TIIR MINEUS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. (iiAKLO'rrk: I jealous anxiety, discomittriancinfi wliutevtr I ‘"«.V Kuggcst even a sus).icion tn.it it can in ] iiiiy evotjl be ab«n»l.m'(J, am! indionantly . I (Vowniiig up«.n the lir«t dawniiijr df an ai- s\TlRl>Ay» MAiU il 1«, lN3:i. ^ I tempt to alienate any [>orlion of our couii- _ “ _ - “ I •'■y ‘>*e rest, or to rnleeljlo t|i« wicred fWeanJautlioriscatoannotince 1 KAKsAM-1 ties »vluch now link together the variuus liioMiwN, K«m- a* a Candidate tor the Of- parts. Without union our inde|«ndr-ncc • of County Court Clerk. latid liberty would nrvcr have been nchicv- ' u P authorised to announce Mr. Ji;n- I without union they can never Ik; nmin. , .. \] Kfkk as a Candidate for the Of. or even a iix,;. 15-1'*" smaller number of sepanito comnmiiilies, l-col'Cuunly »-lerK. ^ i internal trade l»urden«-d ^Wral con.mumcation8on hand will I* :r«8tramt8 and e.xactionn; S>»^ral coniii : cumniunication U'tween diMant points nrid [leaded to at as early^day as possible, jfoclion.s obstructed, or cut off;'our sons •Ve have rfcem^e Circular of Mr. :fields j H.c Sc.ss.on, which will be lou thi-v now till in iwace ; the mass of our 1)00.' I'S'I'cr. ,nt.is constituents. After iloticinii' ..u ... i : > .. we have no doubt, with the general wish of the clainmnts—tl>, ^^ ^ The 'I'wcnty-sccond Congress termina ted its second session niid its existence je.s- terday morning, both Houses Imving ad journed just bc‘fore day-liuht, and the en- croachiiiunt upon the ’i5uU;ilh thus been avoided. Some of the detaiKs of tlie business of the two last days of the y;swion will be found in our columns. Much, however, is nrreKsarily omitted ; anl a correct knfiwl- edgc ol tho actual tran.-^actions of the Ses sion can only Ik; arrived at by an attentive |K-rii“ul of the fAst (f Actu passed during found in aiiotiier -apap tnnor it> !-i* cunstibients. ARer rtot.cing i ,mp«.verished by tilxes Imooflhe most prominent and inteiesling support armies and navioM ; and military Tho I’ill to modify thu Taru t has be come the law of tlie land. 'I he WxW further to inj'orcr the Coliecliim . .. , ^ "/*y^rt«t/t is also a law. .•'nteforre-elecUoutotheucxtCoDgress. i iilH rty.of all poo«l gover-^'uent, '|’he Hill to /non,I, fur thr dhtrihullm —O ^ l-rat-c, plenty and hnppme8.i, m!»«t iiievi-1,,/-//,f procvcih of the I'uhlic Lauda a- On Monday lit-'-t, the 4th of .'Mareii, A:t- lably follow a dissolution of the I nion. In i nion;;^t the *'veral .‘itales ha.« ,\(/r Ix'cow.e [j.jecls that have engaged the attention ol jli-aders at the head of their victorious le- [ir)(»rew,h«cloeesby ollenng hmtsolfa can- (gions becoming our law-givers awl judges. rw J irhsoN, elected President of »h« L. Itherefore, we support all that | a law, the 1‘re.sidcnt of tho I'. having ;M Alins **‘® freemau and the plnlan-| to fi///.Tore it. He signed evtrv tbropi*tl. I other bill that [)a.ssfd but this. I'llcs for four years ensuing, and 'J!®’* Tt'P 'inw at which I stand l.rfore you is | All the v^uui Approj^riation Ihlh wore ke term, m the prcsenct of a ntimbtr of ,Merest. Tho eyes of all nations at length I«i^^scd, and have Ixeome l.aws. ' ” - . .\ut. liUcfUgenccr. vfiators and Uepres^ntative* in Congrew^ are lixed upon our republic. The eveiii of I’oifign Ministers, Public Officer* of the the existing crisis will |>c deciMNc in the o tnitcd Stales, and a great c«ncour«-of lu OMM D .\ U • A '110 .> H. rOR TIlE JOLH.VAL. THE LAST OnjEtTION TO THE TKM- I'EKA.M K SOCIETY. In a world wlicre thoro are bo many palpable evidrnces of a moral coiimUion liaviiig taken (jlacc as ill onr own, it \t unrcasonablo to pxp*-ct that any moral or reii)(iouB enterprise, however woitli)! in itHcir, or houtvcr adapted in it* nature to promote the weal of tlifi iiunivii race, could be ori^'inatfd and vifrorouBly prostcutrd without cn- countiTinir opposition and l>eitijj liable to many ob|«;cli(jiis. From tlie time of t!ie Ui;luge, when \uah, cornmaiidi'd by Uod, built the urk in the liirc of KctificTP, (o save the riglitcous few from the doom that awaited tlic wicktd, down to the pres ent moment, we arc not aware that a singie schcme ol‘ bcnevolencu has lv?en devised wliich excitcd a t'ciitrul intercHt and coiitumplalcd jfrtat results, tJiat haH wiiolly eaeapcd tliesc evils. Jt is plainly, therilure, no diBi>arn;rem(:nt to a good cause that it meets with np|iosition and ol'jections. On the olh^r hand, they are ut oni’c a n’comtqcndation and an anxiiiary, Kcrvinu to concentrate the ener- gy w hi.;ii \i niK diiiiry to carry into execution tiie object u^ainit which they are urged. 'Ihcy may very projMjrly be cnmpurcd to tie; .slight b^irricfa w hich sonictinii'a o(Ti"r a 1.in|«)rary ol.-itruction to the mountain torrent; but when its vvatcr* rise and aci iimulttte ami bvvcU, they burst tliroiigh thi ir eri.i»niurci: and swecpLijjf over the dirts, bear ai\u) all op|«iiitifn in tiii'ir prn;;r»'s.s. Aiiiort^' l)jc (liH'i.nrnt pr. jet I s of Philanthropy nnti i’i.iiifion niiieh li ive bxti enterpriscd in our o;»n eountry, pi rha;*« no out- has ever encouater- will perform until iU laws become go intolerablo as to make the Union leas desirable than it is at present. 5th. Retnhed, That (in accordance with the view* of our forefatfieri, who procured our happy form of Government at the expenM of their blo^) tha L’liioii must be preserved. Clh. On motion of John Irwin, Resolved, Thai John \\ alkcr, Absolom Black and William Reid be a cotiuiiiltoc te draught a preamble to accompC* ny the foregoing Kesolutions and forward the sani« for publication in the Miners Sl Farmers’ JoumaL March m, 1833. died, In this town, suddenly, of an apoplectic fit, oa the 11th mst. Dr. Samutl Htndtrton, in the 44th year of his age. At a meeting of Phalanx Lodge, \o. 31, called by the Worshipful Master thereof for tho ^urpoM of making arrangements to bury our deceased Urotfier as is UBual among Masons, the following resolutions were submitted and adopted by tlia Lodge, as expressive of their feeling on this rael- anrholy occasion. Resolved, That thi* Ledge attend the fx>Jy of our deceased brother to his grave, and that they there bury him with Uio honor* of Masonry. Hfsdrtd, That in taking this noticc of our lata Brother, we claim the privilege of eiprrpsing our feelin£Ts, not only as .Mason* l>el«nging to an order of which he was a worthy memlier, but as men w ho knew hini well—w ho knew him to be a kind, blaud and atTectionate man in tlie common inter change of the courteeies of life, as pesKcssing tru- t J a iiior.^ fturov oppositicm ll:aii tiiit of Uie Tei.i- ! Iv a heart in which tticre was no jfuile and as being p. rant , lit lorn'aticn. And yt 1 in rfie teeth of all a perfectly honest man. As Masons wc honor and ,uiid we believe, is de*. respect Lis memory and as such we lament hi4 pillion ot mankind of the [)racticabi|.ly of Wo will not exult ut the votr in t!i».- linl.d'i«X>iiri>li t vrn to tiic final extermination of sudden and unexpected departure from among us. Hjr federal ty.stem of govcTmneiil. tlreiit House on .‘"'alurdav on ihe subject r.f tiiC '» d(adlvfbt. Wc J.4,J 8iipi«it..d iliat bf.th the Thclight of hio cheerful countenance will no raora •ed VI oi.r hai.U : Bank of (he 1. t^iaies : Ixjt it woul.l be af- ' 1 I a , IXJI w >UKI oe \ exhausted.— rcmemlK.r and fondly cherish tho memory of Dr. la the stake whirh it plun Ics and citi'’.cns, e«ch took the wth of of- [■f, which wxs administerel by tb»^*('hiel iSice of' the I'nited States. The follow. 1$ tho \tWre*s delivered by the I'rvsi- [lit 0(1 the occasion. n Ki. AiinUKis Tin; rUI>lI»K.\T ot TIIK t . >TAT1>. Fiil.0W CiTUe.\»: The will of the wfnch surround ^ li.an jteople, e*pre*«ed through thru-, tlic 1**iu*«kis tfiey inculcalp. , red it to the world.—1!>. ' | and tranRrr.i!td to us directly from the miiit, bear-h«/>t t° **>e widow of our deceased brother, a copy cicitrd suHragen, calls mr befure >«u to l»**« f)l> impn-nscd w ith the truth of lh>f ’ —•— . j n j a .listimt u.d lively impression. . through jhc soleinnititTi preparatory tv ol«tervatioiis and utuirr the obiigjilion of' F!v one of the Acts of ihft last Ses«ion ofl lhi» olj cth.i. ixi;j!i>Btc.H .\!ii.utcr. of the Gos- . o u •via^TIV 5eer(!/ari/ ^ .1.1 .1111 I ,g- I I, I , I tK 1 from iirii in thin rtio.-ii), and alleges it a. n. i i.y, oeereiary. ..ap upon him*-lf the duties of h it *.!omn r.ith which I am al,. ut to lake , ‘ ongres-. an oHire is eMabiishe,!, entitled ; ^ of ,i. .i?ninir phv=iciun*. TtJr ob.' Also, on the Mth Inst, af^er an illness of three tlwLnitfd States, for another term. For I >liall ciMitinuc to e\t rt all my tacullies in i t onunissioner of IVii^.ons (to suj^onntcnd ,;,rf rrfntvnV.t, tu pn^mr nn ad „f hgulntiun days. .Mr. Di Spiin^t, in the 41st year of his age, Ininlairi the just I>w«TS o| t!ic OMKtitiltlon, n'i»* • \Pcutioil of the u hole IVlision Sy.-'tcnr/I nriiw'l »a.V 0^ a.t/cnJ iy mfw o/; leavin; 'r'^ ""T r""* i Knui- j T],* v„,T,;as p!eus of'.’.crcsMly jnd inurest, of' Henderson, who, wh6n living, participated in our upon iiw Je>|>i« OI me i . . i.iics. l,ctus,(icd at finding onrp^-lves so tr.unipharitlv hi ct and cold, of wet and dry, of poliev and priest.! amusements, which were afway* enhanced by hi.4 rvnhzfj the iiiip.rUnce of the uttiliide in I sii^fliiined by tli.' Iiepr s iilatlves of the 1 cral), have all had their turn and imlsed otf, and i pr‘'^«>cc. his equanimity of temper and invariablo which we Ktiiiid Ixl.ir • •• • . , . i even is«' forlM-.imiice; extricate our rounti nr approbation of niy public cocidurt, nlniniairi ;oUffh a [>erKsl wjii»;h has not b.t-n with- Oiid 1.. tmn-nnt iimn.p;iirel lo w.^lenlv the ’"ill> a.Kiiarv of doilars (>tr annum., "-fir >iu.t thus to scure ail tht piojitii Q,tc\e ot friends and relatives to mourn his loss. Its difricultics, and for ihui reiKiwe,! ex- ble.^ingH of our frderril ( ni. n. At' the It tr.Ves us plea-ure t.. st.ite tiiat, with ihe | i son of their ci.nfideOco in m\ good in- saaw* tinn*, it will fj»* ji.v aim to iiK.ulciiti.- id vice anJ cnjM-fit of tlie S"!;ai(», J v'ti;s I.. wi aie inr.tn.ud that in some ' a wife and three children, with a laigo WEEKLY ALMANAC. iii.ictb It IS !aiid.-d a!»ut from hlions, I am at a lo*s for terms a I'-rjuate by in\ vlli> ial a» ls, tl.i> ue.-esMlv « feM rci- : Iww ahii», wb [the expre«ioo ot’ui\ gratitude. It shall sing, by tlie tJencral (•overniiH.nt, th«'v ■ ‘ harg.-d (he s:iiiie diilu s, has iKiii ajipomt- pfi*’'' *-‘o tan'iour and .-tr | ik • 1 di«pla\etl, to tlie extent *.f ui% Immble powers niI\ tint are c!»rir!v dcl.’g^.t d: tu ui to I;ll tho n* v» clKce.—li. flow cui. ^ut!i an alii.:iiiicn l»e viewed as onv >atur uv, L. ^ _ •, ^ ^ . liii- i',lte t!iaii a Ii!h ! nil the mtilical iirofession ’ ; 11 :»nn(laj, ^hlR-s, in continued efforts it> to admmi'*ler crifourage !‘iinplic:ty and i .'«jiioin\ m lli- —•—, ; Ii i> i quivalrr.t to i !:v.r^nn',Mheia with a dc'titu-i 'ionduy, ‘Government.astoprMervctlicirliU.rt\ ex|»eiMlilurta of (he (ji.vinimeiu ; i,i ranx- 'niSijlaction in ^'alii'g. j physician is igno. ly Tue^iia'y, proinuU. their haj*)HtR-flB. no Unrc ir>«>n«-y from thi- |»‘op!'; il;an ii.av f'''n-i'il!e .1 .uiml. tmm wiiith w dav 10 day with ■ MOON’S PMASI-'S, .-triousnesi. : 1 “J.i. |nsr»| sets.l 5|5 o5| •la 56l 3;» 57 2.5 ! h wi' 1 r int tnon/h not to kiMjw th.it liilri!i;>erttncc is bis ^ ‘dnesday|6 1 nliirr !-'Jil at !'»tar as the procnriiij^ of (>a- -1 'I’hursday, ,6 C ■ li,-, t.-nt-> if roi.c'rnvii TI.e man, w lio, « ith ids ey es “-’•J bridar, ,5 5! .Sinianycreiii»lwvcoccurr«.d wuhm the Im.- r*-pi:Ml.* fi.r t»;.-'ol.je, t-. i.ml in a i.riii- '■‘ I’" '! '•{ rnpliirr : ;^.von-at Uu»-.. . tnr as the procnn kt four )t4Ts, wfiich haven^eim.«rily ridl- ri-'r that will U-t pr mute ih« fi;t. tc-t» cf *’> !,pp*VrmaV.i. c^ I forth, •uiueiirnc* under cinuin'taiK-es all r!.i-..~e« of the ( ommun.lv, and «f all ^ j had a \ i.-ion Mitficicntiy r-ntct lo I* ni'-'t (k-^a«t' ai.d (lainful, niy \i w^ o( iiorimns of the Lmoii. ('otitt.iniiv Ik an; g ,^^*dl ■'t-d ‘tis- , j;,.. proim/.ion irf’'iVni: i iance w ill For March, le-3. D. H. H. Full 5 11 46 ift'rt ,1. ..Last 13 0 46 afl’u New 21 .5 57 morn. 5H\C, iFirst28 5 3tl atl'ii trcts tcalk- discover, make &1- principles and policy which tHi^'bt to lie- in mmd tl.nt, i;i enti ring into r ty ‘ m- if'Uf'tl by th.' (iciH'ntl tlavenimct.t, that di'i'iun'.jj inu't givi- up a r>f li!»*'it\ !o |riced. on this occasion, hut allade to :i few preserve the rp':,’ it will Im? niv desiio so hdiugcouaidcratiui'connected with some to disi hnrpe tny duties ns to I'udtor, wiili iior brethren m all parts i>’ the countrv a , 11 ' FA^ KTTKVILLE, MARCH U. Brandy, Cogniac SI} a 2; Peach 55 a 60; Ap* fnctol \ e\ .deuce th.it if ix I..I . ni//i ti ; n ost rui:.o;;i uu-i.is Hjien uied.cal salaric*. ' J'ie 15 a 50 ; Bacon, 6i a 7J ; Q|e8wax, 17 a 17i; All/ I H:;>iu!ii i;c IVic- a-d 'fjiipirttnce Societies both ! B'lfping, 13 a 17; CofTee, 13 a 15; (ottnn, ; '"'‘-o'' ! ^ ii.uLoi!. r.>ult= u hi Jitbey aim, A'ur. :4a yi; Corn, 60 a 6-2.J; Flaxseed. «1 40 a ^1 50; \\„ .1 1 or,.,. I , \ .. I,. "ill iiearlv ix ti'ipf iud of its i.anie ; and even . t ioiir, *f| a OO ; Feathers, 32 a 35 ; Iron, a 5^ ; I t 1*1 ' 1* "1 '* - \ * I I’hvsic-aiif « rl ntcive iirn ral dwiaiimis of time I.ard, 10 a 00; Molasses, 30 a 32; Oats, 35 a 3i ; I««jeii till- lloii'W' (i| 1 VMX'at' "01 \ Ii;.’iniu, , ...r ,-, • ,j|nj: ^-.d tilliri; an ample plantation. In- 1 Nails.cut, a fif ; wrought. 18 a 20; Rum. Jama- tainiiif; - btmt to w roni; from iiom-, hai b* i ii, I iiMiIly, it i- iny moet liurvc,)! pniycr, lo a:; iiiy admmutiatiofi, it» jft.vi min;; th;.l V!iiii:;hty II iii>; bff»re wliem 1 now U(u ; ami 40 happy hare fxs-u its n Milt'*, 'tanil, ami w fio hu! ki’pt us in Ins haisit. wc arc not only i>t pcaco willi all the Irorn the int'aiicy of rur K'*publir to the 7/iii.r/ii'/* Iti^trhition.— .\;nor: tli' acts ‘ whi- h in ci'vini!‘lar.c>i. of e.ise and quietuile they j would If U-’uily inuiicijuate. L'[*on w hat other j tl.i at the I>R. W AKEFIELW XFOR.MS the Ladies and Gentlemen of Char. , , , . . ount lor U'einvf nlionoi such I i lotte his intention to be at Dr. Boyd’s Holt J. I.rci.'i.aturi' it IxfMiiKV. p.'.s.'W (f | an ol.j.rt;..,: .s ::...t vnhich we ha\e u-av adduccd ; on the 4th of Marcfi, where he will be happy to late >C"‘Ioii. is one ni."’.;'ii: |I I 'cliti v. —or, we n-i-hl ■-.•'v, of a hundred or a thousand wait on those who may desire his professional ser> I'niirij'lc I , . ,„,e >C"‘Ioii. is Dfic ni."’.I'll; |I Icliti v. —or, we n-i^hl ■-.•'v, of a hundred or a thousand wait on those who r lid, but have l-w causes ot i >.ntrovef^y , present ilay, thalln'will sooterruh- nil iny ! (,y eonriii'ii.ent in th" Peuiieii-i'-'l*"'’''r ' viccs. He humbly trusU that hi's experience in I il t!i.iae of iiiiitoi imiiortance, rcmainiui: mtcnticr^. and ncti.ai', and mi.iiire tin- l n., have «e Ucn amused at the muliila- tj,,, proftsfion will entitle him to as liberal a pat- l,^,rts of niv fellow.ciUr. ns. that wo n.av ^ ! '' ' .. niMlnVtul .uKi intu i ‘“*'T ^n" ^ ‘‘‘* J- ,L, 1 . . 1 i .■ 1 II I I coin II (i u ot iiI.ilH ii'U.^ly aikl mttii- iprward aca.ii-'t idi-= £0>d lauai; and stiH more , ,-v,rticns in others. n ttio i.ome'itic policy of this tiovcrr;- I*-pres-rved irom ilaiiL'' rs iH all kuiiJs. ;in.l ; inj-irm!: or olt-lrucliii^'the iiouis- o, at the [k t ,, t fanl.iv «iiii «Jiich. as the driven | N \Tl UAL or ARTIFICIAL TF.FTfl inscr- r^t. tl»er«Bmwo ol.jer Is which esp..,ial . .aitili.i.- t.n V r a I M I i:i> AND VI’-| Utnp srahs tl;.. little rip-.U'* tJiit rl\v about her ted singly, or m sets, on gold plates, so closely rc- r-»*nie tii« attention of lfi» people imti I’i . >1’I.l!. ^ ;>r‘i>«-, they t,aV' lH.’rnthru».t aw ay or trampled dov. n jcnibling nature as to escape detection and prr- r iI(-Dreentative*. «i«l whirh hii. liriii i. vi i _t /’w,, \n ,r* . I'»‘L'in^hty mcveinrnt.-. .\nd it ha.-; c\.urred to | foctly competent to the purposes of mastication. ' • I... I u.o, tli.il It mic!t 111 t bo a !lse^•^s stt\ice ii.r some j l^vcry otiier operation on the teeth performed with pasNf'il iljf? Ithe I t'f- o'.f t*» jatluT iij> ftl! iLom' h-rd-vdrnctl anil costly j soicatific skill and the least possible pain, litorv f'f I'toifiin, illcorpi^rn;l ri IJ.ink. I nl.jcftioii.-, that no! I mg he lost, and "ive them a ' Dr. W. has letters from gentlemen of the Med io Ik) called *‘1110 I moil T.ai.k of Tlorida,''! ‘'=‘' F'aculty, on the subject of his professional ca- 11. .. ,.r ..HI. \iMli, I, m 11 ill iri. In ' Wouhl not such a work form a pacitv, which are open to the inspection of tho with a cnpiMl of one .Million ol I 'oli.ir.s, to , u-,x.\>oo\i for a!! those who, without , ^blic. Ik- founded upon ri'ul estate, to he ropresen- j coh>eiem-or prii'.ci;>lc,crcd-lprn.iiiedalallcvenls, j ('harlottf, Feb. 33, 1^3. till bv Itoiiiis, A;c. ";i the I.nth of w hich .j to array tin ihmivcs a^iin.st the Keform ? Would! . 'I I.e Vice IVsidt r.! i.’id not make an ad- M MllcontimM. to I*., (he mibject. of my iliffea»ini( soiiriiude. Duy are tho pn — ^ .tion.>ftheriphtso|-tlR-'«v. rul Stalw,! ^Vc im.ler^fantl that tl.o nomin.tlion of th? intejjrity (,f the I nion. , ,, • i i i i il,e«> r,r?.ut . •) I.rvfiT llAiiKisbv thi' I residi nt of the I • I i.e»e great olijects are ncrcBR.iii]v con- , , i i l«i. aiKf can .^dy I.; att.ii.ed by kn en- *" ^ ‘"YP'' 'lljin s from lli.- hteiH cxerciw of the powers of each I’mte'J State* to I’ninre, has Ix-m confirtnod ■im itx Bppropriatc sphere, in ronfurmi- by the Senate.—.Sathmal IntiUit^cucrr. *i!!i the putihc will cunsiitutioiiaHy ex- ’ — ♦ " J. To thi« end, i( tho duty f"r»* the eloso of the si ssnm of C'«n »llto)i.|,l a r«aifv and jwitnf.tic wib- ««■>•*. *ur n'ailers are already aware, the ^;wcoihelawicon;fitultoiiallv ciutcted, "«H«e of Hepresentnliv.'s d-rl,md, by a " . "‘■.tn^u'd' 'nn^'nMi’hon^ 'l''«'rebyprt)nM.feand Hien^tfieon prop, vote of consi.lerabiy more 'I*;'" «'*»«" o'"-. j I,I’reHdcnfs I-.^-!.i,.mlio„ ! I pon cu>h^nco ID till.* institutions of Ihe h|>.mi the recoinmeiKiuli.H. of the ( ommit-j iinI.K.ked f-r s-merx t. tlie Kichmoi.d ■ ibl tMates ami of ib- I . Staten whu h '•' ••ns, their coiiiideiice in , ^ - P-Pp!c thrniM-lve., have onlained for! •'' = ,iiat Th.e Kiohniend KtMjiiirfr will, in a short time, k' thnri'iipldy anti rrocUiiiUliou, and tho capital of the Untik is to b‘ born>wfd. The liii hrnoiiil I'miuirpr, watchiii'; the sifjiis III \ ir;>iiiii, Miice ihe hostile move- mi'll!' of .! iliii ll;iii'!'>l;'h. has, hi the last attack , It not sl:« d li;rt.t U[>c'i the sad e.^treiniiy to which I the pixir oiijt lor is etUn r’,i!n id? We will only add that ii; ciir opinic.ii it wv I’.'.d at least supersede the necLtsily of ajic!h r "Cu.'iic AiM\.SAC" or IkvK oi f 'l O. If owu grueminent. [*’•■ testimony in f.nor of that iii.s|ilulK>n. «iperKaice in public conrrrns, and : how» \er, wn« Uiriie by the S. njte, U|hju t>lw r»alion* of a life somewhat adrnn-.ri'commendaln.ii of the Cniiimittiv of 2;-"'*»f»'ni the opiniims long •incf' imbi- I'mance, that boify, w'conded n^am by ■'‘hvrne, ihot thcdeslnK'tionofoiir*tnle''he Moin*' of Keprest niatives, and s„f,c- I '*mmenti( or Ihe annihilnlion of Iheir "oned even by Ihe 1‘rejudcnt of the f. .S. « ' 'rol over tho local concenw of tho poo- ’•>'* I'dlowing maniirr : I . '*'Xjld lead dircctly to revolution and The chiiinanis for iihlemnity under the "'"ly*‘“’d finally lo denfiirfi.tm and inili. Mrcaly w ith France, unwilhnjf that tho a- therefore J mount which is evenUially to Im> dividd jeneml Kovemtnenl etieroachen np- airH>n(r>t them should lie idle m the ’I’rcii- nahts of (lie i,(ntes, in the siuiic pro- tsurv, jielitioneil (’nfigress loenuse the same ii J •Ws it im|Niir its own jwwer and to Ix* invrsled •*o as to bear inter‘Hl, until ^ ™'t It* ability to fulfd the purpMes |M di«lril>iitii»n is awarded by tho Coinnns- 1 th* impre«weil HiojH T*. In coinplinnce with this petition, • It t^y counlrynicli a pruvuion w.is introliiced, in the S’iiat>‘, ^ tne ready lo cxerrijo iijy ron-j into the fon«'r.tl Appropriation Hdl, and g I, L**”^ P**'*'rs in arres(in|( tnrasures , hiu l»e«>oiiK! a law, reipiiring the Hi*cn'lary “T tnay (lirfledy or indinTtly vneroach jof the Treasury to cause the money necni- II I >c rinht* ot the Stales, or lend to i ing under Ihe Tn>aty, lo be invested in tht ^ ^^' iiiato all [Militical power in the (lene- i StH-k of thi Ifnnk of thr V. !fohii, or i nfHjiial, nnd in-, kmne^l to individuals or Irtisls, uiwn pli iliit's ox'alculable importance is iIm- union I of slock of tho I’. Slates, or the Hunk- •'“«? slati-.^, and tho aacrtvl duty of all '^'tribute to its prom-'rvatHMi by a lili*'ral !*'jrt of tho (ieiicral (iovernment m the '•« jnt fMiwers. ^ ou have Is en r y ininotiisheil to “ aenistom voiirs«-Uen lll'i **'"! ^ |l^ " ‘*i'n your {Mjliticjil safely and jiros- W'', wutciimg fgr its prvscr\ulion with of thr V. StntfK, and ii|K)ii i»o other securi ty whati'vrr. U> find here all branches of liic tJoviTiiment in ai cord lu placiiij; the credit of’ the T. .S. and tliiit of the Hank of the r. ,'^tates upon precisely the same liiot- mg, as entitled to hiiiher eonlideiice than any other in-'dc of in^e^tment. 'I’lio action MR. I*. E. SAIMFR "'•^^ILL give lessons on the I’lANO FORTP T ▼ He may be consultid at tiie Store of .Mr Saunier. Vharhttf, March 15, I'nII. 4iT3 I'ui t.'.t Minux' A' I'aimrrf' Jcttrnal A.xTi.r.vini r. .1.',. Ihi’;:: — |Kililit'al nuetiiip was held at the par:ide ii: d it Capt. Juhn R. .\icCaiilcy. the rc. suit of VNiii' h ap('Cai i in your pnp-. r of IVccm- Ixr l:\--t, cN’iresfinj si ntieients Ihcndly li> Niilli- ticati.'n, and whwh yriitiments ha's, wc btlieve, been j;cni rr.llv all i' hid to the nuinbirs of the the M, At,.in CrecK I'roop of Cavahy. j ^ purchasers or sold W e as a I rco|., ctcrc.s, in- our constitutional | wi.huig a desirable fan,, I exnressinir our , . ~ . .. . . ■ For^jar- \ rea- ior Male. V.\I,C ABLE Tract of Land contuiiinj 7,»0 acrcs.with !a good dwel'injj house, tiri^t rate 'barn, pin-hotise and all reccssary j out-buildings, lying tliree miles ea!t of Charlotte. privike.', take tl'.is opp-rtunity of expressing our ; to exa.niiie the premises. Fo ow n s.:.tim"nt., oa this our regular parade day, i j Hutchison. / lHjn:r c';nvenedlortl.epur|^uot inihury f.xercise. AHKaM F. ALEXANDER. 4t32 of Congress on this subject fully accords, 1/(/•,'’ anti-Jacksoii I ’ htU ::c\l - m - * The ddU'reni-e Ix'twern I’ol. PniNTO.N .md Col. Cf.MM;ii \M. which has exeiled much inlere.st for muiic lime past, has been ami- cjiblv ad)usle,l. t’ol I’rcslon was tho chal- lenjjer, and . Tiiom.--o> .Ir. acted as his fVii'iid. Mr. A. Cl M >11 m; was the friend of Col. Ci m.m:iivm. A few days al>er liie acceptance of ihe challai::;e. si'veral pentle- mi n, at .\iii;ii>ta, inlrrf ri'il as the niutiial friends of ihe parlie«. and re(]uested the withdrawiil id’the chalieiice with u view to an aniii able conclusion ol the whole matter, and requested Inith parties to appoint ret’e- rt*cs, liir that pu^|K>^e. Hoth parties have assented to this arran:‘'rnent. ( /mrhxton Cojiricr. It is reported that Mr. (’i.vv intends, at the expiration of the present st'ssion, to re sign his seat in the Senate, and retire to pnvato life. 'I’liis re|»ort is corroborated by the eonehidinji remarks of his last speech, in w hich ho sjiys, lhal—“ It Coit"rcs.s would pass this bill, he would willin;ly retire lo his homto the groves of Ashland, irhiri' hr COUU fud a Jidcjltu and an afn cdoit j ,rd SutVs enjoylng'th'- ndvantaue; and pioteelion j I i x I> I > !^ | \ 'I’ I \G III public I ,,(• (]„■ Biime do owe as pearcalile eiti?i ns' obedi- I The drill b inj ever, llie Troop was lorined into a circle by C apt. MrCaii'.ey, around our ci'iintry's | ]| Haj', when on motion ot'John W alkcr, jr. a vote was , ; ‘lUI taken wlietlu r the Troop should proceed to otVfr ' 'rilC resoluli.m.. evpresMve of tliur sentiments injla- ; ^ ^ It. Smith, is issued every l>idar, tion to the 1 aritl, wl.ieli ha, tn.n a ‘ Hult’onore. at ^5,K-r annum, in advance. Con- oi clistnrb.ince u\ our country, whicU motion mcl . -i^, the approlK.tion of the whol- iroop will, one oxeep- | tion. The following resnlutioni were Ihen otFrri d ' I.ditorial; Persian Tobacco, Mexican Tobacco, and read lo the I’ryop, whuh was allerwards reai; ; \ c.—Unidon Milk—Ueci|ie for making Swe.' separati ly and adopted, with onlv two dissenting. Potato Puilding—I’oreiirn Markets—Richard I' 1st. Rfsolrril, \ the si nsc of this Troop, tlmt i Meade on .\grioullural Kxhibitions; Premium c we do diapprcvo of llie prt .-ent T.iritF, and that we ] fered for an F.ssay on llorseracinj—I'.vtraordmar request I'ur Kepresentalive in Congress to use ail | Protluci—Sw eepstakes projx'sed Ibr an A^ricu' constitutional means lo have the same reduced to i tural IJxhibition, by an Eastern Shore Farmer- ihc bare wnnt.s nf ;oveinnu nt. On the Culture of Rhubarb, by .luhn 1>. Ixjpan 2d. Umoh eil, That we vu '.v the measures of ’ Editor of the Suithern .\^riculturist, concludod- Nu'.lifiiatioii ,arn oinnienildby nianv us a prace- ! Inseels in Peas; how to destroy them—Benclici!' able remedy) as tn'inj; a daiig'erous.’destrui tive Eifeets of Protecting tlie stem* of Fruit Tret and niiconstitntion.il iii.-asure—tending oulv to t'rom I’rosts in Early Spring—Ancient PlanN disunion and hlwvi.slu d. ' , I'ound with Egyptian .Mummies in Tombe—tin 3d. Rtfoh'fd, '1 hat we continue to have an un- ; ger for Heaves in Horse*—To Color Black—E' shaken eonlid. nee in the wi.sdom and uprightness ; tracts Iroiii Col. J. P. Hamilton’s Travels m ( . of our venerable ( h.ef .Magistrate and the Con- : K.mhiu-The .Matrimonial t^irden—IWcialStat ■ of the l ulled Stales, hoping that thev will , nicnt ot' W me exported t'rom ()|*>rto—Prices ' e the course that a suns-e of duty w ill mark rent of Country Producc in the .NVw \ ork gross pursue the course out to them. _ , llh. Risolrtil, That we as citizens of the i ni Prices Cui aii J fUlliinoro .Markets—Advcitisfnieiit-:. v'liirh he hud Hot always J> to it' an'i n’j: ■' in that n sj-eet v\* C*f nil kind." mathi r.ri'cufid at this Offii

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