aUJTERy & FARMERS^ JOURI^AI.. F1;BI.IhHEU EVERr >ATi;RnAV llOLTOy....CHARLOl’rE, JttECKLEMBukG c6uWTY, WORTH-rXRo.„i,^-‘ ~ WIM. TKACH row TO rtWkOC TIM ■OWCM or THB EAIITH AND BRING OUT rHOlTrMV . - OF THU itOrWTAINS, METALS WKJC'II WtLL iilVt STB ENQTH VOI^ TO Ot’« IIANM AKD HUWBCT ALL NATl»e TO OUR Vn^AniT. — ■ ^ — J: '••*:*Bt7Rr—DR. joHimoN. e\en Dr. Milehel could have given us ii volume* of theoretical reaaoning. ■r- •• j • j *’** rewIt of experience, and I TOK ;f|iaers’ ik i'armera’ Journal Ii printMi And pablisbed every flatnrdty morning which were once loo poor to produce even mullens and rib grasa, which now cut from one and a half to two tons of clover hay per acre; and this hav all been done by DtlUn and F%Py Vtmu if not paid Tine* J Tkrtt DoU*r» at the and of the year. ADVKRTI8EMENT8 will be intPiled at Fifty cenU per i^utrc (not cxeccdine: 30 linn,) for the fifkl latertion, and 35 centi fur each aurceedin; in«k—M II for three week*, for one iquar*.— A liberiJ di*oount wiil be made to Oioae who idTfrtiaebytbeyrar. CrOnalladvcrtiaemriit* «mn,unir.ted fw poblicatioo the number of a ii^^d' maiIIIi^7Inr‘,f mil rtion* muit be noted on thr mar|rin of the niiinaicnpt, or they will be continued until C>rbid, and char|'rd accordingly. •,* All rotnmunicalioni to the Editor mu«t come free of pMfit, or they may not be attended to. NATtlKDAY, JUNE 1833. the OREGON SEITLEMENT. I From the Raleigh Register. 0'’'"*'‘he weatem T*? -'IkixUcd C'jVv/”—No one will on I H States. It IB bounded question the claim of feAlErcu to this ap. onci I« Ti?** u ^ I ocean, on the | pellation, after being informed, that it has I ' D been visited with a Fire, acarcely territory, oii the south by , less difaatroua in its consequcnces than Mexico. It extends about 400 miles on those with which buying leach.-dasheaut from twenty-one to land his - thirty.two shillings for ffurtefin bushels,! river which is S i ■ ! Columbia Sunday morning last, between tfie houi and carting them from one to ten railes. {,|x niilea wide at its hh i ® ‘**e appalling cry •>* 'lies »ioe at Its mouth. sounded m our >nra. nr>H in nninof.nt^r consequcnces it has been repeatedly irears. On le hours of THE MAKKETn. -P'^^-nens of malloable copper ore, h>hsil, red coal and black paints. Tliere are also beds of clay, porcelain earth, clay marble, a fertilizing substance of incalcul- are various, and may be the subject of a future cuiniiiuniration. Yours, ftc. R. M. W. From the Opnencee Parmer. ON TnANSPLANTI.VO DURING SUMMER. 9m*“I have no doubt but you have ex- ' ' ' your plants _ _ »W VC lU the second story of the building occupied by Capt. I'homaa Cobbt, as a Cuach-makcr’s shop, known perhaps more generally by the name of Como’s old 'I'Hvern. At this I CHAKLE.STON, JUNE IT, I Cotton,!^ Idand, a 3Ji u|>laiid, i>ew, 10] a ^ |||{, Rior, prinr. ti) a 9|; inferior to foid, a i j j rt- ■ |21. JW. •o|HTfii»e, 6 a 00; t'orB. 73 a 75; P^r'f-nced difficulty in g**tlin^ _ ^ lOiii. AJ a Whukey, 33 a 34 i N. K. Kum, to take roj| m lien trunsplanted in dry wcath- \R- AnnU RrAi.4«t .lit . JO - CL. U..... .... I ^ . o -- lime it bad made but little progress, but nble value to farmers. Free stone in large I owing to the combustible nature of the quarries is found: also brown flint, sand bouse, and the materials with which it was stone. Mineral springs fiHjud in various j filled, by the lime the citizens generally parts of the country. 'J’he Indians have ' assembled, the Hamps had acquired such constructed a dam across a rivulet which j an ascendancy as to defy all efforts to ex- IS8UM from one of those springs, where they tmguish them at that point. In almost a 10; l.ard, 9} a IU| Naila, eut, S] a 6 e«>tiu il*. a 1C; Bale Rupr, 6 a 10 cciiU; |( ^“dy, I5U a SOU; lioliaod (md, 100 a hii, Ifun, KuMia and 8wrdc«, ^ a 41 |ier lbs.; |S*!l. Livrrponl, in b«(f» of 4 Huah. ! | a 11; in bulk, |«J • UU; 1. lalaod, 45 a UO, t^;rar, llarana, 10 |i II), t>rown, 7 a b i St. t'roi* and Jam. 7 a Vood, 35 . 36; Apple Br.,.dy, 40 a 42; Bee. er, if you have not, I can assure yo,i I have aiT^n iZ T. “P/U'K*-‘h«y , a‘ ‘hat point. In almost a „*.i:.00; Tallow Carolina, II a 111; '»“»■ I now transplant whenever mv nlanti n™ Vi b J c«'nn'unicated to weather, with an a.suraiiro of their takinu . u ."*“*■ ‘*‘® I ^ Hugkfs, to rescue whose im- r*>ot even Ufifler th».^. f » king Rockv -Mmmtains, about three rods in cir-1 mciise stock the most vigorous exertions Mv rilaii ia aa r II ** " >0* »un. I cumfereiicc, the bed of which is composed i were now made. We are happy to state to have lK>e„ prqnirH the darb^” o'e ^ateM^ik^ .‘h« |‘h-t*. notwithstanding their fatal proximity follow* inir momin/T the h«l^» qu“n‘"«e*- I‘ is im-' to the coach shop, nearly Iwo-thirds of it ,i.„ *..i. A ... pre;;natci with sulphur, and i.s so hot that were secured.—From the lime that the piece of meat the size of three hngers, Bfxik store raui;ht, it becams apparent that completely cookcd in twenty-six mi- Ihe only mo!e by which it was possible to Harannah Bonk BilUI percrni. di-coont; ! in the c»pninj; J The connfrj-is mr..«tly covered with thick east side of Fayetteville street from des- _ — ‘ • • • The Burmatu.—Two interesting rtrtn- a e ; .Mnlaaaes, t uba, 3'J a 34 ; proper diitaiiceN, u ith a dibble or spade, a pie >> Itrkaiia, 3| a 3j;l otTrc. fituicjreen, 13 a 11, according to the nature of the plants which » ns c i I* •“ holes are then filled nute,. North.(Tirr>lm» monry, IJ • 1) p«*r crnt. du. * # » • . • i iiuu^. lhc» holo^’ni^rin in The v,„„„rv is mo^ijy covered with thick east sioe ol r ayelleville gtre«t from des- land II pc-rccou ! mas,s and spars for Iruction, was. by blowing up two small CAMOKV Jl’NE 33 'with thr ilitKU V L the plant is set ship buiWinp, and gcoe rally Ihe fuiest in ; houses, to arrest the progress of the fire at f';7‘"'T»/W«jv.4vAt^/9i ali|,rorn75a bootf..ur inche.Vrorthe'*..uTT(^^^^^ Dnd Clarke, who may the dwelling of Mr. J„An .V,/ar. To this .Several moD, and 'V heal, 85 a 00; Hour, cotinlrv, a 5; Ba- .......... n« depenJsd on jfor their veracity, stalejend, therefore, everj- nerve was strained, 1. s a 10, \Vbuk*y as a 4'j; . [T-"*'* *“h that one of the spccies of pine, is very ^ and the two tenements alluded to, occupied « 45; I'mrh. 40 a 5>. [ writer in the comniMi i>p»«ruti..n ol Hatenni:. rommonlv twentv.» ». r enty.SIX feet in circumference, by Mr. ^oAn G. Marshall and Mr. n'm. NO. 144> attending their being thrown out of buii. new, without the prospect of obtaining new locatwn,, owmg to the «arcity of IS a most serious drawback Ttab.r,, lil. T«i. ud . among which waa a new Carriage juat cmb. of the buUdiDga, cannot be leaa than >4,000. !r*l Mraona loat carriage, aent for rejwir, a- f T w * ?“**’ B‘ll»boro«irh Col. Wm. Hinton, of tliu county. The Rail Road Company alao lost a handsome Cat body. Turner if HughM—Between four and aiz thou- ■and dollars worth of Stock, and a conaiderabla amount damaged, by being thrown from ths win- dowa. Benjamin 8. JTing.—Between two and threv thoiiaand dollara worth of fooda. U'i7/iam« if Haywood.—A quantity of Tin, Glasa, Nail*, ic. atored with Mr. King. Dr. Ruful Haywood.—A iraall shop (x;cupie)| by William Smith, Barber. Barnard Dupvy.--A valuable wooden buildinr, occupied by him as a Jewellery Store, together with acvea or eight hundred dvliara worth of its content*. William The house occupied by J. C. Stedman, aa a Jewellery Store. Col. H'm. —A amall building occupied by John G. Marahall, as a grocery. Jokn G. Marthall.—About f300 worth of Stock. John Stuatl.—A tenement occupied hy Wm. W. Taylor, Merchant Tailor. Hia dwelling houae abo damaged. Several Mercbanta loet more or leaa in remotr. ing their goodi, but none of them any aertoua amount. Not i t one dull&r waa insured! acquaintan e with the gen- ro„, t^al pnnciplc* of philn«ophy and cheimstrv. ■ m and ha\T, moreover, Urn surprised ' how little, coinparntMclj , tin* plants drop, although uiid .r the iullu ucc of a hot »un. Ever>- pnrrWrr is aware of the loss of time in bringing his plants to maturity by Malting furlnol^t weather to »ri them Hit, atxl 4 ihe almost ini|K>a(ability »f getting water to reach thrir roots ubeu Mmply . , . . ^ ... . . (KKJrcd Ihe surf.ico by artifH lal means, -t U ..h manner; h,it |o very little p^ir- , fh„ «„,e plan is equally tlFicar.ous when ■ It «as too wet to produce any other adopted lu planting ahrub* or lr»^. Aat'ARirs. am a farmer of the old school, and have b re land than learning, and more faith in ■iHKny lhanakill in mventioo. I have a I ry piere of meadow, l«>vel aud hand«tm«-, pinch mijht he suppoaed ca|>ahle of pro- t in;; thrr-« Iocm to the acre, and \el is so N . anJ tw, as «e call il, that t hartlly pt UTT I have manured il in the enn (lolatries: roosequenlly there I ■» be little uae in breaking il up, and down anew. 8o I concluded to It4 urx>n iny meadow as I would n(>on a l;w «ilh tvAo teal*, and be contented with YANKFi: I.NGKNI I I V—.4 PuM$Ur. I T 11 the acre.— My eldent boy is what rail a srholar, so I ■••nt him tocollegr, • r>nl year be came home in the and hrard me speak of my tour ‘ ». He )*xamiried it, anl aaked why tjot spread u|m41 it a quantity of lime 'I't'-r, “ and thus hy a rheiniral pro- '•'tp«'| tlie aciditv *• CJn to rolh'ge gers arrived in this city a few days sine*, in company with the Rev. Mr. H ade, Bap. tist Missionary in Burmah. They are tho two natives of Burmah and an adjacent Country, who arrived at Boston a few daya ago, as the public have been informed. On .Monday evening a very interesting meeting was held in the Baptist Church in Oliver street and another in Gold street on Tuet> day evening, at which these strangers wera present, in their national costumes. Mr. Wade communicated much information ia regard to his important mission, and gave a strong picture of the condition of the peo. rate calculation its height may be estimated movement sc-emed directed'^by a common encouragement offered to ths at throe hundred feet. Such a tree would understanding. was a doubtful stru£- of Ameri»n Christians. The cut hoards thirteen fff?t wide and two hund- gle wage«l between the-two elements, fire made short addresses m their red foet long a knot! The spruce and «-a/rr, aud for a season, Hope deified trt-e grow, to a very great height. Lewis the bosom of the most sanguiur Oft did TJt and Clarke n'eawrcd one which had fallen, the threatening volume bend its insatiate nnd l>und it to be three hiiDdred and eigh- flame towards the building, as if seeking twn liict in length. As this country cou- with wanton rapacity for further prey, and tains unexampled forests, wild animals may as oft did the well directed column tif wa- b« well judged to be numerou.% Lewisand ter resist its advance and counteract its ( lnrk«’ eiipf>r>sel th»-y saw ten ihoutiar>d Uif-1 violence. At length, aided by the exertions I fal>e5 wifhin a sfaceof two miles. .'Moose, . of a courageous few who mounted Ihe roof point ' dwelling, a constant supply ol water being b**yonil the reach of an ordinary man.' furnished by a line of coniinunication be- Phis trunk for the dibtance of two hundred tween the Engine and the Pum|>s. 'I'hings feet was destitute ol a liinb. Ala mode- were now admirably managed, and every .K yankre captain, who was inn«tpr and ' d*H-r, beam, wolves, Mild cats, and of the endanjjered building, the firo was |. , T ,, Mveldeirt bov is whnt huill schooner, fiiidin" trade '"any smaller forests animals, are sufficient- arrested and the dwelling savedi rather dull »>n the c.MiHt down ••a«t,chart»-r. pl'^niy. Horses, b^.th wild and tame, i Never did we see such intense anxiety ed her to a company ol merchants, h ho ' ^^''»;ral of the dislricU. They ' manifeMed for the safety of any bmlding, thought themw lve« fwitirularly cute in the fine blool, lofty, active, and elegant. , as there was for this, and its preservation way of iHHine^f, and who cbtnined her on of the Indian tribes possess great i presents one of the most remarkable coin- such low terms, that the captain delrrmincd '"'inlicrs, ami their chief wealth consists in cidencca ever recorded. At the great Fire the firM oppt.rtuniU that ort; red, to pay i'hem. Horned cattle in thousands gmze j in June, 1816, when there were upwards th^'m off in their own com. He s» t sail :*’« ‘l'«* hills. Sheep are I'ouikI in all ihe ,,f 60 houses destroyed, the progress of the ► '1 v-ir wrgrm'” said I - but the l>!^v " "h "w rled cargo of • i»..|,ons’belong- niom.t.ynous parts. Their wool is gene-• flames was arrested at this house, by blow- Ud'.tilll, for the firittimein mv hf.^ mg to Me«.n. A. H. d:. Co. A. owmd .^e- ™ly hhorter and coarser than that on our ,ng up the kitchen. In January, 1832, y ! .-d to try an ex,K-rinicnt AikI I tried I '"*J'’h C. one fifth, and I), one- ' common sheep. B. aver is plenty, and the when 80 buildings we«tj burnt, the'fire was r, th.i wav : K- m>on as Ihe • ri- r ! ■*'‘h—o'id the r..turii cargo «a» to be di- , '*"• article ol trade among the again arrested nt the same house, by blow- *' ‘ \ tdfrd accurtiing tu (lirir uivc^tfTH'iils. Iiulian**. Seals nre also numerous, the aktn *!^rt. I wl B(*rl alnml an acre of lh« •'I f•rthe “th*-iiu. al pr»>Cfsi*." Sprrad- ri Ihitily upf>n It a qiunlity of piaster of I w»iird to mark its result.—The (IrrivMl Irorn the procesn were soon ' I'hvioos not lu be di«civered. The Inoltr.i frrah and Ihriftv, arnl could he di.tininiishr^ from Ihf re-i of Ihe d—\\ hrn ml, It was not only of a b»-l- qti.ilitv, Irtii n’arlv a third nnnt* in In a iiionlli or two the ve.««*l rf'fnrnel and ing up a kitchen on the same spot! And now this building has been again pteserv- teeth of which are valuable, 'i'he from a Micceasful trip to tho U esi Indies, I'^'^.'^hl'ng the squir- ed under similar circumstances,* having havinu on board 60 hogshfadt of niol.iss,.*. 'y’’ ‘"o *ur of uhich is hij>hly valued by ^ besides Ihe above, been in imminent dan- “ How d’ye do?"—txclainu'd th*> captain,. ® nati'cs. Boston TranlUr. I ger from two other fires. Nordowe think merting .K. on the wharf; •• I guf>s as hi>w | i il either improper or indclicate to remark you nant y*^tir third of'the sixfj h(i^»hcad^ ^ [from thr N* w-Bidford Gazette.) ' here, that in every instance, the fortunate i'vr fiiiched ?” j -View d:tvs since, three young men on ' was mainly attributable to the pre- A. answered in the afTirmative, and ac- tho south side of the island of Martha’s of mind, the calmness, the collected- _ cordingly received ticcn/y hogsheads. B. \ ,„cvnrd, were engaged in laboring in a J‘e*» Persevering energy of Mrs. AVi/art thnn the prcvluce of any other acrr c^nfrrMlulated the captain on his success ! d, was once an orchard-two of her^'lf—a lady, whose unilorm co^uct on i!i»-a||i,lo 1,1, I |i,e ~nie receive*! his Jtftrtn being a fourth. C. i i j .l .i . such occasions, forms an admirable con- i'l.eni on the rrmaindi r ^ith the ad-' •*'h'"K h* had entered more largely into pougiing, an e o her picking up trast to that of many of those who boast ' ' stone al n distance. As the plough passed themselves the “ lords of creation.” This over a certain part of the land, the plough-' is the only distinction we can p^-rmit our- pUt Mf>f a hliTRil an.l ''h** speculilion, took his firr/iy, or filth ['‘n.nmifp, r»>sull was the «ame a« ' ‘-•wsiiig his unluckly stars, received rtli itiearre. 'I he U.y nr.lted the nivs- his sixth. hv nn ari.l ami an ulKali, I “• .Mike,” said the captain to his t*' n n.iiglH tii?ether, pnnhiced a ferinen- chufkliiig—• don't say im .thing alxHJt I li"n m which » were ix-utmlized, and 'hem ere thre* hogslK'ads that are left in »!iare started up two or three pieces of silver ^I'es to draw, for none can deem it iovi- due however to many, to say that coin, which were hastily snatched up by .u_ I 11- J .11. 11 ' ; It IS Ihe holder and put in Ins |>ocket. His com they did their duty nobly. Very etficient were ix-utralizid, anil •nr.-t-.imi iru m _ observed him sloon and nick un i A- j jT'' ' " h »ns iHvomhlw lo d«*c«imin.»«itii.ii of 'h** hold.—Kver)-man IS wtiofied—and so ' ^ , , ,k i u . P aid was afforded by strangers, and particu- animal nnd ve-etahl.* sul-llanccs a» •«» *’ something, and when the plough went over larly by those who have taken up a tempo- n. | r« ri«lily reduced by Ihe comrnim I * arithmetical questions have ‘he spot again, seeing him re^ical the move- f.*" of nafijre. Tho rase wni| n Mmph- ^ be:oine h»i much in vogue, we woulil ank our , nient, he dobired to change situations with - I>ut It tiintck me as ralh r singular * readars how it hapi*ened that Ihe captain him. This was done, and he too reaped his I ri'\ hr,y could agriculture m c(«/. I honcbtly retnined three hogsheads in his crop, whoii each lindmg that the other was to hritcr advanlagf than I had on thr possession, after having satished his cm- I ihcreu})on concluded that farming | plojcm»—/^u/Zimort' rwi/cr. pfi'fitahly bo made a tfurlj;, ami that pi''tniMry anti pliil>*>phy are luo of its 'St and inosl cncntial hrancho*. Fartmr'i Journal. ft roin the l.rncrrc Farmer.) LK.Xi IIKU A.StIO FOR /•rt/rr, Aptxl 13, IH.T1. *■ Many years ago I jj ** *'*'* mine on Long ^ '"*n brought u load of wood, * l ri** ** **'* applied for ^ oriaclH-d ashes, (hturlaen bushels,) lf.2' them, aiat |«i.l rny uncle fM.ii "■ * r^tnarked, that I’ho man tx^ver nee his money again, if h« used C'lmjrfrurtion con.ttrurd.— .\n Irishman, roaster of the secret, they proposed a ma iiiruvre to gel rid of the third person so that they could divid* the spoil without his com by profession a burlier, on Betting up his I *ng in for a share. 1 hey therefore declar- estalilifchment put on his sign—“ What d’ye ed it best to leave off work that forenoon. r*>'m as manure. M y uncl« rophed, 1 know think Paddy O’Flapperty shaves fora penny, and gives a drink of beer for nothing.” A man, attracted by the ehnapnem of the charge and apparent liberality of ths Imr- ber, ent«*r«d the shop, anl was quickly relM'Vo*! of his Iteard and refreshed by a draft of Ihe promised beverage. But when, insteud of a |>enny, the barber deoianded double that Miin both for the operation he had performed and the brer, the man ap- |ieal«d to the aigu, and asked if it did not stale Ihe charge lo b*» a penny. No, by my faiih, say* the Irishman, it says I . . ' ■ Kiitivt IIIV ***^ «I li'iniinti* •• “ ** *r »^»'h«rd, but it if certain tkU •* Whnt! d’yo think Padfly O’FUpprrty I u Thia short oba«rvalioii, shave* for a penny and givea a driok ol . contaiiu more of argumeut than ■ b««r for ootbtng ?’* as it was nearly 12 o’clock, which was readily acquiesced in. 'V hat they obtained, no one can exactly slate ; but it is believed that net far from 2 or $.1000, which had rary sojourn among us, and are engaged in the erection of our public and private buildings. As usual also, our colored pop ulation distinguished themsidves by their unremitting eflbrts lo be serviceable. As to the origin of the fire, “darkness and shadows rest upon it.*’ As uill always be the case, there is a diversity of senti ment on the subject. By our noxt, il may be in our power to give a definite opinion. It is proper to add, that a white man has been committed to prison, on suspicion of being the incendiary, but no examination has been yet had. We regret to state that one gentleman been originally buried in a bog (ascertained ' was wounded, though not seriously, by a by pieces of cloth adhering lo some of Ihe ' piece of falling, and that another so com) were excavated. This must be divid- exhausted himself by his exertions, as to ed ilween Ihe two; leaving Ihe man j,, j ^ thrown into strong convulsions—Both, I . e. 1 however, are m a lair way ol recovery, the field with them (who was no less a ,. . . . r .i ' ui We subjoin a statement of the propable loss, and the names of the sutterers. They are all among our most industrious, entvr porsoniige than M. J. A. Jones, well kiiown as Ihe author of Haverhill) to attest the truth of the old adage, “He who by the pluugh would thriva Must either hold himself or drive '• prising and deserving citizens, and can illy bear the loss they have sustained. In ad- ditioD to their actual loss, the incvnveuiencQ such questions as were proposed by specta tors through Mr. W. who acted aa inter* preter. They wear long loose dreses, with a sort of turban on the bead, and short tnous* taches on the upper lip. Their complex* ions are dark ; and, although men of intel* ligence, like many of the Asiatics, the ex* prcssion of ihcir countenances appear to ua to lack animation.—[iV. Y. DaUy Adv. Bank of The United State*.—It appears, from a statement of the Exchange TraoB* actions of the Bank of Ihe United States and its oflices of Discount and Deposile for Ihe year 1832, which we find remarked upon in Nile's Register, that values to tto extraordinary amount of 8241,714,912, were exchanged by this Institution in th« course of last year, at the very low avera^ rate of one-eleventh of one per cent, or nine- ty cents on every thousand dollara of th0 whole sum. Indeed, 8120,000,00 of thia vast amount were exchanged without any charge at all, and the average premium of exchange on the remaining 8120,000,000, was less than one-fifth of one per cent. And for this eleventh of one per cent. th« goodness of the money was rendered cer tain, the safety of the mails insured, and a large amount in postage saved. For il is the practice of the Bank to give drafts payable at on day’s sight, which ara always paid or presentation, when oflered by persons to whom they belong, and which can scarcely be received by any person wrongfully without detection. State Banks, however correctly managed, cannot carry on these exchanges but at a much higher rate of premium, for reasons that wiil appear manilest to every person who is at all acquainted with the nature of exchanges. Would it not then, bA more than unwise—would it not be reckless folly to throw awa}' the great advantages thus derived from the Bank of the United States, by sufll'ring its charter to expire? Nat. Inielligtnctr. W.\sHi>cTON Crrr. June 5. A person has been apprehended in this city as a mendicant and vagrant, sleeping for many nights successively in the Market House, upon whose person was found, on his commitment, money to the amount of two thousand eight hundred and twenty.five dollars, ol' which 2400 dollars are in post notes of Girard’s Bank, of $100 each, dated in September, 1831. I'he nroney was yes terday deposit«Hl by Ihe faithful officers who apprehended him, (Mr. L. S. Beck, Mr. fl. B. Robertson, and Mr. R. R. Burr,) in Ihe Patriotic Bank, to await the result of a fur ther inquiry aa lo his right lo it, which, under the circumstances, is not uortasoo* ably questioned.—httelligi'tctr.

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