THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. ' tkt Encyclopedi* imr*ean«. J0MN8TO" BiAKKfc*, a Captain id the U. navy during the l«le war, way born ^land, ID October, 1781. Two years hit father, Mr. John Blakely. er»|. Lf«l to the .V* R|m,r.*ton, North CaroUna. Y«i»g ^ 1 piswd, in rnivereity of Mb Carelina, being intended for tli« law. L lather died the year after. In the year circuniBtancea haviuj; deprived B. 1,1^ „«.auB of Bupport, he loft Collejje, and, he next year, obtained a midnhipinan’a war- L Id h* was mode n muster corn tjmanJ »f‘he "’••sp- V‘ ’ 111 in with 1“**^'’'“'“"“^ majoBty sship Ucin. Lr in lai- degreca UO minutes. 'I'hiii [jp be look, ■fte'' “« riie lM8®f ‘**® Amnncana wus 21 killed L mounded {that of the eueniy, 67. The ®lir HoiiVnjii* CIIARLOTl'K: ^ WATtJHDAtli;i>l'KMBER T7r«:i^ ELIXTION RirrURNS. ^ Randolph Henry Ft. Klliott, K. Abriiliini Browvr and Alexoiiiler ^'unniugiiani, C. Mammoth Sqmnh.—A gentleman in this vicinity raised this season on the plantation whom he lives, a Squash which measured 1 feet 9 inches iu cirLuinference, uud weighs 08 (Hiunds. We have received the first No. of “ The Harbinger,"' a periodical published at Chap el liili, by Mr. Isaac C. Putridge, under the superviiiion of the I’roffssors of the Univer- [»t(ttJ«r was cut to pieces in wch a man-1 | j^;orth.Caroliua. It is neatly prin- ««i to render It impossible to anve her; , , ,, , , . 2 ‘be wus accordingly set on fire. Alter ! “‘»rcd with iiiterestii.c mailer. M the Wasp put into L Orieiit, from ^cb port she aail«*«l August *27, and four L, tfterwards falling 111 with 10 sail of UhaDltnen, under convoy of u ship of the Uihc succeeded in cutting ofT(MH> »f the I’ersuiui wisiiing to sub-scribe can see the (laper by calling at this oilice. Its terms ar« three dollars per annum, payable jear- ly in advance, or four dollars if payment is evening of tlie firat of Sep-1 di layed six months alU*r the commence- ^•r, 1“H. ahe fell 10 with four sail, two j ment of each subscription year. The fol- L Mcb bow, but at considerable distanws mitice of the paper we copy from the U, Mch other. 1 he first was the brig *■ ' Kir Avon, which struck alW a severe J f>l*«rver. [lifto; bat cnptnin II. could not take pos- w e hail the apjmarance of this paper, as L.« 0* another enemy v^as apprijaching. |Joe which proriiiset to improve tho lileiurj P fnemv, it seems, however, was called ^ taste of our citizens, and keep awake the f to the Bssistaace of the Avon, which I spirit of laudable enlarprise ; and provo u twiw siiikinc- The enemy re[>orted j constant lucentixe, to wlmlover is fitted to they hnd sunk the Wasp by the first | elevate |«T».4ial ch;ifu« ter and cuhanre i!io [ ilnido;but she was arterwards s|M»ken'^t interestsuf the cwminuiiMy. 'iliuruuie t a ves*;l otf the Wortern Isles. Alter few uieo to whi»tii, iu many frf»mls ol' vien , I we hear of her no more. In his |»t‘r-, tlie State of Noiiu-Luroliuu ib / muLb m- h, captain B. w^s ratfier below the luid- 'dc!>ttd, as to th« venerable inau who pp> stature; his e)cs black and oipressive, *ides over our rniversity, the Kev. I'r. r roaiin'rs mild, manly and unitsniming. Culdwell; aud if we inintnke not, tio is ii i« 1 long his brother officers h« wa* consid- lajiiig us under n«!w and incretiaod obli^a- as a man of uncommon intellect, cour. tions, by his rich cnniributiuiis to the col- k and professional fckill. He was mar-. uinna of 'I'fie Ilarbinfu r. Hit eminent a- U'ln iieccmber, lPl3, to a lady of New bilitu s, and tiio readiness and cheerfulne«i brk* and Icf* an i«lv daughter, who re- with which be hnbituully devuics tiiein l» kved one of llte most aflivting tributes of tlie prcuiotioii of the be>t intere»t8 of the .lie gratilude, which have occurred 111 State, uiu tot. well known to uced anj eu- I htkturv ef the Tnitctl Stales. ’I’he ; logy of ours. Wo ho|>e thii p:i(>er will tie i»laluro of .North Carolina, I)*ceinl»er e»lenivelv patront/-d ; lur when uc c:ou«^i- !'!«, srter prescribing tlni desiinatiuii der the t.iirn(s that anj pledged f>r liUing ihe sMord they had voted to captain its Cbhimiei, we hazard notliin;{ 111 s:i>ui^, , “ Revolved, uitanirnously, that captain , that, for whatever is calculated to instru'-l, siLflv** child be educated at Ihe expense to edify, an«l to unpn»ve, it need not :.hriiik this Sute; and that Mrs. Illakelj be re. from a compari-ton with any other paper m ^ to draw 00 the 'I’reasairer of this . the I nited ist^tcs. Irom time to tiroa, for su» h sums ot'i — . shall he required for the educa- —Toe Cumcien Heacon of the .* l..t said child."’ 3d iohI. Metes that private letters were rc- ■ (ceived in that placo (rom iji\tr|Mol, last Hrnrr, b.rau*e bir J c^rdtl a'an^r,” j '0 §«•« It fctat»^ that MHint \esuviu.H, , V . . w>e„ ,n> full blast siiK-e the last cents. - - -r.n„3-brave they must ' ^ .rugate,nont of the votes. as far as we li.i\f rcc*-‘net), on tho .\imiid- inetit ol thu >talu t 'oiistilulion. Mjv ; and the c0r ^v« foil. rleJ in great numb»*ra round I ’.he craier, to »iin«-5s the thr*>«i, and I- tlwi fi.'iiu^, and cmders, and lava U J forth from thu funnel of tho interior L«i. l5-i»ths aro s;iid to Us erei:t»-d with- I -'i'rl di^t^nce «>f the elgc of the crati r, relreslirnoiits to thosw f. 1 tl.i» trrmbhni'of the iwHintaia, j I w«ih liie lava a>* it runs down il^ \V dkes I —the biirninj cinders as tliey nso, or lik»*, into tli« air, and the '‘ni;;;le«, ever an ’ anon, thruugh the [ : 1 ihtiinn of smoke, w hich shad. s eve 11 » '• >y hi avens. Tlie fate of I’iiny. and [ I'V ;t« whirh hare l»eon buried bv e- .-l.vii ndincnt Mecklenburg Hi.'iti llutherloid (luii* >rd ■ M-.titiromorv fr».m v».lc.imK s, pas* like a dream ' hii ‘uth pec>f(!r—and all that p*nto«s un- f loi (t J to such scenes wi>uld feel, is r up*-n who aro the dtiily witnes- p w li B(ij;v>t and tcrrifving s|>ertii- f>- only who are br«d aniidxt f rs, |i 11 un- i*m;ern.d w hen Kurrronnd- r • (Iici'i—ihr fntiid. and th">' who -im I 'i lu liuin, (U.—I'otnmircml Htrald. 7J» 7'3 214») 11! J JiTO 4(!> r.vj-i 1 171 1 !7M .Vii 27 "I IM ■; f I ( Vi ii'H 'r, I'jj ri thr (\vi-\tilutinn.—Wo an^ to lind that tho citi/.eiis of .tones coun ty have resolved, ftt .t m»*» ting hehl at tho Court House 111 Trentan, “ tliiit our Stati' •Ifficnf/.jir,’!/ 37 (Ml (II) 00 DO 41 :} m in U'J 107 •,’n Wake M»K»ro ('iiml>erlund New - Hanover ('hanpc of „ . . , , r ourt House in 1 reman, “ tliiit our State . ,«rtionof th. peop.eof ,|,o„ld l»e altei.-d or anieiid. d.” - Ijland are exertmg tl.ri.mdves to Knl llio II -iiorahle I h^tiiam I.. Hur ^ K..; i.reHcnta.g that State in i ’ one of s.imll coun- f . ii.d what IS remarkable, soino of tho [ partiz^io. oi Mr. Hurges appear government hv the proposed »'-'>trat:orin.hoirop(Km,t,.>n. .Mr. Bur- chaugr.-rayc«.r.//c Obs,rccr. I «ag one of tli»« nifx^t ai tue, eloqtimt, r 'I- ■'ul inemlM;rs of the U'-t ('oncri'*?!. ,,, 1 11 . . I I,- .\itrfotton.—A bale ot new Cotton, (the It I’ iroUble that th»w* very quahln a- . , 1 V , „.i , , .. I I ir~t tliat hasI'een hroiirht toniarkel)—Irom ' B!«1 iiiHieations ol usilulness, make , . , r 1 #’ 1 i- , , r,., . the II antation ol I^awis ( mles, l,sq. was » murk lor i*ttv maliee. 1 ho man , 1 1 . . . I j r .VI sohl in this puKO on I uesilav last at p dt his desk in Congress ot’I’mis M''"', in.ikcs no enemies, and becomes f-o "* hi;- negative p'failiuity. I nittd StaUi Gazrtk. • ' :r tnval ol!'.c-' rs tell t!te f.>llow ing nner- j hile one of Ihe nationnl ^hips wer« I 1! Ill iljtiiptiiii iioads, a laiid.siiian of F ■ Tl'earnttre caiiie on boaril to sc'e the f'r; i’Ut roiidiH tid With w> hltlo courtesy M ’ ill lor the reproof of tho I.inutunant "''111:111.!. “I would have you know," liimlsinnn, “that I am part owner f o,„| impiidi nce ,'in iliOai- v,r have eni)iloved to takocharge The I.i^iilenant f.lip|»ed a sluer J f'HP ol the fiporjr, and pressintiUK it, ' Ih.-p-, Sir, isyoiir |Hirti«>n,—tnko it po n-'horo iiist,n,||\ or we will throw "'crtU tafrail.”—A. Y. Jour. Com. ('arKo,—’I’ltc brig 'I'ry, from , ' *(lloiiija) arrived at tins port, has ''ml a rmtlcsuuke, a lieur and a (lfci’. JlcraU. plii centx. This is the highest pricc that hus Ixen given this season. “ lliirnih for’’ CuUiden.—Camiirn .fournal, Jlla/ ult. First of the nnn ('rop of Cofton rccrirrd in lhi.1 I'tli/.— I hreo Iwiles of new Cotton wero rcrct'ived yesterday aftemoon—oije was from the plantation of.IoiiN IIoi i man, I'sq. of Orangeburg, w hn li w as pnrchas« d by l>^vll» Cl.AV^(>^, at H cents pr Ib.— oii(> ol'thi* others was from the plantation of Hr. John S. Hr.i.i.iNcrK, of nuriiwell His- trict, hut we did not b arn whero the third was raised. The quality is very good, fckim- pl«s may b«* sfMn at this oilice. ( harh ston Cotirii r, '■i'^th ult. A lot of four bales New I'pland ('olton of lino ipialitv, sold on ’I'hursday at 1'' eenis, the first piueel that has jet bceu sold tor sliipmunt.—ill. yis flit. r.iirth,jtitikc.—Alsjiit simrise, on Tuesday lust, a slight shock of an earthqiikae was RIt 111 this pldcc.—iftar, '■llth vU. Yesterday. (Tuesday) about 6h. 27m. A. M., the shock of an Karthquake wassonsi- bly felt in this place—the motion was quick and tremulous, but of very short duration. 1/iilifox J\. C. Advocate. Baltimore, August, 27. Wo are informed by a very respectable citizen, that a very sensible slux^k of an Earthquake was felt this morning about a quarter past six o’clock. An afTair of honor took place near this town, on Friday evening last, between J. Hemphill, F-sq. Editor of the Sumter Ga zette, and Capt. M. M. J^evy of this town. We are happy to say it terminated without any serious injury to either of the parties. Mr. Hemphill was slightly wounded in the fiistol h.nnd. Mr. H’s pistol was nut fired, the jar of his antagoriist’s ball having let dow n ihe barnrner. Much credit, it is said, is due t« both gentlemen for firmness. Cainden Bcacon. William Gaston, of North Carolina, and 'I’homas S. (trimke, of South Carolina, are two of th" nobk'st and purest spirits of the South—able men—eminent statesmen, tried patriota. Why are they not nominated for some of the honors of their country?—and why cannot their nomination be sustained by the whole southern press.—Alex. Gaz. A stmplr fad.—'I'he amount of specie in the \aults of the li. S. Hank, on the 1st 1 ultimo, uas&lO, OO'^, HlO (Irt—th« amount I in the vaults i>i'all the State Banks in the j I’nion, is estimated at SIO, O.'iS, (i.jO. I I’ouhon'a Daily Ado. I 'I’his Jivfressinpcomplaint, , '.vhii h carries oil’ so niany of our valuable ‘)oijii;f men uiinually, is stated, m a well at- ' tested ca;-e, in a late niiniber of the AVir. ll t^land i'urmrr, h«t^ l*^« 11 eurrd by a very >*iiiiple reiiK ti), viz. ihr itihaliiif; of thi ga. , seciis yf rfume of the ('Monde of JAmc. j 'I'lie person wIm*^; case is here relerrcd i to, is \ears old, had been much reduced ' by the di-^-ase, his lungs being badly ulcer- ..It’il, and he daily became worse, so that his ■ |.h\ -icians cave him u[> for lost. It is sup- pov d that he couched up two quaru ol iluI- t»r (Voi’i his luii^'s in the ‘J 1 hours. liaxi i;: M-eu an acc«»unt of the experi- ini-itis in I’uliiionnry compiaints, made by I)r, CotUnu, o{' I’ari-*, witii Chloride of l-une, the friends of this young man had rec.-Hirse to this sir.iple reii.edy, I'roin which tlie paM nt li’tind liiimediate relief, and is I r.ow (iuiK r- ;ai>M:ig health and strength. I 'I he (.’hliirin* IS dissolved in soft water, nnd then a httie vinegar put to it, and ap plied to the noaO by a nig, or in any other couveuieat way.—JSat. Intelligenctr. I Ihstrurtire rjfccts of Lightning.—A I thunder storm, more tiiaii usually UL!.truc- ' ti\e in Its clfifls, pasM’il over Newport, R. I. on Suntiay t'ortnicht. 'J’he liL'htninii jSti-ufkin vaiioiis parts of the town, doing trreai damage. 'J'hc Mercury gives these i-ji tr. ulars—A houn in l5road street, occu- : pied by Mr. Uol»ert Franklin, jr., was >!ne k with lightning, and Ins wife, and a j child, the d iu;;htor of Mr. John Ahny, Iwne iustaiifl\ k'lled. Mrs. Franklin was |siltin„' at the near the lire place, with jtheehild in her lap, and a dog by her side, ; when the lightnin;' descenikd the cliiinney, I .ifrtl they wi-re all lounddead in that jKisition. Tlie house o| Mrs. I‘. Muinford, on the lull, I was aNo stru' k and much injured, the light ning ha\ m;; struck ls)thchiinnies,aiid forced I Its wav down the side of the chamber and lower njoins, from whence it passed out of the window. 'I’liree houses on the Point w»-re also struck, but were not much injured. In Middletown, the lightning also struck in two places, (hi the farm of tho late John Ch^iso a stack of grain was struck, and en- lindy consumed; and on the farm of Mr. i’ardon lirowu a stack of hay was consumed. j The Ciioh;ra.—A Physician, who at tended Cholera patients in the Ohio Peni- trntiary, states a remarkable fact : not a single case occurred either among the at- tondants upon the hospital, the guards, or itlie family of the kee(>er. In describing , the dis«'ase, he remarks, very strongly but I exprej'Fively, that “ a man in a |)erlect state I ol collapse Vrom Cholera, is a licing coriise, and will as certainly have to b« speedily buried, as he will certainly die.” I Is the Fourth Auditor s|»ecially paid for ■ serving as the President’s Agent 111 relation to the dijMnitis!' Has ho not enough of j husin> ss, as Auditor, to occupy all his time ? ; If so, ought not the job to have been given 1 to some person who.-»e time and taculties wero not already ilue to the nation, that’ pa\s tho salary. Could no disengaged in- idi\idu:il ls had, suitable fur the ingenious errand ?—Vu/. Gaz. !\riwtuttl Motion.—We sen it stated that “ the grand desuleratuni of Perpetual Motion has again been discovered. A French watcli-nuker, of Montevideo is this tune, s;iid to lie the “ fortunate holder! |)iscovered “again.” hat a pity that it w ill not stay discovered.—Balt Pat. An rit phnnt, jK'rhaps the largest ever seen in this country, arrived here on Fri day. in the Hrig Treaty. He is .siiid to bo lect H inches long, from the end of his snout to tho end of his tail—and 8 feet 9 in ches high. The pricc asked lor him, wo understand, is ^{jOOO,^l\nusi/le(inia'i. Kkntccky.—Tho Lexington Intelligen-j WEEKLY ALMANAC, cer of August IGth siays—“ Wore we ever SEPTEHBERTSun dis|K>8ed to exult over political opponents, when succoss crowns our efforts, we cer tainly should have good cause, in the re- suit of the Congressional Elections which havo just terminated in Kentucky. They exhibit a triumph of National Republican principles, cheering to every well wisher of our country, and of its institutions.” Fur ther, says the same paper—“At the last Congressional Election we succeeded in olectmg/oi/r out of twelve members to Con gress : the present Election has resulted in the choice of ten National Republicans out of the thirteen to which Kentucky is enti tled.” From the Kuine paper we copy the following : The defeat of Mr. CniXTENDEN, in the lx)iiiaville district, is as much regretted as it was unexpected ; but this loss is amply made up by the success of our candidates in every other district but two in the State, and iu two or three where the contcst was con sidered unpromising, and doubtful. From the 1st Congressional District, we have reports that Mr. Bovo has succeeded over Mr. Lyon, (both Jackson men.) We have seen uo returns from any part of the district. Report says, that Mr. Hawes is elected to Congress* by a a majority of 160 votes over Mr. 'ruoMi*soN. It is also reported, that these gentlemen were about to settle a personal dillercnce by a resort to the pis- ! tol. Mr. Hav\£s renounced Jacksonism in I his Circular, afti r the adjournment of the 1 Ikst Congress.—Mat, JntelUgincer. j Important RAit-noAD iMruovrMExr. I —We learn that Mr. Young, a skilful me- ; chanic of Norfolk, has invented a simple and : cheap machine to protect passengers and ' property from the sparks emitted from Ilail-road Locomotives. Tlie New Orleans palters announce the Yellow Fever as having broken out iu that city. Its ravages, as yet, are confined to strangers and unaccliniated rcbidtnls. 1833. ^unj iet8.| MOON’S PHASES. 7 Saturday, 8 Sunday, 9 Monday, 45 6 15l,„. “0 ^ afl’n. •n’n. «A’n. a Kiumiay, a ‘mo lOw ^ 7 0^ THE MAKKETM. FAYETTEVILLE, SEPT. 3. Drandy, Cog. 81} a2j Peach 55 a 60; Appio 45 a.50; Bacon 8 a 9; Beeswax 17 a 17|; 13 a 17 ; Coffee 13^ a 15; Cotton 11| a 15; Corn 57 a 63; Flaxseed 91 a 1 25; ('lour a 6 ; Fea. tin r» 34 a 30; Iron 4^ a 5i ; Lard 10 a 00; Mo- lasiies 35 a 36; OaU 35 a 37; Naili, cut a 6^ ; wrouglit 18 a 20; Rum, Jamaica 140 a 1 j ; New England 45 a 50; Rice 4 a 4}; Sugar, brown 9} all; common U a ; Loaf and Lump 14 a 18 ; Salt, Liverpool 65 a 75 ; Turk’i Island 70 a 751 Steel, American d a 0; Eng.blistered 16a 19; Ger . man 14 a 17; Tallow 9 a 10; Wheat 85 a90j VVhukcy 30 a 35; Waol 19 a 20. CHARLESTON, AUG. 26. Cofton, upland, 00 a 00; Rice, prime, 93 l-IC a 3} ; inferior to good, a 3; Flour, auperfiDe, 5 a 7j; Corn 58 a G8; Oats 41 a 45; Whiskey 32 a 36; N. E. Kum 35 a 37; Brandy, Apple 38 a 45; Feach 53 a 60; Beeswax 17 a 00; Tallow, Caro lina. 11 a 1U; Mackerel, No. 1, $7 a 00; No. 2, 5 a 5] ; No. 3, 3| a 3J; Bacon 8 a 9; Hams 11 a 13i ; Lard 10 a lOJ; Nails, cut, 5J a 6; Bagging, Dundee, 11 a 24; tnw' and flax, 15j a 17; Balo Rope 6 a 10; Cog. Brandy li a 3; Holland Gin 1 a 1 ;l; !on, Russia and Swedes, S4 a 00; Salt, Tiiv. erpool, in bag:3 of 4 bush. 91 g a 00; in bulk 33 a 00; T. Island 45 a 00 ; Sugar, Havana white, 10 a lU; brown 7 a 81; muscm-ado 8.J a 10; St. Croix and Jamaica 8 a 10^; New Orleans 8 a 10; Molasses, Cuba, 30 a 32; N. Orleans, 37 a 38; (^f^ fee, prime green, 12J a 14; inferior to good, 11 • 12i ; Hyson tea 70 a 90. Nortb-Carolina money, 1^ al| per cent discount. Savannali and Augusta Bank Bills 1 a 1} per cent, discount Commercial Bank of Columbia 1 per cebt. diicouut. CAMDExV, AUG. 31. Country Product.—Bacon 8 a 10; Bfeawax 14 a 16; Cotton 15 a 20; Corn 56 a 62; Flour, N. C. 6 a t(; Lard 10 a 12^; Tallow 10 a 12^; Wheat $1 a Ij; Feathers 30 a 35; Whiskey 35 a 45; Brandy, Pcach, 50 a 00; Apple 35 a Meichondize.—Bagging 18 a 20; Sugar 10 • 12 j ; Coffee 15 a 18; Iron, Swedes, 6 a 6^; Eng lish 5 a 6; Nails 7^ a 9; Rice 2^ a 3; Molasiies 4U a 45; Lead 8 a 10; Salt 2^ a 3. j Among tlie prcscutations to the King of I Great Britain, at his levee on the 10th of .July, was that of Joseph M. White, Dele- ato from Florida in Congreiss, by the ' Chargij des Atfairs of the U. States, .Mr. \ AIL. COLUMBIA, AUG. 31. Bacon 8 a 10 ; Bale Rope 10 a 12; Brandy, Ap ple 40 a 50; Pcach 75 a 00; Butter 12J a 18; Cot ton 17 a 20 ; Cotton Baeging, Hemp 18 a 22 : Tow 16 a 17; CoffiH: 14 a 17 ; Corn 56 J a 00; Flour, Country 88 a 20; Iron, Swedes 5 a 0; C-ountry 4 a 5; lif sd !i a 10; Lard 12J a 15; Molasaes 40 a .'SO; Nails 8 a 0; Oats 37i a 00; Rice 2i a 3; Salt in sacks 2j a2J ; in bulk 75 a 00; Steel, German 16 a 18; Blister 10 a 12; Cast 25 a 30; Sugar, Bair! Biar !—A verv large Bear was | loaf 16 a 20; Brown 8 a 12*; White Havana U brought to market this morning which | H; Tallow 10 a 12j; WLi.kcy 45 a 50. killed yesterday, 10 or 12 miles from this place. We understand that this is the 6th w hich has been killed in that neigborhood this summer.—A’. Carolina Journal. Cutting Pattern.^.—“I’leafe sir,” said a snubnosed girl fourteen years of age, to a country dealer in dry goods, ‘ to send ma’am the patterns of your calicoes, and put’em cheap, for she is going to get a new gown sojn and wants to see as what’l wash.” Shopkeeper.—“ Who is your ma’am]” Girl.—“ My ma'am is Aunt Oily Dee, sir.’ Shop kcrfyrr.—Your sister was here yes- ^ NOTICE. At the August Court of Pleas and Quarter Scs. sionf, held for the county of Meckknburg-, the undesigned was duly appointed Guardian of James Stalford. All contracts made w ith the sai J Staflbrd without the approbaticn of the undersiga. ed, sliall b« treated as nullities. JOSEPH II. WILSOy. Sfpttmher 6th. 1933. Iw 100 I^EGROES Uie lOlh and 1 Ith days of January next, at the Court- House in Charlotte, ^leckleiiburg- County, North-Carolina, I will sell 100 i\£GRO£8, the property of William Davidson, terdav* and took patturns of all the kinds 1 , l>y virtue of two Detds of Trust to me executed I p ‘ by the said Davidson, tor the benefit of the Bank , ,,, , , ,1 . i . .L of Newborn, John Irwiii, Samuel McConib and 6ir/.—Mes Sir, I know that—but then ! Terms, Cash, she sewed them all up for patchwork, and , W. MORRISON, Trustee, would’nt give me any, but told me to go a j Charlotte, N. C.Sejit. 5/A, 1633. u slloppiii« myself.’ j O'The Editors of the following papers will in- ■I I ■■■liiii ————— ' srrt the above advertisement, onco a week, until OBITUABY. I tlie first of January next, and forward a paper im- = I mediately with their account to ttiis office for sct- Died, at liis residence in this county, on tlie I tlnnent, vir.: The Times and Gazette, Columbia, morning of tfie 2d uut. Auac il/rxunc^cr, sun. aged S. C.; Cuiuier, Augusta, and Journal, Millcdge- 77 years. ' • ■^^pirit of the Age, Tusealoosa, Journa’, ,, c .L- I I Sloiitgomcry and Register, Mobile, Alabama. He was one of the few remaining worthies who : i. _ " ' bore a part in the War of the Revolution, and KDITCATIOX. yit Ided a prompt and decidcd influence in favour ^ MARGARET HENllEKSON respecf- of the hbt-tlicsof his country. i 1*1- fully informs her friends that fi^er Si^hool In 1770, he was elected Clerk of Mecklenburg I commence on Monday the 2d of September ... , 1 I 1 I. 11 1-1 ^ I Thote who patronise her school may rest assurea County Court, which Olhce he held for 4-1 years , ,oj,iyg satigfjctio,, and SIX moutlis; discharging the duties of it in an able and upright manner. He was Ibr many years a Ruling Elder of the Church of Sugar Creek and proved by a checrlul. Aufr. 2^, l.'SS. XOTICt^ A LL persons are forewarned against trading for a Note of hand given by William J. Morrison uiiit'uriii and una.csumiQg |H-rformance of its duties | ('raucis 'I'herel, to which 1 am security, as tlit his deep iuterest iu religion and hia real for it» ' suid note w as lil1 d by William J. Morrison. TIk pro«|Krity. ! amount of tlic note not recollected, but believed tu Having tlius long and lliithfully served his Coun- j try and the Church, he des;eudtd to the grave with thanktulnesii and peace, and loukinir forward with joy and confldencc to that rest lehich ranuin- clh for tkt pfnj>lf of Uud. DIED, In this conntv, on the -.'Id ult. Mr*, rihn Cook, wife of .Mr. William I'ook, m llie 4.>lh year uf her age, K aviiig a husbiuid and eight children, with a large circle of friends to laiiie;it tlieir loss. be between 500 and SiUO. JOHN N. HOUSTON. Aus- 27, 1S33. 2wp 'I’lu* American rariiier, Rdifeil by (Jidcon U. Smith, is issued every Friday, in B.iltimore, at S.i|)cranniini, in advance. Con tents of the 22d Number, XV’ Volume,; Prieca of Wheat, C^inbinationi a- moiig lK-ulor«,&e.—Rock of Dimbarlon Cntli- 'I’lie I'our Shift System, the best Ibr James Ku 5»., lands, or any ;;ooti Wheat niid Corn Soils, by II j ('artcr—.\eoount of the EmbHnkmeut and Cult; I vation of tlie Shirley Swamp, by Hill Carter— \ Address deliven d lifore the Horlu ultural Sv» .-.iiiLiiniMD- ly Charleston, at the Aimiversary .Mcolinp,.! II. VI r Iv 10 IbS.'t. by Hrv. J. Ifuchman; eoiitinufd— 1 . * r""’ r7’ H i- Ivew and Stucccsfnl .M.oo ot Rearing Asparagn. Inrd Creek and K^’ky River, Joining the lands ot 1;,^ near PhilMlelpliia- Henrv Corum and the W idow Hoiie. 1 here 13 a Disease amon. XOTICK. r >14 HI’ 'iil'seriber now oft'er?! I Ji; salelhe I’LAM’ATIMN ! «lneli he now reside: iienrv veiruiii a m ...v ...y. ... - as to the oftiie Disease anum. good IJvvelling Hou^e on the premises and about „ „[ Philadelp!ii.i; >tr. Nutalll’s opin- i;.rty acre, of cleared Und. lor lerins m-iuire ol j*'- ‘..slobbers" m Horsep.- thusulMieribci. VVTMAV O IKIAIS ' .Veeount of a Disease p'c'.i!tjr to the w.i-Jiwest.n. ,,,,1. i ii WslV Atates,calledthe .Mi!k^u■k.^e.«-^^ MnlilnihnTLr CO- Amr- Mft, K .w to Stop Blood—receipt to cure ififl KiiigV Lul-- AV V I* I* l{ H .\’riC'K Oic Printing way to keap Fisiiiire'j iVc.jii Su^ar, \ n ‘llusiness will f>ctaken at this 1None ri.'.tis Circ’iir.stanres — IWnrliens ol Florida need apply but surh as can eoine will recom’i*en- W lient ('r.»i.s_f rici-'sl nfr'nt ol t ounlry t rod' deil for industry and goiKl ini.riil.'?. .''>ew.\urk and l.altnnoro . urkets A> industry ; Jim PKiN ri.NcJ !-- Of all kirsdf, ncatltj c.rcc’i*alth’i (>jfcc. U J> 'Of :nlc af tltii