THE MINERS AND FARMKRS’ JOURNAL. Sute*. He wislied the laws to find support he approved of the uoctrines of lVnns\l- la lb« eoergr of the CoikrtituUon. It wasi v^aia, tur, in hisi opiuton, she went too lur. in vain to sav that coercive measures are ' But lie nneunt to show her ntslines8 did not Dec^ssarv id this case; for thero is an in*, draw down u|Mti her the power of the riiuHi. bemit eoerj!:)' in the t'onslitulion which Tlie administration of that day had not re- rill enable the laws to tnumpb without an appeal to force. TSe Senator from Pcnns}i lvania asked us course to niihtary coercion. The dt'cidcd stand which llie State had taken was knouu to the lloveninicni and to Congresti, Imt could cMist hero. l»:it s«ys Mr. Ilaniil- ton 111 the Ffdcrwhst ? \\ Imt «ivt> Mr. Shorlcvig Murdt r.-A man named Barke«. dale, of Warren county, Geo. had been held to bail for bis ap|tearance at court, and hit necurities, beariog that it was his intentioi) to Icare the country, wished to surrender him to th« sherifl'. For this purpose fivg The (irtiit Dfhatr.—y.r. VV’eustkr and >!r. t’vLiioi.N ha\j at last measured ion 111 me I tUVIilH!-! ; .. 11Q» , V ALMUl 1.0 MadiSLUi on Uie ^uL,Jt>ct > Why, that to a- Mifii^-lh on the iiilerebting sul.jects wliith dopt a consohdiitiHi povcrnnniit would U- now :ij;ilatc and ]»orplex the nation. 1 i« dr^roMi.K the prinni.lcs of the revolution, Spticlits of thcs« gentlemen have not yet and would imvitMli'.y had to nionanhv.— com.'lo liand, but we shalliose no time in ... , • * \iu] wliN T Bcvn.iso w henev.-r a rnujoiitv, mj; ll.eni t«. our readers, whatcver s,>uce persuus placed .tl|eni8elvei near hi* ro«. havir.K adverse luk-rr.ts lo tlie n.inoriiv, liuy nmy .Kfupy. W e copy the follovt mg dcnce, on the night of the 12th inst. littinj the'tber d.v if we wer^ unwillinc that they did not consider that anv CH-rcve should to oppress the smaller |h.V- the powers pro,vo«d to be given to the Ev ! measure vverc noc^ry before the .iud.oinl {tmn. the , ‘Rrirt.tcr. the a guK Doe of tl,ni«f •cutive by the bill, should be contided to tr'^’unals had tried their i-emody. .No lull thou.s.-lves b^iiind their resoix.d n„>, ,, ' Lmv mildiv bt-treed him to desist from the present IVsident of the I'mted Slates, "lis introduced m C'on,-iess, no measures , and make resistai.ce to the oppiession, or e had the gri;li(icatu>ii c^jf listeumg 1gienped Uck a short ? - jjg would recommended bv the l*n.'sident for meeliiij; I l>e annihilated. W hat would l>c ihi‘consi'. _\Jr. Calhouns >|»ecch on Friday. It, » PP* rt dis- But that was not the question, say that the had been such past course of the Pivsident.‘he nie-asures of IVnnsylvama w ith military ! «juence ol tins rf h, as to entitle him to uniira-' Fhey tru-Jted to the force of our i mmontv, disco\ nee of tins rf>Mstance ? So so«in as the jv., * nni>o.>».iLle to look unmoved upou tho lance, bringine them in a range, and finM], killing a Mr. 'I. Jones, of’ Taliaferro county,' who received forty small khut and twoslu^| ' ^ i« right arm and 'ej ton Harris vetv Pitman ilighUy. but wade bu es- particularlv to that State, and .IhhiiuI her I i'| e .»('ntlrmen fiom New-.lersev integrity and bonest his purposes, he would give a power which was unwar ranted by the constitution, that a jealous w atch over tbe power, 19 the only w ay of pre?^rving He could not believe for a moment, that, if ‘‘he op;>o6«Hi herst it to the law of the I nioii. >ln>nj;fsl inaniKT. lie deelaied that it was I \ letter from a gentleman in Auguiti, motives of tbe ekivalrout u! wrote tbe letter te Gov. Ham- fioin hiiii, the te>tlessrA'ss oi" Ins jjcr-1 iltoo, some time since, volunteering hi» We are told practise the same moderation lowanls i ti^.ru^^as ihe aspiring pride of the an e!ll>H “ to logulizc murder”—to “enforce j A letter froi repositories of t-'arolma *vhich the I’nicnpractised towards suvfrtM^-iHie« which had led to this ' robber) by nia^cre.” \M»ile the burning j expUins the ni (•rving liberty, w hen, in a moment of high excitcmenl,; of iliin^s. I'lie r.siiirin;; pride of the , words ami hri athaig thoughts were pt.ur- . div idual wlio w I.v cuuiu I1«I Wild- K.i a moment, that,'if >^he opj>os«Hi hersilfto the law of the I’nion.' >,u,e reTtfntios' It was an avowul i.f mg lion. Iniii, Ihe te»tlessi»es8 oi' his |K;r- , illoo, some ti this power were given to the Pn>#ident, he He v^ould, in furlher fiipport of his views. | joctrim-s Nueh m« thcfo w hirh was sH.riM.itH- »'-n >l;>wid hew much his mind v»as ugita- services in ®* ‘^'Iwition, aaj would abuse it. But it might, in worse » speech dehverctl by a highly j i,a„t to Ins feflini.s. It was well known !ed. A> he ii.volual;iri!> walked to and tro,: uhich was publis(>ed lu tbe Mercvry, «. titnes than these, and in wors* hands than distinguished eitizcn of IVnnsv Ivania, a pas-1 ,j,at m the origin of the govonnnetit the vve thMl-ht of the chu«**d lioo surround^ ^ eomi>aiiied w^Hh imme complnneatary- r«. his, be abused, to the destruction of our in- vvhich was fraught with ju>t and hlfe-; ci,ut,try was divi«iod into two gnat parties, stitutions. We may be told tlwit the power ^ sentiments. [F n»m the address deliver-: 0,^. ihtse pjriK-s cfuitciid^ in liivor ui will be limited as to coutinuance and appli-' ^ before the hierurv societies of Jetlerson j reserved rights of the Stales, and to re- cation. But what does history tcach us’ *t >he annual commencement m | cincted pinert'of the (leneiaMIovcrnnient. that the fact of to day becomes a precedent ^ September, if3C, by Ihe Uon. .Mr. ilkius,, 'i |ie other was for eouu rung f n the tleiH-- to morrow. (>ur own history s^ows us in-. ho rvad the Icllowmg j«ssage ; ,^| (;overuineni unluntHs! pow» r>. 'i'hi stances of powers, some well established as ; “ If w e start w ilh horror from such fright- coaatitutiooal, which the fran>ers c>f the f'ul consequences, lot c*ir eti'jiis be dire>cted ceosiitution and Its early friends would have to a\ert tlie evil which brmgs llieni in its shrunk from with dread. The General train. Ever keep in miml the spirit of Govemment has been gradually drawing to compromise in which our Constiiution had itselfthe exercise of doubtful prv*ers. N'hen ilsorigin. Instead of deliance and derision, liv tlie hunier«, exhibiting his power to the | iirarks upon tin? disintereetedoeai, chival. last. He s]>oke wiihoul tuniing to a iKite I r}’, Arc. Ac. ot the author. «>r ref rence, arnl with an uninttrruj tnl ] The letter aays that a Yankee, [whot* sinimatu.n, ati! con(-1uJ«*d oiil) v»h Dl»r had'tuiine is given] wrUe tlw miMHve, after a lieroiho ifH) dizzy to prooct d. Ho finislied reguUr Saturday night's fmiic; and that h« hl^Slx■«Kh on tiie next day, and Mr. '^cb- hias recently received a printed circular, la^t was calK-d the l-Vdernl (itirtv. Withn ster i:iinn diat*-ly followed. ’I l»e Senate > aice(4ing of his wrvicea in the mott poiHe loud note they pro* !3in.eJ tlio iiecossiiy of t'lainticr wa^. if more lhron"''H uianiter, and characterizing tbem aa ch:r. iiivfstiug the Geix nil tIo»i rnmeiit v» it'h a than it had U-en the iby prtvti.ui*. W> I ^ipous, A:c. Acc. I'be circular «^s ahon vast range i|" authoriiy. S.n.e of them ate Ic.ld, that this effort of Mr. Wehster very generally, to a number of persoot, even went s*> t'ar a> to pr»>pi»»* a fTM*(»arx!h\. was great and pcwerlul. He compared Mr. «ho advised him to answer His Rca^ j Mr. Hami!ti.n wa! willing to have clothed raliiyon to u >.troiig struggling in a Highaes*. He did so, and 10 a very poo. told that they are not given by the consti- let us adopt the tone t4' concilutiou, and,' the governiiKMit wuh autfiori?y which vvculrj nK>ra.-«—f very step he takes, sinking him ni^ia and ludicmus manner, inform^ hia tutlOD, they reply that they arv justified by wliere practicable, of c».i>cession. Instead >«ve left i> but the luiine of ibe rv- deeper U l'orc. Hi»cou»titutional ar- that it was only a JOKEH The gentV- prece«lont. of hunting up materials, from sj itet'ul com-j (hjUic. He pmp««ted even to go so far as gninent was must euovmcjiig. It was full i nian «!«er1« tliat the circomstaiKes tre Tbe honorable gentleman from Pennsyl- parisons between difierect Slat-s or dis-■ to give to the President a negative |>ower t f the couR.Wt logic aud ihc okM correet; nibstanlially as above related. Weshoud vania, in the course of bis remarks, spoke tricts, let us remember only what is glori-1 over the State k-g;s!ation. lU'.bie the He was orraoionally very I hke to i«e ibia whole c«rresp«Oilencc pi.^ of the «5ubmissive manner in which that ous in the history, or estimable in the char- State laws should l>cco;ne valid, he thought pointed and tarca-rtic. We have lK*ard Usfocd.—ib. State would yield obedience to the mo«t acier of each; adopting the liuppy quotation ■ that they shouW be subjected to liic *anclion many jr«oil points in tl»e speech which unjust and injunous legislation of Congress, ot' I>«rd Chatbam, w hen ueprecaling that o( the FedTul Eiecutive. .‘^uch, said Mr. might now l(4d with efR^t; b«t we pre- ittrmpt was mack in the LegiUatut Tbe lustory of that State was illustrated by stubborn and contemptuous defiance which ' H. is my rci;»embrance of ihe «ibjett.— U r waiting until the speetrh is (luMished, ^ Virgtnia, (Howe of Uelegatee,) om ti« the virtues and pariotism of her citir^ns, led to the duimcntb» rm«;nt o{ tho British The history of these time* would slicw tho >*‘*«i wo -hall hy it b* fore our readrr*.— , introduce rrM^utram inHn- but tbe Senator would pardon him if he Empire; yet each State lu reiereuce to f*ct. Tlie doctriiKs of Sute Rights, arnl r>nr!udrd with an eloqijent peroration,; ^ {Vmilor* of that State id Coogrr*. should say that tbe Sute of Peonsylvania every other, j ol'the reserved powers 4 the Stale sove- '“xclaimmg tliat be •..ughi no ? to ofHO* the I'orce Bill, anit has bra ol- was not quiU? exempt t'rom the faults which “ Br to l«r f»ahi a httW- Wind, reigntirs, was abborr*M*t to the .‘^tates.— txit •• when Ihe conlr>t lor the preservation pending in fhe* Srnaf* but attw are imputed to the Stale of South Carolina. “ Iv to htr vutuct »fry kind" | p^ey did not, hi wever, fucceed in carry • of C’onstilutionel Lilffrly did arrive, he de- discu»*ion, the Resobliooa were few The course of Pennsylvania lu the famous lo dwelling on the common e(Torts and ^ mg tVir enlarged views into cai^t. lie i lv uu*tpoocd inifimtely—avesTS,nors.jl. (Muistead case, had soaie ageiicy m bring- the common sacrifices—(hi that precious dni not intend to charaeten*’ the whuJe tlK- blows might f«ll thifkesi and la»tei4— , • (’itrUMan Ctmrifr *ng about the present State if thine* in fund ol'glonous recoileclions which two 1 that party as eiiteiiauiing those views.— and that, if he wws dr-stine^ to pt.ri»h, he' South Carolina. T.oou^h Sf>ulh Carolina wars have accumulated for the whole coun-j But streh were the s**i;iiir>ents ol «.tne u(' wrxjld exhort his c«»miilryn>en wiih his la- had not derived her impulse from that try, there tnu>t be kindled a generous and - iti kaders. Nor did he intend to impugn t*^ hrt alh—tolherfscue—lo the n^^cue.” source, yet the doctrines ooce contended for sympathetic ardour which wi.l prove the the nrtJlives of th;ae gcniU iyen, thfiu^h he A‘fxmlaneoos burnt «if apj^ause arom* I'roov hy Pennsy lvania were appealed to in justifi- mf>st powerful of'centripetal forces, I agre*', ■ doubted n«H. tlw\ werv Hctuutwi bv kt-lai;;8 the galleries and lobbies, which were nmmin and wi cation of her present course- The opinions continuel Mr. B-, that the spirit of com-! as p.*tnctic as ibusc which aciu-aed any c^mseqiu-nr*; thereof itnim-dialelv cteared j ^ I^Ubave a! and principles of Pennsy lvania in the 0!m- proini«e and conciliation is the strongest men. But it \*is well known the high- 'ip**fthl«»n. by o»i}*'r of ih; pr*~**ding oflicer. I ^ " fiers liere a stead case, had been cited m tbe discussions bcfld whicft hitKis us toi.'ether, and it is that | toned ptirt of the Finieml f«r1y did flouM The gieat cootent it thus for the prewnt uil««r to suiwit'*ibei* Ont- in Swtn C arolina, as justify mg her resort tie which unitw us, and not Ihe atrong arm liie comptience of the people lo wlf-^..v- over. The l*mg exprctrd d« bate brlweeu ' I bear numbers of them say »li«^ He did not stamp his ap- of militarv power. jemim-i.l. 'Ibey wrre f..r anmng il»e 0 •• champion of .Nuiliticaiioa and tl»e advo- lo give op Nulli&caUua,'but Suut Rigku wluct /jitrert ^ • Lrltfr fr^m U • gm.' MS la tit$ Mr. CallMMO spoke on Tnday V4?| as answered brl looel of tbe Sou'.ii : of Carolitia. Tbe geutieman from New Jen*^, in the j eral power with all aafln-nty, in order, as cat^ uf Tnion ai*d LiUrrtv has taken place,; ts^ from tbe course ol his remarks, said that the Con-j they .*»a.d. to »av; tiie r»*oj>!e fnmi th>-irown and, we fn.iy add. it itas refilled in a new ailcntion ” Representa- slitution was ratitied by the people ; tltal it wo^ rncmie.s. There were wjul cf iLe triumph f*>r ihe fiiends of tl»e C'onslitutMO- to self redress. probation on ibt3', nor on those of Carolitia. iMr. Brow>i then read extracts Report made in ibe House of Representa- slitution was ratitied t>y Itie people; titat it won4 rncmie.s. There were iLe triumph tives of Pennsylvania, on the message of was submitted to tl*e Stales nKrely from pretiiineni meu of tbe ci’untry w bo did iM>t Public etjiectaiion is now Hiii(5ed, and the the Governor, relative to the manrtamus cc>nvenience, a.’*d that the people had cloth-^-i'jscrit«e lo that principle : liit who did U*- voice ot the eouotry will iw«i b»- beard of the Supreme Court of the I’utcd States, ed the General Govemim nt with its p.jw- ii-Me that lire peof 'e are competent to « If- rt^rfvndmg to the st^timeitts of {•triwtwi in the case ol' Gideon Olins’.cad, as ful- ers. TIk'e»taUi.'hment of ihisdoctnrje ut-' et'v» rni.ient, that they w«>refu'K able to go which this debate has elKited.” lows;— terjy annihilates the Cooslitutioti, as It was ; u.n/a£.. the work winch tlKV l»ad begun, “ That Ott ru to ( rifirr Uk fubjfrt fffirTfY? to them htf not ^»il- expouudod by tbe most enhghtenexl repub- and to carry «it th:it t«autifijl theory ui' Sinrtdc rf .\fr. Ailrrt.—The puUic 1 j u«ir raosi tenotu re^ei.ioo. Thry licans of and ’^1). If that doctnne lisd , republican rule. Ilappilv f..r tlie ctMialrv, mirul was a agitated in thr« cilv on Sunday ; .Nrw-Yoaa, Fm. I**. From Cupr tk Vtrdt.—Tha brig So« I'lizabetb, fn>m C«|ie de Verds, arrives it Bt.#iuo on Saturda), havirg left tbe fik'f >lay on tl>e 14th, aiid St. Jzqo cm the I>k anuary. Mr. Geyer, a fasaenger, *ts:n , r - pilv for tlie ctMiBlrv, tnirul was a agitated in thr« cilv on Sunday ,1' . ,K. i-' ‘V" 'J''-i t •'onstitutu.ual. then it was c«!y nec-s-! they prevailrJ. ILppily for tSe c untr;, mommg b-t, bv a s*aten,.-t.t that the ‘ fooid ccitikidtrt-d. it i« bv dci mein« » matter ^ k 1 1 it l j , y-. ... • . lor the Marvin( pofuntioo, bad am^> ii of mc.ff^rcKc^ In wbitfv.f wiy tbf Lrrtd*. V*''^pfOCT-e e:-taUi*h«l, tUl the of Mr. .\ckers, a e^irfri. mial clerk m oor 1 lemaonn. relief m turc rnar decjoe, i! wili bp in tf* ht£h« df'prw maionl\ ot llic pci>plc. Tuc cert-- j irialc* ticrt* aiid indrpcuieDt, • of f^ir find fiiuod . .»k ik« I iir.ponArt. Wt ni»T /NWf Ijf a suntn^ ir>iin\ oi njbmittnp tb? irjiJrumcnt lor tbt I to ail priw* n which tl>cv had n*4 in iht hasm tSc Mill fhm. on^irr cir- ’ . fl- r -u. or tiiubit pr««rrt Um«. and ratification of the sta!cs wti. an idk> mocke. j to the (Icneral (JovcrnnK-rit. And •.xm- of cun.MatK^t whirb j.i-aified a MiH' that he ; „ j Consti-jthe Republican party wet.t so far us to be- U„ hee„ robbed murderr^. >>«rtr 1 ‘1”“*s.>vereigoil,eve. that itK- tLHes Htnu^^-ivt-s Ud the all th. p«blic prints of ti^ ciIt r« the stK. ! f ^* oihtr. Ir. ‘''fates, but by ch" [«-op!e in n.vss. He. rijht, in tbe last reaort. to lieternnn** f.r cot-dii g dav, contartved paragraphs resprct- * ' Ric Hvoxn, Ft*. '-.1 Drradful Afcidrnt mt Rorktts.—On ye». I tbe great drought with ahich the Islarjti Ol i4i- . la vs c-aii lu/v iin.1 »r- , in i rw i • oit>rnn.#.r,r t i_* tw SUCCeeded bj «J | to lil^ wtcntT. %n iwful in ihe conflut* to preserve it. It ttr-coiDm « ttcrtd duty lo ocr cotnnmn cuur.lry, to iincard pusi.i ciTx ri»r.d. Hid ra»t.r«ci« on uie oihtr Ir. •''tan-s. o:ii Dv ;n" [«-op:e in n.vss. lie . rijht, in tbe last reaort. to ik*ternnn«* f.r cot-dii g dav, contartved paragraphs resprct- (iibr we ih^n fum-b n.»itr,in forhiitor.v: w .ul.l relVr to tlic hist^ rv .f the tnn'cictn*!., th*-m«-lvf‘s what were ttrf* precixc iwwerv m" tlie l asr*, corro*or»li»e wf the irtat*»- ElevenSta:c.hadr.taK^tl.oCor.t.tutioo I which they had delegate,!. Jle was w. II rr,.“nt whu h w-n. first n«de. It is nr.w titel tnih ic.-,rtiiytjon of tyii rniifd Rrptbic. overwhelnnng majority of, aware li».*t tlie dot tri;x ol Null.fxutui, a» -oti-firton'y »*r»'naioed tliat Mr. Aeker« | ^ . r And r>:K>u]d pr;.: fxpennKut fall, vwn iruy ^ relusefl ii prevailed in S nithi.^rolir>a ham a- 'l'librratch niK aod it duf ' ^ in nnaj i hf r^uonal hScrty. Tbe to ntify it, awi mo did Hh(nie l«Hand. Af j twxjl to be made ot, ZftnxrM Unit to t!i^ r.^rrimtjmfT fact f^JMXiW be ^vc.'cian .States they refui^dthe.r .sanction doctnne alone, vrhich he did not ri^ up to marekmmn. Among '"J h,;». toT^r^eTt frJjoTJd’J ‘’*r ^ »>om deitnu, but f«r the ,H,rpo«> of founding up- a memorarKium addre«^ -d lo h„ employer,, of tr.^fcind. Bjt thi* je»lou»v ur^jid to th' «-x. .ler«ey was corrt-cl, Nortb (.aroltoa on tl a war of extermuiation. It w»« a- in vrlnrh hr ii.turm* hirn that l;e had cf,|. i^ I lof at tha lime, '[lie rammer passed lOU ling great injury to the live: important viscera. Every mod.'’ - I w, uiMJiawii 1 tbecasc ttdiniu«>d of wa*pr*oif' r«ttr oonirmf.lkU>u by iti Ukiuer*, whicii m»v |for some time after North ( ardina. I r4 Nulliftcstuin. ranit ail tlie chan::es upon ticket«i wa* t'f'ufd in hts r»r««.e^si»n. It has "ikj Its fti.turfe.” I hat sinH^* rirrum^'anr*^ rniioh I i^i » i • * .t . . I fTif !dT>cliol\ 0m Atlax. 1) hirnndied, but lo no purpose. He «• piri*d this tiioniing, at h o’clock, much tt- grelted b) all who knew him.—H Aif. Another fart repudiat'-s Ihe d'ictrine l.ore advin'-cd. that t‘ic ( ofi‘‘fi!jtion is the work ft' proT-.F >n tt miuli in l^.f >nrti: ultob, i’lr di- linriyixne V'ttt-ti Utt (itntrm Suit - . , , :,_v ar. i.r Uitijija.. ■Li.ti |>eof>l'‘. It is ooiy itccessar * Ibr a ' ur. msjiirity fH the States, eo«n«ti!iitinj; nrie. Kn. r'd. T.-iM f ->rri ilif r'fifr-an ,n »b« fiHjrth of the people, to r fus(’to elect S na- I • ^ «( J.u U''l'j'ir pr-MFTf. l‘)f har r.or r r-‘. Uif - iir*. i; tb«-y rt-».>t i ncrri»f ?in>fri*.- »«. I’ ;' ii.lrrriif.loc »■ ' if. u :-n.r,t t>,r ir,(_v k.v ij, .41 i., fK ; li, lf .(i., . • t> > SiaUt inj pn t!.r crin -an ytir-r^ Cfu-.i '1 nil »1jiu} itK irior n'f tii th' »> I :^r.c L_. U.f I > if» I.M''!. Ui' ;i> r‘If- tlie }koi»1c. j, so ' » ''> f;.nnot .or f 'F' i.u!!-r tf- I T,il I. ,.:rlr to 1C' on >Utf Uij-hH, will. frrn * m; » in ^ator of pom-, rii Ui hiO»rk;>ar1 of our * •^\rrr-.i ,i . ^i,a r. ht IK 4'r U.t r. VI r,'na :.t Ilf l-‘.( I , i ., Sul'' rwoo.'i-o ■ V' mi\ ,nr’. ‘-frfn U)' i,i*l(.rj of r.ii. jr>, V • :.t V ... u M.-ril ” 'III 1^- pai^ fl, w tors, and an eud 19 put at H*ce to the Gone- ral (icvi mmeiit. This cousiuerstion put* to flijrht all the arf.niment‘ urind to prf'H-1 that tins IS a consolidarf-d govenimenl. i 11 ■ w.-vs aware- t!.at 1: had Ufr. .>-^id, in n ply to tins remark, the rxieariing A ihc (^uwruin, would a lmit no neutmls. 'I'he gf-ntle- m^u who have taken tbe strong ground, like Na;K,,ef.f,, have thrown out the* >Lia- ration, ttat there must be no n*utralk. Thr Tr-mn;ndrT nrrt irr l. eorre«poiHlent of Ihc rmtrd Stett who heurd Ihc first part of Mr. Sjir«--h »*tjs, “ that in thec"!!* ol" It, Im‘ drow a Im-uiiIiiuI [Hclure U* • iTiCKiit pri>lictii>i which a citizf.i "f .'■'Acnnr —CnW wnler •lupoid ajwn\ s l)o *'• * receives from the govcniment t u«*«l tor !«havirtg. In niany respects it 1* rjhlo til h'lt. It i getieralU' more readily procnrrd, r nw* a b-ner Inther, and of .\ajM>l4im.—At i>restk-n, rentier* t!ie nrore Karrlv and lf>.s li.ihle ■« were in the iiT'ighborhood. blisters nrxl jiitnfiiej. People ihink that hot watei, ninl di;>;iing the ruT. r in it, f.icili. tat* s the prygres.,; {,.]t it i-* U tter to wash, or r.ither scrnh the b> ard v\ith coarse r .'I Unit 4 nirtii-lf wliilf the ai tie was at oay-break toiling like a captain the I . Siate.s, whenever he goes forth lo!® Ihc great society of the tialioii* of the carlt • hi the wa he ih protei ted hy Ihc slnm ai'J biri|K-s and g-« s uhrond ill the gre;.t farr.ilv claiming and r»- uvm2 more re»|«‘cl thi^ he ciMilil ever claim and ri'ceivc if he t*”* iiiMlor the iVijj, ,ir ||,«. «.inglr arm of iH' d Ihc bloo cockade iH'f of tngiT)fpr>. While the Ma(T were mn- which wai, rn-cpssary to enable the S*-natt ‘■irudin^ a hnJge in place of theorie iHirnt to lmsin»-ss wculd, in this r as#', b i the UusMans, he took his Man.l U side a coristniHtomeanatnajfinfvrf,,,,,,,,,, „mne, A rn7or that vrn j _ coii!d not pr^vio ly will tlif*!! «.hn'> I 11.r Bill mtr'^l’.ii ed in the .‘Connie by Mf' ■*ifh e;isr. Ml tlii« an\ ore trjuy vnti-fv ’bv, u Inrh ha« tor it-«>h|«rt a mxhfifali'*' a .''late, even if he ha rlfith, and soap and cold w .iti'r, fur JpaltiK tto Initton l«i exhibit as his thrfc n.Tiii'es—at'ler that l.iv on j *t,>n ( ,*i/ri(T. par** r« !•!, u wii.’it w/r^ the dor. tri:x * of' iVc.ntj ivur.iD at t!.:^t tiiiK-, a id ;t ij. wf'i kn wci that .■•'i* ue:,; on to carry ihowe into n''itrtica! o(« l it. >n. .''.S» ra’.i j (,. • t.r .’ mlitary h. r t r-*.st the d • r'' rf ttif \-ort, and s^ep^ wf re ta»>"n to brn ^ iir-r ;r,il.iarv fi.rce ifitu nrt’j:J r- Vice. He 'J.. Out aJsueC :;*.± f«;t uctua..v repre>-eiiic-d; and the States n.4 ^ , rrprr^.,.u i con-.d. red av t-*., i ^^^e wa. Jraun I nnn. liat tnis objc, tion ■ and a “hell had mnriy clo- the fi-i^-tnne fif th- rii;hl I ^'d tiK cs'iifwi^Q ; it bur^t over the •'jut ■' i ’r if a .State is out ol the'»hi re he stfifKl, struck the stide of tti .Id->>- nji-t]. 1 hu.i.ji! ;j. and dashed a lar;;*' fragment ol origin arid n;t?i;re of onr rov. ' _ . , , . , . 1 , “ . . : w'l'io i/r-i.,ti- at his f*‘ft. , hun v»»T» longTig t'. 1 wfiuid nii(iv«' '■f sr-Cf~i..r I'n- >*., >;:»• liUl if t rrirner t did ti' t imt this id^a to . ,,^K r uuj. e\!'i.f o ^r C' u-.try would ' " • armod at his hazard, he C'loIK wo .iU n mdnnljctnr.-s in t!, I :,,ti-d St:.t. havf G‘ '1*1* p-^tof - * w i^iw hikJ Iis fslnnati-d at l;-.'n».i.ii-! - ,.j .;.:1 din- I vari..;j-. a surface w-,-., d lincr iiave ' ' if;.,. ^ "■*' Ti'anr und it would hav- done iy »i „fd m th. uC'*lh and n t' ;!i.' tiow'to''a e>.n.H» ;>ov. . It*' l'.i‘.n»->-s."—if / ri«;„cul. i k:-c v uj sj-h vr:.:;Kut i Ilamh r- f, th" hiin'i^ll. und It I' a i.,-.'«t vdh^iihlc iiifiirin.i- ’ “I iho Tnriif, wh . i>n Saiiiriiay nightord' •1. n lo t;«! (■ who jr iinnf(i»;.iii.t'd with it. ••1 t" a linnl ri ...Im" in that ixNly. and*-^ i itM il..iil.t pi-.H It. W hal mav U- it» iJl''*’ In 8 rt porl of a ( r.uimittrf ,f the P rn- i ihc M •( Kfpn -^ fii.Ttivfs il is mo« " hile all round sy Iv.itna legislature tin apit ;1 inM'tfd in !'*to dmm*. \* iln n- n'tw lilH ii,m>i.' t l IV,.fit thf pi of Itic B' ( or- • rn,: i: ti.i r.iriJf u hu 11 ha> U-en f !"Iin l« ; n* tiic II«.I1»--, it ■«''nis fK>»»ll'le, I'.! I. thit. It tiif I.ill p.i-ws the Senate ti JI.UIJI U.M' ol '/'/"or ./ w«x.l, 1 ;:.ti.'H.,ini(i,-.niid the rap !.,! v*,.i in;h« s?mc IS abc»..l. I'- . I.iv 01 t»-niirrew. • r 11 ... - • , It may also fmss thf .1 A.fJ/ir-’i"'- kt