so many miilitins of pei*ple. j,jj. tnnved that the: ntid i^uciiiMonts To establish which, the niiasago enters 1,I,p j into u recital of the allojjed gricvmices, | ,1,^ ,i„.^ bo printed. with some examination of their reality, cVc. .Mr. ( ilhoun ilun ,o^e »,,d «.d, ih.t his .,bj. ft , 7" : I " 'f uuhrMc. 'I hf honorablu Senator had as- The president then udierts to the sol.-inn ; m uk..i« Hit ri«,r y.«* not to m.k.- ,.»v r. ‘I'’!', . :;-'V'""I'' .'■uied tl.e ti.ut no Slate loved the jfct ,j)li ly on pliilo*f,j(! iT.iunii*. 'I'he I’rrsi. . , , ■l. nl i» (le.t. d a,.d . O..KH 1,110 ,K)w. r: hi. pohcy ' dittmction b«;twcen them, iiri ( H^aril) eiinf^.riiiB to'hiito! ii; pudy l.y wl.jtli and to defeii'i its justness. 'I’o others it In IS (;hf.-i n. Ii c.iiiiici b«'otlK.ruiM. 'j’he'I'u- ininl.t not lx; «f), but to the grcat bwly of fill i'iiiy, (or' !(., bopiiort a> tlieu tai iJKUte | {j,^, .^.oplo (if (jporaiu it was ob\U)US and t.ntmiiHn wiuj i« i,no«n lo Iw in ll.vor ol . c , _ i . he«ge of the ordinancj, informnii-.n f, „ I sjhI to bavc ri'achcd Uic tx(*cutive that rorn whwh tlit cor.Ujuud in r’fir iirf to . ,, would be impr«cIicablo I'or the Collottor i Ih*-docummiii by nhi h it w ni. at coa ji»iin.d, lu> ' • . 1“' - ' “ • • • mould c.- in )in *lf a ' " i.ot tiic *1.1. hit;i al- l>ini.lion, u Irnin.jih i ohtair:rd. I)., wtio ctiin ilito JWJHI r. Ill tint niBhiK r, it lii is |ius«i.>«> d tan nivti be uii’oe’gtd. Uo* , , . DIED, In thin town, on 24th iust. of the scarlet fever, .Miss Jiin Eliza Coiiun, aged 7 years 7 montlui. In thin place, on the 22d inst. alter 29 hours ill. ncBH, HUtm, youngest son of W. H. and E, 31. W riston, aged ii jears 10 mouths and 11 day®, He is gone to the rvaliug above, Where all is joy, and peace, and love. l^'ommuniealed. Of the prevailing epcdcniie, at Uie rtsidtnee of her rntlu r, on the 15th nist. Eltza jlnrif, d lughter ot \V. H. and Eliza .McLcary, aged 3 ygaj-s and 1 month. Also, on the ICfh inst. James Monroe, son of \V. II. and Eliza .McLi iiry, a^ed 5 years and 7 inoutbi. “ Sujfer little ehtldtrn to comt unto me aiitl fuihid them not, for uf such it the ktngdum of Heuri n." [Communicuted. Ill this county, or. ibe 16th inst. Mrs. Eiizubtlh Smith, in the r>Oth year of her ajje. W EEKLY AL.MANAC. J.\XUAl£Y, I Sun I Sun 1 •MOON’S PHASIC-, Charleston lo pre«rve the ciistotiv of:►'’'J"' , j . • I i 1 , .,* «• . r^ciraiil to hi» If h** ai*i I ..•Is detained by hnn. againM any at- | „ inpt to re IS custody «*•, therefore, from inckitf-y, was deemed esnary precaution. F ing^, however, n similar be olx>erved with r«*s(>»*ct . . leorcetown and Beaufort, in Strtjlh-Caro- ‘be »bomt> thi* w.Jerenc- ® • * .1 ^ .^.-1 •»>t Iriii (xt^^orHiitiry than iht infimH na. After recurring to the vari.kis penal ^ with.'tiiridiiig this tlireatenina; ap{>earance, ftiori' was no dan"or to the public peace. 'r(ict,hief Ma:;i»trute p!edj;«s liimselfnot ■ III takcp a nii.Mlr pr.und ltwtcn Uic .North to n soit to any I and iiir .'oiitli. li one iiif. r >.t attmipts to ii.akr Senator lioiii '■in i'aturday, 6 .'>6 5 '■il Sunday, fi ,%S ‘■iH Monday, iC .55:.5 '2'J 'I’lie.-iday, :6 515 3a Wediit Mday,6 515 31 'rhurbdiiy, j(J 5.‘15 • I Friday, !6 5:i,5 ^jl Fur January, l ‘:33. t i>. II. »i. J. I'ull 6 1 3a morn. ^ I.ast 12 G 3 aftVi _;\ew ao 4 2J aft a ^I'lrst 7 0 aft’n I AYK'ri EVILLK, JaKUAUY 9-J. ’’i , 1 ”/• ■ j.i Brnndy, Couniac $1J a *2: I’cach 55 a GU; Ap. but (le.t;nb;%e lorco, and the | j.ig j- 5^,. ^ 7. Beeswax, 17 a17* ; ouln-C uif.lii.a tciih ii.-i tliaf I 13 a 17; Cotfee. 15 a 16; Colton. tut'.d by tl-e i - Hipt to remove ves-wls.awl cargoes Irom Mapmr.itr, n, njb»t*;,ce, that n.o i. . ,1. i ih. hi;>(.in'^' il.trn si. 'lliu!>iutnti .iiii; liniuilf, uniered I> U'priiiteJ. '*•'‘11. ... ;.i . „ u 'I’. ...r . - . -r . D .1 . . ' . , .. ' iiilihit \rilh tiir 'l’i*n;r nor aiiti-'IVri.f, Haiik i.or jliJal'l; (Jerman, M a 17; TalJowb{a9; Wheat] I 'ifl a !'.'i; Whiskev. o(j a 40. hi til ■ llru.v? of Kpprf.8int:»livps a Mes lih- iiiovi'inrnta bad U' n COplCS tHJ printed 1st nets and ports of entr) ' wh.ill be necevnry, and U'tom hotwe of any J»«rt w >n« secure port or harbor .. 'iatc, A:c. I liuntj-. snd wheji the cinaii. w a.; throw 11 out a. ’ ,1 - . .1 I r-Oi»t th»- lues o: hT citit. nv ai.d ui th ir » uvi. A» even tliOjie provui.ios cannot alwa\s .. .tu.... ,i . . 7 .1 1 r • wi.O thi.dren, tii4t Ihtv tuiiiid ib., . ii. I\ icm. r. protect the oflicers of 1 lie customs in the ^ to an ftitud. of r.*iMsi.rr. Tb«,n it wt» t!.iii diKcharje of Ihi^ir duty, the .'leb-s:igo fur- ih«y kJI pn,arid to r- jut my npi. .«,on. ther rrcommrnd* the rivivitl, wiili »m«* l-*ui iht I'l: .id-:.t tud «!ko j. -tr.. hn mvr. no niolif)ca«ifMis belter Bdapled totlie occasion. Hr had U,d a !- wn ih.t ihe Q i ' Iribu.ialo; the hu, rrnj* oufi ofthr l,i,it .l.'^l»U!. of the Sixth wTtlouol the net ol 3,i d u„. ,r. tJ.. u t i.^orl, the o,.!, .rb,l. r o ibe di . ^lareh, l"l«*i, authorizing the retno\>l ot lefrinc i: U. eoi.»!ruiti'in o.‘ the oi.«li!ulion»!i. iUMn acninsi otTicers of the tJovrrnmcnt, ’J '>'■ !h U»". On ihi» |«,int iIkti nen.:^ tiiJi.vt V\eis;ii(i Mr. f.) ni^de no j-iicli ^fiv- f’niiiM i.l. .V,iitii ('aril iiiii .';ar.rt!i n- d no -ur-li p riiiiK lit. Si.e ••ntfri'ii ilic cniilt;. !.i. rii-v with tl.oiimlor.lanJin- tliM a Sl.Ue,' ^^-u'h-C’ainhii.i. MnliieKist irM.rt. h..s ,i ri^ht to jcd-e ol I he loilowing coi lespondencc c.picd Irotn * the ev|-»'di»‘ii« _\ ol' resl^lal.ct• to «-p[Te;“#iot:. or Mjci^'u.n fimn the I nion. And ti.r so lioing, It IS fhiit »((■ iirn tlirciitemd id |i;i\e nr tliroiits cut, .'mj ihosr ol our wins.ij.d. ry—otherwiKe finishid olT that the church when completed will eo^t 3000 dollars. We wiil also ^ncLUeat the same time proposals for buildin-'- repr>rt was in cirruliifion a short time I’Jie wall of said church agreeable to a pljn and a:.M>, tliut tiiP Utii-Carolina C’al«'ts at U est I sj;eri.‘;catiun that can be seen at any time bv ap. I'omi had been put uniJer arrest tl,r lioldin- j t>l“ -t-on t° t»-e sub.cibcr. Also, for the earpn- j' , . - I "“‘o fhurc I agreeable to i.lan and Mje- a meeting: :.-,d pasMiijr resolutions e.Vjircs. ^...^e-Uon as above. ‘ «iiig tlieir d 'teri;n:iatic n, thould lorce li» I JOHN II. DAVIDSON’, fur Commisgioners. ITr The y.idkin & I'atawba Journal will pb-jsa the Washirikton O’lobe will siiow that ,k. j f' I aeroiint tor payuieiit. J. II. f. such iiirotiiig Ims been licid, and that the ] — ' — Cadets v»iii rci;i;.in neutral the present. I „ KI->T I?()OK. FOIW I). V. .n.wv i I ' 6 I-f- Siibseribcrhas in his po.ssossiona pnck. .\'n.nAur .\eAD:MY, > '' S I’"''.''- TIV»/ I'fiiit J'n’y l-’.'t O' some iin|iortant pajKTs to the S,R- I hire th. h.i.or7n\\iek.e‘h,'rewiu, hirti.i. advertmme,it eommu..,c.t. .n fr,,in o.a o: the >.ui,c t'. nticimn ; . . o! (.n.t"ii. .\ n.'.rrow ; C'hiel M i;_i-tr.ite liiid not \ t‘t r(e(>liinicnd-, fion. S;utl.-l'a.'cii:ia, V-ith t/«. toiitui r atiii ap- Hi.Mii.:; legal provision on the stirytt t, to rutr only ditidi * the ti i.-r.urv ui n« i‘ .... . .ihorizf the .Mar«hal to make tho n ie!>- r\ pnivfioji for lh« safe ke-i in^ of i*ri>.- * J i I I ‘ k ' '*'******* *• W* IK /•rs rommitted under the authority ot the ; j ji.u,,,;. „ ,up,tn r. ' of it. It wni im'>o.-;>ible tii;it a l»e ir.^. n.d it. a);. i. i'i : ce.fain ca^e,. fr.,,11 the .^tute Onirls to j '* c» n. t)„ op ul tt- hVo.. ‘ 'V j"’' ‘ t' .. r.k !• !• .1 ;'i»r »iihiii »he Ic-t t».t.-.. ni'.nil «. I nr p:,‘• n. .\o , 1 I»k. (ui. i o.l m t in- K- ■ urfs of the I nit'^ .-tat .. It is | dmi hau i.ot h. in tim on.toi. m rr rum.*-1. th ! tetid t i ii.m' lar.''u;i;,e mj &!r.i '. '1 he j;^Med ao cxpe,iK-iil, tn m.*iit>inc the .„u„.c o: il.t .1,;.' o! (;....;-i,. A n,.r,ow Chief M i;_.Mi..te hi.d not y.-t rfeon.mend- r. r.vtr only ditid.. the 1.1 .-.Uiry oil... iio;i. , J des|K>r.ite a p n.e.iy." Tl.e pn .vnt 1^ I»oLation of c.l the oI...r t ao, ts ;ron. that .SiatV. i - „ that (I* •rnhna. v(!. on ont aiJr, lii-; ‘ , i ; . i ll b-♦ n’LnvirJtd Iv ■ — undfrtovLr I* (l.r Touri, a-iUif ;.rMur in tl.: i a preat .n, ai.d the liUMjii's ol t!iC liriHht r at i‘ha: I* .stor. a i-o o i:.'V i* it to be’, r I rtwi. u U'U uilut fcUK j •\”i» nran k uii'Hi th.€ .Irci.-ion i rleo m U.t , m e rf-c n Auvatu ^ , lltr H ill 01 th i ii« utl^ i- IH III i-r | ol if. It H fi** tij;it M CtiUSol'.tlJ- In- rl* d iti all ;■ t. t |n* ati hiiali i:d\c c ; th. .•'.ipin... fourt »a»to Ik tht .rbitrr, ,,.J nt cxi.-t in this CoUfitrV. pr.K-« ,.,vs. r:. ili. 1 he Ale»..>ge cl«S»^ With aomo remarks, •> “I'hid lo klio* ni wl.»l '«« I, wr mt iJ.llw.v m il>. • ...,irv'l ItiH.h;-' - ....i-Tirccd ,ir.! errrr! veun^r whith thr Presidt-nl e» his roll- |" ** j, e in'in • nv r niiriA If •ip\ w 1 ' * hi> ■ ■Mnr-.r..c:.tio:i wi:. .IJ . r i_! — . rBrjrt Urn, A oic%fturr of proti r lion, to bi ^ \ ♦ r au ili .it»y rinnii % . 11 . ..i, , • v, vr • »-» ♦ * •ir nart • • ^ w ri»f» r \x^*h re onilic di.p-i^il.on of each deportment ^oild,::.; thH gotprnineni to perform its doty.—jTi.n modi had sir. .dv U-n tr.ed m th et^e o! ju„ii tiu.l any sin;;le ca.^e in \\hic!i tho . i a:.i, v .y -.«aru;!y, ^ou.-out.-«r\'(. Jan.Hr^th, Is13. J. D; BOYD. lilted Stntps. jj'HL .''iib«enb«'r wishes to buy 15 or 2Ti liKo, ... K- ly iK'jjr.)*-..:, cf h--.t'i hcxes, lor which he will - 1 ai, 8;iaii iidic c.I-'ili; ^ t},,. CuA A:p!y di .t. ly. C'.chr;,. Jn^. 1«33. A.C. SHF.I.I UN. 1 w hlUt a forb« arin|; ipint may, and he ! H hii*^.• utmriafl -t.n. snd ti.iCourt | .Ths..!nte n. ^jorilv ti:: 1;.^^ u*t* w ill, bo eierci-sed tuWHrds the • i rors ‘i' tl-K d '>* i:.-»poeity t.. a« 1 i- r wirt oi jur,-dic. |. r**stnmt ln«l 1 i-if'ii on* c -> 1 u v >.iir Kr..fhn.n .r. r n.. .rinr J., ' >>un, aj»i n tUM d lo Iskc i.'iM’uarii' ol I‘h »ii>-i • ^ r*strnif)t., ll.Kl ia toO OD( t- .I.ll V, nthnn in I* ^rticular quarter, . II. wuhcJ to know wuv thi. circon..ui.w i he vw.uld \ ikIi! the i}ue.>!i(.n. I’.ir hii-.iv ;t to the rest ol the I ni..n (m\» th.-Tresi- ,upi,uppre,«-u «•» uh. iit)dpmanU that open nud organizrd re- , .iroi-jt a term—n m ti,'> im.sajreofih. >lai)ce lo the Laws shall m>t be excculi'd ' It »:II lie rpin. iiil'-riii ti.:.i wh-n tl» I'h iiiipnnitv. Ho trusts that the i.rosent ; «l"ch U . n jumIv it,-. I, • 1^ .1 . .1 ' «Mllrd bv Ir.f* Si oator Jroni huirlt.', a bM lK-uh,.a may result in pr«Miii{ that the ; „ , R. pr. - ni.aiv, fr..i,i (ir.*>titiiti4>ii nr>u the I«4US arc ^^prciin.*, _( m«i?'nt*i»ji\ *i.(i^avoriUloi'b!ui:i m tl th.' I inon indl.^soluhle. ani nduu nl o; the tall o> n, ‘O inal it n.ichl U J| ’Ihe uhole .^lcsvu|Je, of which this is but *" >*'■' eharaa.r of pti.t.ction, which U- hrirfaud twagre outliiH-, is written ,^ , , ! - cil«iei\c anil ltcet»fivp IJov^, ihcn, >»;»► JCb aUhty, un*l the whole c.jnlcnts of it, ■ ri.lina to try the i',u 'tion ' Lv. n if shi hr had k-t n troni his enrli' >t liU*, d t pl\ attjched to fl.c I nion ; ai .i lie ibit, v, iili a projMii lionate int. iisil\, tl.e iiiii»r'i tnnce ct iiiij qui slion. Ill 1:1 uiil*, \ l ulh, ju-cher- 'tHA\i;i!. I,;. Co!, .•■•jp. .^IiIl!.;ry AcaJciijy. Fri^'.n.-ri. Cvk^. (Jr.inn, itoi- of thi. .Alil. .\catieinv. roii RE>T. fBMIi; Houif *here the Frinlin/; M- O.^ce has been kept for the lust two years. I’ossessiort pivcn cn tLa 1st of Febt'oarv. Apply lo TilO. BOYD. r -,rr!„ft>. Jen. O.S//1, Ifc."?!?. hen published at large, nill eominand uni- ih*d iwry rkluncroniln suih'.iiiT of ttieSupr. me rsal attention. Tlie rea.liti'* of it pro-.* ouri, she could not .ibtam tli jmijrn.. m of ihsi . m both Houses, a verv cVsi.lerub!.' " ['•’ ’■'' N.uih.('ar. I • . . .1 ' . I ; uiiria, but l!i»l Ijich hbr had pur>«*ii cl. u>atiwi, but n..t griater than was natural ( Ml. n an ! I.iwutur, th«i ii.r .'>i«ti ou^ht to b«ve ri »»rtd ' to till olh r reii.i'dy »l.i'h ntx (Hnutid out, and * A/* % * I siiki d *t an esriu r |H ritid li'r » '.'r.v( ntioii uf tin- *J-% XHlIsS -* 4 I Stat. K, III order tosOK lid thi (V.nklilution. .V>iith- —~ jCirolina had brrn p/i.v« ntid from 11.any npplica. C’llAKLOTTi:: ! tiniiH oD this >ubj. (I. >h had \Ti«bed ovir and - i i»\er again to obtiin af'oiH’ hiion, hut »li«' had u- ^ V 11 iin.4Vf J INr.%KY |N:i;i. , niforiiilT Ibui d a fi .ed iiisjoiily 111 l>olli Houh*-^ _ i .ijt»iii»l hir. How, th»n. was «he to obtain the ae. " e cull the nttention of our readers lo- , ihe eon.tiiuii.mal niaj.irity of two V fft .... .»k» I . I . ! ibiriJji ol (nr ino Ii*»um * ( i udrr the ic cirnini- to «1 iih.o aiuhntoreMinc l.'tl.-r, from ^ .1,, „o app!icaii. n until the Sutc . l liliw.n to the (Ion. 1.. r,v»‘ri'tt, ot itpiU |,ad detlsnd it uiieoi.xtitulional, and the e- Itl which h’ ^ives his opinion of the mrr>; ’i.ey ar.we ul.ich called lor it. tuie nnd furriiation of our (;o\eininrnt Th ». \»>n all tho remnrks which he consider. and N’ulhfiealion, Slate. Kights I ,, , , » * r« Irn lu I U) tijc crror» ol tht Mcbsaijc o! the hxc. ii» Ivftrr wpII wortliy ihc altciition | ^ ** I'erj r.;ul Iricin) to his country. ' It i\a« obvious that thi- eountry had now rearh. I I ij a crisis. It had been oft' n said tliat every '••r/>T( .**1 ille Ob**erver ' Ihini; which hxi^ «rrir« in it:>cll'lhe el.inentH of that two more of thos*? Mvstrrioiis •I**!* I’firiple was no le*s f . L ' aiiplieuhli'to iiolilieal, than lo phvtiical ooiintrue. n t' - L h' ineipl- of decay' I,’ to .«• lound in * '••in, one to nil.llhe Oth.;r lioin | mir iii*iiiuti«ns; and unless, it can In'ehreked and ■111*.'ton. The Nntional Intelli fencer i correi led in it* eourm-, bv the wi^doiti of the Fed- Ihtit ihe notice taken of the expn’^s i er*l (iuvernn.eiit, it>. o|>eralion uill f«)rm no 'I'*’ S..iHhern pj.|Hjrs ^ere the first inti- ir' *’*'"" itiiiiiu I—I . -L I II I ly cau"e ot wondv r in hi-opinion was, that our Itml had cotnc to iheir LnowIedKC , ,,,d conlinmd lone; that, at Ihe end of * C'Tjin'vji l>rtwocn flio two i torty.tour yf an, our (loi^ riiiiirnt ►houW ri- sti.l ihiii the fart had sinco been taia i>* orifrmal torn). Ili eonnd. red that to *nfiriiif(|from othersouM es. Thr »»xt)rew. i •*'* I , . , wliieh had (levatul .'Vlr. .FetTcrM'ii to tho Tr. sidcil- WESTlV;.sT,.\rw.Yo.iK.Jan. I. 1~?3. Itla('k>lllit}l ^ihO|). T‘i the LdUori.J ll.i ( I jrfrKtiH .'!erri,ri.: j Subscriber havinjj taktn chirpe of that .''IS i lliivir.;: rend, in your pa; !-.- of the of ' * "vll known Blacksmith Sl'.op btlonpiii'r lo neivti.lxr, r.-oliitH'iis u'!cp! '1 by "the younj; William P.ivid.'ion, ll'-q. is now ready to do any l^ll‘d a di't p and enil.usin^tic n'liiiiratiin ol in nN Stati- Rights and F ree’I'ridi- Aiko* ialnui of kind of work on the shortef.t notice.’ The Kamo lhl> I till'll. H* liiid Uw'keti i:tl Its progress .'^‘Ulh t'arolin.i,” appi*.vinjr e. rtain K^^lutions j hand^ uill br continued wit!i the addition of with r.ipmre and enc nra’Cil tliO most '■•‘id to na-.e Um . i.ltrod into by the Soutii.m t^a- Isaac Jamieson, whose character is well known. sanniiini- cvp^ t.itior.s ..f :(s"-nouianLC.—! “V'*'' *• II I I 1 \ , r ^ 111 irrrtd to, I'onBunr It an iiiipcrativr to doclarc lit? iiiat il it cuuld l>t* rori-1 j^QQp^.j o,. forilK'd to Ih.t pnnciplf S of 179*«, as tht y! i>oeid bv the fa.iels from the South. Whatever is ^pi cdi-d to Charlestou and returned in c d.iys. The nnnk of the I'. S. has declared a ' i end of ai p» r cent, for tho lust 0 inonths. cy, was mainly to Im' allrihuted this diirution.— Nothinif but tiie rlev.ition of that individual had pri'vented the lurlier termination of an experi. iiieiit. Kut Ibe time had at length come when we arc re(:uir»u to ileeide whether this shall bo a w ere thon (■or.>lni('l. it mifrht endure iheir -■jci.tiiiikiifs in nfermce to the great t vcr. IJiin’ b;i k the oovcninient tothi«ie ■ the I'niud States and , 11 (It .1 I . . ■ arnniia — liow.\rr dimly ihur piinnplcs. and he w.mld 1h; the la.^t to a-, ’^count of batidun if, aful b tutli-i :ir«jluia wtiuld be n- j thtir f>tcuiiar BiiUKticu, by ♦ very principle oi hon. iin>n'’';t Its \.iii!U.«t adx.v a'cs. Hut tie-1 or-nd ut'duly, to withhold thos. s'TtuneKts, and fiart from th.-^e pnnnpio, ui;d, in the j •» f"""'’'l"^“cnt, ;u this course of t.'ti \ears, \\u shall d.'^rencrale | „ ., • , f' , . Il« Ii. Miic tbht the proprit tv ot this coMrse will into a nnlltar\ (ii^potisin. Ihe cry had t,e readily apprceiat.d by our fellow-citizeiis of liei'n rni>eii—“ llie I. iiion is in danger.’'—I S.uth-t’arolinc, I h.i\e to rtqiieKt a.«; an net of ius- , , . lie kmMV of nootiirr dah^.'r but that of tnil- »n your pari, that you wi.l t,ive publ...ily to [“‘.’f; '•'"'d ,..rv Ilo ,v.;,Upr,Kl.n„nu.«r‘t‘i«»''S'”'"”", !|iim tK«ir liial Ihis wus ttio ^n-at.'st daiij.-rr' A m'ca With which It «as tncnac.d, danger tliej ('harhftr, Jan. MtA, 123.1. TllO. BOYD. .'AKOLINA. XOTICK. I’oor House lystablishtnenf of this Coun- ty will be in readiness to receive Paupi rs oa \\'ednesday of the February Court. Those who have the carc of I’au()er8 « ill deliver them on that day at the I’.wr House, uith Iheir bedding and o. tlier articles that belonp to them. Tiie Wardens wi.'h to erfjape a man and hi* wife to take charge of the establishment. F.vt rv' article necessary lor the I’aD;H'ri> will be furnisht’j and victuailiiij; for the family of the .% ward.— Tho I’otir House is sitiinteil 2A miles east of I'har- Tho J’fo- piisals lor the situation will be received by .lohn Irwin, until the 2(lth February, at which time ■onlriiet will be c.nchidpd. None need apply for trc.U>. .h.d, .,1, ......„y h:,d a,,p,c: Tho U,oh,„n»l K.„„„o, „r,!,e S.l, in.,. I iiiC habi's of care und good tnanajjcnicnl. To hend. 1 says '• We are iuJebted t.i a tVieiid in Hal- I le h('pgefl pardon for fh9 'varmth wiili; tiinore for the iuilou iiijr e.vtiui t ot a letter aurb the «itnation would be one of pr.'fit. which he had e\prcs.eH liinis'lf. I’nl).'- fVoiii “The American Veteran,’’as CicntT- coininc as he knew that warmth to be, lit ^ ul Eauyetto doli«hts to cull himsell. Let must throw hiin^elf on liis country nnd his, us Ikmit aiul hearken to the \varnii>*; voice eountr\rrn'ii f»r indiilj^enct*. Situate.! as i of thetVicnd of Liberty in both hemispheres: lie «u9, and teelin" as he did, he could not have spc'ken othi'rswis.' Mr. Forsyth said, on the moti.on to r^fi-r, •• I,A l^nA.vor;. ( >ct. 8, “The late collisions in thi I'liitcd Stales, thti threats of a s piirhtii ii, an i the violent jealousifs, ■. .. I .. . wilhout enlerinc into (Jiirtieul.irs, have (iTen me ..K-.‘rvalioiis on tho merits ol tho I'resi-1 i,„ vpr.-s«ible pun. I too mueh depend on tie i'he U'ardeiis wish to contract for 1'2 sinplc bed steads of inap'.e or poplar, with lath bottoms, four piae tables, 1J dozen coaiinon chairs. .lOHN IRWIN', Chaimav of the Hoard of W .idtns. Chnrlotit. 2.>A, Jn„. ] ' 22I-J4 ’Mie Ittinl'.j'V', I ' L 11 If ' i t'oiifediruev any Uinjir, or whether it shall >five i '! ' '"'nk..1 .Nrw l,,-rnhiis declared a div-1 (.„vrrnment. H« called ‘''^v "‘•'•f' fon u Ol ,0 per ccnt. on its cnpitul gtock. ' on Henutur* lolennily to p«usc and diliberatia oo ‘ from South-Carolimi, Tli«‘ r.irmor, Fdited by liideon H. Smith, is issued every Friday, at ?.i [>cr annuiii. ('onttiits 4ith Number. Kditoiial; Manure—Scup|>ernonir Grape* and W ine--Fon 1^11 Markets—(>ii the Culture of Kieo —On the Selection and .Manai,'emt*nt of a Farm— On .\^nenltural and Horticultural Cheminlrv ; A- iiulv.sis of Soils—A new spi cit-s of ('otton "rown in South.CaroliiiR—t)u erndicatiiip the |tle>>-e(l rule, and had ui'.'n the possibb ex-i '•'*>'»tle. «ith some .As^rvation-on th ■ ProiHrtiea f«r II... vi.iiutioii of It Mr !•' hn,l veiyiiijnrioustotheiwpuliircaus.', lot the foison noot,»^uin..a ami(:«iiia.rass^ ul. CU9» lor the Ml Ittti n ot It. » r. ‘ • hail no ^ h.sscntlic conseuuencc of the United States tivction of the W illow Ware—''IlssI^slppl 1 oma- such evciise tootlcr; tlicrelorc should not with all purtus.” • i io. s—To prevent Mil.l. w nn \ iiie.—Xere»sity of —• I 1’rop. r Attention to Wiiteriii Neat Cattle—To The National (Jazette sav^ “ Wo learn i make I'unip'sm !'i s—l.-irj. J^mth Se« that Judff.- Haldwin i« icc-verii..; from ,. rin *1 > «>vttv-i*s and 4 rax» rci>r.t>tnT uulwposilion. I he stoi v in tin' n ^ o*' IVurh.. in ! n. Wuri. urrccl aboiii Ins conlhieijitlit in tliC has I ( omiirv I’rodu.e inti.' Ni w-York and ifaHi- Carolina had adnitlted the existence of the ' the very antirip\tions of such an event in Kurofw, follow the example. 'I'he i’residcut has, in tlic e.xecution of his duty, trankly and openly e.xpressed his opinions, and the facl^1 luid ri'asons tipon founded, 'llio i>i\ the j'art of his no louiiduiio'.i.” .U'.re Markt'.i -.V.ivc:’.;'..-!'-'

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