m mmmm IJlS?rERS’ & FARlliks%JotjM^AIi. t»Kl.>TKl> AND in UMSIIKO K^EKY SATI:KDAY, H% TUOMAN .1. 1IO|,T«!V„..mIAUI.tm’F, MW KliKNm/lHi « OI NTY, NOKTIiM AROMNA. , « IM. TKArll VOl' T» PIKIU IC THE Bom;l-S 0>_TIIIC BARTH ANt> BHINU OUT TKOM THK C'AVKRNK OK TIIK M.ll MTAIN8, MK^fALJ. WIIK.II WII.I, ..IVl; STHKNGTII TO OfB 11AM>« AM> miBJK'T Al l. NATUHK TO OIK l’!.E ANI> rLKASURE.—DUrjoHNSON. ” SAT! KI>AV, :w\v *^ru 18XU NO. 139. TIIF- ■ . A Journal I li.^ tnd iMiblulud ovory Saturday inormiiK ITirt I**'' '* *“ T.j Fifty Crntt if not imid in a.I- 'I'hrrf P'lllar* at tlic end of tlic ycnr Odd Titlc.-or the iMwlern Vocaliulary-1 Jni D'F,ni>nt 'I’lie Editor of the I-on- ^ irgiiiia u xlacc-holding stulc,\fi called llip I don A{;c hovs that liaviti^ occasion to cx- land »f democracy! Massachui^itts, poopled jilore tite filo o| ono of the niorniiij^ |>ap(;rs wholly by/VtTHirn, is dcnuunccd us the liot for an actvortitrf'mrnt, scvrral singular no bed oi aristocracy! tic»?s to t'orrcsiKindcnfpi caucht liis rvo. How to makr TicwHpapers '!—VVe nro ofif'n asked tiie question, how is it, that several ncwspaptirs in *!ic northern cities, are 80 mnch cheaper than ours, at the same 'orrcsjKindcntH caught his rye.' time being larger ? 'I'here is a secret in 1'ho following, mostly from the Britsh Truv-! the business, which we, therefore, wish to l.lHralfcco"''* «>II b.’ ina.ie to thos.- wI>o chimney piece a small gold shirt pin, the ; ,„„„ber. » Trutli” is iiiadinissible. » Hon-: [K-rs. If we tlion consider, that the chief ,dum.-oKihtv.ar. I.-Onalla.lvirt.wimnt. ■ head ol which represented a Hy. 'i'hc noM w«,uld b> uriiiitelligiMe to tnaiiv of cxp>nse and trouble, in new^papcr-inaliing, e„n.mum.»H'U for ,mWication. th. numlH r ot ,„„rning the pin had di.sapiH?ared. A maid our readers. Wo know nothing of “ t'io^.d I is the p.mirig up and corierluig the types it inMru"fl»"*’*“* ®" ’ '* "• ’ “ servant, who had licen iu .Mr. i s ser- j Munners,” therefore the writer must 1«' liocomes no longer a mailer of wonder, how pir,uni.t. or tluv "ill Ik conUi.utd until ^ ,co but a few .lays, was suspi'. ted and dis-, nustakrn in hii! conjertures. “ .Scurrillity,” if is done so .lioap; for inManee, if entirely ^.►4d,.uiilc.Har:cd at’cufiu'g y- iiussi'd. A short time at'UT, w hen tlie sis-j ,nj,y dcjiriid njMin Ix-ijig ins'rted in the the same matter were to Iw nwd in thrci; I, • n'lnniiiniiMtioiis to thf Kditor miift romc , trr t>t M, F was putting up some cur- „f the week. “ iKcrnry” must l)c s*vend l’a|»erH of dilli-rent nani s, each at I '■"‘y ' tains, she tmuid her brollierV pin sus|>endcd ' altered to m.ikn it lit f..r \ the price of two dollars, the propriv'tor ’in a colm-ebonlhecciling. 'rhcdisiippar- i^ at present rather out of date, woidd, in fact, get six dollnrs for the mat- “ An llinir ,t I.aw ver,” w ill'other oriirinals, ter, vUiich seems to heat two. I'roni a III a dny or lwi. “ .M,itt r of I’act,” dx's eoii(ro\eiy, (hat not loni; since, took place not come within t!ie circlc of ^leu^pupcr in- ln’t«e’u two IMiti>rs in a northern city, we tclligence. ■ (oiiii 1 out, that a eontnict exiMcd between i tin-ill, that fill arerl:iiii Kinall cctisnieration, Sitirnrt/.— ^V’ell, I'atwlia've tliiiik nl)out ihe otw was to rcceue and iim! e\er_\ weok rui; MVKIiKlN. I ance of the trinket was thus accounted lor r(l vKI spiiler, deceived by the figure of tiie 1 Mind. •.>•) a .'W; upland, new. 10? a ‘ tl\, hud sfcized and carried it to its nest. K,,^,primi.‘.ii intVrior U> L’«>d.-> a I ’ . 'W. “•rrf'T. t! » •'* =1 'I. , uf iT(t out."—T\w. iK-autiful storv ; i-j-.It; wliiArv. .u • N. Ku>n. • .- ijjSti: Uppl.' Unndy. 40 » tJ; >• 'hc “Starling was forcibly bnHight I IT TsIlow.C ariilinu. 11 tt 11 j: Mark- mind duriiig the burning ot the ( ity this man I'all’d NulIiiVatifni: •■In'mii-t U' Irom the oilvr, a eerlnm *pj’intit\'of ror- s.. 1. Ti -Nn- 6; Hicm. t; a ; : n.uiis, York, by the np|>carancc at onoofthe | „l,„ h r.r/./which had just 1h-. u'us«d I>\ windows of a numlier of c.inar\ „i,i «,ng many a s..i,g m the tliewtii.-r. Sucharraiig. ments.makepriiii- Ocran Phenomena,—A naval friend of high resj^ctability and intelligence, who has seen in a recent number of the .lournal, an account «*f a singular ball of fire, whicli fell on lx>ard the ship Sir. Edward }lamiU ton, has given uu the annexed cxtract from the .lournal of a passenger on board tho ship Pactolus, Captain George VVilson, while on a passage from Valparaii>o ta Marblehead, Massachusetts: “ Aller a succession of heavy gales from the time we sailed from Valparaiso, till wo were nearly up with Cape Horn, in which wo lost our lioat, d;c. &ic., and while in tho act of taking in a close reefed foresail, hav ing scudded her under that sail as long as a due regard for the safety of the ship would allow—at al)out 11 o’clock, A. IVl., we wero envelo|)ed in a few seronds in almost total daikiii'ss by a large black cloud, from which came wind and hail, either of which wa4 siitl’icieiit to take a pM«>n off his feet, pro- vided he had hold of nothing; out of thi^ cloud carne a ball of fire, about the size of a II). shot. It descended to within threo or four feet of the long boat, where it wa.9 seen by every jierson on board, previous to its explosion, which was several spiond.'l afirr its first ap|»eararicc. The report of rtn 1‘Ji 13J; IlyMJii'l'ta.'; I'.M)It-. :;rr and wi re making d''s|ieratc tiiirts to Nr..ht'ir.’li»a monty, U » U P^f ,t* ape through the lu ttmg; Ihitli.Ting with foor.s iitxldle in -.i«ie |vitroti.r;i' lli.it wc now have, we ; «-*iuld make a U !t« r prolit at a ^iiiiiller price, •Ml. liut wc repeat, that received I’rom the fright, which was almost death. The air wa.s sulphureous for sonio tune after the bursting of the ball. Tlin ^ Savannah Ihnk liilMpfr^tvn^^ ’.Vrter.-wOh ' ^he rnti=t N- old .Vick than either now - . >oo.;’ia ■ to and fro in an a*;ony of fnght, when H»»iiK' hims.-ir, or-he na ii'ver n.ah-t»«'iiiv ihoii- micIi a tuck would not Miit tlie ta'fi* t>f our I chief mate was the first who camc to hi-i ‘ tia ughtful and human*-ifr-Mi «tilered lli- ,m,| n>wards wirM the davni'Te a>»uinst sulriti*r'>, on.l weniu.t t!.Tc!brc, each j'tise*j, an«l observing that the men were. ( VMDl'.N. MW n. ^ ■r’j /'ro'/h'-'.-Cntton. a 11 ]. (’ >rii a ;t, t!( .1IH); Hour, roiinff v. i; » .">i ; lia- • i ;0. W hi.'kf'v. .Vi a Uraiidy, .\ppl, . li. P.ach. 1') 4 .'iti. ~ la.i i:iiKi:i> \it I M I.IX a,«iiliiK-nt aii'IrescuiJ the trrrille.l .sori;j- hi town I n. |e ,‘^am, b« cause he wi/ii’t let nut!." hii ovii [i'll r. irui' jm mUnUu, tind 'r -rs. .\ t* vv nimuten alierwarU that (H>r- her pl.iy tlie co'pit ll''. out tnd »i,t.—('orolina l\utt hti,an. tiuu of tiie building was totally con.«umtd. 'rf;.T,'K liji kv tli'’!-"!-!,‘tis t'irne ; ' I n-m. nil)frwhrnl wrntio>v„thfnrolma. We have «. vcral tn .cs ndv !. .1 to ll.e Nkvm..>.(\. .1.) Vpiil'Jft. I viw a niri!litu..'e of hi-i-iij.. as hla-k ' '‘“'lH-''" ‘-I '\'s!-ru part .1 .Noilli. Woh'fiunl vjtru.— A n''t of niin'voung vour hit!.- IU-..111J. ."t. I'..trif k Ik- prai.-. d ’arohna. on lli- sul.j-rt ol .-ir «irculatmg ' V . - \u.s till re a eoui.try in unfotlunai' lv situated.— fni’fiiuifi. ,\t tin.-. r'ivt f ircordimiry Sffrtn^.r.—Ther« are no ! uolve-wax linM Mvere.l, and the uh(-l)>s i|c. 1;./di hveriiiie, tlu v .umlt t.f -v;|.or «j'tinT'^. Ill ih«‘ island ol I erro, ; ..truveii in i’vrom town-.lup, in tliK ontv, hnrrt'i.nir f )‘ «i'i.ino't '1 the Canaries, f'tcc['t on a |.in tSi»? ’Jl--t m.st. bv Mr. A'l.iin Hr-ike. Tlif % «ny cotp.in’ h»-r" • rif.( thoV^ach. Ah\rhisiiearlv inai-rt«.|. ' l,owlm^ of tii.riestnictive .animi!- f.,-t en.ni^h to kill .>Ir. TanfV. ai;l 1-“t w. ■. 'I ., stjr.j.iy ih.> [lare .| .1 l.amtain, how. f,,r time pas?, iihIuc* (1 him to I-vi t ^ HLra(>e v.i.r«e tlua a I'airn ’- v.-r. .Narurc. e\*rl»iiiititnl, has Ivi-stov.'-1 tl„.^ had a p ruuinnt n-id'-iice 111 moninl «t-in a-^ miilage of w itche, kt's ‘urll.ii^ks ;ir • w inil.ng up tin ir bo-iness: Yiithi' I'larwia «;x-f .--s..! irei- unknown t ) j|i:a nt i:;lilHirh..'j.l and on ' irehuig. th^ir ,.t} i-r the hi-hlnndji. " * *•' .'^lates r..mk from iVum tear, unable to attt rid to the duty of the ship, he called out * ('ome 011! ’tis only a (’aj>e Mom mvic bull!. I cannot describe the eflect it had ufton me, Ik tier than by comparing it with a se vere shock of an elcctric machine—to which it was very similar. Its e(l?>ct upon the chief mate was, he wild, as if an imnnn»i l :t;>'rp.irI«offfif w(,rld. It i.s of uii^ie- |a»r was di- -over d in the n-ki. One ..f /‘./r—\gretd ' and Ufss vour eyes— iii'i it.> kivis are straight, l>n,r the old ci;« s n.adr a stv'w «>f rvsrue, anti l>v „p i| ^if. Vwri'rei'n. Vr iiad it-summit a sVinil !us uiKJacilv «e* inf-d to “ show l!;;hl.'' Ih- .; per|>r:unily rf-t', w inch so lr*'nrhes rr>cei\».d a char;:'-ot' fn;r-shc;t in his sid* Hrfn "tr nen.tr?i.>.-.— llv t’le ]ih c!rnjse ’ .k.MC- v»iih m*iislurp, that they conlir.u- uhich ctimp'-lled fiiin to h :ve the ground. • I ihf' -th v-»;li >n 1 tiie I t.;i-'ituM"n i f th- ... ; ufKj'-. tho ;;round a str« cm of fine ■ f'(,r thf noi*- whel^r*. ^l^. l>. reeetvi > a I oil'd St.«t-s. on^'r* ss ha f>M\*« r “ I j lo th*-'*' tre* s, .vs to |>er n- 1 bounty ol'tivr doliirs a head from the t't.iiii- .i.-.'r':.', r.»* inh.ibitantsuf Ferro n ^'Ht; 11\, tive Imm the township of I’.vr.Tin, a-nl I" tnu-Mipplied with an abundance ol tVoni the towii'!iip of in-n, hy a r* ii' ■ r J.’.cniM-lv* s and their cattk. * Hve.f^aw, (hi- O' liC an inhahi'aat fif tliat ^ ~ .Sit.iul Hitinnj lif !ff,Lvrnr ijmiishio.' :*•'dollar-, iiiakm:' m all thr' I hiindrrii aiMi m\Iv doll us. .lUidd.iv'.s herever ,t Ik*, wild or ' ,, hunt.-r—>■>-.«». x Ii I’l.'/' r. ■ the monk.'-y of ^>lrd^, lull ot j ind mimicry. A sentleman told j : .— \ prettv htile l.um ite ni the HIM i rlaitilv wl.M'ii l.angs 1 ver ils fate Rr‘ iK. ivanlv diminishing in iiumlx r.— t».ir |..s.| »'ir ovtn Uank .\t>t« ', wlneh an- i^ual to j vicight was pre.saing him down, and I think '[•^cie an- verv .scaii « , and ;:*-llmg v r\ ] l,r renrarkcd at ihe same tune that he had d.iv •^••:irr'>r I’roin th«’ri;;id iiiiiniicr in wliii h once Lei 11 struck with lightning and that the si‘n«ttirn was siiniiar. No perw-n on board (and we bail some old, very old ‘sxilts’) had ever witnessed any thing of iho kind U fore. It left no trace ol its havm;; \ve a go*J deal to tli Itaiik.s in j come on tx>.ird, except upon our memories-, till- ii 4 iii’y having adopted 4 r> so- j fp.ni mine I am certain it will never be l-.ii:ui to j-t.iveno notes tut «,:;r own or erasiti."—1‘rortdfnrr Jourttal. thi ''’ on till* I iiili d .States P. ink—it tiinis j I Tin: M.W IJANK HKRTER. c understand from the ('(inimissioners -w.i.that one h** k- pt, h iving stolen 'f„.,rto,.n, |«.«mg al mg th*‘ -tr . t a f-w .r-fl. s, was watched by him Mr- ^rice, wIk ii -h«- w.i* a-cw-t. d hv a wus at len^rth -eon by him l-.i-y rath, r ih- wor f r li.i'i-r. rarrl'-ri i;atlierin2 [K b(,|e.s, and with „„,,„r,.,l ,t h. r moli.er w .s as hi... k a- • 'nilv and a -liiflied air. dropping . j u hev no*.’ was tjj.' rrjK. u n i.ol. alhvut eighteen inches deep, , |„„ ,^11 ,, i.,i(„ r a hne.fH,*.t. Afi-r drop- St .nc, !l cried ‘ caraeli’’triumph-, ' «*-lnff.,rnnothef. .M.ikinj: him-' |S„i,v v-. I'l-..—'l i e n>ihlfs .f ih I:,at he had found the o'.j' ct of, ('i-nir- -trn. t w-re li,.- r.tlirr |t„: jei.tleman went to the plar»-. bv a f.^.i-rai " U iw. «-n 'il'W.i '.n the hole a }s«>r toad which ,, i»;,ddy .nnd .1 |i_>. ini- kv r.:n l'«r hi- li!i-. a!Ht ratne!, run lor hi' ;iit::'r. 'Iwn-i', yea tiiric'-dnl l'atr!: k ri' ik*- a ■_r.i>>pat l.iiii, r I I, I I y~i , ti- ‘X't t-'furit and a tx.mid lh''-.witie s. ^ ./rr.t.-Weun- , ,.h ,-ur-u. r. “ 1^ .1-0 «aid th- a l-mdonpa,«r;thaten. of ,«.te hne the (t.-^.n > ttl im lit, tho rii .srer yon c> t to him th'’ liirth r h>- is oli'—I 11 nitih him no more, Ihid lu«.k to him' ' • >n tliiH ••nl) I' 'V hat lit \t t ourt of .Spj- ah « | th'- .'-^t.iti- >f S. « r >'1- th.it pric *■. Our eitt/* n- m to hav( lo-t • : I, h'.i il't iililli'Kl-l-. J«it «1f.wn lhl« l*'llv •! coliljilriM . ill tite H.Hik" ;.'ili''(.»llv . I vv. S-e tti'' d'‘‘«-io>is m a -id'-e. anl ih.* small finrnlu r ot noKs hort'totxro 'I Ih ff 1- -neh a ihin:.'as a eir ulaied anuM.g't us w ill uiM!Hibt*-dlv dis- ipit i^t }>;■ l it./. .1 ol liie I niti.ii .''ta:o- ' (Au. n ap[" ir vcr\ MKiii. tl.'ld liullion v*hii h is | fr. in ipniit.l, as ari'.I as it f ver wa*. Th«-'ilk of wiiirh liie ri'’>- tnh'iih ft uut/'itrin ruh nf " out that o-.ir citi7‘-ns are f;iikiiig lii'.ivv «ae- iiid vet into siji n a'i'iir'tilv ivas “ nillhiif a- rila es tn v- t ,»irh as wnl ■•erve their pur- fi'.n.“ ltd »nn>«‘ III ( ar.ihiia, that .In lg- p«>>'». 'I if v have t» |>;iv tr.'iii to I p^r | i,\ the (Jovenior, t» r. \v. .It harl« 1. f. un.l (vour, m t!.*' .‘‘tati- c» nt. m T»:li.in;'iug Sisiih-t aroh;.a or N ir- i pHtive sjb**criptions for, the Stock of tlm e.l’i-.riti"- to ji.,. i.d the a Is of (‘oii’r-'ss ','inia not* « |or N. •'ari.lina or I . *''• ' |!;,nk ('t.arl''ri d by the last legislature, r»ui th«- pitj.*'r. and llie liiilicullv is vi rv gr ;.t at j finfrle thart was taken in this town. V\ e do not h«'iir that any lietter *>uc- ecKS was had, m other places where liooks were i(n-iiel. Some objectifMiable features of till ( baiter, have cjwrated as a Kir to the taking ol the Stick. The aio.st objer- tii.nable aie tho.se, when in an Bnnunltax of • '^:.’:^uig nMi-r sonn« cmiitab.e l.at.k paptr ^cut. on rach share is rccpiired by I.i iiin t pie-J i.t demand-, nt d such is th»- jjn. s;,jt,-, upon all other than share!, belong- of o!i',r an-v,ii;*-liUH s ci>m;s.M li, rrmin.!- ,nlliiultv ot'the t-xchaiiiie, that the »>"ier ,1,^ and the vesting the cboico ||> ol .III an.idoti-, ii..t wiioiiy iiiitnpr-pii- ha-, ulien t-i take 1 for the metal than its ,,, |(,r,-ctors, orainnjoritv of them, and the ]H-rh i(-, ti. Ihf‘ iei li.'11 referred lo.— known worth. helher our in\t l«ef;is-, \ \.ar«’r vwu >.n. as t; staji- c.iai h latiire will thr. uyli anulher whole ; 11,,.;ire certainU valid reasons for ih'? •V IS p^^i-ini: tlir.ai-'i o, •• ol r.iir v iliajes, a ^.-.,-1011 ^bont the provi-i. iis of a J^ank , ^,j| ,|,^.rp ,3 :inl.' ll.iv ii-li* aded iin I 111 I llowed hv th*- ( iiarter, and br-:ik up with oflJ ring lo the I .surplus capital withiu the State, -111 -of It, b in-hfa.Ied. r.iivng Ins hat to c..inii,unily -ni li a one a-. tioU«iv h.i« confi- means of investment, more profi- r. r.-iv.- a iloii. i-ur. One ..f the p.i cM-ii'^er- ,!..nce m is a pnihh ni that tune niu-t solve. I , ait? olli;rtd. As the I'. States l?.mk isked him—\ie von l.r ..iv orJ.ik-on’ 'II,, pri-^*iit v»ar has U-comc one of tx-j ,il,„ut doid.t b«- obliged to bring its “ \ lit’.lf of Iwih, " h'- rrphed brl^lJv, tr« iii'> pres-un-I'roin cati- s aln-adv “H"'!' '! | j,fLirs to a ch'M-at tho e.xpiration of the “ with a touch of the Viili-.\|..s. n.” to, this ini^^at have Um prfvcntid il a j (,ri-s«-nt t barter, it U-hooves the guardians ). Citm. Ailr. sound h.mk could havr slrtehd out | of the public weal, to see that the various ^ _ _ tinw Iv ham! to the ^aikmj .Irbtor ; ns it i*, 1 ,|,ti-n>>ts of the State suffer no detriment, S'rj'hn: (I riiril» l.stofr.— I h*" I r.M' i.r- the iittiiost i \ rlioti to • lii 11 n hef uiidrr a , |j^|. j||^, qj' timely provision, to meet erof th** (itrttr'l fn-.itx. in Ins n fxirt to the « rharti r eann. t c.ine in lime to -ave j ,|;,|,|,roiiching change in the fischl eon- ( itv 'ouneil ol riiiladf Ipbia. sav s ;— m.iik’from deslnicttoii. hiit man) an I** j crrns c.f the countrv. T *• Vi II will find nnm \ed lo tin- an onnt a ri--!ored |.> a . ondidoii of>-oiin I and prolila- scheiliil''of the |.' is in.il pr '|K-rtv that has i,],. i i.icrpr/.• hv -m.li a mea--urc. W e b'-.-n |>a-'> d to m-for ihr • Itv eMris>i.iiion. tl,fr fore, riio-t mr.lialiv hope that the hv till e\i eu!. r-. Ill liif-pre^ lit ipiarti-r, till Mf.„t|i nn-ii wiiotnav ei.n-lilute i.wriiett A->- -. iiil.lv III.i\ I.d»-up this matter in «-:iriii -t, nii.l .ii-.pi-e of 11 with a -ai”le vn-w to the ii7,and tlii-i'-I'a large amount ol |H;r»ciial diliieultH -under whn h wi- lalsir.—1/». pro|.eity VI I to l»e leci ivi d." The sejieine aiilhoii'f 11 hv :in \ t of l;i-t j jrrv's to show hoW' lur imagination will car- 'I'll" S'a Ser[*^nt has U-en ^f-en n^ain ari-ioii, t..r t.'rmiii" lln- tVif' I’e.'ir :inil rv a [.ersi'ii. This individual has shut U|M,.n our eoa«l, bv u|it. Knight, of the \ .lUkin l!.:d K..ad, 1- nl>andoh'-d hv tin-; hims. If up in tin- house alM.ut one and n trertin^ hf'r liir her lault, us«-d \ v.(|-f.f t pr*-aeh»-r, not long since, mouii- brig ."()eed, at I’orlland, lV..m .Mal;iii-/.as. >,,lxs. nix is m W ilnim:lon and Us vi. imlv . j or two vears. lie ap|-ars to l« in •*'Uiv, 1‘rince.ss, what have i , nl of umlasM s "and as he ut- ’anl. K. is eonlident h- siw mie hiiiidr.d |»r. 111. 1‘. Il. rl, om-of the .anmi-i. n-! if. t I.eallh ami every way capable ol ■ ijpi-; stonini; for his aiiin-a'rnent. yoltx o_f a ►irl •-t iiixiions of iniporta;i e in the ■ I’.r ,.f!iont will lic for renmal of the -iici-m'; '1.- i.ftiif! .fi ws, and vi-ry little ii f'tt-f!,-»irif d of its sucees. ft ran- - 1‘iirk. Is- ileiiied that the .lews have jl' ' th-ir r.o-..ui- n4 patiently, althiHigh, '« ct«. tr«l eontributins, alike I'• '1 * ;':.-!i:iiis, |,, tiir -upport cif the Slat*-, ntiti»-d t'j share in ihnw civd A publisher of a new.ipnjH'r in Angelica, New "i ork, ealls on his [mtrons in 1 most e\(K.sfulalmg manner to eonie lorwani and (Kiv th ir ilui s. II'- savs hi-“ 1 in'l livi-sfi, , nor he wont.” H’ is willing to l>'ke anv ^'1' - u«) which are enjoved hy 5,a^„„.nt, from pm- knots to ,k-. •■^■■ -'1 anMiarH. ; tato-|.armgs,"—but Ins pa> Ik- mij-t hiive. t r,' -, V, n III-savs, “iiK-n who think prinli-rs can hvo -U...:.::;. '' air.des.rvn them-.-lves .0 live on skunk |)> l|t» I" p.ir val'i'" ol wlneh i" ^-.'•■"■.1 .7 ; and the valuati' ii bv tho exoculors 1^ ^ JlKI.'.’.'t-".- he (.'barter in itJ presi-nt form having met with so little favour, another I.egisl.ilure will proliably so modi- ly It, as to tender it more acceptable. H tlmin^ton Adartifcr. Mr. Woonu vitn.—There is an individ ual not fifty miles from New llavin, whu I i> vers singular 111 Ins habits, and whicli 1 rinces.M ( harlotte was verv, ’ , , ,i _ i„|., " . H,, I , , ' cabbage t> a, llavori-d with a-^a,.! ti'Ki. MIA who was her goverr,e>,«., hy, I*rince.ss, what have | „( „,o|asM s. and as he ut- LVu “ ^ t' n-d the woni ‘ ilown,’ going lo snv ‘ down T' III to.ihv, for I perceive yo.ir !p -ions of de-pair,’ tho head broke m «l |i*t of the nioii-l'-r. In tin- name ol th*- rr-4 for receiving snh-i npiion- to it. inlorm-^ I !,ttt>iiilmg to bii-iness, || he only thought so ^ ,hole fralernilv of r.ditors, we li tider our tl„. Huh-. rihers, liiat h''1-now read) lo pav '■■•'•rv m,,cl,r,aarued--vou are aljso-1 ,t^ and he found thanks to Ins .S-r[vntship for nmkmg hm thrm luek the money dei.ositi d on their ; ainL'I.t. " At which tho child winild > 1,,^ rhin in inolas.s«>s. appe arance on. e more. V, hm In-next ex- shares, aft.-r di dnetm:; I J jwr • nt. lor I'. • licr fiult; nrul | ** 1 liih>N liis lik** h bunifis (iiHliur'OHif'iil**, llio uilnlMfntitH ol tlio |« f,f an . iiilm*-!,t. was prrsnadi-d | \ gf-ntleman in L\nn, Masji. in passing hke floating barrels, ami his skin like a mot- orii ( ounli. s having failed to siihsi rilw « 'htri..../ r- ,,ru; iIh natural siy^. '''•Iin,. I'r.r,.,.; • II ^ ' til' k M;,’ III.; lr»irefl t'. V- i.r^ Ui'tit III liKii at I’.'i' k- li. Il if r Ui.vai llii'ii- ■ I. \l.i|i'I-. ^u(i th> toll'll -I w'l'i l.f.rd arnl l,;-.dv .along the -tr et, tin I a hitle Ixiy paddlmir th d rainlww, may we be then; lo see! towards i-lli-i lin;.' the [.rop.-. d ol>|i-et. throu 'h till- snow, without hbfx s or ft.K-k- , . , i prop^wd Central Hail Uond also I ,,rr«''‘-Mv dear htlle f. llow,” cried he, 1 William WorsU-y ri“cently die.I in Liver- ,^,-t of the same body, ma> | “von will Iroeze to d.-alh—have you no I [lool, leaving a forluiH! ol ^7 .’■>,0(10, which |„. fon-idered as abamioiied lor the i takes care never to meet an\ one. llo ba» \ es, piir,” n*plied falls to his onlv siirvivmi: sister, who has j,p.^p„t. \V.> liofw, hereafter, when Mr. |k.,-ii known lo go a mile out of his wa\ to II - hu- fi.r iiioie than a year fancied him- si-lf a tea pot, and Udieves his nose is tho s|-oul. and IS afraid to have any ono com ) near him, for fear they will break it oli’. 11 IS impos-'ible for any cf his friends t.> ei.iivmee him to the contrary. He never appears in the street, except early in th'i morning, or late m the evening, and then Mil,.., 1.1 Lori II, ■ a lii( ' I ; ’ -I ■.,r i. M •s nor -torkm; Ikj> . “ but I’m going to siive ’em to wear tin mi tl:-. I.t! II • 'I, -■ ^ 'I. ;'r:niil[( I Il*; nui I 11 ivi- -fj" h- h 11 1 .. I, rrl ; I,-II -i to- A im!' V i-.t r-nm r ' ;r> ,11 th' >111.11;.'.I I l,m. *■ lnu;'h»' r, living hut a few iiv, hnilbi en p- '-iv mg tin- II,' l ii.ip” lor a f. w months. ,.,,,\in.- -':!• ( oiil.l not like him well inv. ;.ll .it oiii-e. gavo him tiie ^ I degree I, I \shv \ou l|f-d to Is- -I I til'.’ |. Il'j'.'., with re--i‘nt lx- n an inmate of the Mnnehesti r work- day’, |.,nd bill shall l>eeome a law, that j avoid a (s-rson, for ft-ar of coming ni con lioii-e for many years' 'I bis is indeed a „ill Is' rll'. ei. d. At present, | tart and breaking the tcaiM>t mtoa thousaiul revorse ol Ibrlune. ; thore is too liltle rapilal and public spirit ! in North C’arohtm, unaided b> lovernnieiit, II\RttirHi If , frenn.)Ma\ 1 ' t.i.lHet aii> iireat scheme of internal im- n,nuirlnhlf.—T\\r thermometer sI.kvI i„ t|„. niean time, we truM vi'st. rdav, \pril UiMh, during th.-ilav, at ,j,,,individuals will ei.nlmue 'I'hi; Su-.piehaiina is so low A' that a drovi- • !' eatlle lord.‘d it; an ..ecur rnie.- nev. r l..-|i.re wilii'—'d in \i.iil, by mat emerpri-,111;; • ‘ to prosei uto and complete sinall-r \\ ork.s. lifdtiiik lliiristrr. il.irii >1 |.p e; u'l the |. I! /.'. , wnil n-11' I ; ■ ' ni.,a ' v,„ h.v -t i.othiiig but uu old th.- .,!d.-st miiahitaiits. U i.-at Kveand, ',vr.- nrc .inrnis w- . ...Ibiinm...!.-- gra'b ate Hi.lRrn g bv 'he dr. ,1... .lunc-h. i..i,f ■ i aj plnrtns wliirli nrr inntrunii'iitiil to 'uvcfiiiDri.t in ifi rcpoti. pieces, as be ex[in.-sscs it.—JNctc ILinti ihrald. It is a cnrions hut well attested faet, II. . Virginia negotiated a treaty under the title of tho “Oid Douiimoii,” with Oliver I lom well. A liill has passed tin- .N.’w V.irk l.fjislaoirr tax diHt« line nm ;■ Hit!. I.-, '}

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