THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS* JOURNAL Ft»« »*« AlUnw Um,lf ‘ The erupiiiii* of the pohttcal volcano having fi»r . white ce.«|d to threaten b*lovod country, and the lava which poured down its molten sea having cooled are it reached ita apparent Itestination, it may not be amiaa to look around us, and while w« have “ ample room and verge enough," to reflect upon what w® have seen, take counsel of our judgment and atrengthen ouraelvesin ouraxpenence against the future ills which threaten ua from tha same caia- inaolt'iioe and profcriplioo, a disregard of the high principles of human action, disaen- siona among those who should be friends, and universal disaffection among thaSlntcs. We confess we have the gloomiest appre- hensiona, ainl we are not alone in them. What is to be done ? What arc the means left us of enlightening the people T It is much easier to go with than against the current. It is the grand secret of success in politics, ! but it is not the cure for our ills. The press must awake from its leflinrgy. Let there be one universal sentiment of con tempt for the lime serving nnd the selfish. Ijet every man be suspected w ho for an and honorable motives must govern once Htore. Let the war of (yjniuon commence it must triumph if it has fuir play, and mitourcaiises. If our seven year* struggle with England was onK- to give us the liberty of destroy ing ourselvea, in onr own way—if the foun- \ oflices changes his opinions, or becomes the dation of a n«w empire in tlie West was; tool of some still more false above. High only laid to enable us to throw it down a- gain at our pleasure, we may indeed regret the blood and treasure expended by our gal- lant forefathers for their thankless descen-1 then our country will be once nwrn the mo- dants. Bettor, far better to have remained del of good govoriuneiit and jHire priuci- coloniea to this very day, than to have gath- ■ pies, cred strength only for anarchy and civil dissensions. Is there no pntriot:sm lcf\tj Electioneering Anccdcyte.—During the Are there no really good and great men ini ,.jnvnss for the last rnrlianu-nt, in which the land w’ho have the dis|)ositiw, or hav-1 Lambton sat before he was made Lord ing the disposition, possess the influence to DurJiam, we recollect lieing amusetl and in correct the prevailing errors of the day ;| jeresfed by a story which exhibits the spi and who like true philosophers will ret^ouch j ^jj ^ hich must be extinguished by the bal From tk* AurmrU («*»■) Herald. A frw ine iriBi IM tIip mint* of toiuc notoriety wure d«covereo the deepest interest and attention. The | 1830.- ' ■ - -- ~ The mine, included in that county ar. few, and verdict of the jury is looked for with great anxiety, but it is probable that it cannot reach this city before the close of the pres- Ihc prcciout metal principally confined to branch*. the gold i» (ound in Ur^e ■ value at the up country marketa, irom i*nt week. Immediately afler, we shall ^ ^ tim* submit a detailed report of the whole 'fo'j ^,„e„erc a great many valuable d»»ooveriMniad* to our readers. Our advices from New-1 ji.j^^ahani county, in branch, hill, aurface and iK)rt are up to Thursilay morning. The , vein dcpoaiie., which i»on ioU.,Jn. of coi™, i i writes under that date.— | ot mminir ha» btcn more improved on in that j “The testimony for the prosecution clos- i in the Suie. The api*. i ed yestenlav afternoon at five o’clock, and = ,rnt ine*hau»tibiUtv of Uio trraiurc, which la wall Mr. Randolph commenced his opening for i calculated to »tinmlate the iiioat letharj|w ,*ir. ivuiiu', , I u». ha*c«u»» dihc propnetoraofthe mineain Uiat (he prisoner, which lie will m venture iutfici.m capital, to conduct morning at nine. The arrangements ol buoim aii in a manner, nol only profitable to the government evidence, has been a mas- j counirv, but reflocU upon them tor piece i.f professional skill, and presents,! much of the crcdit which ia to ju^ly , Jof c|,.. cumstanlial proof, however tniniite in its , Georgia. Ita link, ever submitted to a jury. The tem- quoted at alioui the aam* aa thatof Rabuu pet and perfcct fairness of the Attorney county, and Uie I^>ud»villtf and the McLaughlin General and his associates have been not j mine*, are not excelled in richne** by any in tbe Mr. Randolph, and the Hon. Jeremiah opcraK d on very e*ten»ively. (ti^s of TravtUert^K caaTofmiJ, cat to ell ihoee who have oceaaioa to (rtt^ (and few there are ui this country who hiv^ not,) waa decided at Harrisburg, pa. onih, 17th Inst. It waa an action brought for recovery of damagea by John Boltoa i. gainst Colder &i Wilson stage proprielon. The facta appear to have been theae. The sUge from Reading to Harrisburg belonging to Colder W’ilson, on itiwty to the latter place atopped at Kuhn’s Tm. em on the 4th of February, 1832, the ok. ject of which was to give the horses dnok. While standing there, John Bolton peaej in the same direction, in a dearborn wigog. The atage overtook the wagon about half | mile from the place. Bolton took (he Mi ^ the road, and approached the bank u oru os was safe for him. The stage proceedtj on its usual speed, and without tumiag to (he right or left—caught the hind »be«l of lot, and which cannot be so witluHjt loss to the national charactcr. The polished and the needle, and correct the chart of our policy ? Are there no men pure 'enough to act without the motives of place and power, who will disdain intrigue, corruption and secret management, and guide us once more answ er he could extort from the artisan w as, in the path of national safety ? Are there not among the people, a ptJ ^ ^ ^ ^ and spotless band, who do not live on oflke castle. I have nol one word and for office, who are without aecret in-1 ^alk down stairs.”— centives, or mercenary views, and will join i disconcertcd aspirant mndo his way, hand in hand to restore the country to a| niurinuring, to the foot of the stairs, follow- healthfiil tone? | ed by the true-hearted FInglishmnn. “And Are the American people sold to a few , how do you like this treat- demagogues, ready to go to death to please | Lambton ?—how do ywi like tins the whims or gratify the lust of selfish of- great acumen on ooiii siupb, «iki, ; J—^ Booth and St. John and the lot i ”■" but for its insufTerabla length, this trial ■ ^^gYj^^ood. owned by (’ol. Calhoun not the pnsM>ngers, at some distanct pn. bids fair to become one of the most inter- ^re both now auabed to tliiacounty; | on the driver to stop, when tW I !- I...I.Ilia.. .1. _ T#rw ^ the national charactcr. * he pclistted anU ^ Xhere is no probability the o|K-ratioo* upon thow lou have been very •»-; i-,.i, him Kv naki aristocratical young candidate had niade ^ .cn.ire and profiuble there are aeveral oth.^n , went bock and relieved him, by ngbtaj that neighborhood that are doing well. ho®e wagon, placing !k>lton in It, andooe rold lia* alj« been found in (Jwiunett county, bul 1 .... r» ■ , , , . .. . of its terminating his way to the dwening, a quatnnf^ ot a Mason’s closing argument upon shoemaker, to solicit h.s vote. 1 he only evidence is waited f..r by the friends of I •>r-v*v« tnA firttc'kn u.'nc i * . we**bi^"cTe toThu.Tu'd“ t'»teni,“"only ha* ' them driving it to town. Bolton lay ton , aivswer ne couiuextort irom me arnsju was, | interest, and many per- 1k^„ di.«overrd that will pay «*ec*. ; doctor’s hands—eodurri urp ‘ ‘ T sow* are coming from a distance to hear it j In ('arroll county, tUre '"•"7 ur*- sir—no parley—go,sir! An Lnglishnian s , . . attended the trial. He U a '"•'»« •*»•“ ; great suftrtng—la >et a cnpple, andinil fine looking man, about sixty years of age, 1 of*the | pro^bility will remain so all hie days. treatoKnt ?” “ Not at all,’’ replied be;, ‘"n ‘ r • ‘ b.t of a humorist, I j magnifkcnt.” don t think your vote so hopeless as you ' ’ of the remarkable height of 6 feet 7 inches, except in Mibrr.h«m, where the rrgio« m evidently possessing a strong logical mind, much more exten«ive We heli »e that the Car. but his style of arcuing is rather loo meta- roll Gold, although the |«riicle* are very vmall, phyicl .o c..k. a^p.l.r S The Attorney General, however, has shown „‘i„ ,^uare. .t.rh ha* been the re- himself fully his equal in every thing but ' w,rd to tbe honr*l laborer, that many who were I’pon these facts a verdict was reodetoi in favor of the plaiotifTfor 91200 dauu^q and coeu. From this decision an appeal has bm taken to tlie Supreme Court ; but if a « . J , , 1 . J " e think Avery will be acquitted, but want roc to do. I always understood you | «ho read the trial, 1 so 1 am, said the i liickneirs Reporter. [»ior and indigent, in three year* time have placed I ihemvrlre* in e»*y and dcdrahle circum«tance*. i confirmed (as we hope it may) It eslabl| llie tiold i* found in Carroll in the branch, hill j not gencrallv known, but wha nn«l v in cUnr«*it«. ami mu boftsl of Xhm ricocftt i ^ •urure y» t Ji»covered in the Slate, frr>m the picn * it IS important the [iut>llC atlOUid kHM. tiful branch mininj ground, and ll»e richness of; these the •urtac4'. 1 ^ " TU vein* have not yet b«*n fairly tetted. Ma- ! That a stage has DO right upon a ptA fice seekers? Is there no balm in Gilead, and no physician there ? Alas, w*» f**ar the troubles and perplexi ties that have beset the nation, are to be i “\vhig7’ “And«,.am, , ,, ,, , „ followed by others of even a more alarming i shoemaker, “and you are welcome to my character. I he Soulh, far from being pa- j vour gamekeeper turned me out cifk-d, continues if possiWo in a state of ex- j ^ holiday I look to ray- citement. South Carolina keeps up her' ' - military array, and her sister states seem listening to her martial notes with uudis- ■ guised satisfaction. I sen. jzMinuur-'u t? tcAiu ./i/ur nui. I r 1 Mr. Calhoun declares the contest bvt, j'"R niovrment t waters, rock*, and And ii id great abuudanc« in the dirt fcrgt/n,” and the madness of the many seems j •./ ^could take a ntvKpnper IF I cowW J?®''® "7*^ suddroly swept the ,h,own oot of ti» ve.n. n*e Major ha* bi»n following the strife of the few. In the! u.-_This is the excuse •‘"Ration, as to preclude ihc d«„g .o wel ^ ty, the result of which IS looked on with ap-1 paper. Nonst-nse! There is a mechanic! ’ • , i i .j I extent, further tlian a b«r* eipeno»«nt. prehension by all reflecting minds, and in; ip tbis viilagn, who has no other way of,, ttie mi 1 yojj j„ ih« Cherokee Coontry. In 1p30 many l a ^ the w^t the conunercial and mercantile suppoMinc hWlfand a large family, than Imade in .hi* country,and from ; which may happen to overtake il. Sot|« character of Us cities and indvidual traders,' u,s hands, who t-kes periodical 1 bridge, when it fell, and with the aecu t^ I a swifter carriage, if ,( ,u way ck«. reels uode, the ferocious attacks of men in papers. The subscription price and pos- ^ "Th-n r". *. ’a" .« uJ’^h^r.^u^ wa^ may pass a slower one. oo either ^ ri office determined to exterminate, if in their > tage of which amounts to mnttten dollars i ^'s«ance of more than an hundred r.nis. A ,>«t. vatinu* part* of the I’nton, ! , , |.ni«ii«n nnr - power, tbe be^t friend the western slates i and Jfuen cent,.' We hope some of our immc.ii-lely despatch^, ai^ it is ^ eiien*.ve «cre th. .r oferaiw,... that the , “ rrspomiNe lor damsge^-oor ■ F..rrpr.-~Wetearnlhaton >lon- ■"N^;^‘‘v,‘“*j::\lc\r”n*« 'i -P«nor to any olher vehicle. TW Sarrov carriagn is bound to give any part road for another to pass it at a swif^r —that IS, that a wagon, or cart,or dearboi, or gig, or sulkey, is not bound by lavs turu asile to let a swifter vehicis ps« ever had. | weahhy neighbors will kee'p their counte- add, Mr. W. and The whole cou.itry is about to be con-! „ance. Besides reading all llM^se papers from their perilous vulsed and its credit endangered to favor' weekly-and otw more which a ^'en.! ! the designs of a few political si^cuiators,; g.ves him—he finds time to read as much ; injury.—Aec«ri/fe Argu». and even the press, forgetting rr.eosurcs,, ,n„re in scientific and other usi ful books. I ^ _ l ii . .i. distinguishes itaelf chiefly by its at^eci, Uadoea a good d^y'a wotk each d.iy ; and ■ _ February, His llr^ines* the senility to men! j «e venture to say, laUrs as many hcnirs m ; congregation ^ the f ar- Proscription of the bitterest kind is prac- (|,e course of a week, as any of those who ! • ropaganda, held in the Vatican tised by the dominant party. Differences | cannot “ fnd time to read a tingle paper." t [’“'ace at Rome, no.nmated the Rev. Joii> ^ ^ ^ of opinion, become crimcs. Virtue, valor, i He does not sit down after doiiig day’s ;b«-twe«i the Knrr* « hatuhoochee ‘ . fremarka tl»« W e*»em 8hie age, all yield their necks to the official axe, work and t(*st shins afHl suck his fin-ers. ! ^ ^ ;[>-'nnati; sikI having erected a ih« 1«H« legiilaliire bad to pax a law Mganiiiag a con- | i| by nght, force the one before it to *tao( guard for the protect ton of lite public prop erly from private de«fnirli-4i. ilie l^lh, 13th, Mth. I^h di*l in the l^t are. • re alt incJudrd in Lumpkia Co., aud valuable fcr the ducovetira already n:*de,lh« mining oper- aliunt h» re ar« now nlrn«i»r and inerT»«mc daily, Ihr gold I* prvtty mueh a* that of llabemnam in ■ ,. lc •lie, (juanlily ami valor, the local dcpoait* are a- | would I* if lie were driving it himsflf. boat tJie *ame, the golltn vrii.i thru tgh thi* enan ! .i try *eem to pa** alnioal m a direct liw from t>>i. | ,V|,/ft/ffa/lo«.—In some parti of out. And a driver is identified in law, the owner, and the proprietor of a ft., IS as much responsible for the acts of : dnver, connected with tlie stage, as directed for partizan objects with the skill cf tbe executioner. In our own slate 110,- OUO citizens are not allowed the least voice in their own affairs. Their rights, their lieljast (Me.) K»publican Journal. A Sailor Anccdote.— During the per formance of the “ Floating Beacon,” on new Sec at f>etroit, in .Michigan, nominated the Rev lylh coonly. Cherokee county ir>clud* the cile- : Indies have formed themselvM property arc consta.illy the subject of Icgis-' Wednesday evening, at the Warren Thca- Ution. Even the franchises surrendered by ] tre, Mr. Frimbley, as Jack Junk, danced a the whole people are given back with party 1 sailor’s* hornpipe. Upon tlie conclusion of feelings, to a few party men for party pur-; the dance, an honest tai in the pit, unable poses V Frederick Rtsr. **I> I) ita fj„, '"•"T •’**»«« whith «nake« • coi,-'«'ntiie« of iirrinnWr*, with aunifnna* B,»hop. •; ='r,l:s:: igan and the Nnrthw^l lerntor). 1 he ! for Uteir riihm-** and value Sow- valnaMi dia- i, , ^ rt.— diocofss (if Cincinnati is now confuied to the covene* ha* heen made m Caa* for the ta*t few ' induced to march against lliem. Stale of Ohio. Nat. Initl. week*; iJie pnnti(>al new diacoveriea there, haa ' —'f tl*e«e Indies are really out of the fO « j **een i" tf.« richne** of the *urfac.'. : ot' uiMoii, might they not be msd* to *un* rfl/>fain Au/i«n.--We are inforn»e|, MVS discretion to the arms of an , , * * . I iffollt ctjftUin« m«ny vtmabie Ihr ' * ^ . h^Lir f Valyi^tift The very business and the civil to restrain his admiration of the nerform- ■ Germantown Telegraph, that, whilst a , “»«»» of which ■ m the third di.inrt of the o«nr»or •okjicm i« ^ — • I iK«n4 • Ik. »aai-’u,. liinr- ; encMigh CAfi be fumiKned innn IW f* «acoun ! fully equipped artd capable of endurtn|il the par. the fatigues of a Southern campaign to fhtnjpi* baso purpo^s of perpetuating party disci- i joHy boo of Neptune agam aichorcd”in tlie ' «P®« ■ or Jio.tEr, filled it is .oaiil. with !tb.t'dc.cnhrd m Carrr>ll TIm) mining*'ope’: f^*’>fn'lar lAitr Vate.— Kn aclwn « pline, and a[>plying the income and the pit, ISotton Putt iSpanish dollars' But from ,i,,-onfirrncil i ^ ^ ^ ^ / revetlue. of the people to the support of a i ^ iioston I ust. Spn.sti dollare. But from he confirmed , „ per«>nal know .M-the value of ^e of\roek vs. John «. /V/rrs, al.lermsn, to few pampered faJlites, or the oggrandizo-1 Ao, part.rular.-An aged ' ^pinister’ | he fortunate fender, we u.Kler-■ . -erv^ea -IW-«^J^have l^n ren.le,^J; mciit of political adventurers, who have art growing weary, amongst the other “ ills ' tootenls of - j ^ appears that Alderman iVtem, in alli»« enough to make thejaselvea l-n , . . ., - ladium of their worshippers. We read of Ihe corrupt ages of Greece and Rome. Our school bo^s have long more benrft wouhl give * r ‘ , *-» TvvuiTy iliu uiiiur 1119 , ' ! lit i _i ^ j enough to make thejaselvea appear the Pal-, that flesh is heir to,” of a life of “ single I ‘*‘® P®‘ «>■ o*' ‘ho amount of money— • AraARiA, (Geo.) May \\.—G,Jden againvt ladium of their worshippers. I blessedness,” betook herself to the silent re- though it is certam that it contained silver I A t.iece of cold f.nir-l on off^e, ol«iew.d, while in a B*rb»M told us of the sy cophancy and servility of f..r her what forty years of smiling, simwr-;1»‘•«’tt"n, owned by Simuel Gallaher and , "nv one to write against hiS- baM! Athenians and degraded Romans, but ’ ing and rogueing had failed to entrap, viz: j Co|, Colib, which weiglied i dwls. ami 4 ‘***. '!l vve may keep our indignation and pity for ' a/»us*on/f / She had no sooner got through | „ , „rs. It was exhibited to wir Kv "ho aet to work, n* ourselves. N'jver has there been seen a : with her devotions than an Owl (of the ’ , Tcmperanre Reform.—\n the town ^ y , wrote several scandahms pieces prsvino*^ more I«v? truckling to power, a more ab- larger .sfjecies, says our informant,) ho^^ted, I ’ aljout Iwo thousand inhabitants,; J*’''" Rose, Km]. It was 2 inchcs in , I ho election of alderman, anl finally bro^ ourselves. N'jver has there been seen ject servility or a more degrading despotism from the top oi' a tiee over the head ol i w hich is one of the most Ihrivm^ length, with a rough surface, resembling, days’ writing, than in the dominant party of this state and the “ hapless maiden,” “ W ho—ho—hoc.!” ‘towns in Berkshire county, ,n appearance the modern carved lewolrv ,»•"’I’lan'dfsufficiently proved "^ I To which she replied, with eyes fervently‘ II mM work and labor done,” the jury cooM W ■ / . K., . ..._1„ .i....;..;— I . Mitraia. |„o contract, and perhaps were not ihat iho law requires a man to pay anothtf n ^4. ! for aUiaing him ; they, therefore, ‘ 5urf/frn/)fafA,._On Sunday aftertKxKi, , ^^rdict for l)efcndant-lo the fretl «!«»• r,! » comfitureof theden.nH.r,andnot kss«^ heeled ,«foction of ihs defamed.— H i/. Pf***' There is no exaggeration in this what-j fixed on the earth, and euppoaing that He j " single physician, who has taken a Ii ever. I'rofn the poor tide-waiter who j whom she implored had come “ to the res-' ‘11!""*'*'^ watches the ebb and flood uf his ward in fluence, to the Vice President himself, who has set ail his sails for the President’s snug liarbir, r^ne tiniversiil feeling of crawliny w.TMiiiy pervades purty. Even cw” any body good iMrd f" 1““' purposes only. The tavern keefjersi I are licen*K'd to sell only wine and fennented | Death by Ltglurung.-~.k most distress-' IC"- drunkards that remam v?iiy rSik^of'S i"th "rJl co^L^^ ! Pm'll!? Icamtaf’to a Mr! v:; B^io^rmks !fis I by .L .hey re-; baggage, set down h.s bar- feel theiiiselves to be great, or wish to U;! / V Tk a V r.T r ,1.- ..I, . I lather and mother and the rest of the fami- pLila,.trophy’ And yea su'cIm; the 'tal ofi I*''*’ “ The a;,,,L.ior lhoday,arMl of cMir own I a countr% ' The more m^ked the catterpil- lidelligencir. ' proper places,” in the different counties. catterpil l;ir, Ihe more sploudid becomes the butter fly of party. ' n i I i All tfK^^elemenUofcorruption then are '; isa yo magistrates el work; false aiuhitir>n, selfish designs, ig- ”g skilfully on a piano, like a pickpocket^ havs decided that there is uoraiice vf tbe tv'M luterests el our tvuntry, 1 —iiecaiwe »hc u light fingered. Itnot.—T>ir following *lalMlic*l aeeooiiU ^ :-F.iigland and of which r*!** w..rth r7.4(W.«« . XtW.000.000. !«'• - . „ -! •- , » per annum U> seamnn on board Ihe brig Nurlh-Americn, j nou* manufacturrr*. named James Wallace, ifi.i up and drewed | Wo copy the foregoing, for the purpo^ ^ himself with his u-ual alacrity, and while i of «.king why the per.Je of Virgmi* »«. A correct Decinon.—A law of Virginia ; '*•« ”>«t of the crew were on deck, he pro-1 not turn their attention to the rainnd * allows the retailing of spiritous liquors at i ••'“‘‘•om, sat down and died W'oolT W« have heard persons eonver* the benifil of the reform. [Springfield Gateiie. immediately. Yesterday, about one o’clock P. M. Jas. Hanning, lately from New-Voik, fell dead his work at Mr. McCauley’s curriers Witbm tbcir jurudicUoB fox •uch » purpo*c. I riiop, ia South Kroet. sant in such matlnri remark, that oo wh^rt- not even in Spain, can finer Sheeprsng** bo fliuud than in our mcunlains. then, do we neglect this source of indi»w'*' i al and ntltoiMl wealth '—hynchbnrg