THE MINERS' AND FARMEHS’ JOURNAL. to all the lefitiaMte purposes of government' to the voice of justice than that which pre- ] tniimtc in the r.stabli»huicnt of h vithout slaughtering its citizeiiii, aud which ^ vailed under the IJritish Mc.imrthj 7 If so, i iles|u.tisin in « I'rouil !is lie v\as of the achicvrmcnl military , In tlio S«iimle of the I iiiifd States, mi | The Session of Coiigresa draws near to ' I the 7th iiist. the lUvcniio Collection Hill a closc. In a few short day« the aawnibled tsIlHMPK uiidor consideration, Mr. Chujton Uepreseutatives of the People will be hasten. ir homes, their niMt incomplete, following, jj. preceding them on the road. , ...... ...., “>» rcHiain of the Sessloo , like those who form i including Sunday, on which day, we pr«! kunie, the two lloukes will Decesaurilv ai. to put the iinul close to the 8i!kio5_ businciu days, therefore, only ars tion of our fellow citizuiw to compel them j inga and wishes of the minority, he would was for the ^lory ot the country ; yet lod lninmn institutions, to contribute so much money to the Due which it is acknowledged is six millions ' annually more than a requisite for the wants ot all its of the General Government. A removal and converting the Federal into a Ccnsoli-, corses of our bleeding countrymcu of that burden would remove all difficulty dated Government, with the State of South Carolina. Kven a ' In every portion partial removal of it—a mitigation of it. set of great primary inieresis. iie wisneo ntvt-o, wncmrtii nim v, uiiiu «u. . V > ' , i i i would make the tariff system more accepta-' to I'e distinctly understood on this |K)int. not only the likTties of this rt-untrv. hut tiui lVo|.Ie st.iill remain true to themselves, winch have not already passea one or tU ble to the people, without a total abandon- He did not mean to say that the Government the Ix’sl and brightest ho[>es(if the civilizcd ,>iir Government never can be de>stroyed; ■ ..... , should yield to every rash wi'F 1.1, would b‘d^Mro) (id fort'ver. for it contains within itself* iidless and ever illV 111 I 111^9 tflK.J lllVf 111 IIIVI i lU 7^ IfllP t Kp reve- soy that this would change the whole priii-; furhitl that thes-’c sliit^cs and stars uhich them, coiiiain within thcnm*lve» lh« cle- » lillions ' ciple of our Feileral compact, depriving it j had herett'fore been the rally ing point ot ments ol their own destruction, and that wants ‘ ot’all its and bcuignant featuies, I heroism, should now float over tin; maDgleii tmr Government is now exhihiting their j ,i ■ i • i t’^ Federal into a Ccnsoli-; corses of our bleeding countrymen. (od ojH ration. To tho general philos.|iliic re- lell; and this ily is the last on which any . tbtbid that our country shculd undergo this mark I would not have objected Injt for its hill can b;actcd ppon in the Mouse in »lncli of the Tnion there is a I sad and disasterous nvtilution ; for lie Ik- ; n|ti)lic!ilipn. All the woiksof man ua- des- it originated. > cry lew bills, therefore, y interests. He wished lieved, v\henever that should take place, tinid to dec.ny, but while the great body of ‘‘an |‘t^‘u*y become laws at this Se»iun, meot of the principle; i speak in reference of the U. Slates to the views and prevailing sentiments of ^ requirement of a State—far from it; but he that portion of the other Mouses. 'i’he three great questions of tlie St-?-1 renas^-ent energies which must bring it outlsiow are still in »us|ienac, vij-:—Thc Tan? Jrevaiimg scniimenis 01 ' n-quirt-nieoi Ol n cinir—liir irooi II, iHit III -= » I1.1..CV. .1. » .1. ^ 1 It n i .k ti 7 people 1 represent. did intend tosiiv that whenever any of thof«e Ni:w T.nol.vmk—The following elegant in triumph oguinst every rllbrt to destroy , U|. ir to me a powerful con-' great primary "and leading interests made! extract .s fntm a much and justly admired it. I'roiii ti.rei^n force it can have nothing lection Hill. All tlirec wouW probably |h„ Sir, it does Appear primary Secretary me I IVttaui T UlllV I , Hit VI vai'. V »UMII 1 "V - - - - - - - w... - - . . Mil l I I that there are at present six millions of dol-jchnngo its character. The west has her' pnWicatit^n ot'(l»e Debate to which ii be* a forci^^n alhaiice, sought bv any nienil>er ■-^Pl'ropnaiiuo n»us yci reiimin to be acibd lars more than is wanted for the common • prinrary interests and sensibilities in n't’er-' longs :—.\at. Jtihlligini tr. of this Conliilcracv ,lor the irtirfKisool mak- ^ cireum^tancc at this |«riol of liw purposes of the Government. Is this cal- ence to the great land question, and he (.Mr. j Dul I Idieve it cssenti;il to the pros- ing wnr upon us, would U* the means, under perliai« without pivc^ent. cuiated to elevate us in the eyes of the na- B.) would always be dispsed to do ample p>ritv or wellHre of the .Siuthern Slates, Heaven, of iniiiiediati'ly r.illy ing every [>at- ’ - “*• wcf. 2^th tioosof Europe? Is this calculated to cheer justice to her as well as to every other sec-1,1,atlie of tl.e North sluHild riot, of every i>olitical paity, under the broad I , ,i , i ... .. - .1 .. . . ii;- I L I he reader will jMTceire, by a reference! >f yesterday'* ProceedmgJ the Hill furthor to en('onD| tioos of Europe? Is this calculated to cheer justice to her as well as to every other sec-1 ,[,^1 liic manufactories of tl.e North slunild not, ot every i>olitKal |'aity,unier me Droaa ' the hopes of those people who have beenjtionof this country . He would not feel 1ipydiej w ithtiie du^-t, it vvould U' an l>«nner of the Krpublic. I agree, however, I he reader wi long struggling for their rights ? Permit ' power and forget right. New York h.i8 „npU a?ant duty to vole a l)cncrit to nn .'-^'lf, >ir, tlnit Ihe mortal blow to our liberties m.\v to the account ot roe to eay that 1 think it will somewhat j great interests m a commen ial and man- would be the entire ruin of ano’tiier. U; stiiK-!. by a hand w Im h hns N'Oti iiidcbted ‘ weaken the force of our republican experi roent; yet I believe that our Government ii capable of achieving all the great objects for w hich it was designed and settling matter. If in the reTolutionary contest when the j of the country, be befieved that the Con- health, pri>s|x‘ritv, and contentmrnt; every blood and treasure of this country were stitution did not tax the interests of one por- sj^cmcd to be intent, ever\ Imiid wiia protuselyi>oured forth to establish, the rights tion of the people to l»cnefit another. He occupied; the world iJots not cnnt.iiii a and liberties of mankind—to give self gov- would bear and forbeer. .\nd, as to a ' „)ore flourishing comniuriily. There liie emment and to abolish unjust taxation—any specific measure for the reduction of the ft(jvnnta«es of education are extended to one of our ancestors who were engaged in revenue, he declared that he was not one poorest iiHlividual in socictv, :.i.d that this glorious struggle, had predict^ that in of those who would gne a deadly blow to scciety receives its remuneration in liis s»>. I»s6 than haJfa century afterwards we should the manufacturing interest^, by a thorough imlustrna:.s and economicjil haliit.s. ll be engaged in the consideration of a bill to and too rapid reduction to the revenue point. • j|,^ divine iMato were alive, he would no compel a portion of the people, at the point I He would do it gradually, in that spirit of lunger draw upon his imagination for a s[«- of the bayonet, to pay taxes when the Gov- forboaraiKe, which due to the whole ciioonof a pcrtec t republic ; he wouM there jo the U-gislature vcsterdnv, ac- re*entatne.s, a* alnwdy stated, wa. emment had six millioni of dollars more I'nion. Having glanced nt the peculiar f„„i a community, m which the humblest rompanied by a memorial signed b>'Wn. the Senate yesterday, apd mw> i- ith re^rad to the manufacturing intea'sts' her hills and vallevs redolent with will Ix* the curs>es of mm, in all ages to niajorit) unexampled, perhaps, upon vti - > -1-'* J .1-. .u- ’ . ■ come, the trailoriHjs heart ami the strongly contested (juewtibn. .\»thel«i. pancidiil hand of llim who shall loose the mg proviw.nwol the Bill were recommetx; . fatal arrow .'mui the string! *• ft^moiiibrr lam, llif, rijjhtcou* fliavrn, e In it'V t'rcH Ja> ot’hikt ! KUft lin 'raiUir, “ \uil 111-. |H rinnou» ci.uii»» lf, who lor “ 1 or j>.i» • r, tl«- i>ridv of or f»\t lyjp, “Uuuiil i.u uativi Uiiil lb citil war*'” by the I'rt'sideul to Congress, he willdou;t.| less sigrr the bill, which muy, therefore,t»| con«idered now, io eSccI, Ihe taw of the hc/!.| The Bill for Ihe modifkatiun of the Ti.| ntT, wruch 18 (atniliarly known ts Mt.| ClwV Bill, and was publi»hi‘d at lirj{efctj P.. sT...\, Fi B. 1«.—The »' "n'^ded and correct form, a kij Governor of .Ma«sjchu* tl» transmuted a day. ago, having pu«. d the House of enervated the arm which struck for liberty prices, and buying as low as p.issihle. But j^’rity of this people could be t!in hot-li»d proceeiiings.havo ken instituted in con.'^e- the bill lor distnbuling atnongfrt theieim —would have damped the bosom which that naturdl course ol things had been in-1 of an artificial sy.*tcm, or r.itlicr quciH'C of (he suicide cominitlt'd by .\ckers. Slate* the prcK-eei> of the Public L.ind»— glowed with patriotism. But what has been terrupted by the (nnernmeiit of the I nil»‘d if it were ii'H the r»jfiilt of a long coiitumed the cau^ ot'w hich aro»e from lotter\ i»|iec- a measure rtjual at least lo importance'i thepracticeofourGovernment,heretofore? >^tates for many years p.i»t. But he diJ, an industry that i:cver tired, of an ulation. This cry mg f vd is now underji-, the TarifT Bill, was taken up m the Hows I beg leave to recur to another^case distin- not subscrilje to that dcxrtrlne which is ecciuimy that never slept. I loi.>ktd u)k;ii mg a severe .‘^rutinv. It is stated that in yesterday, with an apfion'nt deterniinatiuo guuhed in the history ot our Government, maintained by some, that there are not es- ,|,e scene, around me with no feelings ol il»u ^hort sjace of Ncven or tight months, to bring II to a decision Utore adjoumroir,:, and which I overlooked at the time 1 was sential interests common to a large fKjrtic.n ■ murmuritig di.scmitcnl: 1 Iclt th'.* niorc rr- .Vckers eniLcxzled the eiioriiK>us amount ot and, we are Imppy to add, with alny«t k noiiTi.n.v Tiioi s.»Nn roji vus, irrryi cent cuivu itidieatiiHis of ita Miecew. Soii« i- of which t ui tp^nt i.i lutcry tickets.— nM ndmeut* wt're ruade toil which lionot itr SiNOT I..VR r.vEXT.—'I'he fullowing »Mi- Tlie liillowiug i^ a of a decloraiiun pair materially it» iirlue. The House b«l guiar event occurred in the town of .>ladi- found m his desk alter his death.—GLbc, refiisrd u»e or two aliempU for a reee»f. remarking on the various instances of for- of the T. States. He believed every »ec- jy,fcd that it was a pit of my countrv." bearance shown by our Government. In tion of the I'nion, north, »fulh, west and, the late war, when a large majority of the least were inseparably conhectcd. Thei j>eople of the U. States believed the pride ^ was no such thing aai an adverse interest. the constituted authorities of the land believ- had grown up ed the national honor to be trampled uf»on There was no difl?*rence ly tween the by the British Government, and considered great natural interests which Gol and na ofthe country-to have bccu winded—when It was true that an artificial state of things in this ctnmty a!..iit three weeks sincc. •' I have for the la»t s. v. n n,oi.ths gone ^imI was deUitmgthe bill at 7 o’clock, whrn - - 1. .. Benjamin Srnitli had a plice on hi* iV^t down the broad rood io destruction. ; our |i*p»'r was clo8«'d.—!Sal. Intclhgtnctr. farm, wher' he bjitcd f‘. \es, for the “There wns a time, und that toi ?Mjt a —— (lurpose of shooting them. >:ie, few nuinfhs smce, that I w as happv bciuuse : The render * ill fiwi, in lh« proccedir^s it the sacred duty of all to assist them in ture had given us ; if there was any differ- ^ j,iier dny-hrt^k, on reaching his cov- I wbj. fn e friHii del.t and are. ‘ | of the Houar of HepremitaliTes of yestti resenting the insult, we foui^ many on that enre, it arose frorn an uiijust dread of legis-, biMjgh Ikkis**, he discovered a large “The time I note nv downt'all, or d via- dav, an important Report of the (,’ouimitlfsj occasion, yes even pending tlie gloomiest lation. rnju.>t legislation had produced it, the fox bait. He at firtt took tion f...m the path* of rcctitude, wa* ah..ut *>t'w «y» and .Me«» upon lhat part o( period of the war, resisting every bill which and not the diversify of jkpiI, habits, and , a large dog bel'uiging to one of his the miiiille >f June lust, when 1 took ^hare Kxecutive rtferred tolh»m, whiciij went to give the Government of the I’mted I pursuits. The true d-K lnne w;i^ f*>-«Pnd ^ n^i^hiwrs, but a'shirt of p-^itiw by the m a com|«n\ of L .ttery tickets wlh-rt by relate* lit the Hank of th I ruUd .Siai States men and means to prosecute that (equal protection to all tn their rari«.uh habits anitnal s.-vtnticd him ut once lhat it was not I was am tessl'ul in obtaining a share «.f i-ne We m?« lu this Ke|»rl the impartial jwl;- war. They resisted it on the ground, that and pursuiU, aud leave the i>ath fr«.e for a a l,u, enorniHis black W ,Jf, h.ilf the capital i.rizc ; .since which I liate meat «>f upright men, ho. uninfhicnced ‘ peace might be obtained, and, 1 believe, be-, generous and ljenefn.;ial competition of all., j,,, dischar^jed his gim at bun, gone tor myself, and that too, not on a the Executive will, and unawed by tn cause they deemed the war to be unjust, and, j He begged leave to read a short extrict which wns Luded witfi large shot. Im- very smull scale, as you ean judgt? from the , threats of jnrtv denurKiation, l»a»e ck-iik- while oor villages were smoking and our from a i^peech of Mr. Bayard,a man of ein- mediately the wolf fell with fiis le;pi under unioiinl now due J. 1(. (V Cn. every dvliar ralely declared lb*ir opinmn, lhat there t country invaded by a large body of hostile iwnt ability—a republican, patriot, and he him, apjieared as if dead, which .Mr. .Smith of which has tjeen in that way. : no ground for «i.mUin« tl»c safety of the trcK’^ps. ' (Mr. B.) believed, that the sentiment wT.uld 8uppk>ed to be I fie case, and lay in:r down , ‘‘I have lived or dragged out a miserable |>o»iles of the (Soveminettl of ib« I wW Ue fji^ at that moment,a large bo«iy of and ought to have its weight. It was at a his gtm, advar.eetl towanli him. hen he ■• for two or throe months pa»t.— States, aial cf course ao preleuce i>r reim.'' men 10 Cxmecticut, whoee patriottsm I do partirular period of the embargo, and the ■ had approached within ten or fiftein feet f«f Skeph sa nights arnl a guilty cumcience ing them. The miuority of llie commit>*' not call in question, far be it from me to do remarks were made in the course of a spec-ch him Ihe wolf rose and sprang uf»on him, have led me on to the fatal act. it is true, have Iskeu a diHerenl view ofih* so a powerful and talented respectable bo- on tlie question; and in reading this, he in-' seizing him bv the leg near the ancle.— “Only the h'>pe f>f making .Messrs. J. subject; liut it is enough to say, oo that fuv dy of men, even at the darketil penods of tended to make no sjiecial reference to that' Immediately J sort of “ rough ami fumble ’ K. Ac Co. cood for tl»«- dcfakatKfl has |«>st. jeci, Ihm the numlier ol' the frienda U m that war, voting a^faiost giving nwn and portion of the Union; they had a right to commeneed, each striving to ge? Ihe other pooed it til! tbolho preuent time; a smaller .\dimnislralion m the rommittoe who trt monev*to carry on the war. Great Britain 1._. e i 1 ^ . . . . . . had trampled Oil our commcrcial rights— u lu itiu.'Hraiivc oi loe principles oi our ^rov-' grip upon had insulted ut on tlie high seas for six emment. In the couise of that gentlemen’s^ .Mr. H. succce/]ed in throwing the wolf up. ■ •• .Since I havn reriecle.1 on my rashne*,! years before wtir was declared. N^with- remarks on the repeal of the embargo law, h« side, and holding him in this position I cannot hn* hack and s«e how it is iiowi-1 stamiiDg all this, we found a powerful ^y Mr. B. said as follows: with one hand and Ins knee, he got out his' We, I could have comlucled in Ihu way— Cate of Tohiai Uafiiiw.—Tlio Ciiirr who said that no army or money ought to, » W e .>ill know that the oppositirm to the jack knife, whirh he fortunately bad with W hen the situati u I occupied, and the Ji stice an.ounred yesterday, lhat ti» bwing divided on the application L'orpus in Ihe case fx-parit " *T- motion was, therefore, reluW- , L It , I . . ' r,, - —w... ...V .uw .. pumt or points upon which the didff' txercjse«i btlh /a^an/f-certaiuJy sorne and regard as ruinous. 1 he peo- but very little injury in Ihe coi.flid, his, la too much for me to h-ar. ■ ence of opinion occurred, were 'joI mU- httle patience is cue to otir brethren of the pie of this Cf>untry arc not to be governed i thick boot protecting his leg from thetoeth I •• Oh, that seven or eight months past of maled from llio Bench, m that w# do oo wuth. Sorely some forbeararKje ought to f,y forcc, Init by affeclKKi and c^Kifidence. of the wolf, who was only aUe t.) just my existence cwjW be blotted .nit-but no, | know what further ii f. tK> do«.e m the ca*. be shown to our own countrymen. - II there h is for them we leguslate; and if they dot scratch ,h* 'j>^ j ,j,i, We learn, however, that it is probable tW were many at that time w ho houg i he not like our laws, it is our duly to rejioal full grown and very Urgv, mejasuringnenr- spirit is gone to my Maker, to give an nc- i aoroe further steps will be taken io lhec*« .word s K^kJ i^t be unsheathed against ,hem.^> , . i f) l>o«. «v,ut to tail. count for my nml receive, by tl« CWl of Dr. \VatkiD..-ii. those who would trample us underfoot, is , they do not like our laws, it is our | (A/r.) J.urnnL the dreadful eentencc for *;ictio.i! and "'.nsed confidence. | Rrlmhon of Vilmhty in Frmrn {Tiro or thrrc linrt rrnted.] : tfir Ixrch.— Wo have lha l«fct cvideuca Ke.latiiina arwl frien«ls 1 have, from prove lhat fish, and aoaie molluacwis »c>- e war. Great llntam express what they felt: merefy referred to under, tlic wolf all the while retaining his awfuot I did hope would b« the result, for m favor ut'llic report of the comniittce isti commcrcial rights it aa illu.'Strative of the principles of t>ur»ov-* j^rip upon Mr. Smith’s leg. At length the worse luck I had tlie more I l>ooghC. great aa that of ihc muioritT who oppaaeil- Mational IntcUigtnea-. “I( they do not like our laws, it is our It to b* ^upf>o■«d that w-e are now to plunge ' duty to n fifral them”—so said he i Mr. B.) it into our lellow.citizt:n8 without aome lit- ]t wa.s rightand proper that the ether mem- Ilf. ».tainii.atmr. intA ih^>ir licrs of tho I nion slifjiild rcsficct their feel ; fy five feet from snout to tail. HomcrKt {Me.) Journal. R*tTnio*K, Vp.k. 26. Knhhnrif.—A gentleman from IfKliaiia,; I wish to be distinctly understood on one mgs; nay, even their prejudices. .Sjppos- his paasage last night fn»m Norfclk to! who..i I do ih.I wish to part nn.l«r such cir- mills, inav be frozen without deslrovmi pcint. I do not intend to justify S. (.; 1 ing lhat our Government had pursued a B;dtimom, m the steam host (>)lumbnM cumslaneiw, but nerei^utv— tl«„r vitaiily. A friend d'mine at tW ain not her advocate, Init she has a right to diflercnt course ; had stea.iily refustd to re- while m hi.s lierth, wns roblxxl of his pock. | “ Uh W rctch, Lottein;* have been ur , lierwell, hod an inflam.Ml eve during tke have justice done her. I do believe, how- peal the embargo law; had determined, in |x«k. which coi.Liincd about )5>700.— min. ’ | w.oter of iM’JII and a lw»ch was ap;>li«i » ever, that this question may be settled; and the language ot the present day, to make The RHow who took it was arreted «oon “I cannot add more.’ iif.o l.mulo aeveral times it was kept m lhat by acting in a spirit of conciliation— an expf.riment to test the strength of the afi^ Kving the boot, and has b^-eo com- watar m a phial and i.laced on the csrptf a spirit not only due to her, Ui the vast I mou and that our fellow cit,/.ens of the mitted for trial, fie hat not as yet given, A nratrical ( hnrch anH Fu^l,n,f Par. \ncixr i\,c tire place of tl« parlor; th# jx.rtions of ^ ;>7' coerces at the point his plundnr—t is .opposed to have pas-! aoa.-In a church ii. Smith Car- i at that lime was very *vcre, and evert lon mii^li 1^ pin at res As r^gurds the of the Irayonet: what, in all pn.hahili^, ,„,o the hands of an accomiilice. , olina, tlK-ir prenrherVcentiv, on the Sab- night iIk- hK.-ch was frnz-n, a.Kl thaweJ tb» .monof the*...-latest.ere IS not a nien.. would ha^^^ Hebe- , l«th day too, told his congregation, f he was f.dlow.og day. Mr. Knight was there Urinthe.Vnale.and I tru--t I shall not Ik: lieved there would have tx.-en hIrxxJshed, I f;cn. W„m,m (J. BtTi»:n, of Fairfax prvrachmir i^,hti.-s, ,K.t religion,) that he tho t,me%ilne,s,d the U^t, and expressed. ! r^>rmidered egotiMical when 1 say that there and that tf,e eoon^ quencc would have U.-en Comtv, we re-rret tol.-arn, i.iit n fK-ruxI to woul.l n,ther enme down frofo .lio s.nerr.l f ...1,1 interest nt this rurioo* , • L- .1 / '11 1 . . ... ‘hf station will probably devolve i shouted, iu in a theatre. ' ! a short lime Ihev Iwraine a wild insw I urge a pacific crHjrse. Kven the I he calamitous cons«;quen.;os which woud noon the ore>^r i f re y 1 i ^ u i... «et« • I 1 It . I 1.1 '1 I . .1 ■ Wiiu, to (Irir.k—olo wkkJ to litirii--- tlio »» hite .Mi. Iiorry I ree. It is stated, remnrkahlt' ulsihk-o how aniination And shall It be said there lb now w.uid give large i»oiver.s to tlmr executive old o r, I M „ .i . . u .V rnnnrKaoic iii.m iitcn now jim m 11 „ . „ 1 > . , I 1 II . Ill I Old ixkj1v'( Io r'ja'I. .ird o.'i Ii.ei-'^' to that one aero, ol miillx.rrv tree- wi |,n) Mi^feitd-d in I'wii Ihsided unimah'. re iacn>rullc, more Juacte^.-iUt UjtUvriti'.“, winch v^oul'J mobtprobably ter-1 verse with t S'.'W won'; o*' .ill,. a m . n«>oo u m i _ eolom* a kpiiit more

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