of 8oulh^;«rolin«. however, doci not J;ilo»*«her upon thi. forcible re,.edy. Fo, r/n •ttTmplinr ‘0 »»“'««*• h .Id only of the ordinary or the cu. the JroeeM of repl.»in, the collrctor aud u n«rn^ »re lobjacted tu • further procced- ‘'Tn the Mtore of * dutreM of their pcmonal V' ,nd «re, moreover, made guilty ot t mu- !rocwor. and liiWe to be uuni.L. d by • fine ot . lM» thiu one thouwind nor mon; tli«n five ® ' d dolUri, •I'd “> irapriionincnl, not e*. jf*rt and not lew thin »i« montha; ndlrtV.'n attrniptine to exccut. tbcord.rof ^ court for retokinir t - property, tho irarthtl. ^..,1 .^tit.f, would be tfuilty o! a nuiKirnieaii. r ««d liable U> a fine, of not lew than thref thou- dollar., nor n.ore than ten thou.and, and to priwrnneul, .»l • und in ca»e the ifooda ahould bi retaken •theahenfftoraUkelhcm. I, i. not to be wppoeed that In the fa^ ofth.ee i« » bith »o«W ' In clwin^ thi» communication, I fihouM thf tieneral Government'.vill be avoided wliilo do injustice to my own frclings not to ex- prcsainy tonddcrit reliatice upon tlin dispo- the j T he Fayetteville Observer, which brings our • •j| J'*'" L • t* I m V./W9VI VVIf VVIIIVII If I III V(| ^ bill in^itying the larill is (*fore t’oiigrcH*. W ilh latest news, gives us tho following uroceedinKS regard to the I renKtenl’s call U(.oii t 'onfrress to , the House of kiiireieutativcs. itsdulj, anil to co-operale ! hJiouW forihwiUi (ttn he wui* mnjiuwerrd lo do as 1 rarid m 8till uncler discussion, almost ex- II a nif^a&urea iiecebHary in llic rc«.Hitiablu the Comcniion mid nubmit I clusivtfly by iu enetiiieH. An incident of f*niArcr**nj*^. t/\ i tj ' . . . eniergpncy I Ilf cribifl uiMjrtiibtedly invokes the iidel* ily of the patric.t and the sagacity of the btatcriinan, not more in reiiio\ing mirh por- liw of the public burthen hs may be unne- ccHisury, than in sirvin^ (lio good order of socifly, und in the niauiteiiat*cc of well re gulated lil>erfy. iiil*! a liirbearing spirit mny, and I ejtciteabie nature took place during a doubi wlmt their choice would be. 11 we were de-1 i „ m v.. f i it If ^ i. nied by IheGovernuRiitol the U. Htates thciitht, . "y ' »*ton of Uhio. He ob- he would sooner eee every ihc comi. lo sustain Z'Mtulaerrt, either ihat Uie coll.-ctor would ktain the custody in the first ii.aUr.re, «r that ihi ,4P.hal cottld samnion sufficient aid to rftalic 10 property, pu-^suant to th* order, or oUiir pro- obTioin that this conflict be. ipin lb* po'*f«” ®*' •*’* *''• t’iiit«-d iuu» and of tbe (“"I*" submitted to) the deaUuciion to which the ^ropitly of the officer* of the customs wou.d be the cowwission of actual violence, and -J loos of hre^ icnuld be actrcely aroidably. I’nder these circamstanees, and the firoviiions rtlnscUofSooth-Carolina. the execution of the ,ws li rendcrad iinprtclicablf even ihroUL'h tin kdina/y judicial tfibuonU ol the L'nitrd S»*ic«. Si«re *ocld cerlwnly be fewer ditiirullifs and spporiiiDity of ai-tim! collision b« iwe. n tl»«- bifH of the I nitfd Sute* and ol the *t#t«;.stid [c collectioij of the revenue « oold be more cflVc-; W|y wjcured—if md-ed it can be done in a;i) «iy_by ptaciog the custom house b* jond I immrdiate j»«er of the county. For this purpo*e it mijht be proper t. provide Lt *hnf»cr, by any unlawful combination or Ctructioo m any sUte, or any poft, it »l»»mld he. T:;* imprarticabic faithfully to collf ctllie dutie*. [c I’residfiit of tha United Sut» should b« au- k,r jed tij alter and aboluh such of lie dutficu pi iMftM of entry as should be nacesM/y, and to Itbltsh the costoJi house at toipe *• curt phcr (thin loine port or harbor oi such st^tr; and in I’ h ta»e» II siiould be the duly of the colkdor to ; tide at turb place, and to ditain all veawls anti ‘ Ujon until the duues impo^d by la« •lioold bi Lix-rly secured or psid in cash, diductinjj ihU r- f, thst in such cases it sliould be unUwtuI tn Lc the vr»s I and car|o from the co»t«Hy of the bp»i jd»c« t of Ihe customs, nnteM by (-rocess by b ordinary pdicialtiibunsUol the L'liitcdStslto; i Id lUat 111 rase of an attimpt othirnis* lo taae | p property by a force loo freat lo be ovcrcofi.c ^ Itir olficurs ol ibc cu«ton»s, a stx-uid be la»ful I prolrd lilt pcMcnkrf) of tbe otfcrrs by Ihc cm- ktynienl ol'lbe land and itarsi foroMcnd Ihv mi- tia. ui.iler provuiooi similar 10 litoee authoriz.-> j Ibc 11 til sectioo of the act of the blh ol’J«nua- y. l-«. Tho proTuions, however, «oa)d not abield lh« '^cr« sr.d ciliiens ol'the L'niled iMaIr* scliiif tndrr the laws, tretn auit* and proMCutUMis, lo llr iburali of the tlale which ii ifhl thereaiter bt broofhl sirain*l ihem ; nor nould it (iTuteci ihcir pfX’perty Irtim the proceediof by distress, and n well be apprtbmded Inat it »o«kl be insulti. riral U)(r.«are a proper respecl to Uie proj^rcas uf ^e aonttil-dlioiial iribuoals in pioaecutiuns lor of- pxcti sfaiiift tijc Ui.itrd Slates, ai.d to prol»l l >; tu’herilies •> Uie l'niled Stairs, «l»ctt.rr judi- ku! or n.i ii»iefi«l, in tii« p»rlbrmsuce of iJinr Kj- >. ll »ou:d nioreiivrr tw inad«;ualr In t.tlriid p.’sirclicn due IffMu lh« (uveron>ci.l to ibsl ’.ruoii of the peoj.kc of Sjutli-Carolina, sgaiiisl D'r.rr ki>d r.;iprc««ioti ol any kind, «hu utay .ni.cst ll.iir attachment, and yield obe«iM.i)re lo tr lair* of uuma. It m^y, therefore, be better lo revive, ith »otne modifiration* better udapt*-*! to »e (icr«ii(.n, the Olh isection of the net of '■ lliird i.f March, I**!.*), ^»hich cxpirfd : tlie lih I'f March, 1^17, by tb« liniitii- T! ol that of 27lh Aftiil, ItIO, and lo rcvule that iii ;iny caM? where auit Ahall be r-’Uxht af(aii.sl any ittdividual in tliecouit!i I tin- St.ito for any art done under Ihe n|' thf r. S., he sh(>uld l>e authorized mnctc the taul cause, by pftitinn, int*‘ k cirruit court* of the 1. 8., without any hpy the recoid, and that tho courti* [i Hjid pro r«J In hear and drlerminn th a* if it had been originally ii^tituicd percin. .\nd that in all raden of injuriCN ^ ihe periiKis or projierty of individual.' hr diHhe(jiriH p to Ihe ordinance himI lavv*. P S. in pursuance thereof, redreKs max r aou^ht in the coiirt-j of the (% S. It hay bt c»;jedirnl, alfio, by modify iii); the VNolulKin rf }he lid March, I7(il, lo au- |>orize the mar.viial to make the ne r«>wry r'ViMon fi.r the rafe kerpinp of the pris- r>'r* poinmilti d under Ihc autliwrity of the F'lile-j Sintr«, l’rnvi.,ioiA |«tNi thnn the«*, con(*i«.ling a? p' J i!'i, fi,r tlie most part, rather of a icvi. ‘I ol iin« {Kihcy uf former acts cnlled for ’ 'he xiMino • iTifrgeiicy, than uf the in ‘tl'irlion I.f i;ny unusual or rigorous irimenK, woiii,^ ^ot caiiw the Uws of I nicii to ho propeily respett*^] or cn- •td'd. It IS iK'heM'd theM! would provi 'I'qiinte, unleos the military fnrcea t.f th« *l S. ('. a(iihoriz*'d hv the late ad ol If x;islalinc, nhould he .irMiaiiy enilK>di- •‘i«l (rillv'd oul III aid of llirir prtH Ccdiii;:, '“I 'I the (irovi.sions of the ordinaiici ■ '>''riilly— llxcti m that ru'*»-, however, it ' '"'111 Vfd thnt no more will }>e iien'fi>;:»r) ' in I, w in,,d;(iriiiii.ns of il« term**, to a- "!'• Ilu- u( t of 17f)r» to the pn-Ment eirer- /•"■y. nn hy ihht act the proviMoiia of the 't I7'J'2 were ucconiumdnted lo the n>.is til, „ » xisiinjj, and hy conferring au- •only ii|M>n ih*> I’rcHident to give it o|»era- '"I 'iiiring tho MMion of (\inf;n^, and _ ' ^t 'lit' eeremony of a prorlnnmtion, i^ncn ver it nhall be olliriMlly made known niin by the authority of any Stale, or ■■ 'he CMirt-t of the IT. S. that’ within tin 'll'* of siirh Stale, the laws of the V. S. J l*e ojM iily oppoHed, and their eKerulion "'*lnirt(>d by the actual employment of mi- ''''‘ry force, or by any unlawful means what- too great to be otherwiw ovcrcuuie. of peaceably sew diiig, w« would then triumph in I *1*31 assorting it, or die iji the ttttcinpl. This di claro-'« lio occupied the Beat* around him lioiiwttsgreeled with overwhel.ijingacciaiiiaHons. I swept away—he would sooner see the riv- Amnno (I.J. .1 o . kr«»‘*f ihis lund HJH with blood, and half of Among the petitions i>rci!cntcd to Ihe Senate on Li,„ „ ■ i j u i tlieHthult. wusoneof rail>erasingularcharac-l‘r population ol this luir land peri.sh by ter, and pi«i,( nti d by .Mr. Cky. It was a |.tlition i sword, than see one jot or one tittle ol . I fto'"'"'o individuals wl;a rrpreMiiitd theiiisclves j that sacrinl Couutitu'ion which had been be- Irusl will, Ih? t■xertl^ed, towards, tiie errors l '’>• ‘'‘““hey had di»-|qucalhed to us by our fathera, or of the duly rest of the I nion demands Ihnt;extend their iutercMlii^r dijcvvtry. 'I'he petition was heard Irom Mr. McDufiie, ol cpcn and organized lesulance to tlie laws i "as relirn d to tJic (onimiuee on Puhlie l.aud^. '1 his cry was instantly •ihould not l.c exi'culcd witii impunitv. j*’n the follow inp day, thefommitiee waHdischarg-1 followed bv hisses from various parts of the The ricb inheritance beoiienthed'hy oiir 1 funher tonsi>k-ruiion of this siranat I House, the Chair called lo order. iHlherb h«Hdevolved iipon us the sucred ob- [ Tu; ‘he gentleirian had ligHlion cl preserving it by the same vir-1 rcftrnn;; the Mil.jcci lo i)«-C.^niinitteL on .Munu-right lo give utterance to his indignant lues winch conducted them through the | 'ho niitrlx risof that c>iiiinitti.e bcini;, at such a iscotinient. 'I’he Chuir evenllul ttcenes of the revolution, and ul-i'"‘kIi''•ot'ticr kiand m neid oi tl.c iiiterjK>»ijd, und Mr. Viuton concluded his limalely crowned the.r struggle with the s=pe, ch. .. I 1 , . J I r ,,,, ; the th^ratlur of a donx Ktiu manuiucturc. i m /-■ .■ • , • iKibleet model of cimI institutions, i hey .. , Mr. Caraon then rose to explain. lM'((u-athr>d to n« a (>ovcrnment of laws, Cangrtrt—In the S i>ate, on the s^p and a up^n t!iP j 'rom the ('oinmiltn ot the the great principle* ..f popular repr^'sentaticm. th. .Mkr a successful ex|>eriment of forty-four j L e,'ioI, J '’iV h.llMceivcd ‘ ‘-’‘■•"lleninn from Ohio had expressed a sen yenrs at a monient when the Governiiiciit | ;ts firm readinj;. On thi !i!id, il.e bill v^a« rtid a |'1 hat viord had been and the L'nion nre the ol.j. cIs of the liofje*. '•h'j'd lune, and on motion of Mr. (Jiay iiost^wniii 1 uttei-eu by a gentleman over the way who from 16 to 88 cents lighter than the gen* uine Spanish dollar. Doubt exists whe* ther the metal is good. As there are many in circulation, all persons should look sharp. Baltimore American. The g;reat match ra«e for $10,000 a aide, between Co . SmgleUn’g LitUe Venus, of S. Carolina, and Col. Johnaon's Bonnets o’Blue, of Virginia, wai run at Columbia on the 24th ult and won by th« funner at one beat, the laiicr beiniF too much 0x4 hauNted to run a accond heat Daniel WeBSTes, F^sq. haa Wn re-elected 8s Senator from the State of Masaachusclt*. Arnold Naudain, Esq. has been rc-elecltd U. S# S'nator from ihe State of Delaware. WEEKLY ALMANAC. ^ Saturday, 3 Sunday, 4 Monday, 5 Tuesday, 6 51;5 91 . TTZT 6 50i5 10 ttbruary, 1W3. 16 4'j's 11' 6 4b 5 12 1 . .. „ , iiiorn. D. n. 4 1 Full 4 1 25 aft'n 7 Thurwlay. '6 4G5 ® aft; H Friday, Ic 45 5 » 5 alt n iiieous of aelfurO'^Tvaiion. 'I'lie dociMon '.i i' . i L. . . i ' .. : niiulit hapi>en tiiroujih mere niisappreheu of this .iiieMi. ,. hv an enlight-n-d an.-J pa- ^ ^ ‘ '‘"‘a’ " "?• i ski,, of judgment. U hat he had ^irtwas, . . 1 • 1 . r ■ . I. * : K»r llie prj|K r fifliceis lo collect tiie Keve- .* , ... li- • rif.t.c |--ople ranr.oi U d.Hilitml. l or n.y- ; ^ I , J 'bat .-ooiier tlian see the CM.slitution obh- I uiltiui I**' (ifniUlMJIs I or ll»V» ; ^ ^ a' I . Ik . . I »iiai iiiaii lux; w«fr* tr*|lo\v df‘\out!v reiving on ll.ui , ^ 7'* iirafcd by fjtci , he wuuld see the alterna- kind IV.vid. nc-, «hirh ha.; hitueiit v^alrh. I ,'r'rl i. ” ^' ' tive he hid mentioned, because he con- '■d ovtr our d'*siii.i*s, and ac'ua'ed h\ ai"*' le us om .i.jw, o x* at total annihilation of the 1 , ■^''ine secure place witiiui tiiat hl:;te, and , ■ . . j , .1 prolound rev. rciire tor those instt.uMous I ; Constitution, which must put an end to the have so much « au^e tn h»ve, and (or the ,1. , a... mm . „.u . I g‘''‘’f'>m♦‘f^^• AmeticHn |»c..ple. v*hose partiai.lv hoiH.reo I'.J’ -pj^i’ , 1, r n'l!.,** i'\'' he was very sorry I , \ I ^ • . iinn\ l>«* III custiMlv ot stjch Loilerlor shah .i . i r i i. ir j .u me HIlh their biKh.M trust, I have deter-1 k.: ‘*e/ound hiinseif under the necessity, me Him iiifir liiitlKtl trust, i Dave ileler-1 i.. .1 . 1 . .u . • oc lounu iiiiii!«cii uiioer uie iiecessiiv, , , . 'lol l»p removed by any ftutlior,tv but that ol'r i.ij . jcji mined lo spore no »rt ort lo uiw har^e the , a , had jusi occurred, of adUres«ing 1 . I . I . Ilie Ci'urlsol til*' United ttales: and ll anv .u /-■i . .1 i. u j 1 i c j dulv, which, in this cirjuri«’tjie, is lie- , 1 1 , 1. ' 1 ihe Chair at all. It had lieen hts ti.xed J •' , ’ allempt be riiuiie to t>eize or obtain piM>ses-: . , m . . i. vo vi-d uiton me. I'>nl a sum ,ir spirit \*i !• 1 1 j 1 r ■ • purposo, ana still was, to take no part m ‘ sifHi ol said'’oods under color i/an\ ot!:cr ' Ti . j ji actu'ite the Kfpresenlativcs of the -\nn ri- ,1,., I'' o ' ptc.sent disci.’sbion: uud he was very can neopk-, is not lo U-qu'•.lioned ; nnd I I, , 1 ’.’,,1 ^ \ •’ *1 j f»rry that what had occurred in the House, t*ni!nllv |irii\ Hiat lii" Hulpr pf iia- i '*'* ■ 'V Si i'*^ 1^ nectswiry for liim lo say a .osmdc and “ !m„*Ic » .,d. Wl.c„ ite t,ncle„„„ Iron, «ur ioiiit i:ieaure«, as that lh V II.MV pr>>ve w ' > i .. . l • i 1 Ohio had uttered the sentiment wliicli the I.. r.r-u„»J. ..ad hca,d »„h . t>ut to iulu« IIIIK S, and fcolemnlv pr.K-laiiii 1 i n , i , ii i " 1 portion ot that nbiiorrence it had excited in preme, and the Cmot, ,n,i,»ohhlf. 1 ' i ’ ‘he e.xclamation he had utter- p . JAt K.^)N. ,,e..onsutF-rmg...jury m his per-1 He admitted lliat, strictly c>.isidered, >on . r hs property for any act done under ■ the la«snt the I nitcd States nmyinsti- ;tiite aiid pr«»w‘ciite a .suit in ti;e Circuit jC(.url, and be enlilled lo d.im;ig**s pri»pir- I tKinrd to sitid injury. |’ro|K.-ils sfized b\ any oll'ict r of tiK’ (Jorrrnment, ui;d«-r iIh- K: N\'M'RI>.\\,ri Kill MIV ?, ke:i;gv.\l. ~ ;ainhori(y of the law«ofihc rnitt-d tjlates, i>* lo repU viabI** on!y bv pro e>s r f the ' j Courts of the l'uit«;d JSiales : a;id any per-1 though It was no more than what oHen h:^ppciwd, in all pari.s of the world. .\s he had bt!en out of order, he owed an apj!ogy i lo the iiouav; but noiie to liic* geiitieuian from Ojiio. Tho Ilouae of Delegates of Virjrinia, af- , I ter rej.;ctiii!' inDumerable prop>MtiL.iis rela- The third s ction provides t'liat in any Milt or ppi-«“« tiiion in any Ciurtofany Stale a:;ain't any Hirer lor any act done under Ihe anihority of the l.iwsof iho I . .'^tatf‘i, if shall U lawful, nl any time l>e- fire the trial tlierei-.f, to remove the case., . oii«-. »lou li.r hi» ciiii trv, his »holo country,' on petition and Hlfidavit, to the Circuit' Man so goveriinun. . *i' Ji ito te ritML* r^f.fti'A tnJ nottiii'g ll It liH Miiifttry We Isy brfcrr our read'rs llii» u.-»« the I’rvM- dtr.l'it >ti »»ai-i' lo ('.ni:r>ks, trlilivc to ihe -ilua- Him of alLirr m .S.iulh « arolina, and callli j; u”on I'mifri.i lo crmt him I^^r^ |k>» rr, lot nai ic h;ni tocoUccI thr dut) u;«n ir [*urt» in lhat.''latc. 'J'hr .Nl«»o*Ce mil hr rt-^d with d»ep intrn »l hy l’rxlamKtion, each contrary to those prin ciples. 'Mil y deprecate a resort to force by either parfv—;>ray Swulh-Carflina to sus pend her Urditinnce, and pray the Federal Government to reduce the 'i arifi'to tbe iie- I'tre at Canror'i.— \V e U arn Ihal on Tiicudsv la*l. ahool 5 «‘clocs in the mori.irg, a firr bri.hi o'll in Ihc to* n of l \ iirord, sitiiali d atiout iO milr* from ti.i> pi~t *, SI,(I tli.'t !• ti hnuw «, includiii( Imo store* HI :r eoii'>unid. 'I in fitr roiiinn nr»^ near ti.« ’prrl-llKj.»r.Mi the^torc oTUf u by Mr. Want, and I'lr tiouM-s as jar a* Mr. M«h«ir* T.vi-rn HI rc diatrov rl. \\ e arc in'oriiif d that .Mr. Klutt'n hoUM on It'r ii|>|«mtr «l't!.' •trei'l limk fiie bill from thf t vi ilion* o!" the citizens »err cxtin. i;iMshrd. It IS .u;>;>OM'd to be ihe work of an in. eeiidisrv, s. ,Mr. Usui btlirtis iiist he was nut III his «Uire after iH(;lit. (\Hiil of tho Cniu d Slates, and anv fur- L J ‘>e subject is now be o.-e the Senate of ther proce^-dinglherecn in the State Courts r T"'''** the has taken a ,hsll ihereHftcr U> null and void, .Vc. ’I hi.^: " ninge.-Fcij/. Ub^ervir. -rriion further i rovidi s Uir continuation of! i i .l . ,, J ' , , ' I nfo'thnitt ArriJmt.—vV e irnrn with rrpret, all pr.K-e.s* and alt.ithmenfs. &c, as it the j llrc«er, tHf]. a itieuiber of the L»-;'i8. suit had originally c.iiiimenced m the Cir- lature from Ramiolph county, while on his way cult Court. 'I his section al?o contain.s | home troin this i it\, on the llih inst. (the day on other provisions against evasion of its re-1 «‘he I.rpUiure adjournt-d ) wu« U.rown . ' ® trotii lli€ vthu lo in w l*icii hi v\ as nuir.jr; by which *'*■ •! L L I accident, one of hill 1 £s wa.* po much fraciured ae I he fovrth seclu'n proM,es that whore : to [.reveal his proceedai^'on hisjouraey. copii s of papers or lecords of any ; HaUigh Star. State Court, nece.saiy to Ix’ us»;d in any j cuit 111 a ('oiM t i.f the I mted Staten, are re-! The N. Y. Journal of Commerce of the ratine the lUifik of .\on . ( uio.tnn, it i* m«dt ihr | ,,||,av the record to lie .'■upplied by alfi-! iwtiril vessels nounrt torcnarles- duiyofihe •.cvetnor i.» un.oii.i commi»,.,mTs | otherwise, aS the circumstance.-^‘'’r ihe benefit and behoof of the nation fo, the p.irp.«' ot oj«-,nng In^.ks tor the s^le ot I k , nfiK'ced without! S,.ulh-Carolina. The .lournal also adds ■lock. W r h.ne rrciivrd the (.ov.tiioi's i’roela I IIH ca'-r may a.lovN, ami priK-iec. Wtinoui ... r n J msiion ap,v„nt.Mc for eon.i.,MMoi..-rs m ev. ry ' it, as if certified copies of Mich records and, 'hat a shipment ef small arms was made a luH II in this State ul any impi rlaiue, to open booKit I pnK-eedings v^ere regularly had before said i ‘he same destination. Court. 'I'he Jiflh section provides that whenever the rrrsident of the l'niled Stales is otfi- on !!?»• 4th in'*!, lor that purjuj**'. In ( l.arloUc they art-, John Irwin, Kli Sprinijs. VN illi.iin DavidMii, Win. J. AK vander and Saiii'l. .Mct'flinlif. At I.iiirolnton, I.awson Mrndrrwn, Vardrv .Mc- Ifc r, John lloke, Psn'l. .M Kornev and IJ. .*hipp. At Mor;;aiilon, Th«.*. W«ilon, Isaac ’I’. Avery, Kobt. IVarson, U id. Dicknon and Jno. \\ . ('ar>i>ii Fiom the Aupustu ((Ta.) Courier Important!—The following is so itnpor- cially law J .1 . , tant, that we arc satisfied v\ith the simple mlorim'd that tiie execution ol the . ». , u jj. ■, or t!'e decrees of the {’ourls of the I annuncialiiin.— No n'marks could add to its Cnii;d State., will U. obstructed bv niilitarv ^ "'f I present to every reader. v\ e will only add, every day towards Mil- icoDi. I earson, « II). i;icKKon anil .'no. »■». I ar«i>ii. I , i* t i* ’ r>resent to cverv rc AiW.;ke*Wo',Wn.r.w»,>2h,F;dmnndJom*. r’l-t-''. he may pr.vlivmale and order ‘he j ‘ - Wslier I .cnoir, S. r. I’attiTMin and Ja. \N tliborn. ilispersiiin ol such tbrce ; and, il it be not i, , . , di;;;;rh;\nayV Wgovmeibr the pardon a..d nbcratioa 0, land mid naval forces of the Tnited States ls^•lonarlls. ^ .,".3thn.uchh“s' ‘h^perse the same. In conlorinity to the i■ n mombi'r oi (on. | provision^; ol the acts ol Ihe V!bth uf I eb. A brriirH of l\r FiaNhut; PnvUrfit.—We are inCiirnifd hy the Postinasti r of lhi« place, that )iuir o' India KiiMmt uver shorn piisw d throU|;h I (ilVice the ollirr day. franked hv a momhrr ol ( on. | prov (fress from Soiith-'l'aroliiia, as PuUie l>*cunient!i. \ 17!*3, and l)il March, Me sa\» ihiH IS eqasl lo Uie i». lliioal dotuinenl j .section provides, that Iho IMar- that I a,.ed through I**" of ihe I niled Slates for any district. Rich f)rr —We arTinronned, that on the 2tth | of the use of the jails uf any State uli. Mr. I'hiter,living rijjhlren niilrjieasl tVom | being relu>ed for the Rife-keeping of pris- this town, with the al.^i"tanc^• of two of hi* suns, | nners committed under the laws of the I', obtain, d from the ore, 12UU|Hnnyweichts of pure „n,|er the direction of the vulH. To give our readers wiine idea of Uie rich- ... . . , ■ -i „ i L, of Ihr ore, HO Mate thaiihrecquaru yielded District Judge ol said district, use such 7r, |H nnyweighis of pure gold. other places, .md adopt sitcli other nwa- —-0-— sures, as may be occetisary and expedient Tlie Fayetteville Ofmrrrrr, of the iJJlth till, aays ,,,^.1, ^.jjgeg. that aiioflier l.xprrns (Hi*, d through that place on provides SuikUv IftMl. 1 hi^ n»ftk«*H the third Kt. i* .i ^ ^ . pr-ss Ihal has passed between Wasliingioii and ‘h"t any Judge ol tho Ciriuit or District Cliarleston. | ('oiirts of the Lnited States may issue a —•>— writ of habeas corpus, lo bring before him A (rn at inrrtinjr of ihe Nnllifiers wa;i hi Id in ai,y individual coniitied in prison under anv CharlrMon on ih. 2Ut ull. Cliarlea C. rinekni’v,; .Stftte, for the e.xecution of anv 11::;::-;• rrr::;;r::: ir:tted a".;::?;;:: 11- ot; cm^dstaie^ or of any decree 1 It ap[>c«rt that ail coiUlict biti^cen the State an^ ■ of unj Court ol ibt L iiutU K^tatcfl, o;c« I'rnittutinry, MilledgcriUe, Jav.. 8, lp33. Charles J. Jcnkilis, Esq. .Xttoriiey CJeneral of the Stale of Georgia. 9m,—In reference to a notice given to you on the 2Uth Novcnilier last, hy our counsel, in our be half, o!’our intention to move the Su^ircnie Court of Ihe riiitcd Slates, cn the 2d day of Febuary ne*l, tor Inrtlier procew in the rase between our. rt lveM, individually, as (iluintitTs in error, and the State of(ieor(^ia, BH t'eft ndanl in error, we have now to infoMii you, Ihal we have forwarded in struction to tur coKsiil, fo forbear the intended miition, and to prv'«eciitc the case no furllier. U e arc yours, rcspcctl'ully, yiiriiid, S. A. VORi'rSTCR, ELIZl'R bl'l LEIi. I,ci6k out fcr bad Dollars.'—The public I'AVKTTEVILLE. JANUARY 2‘X Brandy, Co^niac $1} a 2; Peach 55 a CO; Ap ple 15 a 50; Bac>n, 6 a 7; Beesw«.x, 17 a 17J : 13 a 17; CoHee, 14 a 15; Colton, Mi a 10; ('orn, 50 a 55; FlaxRf4*d, $1 50 a $1 60; Flour, ^>4} a 5; Feathers. 32 a 3.'»; Iron, 4J a 5, I.ard, 10 a UO; Moiasses, 31 a 34; Oat/, 30 a 35; Nails, cut, 6| a 7; wrought, 18 a 20; Kuiii, Jama, ica, 110 a 175; N. England, 45 a 50; Rice, H a (»0; Sugar, U a 10; common, 00 a 8J: loaf and lump, 15 a 18; Salt, Liverpwl, 00 a 75 ; Turk’s lulutid, 70 a 75; Steel, American, 8 a 9 ; Eng. blistered, 16 a 19; German, 14 a 17; Tallow 8ia9; Whtat, 'jO a !)5; Whiskey, 36 a 40. Hank of A\nrth*€nroUna. XUIE undersigned C^iniuiOTioners a)|i(.mtc(l to open books of suliacriplion at Charlottt:, tor Stock in the Bank vf Nortk-Carolina, hereby give notice that said books will Ite opened at tho Store of John Irwin, in tbe town of Charlotte, on tlie 4th day of Fcbruarj next, and will coniiuua open tor the space of *ixty days thereafter. The Capital Stock in said Bank is fued at ora million of dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred duilara cuch. JOHN IRWIN, ELI SPRING.S, WM. DAVIDSON. SA.Vl’L. .McCOMU, WM. J. ALEXANDER. CharlMU, Jan. 30, le33.—23tf Town fiOts tor ^ale. The Coinmisbioiiers of Charlotte will sell at public sale, at the Court-Houee in Charlotte, on .‘'aturdiiy, the 83d inst. a number of vacant lot* situated in said town :—some in t'ront of the Acad einy.Mjuare, several adjoining the back lots of WUiiam J. Alexander, and in various other parts of said town. Terms made known on the day of sale. JNO. M. SLAUGHTER, C. U. C. February l»f, ls33. TOWN ORDI>A>XF*. ■ BE It Ordnined by the board of Com mission. Mw tr» of the Town of Charlotte, and is hereby Orda\r\td by the avthoiity of the Marne. That own ers of lots eituated in said town on any ol' thd streets where IheOrdiiiance now in force, requires them to improve their hide walks, agreeable tii said Ordinance, who have failed todoso, shall be deem, ed liable to pay the Ta-^es so imposed from and alter the SOtb day of February, 1633, and that tlie same will be collected. JNO. M. SLAUGHTER, C. B. C. Feb.], 1823. NOTICE. KY virtue ol a Deed ol Trust to me cxccutod, by V. dc Rivafino^i, I shall procetd to sell hll th«' pcrsional property belonging to the said Kivvftiioli, at mv duelling in Cbailotte, on Satur day, the Hth of Vebruary next. Turins made known on the day of Sale. WM. W. LONG. Trtutee. .lanvant 30,1833. *\OTlCE. 'M1IIE subscriber continues to carry on th* J. TAILORING BUSlNESSin alliis branch, s, i^ud returns his sincere tlionks for the very lib eral encouraprment he has so many years |mst received. I receive regularly the Spring and Fall Fashions, and assure ihe public that nothing shall be' » anting on my part to give g*neral satistaction. Tho^ having open accounts and cannot j»ay cash will please call and pay bv Note. JNO. .M. SLAUGHTER. Jm. 30, 1633. 3t25 NOTICE. IJERSONS indebted to me are rrqoeyfed fo make payment betbrf, or during the week of the February Court. By doing so they may save cost. !’• C. C.AI.HWLLL. January 31, 1833. 4t26 N. U. There are several of my books missing, and in particular, several numbers of the Tran, sylvania Journal. Persons having tbe fiaiuc will fAVor me by returnini; the name. P. C« C. UTATE OF yORIH.CAJWLL^A, MECKLKNBt’RG COl’NTV. JOHN ROZZELL, living 11 miles north-west of Char, lotte, at Uozzell’s Ferry, return- ed a Stray .>1ARE, taken up by hi;i , auout 6 years old, 15 hand high, of adarji bay color. Appraised by William Lucky and Lewis Harvey, at forty dollars. WM.LITKY. Tcsf, L. HARVEY. W .M DAVIDSON, J. P. Jon. 28, I83.M. 23t25-50cF Tlie American Fanner, F.dited by Gideon Ii. Smith, is issued every 1 ridar, in Haiti more, at $4 per annum, in adv ance. Cun- tents of tlie 45th Number. Frfiitorial; Fari»er of I igrarge; American Silk Filatures; An luinien»eSheec>—C«iitien to .Mush room Eaters—.‘^me Obacrv.-itions on Marl, in re- ply to .Mr. Rufliii—Sidney Weller on tho Culture of Ruta Ilaga—Kcport of a Committee on Marsh Mud as a Manure tor Cotton, read before St. An drew's Agricultural Society—On tlie CiiJture ot (.V,rn—.\ flint to Farmers—On the Cullivstion of Engli-h Peas as a Fk'ld Croji—Vrgfiabir I’hvsi- clcgy—i'.ank«;r in FruilTrees—New Chinese Mol- berrv, I'olor of foeoons—G. P. Smith on thbCuI- livation of Ihe 'l\ilip—The Butter Trec-ken- rick's New Orchardist, New Van* lies of Fruit, Ac- are cautioned ngaitist dollars liearnig Ihe I _Hii koi'v IVd-cords—Rire .M«chino—^me .Ac. stamp of “ Kepubltca de Colombia,” 1H20 | count of Jacksonville, llliuoi.—1 he vV »g. and ISUl. ll,.»,l o„ o„o. „Jr, .„d Dereii.ber-Pricesl'tirreiit ofCountry Produce iw fruit on the other. The writer of this weighed several this morning for a friend who bad just bcvu piiid a hi!!; they were the New York and Caltimott M*rk«li»—.V^vc^ tiitracnt^.

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