THE MINERS' AND FARMERS' JOURNAL, oi^rt vMtf yieW«l- “ »|*eakor in the ] they do not love to dwell on the memory of ‘‘ ** questioned if he him at whose grave the solemn admonition !ilr had Oo every subject, j»ik1 has just been repealed. It wna for this community that he toiled, ami it wus in our service that he fell a sacrifice. Surely at least those amongst us will cherish bis recollection, who have CHpecially experi enced his deeds of beneficcncc. W here is the poor man that t«ld John Stanly u tale of distress, to which he did not lend an ear, and at which he did not open his bund? W here is the widow—where the orphan— I that ever needed help and did not find in T.I1 times when the public good r^iuired hen any of interests of the Stato Il^^'in danger, bo wao ready—always rea- reither with explanation for the candid uirer; of eloquence rconfront a respected adversary ; or with iherin* sarcasm and bold rebuke to awe chastise vulgarity, pertness, ignorance an „|f.conceit. He was emphatically the j W „rror of blockhcads and witlings. Hi* nianagcment of a debute him the prompt counsellor and zealous ad- mbied intuition. On the iu.staDt he sbap- i vocate ? Where tlic oppressed bemg, how- I (doptt'd and pursued tho very coutse . ever low his condition nr whatever the com- which most cfttxtuallyanswerod his purp*se. plexion of his skin, that turned to Aim for One among hundreds which occur loilie memory at this moment, may be giv- «DM illiwtrative of thisextraonlinary quick- When General Lu Fayette mum ex- to visit North-Carolina, rewlutioii!* ««r( mtnxluced of a very liberal character, ClIAllLOTTE: NATIJRUAY, Al'tilST «4, 183a. FMiCTION KETIJKNS. /mif//—JoM'jih P. Caldwell, b. James A. King und William I’oltH, C. (Jeorgo I’hilliiis.S. Jonatlitn Horton and T. H'itchcr, (. Surry—\\’. 1’. Dobiion, S. D. W. (.'ourt» and H. M. V\ augh, C. W’//Af»—lit n. Kritniind Jonu8, 8. B. F. Martin and William Horton, ('. Daridgon—John A. Hugan, S. Henry I.edford and Will. Wiienjiui, C. Stuiei-.M. R. I\I(tori', S. John F, Poindexter and Leonard Zij)ar, C. relief frnin wrong, and wns not cheered and aiio"/K!7.1ny, i ^ Kendall, S. I. Locke upheld by an etlicicnt and zealous protcc-1 Mendenhall, S. David Thomas tor ? 'I'hese at least—and certainly there i and Alien PeepleH, C. are many, many others—hot these at least I . Kerr, S. John E. Brown and Will joiri with him who takes a nielancholy | "’Xl-lni’/i-.’nl'h.rt Marlin. S. PluUp Inon - , satislnction in “ doing these lair rites ol | and Benjamin iuthoriwng tho Govenior, without n^gard i londerness”—und exclaim, truly a great i Town of //i//»Wo«^r//_.Wm. A. (Jraham. fsMpense. to receive bun as the guest of| man has fallen amongst us—jicace to' liliam I». MoHily,.S. Blount Cole- ihrSiate. The Genoral Assembly contain-j his ashes, and a generous oblivion to his ; ™“I‘v f(j Its full proportion of those (Tconomists infirmities—but let it live—long let the af- Johriirilammond.'^r!'*'’ indcalculators whoseek to ingraliatc them-j ll-ctionute and grateful remeinbrance live,! 'arfu/-Otway Burns.S. Samuel Left'ers and with the People, by voting aj;ainst of his genius. Ins Irarning, Ins tourtijey, j W liiif liur*t, C •ier> expenditure of money, and It «as ex-j hia eln4{ucnce, bis virtues, his personal, I . Singly feared that if the question wore : rhariti'’s, and his public services! i I'onan mcit n [m, la^n b> the yeas and nays, all the»»c—how Nathan Foticae and Samuel Lefi'ers and Jj*ialiCollin«, jr. S. Sain'l. llar- Joj. Weaver and ever willing that the resolutiona might pass —would record their votes against them. It vtulhe fited [>olicy and earnest object Huiitomhr—Jiio. flayton, S Jot^ ll»-nry, //ujifood—\\ ni. .Sillon, S. LdmotiKton and l-S.>slON—MH. .V!Aa>N’S OPl.MO.N The following letttr from the venerable i Wm. Parhatn, t’. yalhcM ll„„.t,a„,„,| I^! James W. Guino •• — , II I r .1 I f ana 1 nuinan i ailiaiii, ( . o|- tho. who trembled lor ttie ctiaratter ol ■ c^rson, stales concisely the opinion of that y/'//i//jr-l»bam Muiilisw!, S. John R. J. Dan- ■ j^aie to prevent that modo oj taking ‘ lel and W m. M. West, c Ibf question. To their dismay, a demand ii»«Je fur the >eas and nays by a leader ,f ibe illiberal junlK and if this were socwi- gentleman on the subject of becissif>n : Huck Spring, Vih J\l>. Sir: I have n trived your letter of the ’luirii (./ Halifux—\\ illiam L. fx)n?. Xuifin--Ih\nl I^Uiain, Jol .> (.'loman and .'-mitliwick, (’. .-f the il iljeral iuni«>; anu II luis were Bcccjii. . • u.i»v n itcu \ uur icucr in inc .. ., , • , , „ IOC Iiiiut-iai ‘M,|. ,.i. 'I-I . .. I . I I. .1 ..I Aor/AumWnn-. I larofl laison, S. Allen Piersc the Constitution onjoined that tht ~»'hult. I hire can U-no doubt that the and Sait.ud Calvin,C. Jion should be so put. .Mr Stsnly in- t • S- «re in a deplorable situation, niid that | /Jrr//n,J John’vaun, S. Sipha Smith and arooe bis clear blue e>e bright' the (Hibliration of tho opinion y»4i dcMre Uaai *rUT, C. itb unuhual fire—bis out-areCched arm di- w«nld b«- useless. It has uever b* * n a m;- Air //nnfiiyr.. Jo«. A. Hill, S. L. H. .Marstel. nnj to tl«» member hI.o had ju« ; cret. arni alwajs stated to thus,, who «unt. j, A. Monk and D. bis seat—ami bia noble voice deep and: ed to know it. Inlheyar 1-21, the ( on- si,«n, •‘.M beyond its ordinary rirbneas—“ .Mr j st'tution was buried in the S nati;—tho S n-. /rt»-(.•—Wyatt .'\Ioyc, S. James llurpir and r#»ke’r," he exclaimed, “I thank the gen- jwbo »»cre then prcM-nt will, it is be-. f •- ■'Hi'*, f- lor bis motion. I ri^e to «e,«Ml it. heved, rec.llect tho tkt—and never alter- ,{Willum T. Ill* due to lhehon4.rof North Carolina , «ards quoted by me while I rontinu'd in Daniel Ti.ompson ;_ iho» in the most aoJ^-iun form, that there '*>•* Senate. I he op;atons of (J-n. W n^h• and'1 liom«» linneti, c’ !. not a man amongst us who lieaitates to mgtou, Mr. Jeti' r^on and iov. Clinton are i — ,’o ill which that honor enjoins; or, if there known, but not resprrtcd. I have novor | I'ofM »uih a miscreant in our body. It IS right believed tbat a Stati* could mi!lil\ and rr- In il.i^ hiMrut H. nr) W. C oiiuor i# re-eltctiJ -M there slwiuld be an o;>portumt> of gib-' f»ain m the . men but have ahval.s believ-, " I,. S.',. ,hcrd tlioc hw name high on the pillorj- ol m- ‘hat u >tulr mi^'ht >ecul»», w h^n she pleas- „ ^ oppo«iti.,n. Not a word moro was suid. ‘I'he el, provided sh^ would (mh h*‘r proportion , l.i i;.t lla!i;»v l)i«friet. Ji --c A. nrmm i«•■!cc- ueition was Ukeo, and all—even tho mo- of the public deb!, and this r^'ht I have t'dlo aii.«;oniy ol 77J\oi.»o\.r Ai.Hriw J..ii rr. er i>t' the yeas and iia>'i, recorded their consid«Ted the Ik sI xunrd n* |.ii'>lin liln-riy ‘,, oles 10 favor of tlie resolutions. I aiKi to public jUNtm- that couhi lie d.mmhI, ' i UrliT)iMriri,c:tn. Ji^fc Si^^^i-I.t u It wss ID the Ix gialative Hall, the great ‘"*'e pr*''ei,tid what is nov^ •Id of hi.-fame, that b«rereiv«“d hisdeoth- > H'prrssu»n. ow. In January, tlio llou.* had 'J bc proiLmation o.ntain^ prin. q.les ai. into a Comiritt«* of the W h.>le pur-'c..i..>iHiition, as li H wiliiniil o|.[Hi^ition. In t!i' U',^lo(i l>i.-tri. t. n J. J. M Kay I* by a niajoril) ol .>! 1 volei over tti lir- Si! ' iry Distrif.'. Alinni R nclirr is rc ’ IfT'/ 'i w iiti'wi* pt‘[i.i’ii.:'. Ill llii itoflii '.’l. iin Slitp. l»ard 1) r tlntU witiin'it opi okilion. V fnrnil inf->rrns ua that a Icttrr has bwn j lv to afTonl him an opportunilv of de- ''uHih'atiwn. it w tut gn it ein.r oi tlm unnc his sentiinenta on a Mibjeci in which adinnuMriition. w hi, h . f|,i ihat. hns Ivm sa* known be fill a d«^p interest. It '•'“t'liHtoiy iii a l.igli (!.*gru>. to th' p-.plo - tKill that lie thought metiHCwl |j,e “I'w' I'*^ tl- I'l-'-id nt. W hen conli'd- mara nrv ot mir Soprmte Court, an in- brjjiu to ti;>ht hbi'rly is suoii lost, ^ u -. ■ilulioii «hich herhen»l»«d is tnM«[,arnb!v J‘>'erim.ei.t us *hmi rhnii™.'d. A ‘U thii p.ace from t.ainesville, I .a. ,.'f t«>d with ihe honour of the State and '«vcrifnirnl ol opiniuii, .•.■il,ihl;-lied bv i^ovt - « hich states that the ('holcra had made ite ehonicter of its jusnwprufleoce. Public ri 'gn >'tates, tor >MVnd pur(»oM.M, r«?in.t ap;»*iiranco in thnt piacf. *ur citi/..-i|.i ii«ctation \raseeili'd lo a high pitrh, and maintaitied Ly I'orcc. 11|(! usti ol t.rru ought to K* on their guird, tl»r we cannot k.I.btrs and gullort»*s crowdttl toexceM>. makes enenlu ^, and n’iiiiis r;innot live in locsvritie its ra»ages, when it has ra.-^ with his usual dignity and w If- rac* under >U( li a «,ov. rnni. i:t. -«i.rt», and uttered a few sentences,' 'i be ' I N.iillit'irnhn.i is ns d.lier- n his sprerh l«ran>e dithcnlt and in- Irom iit i t nasy Iv jii.a as anv two tfHl,—Ho paused,—endeavourrd to pro- =•*'*'' *“ ‘bi*t -J.—aeain pauM»d,—again attempted to oppre.'^srs the South w-,s lioj;un.^ In 'fill* nw-LiirhiJv I'*-'* the Coii-tituiiiin wiistmri'd. Sina- been ‘pnaiiing (ieslrutiioii in almost every sfitioii of ourcountrv. •»k,— ut III vain. 'I'he rm-lancholy frist.ed U|-Mi e»nrv mind, he was will no rvk •iih pulsy' Tb* CominiitrM* m- «loubt rero:irit—(R. js,lition—Jd age will antl\ arc>ae; he was eonilueted to the *!*u») I iiiii'to ){'iit. •ker’i cbnir; Ihe IIoum' adjonriHd in' ^our«, very truly, ftfu-H-n,—and he wu^t carried off in tho , s ot' hia triends. Since that ineinom- .NA l'ii r.. .M \l i>\ W'r hnv» receivrd the Cd niiml)er of t!ie ‘ fit /'(» (Jii-.tlU' iiiiif ('fit rate Adrertisir,' prin ed in t’lu'ra.v by M.ithew L\un, at ."iO in mlvuin e. or >;:t at the end of the \ jr. It is not dcvotyd to any political party. \Vi' onnttf.l to arknowiedg*', at the pro- [.er tiir.e, tiir rrci-ptnsi of a nt-w [ :ii>er [)rin sot I.IS tneiKls. ^,n^e thal i„ ^ n, 'I'r .nscni.t «.• fmd thr f„! entithd “ 77,r rimku. i/ ''•Uv !»• hns lingi'red, tM.reU sinittrn, the , , . JW/;-'” rdited bv Mr. N. M. Foulkt's. It r«k ct hi. fornll-r m If, Mnking day by , ’“""'J-’ '•l-rt... nient: I.) . Ir. . . .1. oiHl,..._ It >y, iiiitid und iM-dy, htri'iieth and infrll'Tt,' "Jt'hn /f. /i/>ir, iili li-makf'r and r this grievwjs inlln lion, until Friday Jtw. lirr. ban great plraMjrc in annonnc- M.whontkie lamp Ol'life, liKig Ihrkering ‘"K to In.-t'ri*.iids and the ci!i/.'ns of Far . tli«' snrkel, h!u/«‘d up lor a nioiiH iil, and uiiiigliain, that (hav ing j'lin ihe »tiM.k rl tor ever ' «"d >tand ».f .'jr. J. C. I’lorre) h> is (,|i IS [irintrd on a tiU(H*r-rnyal s!ieet and afford- r l to ^llh^crilH'rs at fiH in advance, or !h:t .')(J at the end of tiie year. It advocates the doctrine ct Nullification. till' “verge" «.f coninu nting h;i'inr.>:s Drailhi rjfirt.i if Arthnt Sjiirits.—A l'.k»“lv negro Tmiv, HI or I'J years of age, the nd hi"iie‘t 1’'“"'- wilhth.* idia tiiat propi-rtv of M, I hllnrd, I>q. ol'this county, : and direc- “ ureate I value, i,,/),,;. „ iJ.^v da\s ago, bv mi-ans of n'r- son It the ts tho “i.iain spring” of df„i ppmis. II ivin'g bvn loVt alone at the ■4# n.fii cMiiict lor ever litepreni men of every free StaU* eon- iiute iis rn he-l ptn««-ssi«Ki and fV. It i» thry who give tone to 11.4 measures, and impress- i ■ i ■ *ract. r by which it is known abriKid. '>u>l‘lo^^, anc. t..e “ key to Mircc.-i in anv p|uco w here they wi re distilling brandy, he M>.-rns tho distinction to which !« “ n gulate” ,|rank iVeHv of the liquor as it ran from tiie his actions so as »-ver to " chcapt'' the still, which’soon threw him into a state of fhart>e ot “ tardineos. ’ lie tlius o|iens his mtoxiration ; in w hirh condition he reinain- 'case" to the fKiblic, and unites them to ,.j the ne\t morning. lie was then 'examine hw “ works,’'and if it Ikj his gooil ,^,d, fus, which continued until sun- tortune to riso in public favor, ho tru>ts it „]n.„ he expired in a shin king manner, will be on ihi' “pinions" of merit alone, lie will “wind tip” by '•ayin", he liopri he thu blood gu:>hing out at ins iio>.« and mouih. Halt iSVcr. h'hnho*} lt'W/;n>ri luH been ap|)oinl« d .A- I tm-n are raised ; (miI it is a dis'inctioii tiiiics dearly bought. 'I'hr light which wiiatc* all orouiid eouMimes and wastes] 'If- lie who devotes anxious days and r|il>»i nights to nitdilalions fur hiscoun- ■ I* food, has indeed a noble sphere of :lKsi, hut his atleiiiion is ncmiarilv with- nfrom those do,ne>tic und /1-all receive sucli a sha.e ut j.atmiuge «s i ■m. whiih, without attention, „.ust 't a 1 h.,„est ,1 II luto conlusioii and run to rum. Ihs-1 g nt of the I5ank of Newbern, in tins pince, peeuni.iry perplexities and alltheir I h"l’ “ "••‘•‘I" vire llenrv M. Miller, dcc'd.; and Thomai^ -'n of hrart-corrodiiig cares, Ihe mgru.i. Chief Clerk, ni the place of Mr. ■* «'f the liasr, neglect of the unfeeling, "‘'f \Vctmore.-i/». ■t-tfulii(.», of tba nnthmking, anil a tliou-1 —«■ ‘■•d iMitnelrw ills, too often invade bis re- i , ] it b(*comes our painful duty to annntmce ' Slid pr»v upon him, broken with the; ’It'mjH'rancr.— I ho (ollowing crrlifii’ato, jlm of another of North-Carolinirs of Siale. old, “ weary and woni by tH-vcnty-five I'hvsicians el 15..s- ,h,tmuuishedsons. CliiefJusticeIIkm>i:k- "h SHivictr.”—Oflrn indued ds« the •“». lias been published lor geneial iiilor- ...ov m no nion'. A correspiwdent at Oxford •'Kfiit gloom of iiK'lanehrdy darken his luation ; mlorins us that he died on the Idtli instant, ■'oiiip, H hotN! noon day hours wrre hiiilod “'i'ho iiib!*eril>er', I’hysii inns of I’o>toi), NVc ho|ie some Iriend, intimately accjuaint- l>lfh>ird (or biino'lf and Ins country , having Is I'li roqnested bv tho Pirei tors ol ed w ith the character of the Judge, wili t'ur- •ll tlii^ IS right; for It IS so by the onii- the Ito.ston S'H:n‘ly for the proniotion of nish an obituaiy for our next paper.—ib. •! HIM whoso ways are ever wim> 'i’em|K-ranee, to express their opinions in —— ju-l. •• Vanity of vanities! vanity of n;ganl to the elilTts ol ardent rpirit.s, hero- Coi.i’:iiirs, ((leo.) 10.—Col. flnr- *’“t"'*' and all is viinily.”—Sueh i.s the bv dpi lare it to bo their opinion, that w.v;j deman Owens, late of this place, was killed -^I'lice which mspirod wisdom pronoun- in hmhh an- m;v i ii ht nijith'l b’jlhc i/t on W I'dne.sday the :Ust nitiino, by a party ■* Ujwn generation after generation as it n/" iirdnit xi'irifx—that, on the contrary, of C. S. soldiers, at Ins residence in the ^‘h away, and mi lhf«urt.'lr.tvnil wht h the ti!^i of thnn i.i a iVrijupnt cause of dis- Creek Nation al>out thirty-hvo inilea from J by the wms of men under the mw and otien renders such dis- this place. •'’•'I'll. however deeply this truth eases as ari»e from other causes more dilli- ''e have hean' difVererit statementii of "■ 't to be impressod on our hearts, yet cull of cure, aid more fatal in their termi-; the circiimstaiK es connccted with this af- mseusiblo niujt thwc heart* be if uation-” ' however uliich seems to bo en titled to moat crcdit, is that tho Deputy .Marshal went to his house, accompanied by a company of soldiers for the purpose of re moving him out oftha Natioii. After some arrangements had been made as to the time of bis leaving, the Soldiers having gone on, ■some dilikuity arose between Owens and the Maishel upon which the latter rode! on and overtook the soldiers and ordered i them i>ack with orders to arrest Owens. When they arrived at his house he was going from his house tu a field some dis tance of}'; they pursued, overtook and shot him. As there was no person present, but the soldiers and perhaps the wile of the de ceascd, it is of course difficult, if not im possible, to get an entirely correct uccouut of the afiair at this stage of it. It is said j by some that he was shot dow’ti whilo at- I tempting to make his escajie from them, but the most generally recievcd statement is that upon their approaching him ho drew ii [(i.^tol und snap[>ed several times at the soldiers, one of them observed to him that he had no cap on bis pi.stol, he drew out of his pr>cket a cap, and fi:icd it on and raised his pistol, upon which one of the soldiers I fired and shot him through the head—this I we presume is the statement of the soldiers. I It IS proper to remark that Owens and the I .Marshal had hud several difliculties during I the day, during which they hud exchanged shots. We are not pn pared to say how far the deceased may have been culpable in this! affair, that he was refractory we have little j doubt, but under any circumstances, wc| : think it an act v^hoily unjustifiable; the | soldiers were ^eiit w ith the Marshal not to make war u|«ii the citizeus but to remove ' them—they were sent that the force might j be eu'.h as to render the work of death un- I neces.sary—but it seems that soldiers I instead of arresting him when they had it; I in their power und w hen tlifv know that bis j I pistjl was not in a situntion to do them in-1 ! jury chose rather to provoke him by in-1 ; ilirniing him that lu.i pistol had no cap on it,; I to pLl fiim ill such an attitude as would . givo to thi-iu somp justilicatiui f.;r this high ) j handed act. I How far the^hal m.iy have acted in j 'cunforii.ity with his orders we know not,i j\*e understand that he hud received orders j from the (iov ernmrrit to rt^niove from the I ' Nation ail th >se of wlioiu the Indians com-j plained—this sc ins to us to be a strange | mode of procedure; the government has' :enroiirag(d settlemtnts upon the territory; iand has |>ermitted .\labama to extend herj juriMliction over it and those who reside! ii(>on it—the white man and the Indian arej alike the suLjects of that jurisdiction, and | 'ai'c ald>e protected and punished by the; I laws. It sei-ms to us it would ' I have been proper l’«>r the governnient either ' I to remove the w hites iiidiscrumnately, out ^ of tho territory or leave them all alike to j seek protection from the laws under which ^ they live. But it oeeins that it is other-1 wise dis|wsed, and has placed the properly j and hvt's of the citizens of that county at; the mercy of the malignity or rapacity of tiie Indians; and has .sent out a file of Sol-j diers to execute w liatever the oiio or the' I other mi'.y dictate.— /v«/. ! We understand that it is tho intention of Col. I>i!wro\, who arrived at New York a few davs ago, from Charleston, to make 1‘hiladelphu the placc of his permanent residence.—A»ur. MtrU. I lAtrrarfj Curioxity.— Wc have in our posst.-.ssion, and propose publishing it in to morrow’s pa[y*r, a piece of .\uto-biography, which the public will be eager to see. It IS a sketch of the private lii'e of the late .lohn Kandolph, of iioanoke, from his birth to tho year 17!I*J, when he was elected tOj : ('ongrcsiS, w I itten by himself. We are not bound to lei! from whom we received thisj valuable curiosity ; sulHce it to say that it IS genuine, as will api'oar on the face of it. Kxtra papers will be published, for such per-, s«»ns us may not b« subscribers, and who | shall be desirous to pos.'u?ss an authentic me- i nioir of the early periods of the lil’o of this! inott eccentric American orator. y.Covi.Adc. 1 It is stated that nint teeen thous.ind dol- i la.'s worth of Svvai'i’ Panacea has l)«en j sold 111 I'hiladelphia witbiu the last twelve weeks. ' A (MU). Mr. HJinn : roriiiitiiH- toacknow lodge, through j your paiMT, the recvipt of Five Dollars, given by ' .1 •• Voiiny t'oiivcrt," to brappropnaltd to tlieeause of Foreign Missions; ami also to otViT the assur ance thal the inoiiry khall be siKiJily applied ac- ' cording to rciiuost. 'I'he .^utllor expresses an interest in the subject | of .^Ii^sion! wliich it iti truly j,ratilymi; lo find ta- ^ king poss^'^ion of the bearts ol t!ie voting disci-, pies of the t^aviour. Alluding to llie miiitipheUy ol' our relijiou:* privili'i^es and to oar nneoneern tor llii' spiritual wrifarei'f ibr Ileatlien, the ooni- iniinieation savs “I virily In'lieve irf art fruHly ruiictriiins our I nthcr. W e have many opivortu. nitii's of doing Pouietliiii'j for the tloaliirn." Thai all I'liristia;.* would dwell ui>on this subject until they Bhnuld aU.un more eoiueptioiis of their oliligutiiiii'* to til'" i.eriblii'ii; I'agans, and of the Hue import of llie S iviuui's eaiiuuand;* lospecting | our duty towanl-* tbem, is most devoutly to be I wi.-heil. Vi’ere tiu v to do tbis, i am ptrsiMiIed j tbit the example of our young fru iul would Ix j tollow .-d, auJ that not a lew wo ild :o am> ih> j wi.K. A. M.FWFNWOUTlf. ( O’, ls'1- Another EacafH’!—A display of firs works was made a thw evenings since at the Rip Raps. I’he President was standing near a barrel of combustibles, to whicb, by sonio means, fire was acridentally commu* nicated—when away went, with an explo" sioD, rockets, stars, wheels, serpentd, dec. —one of the missiles just grazing the Pre* sident, another striking one of the ladies, •Sec. Fortunately no one was injured. Alejc. Gat, The^ Turf.—We learn from the New York Traveller, that the colt Midas, by Eclipse, died lately near that city. Midas was matched against Mr. Wm. R. John son’s Jessup, by Medley, for 610,000 to be run for over the Long Island Course in October. His death is supposed to have lieen produced by the ball (which is usual ly given at the commencement of training) sticking in his throat. MARRIED, In this town, on 'I'hurvday evening lait, by tlio Rev. Jan. J. AUison, .Mr. Jamit Mct’omh, of tbia place, to Miss Jant Oakrs, of Rowan county. In this county, ou Tuesday last, by the Rev. A. J. Leavenworth, .Mr. Hamutl W. Wilton t« MikS Ann C. Alexander. Also, on the rame day, by the Rev. A. J. Leav enworth, .Mr. Jamet A. Thomjison to Miss Marga~ ret Hutchinson. DIED, In thib county, on tlic I5th inst. afler a short ill ness, William J. Wil$on, Ksfj. In Iredell county, on tho Cth of August, Mrs. Jane Mattheics, widow of the fate Massendinq Matthews, Esij. aged 63. Slie was for many years a worthy and exemplary member of the Presbj. terian t’liurcli. Cummunicated. WEEKLY ALMANAC. "AFcrsT; 16:«. M Mond.,, |;»C3iL , ” 2. luesday 3tJ6 M^. g jg '■iH \\cdncsday,5 31 o 2:^ Thursday, .5 32 G “ OA I- .. ■' 1- oor? n/3 I ull JO 1 34 30 Friday, »5 33,6 26j‘ 0 41 aft’n. 9 18 morn, morn, morn. i\!:\V I500KX* JrsT received, some ol’ them very suitable for .Sunday School Libraries. Memoirs of X. W. Diekerasin do of .lohn M. .Alcad do of Florrence Kidder do of Felix NetV do of John Knill do cf Isabella Campbell do of Reinhardt S-.ougal’s coniplctc works S«'leet Works of .\rehbishop I^eighton Taylor's Holy Living and Dying Owen ou Spiritual Mindednena Advice to Young ChrisUans Lay Missionary Hall’s Lcctnres on Christian EdiicatioD Hall’s lecture* on School Keeping LtUers to a Young Student Biography of Self-taught .Men I’oliUL^ (lass Book •Moral Class Book Parlor Lectures Donejan’s tJrcek and English Lexicon Gouiu's Virgil Gould's Latin (•rammar, Latin Reader, Greek Reader, \c. A;.c. For Sale by D. GOFLD, Avtr’iKt -6,Charlotte I’KWOIK VOWS Or # s/ufit hare to tfo it for tfou, tl.L persons onnine Cattle in the Town of Charlotte, and allowing them to remain ir» tJie streets after 8 o’clock at night, at'ter tlie 26tii inst. may e.xpect to have them penned and the own ers fined .50 cents for each one, according to aa ordinance of the Commissioners passed iu I8.3-*. N. PEBWORTU, Town Constable. Aug. 22, ls33. ISoyd's Line of Post Coarhes, Running 'I'lrice a irrck and hack, betirccn Charlotte, .V. C. and Camdtti, S. C. T'^HF, Proprietor of this line intbnns the public*, that he has lately furnished himself with new coaches, and he hapes tliat he will now be en abled lo render satisfaction to tliose who may tra vel on his line. Tho mail Icavos Charlotte every Sunday and Wednesday mornings and returns ev- ery .Monday and Thursday evenings. Persona wikbing to make an ex|icditious trip to New-York, are iutormed that by Charleston the shortest pas sage can be made, a steam boat starting for Sew York every other Saturday—the passage beiny performed in 7 days. This line intersects wit!* the Charleston lineal Camden. THO. BOYD. CharJottf, Aug. 20, 1833. for ^alo. A ("IX)D NEW WAliGON for sale. Ap. ply to tho. BOYD. ->t'. 1^3X ,iTTJh:.^*'ri4P.^ iviiMJLii 1*. /TJIIK l^ifayrtte Troop of Canalnj is ordered to ^ parade in CbarloUe, ou Saturday, the 7th of Si'plember nc.xt, at 10 o’clock, A. .M. armed and euuipiM'd ts the law directs. Ibr the purpose of drill. JNO. G. HOSKINS, Captain. .4 50,1S.33. ‘Jw 'PI'lii* .\iiiorifaii I'ai’iiuT, f'ditiHl bv (Jideon It. Smith, is issued every Friday, ii. Paltimori’,at $.> jieranuuni.iuadvancc. Cou- tents of the 2id Number, XV Volume. I'dtiorial; Prices of Wheat, vVc.—Culture of Silk—On tlie .Management of Ilay; Stacking', Sahing, Fcedmg, \c.—.\ceount and IVseriptioii of tlie (iania (irass, witii oxiH-’riinents made witli it, by Win. fi. Meares—Kvi>eriment lo tost tho IKHisibility of Wheal Dei-tnerating to Cheat— I’lanting Irish PolatiH*s—.Vecountof tlio May ^.x hibitioii oftho Horlioul:uralSorii>ty of Charleston, S. by John I>. Lrgsre, Editor of tin Soutberu Agiirulturist—On l.i\e Ifidgcs; Varieties of 1‘laiits Imet suited for thal |>urpose. A:c. by Or. Jo seph J'lhiisiin—.\(Ui.'e to Young .Men in making I 'ii.drec.ftt I’ir«uit--l’reveiitive of I'oison by Ivy -4No\er and S,vd8—I’riecs Current of I'oiintry Prtxluce in llie N* V-uk and Ualtimcrt: Marke’-. A '.v- rt!*cii.etiT«.

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