cur Tirii: MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. I I "/ m the aeiwle, mlmilwO ■K«ovAL , •■-- Tin F«rmcr, Ju tfBcntnt volunucred, cxcepJ Tim liewluii™,, r.«,df,i,natorv of the “* wli'cl' «« have iilrcudv mentioned to tten tiid Coininm.icatU)tw _f.>f the Jour- j voluiiN.ers. 1 he rttuins khoiv that I l"'Vo tl.o Houw of iU'iin sciitatives voluiilcfred on llie tielJ, including j ImliHiiH, puvsed, h!m), uuuiiiniou-slv, the tor*, uml excludintf iliows uuder Ife of ilio baiue Stale. Similar Koso- ply of a orrtain amount of religions rvadiiiK to ev. try luniily in y«mf coii{rrcfratioii, one every inunth. If you lend your ttHniKliiiicc to tiiia work Ihoretbre, wc trust It will lie from a dtxiru to do good ; and ii;ny tlie I^ird rertard your kindness, by adding liU'hlcsuIn^ toyoOr e.xrrtiunt and briu/^ing all the faitiilicv ill yoiir con''rLj'ation to revercnce and lovu liis Holy Name. A. J. I.EAV*;N\VORTII,&c’y. IICIP - - * lal, can be loft nt the Post (Xfico. Iiuvo Capt. rcnman't This Mine iius year* of uge Fuij. Obetrrer. civ Uhjo opetied kv Capt. John Penman, I —^— . 13 Mile t're«-k, ‘ii iiiiicn euitt of Chur-j /ic-ort.un.—If rt-huucc could l»« placed Ue, and the ore hfts proved very good, upon tl»o daily awrttoiid of (he Nullihoa- he vein « dilferent from nny otl>er in thu Uoo press, we •hculd be induced to the l>e. juntj, IjPin* composed of blue alate, abotit | lief that the people of itiaiiy of the interior fei-t wide amf rPHular.and iinall alinla ofl'liHricid were vkith them to a umn. A- uarlz runmnij thrwih it. We are in-j ti'oojfst other diktricts which liave leen rnicd that he growKJ in ten d«M«, with j l«'«tively ted to be thus situatel, i.-, -ntr and water fwwer coinWned, in tlii- Ahbevilte. Vet we k«ni lr«>in a little \e- hilian Mill, 60 kwbels of ore which yield- j bitlc »l’ Nul!ik.alion, priutixi in that cjuar- J 746 dwls- 1'^ gruuia, valued at |i074 ter, yclept’d the “ AUwriUt II Lig iV sidf^the residueofgrn»©l and *lop, which .Wltijfcr," thul at the clectum .• k !>•• s21tAK.iT* . >.*1... !**•! .1 lutit.ris were |ieiidiii^ at tite latest dates (rotn that (juarler, in the. Le^rislatuic of the Htate of Mi^iouri—('/tag. Cow Ur. A corre«poiid fit lu the Columhiu Jtiee, ol ihe ‘JOlii iiiHt. bii_\s:—"One cf the nif»t eontciiiptiljlo Hccne.sihat mvcvcw have ever witne.sKcd, I »;iw xeotordiiy, at C'huch it was iioihii.g ii.oie iior h«s than a Min ister of (he t..,s|M.l *ilh a blue Cockude M.\cd in hid hut.” uulJ niak* it nior« tliM equal to fiiO i«r itiel. About 6 buaheb, u|tou an average, I* ground per day. C’apt. Peninon hua ob tained a set of the Tyi^ewj .Mills and be lor SIverili; untUe 17th inst.ihb votubwere, the Frt'tn the .V. 1'. Cum. AJrrrtiiier, “It i» i.ow uijtitfklood lliut tlje objitt of ! »i>r CoJ. (iiLMkR, (Nullihcr) lOliy { .Maji.r: "'““i"'*’'' to tlic S.uili, hpokm of iNcEir, (I'luon) no>r. in this distm-t, n.' n":', '.‘""■'f I' i»um«t,Gc.,. rul l.^t .1.^ u. I. . .. .Ji I'ic htalc ot South Caro- MAI(RI£D, In tliis eonnty, on WednoMlay cTrning lait, by lh; kcv. A. J. J.eavcnwortii, Capl, Samuel Meath. aiH of Ti'iineMM.r, to Miai! Marilia D. lUnd, dauirh- tt r of ('ol. 'I’tio. Uuyd. 0(1 ihc fitli of January, in Lancaster Divtrict, !. C. by tho Ktv. Tlionias Kitclicn, Mr. William Hart, son of 'I'liomos Hart, to Mrs. tynthia ha- [lant, dau),'liter of Jose|j*i IJa^'aiig. MOON’S PllASlvS. UKEKLV almanac. FEhkuakv, { •''Ull I >Suil j IKiX jriiioj IK'tH.I 9 .''oturdjy, ' to Sunday, 11 Moiula v, lli 'I'ufHdjiv, ,«1 4-i j mi ;e 17 c 4a's la "• "• C 41 5 lu , . „ Lust 11 8 for February, lb33. Full 4 1 20 alVn i; Ucdnt«lay(J 40 5 14 Thur.Mlay, |(. 3a5 lo i riday, ic SciiS S*:i| ***' ^ ^ “ IKL .MAKjiiriH. I AYETl'KMI.Ij;, Fhlirir\KY 5. Fresh Garden IHAVK just received a fresh asaortiocnt of CiAliDEN SPEEDS, raised and cured by tba Soeicty of Hliakera, acknowledged to be the beat raised in the United Htatae, warranted geniuDe and of Uie growth of 1832t AMONG WUICH AaE Til* KlXOWI.’fO .* njdrnjM I*i.ctrn t, is n.ure ‘•"'•■rimr ,i. i.ui iJut h ha» b- cn direilt d to tut, 6’» ^ ; wroLtjbt, le a iiU; Rum. Jc rl-ar i»« rvgnids a ttivnrul>le ii-urtion—n. l.nn lor /i.ui iremoH wIiinrMrit iiIilIi lx-|i-u,110tt 175; N. Euyland, 4J a 5U; Kite, t> a Green Globe Artichoke nioud Beet VcUow Turnip do Maniflu Wurtatl do Early scarcity do Ea/ly York C'abba^ Early Dutch do Early Sugar Loaf do Drum Head do Late Dutch do Red Dutch do for picklcs Solid tkilery Oranfee Carrot Blood Rrd do green Cucumber Early do Earljr white do very pro- line Prickly Gherkin, good lor pickles Georgia Water Melon Winter do for preserving Apnie neodtJ do very nice Nasturtian, for ptcklca Long White Ochra 'I’op t^niun S« ed White do do Leelt uter I.ettuco Bcaj.ia)ia Watkina Lei^h, FUq. recently , tbia dutnrt, the tnion cundulaic, t.'on. IV*''*’ '•"> •* f>potntid by tUe Legialature of Virginia, j " oooBriiitv, v»ns eh ctnd b\ u nuijuiitv ol | vl L",V/'Vt*-oii, otnmiMiOoer to visit ikiuth-Caroiitia, in *'5 vi/te»—»hiUt at the OctoU-r .S 'iiutoi 1- Uct.xn ?—Ld. C uiti. Lho. •'incfton With the fc^nurea recmitly ndop-1 ej«ctitii», the v.ito toi iln .Ntjlh(’u;uiu.ii I i by the Nullifiera of that State, pM»*d ‘ candidate «»a» 741, J’.»r the L niou caiichiJati roogn FayettcviU* during the paitt wwri. but hm. Cuurur. Superior ToirrU.—Thr fijl^in* ar- /y./cr/row IV^im/.~-Private I^.iter> -niisUIute an ortit tu ^ Lh^ tiial he iiati uccej4ed ^ !^Ufr;.r, (la 10; coininon, 00 a tti; loaf and lump, i 1^5 a let; giili, Livcrjuol, 00 a '3; Turk’s Icland, t o.*'; 70 a '5; KUi 1, Ainiriuau, 8 a H ; Ki.^. blist red, lUa IJ/; Gi rmaii, J4 u. 17 ; Tiuloweiaai W heat, yU a Lo i \’ hibi:iy, 3ti a 40. The npprepatp of the ,Milili;i of the State ufDhio, hy a re.nrnr.f the .\djul,,ut (m-ii- nmndv. IVach,WaOt); ApHe:i0a4S; D=r oral ol iliat. tute mi the '"th ol Janiiaiy las.1, ] putfr, IG u 17; llacon, 1(J al*0; Critton, a JOi; 31 III bits the uunil)ur ol 17 liivi^ji^uiJ, u 1 lii'i-1 • **^> Coiilc, 1(* a lb; Elcur, from w 'iiniiafloa, -f»ht«i, Mania. t^wcIL iiUkiigX'. a CooicniMioner t«i pri-' id to .SouthCaio-! „ , h:», to n:-qu »t U that .Sti.te a suij r-r (l' Jk.'lt Ml A .lO wj . lioUon: ll,e 2>u.atl0li of the .Ur'-i-| r/ Aiii.iitiry litt'i Si,rtly, rc,/titl'd applica- ' I.OST on JIISLAIIJ, too rhtusday ID-iminf laat—j nance, A;c (hut tue U4^c ol Oc.--air:,, utHrr. I.l ..i ih. Vkji.Iv, »i.uh »cre ni,. , me t.y K. Du«iou,of S.C. Amount of Note W7. I iiad conrtn td m tlin> mnt nJni(*nt ; nniJ that ‘'‘rp'y- If thrre'orf, y».ii wi)! imvi- the Cui- l»l Januarys I>;U. 1 llirrclorc lorcwarji ai! R. WatkltiS Lr|;;h, Ksa. IkMi-' aimuinli ti “ «« y«>wr l am tonh-! p.TKIIIB from traunij lot ftid Note, and the »aid c;-r;-:— | rujo. lltc N Y. AmrtKanlhmas tbaitbisby l»e»olutnxi, Uiid l..ith»nth pi»MXx»td uii !.!► i •.^^TITVlu n «.p tii* I J.VO.G.j n lloJUnd|iui»*iuu.—-.UfA u//. I .'*51 « I.LE.MU UG A*. \II,I AllV TK ACT ^ —•— MHUriV. i The Tariff Ihll is sJil! itn'N r discussi'>:i ’ I 7'hi. s^-i. kluU Iw railed ••’l nf; A WU^f frticn Nt* Vork tea rvwnm#rmB? ill tli«* liutJ!!** ni tiv h iiL..hi M M j ^viMAft i 1 ka* i >*ji i4n w Cii'.k- Forrign.—Br mill, whtcit reacbHi > BKtM sriUi* ihe ditT-roart-s bttn rd Brlfioni. ttat that il may } et W*d to • gen ^■il»tr. Nooihtr MUbp—it. i hatlnilt, Ffl. 6, lc33. HOSKINS. C'afaulyu l.:iEiii lor ^alt*. 9 *r I I U lor kile nu- Ui.d iying on tl'.e Ca- U\*. 1m rn v-r a fe w below tiie 'I'uckajiitxe annie- I'rU H33. yr»terday, lh« btrth-dny of /wc/im/, from d« Uie, or evcu t:om prvi-uMijg a-1 Aar II. Ali anmi.Uv anv ' ulh(vatif>n, (itherwi«e ralW the yU/u/j nte»idi:iciii«. ' mi"! toitii-ii.fl-oi iii^ .‘■*1. ly. »I'l. t (..r Trr. tV j rif if Ftbntarjf, wa« ai^iuihted hy no c* j J'liis dilliculty ofnrnvin^nt a mnrhwi.ui: ‘ ^ (nim.'«r,. Tiu | at U' (cr«tater iinpoitaucc, tboo a *on»e-; «iH, icihaiw, jnj/zic iho=-« wlm i„;,v tu.t hv ”11**1" Vi 'r f!>r u""' *" ° ! 1*1 niore ngid rnforceinent than u«ual, > I'-niiliar the Kul*^, and the pradier o! • a,.t. ill. "C'l 'v »h>.ir1 Annual j tha revenue Uw«. 'Jlie liiitmh Hitji,lhe liuuxe of Ke|irv»eniH’ite». We wi*| .M-wu»i{ on the mi . wi..n .. i;Hrd, THIS. 'E, till' ui.de5i", tcrtJiy that »c have wiim .i.std tlic o{>eralion of tiie Ilfvoit'hi^ ittratu IC ‘ashcrj Cabbage do Earlv Curled Head do .Swelling Parsnip Guornser do Curled Parslej Squaah Vepfet Cayenne do I-oog Scarlet Radish Scarlet vhort top do f^almon do ffcarlet Turnip do Black Winter do ^ununer Uu»h Squash, a valuable family vege- table .Mammoth do just Impor ted from the South Sea Islands •Siuainer crooked neck do Winter do lijr pickles Sage Rota Ilagtt Turnip Late Dutch do Early Spring do Round smooth Tomatoes Marrowfat Peaa W’ilHon’s sup’r. early do Early Charlatan do Early China Bean White kidney (dwarf) do l.'arly Cranberry do l^arlvM^awk do inlurm the public, that I have just assortincnt of GHO€£XMES, ' lYom Charleston, among which are the following enumerated articles, viz; COFI' EE, Loaf &. Brown SUGAR, (good &.cheap) Cheese, Crackcrs, Rice and Salt, Picklcd t'ish, of difierent kinds, .1 variety of FJRIITS, ercH AS oraxge.'?, lemons, figs, raisins, 1‘RCNF.S, &e. ALMONDS, FILBERTS, HUA7.1L and ENGLISH WALNUTS. CXX OA NLH'S, &c. &.C. Togetlier with a choice assortment of ASD Confictionrr^s Street ^lleatSj an asffurtniint which is sure to suit ihe palate ot' both young and old. Also, a ireueral assortment of the moat choLcc and palatable StKTH AS rilAMrAIGN, Ml’SCATEL«TFRON'TIGNAC, •MADEIRA, TENERIFFE, M.IRSEILLES, .MALAGA, &c. &.C. And ago«d Agsortment of FRE.VCII CORUIALS i, LEMON SYRUP. I liavf, also, a good asfortmcnt of FOREiOA SPIRITS, which I had almost forgotten to mention—lnit I lio(»! it is not too late. The tirst is “USyi'E B.VUGlla much estcenied liquor in the “ Liu. rmld Itlt”— FRENCH BRANDY, JAMAICA RUM, HOLLAND GIN, N. E. RUM. Ail kinds of Domestic Spirits, Spanish SEGARS and TOBACCO of different qualities. I have, also, some drink to suit the times, which has been recommended (by tlie oldest and b*'st) as a nourishing and nutricious beverage, ((.JOOD ^er SUicart, from Grecnock, arJ S(*u- ; expluiu lbtn», a» «c Ui.J^■l^lnnd them, m c-nw-invo) a M. ^^rr.», '1 H.i,-cr. r, i '>^""1 l*y .Mssrs. Kjhb.-ai, Hughes A; Co. of, maLT BEER;—and fhouJd vou not be able to ■ ' ■ •nS.luit.i ■"‘J'f.v fouuty.N. wc have noijrinL ™omrhto«uenchi™.r./.r,f«l.ilHinim.n !! Brig Ihrmoto ilabantro, fr«>ui ilakuna, 1 rclfrvncw to tit4> prean.t pic-iii>tt uf the l’n- ' 1 taken ID charge by tle L*. K. K'jve- iitfKill. 'I'his ImII ■ force in our harb>>r, until Ihc duties iw j/'Uu H liov . mi^rchauhzu tiicy contained, shduU be Cniun. In Coiiiinitte periy secured to iIm Govtnimriit.— , is no *uch tlnnf; as a / to lilt' ll-'fh, 1.-;;. tl» r M till »ul 1 F* **•« i«ti . 'U...- .1*. I »a*»isi* vsi\/u^ii hu uuciicii > vui uiir a IS Mon,. « cnnrn,thy ' 1"’'« lo-im^^onhe j >on in m;; U'..l . answers the puri«.f.e« [ pU„,v of Jugs and Jars of S IS IRI n. «,T s«x,rty. In mv o: iti.ur, o! an at i .ial . Itctirn, 1 “• lt;'n:mij « k.lh>.-s ot all kinds with very InUe I j„ Cdirefield S C which vou cat .^T on the tate the Ci,.. r, ,(.all. vnl.i.u.- l:;l . « . kx-1 If'"- “ v-tv short tnnc. W. arc *l»o satulied ; hoine.'should you feel so inclined, ttee of the W hole, thci-e uuy call »imw1 n.n.tU!j;»of t:ic » than liand washinjr, and | „(• ,bov« enumerated ar drink cnoui.;h to quench your thirst while in town. Stoneware, made can fill and carry and* III itl anuiiiiiieiilj Il i*,i..!l lir till, uotv of ili(. Soi ritarv bis precei.-Uing ha.s been deoouocevl, b> pri ciuue cicljatu, iKveniii^j J'Xirnal, osa “ IVderal ap^jrt**- ^ Ucbote aud aitMiKiiiiciil iuui>t cca •n,” and the (in^ ftep (awards a coliiMoit ^ taril\, bUori tiie 1hI2 can I e rrjn^rte 1 i» ili ' i»i'.l ll- ; •nd .li.*. lo'inmv ith the State autUurituti. So tar from Ili*ui«willi r uittiAit nu«iKJi.,e! 1. '1^,.' n.i rir»n Ti.,t .Sw. uiy» ourse iKjrsued b> bill caimut Ik p.t uiit of cMniMittre, hv the. i on»iit.iMoHa.|.,pi, j ' .■^11 -..-1 . . • »!»I.A'IiI ti.e l.iixitl* i.i.iiSily r.i,Mi;tn), s««i, III coniph- Mouse Mu:,.ii- leave to »,t n- :;i!i ; Ix-c. ns*- »„h a l.-i of •!,. (Ml,.-, r, ihrt.rt; ►.u/m.unc.J I, IS in strict con- • (-Oim-Htte oi the W In.le lie .'Al/c 0/ o' th.-u«. fulm s* ol tfa t* a-irav Ix-oommunica- rtrord Ur: Ol li.e -v.ri' iiim (ji wdttu. ■ Ho«;d, notijy tl ' nmln,.-. nd )«.-• j^ii tin liniui.ic.ti ith the State autUuritutl. So tar IVdBI ' "•••» 'r U|ttiAlt nu« IKil.,e! 1. '1^,. ' n.i rir»n Ti.,t .Sw. uiy» ni.ure of IIk’l.rni..ti.'it IS being the ca'«c, thv course ( -.Herlor on this occaiuoti With his iiistriM liorta »*y »ith the proviMTNiauf tlie .\ct cn- f Iihs Ic.ivo to hit iipnin and a^mn •►‘••I'l. i*>'d ull oth. 1 int«!ln;enoi'wiiii ii i *'Ai Act tu regtilaie Ihe cuilection viithi ut askui^f it. Tin.'* |>ri\il.-te c\isi« K-calruhtMj t>i pronu.'. il.i-,.iu-t-o! Tr.i(t-i '“\i tonnajT." the ' under the Ku!-.. Thu Uoum- cannot oh- i . ^ Man h 170y—an net, the vuhdity or tain control o| Ihe bill, sh. us tn ;ip|i!\ the .,f ti e Tu .very n«tin!» of the lk,ard; ‘•"titutionalitv of winch, IwJ iiCv t l»otii I'revi'His (^ucrtion, (tl:*! scrnrji) L\ j ■nJ »h«ll tfimt tlir fmidH to tJn- 'I n usiirv o( thi- >-lioneil. ' tillsamuunts to a *• I'l J- thi; Coinmiilw of the lu.!c • l«>iiiu!i>>n st f-l sssrcsnitni” cau only U- maintaine.! from ilie l-.ll, l^muM- ih«i it uill not h.nvu' A.u.l,«ry ,n s .ai • • k a- . . i ^ s ^onations loU’ in.-’tU a to the rurriil Iito^ Wlioare anxious lor simiw prcte\t b»;en |ir,t voted ii|..u 111 a c.tnnnttet’ of the ,„i-.stU Hoard ^l..^ll uir.ct. '|wQnn»'ucc bo%tilitH-i, or whoagtec with n:* iei|uirt d l>y mioilirr lule in rvlii- \ 1. Ti -- 1-»it1 shall h.iv, |.ucr todc-si^. 1 in^etiious ('oluiiibin Ildilor, that t.» 1 n-, tioii to all tills fir laiMn;,' revenue or lav-, "" «l‘'iiiiiionk rt ctiwd l>y thyi . ...... ..... articles I will sell n,u»t to, .n c ir^ost NaiaaUk i-.qui^itioa u. Uui.ic.U.- a, wholesale or retail, as an^ person h. tlie i.aa.*:ny. J. l>. roVD. Chailottc, N. C. A 11. .MMITI.N, do. JOHN do. JOSEI H sr.ViNER, do. II. B. U ll.I.lA.’a.^ dn. Ti;o. J. HOl.roN, Tims. |K)VI>, do. JNO. I.HAVr.S do. THO. IROI'I LK, do. FiL.Uiiiy li\, l^;i.'^. WE rf!;>rctl'ully inturm the cilizrr.s of ?Ien'a. lenbarg aud 'Aw adjMieiit counties, tliat wc arc the j village, but 1 must have tlie Cask and no gruin- bhng. 1 particularly solicit my friends and the ;>ublic £t ncrally to try, prove and judee. WM. HUNTER. Charh>lle,Jan.&,m3. 24t26 IL/ Orders froni the countrr, for any of the a- hove articles, will be carcfuIJy packcd up, and j punctual atlrntion given. W. H. ! NOTICE. ON Friday, the 1st of .March, will be sold at the residence of Mary Gilmer, dec'd. 4 LIKELY NEGROES, commcucr ret the revenue lawsul'ilie L tilled Sutes, "'K ta\f«. I'hete n !»*• a previous vote to fummit AnKiult and JiaUery. . of the I'otnniiltrc iii>on tlio bill. c |ierrpnr, hv the ini^t ructions of the; 'V e do not l»-!iu\i*, howi \er, th-*i there proprw'lors 01 the aU»ve dc»cribi-i .Muchnie, and ' tlie property of the deceased. Sale to lh‘ purlit ‘I prsrlii al.!.' ; j now t xhibitod tor sale in (..harlotto, where they j at 11 o’clock. Terms made know n on the dav of ' ■‘re niaiuif,11 lurid, and «t William Lees in Provi- i Sale. D.\N ALEXANDER, Adm'r. dfncf si tlK ti.ent. All jv rsons desirous of pur-| Trfc. 1, 193.1. .')t:26 (ha^^ing a .Macliino, c„n make application to one 1 ; o‘tile cu-j.artiKTK, U. N. Ki>bbin8, in Charlotte, and j I^ftl'tttetllVfiVCj S frntiiStit William Lieu i-i I’ruvidencu Euttlemont | . ....... \\i wuuM al»i> t!vc infornialion to the public, ^ TIIO.M V.S J. tlAKKOU * lliut v. e have purihasvd th'' exclusive right of us- 1 I'nportrrf, 88 Walcr-strrtt, orf:, mg .ind vrndinj iho titcam Washer in tile follow- | nceiving their Spring IiniiortaUons in Swiely as t!.» y see propi r, lo br u tloii&lioii to the .\nirrivsn Tract ty, and lo r-inpioy llic rt-- maiiHlrri't'thc I’onsli'.n^ in Ihe j’ureha icot 'rracts; lit Ih aninoiinitli I*, at tin-ir di-rn tion. i ilhrr liir a . , resjH'i rii«tnin* arn iiir«‘'te| to ndheru to prove t'» l»e a ininoiitv, the rijjhts of the] tivc duties in rolhdin;; and obtnintng snlH.1 np. if Mr'ct hnc of their oUicial dut\,*• mere- inuj irity 'ull bo n sjH t tiil. I’.rfort! the ^ Thttc bhall coii- rfiiii 1; ‘'ecutmjj ilinr dutiea with, i.erhniw, cIom; ol this wick, probihh , the t’^UO of the « , 1 ,1 . u ij iiiirv... 1 .1 1 1 1 1 II .1 II .1, III Aht. vll. .''ulinrrilirri* shall not be entitled to » r v.jtilunce than oi.hnary, and adapt, bill "i the il. u.e ot Hcpresciilativcs will be rcc. ivc Tia. u until tlu .r .ul..vript..m« k i.aiJ. xiMin^ rejjululioiiv of dailv use and :i;>- settled. W hat that t.ile will h«', it liCcoiin'.') Art. \ III. .Mcetin;;s of the Society shall U o- '''tion, to iievv-, ircuinfctnnces of ;:rra!cr , every dav more ditiii;ult tu foretell. It pinid by prayer. >if'r;jcur», a» th \ iiiav ariMj;” and that i>eeins to be thought that itsopiKinentfi have Art. IX. ihis ionstitution may be altered by ...1, ■i.,„„,..„i ..,on,u, ,v„nn., 'r.' I' paitinciit, “ to take no step, into the lioiise.—i/. J'/A t//. ,, . . , , r eninlfir ^ 1 I . I . - I rrmit me to Mibjoiii the lollowing remarks hv r nipi-y uiiy means caleulate.l to pro- —•— ' way of explai.aimn. 'O "r I iciie to force, (ho«' who are now | Mr. McDuflie is callel, by Ins brother | l. The irmrdiau uljrrt of ihe Au.viliary is, to '■•'•ilrninij K'^mlanre, IkjI tu dt fi-at their nullili'rn, ns u title of (‘iiiinent excellence, ‘ mdow tiie l>i (>o.'-itory already tKiabliahed, suth- •^f^'i 'tin hv the tnojal force of the Laws “ «h‘ I’atnek llnirv of South-t’ar»)lina.”— ‘ '‘ titlv lo enable it to supply ihi. wants of the »ur- k n,.,., ,n „ ^ Th« \U\ I Il ut lh(» 1 m | rimtM//unon. to the S»cicty. Shotild ** Ablievillo \\ hig states, thst in that “’whether the county ol ('lurlottu would ' they niert with |> riwim who wish merely to pur- I^lrnt, Ncvri) ('oni|>aii|>-s of Volunteers b'.ive nny nuthoritv to dispute olKHiience tn chahc iraels, lliev an at hb rly to receive iheir tx-en hlhd, nndthat six more are in the laus of Virginia; and he pronounced ! though it .h.mid l«. I s I . Vi !• I . .1 n iiuinbrrrti, that tn thiH raw*, n«> •tsiHtaiire ik r. r,l’ T F ‘‘*1 tho attainment of tho immediate „i| the f nrnhnian, in Col. tv ol ( hai lotto was to her. —.‘^'O *> irt » oi.jeet of the Sviety. "'‘••Its U«‘gifj,p|it, when Ihe order was I'llo of I'atrick llenrv, pare .‘I!* I. | 3. The monthly distribution, is also midueled . pape Inst all ready to volunteer should 1 l.mrhburir hrriniari. | "l«" the wmie principle; and the contributions t-Tward, the ivhole reumient a.lvan- i - I Congregation., *'l. Wilh ilw. . .r. ‘ ... ' are to b'regarded as a gratuity, no individual re ^x*.cptic»n ot tJi nioii. 1 h*’! 4Vrrc5Ai‘*n.~\V v nrt» to soo that tho ' ctuin^r from tiic I)l^(rthul*‘r morr thun one tract I, *** lHiinl>rr, iinani-, doctrine i>f »i'cssionf is n- a i»u)nt!i. The rc«Mm ol’thih ii^, (hat it i» protess- ftlly n work ot' itenft'oleticf, rntt rcd into tor the t»ur|K)iir ot'doinff 'IVactii ctm Im* purchaM’ii . . ttl the Ikptjsilory. l>ut hero im otlVrod an opjior- \curst 01 Qgc. blioulu lii'urtiu uiorc uL\>ut it« Mr. i tuuity fur yyutoooutnlHitc l*>r the gruiuitQua 5u|>- II,. I . ■ laiitsiii* , uiA. II iiir i»i I *■« n i?i u- 0(10I bis regiment is bout lo bo «-\pliKled. The phni).o it.«;e!l inn*"**^' oro m it not less implies a f;ross (soleei'^m, and it is time wu men from 5j tu vcurs ol OBC. t>bouhl hour no more uhoiit it. .Mr. Miller. ins I ouiities, vu : Air-cklenburg, Anson, Lincoln, ' *"'* i comprising a great variety |{lltherlord,l^)wan,I»avia^o^l,liruuswict,lliade:l, jo' 'I'C Newest I’atU-rns—W hich are offered ti. Coiutnbus, Kobeson. Kichniond, Jones, New-Haiio- f^ulhern Merchants at tlie most reduced price pos. l»i..n,Cuiiib. rland, .Mooic, Chatliain, K^n. ' ‘‘Wc tor Sft'de '‘O be :«.il at. In addition to the above, they have a large and eoniplcte sKsortment of (Jilt and Plain L(X)K1NG GL.\SSr.S constantly on hand at low rates. Hoping a continuation of the liberal support Si r, .Sinii>«in, dnlph, Mont oim ry,Cabarrus, Ircdoll. Burke, Bun. eoiiibe, I lay wood, .Mucon. AII tliuse wisliing to (lurchdse a .''lachiiu- ol this kint,.in either of the a- iN>\e Counties, would do weil to wait until we have , . - . , ^ .... an oppoitunity of exhibiting ours, as it u the o- ; hitherto rereived Irom our i^uthern friend.s, wc pii.ion of all wIk. havo seen ii in 0|Kration, that I >'a« made every e.xertion to lay in a Stock ot U c it exet ls aiiv Unn-r of U,e kind ever exhibited in 1 desirable (»ood^ for that market—and it shall the l iiited Stut. s. U e ourselves to wash I ‘"'f eonstant endeavor to promote the intcrci.t. at Ihe proiKirlion of 100 shirLs in one hour, or 4o «hwe '' broadcloth coats m the like time, without friction 7I10.MAS J. L.VhhC^W A CO. or the injury. It washes from the finest ar- »- j. r ’ tide of dres.s to the heaviest bed turiiituru. 1 > «’rr. Jan. I?. ch I tl. r • 4^‘i^-S'^^’ highes .t CO. | Amrrirau Farmer, Charlotle, I tj. A, IciJ. , , ,, , . 1 I'.ditrd bv Gideon B. Sniith, is issued every rriday, N. B. An iiDorination respecting the Machmes ; in Baltimore, at per annum, in advance. Con- or the 8ubscrilK.r, cnn Ihj la.UincTl bv up|.lication Xumlwr. lo I ol. John Slirtin or Capt. .lo>. pn Pritchard, of I’^Horial; C’ulture of Hemp, hr Mr. Cl«» ; Ac • Clnrlottc, and W iih,Ma Lecm iti * 1 rieultuie; Culture of B.vs~Thc laicust-Drain. K. .N. ROBBINS. I ine-.Ergot or Spurred Rye—Coiiiniuication troiu ~4vriTmW\ 'I VNcr sim it>rv~ Hemp. I.Ml 1.1 AM.Ol > nuctincs ol Trmi-erance ,;r«und ; Tune and Manner of Sowing lb.. KTf SK^ietics and tricnds of Irmiieranee in eve- q,- (j.Uiering; Metliods of Dow and ry city, town an. village in our country, havx been ' rotting ; Proccs.s of Breaking, ,Sco.-Hmls invited on the -tilh day of February, It'.H.t; and ' Eurniers ; .Vdaptinj; t'rops to the Soil and Mar- .1 i» eariieslly hoped, that they may be uiiivi-rsal- 1 ket-Am.-lioralion of Fruits ; host sorts raised ly eMendcd; that TeiiiiK ranee Socicti. s maj be , |,„,^^ved Varii tica-.CuItivatirrti of ti.rmcdinallplacesinwhichtherearenone,a:ida I I di!lin>nt Expenfnent-s exuting Societies U as much as p,issibl i^nlarged. I . Ucseriplicn of the lUves used, with tin* J. 1-,1*\\ AKI>f“, causc of their I'ailure and ultimate Sueccss; lu- f'lc. .Vcf. .iMitdiuii 3r/f/>.*«c. ! q„iry in riliition toCiiifcu Hcis; P*«e.niolb; more AnJorfr, lO/A Jnu, l.'sJ.i. ’ Partiriilnr l),i»eriptiMi of the tiisl Hive, as alao oC Wi! will thank the Editors ill this State to give : the ( hnrlii slio|e HiVc: Improvement in H*v«4 the above a few nisci lions. , »u^'i{enti d—I'riccH Cui rei.t ot'Country Produou V IT,I., rrciv, in the .N«h-Yo(,5 aud Bi.Jliiaori. .Markkls~.Viivci'. Src. Stiiic Tcihi. ^'cc. G. . tu>cmcnts.