JUICERS* & FARHERIS’ JOURTirATv. PtBU8MKl> K>EnY SAlXnPAVrOT THOMAS J. HOLTON....* HAIU.OTTK, MKC KLENBITRK t OUNTY, NORTH-CAROLfNA. , wii4.jryc» you TO rmct tiik wwciji orjnt ea^tii awo hm.no ch,t «om rnr rAvr«N« thk mmmrAiM, PETALS M'irir If WII-L CIVE 8TRKNOTII TO OIR HANDS ANl> SUBJWT ALL NATURE TO OUR USE ANti ANb PLSAflURE DK. JOHNSON. VOfi* *>*• SATI ROAY, JinVE 8, 18:i3. TUB nincr«’ A' FartperM’ Journal i.oriniMl and |wbli«hcd every H*l.ird«y morninjf «» Ttro PtUari per «nniim, If paid in ad»«nce ; V»a Viiil*'! Tirte DolUn at the end of the yc*r. ADVEKTISEMENTS will he iwcrtfd at Ft/ly euiUpff •*1“*'^* (not rxcecding 30 line*,) for the inKTtioii. and US ceotm for etch •ucceedin; ^li_or $1 for ‘hrce week*, for one aquare.— A liberiJ diKount will be made to tliotc who gdTtriw' by thr y« ar. ID’ On til •dvertiM.-menU ceiomuDif»tcd for publication, the number of uneriVwi miut be noted on the marffin of tlie a*nuKrit>«, or tlicy will be coutuiucd uutil fcrbid.ind charged accordingly. I • All cooimunicition* to the (^itor must com* "'*y attended to. the .MARKiri'H. (ll.iRf.KSTON, may ii7. 1^33. r«n«i,^a Iiland, ‘/2 a 30; upland, new, 10) a Ri«, prime, a 3; interior to g»>d, 4^ a !>• Moor, tuperfine, 6 a 00; t'om, 7’J a 7i; [{is, » 50; Whukry, .14 a 35; N. K. Rum, measunKl, the ball patched with six hun drcd thread Utjcn and thcchnrge mmthoine with a hickory ro»l. VVe moved not a stop from the place, for the sqirrels were «) nu merous that it was uunecessary to go after them. Boon pointed to one of the.se ani- C-ROWMNg l lIC WISES1-. Not many yearn ngo, it hap|)cned that a voung man from New York visited /xtndon. His riifhor bein^ connected with several of the magnates of the British AriKtocracy, the young American was introduced into mals which had observed us, and was j ‘1‘e fa.shionahIe circles of the metropolis, crouchcd on a branch about firty paces dis- j where, in consequence of his very fine i)Cr- tant, aud bade me mark well where the bull appearance, or that his father w.is re- should hit. He raised his piece gradually j ported to be very rich, or that he was a until thp Actid (that being the name given . "ow figure on the stage; he attracted much by the Kentuckians to the ngAl) of the bar- j attention, aud b* conie quite the favorite of rel wus brought to a line with the sfwt ladies. This was not at all relisiied by which ho intended to hit. 'I'he whip-like i British beaux, but as no very fair pre- re|>ort resoumlod through the woodii aud ofiered for a reliufT, they were com* along the htlls, in re^ienled echoes. Judge [ pelled to treat him civilly. Thus matters of my surprise when I perceived that the ' when the lion. Mr. M. P. and lady liall hail hit the j>iece of biirk immetliatcly | made a parly to accompany them to their beneath the fM]uirrel, and shivered it into country seat in Cainbriclgeshire, and the A- splinters, the concussion produced by which ' " a* among th^e invited guests, had killed tlw animal, aiid sent it whirling N’utnerous were the d‘'vices to which these through the air, «s if it had brjeti blown up devotees of pleasure res«)rtcd in order to bj' the explosion of a powder magazine. ^*'11 •I'at old fellow wh» will measure his Itoon kept up his firing, and liefore many j hours, when he ought to know they are not hours had elapse«l, we had procured as ma- "unted, ami the ingenuity of every one was ny stpiirrels as wo wished; for you must to remember or invent something kiK»w, kind reader, that to load a r:flc re- novel. quires only a moment, and that if it is wip- ' The ankees are proverbially readv of ■ once after eiich shot, it will do duty for invpiition, and the Aaierican difl honor to in. iSince that first interview with our charactcr as a man acruntomod to free- ^ other iti. ‘lorn of thc^ght. Me was fmnk and gay, j browu. 7 a 8; .St. Ooi*. aod Jani. 7 a Si j perform the sanH- feat. i entercil into the sports and amusements, The tnvping nf a ranr//c with a ball, 1 "'th that unaffected enjo\ meiit which com- Sl'ffocation.—-A warning to \\ell niggers—On the 7th inst. Major Robert liairston (of Henry county, Va.) lost two very valuable negroes by sufToca- *'vv II ^ engaged in digging a VV ell. and having progresMd about 90 feet, reached a rock, which required boring and blasting. With this view, and upon his supposition that this object would be facili- tated thereby, one of them built a fire on the rock. 'I'he next morning ho descended and gave alarm, first by his groans, and next by tumbling out of the bucket. The other negro, supposing him accidently hurt in de scending, hurried down to his rescue, hut returned no more; another was induced to 35 ■ 36; Apt'ls tkaody, 40 a 4:i, Uro*. 7?'i7»00; Tallow,I’arolina, 11 a 11^; Mack. »!,'No- I. 7; No. 2,6; iiacon, 6 a 7; llam«, t 10; a 10; Naib, col, ."H a 6 c*i»t» L Biirinc. i- a 1C. Bale Rope, G a 10 rcnt»; '1" •^nme hrandjr, 150 a WO; Holland ftin, !V) ■ ed J. boo, KoMia aod «*! *•», >4 a 4| per Iha.; hours. ,,lt. L-rapooljin b.j.o(N^bo.h. M a l i . in b.ilk, } I**" llj. (j(Iean«, 6J a P ; MuUaaca, Cuba, !W a .10; Orlrana, 34 a M ;Coiri«, primeftewi, |.1 a H; first had an opportunity of soring near the miiuicaird a part of his fresh feelings to the liiior to rood, 11 a la, Uyaon 1»«, i7 a !»«cu. ^ wyrn out fasliionisis in the party. luI!uJ.llllVr crnt^‘^^^^^ to ivhich I had prcvi.Kisly Ils gornl slur.-, «oiiM have Itch sneered The third then rose from his seat, and with an assured voice which seemed to an nounce a certain triumph, said, “ 1 require your decision on a delicate question, but thtf rules of the pastime war rant it, and also a candid answer. You have seen the American and the English ladies; which are the fairest?” The young republican glanced around the circle. It was bright with flashing eyes, and the sweet smiles which wreathed many a lovely lip, might have won a leas de termined patriot from his allegiance.—He did not hesitate, though he bowed low to tiie ladies as he answered, “ The standard of female beauty is, I believe, allowed to be the power of e'xciting | go down, with a like purpose, but "the pre^ admiration and love in our sex, and conse- j caution having been taken of tying him to quently those ladies who are most admired,; the rofte, he was drawn up in a short timo and beloved, and rcspected by the gentle-I almost lifeless. A Physician [Dr. Winston] men must be the fairest. Now I as.sert i was immediately sent for, who with difficuU corfideutly that there is not a nation on | ty succeeded in restoring this one to life, earth where woman is so truly beloved, .so He then to absord the fixed air which had tenderly cherishc-d, so respectfully treat- ! been occasioned by fire, had lime water ed as in the Republic of the United States, i poured into the well aod let down in th9 therefore the American ladies are the fair- j bucket; and having thus effectually expelled est.” “ But,” and he again bowed low, “ if _ the gas, which was tested by letting down j the ladies l>efore whom 1 have now the a lighted candle which burnt freely, and honor of expressing my opinion, were in afterwards a chicken, which returned un- my Cf^utry, wo should think them Ameri- , hurt, had the negroes taken out. They cans.” were by this time entirely stiff and beyond 'I’he applause was enthusiastic, after the I all hopes of resuscitation, mirth had sulisided so as to allow the Judge j It would be prudent in those engaged ia to l>e heard, he direcetd the crown to the | excavating wells, to pour in always, a whild Yankee.—Judies' Magazine. i lx,-fore descending, some lime or even com- —7* ^ I mon water, aod when this well becomes RCN.WVaV SI,.\VE«. I verj- deep to let down a candle. This is a U o notice III n Philadelphia paper, tlie prudent test. For where carbonic Uturgia IUdIi Dills 1 anil U ptr c«oL umdo a visit. I hoard many reports of at hy son,** of the pioud cavaliers, had ho — .. ] guns durin;> the early p«irt of a dark night, ,f*-'f*" *"ich a capil;il hliof, and lie might j _ ... ^ CAMDEN. '• IhimI knoHiiig thi.-iii to be th««c of riflt «, I Itavi licoii quuzrd had not the ladies, won ! report of a triHl of much importance to .^"idTras'becornes ^'mucli etii^i^*Ts t^ I went towards the spot ti. ascertain the cauM,-. his resi-.ctlol and pleasant ciMl.lies and j .iHve-holders in the &.nthern States, which | ins,an,|y e.xtinguish the r-.x » 10, W hui'e»,34 a 40; Braudy, Apple, i**" reaching tho place, I was wclcometi hy hiK constant attention in the drawing rix^nn lately loA place in the District Court of |j„ht of a candle.—[Danville Reporter. lit ti. IVah, 40 a iti. ja d^nten o! t.TlI stfrtit inrn, who told me tl. v a!«aya s!j-j*.ved thcii.selves hi.s | the I . S. sitting in Philadelphia. Ju.sticcs j were excrtixing f>r thr pur|x*«'of en.ililni:: , “ conibiiiiition was at last Baldwin and llopkinson, were present.— ' From the »:kki:i> «HTici.eN. hr.MTt'KY Rin.KMl.N [ihfinto shiiot under night at the r tl* ted l'>rnied among a trio of dandic.s, slaiincli''I'he f.illowing fads were detailed in the light I'pim the e\i-s »>1 a d«-er or w-.li, b\ (>arons of the (iuatcrly to nnnihiliitc the A- ; cvidcnce. I'hey pro|K»«. (| to \ary t(ic eter- j In the year 1SQ2, a party of four citizens ‘AVir Monthly Magazine," publithtd itt London. MUSK IN CHOLERA. “ Among other matters resorted to by the I I I ic I I. L . IWa/inj' n*ar, tlir nicru an. 1 hey pro|K>s. (| to\a «e hav*> imlivitluals in KcntiKky, kiiKl curling atnon;; the '‘al cvrmng wnll/. n;: and piping, by the ac-! of New-Jorspy, came into the State of faculty to stay the progress of this te/rible n_?r, that even there are coHM*r«-d w-o. fohage of the lr«»-s. .M u durfuncc ""y chaiados :iol playing various games, > Pennsylvania and took from the service of i,],sea^, one has be»'n published of so singu- i-rful »lopt* in tli« inam»geuM;nt ol the ri- ,t srnn-ely dl‘■fl'._Mll^ll.^l.l.•. Hi'iPg i.iirrr sled one of ihosc ind.-lati- ihe person with w honi he was then living, jar a character, that we do not hesitate to rodrirf a mu/li a^common feat, no I a UirniiiR can lie. :'m ii imk n.li 1 |«.i ladies uhon!via\s carry ih*ir iK^»int , a black slave, r.amrd Jack, whom they al-! extract the statement into our columns. It crown by answerin" succes^i\fly the vari-; d«'rline, (the individual with whom the r«is quc siions w liK h the rc.‘t of the parly slave was livinjr nt the time) and having arc at hliertv to ask. 'I'he riiic who is do- l>een seriously injured from missies thrown clar«d to ha\e hern the rf'adiet.t and happi- ; hy this mob, the pirty in the wagon were (Kitting It out, and were nciM[«enM'd for ihfir U \t« ri'.v with nunuToii-t h'lrruhs. dc.«irable, without loss of time to the notice of the whole profession, &c.” The salutar}- influence of the first doso . , , „ of musk will 1)0 found to become manife$^t est in hi'i answers rtx'ives the crown. ! coniiH'lhvl to stop, in consequeiKC of a blow j by greatly mitigating, in a very few min- >ur Amerir.'in. much airninst his inclina- ret-eivtd by Caleb Johnson, the master of utes, and in many cases, by eflfectually re- t Id > yanl. oH ^nd. w,tb.«i extmguiah. ,y„.. s...„e nv^rr hfiK 1 b«»e been t(Jd that Uve ' r .edK,et,rt .,Klcoid..lom«kecho,ce ; ^^^^^^^^ ••tl.orsa.tunllv si.u(P-d ih.- cao.lh Aith.a.I *iing b> h^rehand th** Htir>*iie^ of lh« vhich bsfl aHerwards beni full\ t’tpH ■b'-n the eircm)’» h^od has bcencx- thrm, who was purtK ulnrl) chosen aniong the three candi- j the negro—the slave taken from their pos- j moving the cramps, the purging and the ' was\ory foitunatr, niiii sniifT 1 Ihn t andli ‘l‘’»'es. He was a«aro iluit his (M.sition, the 1 session—the gentlemen who had come ' vomiting. My plan has been to give at lijtinc r»>sided some %-«*nr^ in Kentucky, ,1,^^. tnupg of so n, w LiL-t all th»* oth-1" hicli he »«« uuo^hng re-i merely to reeluim their properly, were ta-| once filYcen grains, rubbed ia, a draught ■ “ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ^a«s full report- [X'rtormeti t)\ the t\-iitut Ki. ’ - —-v , - ^ , * ,‘“K .uio „ ian.cn promptly, ana with the rille, I could sav niore il,an ' I'*'''"'.' 'P''oi>er county court.— His trial took will scarcely ever fail to arrest the progress might In: expodi.-n’t on the pr«-jnlcasioii. | iiidivi.iu;il, and uot one of the compa- ! place accordingly, and he was honorably ; of the disease, so as to leave the patient to them- thiiilv i»eopU d iH>riioii .f ihc Slate, “> imdeialooil the character of r publicans acquitted. i easy and ordinary convalescence. ' It 1* ra^ to nie«-t one without a gun of thnl ’ fr appreciated the Kcpiiblic. 'I'l.e three; On these grounds Caleb Johnson subse- “ So evident is the action of musk in w.«rcunen se«n to meet for the ptiffioNr as well us a tomahawk. By '*0'^’*''*'* bail arranged that their turn for, quently brought an action of damages a-j cholera, that the practitioner will experience N.ipUjmg ilx'ir akill; and, betting a tif recreation th«-v ofu n cu'o(! a piece >“houId fall in successi(»n and be the j gainst Isanchar Kmderline et alias, who | no difficulty in determining whether he need «um, put up a target, lo the cwtre I lr»?e, miiku a target of it, ■ I"®*- ^ f'v bating mor* than otice br«-n witoeas of cilli«"r p«it out the f ainile, or cut it ‘|'"n.'d i>f him the ability to .xustain himself.. ken into custody, and the plainiitr in ihi.« j with a lump ofsngar and a wine gla ■ilf iports, i aball present yf>u with the re- , ,niti>«‘(lnlelv under th" light. 11*'' ‘o ^ treated wilh di.stiiiguii.h- suit comnuttoil lo the jail of Norristown, j of cold water; and I am justified in i •t ot my ol»*ervalion, lea\ing you to )f the feaH i>^rformed''bv the K'-iifiu ki. '’'I attention by his ho-t and hostv>ss, and , to answer to tlie charge of h'lony, before ing that this first step, if taken pro „■« hnw far rifk‘ aliooting la underbtood : lUt .‘'Ute. Serenl individuala who cooceite them- ••t ex|tert in the imnagnment one, a pcrfect exquisite,; participated in Ihe violence, before staled ’ repeat its exhibition, or whether having “■ 1,0 |,ave been done to his person. The | subdued the immediate cause of the disease claimant prosccuted this cause under an act ! by the first dose, he should direct his alien- 1 ahich a comriion-aized nail la hammered if .Uwt two-lhinla of its length. ; ;^ht",,'V)r ,|>e buirs eye, and shoot into iho | Mon p.il his question. «rk,nK.n make choice of what they con. I,,,,he,1 “ It I undirslotnl ri„ . „ - ■ >r a proper distance, which ma) Iw forty ihem c>ut of the wofKl again. j country, you at knowledge no dis- recovery ol their runaway slayes and de- ' the ordinary means. -• tliich man cicana Ihe inl*nor of ' \uduhou* Urnithitlocical liutgravhy. ' tioctions of rai.k, consequently you can | manded as a recompense to himself, dama-j — 'ttiihr, whicli ta called iri/M/i/r placc* j ^ , have no court standard for the manners of ges in the sum of 5=10,000. j In the midst of one of Mr. Calhoun’s most uaiiig n hltle powder welted with water or , ""‘I « ">• a'» i person. murk all the biilU th* \ have about them, ! “ understood rightly the governmrnt : of Congress, passed lo assist masters in the , (ion to the removal of its coosequences by ImII in the p;iitn of hi* IibikI, pcjunng a» ’ a gentleman, will you fuvor me with infor- • h powder from hia liorn as will cover it. i Anrctlyite. V wealthy ship owner of the where your best school of i>oliteuc8s ni» quanl.lv i, auppo^d to be .ufhcient ; 1’!*^!.^!^.! V'^T.iT •** For your l>encfit,*’replied the .\meri- would recoinmcnd Contemplation of „ ...o. teachcs humility b*> 1*0 pooil as to Kitlle with me Ihe jiroudcst, and human nothingness to ini, quanl.tv i, auppo^d to be .ufhcient |-n.uasion was .KK-e busily employ- f., P>ran> diM.'nre within a humlred vartls. |h'*‘•ountinc ro-m, «hen a sailor,; lK>ncfit," replied A«i.otwhi.hc,KiM>s very ch»o lo tlii ho had lor some lime sailed m his empoy, ^3,,, ^^ilmg calmly, “I woul. ' MMlerrd that of an indiribn-Dt marka- ei.tered and appr«ehing the desk, made a of .Niagara, a o«it 'in; the lieodmg ol'the nail li, of course, ‘ • •> « *•*"** ,|,„t stuiHndous wonder leac ■nrK.ol. ,1 1.^..,.-. 1... 1 I .L.... U-. h*> SO pooil as to wtlle with me ' I lu' .1 . i„„„,i 1., firntwlujt iKiitT ; but nothing ieaa than hit- ‘1(11 right on the head is saliafaclory. nHTchant t.irn-d lo the inlruiler, and re- vainest. It rebukes the trifler, and a- iidsuiiic the ufuisual m.mner of address ,i,pjr „jols ; and when we acknow- when Ihou sjK'ake'-t tome. Il thou wort addressing one ol ihy companions, thou . irue cbristiun is wouldst not use Ihe plain language to him. I i.,„ -i "iII.kiiKl nader,one out of tlic Ihree sliots i 1’*'*'^’* * John that thou wouldsl^jiot gfupiJ ; in short it turns fT»er»lly hils the nnil; and, shouki the * •* - ' ‘ ‘> It» atiMMiut lo half a dozen, two nails *fB frt qupiiily needed liefor^ each can have ^•Im'1. 'I hoae who dnvc the nail have a ■'irtltcr trial amofigat thcmseUes, and Ihe ••0 best thols out of these generulK settle altir, wh'n alt the sportsmen ailjourii •'> *niii« liouse, and S(«nd an hour or two m merKlly iiitercourae ; appoiiituig, U^fore they P*'l, a day for an>lh>r Inal. 'I’hiii is tecli- ■“••llv term-,l Ihirnng tkr SniL i ledue that Jol only is i..ord, we feel that thou ' ^ . . ! always j»olite. I wish thee, ui addrensing ii*e, to use thy ^ Tticre was murmur among the audience. coinnnm sijle of •p«Mking, and not think whether applause or censure the Aineri to flatter or wh*edlo m' by assuming the could not delerniine, us he did not friendly dialect. I se the same Inngimge lo , a„x,ety for the result mo that IhcHi wouldst us- when sjH ukingto | ^ ^rulinv of the laced which he knew one of lh> ass,K-iates. “ 'I’hal I can do, j answerel the tar, as he l.*«>k a fresh piido . second now proposed his question. IS a dehghlfol sport, :^ , lie atfected to l>e a great politician, wos •"H SI my oftinioi) n'quiresn gr«>aler degri>e I boy, shell out your change in less than two „mstac|„oe,) and whiskered like a diploma- accuracy tluin any olher. I fimt wil. •.tieii ihia manner of pnirunng squirn'U *bil«i ii^ar tiip town of I'rankforl. The ^Iflrirmr w;s the cekhmted Hamel Boon, ^walked out lo|;eiher, and followe*! the marsins of the Kentucky river, until shukes of a lobster’s liver. Hunker Hill Aurora. list, which station he had l)cen coveting. His voice was bland, but las emphasis was ^ ytrv significant “ Why in such a hurry V' said a man to » Should I visit llie I’nited State*, what an acquaintance. “ Sir," said tlie man, “ I subject with w hich I om conversant would have bought a iww lionuet for my wito, and your people and give me an 'i'he charge of Justice Baldwin is de-J interesting speeches in the Senate chamber, scrilied as eloquent and conclusive, and we i w herein was concentrated the talent, beau- hope will leach the insane .\bolitionists of 1 ty and fashion, then in Washington, and the .North the risk they incur by intertei- j while all hung on his words (though with ing l>etween ma.-!ter and slave. He express- diametrically opposite sentiments,) and ly informs the Jury, that a master has the ! watched with intense interest, his impas- righl of arresting his slave without a war- I sioned manner, and the inwanl working of rant and carrying him before any compe- j a mighty soul, strongly depicted in his tenf tribunal in order to prove his property ; j physiognomy, a sudden dizziness seized that he is not required to answer the ques- | him and he w'as compelled to crave Ihe in lions of any one, except those of the legal | dulgence of the Senate.—An adjournment .Magistrate, and that parole evidence is suf- consequently took place, ticient to show the validity of his claims in | On the sub.sequent day nearly the same the obsence of a bill of sale. The Jury ] audience assembled lo listen to the conclu- gave a verdict for plaintiff, and awarded j sion of the speech. Before he rose to com- damages at S4000.—Pet. Int. Parrotf.~—A strong proof of intellect was given in the case of Colonel O’Kelly’s parrot. W hen the Colonel and his parrot were at Brighton, the bird was asked to sing: be answered ‘ I can’t.’ Another time he left off in the middle of Ihe tune, and said ‘ I have forgot.’ Colonel O Kelly continued the tune for a few notes; Ihe parrot took it up where the Colonel had lett of]’, 'fhe parrot lot>k up the bottom of a mence, a Senator wrote the following im promptu, w hich passed from hand to hand, and from which a copy w as taken : “What man can well perform his duty. In face of BUcli a blaze of beauty ? No woiiifor then w hen thus Burrounded, The spcaJicr should have been coi.founded, 1 fear »ith such another show He’ll have auotlicr vertigo," Baltimore Pat. From Oulmtta.—'Fhe Calcutta Gazette of January 7th, rpceived in Boston per the r.ti,l,cd a iMccr t.f flat Innd’thickly cov-, fc"r thul the fashion may change belbre 1 „p,»ortunily of enjoy ing their conversation?” ^ Killi hlnek walnuts, oaks and hickories. ’ ’ ... ■ »ht p. neral niasi wni a gcKxl one that "quirrrls were •••.•n gamboling on get home You must maintain, as you do at present, that u monarchy la the wisest, the purest, 4 Printer.— Mr. I'llis I-ewis, the pres- the best govermneni which the skill of man »»»ry tre«) around us. My "cmnjmnvon, a eiil Alloriiry tJeneral of Prnii#ylvania, was pver devised, and that a democracy is ul- **"ut, hale, atb|,.(j(> man, dressed in a home- ■ formerly a jirtirnevnuiii prmler, and has at- |(>rly Itarbaroiis. My countrymen aro pro- •PMI hunting ahirl, »«re-leggel, and m«»c- lamed his prr-wMil'elevation bv diligent im- yprbially fond of argument, and will meet earned a l»Hig and heavy rille, ' proveii.ent of his leisure in tiie cultivation y„u on both llie.st* queslione, and if you **''"■1', as he was londmg il, he said had ' of his mind. Il is observed of him that clioosc, argue with you to tho end of your T'f"»ed eHineiii g|| fiirmer und«Ttnk- | • he r»*' early, ‘-’at up late, read law, laid ■ hfc.” hr hoperl fvmM not tin I ' down fho ntick, niul to»k i The murmur wn^ renewed, but still with- ^'^nreasion, ns he telt proud lo show me BImkHione.’ ilo is now ut the head of his |o„t any decided expression of the feeling ‘••Kill. The gun WM wiped, the jH>wdcr profession. ' wuh which hi* answer had been rreeivcd lady’s petticoat, and said, ‘ What a pretty ! i.'enelon, says. “ e deeply regret to an- foot!’ 'I'he parrot seeing the family al 1 nounce another of those calamities which breakl'ast said: ‘ NVon’t you give some j,ag already spn'ad dismay and distress breakfast to Polll’ The coin(>any teased throtighout India. Messrs. Sl’lntosh& Co. and m«Kked him a good deal; he said ‘ 1 ; of Calcutta, slop{>ed payment on the 6th don’t like it.’—From a Mt-mornndum found January, in consequence of the failure ot amongst the late Karl of Guilford'sita}Hra. Messrs. Alexander A: Co.” It was report 1 ed that this last failure was for the large The Socretarv’of the Treasury'acknowl-j amount of three or four million poum;.~ cd^ca the receipt, by mail, of an annoy mous , sterling. commumcnlion, t>earing the St. Louis Post-1 , „“T , tuark enclosing SnO, which is stated to be I miod States Bank fetock, to tho amour, •• iusllv due from the writer to the'I'reasuryinf l.'-)0,000 dollars, was sold at the iNc» i>f the'United ^.ates.” Vork Exchange Board on 'I uesday last, ui Trea.*ur„ Depurtment, Mnv ?, i:t* to lJ«i per cent, above par.