JfflNERlS^ & FAKMEMS’ JOURNAIi. rui\Ti:i> AM> PI uuKiifJii i;vi'Kv » * W J- iio:/n)>.... |{ vRLo-n ic, >ik( ki.imii la; coijntv, nor* iiTarowiv 4 , Wltl. TfACU YOU TO r.«nc TM. BOW*tS OF KAKT,. AK„ UK,NO Ot T ,HCM ... T„K Ml.-, A..S « „rr„ W...L SATIJKO VV, I I:hki ABIV 10, 18:13. ; KTP.KMil l, TO OI’R MaN,>S and BC'njrXT AU. NATURE TO OIJ* CHIC AND PUtASU**.—M. SOUttaOnT TIIK lnrr«’ A: FariMers’ Joiiriinl printed ajid puWiil»».J every Suturday nioniiiijf Bt Tteo DoU*ir$ ptr annum, it'paid in advaticc; Dtllart and Fifty Cmt» if not pnid in ad. »ancf; Thrtt Dollar$ at the tnd of the ytiir. ^ in»crlcd al I'lfly :SO. 125. KKillTllliS. the undi-si);iir(l, certi'y tiiat «b have w W witneiiMcd tho ojH-rufiuii ol’ tin; RevolviHs; SI earn 19 V«/irr, owned by Mcswii. Kohbiiia, llii^hi** & tV). of IVoiti the liohlon 'I'ruiiHcript. ai.Mit n «iK L\-nj,!,EcT. The following tiiuloguo is sail to have tak»Mi place in the 'J'own of down cast, j brtwoeii a mubtor ami his puf/il, previous I i.ATER FROM EtliOPE. New.York, January 80. -- - - III. - - The Citadel of Antwerp haii fallen! Oa Kocktbrd, .Surry county, N. C. and wc Jiuvo no | to all exniiiiiiatioii before the scliooi coin-1 Slulc of JSorth Carolina, and it t« , the evening of Sunday, the 23d ult. it CI-EKK’S LAW. I An Act to vest the rijjht of electing the Clerks of' tlic County and Superior Court*, in tho counties ! vi ithiii the Stutc, in iJie free while men thereof. | lie it cnuctcd hij the (hnvral Asgenibly M-'oreign inteUigence. henitutiuii in unyiiijr tljal it answLrii the pur|mhfii j imttec of that town • miUlier»quare(iiotc*ceiding!Wline«J (brttjo of eh anhing Clolhe* of all kind« wiUi very liltls I ’ firii iiiicrtion, and 25 cents for each »urrrpdiiiB ! ®'cry short time. Wc are al»o sdtiHfKil ' Mnslf»r.—Jncob cotiic here. Are you a | next c ^ , i ■ j i -j j .1. • • Iir« Iiiicruoii. K , . ■ - mllx.v f tho Jencral Assembly within tins State, the glacis, and laid down their arms. II for tlirco Hc«ka, firf one wpiare.— A liberal di»coUDl will be made to Hio#,' who Bilvt rtise by Uieyear. IT f On a!l advert inrment* communicaU'd for pnbliealioii, the numU r of imrrlioot rauirt he noted oil the inaff^in of t>K- Tuanutcrlpl, or they »lll be conUuucd uutil forbid, and caariffd tccordin|f!y. ,» All roniniunicatittn# to the Td.tur uiuirt eowe they may not be attended to. that it weara lc»» evi-n than hand waxhinjr, and ' gofni boy f niUKt Ibrin u nu>i>t vuiuablo «cqui»ilion iu duiiicstic i .hicfdi'. — [ nni iir. j //«rrlnj macttil hy the authority of the same, capitulated, and the garrison marched from I'l’liat at tho next election for members of amidst its ruins on the following day to tho vconuniy J. I), no YD, Charlotte, N. C. A. II. MARTIN, do. J«»IIN SI.OAN, do. Jl»Si;rn HU.MNKR.rfo. II. a w ii.i.iams, iU>. TIIO. J. lUJLToN, do. 'J IIOS. IU,)YI), do. J.VO. I.. IIAYRS, do. THO. TROITKR, do. Fiiiunry Uh, I’■.'{3. M.— Now (1.1 y(p,i Know it? —Hy aiiriciihir ilf-nK.iiMration. WF. ret|>rrli(illy intt.rui the iiiz> ni of Meek. Irnbiirif and tlip aifjan nt I'OUiilii i, thjt wc arc the propfieiorx of the above dewrribert Machine, and thk .niUHFrrK. cilARMiSTON. JAN. an, 1-53:I Cattou, Sea laland, ly a W ; u|4and, new, 10 a Rice, prime, 3 a ; interior to goud, ‘Ji a Floor, auprrfine, 6 a 00; Corn, G'i a &? «,S.Sa60; Wh.akey, 34 a 36; .N. i;. Rum. M » Til Ap|*le Hraiidy, 4U a 4U; Been- t, 17 a 1«; XalioH,Carolina. 11 a 11Mock. So. I, i ; So. % S\ ; Hacgii. fiat; liaius, a I'Ji : I^rd, ti a ; NtiU, r:ut, S] a 6 rent* ; *3 • 16; Bale Riipe, 6 a 10 criiUj - •m*« wvuiy, li« a 200 . Iliillatiii a,a, lUU a . l"'reha»otl Uw r»p|u.ive rirht ot Uc , ,n^monil.'o wpi I » , Iron, Ku»«i« aiul Swedt*, a 4,1 per Ibn.; | ‘"K ■'“* Ku am U a«hrr 111 I lie Ibllou. 1 H, Lire^l. In baih. If a I }; in bulk!' inp Coonne*. viz • Merhlenburir, An»on. l-mct.|i., j a 00; *1^. Uiand, 4m a59, Suf^ar, llarana, lo R^wan, IKivid»oi>, lliunmirk, iJladcn. ' bf««n,7a8; Mt. Cr^x and Ja«i. 7 a 9J ; Jonen.Ni* Man*- I w.Ollaaj^, 64 • 8; .Mokaiea. Cuba, J?t) a .T2; '• f'^'“t'»«‘'.'>»'‘*'*rland, .\toixp,( hnlham. Pan. j Orleeim. 31) a 82; Cofice, prtuwierien, l laU; 'l""romery,«”abarni«, Ir«d-ll, Burke, Mnn- j -K>rlot«**. I2a 13i; l!j«HiTca.:7’aJ0ct».’ Haywood, fc .>f8cj|). All Ui. w to Nonb4 *r»)hn« cnonry, if a 1| p.*r cmL di»- •''"‘I-r ol ll . a. I int. fla»ani»ah Dank Btllx I per nrnt. diw^wm; j *»>»*•»>«"••«*, «"oM do «ell to wail tintii w. have i ollter iirorfU Bank Billa 1| »*»d 1| percent. •" of exbibmnjt oiim, i> it if the o. , ^ (>tnii of ail who ha»e »-rn it in opcralinn, that It • »« U ir.y ll.inf of the Kind ever cxl.ihitf d in I . . I IIk-I'ntlrd U e pWdje uur*elv'« lo « a>h I man K ju»« hcriTed a Irwh a«wrtii»ent of} ,t ,h. pr„poilK.i, of 100 diirt. in on, Imur, or 4', I »he How slioriH’s, sheriin-', inspectors and all inefiectual and hofieless longer defence persons iioldiuff the elections, shall open a would have been, may be judged from tho iHill and rcnt-ivo votes* aiven for county and annexed account of the eonditioD of tha .» imu uiK/ii* * . Ill I .M.-Nnurir,,lar rVmonstrnt.onnlalent imtnral to tlie hiiMiJiii fiunilv? j and under the same rules a’.id regulations “ 1 ne deplorable condition in which ‘ J —I'lalo a«>>. ris that it h pxrept in ca ! votes for ^ -Major dela Footuine found the citadel, beg. i uh**re il.,^ oj.iial n.cuibrai.e J ir,j,ired ! ^^cneral A.sc-nibly; and in ; gars all description. Not a house was left I bv over f'x« rli'>n. i ® fuiiure of persmw nppointrd to ) t*8t could shelter the garrison ; the ammu* I ■ .M.__vviiat auMiorify have vou that Tla- • elections, or either of them, itbhall "iti’o and provisions were either destroyed, I to xnid so f I coiii|K lbiit for u justice of the peace and 1 burnt, or blown up, and only Buflicient food ! —that comf’fifo we mftih#>r ' ““I'i'b Vacancy. | was left for one day’s rations. The case- told me wi. ■M.—Very well, Irf ni» to see mother . ^''^cliolders to supply such vacancy. ’1 II. And bt: it furlhtr tuactid. That all ; niates, or vaulted passages, were all knock- ivr if von a^c i ^'^asse himself was seated would alw, ei»e inibrniaiioii lo die ptihlic, I M.—\Mirif was Jen. Juckson on that '’t‘*cr (Jf^rsons qualilied to hold a deputation of the garnson waited on ........ • • said elections, phail at the court-house or (^'liasse, and urged him to make a desperate J,_^;.,„otmc wfKKichnrks in Kenturk. 1 r«>u»'i»£ or comparing the polls,; sortie ; and either tosucce^ in spiking tho M.-I)id ^ou ev,T hear of lienn- day ?' /‘‘f , '» »»empt. I ^ . highest nuinb r of votes, duly elected clerk I • hey complained that the fire of the enemy f,!,, jip , [of the coiJi ty or bupeiior court, as the case prevented them from standing to their guns, I 1 . r.iU- I,.! I mav bo, who shall continue in olHce for the ■fid that they preferred risking their lives Ireilf ti>ri miK b f'librr wni term offmir years m xt after their qualifica-' t>ri tht- field of battle to being murdered by .M — W hat im'rtof Ul'ru^le Island is Cape | ‘I'*' Hiitteras ’ son.s ha\lUg an equal numl)cr ot votes lor ; sight, and aguin.st whom they could take uo J S(Kifh »*a«t pBri «ir either f liic cfIici->. af>rf.aid, then and in sure aim. Chas.se felt the tbrce of thi.i re- .M.-ln HhRf prt 01 Nova Schola docs!‘‘’^‘ o‘>lcasai.d quarter ses-; n^mstrance. (termed a mutiny by the French , >;jjp t .‘•i»n.‘3, a ni; j >rti\ ot the acting ju^.tices being «nd Belgians,) and from that moment he se. I present, shall proceed to make the election riously thought of a capitulation. To at- Frr'ih liardru lUI _ _ _ ... ..... GAKUk.N StL^ r««il and eur«l bj the | b^deloih eoiau in iIm» like Vime! HTtl.out'ir.'.imii \ J.—In the centre. Kty of Hhaker^, ackno* k> be Uk bti.l > ,h.. \cut injurv- It va.lir. from th- l.i.ert «r. I V —W ^4 in I i^t*^ HCalea, warranUd grnuii>« ,icJe of drtw. U Ih.- iKaviirt bed fnrr> fure. ! , . “ , 1 •f ih. rowih of le.U RolJiiISS, IU«,HK A (O. j•^'''1'*' hat IS itscoyrsr, and where dc>es AHoiK. wHtcn Aaa r» m(xowiiu ea(k»tM AtUcbulkc 1 n. liow Turnip do .nfir U urtarl do rif acanilv «k> iy York C'«bt>a«« ~!jr Dutch do ly Sufir (.oaf do •jm Head do I hitch do >^ly Curled liad d« weDinj( I’artnip ioemiey di '^rkd fcpprr ^yrniir do l.«Uf Srarti'l Raili*2> tcarlel alml lop do 1o ClktrlMlf. Frh. 4.1N33. N. B. Aii|’in!f>rma*ion re*f or tl-.f iuhf.T;h.t, Call U- utii«im'«J l>« ippiicKiioii [^^r!'‘nns. .l.-~Its rrur«p is «'rpfnlinf, and it tinel'if .Vr.( !,inc* ''*"’1'*'*’’' '"to the .Mijtriripy jiist above .New to Col. John Sloart or ('apt. JoM pb Pritchard, ol Cti«tlilt, and Wtlliaiu in I’roviJi t.f •. ttlf. n« nt. K N, KOHIIINS. .X»TK K. ON Ft»d*v, ihe Id n| Msfch, ••ill be luld al Ihe roiiirnct ol Mtry (•ihiwr, d- c’d. I iJKF.i.Y \i:i;iu>ix M.— '' hen and where was lndeiK“nlcnce iei lar»'il ? .1.—III the T-'th vrar of tli«“ Chri'tian lhit( h do for ptekleaiisrarlet Turnip do >Ud('«kry tIUack U intrr do , •ranj^ Carro* ^miiirr liu«h .*viiuab, a I pro;»rl* ot deretard. Sale to cnuiiri.Cc I valittkU Vinil> mrmr ( 11 o'cloca, tiialr kno«n on Uip .' V Ol SaJr. LiA.N ALI-.\A.M»i R, .4J». r. /Vil,l'3.r 3l-i •M.-What part of i^peedi is Aule-.Ma-;f , scrilHid -x!Reddo I ralttabte fAuiiiy »eft- .flnf (ffewi Coewmber 1 table j>rly do I.Manimolh do joat unpor. j ^iIt whiU do »cry p«o. tod frwn Uk .SouUt Sea libe I Itlaoda tialy r.herkin. jood Mununer rraokrd nerk do | (>r pirklei |winter do for pickle* 'Ofjia 'N aler Melon |.S«|[e uMcrdulbr priM.rtti.K|KuU 0*r« Turnip j p»l( aaedcd do very ,I.alr l>ulrh do u»ee •**prinjt do niurtitr, ffw ptcklra Round (month Timatoe* : While Orhra now prescrib'd by law in case of the e-' tempt a .sortie he knew was worse than mad j lecticHi ofsheiifl.'i; and said courts, in man-1 neos—to continue to depend on the citadel, ner aforesaid, shall be a competent tritjuual I in its dilapidated state, was impossible—and, I., deride all coiit«»leJ elections arising und*;r ’ having proved to the world the bravery of his j l!ii.“ act. I men, and Kitistied the honoT of his oumtry, ! IV. And he it further fnncted, That the ' he considered it no degradation to succumb I i !erk.s elected imder this act shall at the first to superior force. 'i tf-rm of tlicir respective courts, which shall “ The first interview the French Parle* riap|)r-n after tln ir clcrtion, lender to mentary had with Cha-«e, he was introduced with his eyes covered. The veteran, tho instant he saw him, ordered the bandage to l)c removed : “ We have no more sec rets,” .said he, “ admire the glorious work of youc biiriibs—tell Marshal Gerard the exact sit- ^■rre, uridertlrt; big pc^iar down bvl)av.ses ,' ‘*f-l’'10 ni r . i tl:c •■asJ courts such Ixmils, and take such I huOD >»««1 lOc do .1 do rge Soitch Leek s=taW» Ov»ter r.ite Head l.ettuee Marmw fal Peaa W lUon'a aup'r. early do r.«Tly Chaitalao do F.arlyChu>a iWan ■While hidnry dwarf do }H«rly Cran»4rry do .V(bh«»k d» by law, and where a va. ancy siiall J._A rrrf-ulnr drf^tjvc verb. i «'•''failure to give the neces- .M.-UaOJorg,u/« death pn.phecicd» ,*^0 b^.nds, refu..^il or neglect to qualify, r , , 1 » J II «r....i,..i I, rc.»t;;ii.nticn, removal or otherwise, ■ uation of the Citadel. ihf iiiirul W^eml !v " * ‘ the coint ui which such failure mayhap- On the other hand, the French attack has 1 nj.__\>rv wfll ' \ ou niu-t try and I e 1^"’ ti‘l ‘I'c vacancy under ' hePH obviously conducted with consiinimato t'arthrnirHr*\ i himt ^ iHaHH. • .^.Hect Ht the whool committ' e d'lV * whiHi and re.strictions | skill, and the object being eflected with v» hat i»*ill be the third Tu.-dnv rrccedin- the now required by law ; and the person ;—(notwithstanding the lamentations of tho I la^l SuUnlav in next ntonlli. t>ersi iii so appoinled, .shall continue in c»x:kney letterwriters for the London press, ‘ lotricf until the next annual election fur about the inglorious preference ofshowering To prftrrrr llouva from Vrrmin ' niemf ers of the Coneral Assembly, or the ; bombf and springing mines, to “ gallantly Rie.4 ir> iwiiu iilar iiii.v r. i.dilv be des * f'r't term of t!ie court of pleas and quarter mf'Unting the breach”)—must be deemed a tr.,:ed bv l!.ss..^:n^:^a d;;cL o" •l-r-fter happen. , pra^worthy regard for human life. r.*’.ve sublimat.-, iiT qu uter .,f an onncn : ' ‘ * '•“« s^cli, . "_e do not ,>erceive that the surrender of TIIO.il.%.% J. i \KK U A « «. impmlni, t*- Wolrr-strrrt, /^iie-\'Qtk, tKK rvoeiiinr ll»rir ^jiriiij liii;«rtalioaa in th- above liii' ; coiiipriMi.,' a grat vttu'iy of Ihe N( «eit ralU rti*—Whitli ;»re (.tf. rrd to >*rHilhern ^IrrrhanU at li'C mn*l rrduced price p«». »iWr lor llir ariK Ir lo tie •old al. In addiUon l» lin abcer, U;( y iiave a larr*' and I hare alao to in;orr.i Uit public, that 1 bate just ceirvd an aaaiirlmeiit of ^ URfH'KRiES, CharleatMi, among wliicii a« \ln> iulloKwi;' omeraled arlalri, »u: II 1 CE, L'laj .V Brown Sl*(«.\R, good Ji chcap 4> X »-ras, Traekrra, Riee and .Sail, lail of UiAi reni kiiidt, •i rarit'ti/ of §Mf iTS, :^xr.f:s, M^Mo.ss," r msiN';, Ac. \i \ini*s. I n.m it i'H, { \7.ll,and K.\I;|.|SH \SAl„\ns. "t »A M TS.*r. Ac. ^»tbrr wilh a nltmea aMorttnenl of " oufrrtinuri''H Sirrrt tffralHy " •“orlTTiMil »hich la aure U> nuit Ibe («lale of >01 )o.ii,g ,nd old pcrnrns and no others, who shall have at-' the Citadel ven though that of the forts TIlOMA.'i J IIAF.’KOW « o |vi|ior* r«, (O' Wat r at. N. V. .\fw.yt»k. Jo*. Ir. ll3.~a3jS.1 'I hr li(. di4e of till «t«>n 'I'rivfiler n-lutes this nnw elephant Hoiixhi at pri M.'iit e.\ To Chan ISIark >,!Ls.—To bullock'' ! gall, add b.iiiiiiy wate r suliicienl to muke It WHnn, and with a cl an !*|'onge, rub Ihe sdk well nil both sidi s, rquci /c it well otil, and prococ'd again 111 like nnntier. Uiiwc nothing herein enrtiiined shall be so con-j spring opens and tho sea.son is more favora- Striicd, as to r«';ieal the law or any part! We for the niovemeiUs of armies, of general herei(' which renders the courts liable (or ■ *“r. npglcf tm;; to lake .«i!Hicieiit securities of the ' 1 lie free navigation of the Scheldt—tho clei'i.s of tlie conntv or s(ii>ei ior ci'urts. , apportionment of the public debt—the uso VI. Anti he it furthi r cnacttd, 'I’hat tiiis by Belgium of the interior waters of Holland 10 unbuckic tlie Htnip which atlachod him r .1 „ ’ -OO ! tations of Belgium i.s, may bo gathered from to his chain in one corner ot-the budding;, .‘V ""V*7o\T~ fa.her the ^ ^ the , the annexed paragraphs from a Brussels pa- lie Ihrii came h.rward to tho M..vc i.chHv Soutlicrn pnp. r. wiib no.v-nmll degreeofsur-‘ per of 26th : in tlic centre, where he t.mk up a lucket ’ X ' , V, ^ ^ Covcrnor of this Slate is in 1 Brusseh, Dec. 2,VA.-Project of a law *l«n.liiig there, ni.d wa, pn^eiHlmg with „ *l U'c •. U noan , it w»s proved tha be wa.s of Nullification. We do not hesitate relative to the amount of thelarmv of 1^33. to hii* iHvrite triMrr, who was Hwnked and l-rofKTiv, and, in lact, in- met him ln-loro he n’nrbfd his biTth." solvent. I lie jury, alter llic cause was 'I’he wiriir paper n iut-« the I'ollowiiig:— siibiuitteil to them, retired, anl after an ab- I'eel oiithorised in stating, that there is not a man in the coniinunity, who entertains AtL !!„ , . . f “'riio niiniati re Heohaiit Juliet is bv »nr *“"'Uti-s, itiurned into court touimun ij, wno enienains a Aiw., ■ r»n«ral aawMtmeiit of the mo»t choice I * "o « iniauire nepnaiii juiiei m i>\ mr ,1 . 1 greater reverence lor ihe I nion or the intli- ptiislAWc nf ih#* stirrii'« iii iKp * V\ll|i II VOruill til lilt SIKIl i>! iiVO tltOll&iUlHi * i ■ » i r A MP A K; V. M J S4 • AT I ;i, d’FRf >NT|fJ V \C. V”' *KA, | K,\F.uIFFE, MAi(iitll.I.i:8, A/..\1.A, *e. 4«c. And Attoitm*nt m( niHNClI ( UKLHAI.S A. I.KMO.N SYKIT. • al»o, a |ood aaorbiienl of ^'ontltu^y Si^tKITS, > liad aliiicMt ibrirnllei) la mnnlioD -bill I l«te. Thnw.tu‘r.S4l KUAII" U'lHli iMjuor in Uifl •* Hmtrail hie''— ^'^I'Y,Jamaica rim, ‘ I-: him, 11 «lmUnr IV„n,«ti- SpiriU, .Snanidi SKOARS MW. «l«o, MMnc drink to tuil Ihr liinra, which "x-ri rcoinm i)il d (by ihi old« *1 and binl > a* fw . ■"'* n'llri.loiii b»vraj{r, il,IM)D • • III.I.K—mill rhoulil ron not !>«• ahli- lo '■"'■■‘ifh !•> qui nch your ihirvi while 111 Uiwn. ■ ' plrnly of Jiiffiatid Jar*of Slonrwarn,inaili' "•'‘.'"‘I''' ^••‘•vvhirh you can till and carry “ , •litiiilil vou lid *0 inclint d. 'Il of the ftU.v, rnuincrolrd artirlri I will m II '•«, wlii.lrsalr cr retail, a* an> |h rwin in Ihe bill I uiii»t ||«s). ibr C(i»A nnd no |;ruin- TF ' P'fieularly nolicil niy fricniU and Ihe c ni rally lo ifj.^ prove and jud^rc. , WM. III'NTKR. ' ^trlnllr, J„n. (1, IKI3. •J ll’JC ri)iiTitry, for any c.f tin n- I"' "ill I"! ranliilly paikill np. iiml >Ml atUntum (Tivrn. W |I Ihr cmjiitry gniteful ladies prenent, 11 taking from her bag some apple* and rakeii to U- il» nlt out to the ele-1 (flonoyu rttiia phnnt- with her own liaiKl.s, | ' timcnt. have ap|Kfared in the S.uth Carolina diK'uffaged her card case, which ilroppeil 1 ^al ( oluinbus, (( nio,) on the ^,»th , , , _ . io.mullw.t edition of the specie., m ihever.liet in the sum 01 nve tliousan.1 nr « hn i.. moro Hpp. r.itefuM^r favoui^. One ol a group of j ‘ ^ ^ ^ nusrepresentation.s ~ ' of the latr—n [■'>rpo''t‘'‘S •'avo emanated from gentle- 1 iu f/.re tho I. State.- , - " sen- lo pronounce the report utterly false; and —law ot Dec. 3d, l'r31, the army for 1^3■2 was to lie S0,0t>0 men on the war establishment, besides the moveable Civic Guard. A rescrre of 30,000 men were ficcreed on tho 4th Juue la^t, making the whole ef- lective force 110,000 men. 'I’his is the amount pro[K>sel by the go vernment for I'-JtS, besides the niovcabla Civic Guard. We cannot propose a reduc- paper.s, which we consider it cur duty to ti"ti at a time when Holland, with halt a pop- on the floor. 'I his pa.v*ed iiniu.ricrd r„h !''•••a''^to, pur-1 iV i,a.. ^ren renresented, that a ulution, h.is an army nearly as large as ours, liir group turned from litllo Juliet to .-.m- |« Hu't; to j girat re-ac‘ion ha^^ taken place in th.s State, and is making new levies'. 4 apt. Ihck ride hi.-i|H.ny. If wa.i hut „ "“-‘1 Stato.s , f^yor of Nullification ; as t'aras wearoca- Oiir troops are pertectly well organiz!?d, ii l,«.l I but It aiiKfrmu that said note contamedi ^ nn,l , - I t ll'r.' I , ! p.ible of judging of public sentiments, as ex- trained, an,I disiplincd, and the government *'"/ii' ' pres.sed at varnHis meetings in difierent s’c- and the nation have only to prove the ex- moment, however, lieliire the elephant had j apf.'t-.'inntf diiK-overed Ihe card case, nml stepping (ot- i ™ , wprd with It, gently thmst her trunk Ihro' /«•«.'/ol tho Hank of the Lnited btates, r,verse is the case, and .Nullitl- cellent spirit that animates them, and their the ciri le lo iho very lady who had li'd her . P‘‘* ‘“-‘r acqimiiU j becoming more and more disre- desire soon to give proofs of their courage solan'll) •” I .. ,, , T , putable daily Ruhi^rh Constitutionaliit. nnd attachment to the causeoftheir country. I 1 awnm^r I,j trat^rthnary.~On .Simday |' ^ , The prolonged slate of war n-ndered fresh JHvidc the linng CAiW.—Surely the altermion, a ‘'‘‘j*- jJ* | rH.\trcs'(in}:. Houses are so scarce at t>urdens n‘'ce.ssary; but iJelgium wiil inako flays of King Solomon have returned. \Vc * * leant that u caxo i.s now undergoing e.\ani- Illation at I’lattsbnrg, iK-lween two women, to decide which of them is the natural nii. tlier and entitled to a “ living child.” 'I'he hild IS alxtiit five nionlhs old. Moth, as in coriio from Ihe church 111 the city of Dur-' " '"‘-''A- ' , , .1 Salisbuiv, Massachus-ctts, th ham, was wized with a lit ol yawnmir. 1 .11 11 1 , , . , I ..11 1 I . pconie have licen oblired, in s( which continued a considerable lenctb ot ' ‘ ,, S, r that the young any sacrifice till we obtain what existing , „ ■ . ,,vu,;..r ..u.e u, ..1 some instonces, treaties assure to us. Wc shall kc'p our , 1 1 . to postpone their wedding for liie lack of army on the war establishment till our po- time, an. caused he. to ^‘^ch her uiouth , , ,i,jea| afRiirs arc st-ttled. ,s*i wide that the joinis at the exlreniity ot, & | Government should have to rei^-al the jaw slipped, .‘^o that she could not shut | 5fr. (\irson mentioned latelv in Congre.»5, any aggression, and require a further de- tho case befort' King S. swear to the iden-' '• "gain. She reniaineil in this di.sagrei a-1 „niotint of (Jold pro»juccd in the veiopment of force, it w ill find in the Cham- tity and bringing liirth of the child: and , and dangerous Mtuation until .Mr. Shaw, State i>f North Carolina, in the vear 1*^31, l>ers and in the Nation means to increase both are corr lxrated bv circumstaiiliul nnd (Hisilive icMiniony. hen we get the deriNion and the circuinslanct s coiinect‘d with this novel proreeding, we will lav them before our render''. r.) Argus. a surgeon, was wnt for, who succeeded in placing It III its natural |iositioii. ■\ bear was killed iw'ar Lake Drummond Hotel, N. C., on the "3d Decemlier, which weijjht'd, after being dressed, Ibe. was §l204,tnl0; and the lust year, double our army as much as may ho reipiired for that sum. , the maintenance of our indi'i'emleiice. Tho ' budiiet on the new establishment is 73 mil* Gen. Scott is now in this city, bnt we hons of francs, In'ing 4'' niiliions (or four understand will rt turn in n few days to the millions;) month) more than on tho peaco Chaik'ston Station.—\ .J, Corn.ult. caUibhihmetit. To ['rcvcat the incouveiii-