THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. TRUST SALE. > Y virtue of a Deed ofTnist, ► made hv William J. Morri- *iiSMion to Rolx-rt I. Dinkins, 1 willcx- fpose to I’nblic Sale, at the (^urt- }{ousc in CbarluUv, on Monday of tliu February ('uurt, the TRACI’ OF LAN I', lying in Provi. dcncc yfttlrmrnt, on which said William J. Mor. rison liven, adjoining the land* of John N. IIouh- ton and othi rs. At the same time and place, 1 will sell ««vor»l I.IKELY NEtJROES, tlic properly of »aitl William J. iMorrison, ntid conveyed b> him undrr dord of trust to Jamcn 11. jMurrison, for the purposes therein Hpccitifd. 7'ern» will be nmde known at lh; time «f mIc. W M. j. ALEX AXDKR, Ai'enl for Tiuilcts. _Joru 10^ IKia.-t'JC WUhhMc I'tif M'or Sate. ^ Thuriday, Ulut of »OK INU3. g. I. 3 I* g- : y VC f i t Januuty I'lhmanj March April G 13 ‘ill iTkt Grand Sultan,— A correspondent of tli(! Journnl ot'Coinnicrce, oil !>oard the , j tVi)y;nte t.’iinstellalion, diitfd 2‘J, pi>CH J 2, I' tlic follswiiig iiccourit (iCllio Sultiin, wrillcn ! S, 5 o- iirter )* jf uniey to (-'on.slanliiiu|.k;:— > 5 j 'f “ Liuler tlic kind nusfiiceaorConimodori' L__L Portfr, to whofo Imsj.italile ntliiitioiiH \\v 5 I art' f>r«Mily indi litcd, \vi‘ hiid a line ip[)or- :i 10 17 i’i ;jl May Junt Ju'y February, 1 »ill of fer for sale, to "the hi|.'hr»t , bidder, on the preiiiidr*, niy Plantation on Big Supar Creek, (tin , uI riy former residence.) The tract contaiiiK In iwci n tlirec and four hundred acre», l_v iiiy on the mam TOad leadinp t’rom Charlotti to Camden. '1 hr cite i« truly l^eautiful, coiiimandinp at all time* a full view of Ihi' Cfltbratid King’s .Mountain and a ■wide Client of country around. The buildin/r'Jre • efficiently commodioiif for a larije fumilv. Tlu- land has beenofth** fir»t quality in that »ectio:u>l the county, and with a little uj^ricultura] nkill, ma) be made a valuable farm. I shall also soli at the wine time utui place, about f>n head of sntnc Hot urn, ivv lark DON QflXOTTE, Two Cottun Cint, u,^ 4ome other articlrs. And on 7’iiosday of the next ('ourt, 1 w ill ofT,: for sale, to tlic hipheit biddrr, ihn iiii- proved and three unimproved lA^tf^on iiium Trade i'lretl in the town of Charlotte. And on Friday, t!i«> 15th of .March, I will Kell to the hi^heat biadi r, on the premis'i, (»!■. Hundred acre* of land, adjoimnjj Uie tract, whcr. on is a rich viin rf Auritrroua Ore. !^,Himltr running entirely Acro»s the land. |, on ihu samv day, I will s«,|I mv i f:f*LD MILL, ab/jiil two milu from the .Mini, ami aUat JO head of Ilwjf. j 1 he rt*!il I'state will be sold on a lilicrai' Oc'.ulfr . . credil, tlie balance on twelve m^'nths j AilUtoxeiiiUrbted folhcMiiK ^criU;r, ate ben by a»aiired, th^t unleii> payiii. nt I made by the I'ebruary Court, llieir t" j oi.J j .. Ai countii ntil be placul in the hari;« of an oil o r ! • Icr collection.' I . X. ' i;., 1 S3.1. tUi; 1 iM'BLir SAi.f:. 1 TU'tlVf tfioUtUs’> Credit. • fl-rtrr,l,r II.I. e*no»e to I'ublic .'»ile. on the ‘j >th of Janu»r_,, all mv Stock, eon-iftirip m Hcte*, f tu-'. Ih^j.SJirtp. ifc. tt ithall ;nv / orw.. II. Ittruiin, Onr i'iaiitatton Wa^on, (hr t.|./ anil Smith TfcU. Al-o, all ntv U-vttho'd om/ huehtn I'uint'urt. .•'Kobi.'O or b U f,t | d C'01{\, mill «i,mt ( OT'I'O.V 111 the I Kcri!. -.Mth a .juantity ol'fur«i; . AUi, IfAnj or 17i>» W" Ii;ht o*' POKK ‘II the (.lt^i«•. j I will nl'O (..-11 {'uvHteK, tiOO arrr.c r | * Lam!. Ivinir rn the north nm'e of .Mallard I r-• > .VI-. •2o0acr»y, Imm: -J miles n. .rli, ..f ''I. ' Ix' ii.teri-lin;,' S'ljir Creek Churth, ki.own by the IJ.-ick IIoum I"”' ^ COtiJfliM’ii \irw of ti|f I, j tli;.t nil in.ij uriit r^taiiil i-uiiMituti-, liii I’l rsojis wishing to pnr.-ha'O wotil.j do :icr. a\ ui-idtd Lv the » .-url» ui tlit- vrdl to eailon m« tiooii. I will ^iv. jr.-nl 'IS I Ijltcij ''I l‘f b i i‘> 'K-';i.i cti. „ of th THOMAS Af I X\M.i;n • hnusT'. 1-. l-.ri, -jj •> , 3 1 5 G 7 10 11 12 13 1 t 15 17 Irt j;i 2U 21 22 tit 25 2> 27 2fj 1 .T ’ 4' 5 H ■7 ' 1 a lU II 12 13 1 1 15 17 IfS i;> 20 21 22 LM 31 2a 2(J 2'i ‘J8 2'!» 1 0 3 i 5 7 M ;» 111 11 12 11 l.-> Hi 17 If" la LM ‘-*b 2:1 30 •21 25 2ti 1 0 3 c 7 h 10 I'J 1.1 11 l.-i M 17 in -‘I V*? 21 '* 'JJ 3'J 31 0 3 4 ti 7 ;t KJ 11 li 13 It n; IT I" 1 1 20 21 L'.l ;.o Ui 2j :.G 27 2o I 2 3 i 5 7 i» l'» 11 12 11 l.-i Hi 17 ix I'* ‘..1 2t,’ 2.1 3il •.'I 31 25 •-ti . . 1 2 t .5 ti 7 !l 11 12 i:i 1 1 1 lfi 1 ■ 1.1 -■1 21 •/•J •-’.'1 _,'i ;;7 •J.t 30 1 2 3 I 5 f. .s M 11 12 1.1 I.-. Hi 17 1;^ I'l 20 r't :>■) -.1 2.» 2ti U7 1 0 3 4 li 7 y 10 II i:t 11 I*-" iii 17 is *. 1 VI A’ 2'l 21 'jj -7 a*? 2'» 3') 31 ;i t j t: ■7 ■ 1 t ii 11 12 13 1 1 15 17 Ix i: ;,'0 21 22 •J1 2ii 27 2" 2.1 1 •J :i i b H 1 in 11 12 13 I.' lii 17 li I'l •2',l -'■J :;3 23 2ti ;.'7 tiiiiit) ofwtitig I he (iratid Siillan. It was .in the field wheiu ho h in the Imhil,oncer-1 lam da} 8 of the J enr,of (inictisino at Hichery u ‘:—and lliiii b* nig thf? d;iy v^e ri’juiiitd to tlii- !•: (ield. 'I’lic nioiiarth .socjii arri\ed on Imrse- Thc‘ Hciliriiic &. Drii^ Kton*, At the Sign of the r. O Ll> K N Al O U T A It, North Ilf the Ct,uTt I kune and vr\t duor from John /iifin’i* Slotc, I S fiirnikhed with a full and ixtcnbivu aHi^nrtiiiuiit of Mj;i)l4 INKS Ac niti c;.s l’uintfi,Sur;'iral Inntiii rncnt», Hhoii h'uniiturr.l iilid ull the Fancy l‘er- fumrry okJ Stutiimam\ Arlultt perlairiiiic to] Ihe ■•Vpolliecary ilusi- W ATCIIES ANU OEUTLLRv!^ ItEIHOVAI.. THOMAS TllOTTKR UUI.D inform the public, that he ba a I ▼ * moved his Shop, Ia his old stand, lat* I occupied by A. («. Wilkinson, as a 'I’aylor Sti/ surruindwl by „ir,nbi-ni oi', Hold, whe?* * .... in Itici ImA M-ill nim^tiial .*«....a' _ ~ any extent tliat they lilt'd, ^^e^criptir'ns V ill hi all tiiiieK be carefully I C'«lll 1*1V coiuiiounded and ull orders duly aiync'..l to. I m-qU « ho ar‘c still indebted to*.}. R',/;,,. ... , ,, n II.-O *-'•‘VOKKIMJ.N. , ^ dcc’d. arc earnestly rei|uencd to call i-i ^ , IK)>. I pay between now and the February Court,a.1135 LOW I) A>' I> 1{ EKI)*S 1 thereby render me a particular favorl«ii.,. ( MX in.OUINK TUO'l II W ASH, 1 wiie you wiil reduce nit to the disagncabl- y . I ceKHity of forcinj payment at your eosL li., MrnaiNK \ i.aic; stout. | ^ ^e doi.e ift f M^lll.'^ w.isturtectuall) Lltaii.eHlli('le(tli,ilcon- I don’t settle by ilut lime, m taiiu no ae;.l ur ail) iiijredimt whith tan in j lytl’ A. GRAHA.M, Mih. UpciI, »"V w.iy tw injurious. It i ajfrceable to Ihe lastc , —ALSO— ii.l b » the |irr>|ietty uMhoront' neutraliAinf'I Those indebti d to myself are remmded llial tfu , . Ill ('' rv Ihiin o!jen*ue in tl.f bn nth, whither It o. ' is the time of the year wlien pacriitr.t shrmM i!! aiH-M-i.t cii.-toiiiji, Hii aiiiu.M iiK-tu winch la* - - ... “nouia jj’ Ilf Ins p* r.Min. Alter a few shots troni a fe w I nictiibcrs (it' the coint, he desi'eiiiicd from f.| his h'irsf, nmi to.k the b«>w, which heiirew with u'-toiiifiliin;; riuTj;), fur Ins third tiriow ‘i*I —the lii.'t which he s{ td —uent t5G)iirds. I 'I'lif dist'inco is incrciil)!i‘, Lnt wc s.i\\ it J iiiMiMiM'il, and l ouhl hardly mi'taken. 11 Ii was riciiily orn'huiidreil yuid-i fuitln:r than nn\ of Ins |irfdtir>Njrs had liiruwn tho >haft. Ii'* i;a\e the nrrow ti uiul ol M r\» d to us that tln.s was wje ».f lln ir ’ I**" I ri;;ii.atc Irtiiii d i':tl teith, liie use of tobucco, nude, and that 1 am actually in uantot'nbnrv oc. a-ionally iiidul»od in.—Ilo »M qiiiri!d ul oi any oth.r cui:-« . It hardens tne Kums and is Charioltf. Jan.4, inXi. s,(- 1‘otliT, who had bt’eu ill ri‘i»‘ ! “ 'alu»b;>; lenudy ibr ( anker or soreness of tlit P' l iin^' hif hi allli, nmi olM*rved to hiiii utiil r nptam Ilied that he •■houlJ l»e lin|>|iy m —iL"’' ~ l i' e * nr ii.eri of war at (’onsftnliiKiplf. | 'I'l ItOlillSfl I 7'.' Ill' «|U.kc III [ir:il>-»* if a inoik‘1 of H .'>hiii >""•> r»ii;iKil lias at cun^idl rablc ei|icii»e ( 1,1^ ■- hud iiii| roMd I’alli in» mad..',*bi thf-M,-mills whirli.Mr. F’.ckforil h.nd jus,t i.i .« u,-. n . , . .1 I , •’ , '1,'reialily l>i din etiuiis ol ( ol. A. (nidwill and n imhicr. anil ordering n. son .• n.uts itiwird (r-ijimer at th. Cappx mint) who 10 lU to ld> S« ated, and tieatt d us to sonic » X- i.i.s iX R ri.nttd thiir I tuity tVom ti mn.thH trial r !Iciit red-o and n f cream. Mih ti;unin*r "t a'*'"‘1’* tlb»y htd made here lH^t spiin^ S A DDLKS^ ^L4 K \ KSS. JA.MILST. ASH! RV A: tO. HAVfJ on hand and » 51 liniie to inanufacii.. ‘ri?.~\^ieir Shop in the »oullj.ea>t»u.j of .Mr. Sprint’d Brick Uuiic.-j Mj4hUch ami tientUnun's ii’iHars lo U.- iilKiUt fifiy!* . - - t.—• • vc-nr of af —h.s iKfrM.n is Htat.-lv, will. « ‘I " ... ' " llorttmui , ( up,. !:• li.ii^iiiar, firni.s«lforu..tiHi.-His exe iJ ‘J- As tl,« ,,»,kMlver dors not come ui: /loUer.t, s" 1..11 ..1; i.p, i,.,rnv J, firi valiii" i xpn ssmii ol his l ontmani t i^ j ;t(j. 'ri)f i„obt jx.wer rrqnired is f »r the In addition to the above, we have on hand sr. iiiilii-ituf ct tan-, loMituJc, aijJ ciitr^r) • i -^aii pen. It in thon^rht 3 .VI ills would no! tak«( of (/i/r and CuarA Mounting. L alx lit, I a narruv Irj 3'I .M *■ -III IjH IKitl i> \K I II t i J lurrt Iht Abtivrir;i liiUlu, 71!i;as)N a(. \i.\'T TfiF, r. .''TATr:. tii* I nine o( I'n'a-jon is oficii ahudd to III thr p^ij. rs. ami to.' otluir.- not U in" iipri*;ht odlar and ; f.ih. 'l i..- .Mills vihen',11 o,x ration re- liultoiicd ch^s« alMJijt liiiii. iiis pniitalooi,,, ,p„r., no farther all-iiJanc. il,sn to l rejjul.uly weif ol the same color, cut hfier i«ur la-h-i‘uppli. d vMthore . .. . juil^'e tor themselves. Chailutte, l),e. 7, 163:?. l.'.'f 1 our or ti\c journeymen .Saddle anil lii; weif ol tliC same color, cut hflPr i«ur la-li- i suppli. d vMth ore. Om l.^nd eaa al’n.d two .Vlilis. »t . ■ journtyinen .Saddle anil lii; , lot.', with nanow strajifi riun:in,: b! I'hrte si ts of the al>ove .Mills are now j,i*e,^'Xv*a*-il Ikm.I. Ili.'.sAird, mIiuIi huo^ V.nuiui 1 unur.-, eicipt tamprro, a« ‘ ^ a'^BI'RV A f'l) Cii-iU nt ins Mile, had a c« Id M.Mt.liaid, and ^ii^r'ii ol the Mamp r».: — a is:u bi«.in, with linnion.. iii, i.or.- ^-'haki^tte hotkl " s u truly ni bir, ui.d most rii lily ' i. in .Miners. »aniin,r th.>c .^hlis »i;i p!iai.e or- • Th«‘ hr id-t.ill r.f ll,».' bil il*- d. r tht m apainM the I t of .Mr.rth. It u uncer- 3 stiiddi d w ith j.-w»-| I, iiii.i ilif ;,tii rilpt « f * uf’ace wili Id .«k lotiKcr, and no • .-mbroid. ri d ^addir w( ,e of mn.MVc 11 * J lilt , »ar.o. li.c pT^m v\ho v»il r.rHi ntoi»c in 1. Aim a iiior*.' hor vuian !ha:i t ouiplctr o^, atiLiJutUmi o: uiil U- u.adc ror Sale. 111.*; M;ijr>l_v tliU- luountij, I lin\e iitvir lu tt'i prii'i I‘til rt.Ur 27, I*- J t.KAIIA.M. l!'ti>ar f ■ > III. t.iiUrriU't •• un''* r tl-> ii' • ■ ••it> ol tjl!- 0 ir,g Oii all t. L'. a lu t.uii, t/y book .\«roui.i, or i.Thi r«i»i, t,. ea.. and « llle iht fsine, , h-lote 11.f miotili- ul lilitujry ni»t, tr.hir li) I I o»'. or >>>», of l!.i» n.B) Ih aoliiru lln v « ill le- I (m lo mtlli «i:l, II,on- wl.O Wl.l liiiit •‘•1 Article of the ( 1'•tiiiitioii, "Tr'a.^.iii H^iifst ib,. ( . luted M.ilc» shall ccvnji-i iiiil}' in;' 1^:111(1 liH' ~ ' "iir n«aiii'-t theni, or in aiihrrinc to tunr OV Tm-c*J. thi. irbr,lrr n..t, „ ''l-cni ui.J and (.in.iuit.’’ Catit. .''ainufi Cox’* .•'t.ire, I will r tTer l> r ' * Aaron I'liirr, it hus f-'i.r niv I L.A.N 1 A'l lO.N, lun;: on tin- waiir^. j' iilt ij ij.ut ibc lertn lc'V\uij{ wnr. ’ liD' emit. ii*'ii'*1*^*1'^ 1'hat vii'>o III tljf Cunstilution whnh it i I'- I b'nny l>c fiund cirept »l.'ti nerrs. olk,J,.m KrKu.voii.lhrheir-..l tl.i-,l..!utc o| K- '-1. o....n,inK li^use. at tl.c ulr I.* ,. I'Kl ot.irrs, 1 or.taininc |S^{acrs. Ti., re . . 111 ,• . ■ , . are on the prf mi-.., .,(K>yl », r, , cl->r.d, in it was derived; .irid repair, ar.d In n-d.-r for a crop tla f nsmn? «eii»(,n. I ii"« Mibl-ii^i' «.| nu ll, rlcsi;;iiin(; a Coi Tlicti. J. (Jri.r or .Mr. Sti phen Mcltuin »i!) ! tria-o(iabli; purp ..>c. siirli »»•« war a Miiis’ .h w tiK prrn.,ns,,iho.ewho«l.h towewthcr„.jt|u. t.ov.rnn.e.ii, „r icudntiunizin:; a"n ol 1 .iC irriiis u 1.1 U-iiiaiic rt/iown on U;- d»iv ot ^ - IC’F. I'l till i*ubM ribfr. due on tin ■ l.t of Jsn. air l.:i m Mr. l»j\i.) I’aik's Store. .All conci rn d uri r-queftiil Ui tail ipiivi.iu- to tl.i Fcbruiry Conit and Mive c»t. ! • C1IA.. Jl ii.VtiT. .//n. i If-n^ d v,. > i E Subscriber,« M.hia){ to remove from ( '.'..t lolte, o3V r» for sale, upon very r a.-nnatlJ U rni', the above named istablisliuiint, vul.irb at prcM III in excellent re|Hiir. All the eut-bu .c mgs arc well fined lor earrying on the bi;siii I comturtably. 'J'lie slar.d is vt-ull kmiwn to N' I qual, if not superior, lo any in tbn. w.ction i.-’ 1 country. Any coinniunicatiiio upon tho >ui ' will be alt. n ! d to. i'o»»«.st>ion pivcn ;brth«n if r^^ne^led. J. I>. LO^ I' .Wr/.,U>,/Vc. 1832. liilf TI' Th' Ua'figh lUciftcr anti Camdtn J , \r\l! j Uatr iiitrrl thr abort 't movtht and fir j thrir arrnuntg to J. I). Hiiyd. yAll lTY SALKS. »at I ri ^*0* lit ol ^^inutl l.iurr, ii iJ Hi /I hi All ilAI.I, ./■III. M, I'.tl. .1;-J K .\X.\\N A\ from the siihyeri lust .Monday in January next, at tl'. t Mouse in Charlotle, I will sell at I’ublic Auc 5 Tracis ol* Land, A. \SinAi>OS. t.'lrJ6 ii''l» rniijn s, and in a (uriditii.n to make ‘■IK h war, coii'Iitiiti n a “levMii^ 1" I'ohry vnr, troor.s tnnst lie i n.I»-Klied— j:r, nubfcribir lusUHn i;p, nn Ihe tlb cf ^ B lh»- ii.hIuM, ft ii>«n hv iht* r.aitic ot * ■d. ivit: JIM formerly t.u..n-ii,j lo ph l;;.c.»o.d. 2LL JH# iwlToiiijd and ''^ul filTfZluliTr ' * iMc.Mlcluurs crt Lrc d.aiKi »»-. M.Id by in.-«ior«iidHMii tlev, n inehe-^ lii^h, his doll,. k.i f«r us ncoMn t- > conlaininf 50 acres. Jan. I't, IK.IX 'I'o \%’ork*rM oriiold .TlinrH. prinrs ilagf, r I taititd lo the cn dit of the d. iiii) 1^"'* l’^'‘^‘' “I >;»'iieial tfiid'zvou.s, IS .su h . | to -u- h char^jfn os may be agr.’cd on at the «•-' Itiblage, aj ConblltUtlM a tiini Ihr ^'old IS ilejxi-itr'I. II m TCHIS^I.N-, CaiAifr. J-in. I.IM.T -ii j.'i aotiFk. r|im; .Voi.« r!u»‘ ttic bijf*«rritH r on or ihoul l}:c I If! of Jaitiiarv arc left in !li* ol’ ,\ir. T. J. Mollon, of fharlolte, for rollection. 'I'ho^i inl> rrstrd arc rrjii> at. d lo rill and frtlb. by thi 11 briiary C.mrl, or they will ha\e fo •.ttle u,tti P.XKUAM. aitif.1 Jijri an otlierr. W \j Jufi. 1^. IS I * He • IA1; I ; I: ' Civi n Ui all |)er.»ons who are indchtid to the F.'Utc of m. l »mpb« ll, deei aiH il, lo conn forward and inakr pa\ rn n(, as no iridii!;j( nre r 'in l« i'iv.-u , tti.vj all (i^rsons having cl.mni. .ijam*! thi «aid rstdU- ar«- rtrjuest. d lo piesent tin ir clmiiis in dll'form miihin th«- time prci.(;rib-d by Uw, or tins notice will Ik- plead in bar against ihem. WM. J.( A.\1I‘1U;LI„ Adm'r. 1 1!;iiv:t IMvrif r. S hrrr br cki n lo all I'trKons havlnr claims apamst th« K.lair of W . 11. Vat.-s, d. cfriK, to pri'srnt Ihem duly aulhcniicaled within tin’ liMie pr.scribtd by law, olhi rwise this nolicc will pli ad in bar of thrir rrcoverv. 'VM. J. ( A.Mi’ftFI.r,, i:Trfulor. Jan. ]r>th lf-3.'t. aii!>3 1™VOTH-K. 1 IS now tnr iieciiiiiini'ot a .Ww Year, there. f.ri' it IS all iiii|KirtH!it that the trnniiai'tions of the last year should he el,| hops those that have on«;n « rounts wilh m,. w„| „„t fail lo c.ime und elom; by bond or (,'«aii Inun, dial, ly, J.N'O.flOSKlNS. Jon 14, IKIX-Sllf v):ii- charjrt of my rhnp «nd hands in t liaiLtle, lor Ibe. Dsninj yesr. I wi!: ^'i>. bU ral s. (ot a hhar# in thr nrofil* if ori iiind.; In ,»■, that 4 War. ’ Col. Thomas Hyvd W W.\ N r lo purrha^e ron-.i W ( M )l), or l»o la n i.l levied, nil who perform a! * inileii fmm this plan*. '1 h>«c wanting land I an, howi;ver rn.ti'jte or rf>iiiote. from iKc ^‘Th. : _ , L nr ,if n,-tir,ii 1 I 1 .1 1 '"‘‘•“‘I'd lo bun. brick, Ac. ; | ' •PP'-rmj; to th.-.atisfacti.T.cnhc Court, that sc. nc ol n, tifin, U inp |.-n^;iied 111 the -rtH-r. j ^ ^ 1 thr .bfend.T i ii. this suit i, not an inhabitant al cot^pirary. commit treu.son. A,it.| Those ir.drM, d to mr by N%.te or othrrwi^. w.ll ! ing;r or rommib>.ary, who never niw pl. ase call and settle th.-ir ncrounts bv r«,h ^ 'V Farmers’ Ihe arin>, u guilty of treason in executing;' eonntrv pr. du.-e, at I cannot gne any lurihrr m. 11 1 ^ ^ ■ T * M I'‘aiandQiurt.r ."HSMons loll.'hel I w ill r.ivr 111. regard tor \S all- y, and pay all ,Vc. eontaininff 104 aercs. :i.rr;;"cM " i ,i,. M,„hc. t hutltxh..Inn. ID, l-:^:l . on the iiorth-ai.lsidt of Mc.Michacl'j ca. ! lutilaining l.tU acres. I And ono other tract, on the wcat snifaj said creek, containing 147 seres. credit of one and two years (vill I' ffivin. Itonds and securilits re.piirid—fjf-' particulars nia^ be known on the dav of f'.'.f U. U. DlM.Al’.c.s t /Vr 17. 1nT,>. 17_Gw liarli'5!iloii and CiicraM. riTiiK sTi;.\M lii'u i MA( 0.>. . ('apt. J. irHhaiii. hi' Iwcn tnijagt r! l! t !&>'t' lipid for nuT in Iho Iradr ruaiiinjr Im tween ChurU.'!' r Ihi- coiiiiiy of Mcrklrhhnrj:, «t thr 1\ uitt liouvr I ht raw, calling at («orcvtown on I*t'r w ll iiny one luJvisp, p an ov« itCCli HH ffOOf) ihc Pn*bnJcijt, or some or iVov‘rnor.; - ^ - 7 ^ *ut, old sjh ah( Jtn:. ji s.,H,',;e.r7;; ''''" '‘''' full ,„arr_her peditrc- can be' siirh |,ersoti is ^-uilty of mi.'^pn.vm of Irm^nn, tr.m.i t„ ,na„y 01 ih. mo*t .b.tmp.i.the.l R.ccrs and IS liable to be unprisom-d seven jears j of h, r day. As to Sir A.chir, his reputation and uii(J ntfed one thousand dollars. i ‘■o’’' 'md th. ir drscendanU arc so well ' ; .'stabliKhrd, n m Ncarci ly n. cr.*Mary to »ay any ' ^Hooltinir" I itirt; Tl,« ri.t day, as III, \ have b-.eii nmonif , itooKing y.f/rrr/r.-rhe New Orleans | ,1,. „,,,stat.s | ■ mctitiooa that nn ingtnions mode of' ' irffii.ia, .Wth und .s,.iiili.Caroliiia, (;eor);ia ry, w«|JJHely put in practice, al tlm ! t'oiistittftiou of i'arothm. A!si» ()j i iii; iMTi;ii .sta'H'.s. I^lOR Sal,, nt iliiH OlTuv, a few copies of a i’amphlet I’ontainiiiL' the CunMiliition uf thr ' r'niHd Slalft, the r,„i,;ilulv,n nf Nt^h-far'dma. I *'• pr-tetice, HomC tlriJC Ogo, nt thc Xow tildtiie Vfclaia'i.n ■)/ ludrjrndtrtce. I'jivC.i'S tt». ' Yoik i’cst^TC.’C. office, ilhihat city. 'I’he pass.igc of Icttor'lm’ wn« stop(>u] up, in «uch a wny as to prevent the descent of letters—and the letters which were deposited, Uhik lodg. mg near thc npf.rture, were easilyoxtrnctod Iroin the outside. The roiine doice was IMOI in a haiidsnin.' bay, five li .1 three inches in helglit, |„ur year’s old next Sprint;, ft la ex. picted llial hi’will iiiiike a qo,Ml brxder, na his |oriii an.l blooil arc ;»riod. Partie.ulars made known l.i due tiiiiv. H. (5. nt'HTON. It n. i:t UTo.N. January 5, JFr,.'5, . 2(nf 1 Till- l armt rH’A Miners’.foiirhid al Char. lotle, al.M) llii' Itutherfordlon S|«Tlalor, are re«]iie!t. led |.| insert Ihe above advertisement, and call on l..'‘ ubov iiaiMpd projirlcUirs for eornp'-iisalimi. ST«AYI J)C)K STOI.KV ' ‘ onil.irtuble accoinniodutioiis for a ft"' I\i ,1 I I * , i " *'1* “11 due attintion. ^IKt'.M Ih? Rubscrjbir, on the j j) cfuri'lt ni;-ht ..f the .'Hh iiiM. a small ChnrUrtw, Sr,,t. 20 16.11 ' ‘iCtf n.iy .Mure, with a star in her lore- i —1 Any infiirmation will he; H.AVAWAV ■ ihnvikfwlly n crivt'H and nnv fH-rHoii i)ii» .SnLKt riU’i cuitlif iiirht delni-imy her to Ihe subser:lK.r will Ih, hUruiiv , ■ OtIoUr, mv uerro uinii 'l i».M. r. warded. • j or S5 year* oUl, black coinpli elcd, IkiJ • f,, I ,, , 'J '^^’TTKR. rlo?Ji coHl and pHHlaloons. fur h.ii. ,!= hoHott^, Jan. in, Ih.Tt. o„„- alih ) alK>nf :> fiet !» „r 10 mch.'s hi^di, s: 'O' f STAY Fill 0|{ S'l'OI I'V i ^rol;l whiil I can l.arii from tli'Vei.i.l m'U'’-' ‘ iiiduei'd to bcii, vc, ihnt he has hi rr I" r>iu'-I . *.1 ", I'CIKVC, Ihnt le lusb.rr p. tmiu ’ th, ,, I th! ‘'-V I - ; ffcu Unt'^r )! ve»r*.'^nl I 1him his ft,', doni on th, ir r. ai'l.iit}:' lV2i: t I* " *•* . » ''•ill pny ten dolUrn lo iii.V r-.n; iiands hii-h, with .1 star in his lacs, the liisidr of hi.s lel> hind loot » hito. Any inl.jimulion of said horne , ilhi r to .Mr. I>a- vid ChamtH rs. livmp on third eie, k, K..w«n C.mii. ly, or niysell ill ( hurlolle, ulll !),• Ihnnklullv rt- ^ xAMt'r.i, TA\i.yn. /larioUc, Dcc. 2y, 1S3:,'.—iMf. will rf Ilf i.c Ijjiii II, any j,,ji j„ (I,,. . 1 I' p i l.iin a;i*iii. ' ‘rl,MC.\ TI K'lj' ('uhnrux Ciiinit’/, \. ‘I ’‘i slOIJ cU hi/tth, ncatlj cxccuinl n.' I' '' *1*