the MOSI'MEVTAL CCTKMONY. I Addrruofthf Chtiirman of lAf Monumental Com- ^ S «*, rrr^dent of the V,nled Statf, « Xuvmg of thf Center Stone of tk. Monument to the Mother qf Wa4kxrgton. in the name of Monumcnlal Com- inittoe, I present you, General, the plate which \e intended to distiitguish that stone irist adjusted by the Master of the Lodge us> the corner stone of this pile. I am hap- pv, sir, that he who has defended his coun try’s rights when perilled in the cause ot freedom, her cities when the haughty foe, confident of success, pressed eagerly to seizo their Beauty and Booty, has bled for her, risked life, fortune and honor in her cause, 18 here to add to the honor* of this occasion. Who so meet to make a pil(ir«- mage to this shriue of hallowed relics? Who so fit to seal the stone which crowns the corner of a monument to the Mother ol Washington, as he who now occupies that exalted station first filled by the sonot that Mother? the occasion, General, and its circumstances, excuse this, while we turn to remark more immediately on the object of our present regard. If we look to the page of History, or survey the earth, we see Mooumeiite have in every age and every clime marked those spots distinguish ed by the happening of some great event, nr risen as memorials of the once active virtues of departed worth. Frail man is ever apt to forget the |^t, and seek new }iope of pleasure in the future. He seldom learns from the experience of others, the version of her froedom. Jar ditTcrent is the radiance which surrounds his name and fame. It shines mildly and equally, and guides the philanthropist and citizen in the path of dutv—and it will guide them long atler those’false lights which have attractfd [too much attention, shall have been extin- I guislied in darkness. In the grave before us lie the remains cl his mother. Long has it btien uninaikod bv any monumental tablet, but not unhon- oured. You have undertaken the pious duty of erecting a column to her memory, and of inscribing upon it the simple but al- fecting words, “.Mary the Motheii of \V ashingtoX.” No eulogy could be high er, and It api>eals to the lieart of every A- niorican. , ^ . . These memorials of aii**ction and grati- tude are consecrated by iho practice ol all ages and nations. 'I hey arc tributes ot respect to the dead, but they convey prac tical lessons of virtue and wisIom to the living. The mother and son are liryond the reach of human applause. But the bright example of pamilal and filial excrl- lenc8, whicii thwir conduct furnislies, can not but produce the most salutary cf]l“cts ufwn our countrymen. Lot their example be before us, from the first lesson which is taught the child, till the mother’s duties yield to the course of preparation and action which nature prescribes for him. The address which we have heard, por trays in just colors this most estimable wo man. Tradition says, that the chanicter TIIK MINERS’ AND FARMERS* JOURNAL. — with dilFiiulty, and renewed with lacilly; and upon the nuither thereti)re, must Ire- qwntly, if not generally, dei>end the Ute ol means of attaining what he aims at, and too . • ij j ot^en stumbles over a new, unbroken tract, ot A ashinglon was aided and strong h itest objects by which .ed if not t^r.rmcd, by the care and precepts unmindful of the brightest objects by the S4)n* Fellow Citi7x>ns, this district of coutitry jrave birth to Washington. The ancient t’ommonwcalth, within whose borders we uie assembl.d fiom every portion ol this happy and flourishing Union, renowned as she is for her institutions, for her tlevotu.n to the cause of freedtiin and for her servi ces and sacrifices to promote it, and for the eminint men she has sent forth to aid our country with heart and hand, in |K;aco and war, presents a claim still stronger t‘ these u|K>n the gratitude of her sister Slates in the birth and lifo of Washington. Most of vHi, mv friends, must speak of him from report. It is to me a source of high grati fication that 1 can siK.ak of him from per sonal knowledge and ol)servation. Called by the partiality of my countrymen to the h'iuh station once so ably filled by him, and tceling, that in all but a desire to serve you, 1 am unworthy to occupy his scat; Init sen sible that to this position I owe the honor of an invitation to unite with you in this work of allection and gratitude, 1 am un willing the (ipportunity should |miss away without l)caring my testimony to his virtues and services. I do this in justice to my own feelings, Ix ing well aware, that his fame needs no feeble aid from me. The living w itnesses of his public and pri vate life will soon follow him to the tomb. Already a second and a third generation are UjKHi the theatre of action, and the man and the events of the Kevolution, and of the rROPEUTY. Ai.bamy, (N. Y.) May The most painful accounts U*gin lo be received of the dcstruclive crtects of the freshet. The rivor continued rising till o’clock this forenoon, when it was a loot higher than ui the spring. 1 he low ol i)roi)crty is innneniio; nearly all the stores and buildings east of Market street, the whole length of the city, arc inuDdutcd. Our fellow-citizens at Troy arc heavy sulForers. W'o are informed that five men Cholera at" Orlcatu.—It gives pain to learnt from the following |wragr«'p|], that Iho Cholera, or some disease resem! tiling it, was making alarming havoc nt New Orleans about the 1st of this OMoihi New Ohleans, April 80. (Evkjcino.) V\'e are not alarmiats, nor wouU ws wantonly instil chimerical fears into th« minds of our fellow citizena. But wa be. hcve it to be sound policy, and conceive j( our duty, to inform them of the actual situ, ation of the health of the city. It would bo ridiculous to deny, that for some day, yore drowned by the breaking up of a raft | ,Mist the number of deaths has beenincreai. of which they had charge. A man and a ,„g,and that the greater part expired aHei Ik)V, near Trov, were drawn into the cur- rent and lost, while atteinpting to rcscue a *^*^The Bridge across tho Mohawk at Fort Plain has been swe|)t away. We fear that the injury to the Canal is so great as to mlorrupt tho navigation 1t several weeks. , , , i We regfi't to see that the labors and how'S of the gardeners u(Hm the Islands Iwlow and opposite the city, arc all blasted. This loss will fall heavy u|Kjn an industri ous and valuable class ol citizens. It is impossible to estimate the Ic^ of a very few hours sickneaa; to speak plainly, they died of the merciless cholera; or, if w» mistake the character of that dire diaeaic, the |>Mvailing mie is, at least, as fatal in its eflt‘cts ; and, although hitherto, the Dumber of victims may be deemed inconsiderable, we nevertheless are of opinion that our coo. stituted authorities should inquire into th« state of the public health, and adopt suck measures as might tend to prevent further mischief. We earnestly hope to find thit some of our medical gentlemen will lose m time in throwing light upon this dreadfu! subject;ami we will with pleasure coopt. our niiztrw, which is much gn ater from rate with them, in publishing whatev#r tho occurrence of such an cxtraordmar> might be calrulate«l to tranquilize the gn, rt(,Hl at an unusual reason. eral fueling of painful apprelienw^ or li. I pwards «>f ‘-’00 conis of wood was |„y any tearful or unfounded forebodin{ «w« |>t away oie vard this morning.— winch may be excited.—Cowrirr. I'he quantity of lumber l(»st IS very jrcat. ■ ■ Many of our Merchnnts f>*und ihe water ; A P,'r%shab\f ( ur^o.—The enterpru* ill thci'r stores yesterday muniing. U fort of Yai k«-4 # is pnnerbial.—Their ships vu. tb-} had ail article ol their goixls ri-iiioy«>l. She;:^ -.erestmg pcn^_betw^ U a,^ tl. firm hington the most unfudiug their minds can devise or their powers execute. Sfir»K ie rkiir that thcstron^ I devoted her^elf with exemplary fuielily lo j‘ho . I the task of guiding and edui- With limited resources she Jvurnal. MFK ASSI RA.NVF.S. or the information f those who ma\ •,ii to proMdc lor their familu's at a very if ii-atirm them.! particumted in the confidence which small rate, anl who have not the means of ivM# tl.lo ' ho inspirtd, when prolmbly the stability ol n'liJfrin;: them any ndecpiate usai-taiH f at ^ * ' in. . l.f ^*tti t\r tiiiii*rkfniH*#*. the Kil* Nations share in 6|nrit, GUyry and Honor l)Craine unlnrlunule. iHJSiiiess, an early oiKruit-'iivt: lu iiannjuMvnviic*. II ,h. honor, l„.H it; d,., h,. ,n,l n-.-l,™«.. M.v //. I mo., „.co«,„lv h.v.b.... ticipate in a mighty dead, mcnt, (raise' n patriotic States will They win of Ihe Mother try.’ They just tribute it cxery part of the tJlobe, and they art oddmg every ds) lo the great variety if article’s of trade «ith other nations. Ths ship 'I'uocniiy is now al>out sailing fn« B»«itoii for t'ulcntta, and has on bnanii cargo of Ice. It is compaoily stowed ,i the lower hoW, «urrHinded with Ian, whici IS well known U> be a non-cwtductor of h««, and great rare has been taken to Ihe external air. If tin* eargo »bould»r. rive there safe, it will d«Hiblksa romnua^ in that sultry climate an enormous pnn But we may »i niurf to say that the M)a of transporting such a perishable comniot. ly, so many th..u«;iiKls of miles, in t** counw of wliich Ihe Kqualor must bet.-:s travcnu-d, wouhl never enter into the Mti of any other being than a \ AMta. l^nrdl jMmal deprived of thesupport of her consort, en- cipliiie, no doubt restiamcd thc natunU ar- ; cou raged and fobten jimple, the dawning rbv preceTlnde: dor ot'his t;.:j;r;ment, an^ ‘Hat have prcced. d us in ihe world, virtues of her illustn- him that |>ower of selt command, which nia\ I roviuonce, when it sutlers the hour The yattonnl Ftag.— K circuUr ha l)»-en sriit from Charlrston, signed by" ham Drsyton, D.iniel K. Huger sod Br;;. K. IV'fxoMi, snd aiklre»jied to gentlemen of 810,000. Hediodmthe middle ./Feb. I dilS-rent parts of the country. m>.t.ngwt- ruarv en»uin2, witlun elevi-n we k» from , scriptioi.s lo pn> lor engraving o ■ p*ftu.-» Ihe date of the r..liy, and Ins widow has lo r^-prenrril a »rene which occured .a :5i •rican pilg'im shall, m alicr agc^, come p,.„dfiii; awi Ut‘y Imve coo)«* ti> j on our o»n wn. ni«. — lo lliis hii;h and holy place, and lay hi* (>Jes IIm? day w hen a rL*«>lulion >hi happv in I lii-»ory, w*'uld I**- more ■ppmpriate than »; ous son, and nurtured into maturity noble facirities which were the ornament and glory of her waning years. They Bckaowledge the hallowed character of romantic spot, ever to be remembered Ihe place chrjsen for her private devotions _ befi™ (L noM lie "."'I "I"'" liils mcre.l c.luuiii, ma> lj« FC- gnl »rl"l .... pH' h. d in ■ nontly displayed, she guided their youthtul , » j ’ j f r.i ,' his »u tv «lrenptheiK*d whilo he invoken minds to contemplate the power and benevo- He p-/»esbed an unerring jt.dgmem, d that hri puty slrengthe.K-.l, wt.ii . e /laU.m^r, A^uru’an. lence of the great Author of their bemg. term can be ar^phed to human nature; errat h e^v«n;:s ufK.n the n.emory ot the Mother , JkreshetaughttheattributesofGod—that probity of purpc«e, high moral principles, ot ashiiigton. | ^ The (’herf.kef« Int« lhc'’nr^r to him, as their Creator, all praises belong- [crfect self possession, unliring applicatiou, ' r"iiK \KT To SH I ’ W MoTTTrT"* '**e lih ull. stairs that a battle wa^ fought ed—that to glorify Him was the object of an inquiring mind, ^eking inloniiation X new sone. wriitVn i tprr«»!y Ibr Mi«i l»r» i o" be‘.J-ih A pnl, nc;ir .S'udler’s in I'orsv th tUeir creation, anil to tiiis end tUeir every from every quater, and arrivuig at its con- ,un„ hy hrr »ith cnilm»m» {>a rty on each side. 'I ho wrapoits of warfan cfinsisleil of fisis, clicks and »>lones, an>l al The l>rrtiimtiin of In«li'pend*#ce, (leneral Waithingti^ rf^ning his cvra i sioei, painted by Col. Tniinlsdl, filUo i they arc with p»>rtraits of n>«n dcvolfd tho I'nioii of tlie Elates, wuuM U- ot> more imtlniclive to lf»e young, intrreJ^ , . .. V,th'rnt(,u„..Mc ,p; County, l«>iwe,-,i a ,».rlv of Imhans and a ^ rneriiv shrtild be devoted. Here she asked, elusions with a full knowledge ol the snb-: piau„ . The mu«c coin[K)«:d by C. K. Morn. i {,arty of whites, ron«i»ling of at»«ul thirty I'*'** lo «ir crninlry ao^eiieratioO lor - Oh )•>•#; fih jrrn! r»e B hfsrt to "f-Il! on each side. Tho wrapoits \Vho'll buy * bo’ll buy 7 wlio'll buy ’ rnergV SUOUIU UC UC>UI'.-U. iicrc one 7, , , as a dying reqii»*st, that her mortal remains J^ct: and he atklcd to these an infleMbilily niiirhl rest. Hallowed be this wish cred this spot—lastinjj as tune this Monu ment. I^t us cherish the remembrance of this hour. Let us carry with us hence, engraved on our hearts, the memory of her viro IS here interred. Her fortitude—her of resolution which nothing could change but a conviction of error. J..ook back at the life and conduct of his mother, and at her domestic government, as they have Ijeen this day delineated by the chuirman of the monumental committee, and as they j.jety i,er every grcce of life—her sweet ' were known to her cotemporaries and have peace in dnath—through her sure hope of'l^n described by them, they will U- a blessed immortality. . found admirably adapted to form and devel- 2o whitk the Prfsioknt of tot Umted State. I «pc the elements of such a character. The rfjiiedat follouct: ' power ol greatness was there, but had it Fir: To you, and your colleagues of the not l^een gtmled and directed by maternal ■Monumental' Committee, 1 return my ac- solicitude and judgment, its pr.sspssor, in- knowledgrnents for the kind sentiments you stead of presenlmg to the world examples have expressed towards me, and for the flat- f'f virtue, patriotism, and wisdom which tcring terms m which they have been con vc\ed. I cannot but feel that I am iiid.-bt cd lo your fmrliality, and not to any servi ces of my own, for the warmhearted recep tion you have given me. On this occasion, as well as on many others, in the CfHirse of ’Ti« iie»—'tin rrc«li, and turni*hc«i well, Who'i) buy ' who'll buy ' who’ll buy ? Tn bo*oii.fd wh»r»' ’li» mver colJ, No pry injf oyi i h»vc il; '7'i« worth at lra>t itx wei|>ht in |toI1, For love n» 'er dwelt within it. Who'll buy ’ who’ll buy ■ -AhD’H buy 1 I)o.s any one bid nx/rf ? If noUl. the bidder mu«t b- free. Who'll buy ? who’ll buy ’ wlio'll huy ’ If li t, the ItaRt fn. lifir niint h» ! \N ho'll buy ’ wlxi’ll buy ' who'll huy? Or it thi ri’» one with whom n-sidci, A h art not prone to range, Thal\ kind, and tree, and young henide*. I'll take It in ciehaiij^e. Who'll buy ' who’ll buy ' who’ll buy ^ 'Til going!—goin^!—gone.'! lliouah, fortunately, there were no live* liwrt, i 'till there aiv a numtior of hlark eyrs and A few evenings since, a young man in will l)c prccious m all succeeiliiig ages,; might have added to the nundnT of tlK»sc . iiiMbter spirits, whose fame rests upon the i faculties they have abused, and the injuries ,ho employment^f ,Mr^ K. S. A.lams in this they ha\e conmntted. v.ihge, by the name of I'hilo Matson, ac- How im|>firlaut to the females of our tiialiy swallowed a lArin^r nil aljout four a hie now drawing towards iUclof,e, I have country .ire these reminiscences of the ear- inches m lenulh, including the tail, on a I woi^l wi"rk of w hich was made IhroU'^lKHit found tho confidence and attachment of my ly life of Washington, and of ih** maternal irillin;; wag.-r of 00 cents'! When fairly bv a man who is rniireiy blind, 'i’he work- country men as far beyond my merits as my : curc of her upon whom its future course- stownl mMde, Malf/jn remarked, that his nianship of this vehicle, to lie mire, would CXfK ctations. ;depended. Alfction less regulated by dis- ratship “ was dr^lging about his empty stoin- not well compare with that of some’which ^ ISSOm olOCi ICl low ^ ^ > '»Ana (r* 11 >n m irvKi r\o«_'n • 1% a a »n ^4 m I:...* I .1 1. ’ 'I'he Mayemillp Kaj;le stale*, that iT -iiii >ii^ IV ai a ■luiiiii. I .•! iM ■ It , uii.i ^“■•‘’r from mmol'*, bimI a C»o^f’" bVoken i^“.‘s.“Thrmm'fe^ '».s>.«‘ippi, lately callel ii ongmal.d .nadiM*nleaU^.lthegoldmmr. ‘"'T"* "'"‘T .; at that place.-.4.^. C^ituttonaUn, j prof^rty and took away 3.5 vd.r which came thither in the mail, aixi » The Montrr-al S;.e, tator menl.ons that »;> ih-poal maatar by n .the wili. of a Mr. Troll,cr, n;;-d 40, dud envclopea. »' Suddenly at Si. I.nirrnt a few days Mme,« ‘'-rge «»o.; I ' : l- iM^. n^ar her confine,iK-nt. Mr.' Moroau ! lns..lvency, large -tv, iwascalW twenlv minutes at)er her death,*Mnkenzie s 5U00 Uccipes. and etf.cted upi-n hot ti.e Ca-snrmn « " f^ration. The n .ull was, thre« hvmg in-, V''*' ^ ’ *" T. fanls, two boys an n girl; two of ihem- di.d '•‘'"f'"*'-" I'"’'" owarde.l as '• |Kjblic immediately; Ihe third lived four daya by ui.d*r the m ajik ol these * artificial respiration. , of CMngreaa A fiig Mfiile Inj n Illirul Man.— \t the point shop of .\lessrs. Il.-irrm »V Clemfnt, m this vilhige, wc recently saw a ciS. the A .Vo/inn.—The Y ork County has, over his marriage lieod, a repre*>! > lion «ifn company ol girls, emph>ye«l"'t* r'xls and lin^i liohmg in a pool for husb»n^ One has raii^ht her chap by the and holds him dangling in the air in »n sP” imrentl) vrry uncoriiforlahle situatu’*'" n^ur II, but we have seen much wors.- ‘ citizens, to : cretion, might have changed the character ach,” and instantly giilfrf'd down two quarts ^ witness and as«ist m an interesting ceremo I of the son, and with it tho destinies of the ; of cider, to scl him alloot. 'I'he dehiged ' from the handrofVrf^n^ who |0.iMM»u(>on it,to indicate, pcrhap*. ny. More than a centur,. has passed away nation. Wc have reasfjn to be proud of; Jonah kept fioiiudeniig like another "arrh t(,e keenest vision. Thejalher of this un- " huobnnd is her objefi • since she to whom this tribute of respect is the virtue and intelligence of our fennles. lien.l ,n chains,” till a huge tobacco quid rorlunatc mdmdual has ,nfor.n*'d us that J"’* K"' at)out to l>e paid, entered up^>n the active As mothers and sisters, and wives awrrollintMiito ‘Mbc middle,” proved an ugly he is pxceedingly patM-nt and disc overs con 'be mouth of a lik. ly looking lellotr, »nd bcf-iies of lit'e—a century fertile in wonder- | daughters, Iheir duties are performed with " dead fall,” to the “ rnt in the Kentlemnn’s ful events, and in distiaguisli«s»J men who , exemplary fidelity. They, no doubt, real- kitchen.” Matson siillbred no further in- hav*> partitijialed in them. Of these events ize the great imjMirtance of the maternal, coiiveni* nee from this marvellous rat ex- our country has furnished her full share ; and character, and the pfjwerful influence ii of lh»*se distmguishcd men, she has proluced j must exert U(H>n the American youth. Hap- a N\ ashui;'ton. If he was “ first m war, ; py is it for them and our country that they first ,n peace, and first in tho hearts of Ins c>miiry,iirn,” we may say, w,lhout the im- ptii.ilion of national vanity, that if not the first, he w!is m the very front rank of thos*;, too few iijJ'.f d, upon wh»*se career mankind can look bocl. without regret, and whov riK-mory and exainjile w have before thom this illustrious example of maternal devotion, and this bright re ward of filial success. 'I'he mother of a lennination. 'I’he aliove is no hoax, but is susceptible of proof that would satisfy tho most incredulous.—Ohio Atlas. ngly pat,' ■*. .nv.,^ siderable ingenuity in the nianuficiure of - pullin^^' him out ol the various articles; that within a year or two, I , without any asKistance, he has shin)>lrd ai Nor«i«towx, (I’enn.) • 1*y common siz^d barn and made Ihe doors; ^ Monday last, in making a bls' most of the shingles he laid in the cviming., '""f ««-n" cpinrry in Plvmoulh lownsH'P- He can tell whether it is night or dav, hut , . cannot diHlingiiish objects. His nsme i- Mimpphrd (,enero«tty:^\ very good , Chase, and ho resides m W>,»hll, an ad- f 1 . , . . '*y “ t'harleston corrcsjKmd»;nl joinini: town.—AVtc I/itmi)n/itre Caztllt family wh'> lives to witness the virtues of j of the [ioslrm Mercantilu Jriiirnal, of two her children, and their advoncement m hf«, | o|,j ms,.is of that place, to show to what ex- j Andrew Wallace, the Old Soldier ni'e.1 regret, and wl..v;|«nd who ur.= known and honored, should ; ce.s the nullification fever had nigcd. Some, I Oi, was lately on b^.ard the sten’ 111 urnisU themes ot; have no other wi,h on this side the grave, money was w.inled for cleclioneering,Hjrpo. I from naltimore for I'hilad.-lnhia. J O eulogy lor the ,.atnot, wherever free in- to giatify. Ihe «;od« of virtue and of s.-s, and they |„.,ng very rich a,id of notori. Adams was also a “Mr. Wnl- tone wenfhmg sliout '.^10 [Miund* fell uf"^ tho riMifof n (H-i^'hltorin? house, snl »ic(l through tUf* whol^ lioilding to , ro«ii,i, »her») the family were cBlmj! fust w itliuut dome any further injury- ^ lirraU- acqiMiiutaoue By a recent hw of (>hio the prison liin' are inndo co-o;itrnsi\e wiih the count) which the prison is situated. An Kiiglish mechanic has mnchino tor roastiiijj mrat b]iga* • next?

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