]UmER$i’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAIi. _ A!MI» I»IJBI.I!»H1:D i:VKRY NATLKDAV, MY THOMAS j/lI()|/lW....tliAHL>'J Tf:, MliC KlijAljiilU; COLStY, NOHTJl-c CAROLINA. I WILL TEAC H YOU TO PIICKCB Till: IIOWICIJI OF TH« KAHTH ANII BRINO OUT FROM TIIK « 'AVt!KKB OK Tlllr"^)! n"i7Tn!», VOli* III* MKTAt.S WIIK'II Wll.l. (.'IVR BTKFNOTII TO OCR IIANDK AND Bl'BjrCT Al.l. NATI’RI! Tf) Ol'R Vnr. AND Pl.KASUIHC. DR. JOHNSON. SATl RIKW, «, ISIVU NO. 132* TIIK iniiierM’ A Fariiit'rM^ Joiirnnl ! , priniid «iil I'ublnJad every SalurJBy iiioriiiii^f | '«! Tvo Ihjllan |tr aiuiuin, il'jmid hi udvun'^«i j 7ifO il'iiot paid in ad- \ %«iKi'; TAk* tia’end of llic year. I j,Vi;i{TISKMKNTS will be inscrudat I'lfly ^ ct Ills l*if rxeccdiiig SJO lino»,) for tlio fir-l iiis rtion, and 25 ci nU for each Bucd-t dinff K—or fl Ibf wctkH, foi one fqunre.— j A lib* rai discount will bi- made to tliooo w lio ‘ «dvrrli« bytliryiar. ll,;'OuaIladvrrtii-ui«;iit» ' r,,„„i,uijical(d for pubJir»lioii, tbf nuinU r of I iiiMTtloiH' niu*t be noted on llie niargiii of tlie niinunri(.t, or thiy will 1x' coiitiiiuid until n,rl,i(?, and (barged acc.rdingly. ' • All i-«jimiiiinicatioiiii to the Kditor niiuit coinp ; ;Virt>f Itx.v "*«■> '">* 1*' d to. j lIUKLK- roN. M VHCH W, 1K13. | ( oi;nii,S>ea I-land, IH a30; upland, iwrw, lOi a | 10?; Un», jiriiur, 2i a 'H; iiilirior tu gwKl, ‘.'ji a «■; Hour. »u[>«-rfmc, 6 a 00; torn, W a fi.'i;' ihi*. I"* a W); Whinlirr, S3 t 3-1; N. K. Rum, Ifpodi 37 a 3-^; Ap|‘h- Hraiidy, 40 ■ j BtT*. , wax. 17 »H); Taliow.faroliii*. II a .Mack. | .rtl, -Nu. 1, No. i,£, Hacwu, 6*7; liouu, , lOJ a II; l-ird. ''I a 9; Nai!», cut, 5] a fi cenU j ; Ihgpinp. 13 a!*?; Bale Rojjt, (! a 10 ccnt«;| braiirfj, 1-W ■ ‘-SOO ; H4land tiin, 1(K» a i Iraa, Kumw and i'wrdix, #4 a 4| par Iba.; i if, I.M-rrpixJ. in bac’nof 4 buali. I| a IJ , lu bttlk, | J 4 Ol*. T. Inland, 4o a tM), Su{(ar, Havana, 10 11J; brown, 7 a P; St. Crou and Jam. 7 a !•! I t«.Orlran«, 6J a ^; Mola»*«, Cuba, ‘Ji a *i: Ork-an*,a 98 ;Colfrf, prime frr«i, 14 a l.'i, liirior ti> it'iud, 13 a 13^ ; IlyMiii Tra,77 a iKI •,'ts. ;>urthU'arulina'uMMity, a l| (xt c uU k'- .t. .Sa\»iiii4h n^iik Ililla 1 [nr ccitU di>runn(; thef (jtorgia Bank Ililla 1 and IJ p r --ct.!. AMDHN. MARrif 23 Ctmntrp yVaWa^*.—4.'i(tun, a 10; Corn iO a , U 111 kt, H) a''7 ; llotjr.cauit/T, 4^ a 4/ , Ua- . * a 1>'i \Viii«kcy, 3^ a 40; firaiidy, A|>|>U, ■ all; f.K h. 4H g ffj. WtilATK I. l.'.r Hi nilc of the I'uUrd .''ijtr* Du tbt l.-‘U fur. t!- r lo [«ro»id* .'tx ihc coIktUoii t»l duli.a oD i (»!u. rviMoi n'« »rr.r» h rn>r!.t nr!».] hi t(.p ii^\t diiy, Mr. Calhouii pr>r«“«^l- 1 bv n inarkinj; th»t fm*l cnuHH at li»>ir pri.jx r (■!»'■. in llw coiirv* of Ins !>ni nitioii*\('5trrtJ(iT, two or thrrr piiint» II whirfi he w. uld now nlvrrt, bufurv h»* thf (!i«(-uii«ion whcr^ hf had Irrt ir. II** li.id htiitrd that thf onlinanrc arid Is of Carolina wcrr HinTirH, not .•:”nst the r»*veuu**, Init ■gain?it the •'vv a of prot'-f-tion. But it rriif;ht !»»' Mi h Hai h'^r how lupprn^ it th;:l ^h' h-; (krlarrd tlif* wholo •.\=‘t»-m vonl, r^' Mi«> ii.i w-|| ui priitrction, withuut !in- criiiinali'io ’ It i« thii «ju-‘tn**i \fliicli lif pr'! =^‘ .1 loan*!we*r. liftjun1itic:ili'>ii wi.uIJ (i uiid m tlir nr-rMify of the ra»»': nrid, I'^thrr • fy any bltinw, il c«>ulil not attach tu I ’• riif* two wrr** M bli’fKl l, thrr'ti»!i. t'l' wliolr, an to iiiaki* tiic ••iitir** r*-\r. ■. »tcm auUir'IinalP ti> tin- pr"tt.t ti«i), ■ - Ij i-oM^litiite a roiiipii-to d>stpm of |iro- ti M;, in whu'h It wa"» iinp«siblf> to Iih. r.iiiititit" tli»* two rltMrK'nt* of wliirh it ii 1. Siiili.Citroltnti at U-ast could >t inaki- thtr diwritninjtKKi, and -h* was *iiT**l lo Uip ■lt‘rnat«vc of ar«jiji«»»pn!j' in i III tt'ii;li '•II'-l>*'lir»i-d to iirK‘«>n- 'Khi whicli »litf f It to he fijipn s- »'• iiiid njMKMiri, or, to ronmdor t!ip wlio|f '‘)u:i!ly cr>iit;iiiiinntel ihrniKh all l\ th»» unroitlituti(i«uilily 'f tin* •I* li\- {>nr(ii>i ; and, as wiich, to lir r*-- •'•'d tiT thf' art of thff Slat**, lie main* Ihul th«' .S«t«* had u ri(;ht to r*v'ard ' 1.1 iIk> laii*»r « }mm‘tT, and thiit if n Io«h f» nu«* r.||>wfd, |Im> fmill wax ih t iior., ' •( itni (ii»%»'rniM*nt, which had iiiiprf>|»- ■ ■ III* nd>i| t igf-thrr, in n in.iniier ii t I" " —!>ariild by «Im» .StiitP, twn Kxtf-niH (liK»iniil;«r. h th^ Hinr»‘rity of ihi* Ij*-diHibl^l; if It Iw* Kiififxr^'il that lu r ti>Hii. r'-vi'iiiH* iiw «i‘il a-» |ir(iti*c- lxi tt„. !if»jii,riii*‘d: l*-l h«i murh * d'liie' a- an* iiiti-mlcd far n renin', pil in f'fir bill, and the rfxidiif* inlPiidfd ■r I rrii'‘cii’in l)« jmi m anoihor, ;!iii» hv r-"! bnii'.t-ll that tlic ordinance nnd ti.' *'1 ilie Si,Tic wmld ('fa--' a** tu tb*' for- :iiij be dirtclrd *'XclumM lv aguiiist II' Inlitr. II'- 'i iirtl. in ihf> cciir"*! of liis rrnnrli-i '•'■r’l.iv, ;iiid lrii>t''i| bf Imd ci>nrhi«i\«-l\ 'Wi lliiil II,P ,,| |^|,i xr,.,;. '■J'M II iiciit. Ill ufiirb h*> till! :il- ' in rfiilitv a r vi-nii(' iiH' .>>iin . 'Irii ( iri liiiii. iiii.l ib- oilier Si.lies, in M'l-'rliiii.' It |i;,,| not iiiriirr"d itir -Ii_'hl‘-I III r l itioii to till' iciii (.1 r> lfi t|,,||_ || I,;,,I ^Towii ii|i, .111') Hi.-I. „ ,I,.!, 1,^ ,,.,,,1 *’ I Mill \v;'|mo* h« of III '"If .irolllili, !« ll. I > I !|; I'llli' 111 ..)■ li|.. ."SI ti ‘ I'T'I" -ll ,1 |i' ' ,,ll;|CIll III. '■nil;'l\ r 1 I. .11 ' 111. '■ I'TOji rlK.li. fin :i'il ll'.’ ■ l"'"lt. I ni.lK, ll,;,| • il. x (i| |||i. ||| oil rtn ' *1 III .11,(1 ,r_ ml,inn llii in, llmi -iii i '•'till'hi wi iiM ili.-ti iliiili' liic ri'vt nii( ' iiif iiroti'cf.'.l i|.„| iiii|i|,,|, I, ,1 iir- ■ fiSiuiibl) r. Ihr .'iiai.-., iiinl I,. "nil, and l -s- .m in II,,. iiciiiiii;,, In, ibai. an fiv umr.irrn ,id \ .i!o. :ii r iir.liii.d\ . M«.n’ ,i lliiiii ih.il |! •mI liv (':itolin,i l.iroii^jh !:■ \:iiT Mil ll an i.li' r, im n..u. 'iilucd Ills tun.lyr, will ilurc uccu tliu Statu, or itiose who have roprcHCtitcd her hfiro, with iucon&istcncy in rolereuce to the point under conhidcrutiou. lie omitted, ulsu, on yeati;r.'!ay, to nuticc nrt'rnurk of the Soiiutur from Vir»jiuia,(.Mr. Uivt:..',) that the only dilFirully in a»lju8ting the tarill, grow out of the ordiuance and the actij ol ^lUtii-Curolina. lie luiiittattri* the decision of this question, lie lielieved,: chine is kept in motion. He knew how d*!pendH nut only the lib«!rty and prospenly i dilHcuU it was to conimunicate distinct ol this country, but the place winch woaru i ideas on such a subject, through tl»o modi* destined to hdld ni the inteiiectuul and mor- ! um of general propositions, without parti al scale oi nation.9. Ho iiad stated, al«>, i cular illustration; and, in order that he in lu.s remarks on ihi.'jpoiui, that there wu$ might be distinctly uiiderstiod, thotjgh at a striking unalfigy between this and the : the ha/anl of liein" 4edioii.s, he would illus- Kr*-at blrnvrgle U tweoii I'ersia and (jrecce, j trute the important principle w hich he had bute an iLssortiou, sti inuoiiHiyteni with the , wiiich had been decided lv tiie bulties { ventured to advance, by examples. tA 1 . i* a t. ^ 1 - 1* % f _ .1 a ki 1 . I i . • ^ ol Marathon, I'latcn, nnd Salamis, ami i l,pt uh then suppowi a small community which liiuniiiinortali/cd the names ol Mil- ! of live [lorsor.'s, 0O|mrntcd fiV)m the rest of tiades and I henji.stocles. He had illustra- | the world ; and, touiak*! the e.ramjtle strong ted this nnulo(>y by showing that central-' |ut uh sup|)Ose them all to be engaged in ism, or consolidation, w ith the exception ol , the same pursuit, and to lie of equal wealth, a l«:w nations along the eastern bord r ol : 1^-t us further sujipose, that they detor- the iN’cdiicrrfinean, had U.eii the pervading J mine to govern the conimunity by the will principle in (lie Asiatic (ioverniia-iils, while ; of a majority ; nnd, to make the ca.se as the ll-der;ij principle, or, what is the same j ^ron* as jK)».sible, let us suppose that the in prmci(*le, that svslein which organises a niajority, in order tu ine»^t the expenses of community in relt,ienci; to it:j [>arts, had the (Jov‘rnment, lay an equnl tax, say of facts, tu an ignorancc »f the occurrences ol the last lew years, in reference to this sulyc'ct, occa^^ioned by the aU»euce of the gentleman from the United .States, to which he liiinHell liusallndod in his remarks, if the S nator will lake pains to inform him- iwU, he will find that this protective system tidvanced with a continued and rapid step, 111 spite of pftitiuiiB, reiiioiiMtrances, and prote.vtfl, of n«>t •.•idy i.'aroliim, but also of V irgimaaud ofi lt (tie S>jrtbern .States, until iP’.il; when Carolina, for the first tune, cbungtd the chamctcr of her resiktance, b\ luddiiig up her n-served rights H! the siueld of tier def' iicc against further encrotvch- oieiiL—'riiis attitude alune, unaided by a single State, arrested the further progress ot'ihe system, so that tlio qucttiou from that (leriod to tliM, uii the part of the iiiau- ufacturent, has been, not how to acquue mum, but to retaiu that w hu h they b:i>i j p,,,,yjnirtn j,f (he twelve distinct tril>es.— jabHolule and unchecked majority o[>erate, I result without such restrictions, it if UMjuircd. lie would inlorni the t;'nlie-1’J'hi; hqs the conimoncenient of that cen- iiiiHer tlM'«>c circumstancesi, in this little I vions that the case would not be in mail that it tnisattiludo had not U'eii taken on the part of the Stat**, the quci‘ttt>n would itut Dow be, how duli«*s fsight l>> Iw r«'(>« al- Isit a *)ue!>tion as lo the prot -cted arti- cl« s, b«-twerii pruliiiiition ou one sid^. ami the duties eslaUishttI b\ the act of l'' J~, prevailed in Ktirojie. Among the few exemptions in th*? Asiatic nation.*, the (toveriimeiit of the twelve stitute in its place the most violent party attachment; and, instead of having one com* tnon centre of attachment, around which the Bflecti*jnsi of the community might rally^ there would, iu fact, be twt>—the interests of the majority, to which those who coo* stitute that majority would be more attach ed, than they would bo to the whole*, und that of the minority, to which they in liko manner would alsp be more attached ^than to the interests of the whole. Faction would thus take the place of patriotism, and, with the lo.ss of patriotism, corruption must necessarily follow^ and, in its tram, anarchy j and, finally, despotism, or the estalilishment of absolute power in a'single indi^ i(lual, an a means of arresting the conliict of hostilo interests : on the principle that it i.s liettcr to submit to the will of a single individual, who, by bein" made lord and ma.ster of th*J whole community, would have an equal in* terest in the protection of all the parts. Let us next su(>pose that, in order to avert the calamitous tram of consequences, ¥100 on each individual of this liitle com munity. Their tiea.sury would contain live hundred dollars. 'I'liree area majority; trilvs of Israel, in its early [leriod, was the ' and tiiey, by supposition, have contributed m* «t etriking. The govtrnmi'nt, at first, | three hundred as their fM,>rlioii, and the! this little community should adopt u writ- va* a mere confederation, w ithout any ceil-i iither two, (the mimirity,) two hundred. i ten constitution w ith iiniitalions restrict- tral jtower, till a military chieftain, with j The thre«! have the right to make the ap-j ing the will of the inajorityj in order to tlif title ol King, was placcd at its head, propriation as tin y may think proj>er. The protect the minority against the oppres- wi^liwiit, however, merging tlio «rii;iiial or- jfpieslion is, hmv woulcj the principle of the jsions which he had .shown wouUl necessarily if»ob- in tho tral aciion ainon-j that f»eruliar p‘op|e, community? lithe three b»* governed by i slightest degree varied, if the msjority l)0 which, in ilir«*» g.‘iieratior, t*Tiiiirmtel in • a st-nse of justice—if they should appropri-' left in possession of the right of judging a iK-rmarient division of their tnU s. Itisiatetiio money to the objects for which it ■ exclusively of the extent of its [xiwers, imp*..-j>ible even for a careless reader to j>e- • was raided, the common and equal benefit : without any right on the part of the mi nis*'tlie hi'tory of th:it f vent without being of the five, then the object of the associ-j nority to enforce the restrictions imimscJ for» ib!y stiuck with the anfdo^v iu the ation wiKild 1)6 fairly and hont-slly *diected, j by the constitution on the will of the ina* for iain pow- . , , . — imposes limitations on the exerciso wbich lia.s not vf I gone ii^o o|K‘niiion, and I f,y^t‘.*(!i of tnxalinn, which, under King their own partciilar interest, without regard |of that power, whntever interests may ob- whith was passed but a lew muriths Miire, s.l.inon. v>a> gn ally in* n ased, lo defra\ to the interest of the two, (and that they tain pos.session of the Government uill bo was ueclnp-d by the auiipuriers ol the >y»-1 the exi».n'‘- of rr irinc the temple, of cn- wdl so act, unless there be some etlicient 'in fuvor of extending the power al (he c.x- i^fii to be u/.«r//Ninf/i| aoju;>lnirat, aud the lurgmg and enil>o!li'hinir J( ru.'alem, the check, he who Inst knows human nature ! f.en?e of the limitation; and that, unless bill pro|i«ad b\ the 1 nasury 1>» partmani,! «-it iit' the central govrrmnent, and the will hast doubt,) who does not see that the {those in whose behalf the limilnf.ons were ii. t riiwiiiially diiH'n-nl (rom the act it.n-Jl, otlx'r prefu.^i* ex|H'nditun*- of his niagnifi- three and the two would have directlv op- i imposed, have, in wune form or nuitle, tho wa) in like m tnitcr dcclartrd to lie Kitcnded, I crnt r*-ign. Increa«M*d taxation was fol-, posite intere)?ts, in retitrence to the action ! right of enforcing them, the jiower will ul- hy thw adnuniotmtiun, as a pcrmunent ar- lowed by its n.itnral cw-iqiiences—disron- of the government T The three who con- jtimately supersede the limitatijn, and tho rttiigenH nl. W bat lias oci urn-d siikc, ex- tent ;,r|(] compl.unt; which before his death ' triUiU- to the common treasury but three ] tiovernment must operate precisely in tho lufH thi.H ordinao* e, an*J tht sc abused arts ‘ cxriti* rcsislarrf-e. t )n the sue-• hundred dolhrs, could, in fact, by appro-! same manner as if the will of the ini.joriiy of llie caiumniatod State, lo produce tins j ci>sion «>f his ^ n. KeholKam, the ten • piiatiiig the live hundred to their own use, j governed W'ithout constitution or liiniiatiou iinrhty revolution in rcferem.-i? lo tint t^|l»%'^, I.eadcd by .l*»roln>am, demanded a j convert the action of the goverriment into of power. He bad thus presented all possible mrKJep, in which a Ctovernment, bound upon th*j cihou^ «yatem { i. nlo* the Siiator tn.>m , redurtinii of the taxes: tiie teniple b»‘ing the menus of making money ; and, of conse- \ irgima cun uaoign some other c*iim’, he fiinbhed, and the embi'lli'hment of .Icni.-a- quence, would have a direct iiiten'st in in is UiuiMi, u|*oaev*ry priiK:i(>l)-ul fain>«-s», to Icm conip!«“ie«|, nnd the monos w hich had creating tln^ taxes. They put in three j will of nn absolute innjority, wouM bo rrtracl ihi« onJU^t iw|x.rMou upon the actd of iK-cn ralN«!I for that jHir(«*.e lioin" no li nger hundred .ind take Hit tive; that is, they modified, and had demonstrated that, lu all .South-l arulma. n-qtnred, or, in oth»T words, the debt bem:: take back to themselves all that they had i its foruis, whether in a majority of a Peo- •\ftcr noticing, «*i*l .Mr. f’. another o-' pmd. t!,ey di'in.mdid a re«luiliiii of the du- put in : and, in addition, that which was put pie, as in a mere democracy, or in a major* mis Inn, Ik? would pKn-ei-d with hi« re- inw—a ri jx al of ihi! tarilF. The *1* mand in by their associates: or, in other words, |ity of their representatives, without a con* murkx. 'Ibe Senator from iNdaware. [Mr. wa>i tiik'ii midi-r cji;vrl^nili«n. and atV-r ' inkiii:; taxation and appropriation together, I stitution, or w ith a constitution, to b‘ inter- Cl \ v ri>,| as others, bed relied with jjrrni consnliin^r ihi* old iKeii. the oim-* !lors ol they have gained, and iheir as-“fKiutes have * preted as the will of the majority, tlie re* eriiphaHi> n(i tlie fact, tlini we are eitr/,:-iis ol l'“», who nilvi«o«l a rediii-iion. be then toc.k lost, two hundred dollars by the fi.scal ac- [suit would be the same ; two ho?lile inter* the I.S. I, Sdiil .'Ir. C. do oof i.bfcct to • III'- opinion of tho Mviiit'er p. >iitii;inns, who tion of iho government. .\ml opposite in- jests would inevitably be created by the ac- tho xpre.'.sion, nor shall 1 d«’trart t'rom tiie bad sinre ijrown up. nn»J krh w not the doc- l're«ts, in reference to the action of the 'lion of the (ioveriiment, to be followed by prr^jd and elevated fi eliii::'* wiih wbu h it is trines i f tin ir tathi r*. he heark*'nod unto ' government, is thus create*l between them ; ' hostile legislation, and that bj faction> cor- u.isociated ; Imt ho tnixli d that he mii;lii tb* ir * iiiiiim !, and r« I'ustHl n. miike ih*'re- the one having nn interest in favor and the ruption, anarchy, and desjxitism. be permitted to raiw the mquirv, in w hnt diiction, and the seccsMiHi ol'the ten trilies. olh*"r against the taxes; the one to increase, I I'he great and solemn question hero manner we are citizens of Ibe I . Stato, i under .l rol>oain, followed. The tril.es of and the other lo decrease the taxes; the ' p|-cseuted itself Is there any remedy for without weakening the p;itriotir frulinu: wiili .lii'iah nnd I’eTijamin, whiclibn-l ni-eiveil ctie to retain the taxes when the money is ' these evils, on the decision of which de* which he tmail'd It W'Hild ev. r l«'uiu rtil. the »ii>hur‘.cnKnt~, almc remained to the no longer wanted, nnd the other to repeal i [louds the question, whether the I’ci^ple if by ciiizen of the 1'. Slati s, Ik* meant a bous*' of M.ivi !. them when the objects for which they were jean govern themselves, which has been so citi/.n at large, one whoso citi7.»*n'.hip ex.: n„f, ton turn to the [mint immediately levied have been executed. iollen asked with so much sceptici.sm and tended to llie enliie geographical limit' cf utuier con-iidcraiirin. Me knew that it was Let us now sup|)ose this community of|doubt? There is a remedy, and but one. the country, without having a local citi/' ii ahip in MuiK* State or Territory, a sort «I citi^n of the world, all he bad l«> s,-»v wa.-, that .>*iM h a «itiay ii would i>e a [vrlei i non not only ili*' npinion of a l;’.rge mr.jorily nf live to be raised to twenty-four individuals, {the elllcts of which, whatever may be tha our Country, but il imghi lie said i*> Ik- the j to bt; governed in like manner by the will jform, is to organize wiciety in referenco opinion of the ag**, th.it the very beau ideal of a majority; it is obvious that the same to this conflict of interests, which springs out of the action of government; and which can only be done by giving each part tho right of sclf-prolection ; which, In a word. ll,, re (III ••.ft, |. ve. Is Ilk I lk - l!i il II I I iJ' illieiit i.f I it , ll; an III s lo llie iiJii I 1.1 .teiii; lull of a frf'rfect gtiveniinent was the govern- jirinciple would divide them into two inler- »lf'( ript; that n-a a single iiiduidual ol this ^ ment ni‘ a mj'jority, acting through a n’- ests—into a majority and a minority, thir- «fc*Mrripiioii could lie found in the entire pn-;fnl,ilive Ix.dy, w iihout check or limita- teen against eleven, or in some other pni-|..p. ^ , , mass of our |H*|rtjlation. .Notwilbst.inding 1 tion in iN power; >et, if we may test this ! portion: and that all the consequenct's which ' instead of considering the communitv ol all the primp and display ol clix|ucnee iMi t*i'- b_\ experience und reasoti, we will he had shown to be applicable to the small | twenty-four as a single communilv, mg the iK casirtn, every ciiizeii is a citir -n ol fmd that, so lar from lK.ing j>erfect, the ne- | community of five, would be equally appli- !a common interest, and lo l>e gi'vi riii d liy «ii»r Slate or 'I'erniorv, and, as su« h. iin- ■ rrs-ijiy tendency of all govenmients based cable to the greater—the cause not dept'n- j the single will of an entire majoritv, shall, der an exprfss pmviMon ol thr Consiitnlion, I ujw.n the w 11 of an alisiilnte majority, w ith- . ding upon the numlicr, but resulting neccs- upon all questions tending lo bring tho IS enlilled lo alt priv desrs and immunities ^ out convtitution.il check or limitation of j sari ly from the action of the government ] parts into conflict, the thirteen a^aiii>t iho of ciiizins III the wvcral Suies; hihI it is [xi«er, is to fa* lion, coriuplion, anarchy, it.self. Let us now s'ipjKise that, instead of j eleven, take the will, not of the tw(nt\-t'our in this, and in no oiIht wn»e. that we iire , ;,nd di>potism : and thi-, w hether the w ill of governini'them.selvcs directlyin an assem-! a.s a unit, but lhal of the thirteen and ihat citiwns of th** I . i^iaies. The i^nator the maj iril\ Im-exprcs-sed dir* ctly through bly of the whole, without the iuterveiition ) of the eleven separately, the majorily of froiu l*enn«v Ivania, ( Mr. 1) VI md'^^.i. ‘ nn n"emb!y of the [leople tlieniselves, or agents, they should adopt the representative j each governing the parts, and, where they rf Ill'S ui»oii lhal provision in the Con>titu- b\ llieir repre'cntativi s I know- (said Mr. principle, and that, instead of l>eing govern-1 concur, governing the whole, and v\hero lion w inch «ive» ( oncn-s the power lo | (’.) that in veniunn;; this nssertalion I utter ed by a majority of themselves, they >houla , tliey disagree, arresting the action of Gor- .'ilrtbli'b a uniliirni rule of nalmalizition, that whit his nnpi'pul.ir, l>oth within aixi, l«; governed by a majority ol their repnsen- ernuient. 'I his, he would call the c.ncur* und llie cfMi.iiion of ihe rule acliially cs- vv,tin,ut ilic^walN: but where truth and talives. It is obvious that the operation of ring, as distinct from the absolute m.ijorily'. tablisldished under iliis nulhoniy, lo prove iii.f^rlv are com erni d. such considerations' the ,>.\stem would luit bo ell’ccted by the , it would not be, as was geuerally siinioseil, that naiura!i7.el citizens arc ciiiz' -.s at ' sh iii!d not be r. ;;arded. lie woulil jtlace ’ ch,Tni;e, the re[»resentati»es lieing responsi-i a minonU governing a majoritv. In ei- Inrg**, w iihout bem:; i iiiz*-nsot‘ imy of the the decision of tins point *m the fact, that ble to those w lu> chose them, will conform ' ther way, the number would be the same, .‘*iates. Ill liid not deem it m i i >>..iry lo no governini nt of liie kinil, among the ' to the w ill of their constituents, and would I whether taken as the absolute, or as tlio ex.imine llte law of t ongr*ss iijmn ihi-j maiiv ai(cm|'ts w liich hnd been made, had act as they would do, were they presont, j concurring mnjority. Thus, the majority subp-ct, I r to reply to the nr;:ument of the , ever endured fora .‘•ingle geii'ration ; but,. and oc ling for ihemw'lves; and the same ■ of the thirteen is seven, and of the clcveit S'liator, iboU'.'i be could n*il doubt that he I on the contrar\. bad invariablv exjierienced coiillu't ol interest w hich we have .shown | six, and tho lv\o together make thirteen, (,\Ir. I).] had taken an entirely erroneous ' «],i(-h he had assigned to them.— would exist in one case, would eqnully exist ' w hich is the majority of twenty-four. But virw .if th** •nibi 'i I. It was ..utVu lent that I^ i ;i siiigle iH'l iiu e l>e [Hiinted out, and ; in the other. In eiiher case, the inevitable I though the numlx*r i.s the same, the moda he would surrendi r his opinion. Hut, if result would lx’ a .system of hostile legis-j of counting is essentially diri'crent ; the ono we bad not thr aid of eX|ierince lo direct latioii on the part of the majority, or the • representing the strongest interest, and tho our jii' ment. n as-on itself wriild be a cer- , stronger interest, against the minority, or ! other, the weaker interests of the commu- lam guide. The \ i.'w which considers j the weaker interest.; the object of winch, j mix. The first mistake was, m supp*'sing the l oiiimunitv as a unit, and all its parts ^ on the part of the former, would be lo exact : that the government of the al»snhite major- as ha\ing a similar intercMt, is radicallv las miuh as possible from ihe latter, which lily is the government of this Feo|lr—that ♦ rroneous. Howe\er siii.ill the communit\ ^ woulil necc»'aril\ lx; resi.sted by all the ! beau ideal of a (>erfe«'t government, whicli intiv be, nnd howescr homogeneous its m- ' means in liieir |>ow( r. art'ar‘. In legis-1 had liecn Si> enthusiastically enlertain*?d in II.IMP 'U(i|ilie 1 the omi'Mons of ves- ieie-t-. ihe moment that :,'overnment IS put latioii, would thus be commenced hi tween [every age, b\ the generous and patriotic, ■-l.iN. Mr. ( the fMiwer of Concn'ss exieiMled simply In the 'labh'^hmeiit of nii uniform rule, b\ winch f«rei;;ners nmihl U* nalur.nii'/ed m ili#> HI VI ral Slates or Teriitorics, wiihoiit mrringing, in anv oiher rev|Kct, iii refer- ••lire to naturalr/..iti(>n, the rmbis of the .^tal'as ih' \ e\i'-ted Im'I’..re the adoption 1)1 Ibe ('oiislilu!ion. 1-1 |i..inl will ihe >iil>]ecl al th?' I into opcr.ition, as -;oc'n a- it bi'gins to col-1 the partus, with the ^ume object, and not j wheivcivilization and liberty had made tho r.’inaik' then l.-rminali d. I lei I ia\i > .ind 'o make appropiiations, t!ic h-.-s ho.-tne than that which is carri*'d on smallest progress. There could U‘ no "iiij • ll I .'eir el -Ij. V\ 1-. I'OL'-ollii.ll li'in III w le laiigii.i,- diili ient portions of i iiminunily must, of U iween distinct aiul ri\al nalion.s—llu'only j gri'ater error ; the government of the I’eo- ncces^iiv, iH'ar dillirenl and opposing rela- distinction wi uld be in the instrumenl'^ und ; pie is Ihe government of the whole commu- lions III referent e lo the actKHi of the gov- | ihe mode, r.naclmeiits, m the one case,' m!\—of the tuentj-f. nr—tlie sel*-govern- eriiiiienl. Then: mi;.-'t inevitably t.|irma ould siifiplv w hat could onis be etlect'd b\ ; nn i I of all the f>arts—too f>erfect lo bo up two nileresi-; a direcliiin and a stock-^irnis m the other; and the in> vilable o^x*-| re. nced to practice in the present, or any luia\e, are ihe inte. ' holder mli rest; nn inti n st proliiing b_\ the ! ration would be to ('ii;;eiider the most bos- pa>t sU^e of human bocicIn. I he gnvern- lii'- miiliii'l. , or III j ai'li.Ill of the go\crmncnt. and interested II' lilc t'eedmgsbctweeii the parlies. \v Inch would , m*-nl ot the ahs»dute majority, instead of iiaie w. iil'i ri inei -lt i lhal be staled, , liial liie ;iieat ipii siioii at is- « hi lln r oiiis is 11 I'l der.il or a I 'N^i' in of i_.f,v*Tiiin. lit : ii >ys- ,.-!l llie .;iMs, |,t I.V' |i,e eril|ih ll- • .1 Mr. I ll i'll- w lirl w ii-li I'le uiioir is .1 nail, inid the p.iiN ' iii.ri asmg il>' powei-s and action; and iiiergo c\ery frehng uf pat net ism—that . the governmeiil *•( the I'eophi, is but tho tliC lijcUous. Ihut he had iiulcd tbal ou| uuothcr ut vU;voCc\|io:i;t the pohticul lu;*- le^Img nhi. ii ewbruccs tai; whole,au-Jsub-' govcriimcut of the strongest iiilm'stjj, and,

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