jyiiNERS’ & farhkbs’ jroiiRnr al. ; ' ^ "»T r,OM T... cXv>:hn. or t„k INBI KC; « «H NTV, northh aroliwa. III. IIK II WII.I. OIV« HTHKMiTH TO OUR lUNUH AND Bl’BJBT AI.L NATL’RI! TO THE liners' ^ Fnriiior«' Journal iprinwi and IhiW*''>i'1 every Saturday inormnj It TVv annum, if paid in advaiicc | jVv DotUn and t'ifly Centt ifnol pai-* - - ^ ■ 7HrM IhlUit at ttw: end of the iU)AV, Ji Ni: I, ih:i:u OVR var. Awi)~rt«AKfmc—DM. jotmimw. ‘he nlbresnidi T/,e Conior.~-\ book wortn, whose dark, proui) and co». birds wero laiid» d l'T“T.t'.r“I-•"'""I'''. I"-™, f'on, S.n„h.A.„«,i,.',. NO. 140. pair of thew; noble yesterday from the Ke- 'I'liey 1 in..n«Hh«lely married. ' i . " c««'“ry. the TIIK FIKST m.lsa OF MATRIMONY. The charming society, the tender friend, ship it afliirdM. Without a friend it is not for man to be happy. Let the old Madeira sparkle in his goblets, and princelv dainties .MON UMENT TO THE .MOTHER OF WASH- INGTON. Fhedericksbi’ho, May 8, 1833. The Phjmidknt op the U. State*, Gen. Cam, J^cretary of W ar, Mr. Tamey, At- acroiis , smoke upon hin table, yet if he have to Hit i torney (loncral. Maior ilAu»« u* m’ c^-xmdin, ,or the | ^.ght-.n on attitude mortif>-inr«nd aw^ ‘h- lovebeam-1 (Jeneral, and IVlJjlr Don^> L Pr!S •JoccuUforcach.u.ce«l.n^ 'Vi.h a m.ghty eJK.r^ however, he ^ muti ated .ktn in«eye,alas! the banquet is in.ip.d, «r«l d-nt’s Private Secyta^.armr^^ r«. for one «,uarc- deI.Cered himJ-lf h' .f II ‘i" cottap..r'sdr -rrived mtown on «* near as I can remember : 1 iZ. ‘ •'* «- »*« «-vied. CfiV»fff *1'“^* (w. I’xmdinp 20 linfH,} for the fif>t ii.W’rtion. and ” ,r;e4_or|l tor threr A lib«r»i di»count »|vcrU>f bj the year. U' On ail advcrtianiiicnts for publication, the nuiiilrr of lEKrtii'U* mu*t Iv nolid on the mari^in of the Of •*">■ "'*1 continued until fcrW, tntl charged accordingly. I • vi; communications to tho Editor must comc fri> may not bt' attendi-d to. Luilies !—1—1- ried ;—you all— you .rilXRI F>TON', M AY iO. Cottai.Si NIani), •J'J a 30; upland, new, 10} a I ?!1.' Kiif, prime, -} a - J; inti-/iur to Oj a Si. r..ur. sUjx rfinc, h a 00; Corn, T'J a 75; I Ch'.j. 4" * j>'; 'Vhiskey, .14 a Ha; N. E. liiiin, ., ‘ii 1 36. Apple Brandy, 40 a 4^’; llces- Iwi-r. ITtiW, Tallow,Carojini, 11 a 11*; Mick. ere!, V' I No. 'J, 6; Kacon, 6 a 7; Maiiio, ) I I> . I.^rii, :] a 10; Naib, cut, ,S) a H cents I Bi. Rifl'ng. iJ a 16; Bale Ro{k', 6 a lO eent*; ICof'iJC brandv, 1.'>H a 200; iliilland iin, lOO a |Ko. Irtm, Ku««ia and Swi-des, a li f>cr lb*. dinner of herbs where love is, j Monday evening. They wnro accomponi- : riiensjust importe.l wnul.J almost tend to in. V !r 11'*^ !*^r“ "“"'I*®'’ C‘«'Z«ns from the dis- •tandhere to l>e mar-! diice belief m the inirarulous tales related i "P'^C l>«che!or drive on tapt. M^res company of Nntiona! " ■ reiaieti ,, , , Cadets from Washington, Capt. Kiimev’s company of Riflemen, and Capt. Bmr keft's Light Iiitantry, of Alexandria, the Marino Baud from the Navy Yard, as well as many Btiangers from the eastern towns. 'I'hey were met a short distance beyond Falmouth by the .Marshals of the day, the Frederitkis. burg Guards, the Kitlo Compaoy, and Fredericksburg Illues, Junior, by whom the 1‘reaident and Suite were accoaipanicd ... * I >>lono towards ileavun in his solitary sulky, one present w ilf marry me «mr, say «>—o'r .Night.” "’i’iiew birds'were \'!r,.ii»lil“from P^"" '«''d ‘“'n K'*«l z tlKiiisnnd kookra, U-#idca the iii^^rcrs,— non .t' I.I.IKIO ti'et uuic 7lieV%*'l' of*(he ‘I'niliiig twich of and! won t give any gal this chance any , .s»-a, where they are sc-en wrched on the ’•'“-‘♦•‘•y lohlmg arm may flush my more-i, I du Fll |,e d d! ” ' nn k.,. an.l iH-ver dea^nd ti, the Z :V..'| '!i.':" . '"“‘ l* pressed with hunger. In com- ".““rCat- know me—if any of the condor, or the hk-, m the ^ Mv s«j—r.r .Night.” These f - lorever hereulter h«tld yimr pcace;—now, (’hili, where they or never,—remember. I’m worth twenty g.ons of .H^rtH-l.i.-il itude and love. \ es, the sweetest drop in the cup of life it ’ n-d headed I fmny, two of these g.guntie birds make at- girl jnnpl up dwiarmg in a U,d voice, tacks on the lama, and small lu-ifcrs. The. . - - , „ ,, H^s she advanced, that slic had Ivnd /urn tenucilv of life eiincd by (lies.- birdn is “ »" ••• the friend ,"""■ lodiliWKsi- for nrrnt ytar», Uit never had an opfwrtu- e\traonlinur\. At tiniio one was taken *»*■ compared w ith an arti-c. A troop of Light Florae, from the county nity of avowing it before. The iK-tt mm. by some hMbano, who placed o lu«*ii.i rf.uml generoo-, creature, who, ^ “u'|uier, under the command of Capt. Ute they were also pronounccd “ man and its ne.-k, hung it up a tree, and i.iilli'd it '•■•'t ti»«h« r and mother—| ‘T. Fauutlerfiy, aI*o arrived tbu "'Ijl: ,, ;t»rciblv by The fb t. On’ n inovinif the to >.,u alone for hnppmeM.—wishes I ho mipper table was graced at every : lasso, the bird got up and walked oH*. Four ) "'J'’to s|K-nd her che. rful days j tMytnp; the Corner Wone.—This cer?- corner «ith a newly married cater—three «.hots wen' then lo«iged in diHeront parts of —I"'!"'"! *niis to draw her lutest ‘""l place on Tuesday, with very , , , , . ......I, I?* C'“*»''«lly well pleas»d—and the boiy, but it did not die f.,r half mi b. nr —ni«l fondlj thinks the slumljer ot "''P®*"«K flKct. About 0 o’clock, Ihe Isaultomyself-Lovo, M,.ney_.M,,nag,.. Durmg the n L:., o,' tl.Vbi';;;;.-ve will l.^weete, when l>mg bv * ■ Iroiii the ves..^el. the male drop|H-d ono of ' I I'f niarrmg*-«.f two sue h lorKU*'’y'® • o"n llall, where he was mtrodu- il.>t largchl leathers from its «ing, and the quill iii. asured an inch and a Icilf in cir- cuiiif r»-(i-f>. 'J ht y un* declined tor Hie Surrey Zooloj'ital (lurdcns.—/«>rii/on jMifH'f. \V 11II) I bros n, 7 a St. Croii and Jam. 7 a ''i H} a ; Mo|iis»eii, Cuba, ^ a ^ ; (V .*na, 3‘2 a 34 ;(.''o;fre, prime iff»vn, 13 a 14: ItC'ft-r 11 jnod, 11a 12; ll\n>nTea,77 aMOcta. S' r:h arnlma nionvy. M a 1^ per cmt. dij- jPH.it. Saviiinah 11 ink liill;* 1 per c«nl. ditcounl; I A.\Ctr (i'ori'u Bjiik Killii 1 and 1 j per criit. f\MI»K.N, \f\V3.',. r.KBtry /'ro«/u-f-’niton, !*j » llj; (crn 6*1 a It. W hi‘t. Ml a ; Klotir, rmintr>, 4j a 5. Ha, 1 Pi, \V hi«kev, 3J a 10, Braiidv, .Vf'pJe, |13 » 4o, FVa. ‘;. I I .it>. } reorder arc the three great principles. A !?rE('TATOR. ^ftc Printinp ^[ui hinc.—W {) ba'c ticen much gratiHtnJ tiy seem,' a sm.ill printing machine on an entirely new principl>', !alel\ invented by .Mr, J. Hoyle, of I'crth. In rapulitv of action it is etjiml tii Cdojici's machine, and so easilv work' d, that a l« \ j may drive it with one hiiinl. ()ii«‘ ^mtxiii I can work it. but more tty.w be empli\ed ! with equal t'aci!it\, arfoniing to the burr\ IrrmCitS ..-I* Tei~}reorder ' of the job. I he machinery is r.instrtirled Mr. I'..!,tor ;-l m,h to publish the par. | «•'*' '"k “» ‘he ticiil8r-t ac.u;.leof«e.jdings, at «bich I ‘.'I-**, t.'ke iii the sbeej, , J«a^ prf-.''m,dufint’ ihe tiretnf March la-t ! '' “t >ne and the same |m the .^tat'* of Virffu.ia. The facts are i '“'*“1“ «*' cnm- bri.f1; tbe«.. rwmlfiM;; names; v.sing la- | ""rUn'cn. at.d koi-(.s a record |d\ .f r. .peci^M .ts and treulfh,' hud the ' that a woiknuin hr.d -jrlvln re-pi.rid to tlie “ tend.*r pa«.. !'* ‘"O trouble ot . ounling the pnfier. I hts machine lias i^ t a single wheel about it; the cootn\ UK-e fur taking F viitnv. •'|fa\e Vf-u /,!.(/ Hrrrnn» rnqiiir»>i a prettv bnim tte, the other day, «»f Munri* \ I'ruutis. “ hat, ^I.|(!am “ flue foil /,(/ lii'fron'M I ‘‘.No, Nliidam, we b ivi> not,” “ \ iHi cirtrnlii nuifct h.ive it, Sir, for I obs»T\ed It ri'Aiorf m tbe ni>»»p.ipprs.*' ‘•"ill vou write It upon tins id'irti ly jrttjier, hi arts, in one unitfd, Iwriits a ■>tate o) tVieud. 1“ "undier ol citizens and stranger*, ship of all others the iiKif.f |»ertlH I aiMl fie. j " to pay iheir respects to th« (’hief lightliil. ’*l’iH niarriape of souls, ot(>erBons, ' '^*Ji*^trnte of the Nation. The dsy was ol wishes, aiid of iiitert-ls. : *****^> the occasion attracted a largo con* Ate M.U ,K>or' like another «.lf .he |r>,U ! l-^r»on» frt,m the adjoining coun- and vne, ,he l--.ler of vo..r f.i.tutie. An T;, ! the 'I'owfi v«u sick ' she I, the l. iid.-r. -fo( all nurs-s ‘ hall (uist 10 o clock, and rm)»pd ac- ^he ne,..r leave. M«,r U d s„le ; she sustain.! '■'>r.lmg to the arrangement oljhe Commit- vour t.unting head, and *tnun« lour fe»er- . t.b cheek, to her d. ar an.1 anM.n.s Im-o.ii. ' T [Tx * designated, to the site o4 Ilo« luxurious IS »ickiK>a Ith such a com. , ‘ j »• e ; •'» the procession moved up Mam Street, . If,. ! *'*t‘‘i'jed lino, the various unitorini ol* A rr you prnsfierous ' It multiplies ymir | the militar bl* Tr.n -jiK in re-pi.no to me •• teni«*r pa ji'ti rttiirh .111 intplli^'pnt, moral l»ut poor «*a;n »i."ilh • (iiMi^h to »hisf)or in her in-I . i , , , w, : .r. .uiilo .-1 xr.althy nval, « ho could 1 ' •« '‘'^y luijoniou, . : .^i.n.t>oni..rhand.bi!l prettv distiiK-t- i ''' fV being that »u. hcorrrct 1 , r,d she al.Mit or>ce li dav , and ' h "> “'*'1 »1>- I . 'HI .ff r. d to In the tair one oc- j P=“‘'‘"“> •' I'nnt, ev.-ry W.V . , ‘•l^.laiid l.^ird'- in the capac.t> '“'T*' V. The natnrnIK " >*-pres.>on to Uing tak. n on thes«- | '•* titr t^retil. U u.^ tU.d of money. i.ave ' ""> *'> P-'"« ^ 1-rt. ...d--ta.id th it oi.-^iienee m th.s “’7“'* ^ r-qoire. no (d' ttiiig sh ets, and in lonu iiuiiiImt, tlie iinpri'sjitt n i» as tl«*an in th l;itt as in ihe tirst. It also posst'ssefl the reeoiii- nieixiatioii of working silciitl) , ami occupy. me less riHim than a common pr»*-.s while It IS cleanly. In a nin of similar work the form can l»e adjusteiJ on the machine in one minute, and in every case the “.\b, lUron’s Hride of .\bvdos. i-j, .Madam, h'-rr it is.”—(iaUtxy. , r}, the glittering arms, the music, e-in:;s ten b.Hi^tid lold, to share them ,be deu^ mass that thronged the side «aik^, ith oo.-^. l-lov.d. Are >ou in her com- be crowded windows, overi.s,king the pany ! Her very pre*.,«:e has th- efWt of, whole scene, altogether pre«-nie^ a view ct. st r.M.vemation, and h. r I.M.ks,; ^^and and im|>o8uiK. the sw-eeti , ^ranu ami imiM/suig ihou-h silent, ronvey a p..iim thing to the Arrived at the sp.t, after an heart, of ubith rioiR. iKit happy hu-stsmds pf^Aer bv Ihe Key\ K.7'. MV;jrre™D'^Ad! hare any ide.i. Are you go.ng abroad’ dress wai dehvere,! by the Pre.ident, ami .‘-he acr„u,,mn.e. >rsi to the do->r—th. ten- ' al*., L^ Mr. Ha.- It; the plate with the in A ir>?sT « tiir r>- rot sn \ geiil'enmn jo«t from Mnbuina, sfatei that the littU" girl,—’!rohii«» liuwkiiis Hul- —who w a.i r»T ntly aiHerliwtl m ma ny o! the public piints. as b.is Iw* n df»ro»*Te.| bimI rr^ti.re.j to h* r rfi-trefcwd in I uliiH'st iK'.'trl-broken parenl"*.—{sh»- had b^rii ktol‘11 a*av bv s*>(o«' alxiiMloiH'd mis- f ' t'le (.nl\ ineiiiis .f retaining their i kI pri'tection, and threatened t" I ’ f ‘ ir-».uiilly if she eontinued her j; •;^-'iubl>i'ig. The welding d:i\ wa-« IV- the intended son-ln law U'lin; !T,u.'h please !, unt'ortunately dehyeil r-.-nionv, bv reason of that indi«posi. I ’i Ji rf-'-oilts from a protracted de- i ■ , , , , i„ . .1 I I easily adjusted bihI lu readilv tot at, In the t.ienn time the >oun^ la U ■ ' i. . . ■ ^ ,,1. I , I I . I . c^se ot alterations, as iiii til*'coitiiiK'n pri !'''q l.-ctured atMi expostulated . i.t L . . , ' , / VUhtMigh tliere is a great deal ler eiiibrac*—the foo»l lengthi ned kiss, the la«t‘»ul melting IcKik ; pr«*ikhm evidences ot lo\e'—lh«M? gij aloujj Mith _\hi — tho\ 'teal acr»i«* vour d' hghted numorv, sooth ing your j«-urney; while desr, e4ijut;al love give» a trnnv|Ajrt to ev* r\ t(lnne at hune niMl twedtiik t-\ rv niuible step ,f vtnir s.nor alter blacking and disguising glad r,-turn.—Th-re. *kmi as v.^ir U h.wd -ip -r her |. ,.tor.-s ^ . l.ectuillv «, to pr, vent de- ,i,rm is * en, she fl.e. to nR-. t v,hi. II. r te.ti.si Im.i tak.n h. r ab. i.t lu^nly fne „ „.„s„: , the pr. ssure of her arm, i. tnile. tr.M„h..m. ao.1 „ n.-«ro rap.orr, whil,. her e\e,. II. kv.-.i, .n^ t. »l -l.n«. ( nn ‘.I. h a t.ilf tnj.- I hen mes» n^ers f |o>r ' ,»,-clurr iIm« luo.uliu.^j. .siKht the human lie,,,I, the (,u.l-forsaken j..y that heaves her b.«oin.—Arm in arii. recreant, to Ik- he|.| up to th‘ «.eorn, the ,(,e hurri) s vou into the smihnK habitation, vfstnu-iit ... . . . . -I — licious re ty(»* s are plate ■x ription de|MM.ited, and the other usual c reiiionies were i»«‘rf»rmed. Fite pnfi. sion Ihen returned to the Town Hall, h(mt« the proceeihrigs »* re concluded, and tie companies t* pa rated.—Hrrald. !■ o" sne nurros vou into ttie sniilinK ' « on(»*m|.t, an.l^thc ex.’cnitioii ot the mhob* where the fire bla/iiig, and the eominunit) ' The »r>rld is »wil enough, warm, llte n.-at a|Mrliiient and dei great dral ofhrassand ir.«ri work in the constni Iiki of the ina chine, the iuv«'tifor who i"* a joiwr, h.i'e^r. cuted every fart i f it hiiiiH ll—a task the dilFiculty of whi'-h can only be knonn to those who are aware of tiie oiriftt ma chinery required in priiitin;:. I'erih Atlrrr(i»ir. Spontnnrou* f'omhiiifiiyn.—That animal , Ijodieeare liable to internal coirihu>l|on i a i fact whieh wa« well known to the anco'nts. I .Many cases wliich have IpOf-n adiluceti as e«. larnplesof sjiontane.iu'ronibustion are meie- j ly cases of individuals who were highly I susceptible of stronit electrical encitation. I In one of thesr cavM, however, Peter Ho- visteau B«:serts that the »|>arks of fire thus ii'-r iiiother. The only orgiifiK*nt ■* .the (liUfc'ht.'r ceuld ur;:e, wat, that tx .. 1 -iri'iiher who although not rich, ' -flit. tr-teilijjr'Ml. virtuous anl stiidi- P--iT an hiifii.r:it.t»‘cailmg, in which he t Ain disiiti( tion—at anv rate a decent f ;- r‘. Ofi the iilicr haiKl she told her t’Ki’ f lliat she never could resjiect, much lo\p a '■tiipid clown, and a serni-hrule • I’-iI. u ri> lad lo vntiments and feelmt;* ^ ■ Hith her. 'I liiH warm and iia- • '■’i vias r.r courv ridiculed by the idv a, mfre j^i-try, and the evils of f^'ri;. w.-r* (hen painted in gloomy colors, t". t!ip tnarnaje was to take place • pfxjr Is- k-worni.” as the old lady “ d him. was invited with the other nu- TrfTpmony was to he performed, anrl .e who was a pn t’v >;irl ‘>1 l^hng | (hat the witi-o(-lI'K tor Fiielas, phvsician to *'“l «ni.rr,;i,t. was ld to the altar with Ktinrp. f he [.arson r'we to proc-«-d, ~“l ;.ti'd the mortili.d victim, and never ■ ’ a;ij,rtriated the eol.l d.-pravity r>f \r un;; and teiider afleei|.ns on t.'ir 1)1 *>l:iinti,'')ii. Hilenre prevadf^l— »• ,.f hf.rror [>!i>>s-.| through the ■* rninclfd with (uly and indit'iiation. t'l' turi;>( r (-nd f tlie r'»rn "t'Ksl a young iTin. ri'ailv (Jr*-'.--d in blark, with the jmle 'w ti,f,'i^(,lfi,| (f,uri!'-nanf:e of a student, *r.Hrk frowtiiiii; hrov», overshadowed [.u rfini/conleinpl. I thoui'ht he .t a (Ji-,.;, ifi .j.f.jjp thnii tratm- th'.ii^l, bis p>>^itiiin of r. tirr-ment I -i t.iiii ir'iit, .'ittfiiti.in, while bis hijili " *t''1 j|,„, f,, no |i s4, firm. ''.in iri'fritijf rori|eiii|'t. Hiirh was ^ •' M'loii f.f III.-; suddenly, the ."I.ifi srrf ,,,,1 j/r.-at agita- I ' lfi'\irwi||.—(Mirjti* — how can— ...iT ' she rudied to the r'tiid .if ij,f. ri>>ni—lollowrd by a er'iwd ung —fi.'i iHriiiK that she had as ^ f'.rlii.jde U'j (i'«l know I, Lilt this ih a d« td of snrpas»ing villanv. I'ho Uiing that could thus vilely Irarnj.l.' d. wn the l,*.~t, the klll.Ie^t fVrlmg* o| hiKirinitv ,— that |i>r th.* pitiful roiii|ien- »,iti.Ki ol di liars and cuts would thuscarrv ■■orri’W anil .itlliction of the d.irkest kind into thu verv ^iiiictuarv of situ ere alf'Ttion ■timI *lHiie*lic |w*are,—!est rov ing with the I'liriiing breath of dexpair, the pure and lialloued feelings of pareiit.il love—|.i ut- leflv unwi'rthy the title u\ mnn,—he de- si-rves only lo mate with tn'iids, and to tie .lestroveij and blanied t'roiii the earth, with out either pity or remorsr. U t 3trr>i ll'riHft/ /icrifir. .MAV. r>arwin, in his own inimitable languagf, thus greets the blooming month of May. Bi'n in yon hlair of orient »ky, S»r« t Ma>, llij radiant form unfold; Ihjr t>lur, Toluplunus ejrr. And «a» thy kfaadowy loek* oi' goW. I «.r Ih«c the fragrant lephyra blow, ^or the»- dr*cei,da the aunny ahowrt* I hr rilln III iu>|\cr tiiuriiiur* flow. And brii-hli.r bkwaixiia g’‘m tiw bower, I-i^ht jfrscra dr. »«'d in flowery wreaths And tip lor joyt ih ir bands ronibine; lull I.«.ve Ihe i'ond contagion breathes. And, Uuchin^, dances round the sbrine. past, pre|sired bv her e,i;>er love, tills vour l)0«om with a joy t..o big for utteraiKe' onijwirr li with a hie like thiM, iwrcil'ul (ickI' h.'w di«Cons4i|ate is the crKiditton of the old P.achelor '—How bnrren of all joy ' [ Solitary and rrnifortl.‘'i at home, strolls a- br.md into conipany, .Meeting with no ten- pbance vvuh a former appointment, set out denies, ,,„r alK-cl.on to sweeten company, ^ « „h his ,uit. (Jen. Knox and the Marquis he su,>n tires, atul with a sigh gets up to go i L..,n,yHte, to meet Count de R.K-him. his eves are upon (,rnu, and Admiral Terney, at Hartford. I he (leneral, with the ri'st of the company. Srarnly of nwnry in the A mrricnn ( amp in 17*’t>.—(ieneral Washinglon, in corn- bonie at;ain. I’.Mir man tlie ground, and Inssteji* are slow ; for ala homi- has ihi attr.ictions. Hi' s*es nothing there but ulooiny walls and lone**..me cham bers. Alone he swallows hts silent supper —he crawls to his l.e.1, and trembling, coil" inu«tere«i up and borroired all the money they could, to pay their expenses. They could priK-ure no m«>rf than right thautand , .- ditlhtrt. Sueh was the scarcity, even of ^ . ,, ,, , ^ that depreciated comm.Ki.ty at camp. lie. SmM,n nrath.— \ man by the name of >ng, with to-ni..rrow sjojkjs sun the same tore they quitted New York State ihev .1/r.ronr/rr was found dead, about dull rouu.l U-gins agniu. k.id exjR-nded more than one half’their ten miles u iow this \ illa-e,o„ .Su,Mb,y last. ! .„d were not a little pained with tho .. , _ ' 'f'M»*'st, was siiiiirniKied to jiivi-s. A mignty conjuror has made hi« appear ' ulea of being soon incapable of discharging produced reduced to ashes th* hair of ^ ^''.^atc the niatt. r, Uit we have not set learn- ance m .New ^ork.andis astoniNliing the . the landlord's demand. 'I'hey put on a jjood vourig man, and John de \ lana uitorms us, ed » hat v. r.ln l ihev rendered. I roni the good society ol that city witb h.s marvi I-i countenance when in ('onnoctu ut, calle.l that the wite oi l l.K tor Fuelas, physician to ‘ However, there lous fealf, tin^ following is among them : Mor what they wanted, and were well stip. Ihe Cardinal de Koyas. A rchbislinp of To- what fiis death was “ ,\ cage, conlaining some half ii dozen : plied; but the thought of reckoni.ig with ledo, einiited by perspiration an inllamma. mtem|>eraiK:e. \\ hen discover, small birds nlive and hopping, was exhibit- their hosts, daU)[M‘d their pleasure. How- ble mailer of such a nature that, when ih- ' •*'*“ »|x'ctators; it was then placed on iever. to their joy, when the bills were cal- riblnn she wore over her shitt was taken •*. that Is mg highly intoxicated, a table, and fin'd at with a pistol charged le.l for, they wen' informed that the (iover- from her and exiKim'd lo the cold air it in- ^’ ****'" ground, and lieing un- w ith fuse fhut—every bird !b!l dead. tior of Connecticut had given orders that stantly t^k fire arai shot forth like grams ahle to rij-e, was smothered to death. Thus cookmg appa raliis was then pr.xluced—a . they should be at free coat.—f.’ordon’# .^1. of iriinrwiwdcr Pefcr Korelli has rucorded another Victim been oflered up at the fire placed iin.ler it, and the fiead bird.s m riiau Httfttry, lUi rol. iHiec I'il, „ k„!l a p.n, .1,™ ,l„.y | * tsiinr.cutof} from theenjoMiienlsoflife,and Were, as was brlieved, suflicientlv cooked, j Ingemoun Mtrhamitm The I'.xeter Ca hurri. d out of ey„lence. unprepared lo meet the cover w«. remove,|, and behold, mstea.l ! ,ette m. ntions that Mr. Hradtbrd, a coimtry his (i.sl and Judge. How many warm of a fncasee, and apimrenlly to the utter • -• - - ^ hojief!, and generous feelings are crushed amazement of the cook, forth from tlm lioil- and dentroyr'd, by the monster Intem[>e- mg mess, to rhtH'reni parts of tin' Saloon, raticu ' It makes tho home of peace, the fl.'W again alive and full I'eathep'd, the floi'k alside of w retchedness anil want—firings m of little birds. M. Saiiljert’.s powers of ven- its tram, ilisriise and death—le»itro}s vir- tril.M|uisin, and of assummt; various char- peasant whose linen tojk fire, whi'ther it was laid up in a b«»x when wet or hanging in the o[ien air. The s^me author s(s-aks .»f a wiitnan who, when at the |»omt of ileatb, vomiti-d flames, and 'I’horiias Martholia men tions this phenomenon, as having often hap- [>eiM-d to persons wiio were print drinkfrn >f vinr mid hrandy. I'zekiel do ( astro ■ . .i_ . ..r" A I. I,.,,.,„ ftie, an.l makes the heart ol man, tl»e seat of acters, tiv a chani'e of features, are trulv m«-ntions tfie sinjrular cas^j r,f Alexan.Irinus ’ ... . ; „ , 1C .1 VI. e, and the nurse of crime. Why—Ob' Meireteiis, a tibysician, from one of whosi', , ’ , , . i - i A vertebrals there i*.ued a fire which sc.rch- , "'■> 7" «'«•• ed the eyes of the beholders, and Kantiiis ; f , ^ , . ., . J ,L„ t «' i I lls Ulsom idol, at whose-shrino are sacrn- relat*s, that during the wars ot (i'«Jtrej ol ' ’ .1. t , „ , . 1 . .1 . , c heed the nob est iMiwersrjf the mind, and H.>lo;;n'', «ertain lieople of the territ.irv o| ' ' .-.i, .1 V , .1 111-'. I the richest treasures of the heart' Nivorswere burning; with invisible fire, and . that some of them cut off a fi.,.1 or a hand ' Hy Intemperance, domestic felicity astonishing, and aiki much to the enlcrtnin- mcnts of his cxhibttioti. watch maker, residing at Newton Abliot, I Mnjiland], has produced several pieces of curlou^ me. hanism. I’irst, n machine rep- r.'senling a lump, suspended by a small brass riMl, hung t.i the ceiling, which ci* stantly turns roun.l, carrying a quantity of wutchei and twn lights, and ii> made ta w.irk in diflerent parts. Tiie 9«>cond, is a brass Imll, which rims a distnnccofa^ fer t, to immolate hers*'lf on a ' where the burning Ix-gan in order to arrest lostroyed, and disgrace and ruin brought spoiisibilitic.s. O l tiineM III an hour—iM'ing upwards 21, The N'. York pn|Krs state that one bun- M)IH» feet in l‘.i hours, without any individual dred and six thousjuid ilollars have lieen knowing the cause of its goint; except the siibscrilied HI voluntary ilonalioiis, to re-| nifchuni»t and bis family. 'I'hc last, isa lieve Yale ('ollege from its {iccuniary re-, time piece, going without weights or Bprinps. !*' *■, a* to marry one Hhc loathed, ■i!'l ri.-\( r love. ‘•^atli^r then pubhely t..ld her to come * 'if '*as riimid,sKe mij^hl marry *7^, h ■,‘'7*'""' iuweh to Outshccume, w ith joyful coun- auii : the cahimitv.—(/>. Ifrvirtler's Ltlterg an yatural Mnpic,^ l*rnjltahh' hwrittmint.—Th« .Merchants lnsuran:e Cornpaiiy, at lioston, has declar ed u ttcini-auiiuul dtvidvtid of Tin per c«nt. j showing the hours, inmutes, days of tlio week, ond days of the tnoiilh. upon fll mi lies. It is this, whuh swells witlr anguish the bo*om of the wife, and causes; The value of the glass anmiallv produced to flow the teara of mothers and infants. Un (treat Hrit.uin is estimated at { Conundnrm,— hy ar* printers’ bills .May public opinion soc.ii drive from this and the workmen eni()loyed in the dillereiit like li»ith. Because they are the substance land of’ours, this enemy to peace, to virtue, I departments of the mnntiiacturs exceed .'O,-Uif thing.s hoped tor, aii4 the evidence of uuJ lo iovc.'— Yorkvilit J’atriof. I (i(io, things ticf seen.

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