MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOIIRKFAL.. IMtliSTKi) AM> »n'HI.IMIIEI) E\KltV S VTMUiay, IIY Tlio.HAS j/ uoinON».. IIAKIXVri’Fi, MFCKLENHl'Hr. 161'l^TY, ~NORTl|. AR(>IJWA.' I W'lix Tt.HH YUl' TO mncl: TH^tOWIitJ OK TH» KARTII AND BRIM; oLt FltOM THt. VA\ tttM or Tlltf MIH’NTaINS, K^.TaUI WHICH Wll.L «.IVIC ■T.'irNOTH TO Ol'Il IliNIM AMI Kl'BJKCT Al.l, NATUHr. TO OL'H i;»l£ AND rLBAHURK. DK. JOHNSON, voi- N VTIIKDAY, FEmilJARY 2, 183:). NO* 123. 'riu8 uct providcii that u»y goodn suizod coiiiitrjr iind their scrticrK, they will |j« fouiidat | Icr cltclrd to •ny ofTioe of lioiior, profit or tru.'t, tlir fwitt of honor anti duty, r»*ady to I»y down I ' “ their livfi in her dotencr. r thi’iie onicrii,! tJu- fo»ce» rclt rred to «re directed to " hold them •clve* ni readine.H lotttke the htld itaiiioiiienl’i I „ warning,” uid in the City of Charli>lon—within like tiiannvr, hnrc lukeii a aiiiiilsr oktii; uiitl no pretext, contrary to tliC intoilt and meuiling 1IIK niiirr*’ & Fariiifr**’ Jonranl 1 urmuJ «i«i publ..O*cd evety B.turd.y iiK.rnu,({ \t rim * T,m Dillon and Fifty Vrnu if not poid in «d. | var.cc; T/.r« Poll'*’* »• > ' crnU prr square I>.ot cxci'rdii.^ iO Iiik-h,) tor / »uctM'mu(r pre|mrnUoii, iiid ready tvtn (or , ii> auriiiiouto iLe u»iU («th, h.t\. tulii ii an -wiii tliom, or reiiKiviti" »o that llio rcple- Hiilltary\iolmct il'ii«>ed U', to t-iil’urcu lirr Uwtt ti>r ' that he «ilJ wi ll uiii! I. iilv oU'v, und eii> vili caiuiut b« oxccuted, tlie shPfifF niav j>r»-ycnting thv coikttiuii ol'the uutit* within her , ron-c thin Ordinance, und mcli atl or acts ul'ihc |M>rsoiiHl psIuIb of tl)C olfumler to dr'ublr thn unirnint of the ^o^mIh; altd if any •n j civil or nillitaj-^, Khali, until the Leijihlulnrc drtaiiieH, under protence of securitig the ■s, I othtrwijc provide and dirirt, entr on the cxecu- i. • « n. i lion of his otticc, or be in any r«»,,ect cn,np.-tc,.t ‘ non-i.i y n.cnt «t dnl..‘8, or un- I u. di.clmr|{u the duii«. ihiriof, until l.o »hall, in profpss, order, or dr.cree, or other . . in like iiiannvr, haru taken a aiiiiilar oatii; uiitl no pretext, contrary to tlic intoiit and meaning ear. iioIlMtion distriit, and a port of entry, a rrndri. juror «hull bo rni|iunntllid in any of the (Virti of of the ordinniice, mav be recovered hy the n?en fi‘r ‘’‘''"“’''‘"K i*"^ r'f I"' *" I'T’" ownrT or c-Hi»:gnfe bv “ an act of r>plp- il.r 111.. ! " ” * mtiifaiiiie anil tininiciiial euard.— tion thlk t>rilinniK*c, or any art nf tho l^iriHlalurc | „ ' »• r ■ .11 > li I I'bui SjutiiCatoliui pri M-iitd lit riw-ll'in the atti. 1 pankrd In pari.imnL-c thcri of, unli'M he kliall fir*-?, that, in ca^e ot rt'fuBing lo deliver nr>i »»»»* “•'" ’ ^.^k_,,r«l lor three wrecks, for one square.— irOHalladvrrtiKCM.oiil* lor publication, tho nuinbor of ina'lKHiS inu.l be notid on tlie marein of the mMiuwript. or thry will be continued until «,rl.iJ.W‘l^*‘»rH accordingly. > \1! cowi;>i;n‘-"at»onii to tlic FUlitor mu»t come ‘free of "**>' *** Tilt; MAKhKT.’*. ‘-ii. i'w. Cotton I** » upUDil, new. 10 a Ri«. pr'i"'. 3J a 3? ; inferior to |ro.«J, a 3, Vlour. .ap.rtie, »ij • "il V®'"- iKt VUiW; "hi»i>tv. 36 a Ji ; N. I.. Num. V. 31; .^pck'Brandy. 4ii a U ; IVc- liK, ITaK'i TiUMW.t ar.4ina, II a Hi; Mack- ,ril. .Vo. I. *■!; '^1 • 0 a 7 ; llainn, [I'l lb i 10 i lOi; .\**k cut. SJ a 6 ctnii , _ , uiid nich ai t or acts of littiit». f/'piflatiin- a« may !»• |>3»iK'd lo entry Ihr ►aimr l*roc»>edin^» thus announced and inafurrd iiuiit into 0|^-rul»iii >iii«J * f'Vcl, iii; otiiiiijf ti the true in- He dulin;rui>ht d from hm nacea of uniawl'iH r si* ! t nt and iiikiiihi; tl.ouof," '1 in- (Iriliiimu c con, taniT by irrr^'ular b»«Jica of |>coplc, »Ik>. atliiij elude*. "And \v.-, ihi |hu| h-uf .S.>i.;h-t ijinliiiu, t> under tcni|x>rary delusion, may rctlramed b> the ci d llint it iii;iv Ix* Itillv uiid r>lioi h> t!ir rerirclion and the influ upr of public ojiiniuii frfdi | • iovci ninciit of the t iiiti d Sl;.lcii und llir ofthc ro.Stal #, t!i,it we in' Hi-ttriiil.'iid lo iiiftiii. Liiii lliia vrdiuaiict'and i!c.luruliiiii atctcrv Iijuk:. dofiiithtr diilurv that wi' will not M’‘anit ti>thi cv«r of duty on any foreigo mcrchaB* di.s«, and, virtually,«>v«ry existing »ct whlctt lias evar been )wtis«d aulhttrizing tha col lection of the rcTfinue, including the uct of I81t3, and also, the collectien>law of 17!)9| the constitulionalitv of which has nevet' been qucstiuiied. It is Mt only those du« ties wiiich are charged to hare b«en inipH M-'d for the protection of manufactures ikat arc thereby repealed, but all others, though laid for the purfioae of revenue loerely, and upon articles in uo degree sospected of be« ing objects of protectiont The whole re« veiitie system of the U. 3. in S. C. is ob> structed and overthrown ; and the Covers^ iill(‘iii|it »IihII U' made to retake or iie.i/x* ll’t'ti', it is till! duly of the slicrid’to recap- till)' tlieiii. Aiul, tiiat Hiiy |>eisoii Mhoolvill Jisiilify the or ruiuovn the goodit, | iiient iii abi>olutely prohibited from collec.* or ntiy one »lio sliall iittciiipt tu retake or | ting any |>urt of thu public revenue in that hri/,i> ilir {.imkJs, under piLt*iiro of (.ocuring j.State. Henceforth, not ooly the citizens ot' »l>l>!ii;ai;ou of lone on ihn |*uti of lie I’l di 1 j| tln> iliitif', iir for non|ia\ ineiit of duties, or j S. C. and of the U. S., but the subjects of roe(^ S , 13 * lb, lUle K..,.- Oa 0 c«nU; ,.,.V.cc:i ,,. .uc br«Kiv. IX. a ; IWland I M a -5; Iran, and ^ dck,........ . > «. ba^so. J bush 1{ ^ Uull be i„a.utan..d. T, MM 4. a M. ^uey IU»«u.. . bro«n,_7 a "; M. I ro.x and Jam. . a J* ; ^ « (hlfaii*. > a . . I^laaae*. ,u >a. .■ a . j p„^., „( ( | . lirnan*. 3iJ « 3. ; pfl">P | boj lliat I khnvld al.-» tullv r.tf ijjinl vrm with br-'Hir u. Ifoo.!. 1‘. a 1-J; H>»oii T. a. 1. a .«• ctv ^ ^ I ,,jy u u NorlhU-imlu * nion. y. U a per crnt. Ui*- , dur . i.on ol‘the rr »t r w. ai.d » it.. cxM. S.rano.h lUnkB.U P*reenLol.coa.>t., ^ raJlv. ti.at th. other (’.ior;.a Bank^ill. U P«r ('on-t^.it.„n r. ...i.r.. in.- tu livoc m;ikr in rr::»rd to your lu'urv ItriiUt.Mi. nar b. t:,. rilv of tii. I ( AMDF.V J V>. .h. better un.!, r.U-Hl r»antry •** * ‘ * 'I hia aubi. it Uvinj eark allracUd tlic an»i.Mj U he»t, 7a a ); | a-tmtmn J the K.xk iitnr, a- •uoo »• it »»' pr tlio eon;t:ii;>ion of aitual outr*^r. In liie pm ent inftan' c a)(2rr«Mon may ho rifrartlid us eoui- niitled wIm'U it ia •4n'ially aulhuruid, anti the means of cIItori iu|{ it tully protiUid. I ndcr thi'se circunnitanct tlu ie can I c no ' (■utiriiinciil to mliu c lliii> Sta'i to o'.h J; doubt that II i«i th^ dt;tfrniinalion of the .uthori ■ thnt wc will ron.n)# r the p;.‘-*:.ijp, bv 5 ties €>f (NHith-l'arolina, fully lo enrry into «tli- t any ac\ antliotuin;,' t» r riii|tloyti.Ujt . lltetr t)rdiiianc- aiid l.atv>, atlcr ti c fir»t ol I rb. ; oi na«al !>rcr a^aitiM lli Suit- ol'Stui' ruary. It th«T»*.or- l>i.couii.'a my duty to hiii.i.' '' r •'•inttit :t> d authorita h or cit:7i ni>; ur any acl the subject to tl.c (« rii>ii* cfinsul. rjt>ou of l on ■ ilK.li»liin4 or c!*--.ii " the pnit« of liii« MjI’i. or any , sTTc«s »n ordtr ihfti •luh uicuhur*« an they, in o' iljr.n, ur ./Jirrv i*.- oltifru* tin^- i.'n If*. iiitpiihniHJ,-on un\ juJ 'Jiwiil or decroc ' hr burtbenif, and duties and imposts arc not Uietr ^udntn miv tn f.f, ! «• PiT.«un«bU iml o! vi U, In ind If*^ f.ni : i. i i» i i T* . r i # ! I.. i ....r, ...«•( and ll.al ,l i««y U- lh,-n by or ai.y oibcr ..wm tl.r ,«.rt of tl.c ! o., .l' »» I «*dentl 1 .urt for di.U^tii, ; oiilV rendered not un form throughout th« that »hik iso\ernfiiciit i* r crninviit to v.i,rrrw. ilj Mali, *l)Ui tR|i Ut,r Ji. ‘'hiill !»•* fntillco In thi* iH tji'lil s'curcd by ( L . S., but a direct and ruiDi^ prciycnce i9 all ju^t I ium; uf eoiiipUiiil, a» far bm ni iV b' ;ni.c- lr>y ur hurrat' ii r i-oniini-m , t i l> n.i'ur^ r ih (li*? kiibinK corp.iK lit I of llie State in cases given to the ports of that State o^r tlios« ntu litly w ith a prop, r rt, rd to tl.- -i. 1% h.n li\ i!. (' rr.1 to I. i.ull and \t.i,!. r» i>c ,,f upjuttful iuruot, and tnav nmiiituin an of all tho other States of the Union, in the etKniminiiy at hrjr. ,t i- i v.r .han ibrM.-h thr ri, ii !,il...n.;. of the . ...,„„y,... f diin,;i...;b ; u:nl tliJt, if luiv f.^tnle manifest udatian of tUe positive provwious lrrii«tn‘) lhattlic »u;>rciikacy ut (Uv Uwi^ >t witfi ili« «m4Ui.iui.« nfS »ll.. • ^ »j*-crf e contrary tu the | foreign States, may import any description and . or quantity of merchandise into the ports of any'S. C., Hithout tho payment of any duty 'ill tTTe acfT^ j wliatevcr. That State ia thus relieved It a'^oproMtl that any pcrwn arrested Trom the payment of any part of the pub- In nakin(( tlui coinr^tini'‘«tion. it api^ ars to nil: 111 be pro|» r, i.ot only that 1 ».wnil.l !».■ l>- '.ori- ti iri lllia 111 tll I'llKHI ; 4tld t)l it th‘ III II.!• >• .ti V ill tlui ) 'itrth filJd alr.i.,.tj f .111 all furthi r I (liE.i!i»fi to iiii.iiitaiii i r f'fi ■ i\r tiir:r I'.i'lti'il rt.l iiC i'II » I'h tic [>f of lii .thrr M»lfn. »nd w ill u ri'.wiili r”-’" ■ ’.ii'i- a >r)'«>ati ->M ri.iii«i.t, ai.ii d> ’-'I utlur ; • » i.il iiii.v* v' li ro'.iiii^n aj.d !.• ,■» liui'i.t .'tat' • I..ay of t _ I du." ■ W ti V 1 1 a'lrnii'tn ol the r xo mnr, a mmi a. it »»' pr. . alO. Uhi.kiT.oJ a-W; n.-aml>, [ batic that tho auth.riti.t o:-^-.i1(.-t rolma n. i5«^5; }V«rh,40at.. o i n ' ou«It mrdit^tid re*i»l*i -e to tbr faith'ul ; W. 1C a 2^. BaW Ro^c. I. a Vi ; t ..rt., lo . .M.carrel, N->. 1. •, i^t tbc S^creUry of ih* I r-asurr • o. e. 7 a 7i; No^ 3... . S»; Iron. Swrdu^ tj a ^ ^ ; Frrli.h, f. a . . N^hX.ro.u.a. 6. X.lt p«. at •>» the I i.wi, a. to tU natur. of t!i« du ,sb. &Ja ij. a 3; M.«ar. brown, ; lt.*truttion» w> re arr..ri,*injlf i*'ir« d onlh>’ fl*h ftf Nc%eaibcr to th- t ollrrtnra in that S4atc. p.ani- iiip o«t the-r re«petti»» du:i*-«, ar 1 rn|otiiii>K wp M Kss 4; i: >t*(he Pi;riDK>T of Tin: I MTrt> i^TATi:* toficth IJoiiwsftfCongress, lmn*niUtins o‘*«-*‘hafiii«ana *mlant. but die-, t j. -or- - . .. I .1 n , Plane* ofth. ni in th*-»-nirtriiirf tl« n appr. hf ii- co:.ies of the i inUnaoce anI oltnir ^ , r%.wi .,f ti. . an«l his Prucbmatioii m relation | non* at>il of the lrit. r »if»irr«»to tbc l*i»i/i. t ,\i- ti S..ui^-Caroini« : , »“* , I I.lm iii>tt>ictions win- li>u()C lo t/.e =• "-f Stmtitt that a*l)u’ uppi oition to the laws by t^e s4//J »f Hrprr$rnl*ti:t$ : proeirdini'of r.u!lifu*ali>Mi w ; - r' ;-r ■« nV-d I*' Jr. r;t ann-ial M^sa?*-. at till* roirmenrrment of a pacific nii'ire, to Ir sub-*.- itull> t*n: ^ri.ffit lession. I adrrrlrd to th^ optiosi- I accordiiif to lb* taii ' ot t:ie o»iituiv>n. aim a to the 'fVT'uic laws in a partielar fjuartef n(\ willmut rcswttiuf man t rxn.t. lo tori ■ I't > h4‘ite?, 1- fnited >'a*j-s which thrrat«ii»d, not nirrely j lh«' mra»urr« ol »l« ad'oratrn « ,ui>i b» t.-»cii rt •n.’t Urir ej'Cttlioii. Iiot lo entUiiger the in. I ufiiodiuty with lliat pfo:>wi.fi; ai.., ni »uih ’ '•jft.ie rn!»m. And. although I thrn ex j uppo*iiti-n. tb'- mrar.s aifardrJ bv l.’if riiiti' c r ;.ince tint it micht be overeniiic by lav > would harr I»ti adi|iiate t« ii.«-I an) cnier- • r.fi- ot’ tlie offi-*-rs of the I’ni'ed Stsl. », [ fti'Cy liKely lo ati** patriot ism of the prople, I ktatrd that i It was. Iw..en r. ixjI po«».bi» aUo^ctl.’f !• tjf»- -.hall he Hold iiiM^er mi * ;iiiJ^naul or decioc, ^ of the Cetwtilutiou. tli»\ -ale shuH Ik' Mil illfgnl. lo |x>int of duration, also, tljose aggres. It ulvi pmvnl. 1 tli.il any jiiilor hIio r«»- iiiuns upon the authority of Coogress, uhich i eiv»'* u p«>r^ ;n i omii,i!ti-J on any prcvo.vj Oy the ordiltance, are made part of the )un» or oilier ju.lteial pro. i fdiii^s lo » nlbree the damental law of 8. C., are abtMilute, iiidefi* jia\ i:K ;it of iluii' .-i, aiKl any one who hires ; nite, and without limitation. They neither iiin hmi»^ a a j:.il to rn i\i« sue!i jirr.ton, prescribe the period wiren flwy shall ccatie, ‘1 >if V'irr III cir'iiiiK taii.in of the iaw« and au- -th.ill U* liiied niid iniprisutM-d: ati.l, linally, nor indicate any cooditioos upon Hhich t... riiy of la. I t. .1 .-tai.- I a» n ,wed n*' || jin.\ ,i|.-s tii it |K Ino:.s paMtyj dtilivN itmv ibf».>ie who have thus undertaken to arrest "*i *V*' "i( c.Ai-r til'll) l«a k till iiiteitsf. 'the otioralion of the laws are to retrace ..'lit >Ute. tvbi. b n anifett a lb trrini: :atii..ii So n n . -i ! , * . , . • .kr la. »itbM- a r -,rt to ! Nr i:iei,iir. - of *rif »• '■» «;illtd “.Vii a«l to provide iheir steps and rescind their measuies.— • .jr>.e wbirh il.. ,-ir.mi.-iit dui' oi i: ■ I .i r^l lor tlie •M Tiirit) .ii,d pruli ltioii of the j'o- J'liey otf'T to the U. s. no alteroatne but rnn.i r.i rt.;. ;m,i i. h t;., ii:,,j4..m cf the .“'t ile ul .South (‘uyrlitia.” utK'otKiitivHial submission. If the icope of .!l,i.h ih.it .M il d tu . ur>ii. !l . p ,j. . nn.M.lcs. that if tli« (Jovern- the ordinaiice is to be received as the scaln ,«.» it l.a« s» IW lu lL.»'.r.;it;.iiv. - ofw!thdr«w . .i J i i . lof fr.i»i Ihr I i.K-o. iiM iit 1,1 tl.e I i..t J .‘t »:e^ r any olfici.r ot concession, their deriiands can be satis. «»„ Ih iir.huf .\i,v.,.il.er. the l^ei.Ui.ir^ a- Hu tvot. sliail, l.\ the euiplounent'of na»al fied only by a repeal of tlie whole syslem .n.bl. d >t t 4; af.J . II ih. If i;.i iu> ' ..r r:i.l.tar\ h-rce, aitcin| I to coerce the, of revenue laws, and by abstaining from t.t.vii, .r ;.d u'.,rv ilii.i tl« ' .ii.ui .i .t th. Stute of South ( ar'liiia into r.ibiin-o.ion to the collection of any duties and iuiposta (W.M..V. I., I.i.rr-...-™. U..to,..,M..n.U (Vii-r.a- du. lared l-y the Or. whatsoever. cJ.'!*i'^^I^M.rtl..*Mi.'iane.itaru^^ .iirur.ce null uti-l »oid, or to re^ii^t the en- ! It is true that in the address to the peo. „>II a: ’ il.jt “ t . . . u-.n at i.-t ra-». jn! f..r iiM 1.1 of fill (Irdiiwi.c*, 6r ol tU* laws pleol the L. ft. by the ^nventionof S. t., Sv.thtafi.i- : . «t! ^t a-ipri;. .1 I! r ult> iior i.. |-urMi.un e tlic reof, or incase of atti-r annouucing “ tho tixed and final deter* » rr t.'v a.. 4 . II Mr toi t.,i» .on. .1 tj'1. •'•! nrimd nr forcible ri^i'latice tlier'"to,: initiation of the State in relation to the pro- la. pUM-d !i. r* .f I. r r»-. r-..iifi.t.. h,. authorized to rt'siM the'lectue svstein," thoy sav," that it renmina I t*.:* '-'Urf It IKit IM . , . I ' . * I * I r» . - • 1_ I .•»neh .u 4* Ji I. .mm. ,.i.t 'OiUi.*, Uli.i 1*J ortlrr int*'«vrviro ihc hole, t©r us lo subnut a plan ol laxation, in whidi th.t i. i.ji .. u It. :.ndii.at Ii.c-'.t U .hi., ; I.vf ..r m' iiiu. li of the nnlit.iry force of the , «*c would be milhng to acquiejKC. in a libe- I. it» t c. .1 ,jit. :..ij «> ii oiir i-.iu i.! .ii. i.fel Stutf a-, li'.- rna\ u-^eni iiere!w;ir> ; ani] that, ral hpirit of roncesfion, provided »e am .. ...I Oto : ,W» \ t!. y,_, Coercion or nn-t in due time, and in a becoming spirit, ;rildr’;V!n";»:'' I..t.-I.ti.... .« ..'.Knnl the «inie, man.rMrd b> the Status interrst^ m in«nufi.ctures.” h\ an ui.ti'u i! a-.^-iiibla;;f of naval or iiiilitu- In the opinion ot the Convention, an cqui- r\ fird it.i or n^nr llie Slate, or the oc-!table plan would be that “the whole hat run-nee >.f nt.y circuin.itaiice!* indicating of protected articles sh»uld b« imported th.it ariiird furd- u aU iit to ••inplovcd a- free ol* all duty, and that the revenue den- taiii'l the Stjte or in t«M»>tance to its laws, ved from itnpoit dulies should be ruii«d ex« li e tiovc riHjr is aiitliorized to accept the . clustxely from unprutecii^d articles, or that .crvui a of siich »olijiite« rs, ami rail into whenever a duly is impoaed ujioo protected • I I'.td in a ra., .ii r hi>)i I ■ > , ;.i;Kubi-. I*- ■ .V. ird .!=!• , 'I l;al It Lfir_» ii,» a ■ ■ iiiit iir ' .....I I...-- : I* !• J.* e; Im L*" f fd. 'l!.»rii.ij n-"i.tf a »i. r« r ’ieratiw I'l iin'Met has btrn • ' HI !b of tj ;(• ai.li UK.- . .! I „r (f(. • ot I*., irt w bn 1; theTiierBency arise, renderinf the c»r. u pr>apprheii>ioo of lb. cxttcr. . lo »h.. ii H-. r« r.'eratiw 1m .!« ». ^ wi b»\o t.m ruin • -’ii*tinf laws impracticably from an> exiitcju. t.l pn \ailii.c >n that f,war»rr nng! t leol, jj j, ^ j) . „ |, •. »oi. n .ci. whitiT'f. prompt notice shaoW be fitrn lo ' but, it errtainlv wat not fort»».en 'hit tl»« ti'iIiIj. ,, ^ i.fiiu^ ''i«i.- .w.,hU«.urfc,,.o„of...chri,w..nu,..^oU^^^^^^^^ jN ir w ,!l .hail I-'..U . •-K -n. i....,,.. ol b ... „Hi ,-.iti..ii, of the militia as may articles iinportrd, aii' excise’duly of the a*s.»r lU pr. *.nl char»rlir. iMKiu." h. sya. •• «b ch vou hn.- tn rmp!..v .1 . . . ' ... . .1...11 k- ; .j n.;_.i... .■ir''» mifht be necessary lo inert it r..n'» whuh ba»e occwrrtd in the ouart'r Ti »'.!ji!ei'.o, T wbirh har» come to try knew !• ■ ;>f>‘«rf.t this emeffrnrr. un - noi-n tome at the date of tJie An- .''ulM«|enlit to tbr date of thuse instrjcl;on» hri-After. tlie D.iiinanic of the ••i.»riili.-n ».at I pai-«ii!. wl.ifh 1!' c.ii.pliel with Ky tb* t»o;4r ^ tJial Stale. mii>l rtP-el lallr rTinliT inr,n-ratn»'t' i •! M-th( ('onmitioii which ansetnbled at • pre-u nt ie»*.ime law-* w ilirn her liniiLs. 'I'bi' in •‘le Sijte of South-f'arolina, pa*»rd ’ »rii'Dan>-«; dr« iarea and oidaius “ lhal Ur »r% ■ '..‘It.'j of Nti mt^r last, an >rdia«n«>- d.- ^ acN and part* b.'at U of Ui« C'oiil'r'*■' 01 tlx I :ii- .iM;r '■'■r’l'iv 1 t» M'(■'>n7res* therein nifnti»*n- : te»l .''tatrs, por,'».rlinj tc !;^ li» • t'.r tti' jn J'usii.^ 'n thr li/Tiitu of that S«ate lo be ab»«lut.-fv ' of duties and imposts on ihe im,K-rtatiofi »f (cr- ! ii.d Tr.id, in>l nukin/f il the rfiitr of the Ijc. j eicn cuniinoliti.«. and now ba\ii i.pernlion and .•nr> tr. «ucb law» a« would be ntre«*ary . fiVtl withiu th.- I'nittd Sut'a. anU more e»_^i?i- [• nr'v !h> n.lo tifx-l, from and after ibr , ally “an act 111 alteraUoii o( th« ;.-»rial ai.t» iin ■ fV’.rmrv n \». ,\ eot>T of th^l f)rdir«nr«- 1 u^-^ag ditie ou imio't»,” aiiprottd on ibe iJll rfi»i«, i« th- prrn»r tfitoiint of sii' b (ti.irl. 111 Ills I* ijif b» n r Mart l«i n imV 1 it or. 1' > nn- JKMWlt.i.. to ro^^.,1 t HI l.lll l.lir lllull* tl ■ ..Utlnil- - .u! !-jf '.II/ 'i • tl' r Ijr.lf- lli'i, Ii J i.f. J.” lit pri.-i ni • ‘•■J.al I'll •hn. d Jim I »• ry t'afu A ilh a civil pr'H . • ■. I.v w hii b h. i' ;y riaiii. il n. ple«H *. a r»t>l'jtion ot lu> fui^ja. » ii d bodct ili. til>IIU)( iin|«i«t*. 0*1 hl« "i*ti; Mrulily |i ablii- thr u;oi- I.f a 'O.l al It:‘. *!•>., -I th« ►•in I'rfii.e wi.ats: »il mi.j,;.: itc ir. . a:;i.ii'l I*. ; anJ, bl a bill "l* imhii« • •! | ■ , r-m. I same rate shall be itii{>os6d upon all similar le ariiclcs manuractured in the U. S. ’ 'I’be 11 (.bt.ii.’ni ' til'* pi.nish di-ii'mou n> l» >Mir own .. ro^>y of tr.il I Iritinanr.- j yr^ug liitie" ou inn«»t»,” 8|.f>r>rttd on Ibe Ulh ,,t,,ou» to rc, iir. any oiw u, onrnlly tranimittrd lo me b) tl*.- iJos- ] ot 'luy, I'-l'"'. srwl al»o an art «iit:ll.d “an 3.1. l.> !•,„,, |„ ,.i. ,,,.j mu*i ►.ir .ry lli.^ Niulh t «rc'.;iiE, and is non CQnin.i(;«.d to ' alh r ar.d rmcnd rhc several »et* mi(i.-#;i.jf i!uUe» ' j,,,. l.m', t.. and | i . !i P.r all i ■ - 1 on in:nort«,” spprov d w l.V 1 Uh July, l -;«. arr !•, y- iro i, Ii .iits. , .ur i,» n I’’ ' '•f.., jfr,'-rs to uhirh this eTlraonJimry | una'iliiorued b/ die ( of li»c I i.il* J ( ouri* of JikIi*'•I'ir.' n.u*' in ’oiilr U •-n ..-i nn . ‘ jii‘? -.M’horily of th'iS'ivrnn.i-r.t I Stales, and violate tlie true ii.tri.t and iniau.n? ^nl you ninst l»ik lo the irltinia’'i» ':i o'anir I'xiii- :i‘ '.'Ji -.rrr'-, |.-3d werr elrmrly f f-^rn. and I tlier.of. ar.d arr null, and vr.i.l. aiid i.-i law. r..,r j.jm, i. n.,n sod pow.r b i»kii Ui. i » ..'.p iiMt fr.r m*-to l,e»it ile as to iny »srn j biiitfiiig upi.n the Mat. of Njuth ( arolins. it« of*!- (-(.^rtn of the I nitiu •'■t .:. ■" liie'-i ■ ‘ »;i *11. '::enVy. 'Hie Ordinanre had rcrsaml iil.irna ; and all proniisr •. (a>ntrarl» and |..jvw r ii. r'^nt lx,*i\. r, v.i'hout any rertain knowrl I oblijatioin mode ot enl* red inlo. or lo lie mad. • r'-'oiiitrirda'ion. which, from a viiv. j or nt«ri l itil>. with purj»»»« to '.« urf l!.e dulick If ■■ '• - ,t« of t*T nation at lar?-. the K*tci:- j iin^M«-d t.y lb*- «aiJ srl«. knd all jud.ru! pin.. ( d- '■ kii; 4'! r "li'jed to submit lo i'ongirtm, «rd | ings whii'li shall br hir' alVr Itad in ;.irirmaii»r ■:i. in!'i!^cil that l>y frankly c*p!siniinf 1 lh r..of. are and shall lif held uitrrlr null and »onl. •• • *iti' 'j and the r:atiirc of lbo>e duti'1 It also wdams “ that il shsll not i-c lawful'or iny -i "1. /-rm, would d. vohe iiimn him, Ihc aij- of the tm»stiliilel autimritir*. whHher of llu .''laic '^:t; • of Siitilli-t'arolina iri:;ht be indueel lo I of S*outh-( arolina. or ol th Init.d .‘'t..tf>, turn. t In Ibis bop' I (ktermined to I forre ihe payti ent of duti.-s ir:i|io‘d by lh'said pr„rf, |’,rM«,ih . - V 1'"-hii., .limi of tiie I'nh .if iw. embrr j arts within tb'limits of th. ."tatc. hut that It'hall by toin|Mnit» of Iii. '," nd tl .,1 tin > U ■ 'T jf w hi' h I no'v lay b*.‘br8 onf reiw. [ be llte duly »if the !.«jrislatnre to adoj't su* h rnea. 1 j •„,((, ^ S^ionar v bri;;...!r, ( ''ii'ik'.ii j .t .n- I f'rr't '0 inform you lhal tl»-«« reasonable e». 1 surr.s and pos> such arl» as n^ay l»e lu r-.jsary lo : ritViixn. cavnlf T, I ■ ii an'l I iV) aitill.-rv ; ■a*': not hern rrali7i d. and tiiat lb*" | give full il'e. t to ibi* (li.iinanc 1, and to ■ gi,il lh«i ibev •• be armi-.l and • hui;m d. Iioni tl.c (rtiblic arvnal*. com; let ly lor tb (u ! l. i.inl ibal cnil, judiciary, Ulld inilltar). It is b lie\ed that oilier acN hove b* en •—III \ ...I- ‘ tmn of Ibr laus ol lb. I rion. Ai d, l>> pr- pirr ' or the t!lrr:!liv.. which mu 1 hapix-n uiiI'k' tii* rnitd Si.iti* *h..il pa»ti«(ly mri.ndei tli'11 au- Ihoiiti. and the tlio iilue iJi*'ct>i.Miiin. hi - • nd r. trmii fioni t =.• cutin^' tl.e la« » if lu.- I iut,:i; h recoininends a thomiich r. \i‘' >n "f» e li.lbtu lie n-quin d to iiie t the etner;:eiiry. '1 In .111 al«i i.ii»id ' for accepting the *-'r\ite of the »o!uiil«- r!‘, and or(,-niiriing address proceeds lo stale, however, that the iiiil.tj;i. ciiihra* .! g :.il free uhitr inak^"' thwy an; willing to laake a largo olRring U u.eii thf til.'' «'l -ule.'n and Snl\ ; and to pieserve the I nimi, and wilh a distinct fi r the i.:irr i.4‘-e of artiis, oidnaiice, and declaralion that it is a concession on our iiiin.ni.itiiin. It alio Jeti.irt!«that ihe|.nvser fMrt, we will cansent that the .same rale of conl. rrcd on liie ;.i\. inor shall be appli* duly may be imposed upou the protected (able ii ill ca.st-i ol insurri ctiou «r iii\a>u>n, urtii les that ^hall be impo»>od ujion the nn- or iniiiiiifi’t di.n;:. r tlicrcof, and to cases |irote tad, provided that no more n-veiiue win re lli- hiw.^ of the .“^'.ile sh.ill lio op;«i6.; be raised than is neccs(.ary lo meet the de- i H,iind lh'i*\(.i iilioti tiieroof lorcibly rcMs- ’inat.d.'i of tlie (lof eminent for coiiktituttonal trj h\ coiiihituiioti'* tfH) |>oweM‘ul lo be ,Mip- purpo-M a, and proMiledalso lhal a duly Mib. j.rch^'c.l bj ii..’ i-,\\rr \*‘.l«d in the .sheiilVs stantially uniform be tmjiosed upou all for- iiid otl.iT ci*.il ofVi'i rst; and declares ii to ,eigii import.s.” and be the d;it\ of tlie iluvs tnor. in c\ery such ^ It js also true, that in his message to thfl in'ri,. r i .tsf, lo . jll b>rtli Micli {x.rtions of militia Legislature, »h«n urginj; the neceasity of tnd voiiiiit. er» a^ m.i\ U‘ nect-s;iiy prompt- providing “ means of aei uring iheir safety l\ lo .Mij’prrs- mr Ii toinl'inalions, and cauK! by ample rewiurcos, for repelling force by the l.iu-of the M.ite to lio executMl. : force,'’ the (Jovernnr of S. C. obeer%ep, :?d. !.• “an ;u I conciruing the iwlh re- that ho “cannot but think, that en a calnv quin.ii by the tid.iiann-, | i.s.sed in (.'onreti- and dispashionate review by Congress, himI -vstern. and t!i«l the i.ouinn: '* hr :.iiifii,rujed tu acn pi, lor the d> »f fbarlf-^or and its d. t ie« » of I w o i;».ii». M. «oiuiiU (r>. 1 ration of tb.- ii.iiistt'oliiinli.i.tlic',.'4!li No\ein'iM r, the lunctionancii of Ih« General GoTern- 'I'hiH ml pl.■»^l,L. ^ the form of thu oath nienl. of the true merits of this controver- -which M to oU v and eveci.le the Ordi-, sv, the arbitration, by a call of a conun- nance, and all acts pa.s-d by the I^gi.la-, ti"!> of all the .Ktntes, w^hich we snicerely lure Hi tht itMf; luw! dir^i ts iho and desire, will be ac- time and tiiani.t r of taking it by liie oilicers •V’ d tif, are too well ralciilaU.I, l»th ' po«i' , ■ frs.'tni. nil. and in the spirit ol ':'in V '.if I, they ob«ioo*lv encoorajfe, wliol. *'> ' I !ru'! 'I.r riill. ctioii of ihc rcvcnui; wilhui Ml lU f,* Si.,to. ' ii '•(':u ri'), ii.'ith* r the rerommf tidslion ■' •• ‘I in r.;-*fd looiir finani isl ;>«>liey •1 ;‘t> ni, nor lli.MitsiHMttioti maiiil''sle.l ' ;i'f'ir.;'!v to iirl upn that »iibj. rt. ■' 'III al . tprrm«it)n of the public will 'i! ill I'Mnn apprari to have produre.l '’ ' '.I, 111 tl.e im an'irrH of.iijiposilinii gdop- " ■ ■ ‘a'« of S.,iitli. irolina, nor is tb* r^ *. ' ' ' i;ie th;.t the Ordinance and luwa ''fn'd, I lia%" no idii.w I. d(f.' that an . !i ni ifl.', or that It IS in ronlempla- ' ' J- rnii.:i I i!l,. r tilt (V.iivrntion of the purpose; and the person or perHwiis attempting in '■ : iiid It will hr perr. ivrd. that tho in- take such appeal, may be Jralt with as (or a Min. III.' |»| of IVbruary is Unt sliorl to | tempt of (•oiirt.” Il likr\sisc ordains, “that all ■ 'I o; tl,f ;irr|iii,mary step* necessary for that persons huldintr any oflite of honor, profit or trust. It apiK'urH, morrovrr, tint the Slate an-I civil or military, under tlie. Slate, shall within • ■ arr- ii:iivr|y oresniziiiK th. ir military re. [ such time, and in such manner as ibo 1/cgislature ' ind providini; the means, and Kivini; the ^ sholl prcscrilie, lake an oath well and truly to o- '''I' rim aktiiranres of prot'Tlion and support | bey, execute and .'nforc- thisOrdiiianre, and such ■■'11 whoiibull enli't in opponilion to the resenuc 1 a. t or acts of tin- I.. (!islaliire us may Lc passed in ■ ’ -'tsol'the I/'ji^lilure oi Soiith-forolina, j thi; rnlortem.nt and arre>t lb. o). J' I 1 liT before yo.i, and whi- h hato a:l 'aid .rta and parts of a. t« of the o.,,;r. t- of the ; ' ,,.rppr,ul,„„, ,na.> for sujijdj in;: all dif.rien- , , .„.i,pm.,i ii,»t oilier acts have U en ‘ 'if Ih,(Mil fmiit|» passed artrr a knowb’i't;.-I I liitr.l Stati-a wriUiin the limiti. of ibe Slatr, (tom niiiliitions of wiar," In ailiiilion to - >ir'’r,fthr vtrnini-fration lo modify th.' and a«er tlw 1st of leb uary neat; end that it vohint.er dranuhls. h.-rcoini... nd* t! at lb. 1 P^WM'd enibr.u ing provision*, lor eiilorcing khall Ih thf duty of all Ibi r ron*lilut.^l aull^iri- .utborir.d •• to accept the servu es >f ihc Ortiliiance, but 1 haVC Hot Ijecn ublc to ties, and of all (cr»on'. ri Kidinj or !•. inp within s ff„„, Ihc «.tbir divmoi.s of procure them. the limits of i.ie Htsle, and tb.y are hereby re- _ or^ani/.d aid arruriRed in rrfi. ^ j howcver, * COpV of Governor .... ntiirrH ifid intMnr/l4 l^> ob* y r:»vf f ft-rl t/) iJiU i ^ ^ ; iJ c: fjjKrrT* to Ih ftri If ,, , , , ,i ^ (.rdinanre, and su.h «ls„nd iiuasure. ol the U- , ^e . wlo.^ and that ihe whoW l I Mninilton’s message to the />egislal.ire ol | fune |r>»l«lnr' as may U’ (ia»«d or adoplrd in oUdi. j ihf ^latr tiunfii-'' SoUth-( arolina—ol (jOVcrfM>r llavno S III- [Vise • nie thereto." It further nrdiins, I BS.' of law «jr eijulty, decidt.l in thr .•'l.it. wlirreili shall be drawn in qii' ihorlty Ol' this Ordinanre, or the sahdily of siM-h allthenliecopies corded lo us.' From the diverily of lerms indicated in lliese two important documents, taken in connexion with the progre.'is of recant events in that quarter, there is too much reasoa to apprehend, without in any nmn> tier doiibting the intention of ihoee public funetionaries, that neither the lerms pro- d in the atUlress of the convention, nor ., “iJ.aiin no I has be«n re'Tidarlv inarle of the ; augural Address to the I.cgislature, as nl'^o j those alluded to in the me.-vsage of the Gov- ir ‘-ourt.oi the . I , ^ Varnhna for his Froclam«li.«i, and a pMwral order of lernor, would apjieast tho excitement which ,‘ri.diTy iJ'.rh LutlK'nliecopieaof theacis which have In-oii j «I'C Governor nml Commandcr-in-Cbiof, da-1 has led to the present 1‘ «* ob- acl or arU of tho I,. pii.lature as may bo jmswd 1 |||o |Hir(>Ohe of enforeuig the or lor Ihe purpose of Kivinif etii et thrreto, nr th. va- I y- to (he dale of the latest ad- Supreme Wt of the I'nited Sisles, nor sh.ll any | wilh ! and, on tho present occasion, there- r*pyoliJie record l>e permitted or allowtd(i»rtli-»t, fore, reference enu only l»« made lo those aets ns publiihed iti the newspapers of the Stale. The acts to which it i*«k?emed profier to invilo ihe particular attention ol" Congreas, are, 1st. “ An art to earry into enect, in port, un ordinance to nullify certain acts of tho ted the aoih Deceinlwr, giving public notice that the services of volunteers will l« ac cepted, under the act already referred to. If these measures i.aiinot bo defeated and overcome by the powor eonfrrred by the Constitution r>n the Federal Government, thr Coiisliliitian must Ijr coaiiidered ns in- coRipetent l.i il«owu defence, the auprama vious, however, that should the latter bo insisted on, they present an alternative which the General Government, of itself, can by no pw?8ibility grant, since, by an express provi.sion of the (\)nstitutioD, (.'on* irress can call a convention for llie piirpo»>e of propoKiuff amendments only “ on the ap plication of the Ijegislatiin's of two.tliirds fiiorot tt. I ■.rr.liiia hs« op.nly d. (,.d Ibe. au-1 meaning sf thesanif; and on the nejfleri or omis. | Uws laying duties on the inifwrtatioii of! rill HCts, of and Ibsi, liut iney proi- ^^'I'l'vof ti„ Ko. utive .if the I nion, snd p. n. r.; sion ot any s.ieh ji* rson nr p«!rsofis so to do his or commodities,” pasHed in Cenvention j Irate and sw«'p away, at once, and VMta- ; frointi,. b.ad..(iiart.rsofih. SUile ha»e ibrir oflic.'or dfiees .hall l« forthwith I f,u,_ «.,,p (joiumHa, wu tliC ll'ltb Nov.. I out ciception, every act, uiiil every part bl. d.ti rininsiion to accept Ihr «rrvi- j and shall be filled up a* it such |K-rson »r prrsorw | • i ,mpw»lHg nUV amoutit VVhat- '■'f'-ijuir, rj, uud bis beUtI, t'lat ihottld tiieir I w«e dead «t li»«l rcsigiitJ; uid ao p;r»OB ICJ'-* - 1 * !«• UVI^IIV'-f »liw o«J|'aw Hal- J cv of the laws is at an end, and the rtglils ] o« the States. And ,t is not perceived and lilitflics of the citizens ran no longer ! ‘»mt the terms |ire«mted m th. ad.lre«« are rcc.eivc protcclioti from the (Joverninent of nion- practicable than ihoso referred to lu Ihe Union. They not only abrogate the *‘»c mes-sage. “ ‘ * It will not escape attention, that the con ditions on which it is said m the address of the convention they » would be willing to acquiesce,” form no part of tho ordinance. While this orUiiiunoe l.cari>all the soleiuui-

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