Wtir SfournM* CIIAKWJTTB: JrWE 15, 1833. ^ authofwed luannounce William j M 11^1*1 "* * to represent till county in the Sewle. We are authorized to announce the Tol- lowing gentlemen ob Oandidatra for a aeat jn the Hou« of Commona of the oe*l Gen- ,raJ Awembly; WM.J ALEXANDER. ANDREW UKIER. UMW W»IJ(;HEKTY, JOJU^ W. KINO. H oaie aulhoriaed lo announce the Hon. W. CoKJioR aa a Candidate for r«- election to the ne*t Congreaa of the S. [cOHlMWICATn).] ttnperancI: meetino. ^ Wedneaday aventng, the Olh in«t. an idjouroed meetiuK of the Charlotte Tern- traoc« Society took place in the nrick 'hurcb in thia town, which waa filled to o- trfli'wiaf. Thr Soriety was called to or- rr by (ho Presi'lent, John Irwin, in the hsir. At (he rrqurst of the President, the nroneof Grace was fervently addr(>M«Mi Ihe Rev. A. J. Leavenaworth, who waa D. ccetW. accordinjj to appointnirnt, in nn ’^.■nentatite and (lersuaiire Address, b\ f Rrr. R. II. Morriaoo ; at the close of THR MINERS* AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. RirirsiowD, May 20.—'rho remains of Mr. JoiiBf KANDOLpn arrivel last night in the SteainliOQt Patrick Henry, and were carried to Mr*. Duval’s B«rding Houae, where (he funeral service of the EpiscoMi Church was read over them this mornine, at ten o’clock, by Ihe Rev. Mr. Lee. Ac- cording to the request of the deceased, ut- tered a few wteka since, thia wa« ail the ceremony, he having intimaled a wiali that no funeral aermon might be preachcd over him. I'he proccasion alarled a few min- ul«!8 after eleven, and was followed by an immcnHe concourse of people, as fur as' the toll-gate ef Mayo’s Bridge. Thirteen min- ute ifUfiB were firwl as (ho procession set off, by a do(achm»int of (lie Artillery, under the command of L>ieut. Hollins, as a token of resi)oct entertained by that Company for the memory of the deceased. Lieut. Ran- doiph, who arrived last nijjht, joined in Ihe procession. Juha and Johnny, whose nsmes have berorne classical, and will go down to poNterity in indissoluble union with dial of Ibcir master, fbriiicd a conspicuous part of the prficcssion. Our sympathies were deeply atf rted by the silent and uiioe- tentatioiis ^rie( »f the former, doun whooe cheeks the tears trickled, as he assisted to place the remains of his master in the hearac. Strange as ihe deceaaed waa known lo lie in his huntor», capricious as was his I tempof, Rtid atnnll as his sym^tathy with ‘ mankind mif;ht Hp|>enr lo be.'be had yet so contrived to entwine Ihe atfe. (kmis of the p*«or AlrKiin arf^in*! him, (hat h*- has prob ably never thouj;htof eiMing without him. between 25 or 30 Indians and 12 or 14 ^ authenticated, is taken white men, similar to the one which took * *"‘® Ithaca Journal: niace there, «n (ho 29th April In.-t. The | Messrs. Mack & Andrus: If you should Indians attacked with sticks, clubs and I think (he circumstance I am about to relate rocks, and the assailed defended themselves i sufficicnily curious to deserve a pince in with their mining t^ls. One white man your paper, it is at your service. On Sat- had his arm broken in two places, and 6 or ' urday afternoon, I was en;;aged with two 7 Indians were dangerously wouinJed. The ! of my sons and a hired man, Reuben Havens, whites retained possesion of the lot, the hold-1 in clearing a small piecc for a summer crop, ing of which gave rise to the controversy, i Havens cut down a dry stump of a tree a- Charletton Courier. bout twenty-five feet high ; as it was falling, P * I perceived a striped anaho, about two feet DrntJ. crossing a stone about fifteen feci ir /o» 11. r 1" the o^.n- from the foot of the tree. The tree lell on st?ambi! “i “> >‘s heing a little this place ooiflat on the lower side%rto the shape of the stone, the snake was cut in three pieces as mo rn ti ' amuel Jfc-flers, w ho was sleep-1 smooth as it could have been done with a denrr, i remained mashed de ib^^rately walked offthe s.de of the boat, under the tree. If ,t had not heen witnes- hHorls were immediately made to rejja.n | sed by four of us, and I had not evidence his l>^y, but w^ithoul .success. Tlie de- of the fact to prove if, I would not dare to ceased was a ros.dc-nt of Sangerfitld, Ouedia : lell what followed. The part of the snake couii ), * t*H \ ork- I which had the hoad on, in ahout two niiniites crawled under the tree to the tail end which ^ St. Loris, (Mo.) May 18. TUt Cholera.— We announce for Ihe in- furmation of our readers out of the city, the disappearance of Cholera from our bor ders. \\ e have not bfen able lo ascertain Ihe e.xifitence of a single case since before our last publication.— Times. had worked itself to about a foot from the stone in apparent agony. The head part immediately took Ihe other part into its mouth, and fairly carried it under the stone, which was flat and about three feet over. All this was so singular, that I had the curiosity to make one of the boys watch the stone until we quit work at night. WEEKLY ALMANAC. irSTE: 1833. 15 Saturday, 16 Hundajr, 17 Mondaj, lu T.., r’' MOON-S phases. 47|fi3r 4 4C|7 iS 4 46,7 14^ For June, 1833.' D. M. M. Fall 2 6 29 room. morn. 18 TurK4ay, 4 46i7 iJ * 6 29 1!) \Vcdncslav4 46i7 14i^'*** 10 T 0 morn. 20 Thur«Jay - U 46,7 5 49 •ft’n. 21 Friday, [4 45,7 24 10 8 morn- D /VETTEVILLE, JUNE 11. Brandy. C^niac a 2; Peach 65 a 60; An- pie 4o a 50; Bacon, 64 » 7J ; Beeswax, 17 a 17J ; Bapin^ 13 a 17 ; Coffee. 12* a 15; Cotton, lOi a 114; Corn, GO a6&; Flazaeed, tl a 0 00 ; I I' » 35; Iron. 4j a 6j ; Lard. 10 a W; MolaB»ei, 32 a 33; OaU. 35 a 37; : wrought, 18 a 301 Rum. Jama, ica, 140 a 175; N. England, 45 a 50; Ricc, 4 a 4} ; luinP. 14 a 18; Salt, Liverpool, 65 a 75; Turk’. I.land, 70 a 7o; Steel, American, 8 a 9; Eng. blirtrred 16al«; Oerman.14 al7; Tallow9ai0; Wheat. 80«85; Whi.key,30a35. ^ COLUMBIA. JUNE .8 R»fon 8 a 10; Bale Rope 10 a 12; Brandy Ap- pie 40 a 50; Peach 0 a 75 ; Butter 18 a 2.5 ; edit ion 10 a 12i ; Cotton Bagging Hemp 18 a 22 ; Tow 16 a 17; CofTce 14 a 17 ; t^rn 62J a 75; Flour Country 5 a 6^ ; Iron Swedei 0 a 5; Country 4 a 5; Lead 9 a 10; Lard 9 a 10; Molasaes 40 a 50 ; Naili 7 a 8; Oats 40 a 50; Rice 2| a 3; Sait in sacks 2J a2J ; in bulk 75; Steel German 16 a 18; Bliater 10 a 12 ; Cast 25 a 30; Sugar loaf 16 a 20; Brown 8 a 12; White Havana, 12 a 14; Tallow , rming, h.rh, Ihe Secr«Ury was railed on to read „f hia age. The i.ameoi Ourr* W ouorr; kign. : W Ourra in th. 71th yrar ''»'nng the past week, but, we «re happy to i ...aknig his esca,H^; we however caught it. rd by l»v I'atlier o» lam d*l>i we com. nirniuratc, t.i Itiv IVcUialton of Indef-rrdriii r, ii «ai>nrt»lrd in our hurKi-ji| annal> with nought •ignir of the tVi lira- | ■K Cuutilulion, for Ihe benefit of lho«e » ho a (lispoaition to join Ihe Society, at the -nrlufion of which twenty-three persons j >»ni illtifti>oi lir. te in their namM to be eurolli>d as mem- i Indrimidmrr, and hIm> af\ rward* on the declino, ami not tar from low water ! mftdf a nri^aHirr a/»n>ral iKx f*. M ..f i. ^ .1 n. ll then Inch motion was unani .‘'ociety, that the cold be requ«*>tt d _ ita tx-it meeling. 1 he Socit-(y then ad- ^ “• "***' --bn, d.uinr th. J . .1 1 - If J I 1 •tO'-kcf! I\.nbiirr.in Cmr>rc- e . ^ i T»- . » ^ iwd to meet on tJie 1st UednesJa^ in tcii, and burnt .\of»alk. !lun».ih.r,«iih.s,*r. ^venJ cott-^f factorio«, «e are tr-M. have ' or lircr.—When Dr Franklin itj. •«" Infoum. b«irkl.d on hif »naj. ark, and plar. d I er'Tltnl m (ieo'-gia, wiihuj a short “ j‘>tirn*ymaii printer in l^ondon, he —the mu.kft in h«t.d», Hu » ho'c ^ub«■';.K■n« ! [>^i'iod. 'Ihe practiciil>i!ity of rond'iriin" i hoarded hunseif, and drank nothing but Br«To-irBAir.r,F.»q. r^.torofthe Wr«. • ,I,MMr»tr'«*noi dir'^^«*"'^in'“lui‘i?**7’.durX^ e.-.fahli-‘iii*^i.is with h!«rks. seems which got him the name of the A- n Carolinian, hat rt l.rcd fron. the man- •■•rrfir r,.f, rcd upr,n r ("’‘''‘‘J ‘ho tx|«riinfijl in ' »''T.run .^quatic, tiom his fellow workmen, .nenl of ,1-t ^rn^. I. w.ll hereafter | o7i^e aca, April ^ AOTICJK. N Tliiiriday, the 25th day of July next, I will seil at the Court-House in Charlotte, for tlic Taxes: On Tryon street. Square 27, No. 195, 198, 345, 3-10. On College street. Square 1. No. 7. Ou Trade street. Square 35, No. 234. 229, 451, 452. On (siime Btreet.) Square 33. No. 468. 46*1. On (same street,) Square 68. No. 466, 467. On Slcthodist street. Lot No. 365. On College street. Square 36, No. 248,240, or ro much thtrt-of ns will pay and satisfy the Tbtcs due. JOHN HLOAS, Former Sheiiff. Jum 12, 1F33. 6wtd» • €'. institute of Hdnration, Annual Meeting of the North Carolina i Ir.stitut* of Education will take plare on Tuesday, the 25th of June, two days previctis to the Coiniiienccment of the University. After which time, will be d«-livered the Annual Adrtr»ss and Lectures on the subjects appointed at the la^t meeting, viz: Annual Addr^s. by Jostm A. Hiix. of WilmiDgton. First Lecture, on Lyceums and Societies Ibr the diiTusion of useful knowledge, by And au.oiety o.^i.een-rpyond | 'vhod.^..k largequa^ 1 ^^o^U.^b; '.w employed in the pr««'cution ol curried up and df.v.n stairs a lorm of North-Carolina. by the Hon. F«edmick Nash, of ia«t. that thi« iwlivulual, whi having; m. ledtome n« foriety, has embarked, in llw : f>ulirt which sailed froo) tiiat [wrt, fur \erjxwl. J. f)i .ixr, (Mb Secrr(ar> of the m*:r), arrived in Waahin);t»n (‘ifv on 3l«t uh. lu take ufion hiiiisclf the ti»:i«'a tbat Department. _ e — 7^1* r.di&k* Jotirffii (4 .May 22 fumioht** comboration of the r»>port t iH« Stalf'Miian M the West is ahout lo npf>car to [ V‘ u^-nj^ mi uiiTOiiimoiiiy quicK com- j ucation generally, will attend and unite in sup- onlv tnie |>ositor.) r‘niiiMis us of William Duane, (wrting a cause of such vital importance to thp therc^Uaeof (.VO, \V«.»,,nj(on-sadm.M»Uati..'i. j(;o opening Ihcir evra lo llin , ••An».T,c,nAq». Adam-, unrfrr the J.*.l . .,iy wt m tl.c pvinploms o( incrraMHl iiMlu^lry among our "hoarriyeil m this country alwut lortj of In.. .\jtii.ii’iiraii.ii, h,. I' it had ' I'*'!!'’*-*’ cit,/rn« of (Jr^orcia. « til I'O noipd vear'i ago, a;id was said at the time to bn well f.v.r ir.io cff. e), na« ».p .Ir,} ui.d. r Mr. J. |. ^ v. iih f.|f*a(jr'- «i i!.c .North. Jud »c (’l.ivion, eoniposc as niiich as any two !lrTv^=r..VrL*ir'“\i‘, "u V' ' "O I «'> Iir.d» r-tand, w cii-j-f d Crf *-n|p!ir.! offi.’e, and also to write ttktiy ajv of lorir, Mr. rcn,.?! to thiv • . . • to n » i.* ■ o.y ,n i?>y».ar,J c...„,nc..c,d b-i.in.a, a in manuliiriurm;: coiion. ‘he editor himselt. It was also Stale. By order of the Execntive Committee. WALTER A. NORWOOD. May 22. Recording Secretary. cKji'l. Ill ihwin at ll« head ri a flouru! hniiw lu Ihr t (.itii traj«-, and wa* I’rt m»i iiI ut lli.- 'Iirt!;jnl's lUr.k, and »ub»rjiKiillj' o!' :h- Ilank nf A'>>iri«.j (III tin. t>r nkii |- out i.f tin- with (jf'it Itritim in lfI2. he c)wcl his m r nn Ulc tonrrrn*. ar.d, undrr tl.: full conviilion !!.»! th* war wa» bt’th jufi and politu-.ptvr tlif wlnde ycii urk Dai. Adr. k' iri*(, Ibis summer, lo Ihe KMtern ‘ t» ^ the AdniiniL'*a!iofi—!.ftcrir J ihrrrm fn m 1^* pK>. ff'irv C7m.—It aff'rds us ifreal | Ictis. to l>amTmrn one of otir rilizi*!)*, wht •■»«'*i»(ly rt■lurn^i from K'*nluckv, lha( d»tiBgui»hel stntesiiian proposes pay- »'UMt lo this section, durinjj Ihe cnau- Kisoicr, ao«i (hat he will be m I’.iil'iio Joir or in Aupii«t. Our ciIizpimi wtll •t tlie arrival of l!ie I’re..id«'nt and his *t» "ti^nnenl at the |.i»t Pre^idnilinl ran- I'ut *•»(•« n-fTMrmlirriii;; poliliral mi^nxw- • 4IVI ]ivikii.«i!«. "Iliey w ill bo(h be look- ay^ ai nutiunal property, and as nich rfc>iiud. ordinary speakers with as much accuracy 0’.i>rn T mrf—Tn the rripn of rfrnrr VIM. .Sir in words at length, as short hand writers li!7hr'. r!, Jii'fgr of Ihe Court of Common ^-tcnography. Of the credi- I’lmm, wro*r a Trruti»e rniiilid the “ItcKk of l>dily ot'theso accoufits, tile American pub- llu,!«ii.;rv," fro:n « hich Uic following is extract-, '*“** ‘'"'K son, . ** illiam, being brought up to writing and I editing, as well as printiiiir, wo now find lilical friends with wiiom he hr.d al»ST* tx'''..re It i* a wives occupalmn to wynrn-c all man- l„.,,i ,i,,. ac.rd, At>er Ihe cloae of Ihe war. Nlr, -.ft »° "a.lK-. and the tinted Slates rrlurmd lo ii»li»r » of I lrhS. id, in E*". 1“'"•k* I'C.Vf. »t v\e corne, (rr.ip) and in I reasury l>cpartment, Without any doubt Conneeticut, nociip»ing hin lilfin the quic t rtil»i. ^ [Jo'" "'"I'- help her hu»liand lu fill the niucit of his fitncss for the oftice. »»'ion ol a tkrm, and tl.e aoriety ol hi» | ha^ nc or duiij rart, dri\e thr |iIoii;;h», to load ) J" f’offl. Adv. Mr waa *om^ etil. d by (».e t. tee of hif f. II««w- O*!'’ I" cilrr-n* to [irr .de rv r the M -e—aa his father ‘market and « l buMi-r, chr st, iiiilk, | ri/i’nnows.—Somo bluik hearted villain or vil- for roanr vrar» h^d !.«.. t.i :,.re—and for ten pvgg. ,, geeee, «'id all iiici^."i»r r|rrii't>s he wa»('huM.:i tjoTcriior of j in this pliiee, a ll'ir tiight* since «'«inr.'.icu*. j Ladirs of eighteen hurulrrd ar.d ll.irty fhree; town Free Prct-a of V\ cdnesday last. f.nd poisoned At IS. rt. e or tl IS jKri'vl I- rrmovrd to thi* j „hat do you Ihii.k of ihu W ai not Ihe Icurncd • ^ W«r» beloi.cuig lo .Y.-ssrs. Stock- Iilr, to t» in ll..- M'II Ii V of hia cliildren, wh.i n.... i ii . i. . i j .i, ton i Stoktn. niai! conir&cto/M. .Vr. Bvltzhoover. >. with h«.arlv ffO'nJ ffM'lin", diM’'»Moir “‘J. •‘'"■K *'* o wn c , o ur cn ® projirietor of the Gl^hr, has «?Ted a reward of f frffilom of tl unfit a #T I I ■ ■ I f • and pin at), hi li.i« h.Ti-b» athetl lii» la»t ) tl.r *cx n ith Ul«rs almoat hercu!can> As old fiity dollars for any intbrniation that may lead to , , ^ n 1 ra I \ o ehararter of Mr. W.'lrott ws« alronglv 'rune parses on, he bring!* his changes—inany of, the detection of iLu inhumaii monsters. .™»m. .,«) ,he cairtesy di«. to tu..lor> ; p i»aieiiteoi Itie iiinw»iti*t.ti ne«p. kindn^N and B „ , he dis[H>9ed of at a victualling cellar unpin ity. W ith stron” orciiial pt.wers, which Ua.timore I uirrr. | ... i tor one dollar, and engaged a dinner from rrjfitrian l.al.- U is ststed on the au- I for two shillings; at which he ate up the TO H£,VT. GOOD two story Dwelling Hnusa on Trade Street, very suitable for plait'd that he could report the lan^uag3 of | a private family. For particulars apply to May3!,H.W. MARY NOWLAN". t43 T'l' N»lir^na! Inti lligerwer of ih^ .11 in*l. V “tilt President of tnf I’l.iled ift.itt s, Mil), will leave this rity, on Ins tour to *.i»i»ard, about Thunxiuy next. Ttm or Avrav.— Vrir/w»rt Mrrniry ^rr, Saturiiay tnorrting, Junr 1.—'I'h.' iiniitMtion of the witiiesars iii Ihis tri.il. on 1 hurwlay aHernrion, after having' 'pied the (’oiirt for 20 ilays, 109 have '1 '•tamined for the prcaecuiion, and 13.’ 't>e pris.ii(er. Artrr the argumvnia of ''"••el and a rhargr from Ihe Jud^, Ihe brought in a verdict of not ffnilfy. ^'marlahlf f’ar/.—The Plauninn (Vir- ’’’v) Sp^iBi„r of the 21th ult. wys; '’j'f'f* a storm, lust wrek, a geutlcnian ’ni' (ilsce «ho w as an oixt of I ha roads a * fii|p*fr„q, town, disliuctly raw a lurgtt ' ^ f*^i the clouds, into the n>ad, a ^ oiMance before him. There was no **'• and Ihe snake was at a ^‘ •eraM^ height when ho firnl noliceil it. ' «naltn wr* Hup|NiHed to lie of the water anl was alive. It was ihnjbdess ^nup in It water spout or whirlwiud. York that tH’WNpaper out of the Ui been decided in New ’''"'"nsn takes oIFkc, or liAs and renils it when Utft at riiT*^’ 'a *** addreas, without or- j ‘'••continuitl, hn Iteconifs res|K>n- I payinpiit of tho siibwription, “ subw-rilier, al- * ‘""y never Lave ordered it. ihi-slirriiig event* of the ri'vnlulionary dsTi rhich Im: was iMirn early devolnped, he had ac- quirri a haliit nf ai If rrlniice, whuli little fiUvd , thorily ui the liutfalu Journal, that la)>l week Lieut. ^ w hole tnikey, and made off, leaving tiie him Tor UmI aort of (»-.|iti. al cooperation whieh John.iun, oi'the lililh reKiiiitnt of tho Riitixh Army, maQ qJ the cellar minus six shillines be — f,™ ,.,h„ ,h.n ,„h, M- ~ ; „jo, co„k,„g, ar.„,.„c,X aimiHl al 0»r rirht alwata, and st ail rvenf*. ac eoidiiig to hit tni>t eu40 u tioiis ; and il any qiiea- lioord hi* jii.Igim nl, non* e.iuld im|>rach hla hon esty and siiiceiiiy. — .Imrru-sn. Boston Pott. A^ircdote.—A few days since, a little rag- retiirn, a :l^taneeo^se\*.nty two miles, in eighteen hour*, which teat w as |>er!brme«l hy him in aeveD- lt n hour*, with apparent rase, inciuding erusFiiig ihe.Niacnra rinr, from Watt rloo to Wlaek Rock. , , i ' l • 'I'lie day »a« \ery hot and sullry, and the roids ; Urchin was SC'Iit by a mechanic to Col vtre n.uch brokiu up by tlie puMoun heavy rain*, i h'Ct a small bill which had but just become —i— I due. Uo began iii the usual way, but be- (>n Sunday evening, two gentlemen both resi-1 coming more and more importunute, at lhat the crop has likewiwe siiMained , «l«'nt in this city, qmrrelled about a lady, whose : length tilo gentleman’s patience being ex ■ . ' i.a.... M-!«.«»« A kwr^ii* . > ■ . . mr ■ I'ht Crrtp. — Wo hear with re gret that tho rv*t ha'« made its sppearaiicr the NN heat fi)-!ls in this vicir.itv, and ,r..m roccn. .,,.1. -.l! h‘»vy rmnft, mj h th« hcodM pnrtiall} ^ and Ihc other acrrpirH it. The party challinprd Iwatfn down by the former, and the blooms wash« d off by ihe latter. We hope howev er Ihe ilainage has not extended far, and that a medium crop may yet be harve«iel. (/’«ler»6ur;f (l a.) Inlriligfnetr, 3I«( ult. Crrpt.—11 is st.nled in one of the Ala bama pap-rs that the worm is cotnmilling frt'al liHVoc w ith the crops in somo parts of lhat State. Wc understand lhat several chose a n cond who was up lo siieli matters; and the UoHjiur, w lio sent Ihe invitation, waa lucky enuU|;h tu li|;ht on a man of tho aanie temper. .Arrangement* wire made for battle a Coutrance ; and Smith’s I*land—opponte to Walnut strei t w harf, on Ihe Delaware, and not half a mile distant from the tish market, was choaen aa tho field of ai lion. Three shota were tired at ten pacea. At the third, the challi nged psrtv fill; and his adver sary ran like Mr. Cluttrrhick before tho ghost of l'ot!y lit^ptnc^mhain. Hih *eeond wished him to stick il out; but he never rested till he got on his .LI I own side of the Oeleware; where he now liea, if I armers lu this cotmty coinpol- | miMnformed.shivering and ahaking, lel to plough up their fields ol rotttm and '■ e«n.ianf fmr of b«-ing arrested, arrained, plant them in corn. (Iwing lo the wet tried and hanged, Ibr Iht murder of a man who •nrinir. and iho scarcity of seed, tho cot- j is alive and kicking. His antagonist had more not b« aa great as was antu i|>ateu. 1 he to turn the atlair into a irAenf crops, a few we ks ago, were very j„ke [1‘htladtlftlna Inqutrer. promising, but tho lato heavy rains have —— inaterinllv iniur.*d them. From all we can i A Cmtrnariiin.—.Mr. Zr^AS PrrKHAM, ascerluin, Ihe Planter’s prosp*>ct is not very | of this Town, on .Monday Inst, the 20th in.st. bright, and if he suffer, all claiacs and coii. j mitered on the One humlrrd and First ditions will feel the shock. IVor of his A/irc/—.Mr. Peckham id a [ n asMnglon (6Vo.) Acir», 30lA tJt. 1 Kovoluliwary pcusioDcr.-'.'/frn/ry. hnusted, he said lo him, “ You need not dun mo so sharply, I am not going to run away at present.” “I don't suppose you are,” .said the lad, scratching his heal— “ but mtj master is, and he wants the mon- —Sa.^h. (iaz. TaARRii:r, In Washington Cily. on the 30th nil. hy the IJev. Mr. Jones, .\Tr. Charles Ramtry, Editor of the Ra leigh Constitutionalist, to .Miss Caroline H. duugh. ter of Col. H. .\shton, of the former place. \ KG KOKS W AXTE l>. I WILL H.re .f or ,■» Negro boys for tho bal ance of the year, or hy the month. Ten or twclva years of age would b^ preferred. THO. A. MERA. J«nrl3, 1K)3. '4Qtf TAKK-\ UP €'al»»teVs MPictionury OF THE HOLY BIBLE, Rttitid, wtth targe adiiilion* by E. Robinson, D. D. K think we may safely proneance this ih« ▼ ” best work of Ihe kind, within the same compasii, in the English Language, and we think the sound Biblical Scholar will more highiv ptizs this volume, than the quarto edition in 5 volumes, w hich at one time sold for #45.—N. Y.Obterrfr. A writer in the ^iritof the Pilgrim’* apeakinj of this book, saya it is “one which to those who are studying the Bible, i( tcill be expensive not to purchate." I’rice $.5—small ediUon $1, for sale at the Char- kitte Book Store by D. GOULU. Jujne 7. tJ3 Sunttaf/ Srhool CeUbration. IT IS now quite lommon in every part of our country, and, we conceive, quite prowr to dc- vote tho FofSTH or Jdlv to appropriate Keligiciia Services. Accordingly arraogementa have been made by the “Charlotte Sunday School I’nion” tor the delivery of an Address before the Sunday Schools of the village and of the neighboring con. gregationa on that occasion this year. And it is sinccnly desired that as many of the Sup«Tint«'n- dants, Teachcrs and Pupils of Sunday School.^ and of the friends of the cause, whether connec ted with the .American Sunday School Union or not, aa can make it accord w ith their convcniencf, will favor us with their presence. The exerrise. will commonre in Ihe Brick Church at 11 o’clock. A. M. and all the youth nrc requested to be present in sulHcieut season to join the procession. .lOHN IRWl.V, 1). PARKS. JAMES H. ORR. Cnmmiltee of ^4rrongcrnnr. Charlotte, Jime 1, 1^33. ______________ Tlir Aiiirricaii Farmer, Edited by (Jidi'oii B. Smith, is issued every Friday, i:> B;illimor(',ati.'>|>erannum,inadvanee. Con- ttnls of the I2th Xunilx r. XV Volume. Editorial; Ladies Hortirullural Magazine anj Floral Ri'giitler; Fruit Trees. C«terpillU’s, Arc.— Extract of a I.«tter from Commodore Porter to J. S. Skinner. Emj. with some .African Beans, and an account of a (.ame Bird found in Turkey—Strewr Salt over your Asparagus Bods—Splendid Oil .Mill for extracting the Oil from Cotton Seed—Md. Hor- ticultural E.xhibition—Foreign Market*—Letti r from Richard K. Meade, Esq. un the Boiiefita like, ly to result from the F.«t«bUshnient of Agricultu ral Schoola—On Reclaiming Swale I^nds—.Ag ricultural Improvement best eft'ccted by Ihe Fs- labliKhnient of .\gricultural Societies anil tht Dis tribution of Agrieultiiral Papers—l>n the Propri ety of Perniaiieiit raslurca—Learhed .\shes tor .Manure—Harrowing in Turnip Se«'d—Practical lliiit* on Vegetable I’hvHiolocy—lliirticulture Re commended—On the use of ^It as a Condiment »Y S.impson Doator and entered j for IV>inettic .\nimals—On making Butt«r—In- on the Eslray Book of .Meek-1 tercstiiig ExfH’riim uta on Food for .Aniiual*— lenburg, a bay HtlRSE, about fnir. 1‘rires Current of Country Produce in the Ntw teen years old and was shtH'd befon York and Halfiinore .Market*—.\dvfrtiseni-'nt>. and marked with the saddle and val- uedat Filty JOB l^KlX'nXG /unt l'\ * t-H I ki’idr, Tiratftf c.rcfutcd at this Ofict.

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