THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS' JOURNAL From tbf rniWMl Sutw Teler«P»>. LETI'EK FKO.M MAJ. JACK DOWNISG. To Uncle Ji^y Dotrning—DovningwvilU!. I haint haidly time to say t)c«r Uncle. 1 aod the Gineral had it hip aud thigh, btrd «nd saft, toth*r night. We argi«d teli he hoilored out you re liaym and I'm Dan’l Webster. I aint llayne wys I. 1 sever writ a word of that tetter about Hayne'a great speech agin Webster. Slap Stop Major, snys the (jinerul—1 sJiill die—I’m done over taylor—you beat snukcs. Billy Lewis, says he, cnU the Cuhinrl. Nay—says Billy—which one, the kitchen, or the totber one ? Both, Billy-—but leave out Tnny—he's such a teller Vor gentility —dont let him cum. Major, says he, the likeof ketching Davy Crockett, boars nul lification, anti masonry, Mormonites, and kiiekukf'V, and all them things Johnny went his’pipe at me. But 1 never gives' Q. used to teach where they mode mo up, nor advance* backwards—«o he turned 1 L. L. D. If Amos, says he, was only here kinder like. Than we sot in lo smokin you might me a candle through hu n«i«:. and thinkin. Saj-a I Gineral thinkin is I Never mind Amos, says I, tiieni State plagy bard work thia hot weather. I’d rather maul rales say* he. Well, says the Gineral, Major, what’s your thoughts; the same to you, says I. Saya the GinemI, Major, that wild varmint’s got into Con gress again. Who’s he, says I? Davy banks pays him well for the bargins 1 rentane. Dear Uncle, Your nelu to command, MAJOR JACK POWMNG. This to my uncia by the States I'ele- gra[>h, from the Rip Rapa—dog days— I .in Pf tl.D There is in the city of Philadetpbia an establishnient called the Porcrlain ManU' The following gentlemen are ascertained of China. A traveller who lat^ I - -I «^ / lliiM SitVI7. ! • From tlie (Ky.) C.oinmonx»t:5llh. KKNTUCKY KLECTIONS. Crockett—and his lamin will bother us f«>r [ eighteen hundred and ;J3—. Ef the 'I'ele^ tnie—he’s up to the siniff. Major—he kilt graph won’t do it, let him fold it up and a wild cat at a wink. He’ll play hob with ^ start it off by the first steamboat to the Van Buren—there aint one can Iwld a can-1 Portland Advertiser, die to his talking. Tlien Tom Shelton from Kaintuck—Major,'I’m treed at last. I’d rather lick Packinghani six times, than j Summary Justice to Ik* eli'ctetl to I’wgress from this State, viz Isl District—Only partially lnmrd from. Mr. liyoii is suppowd to be re-elected over his opponent Mr. Bo>d. 2nd District—Albert G. Hawes. :$rd District—Chribtopher 'I'onipliins. 4th District—Martin Bealy. ."ilh District—Robeit P. liOtcher. 6th Dintrict—Thomas Chilton. 7ih DiHtrict—Benjamin Hardin. Kfh District—Patiii-k H. Pope. l»th District—James Love. lOlh District—Chilton Allan. 11th District—Anioa Davis. I’Jth District—'I’hos. A. Marshall. lUtii District—Col. R. M. Johnson. I ly visited it, says ; i I'he China Wore here manufactur«d, is, 'said to exceed in bi*auty, strength and jdurnbititv, any imported; and i believe It to 1« a' fact. It is made to nny patteni; ! and the proprietor fr«>quently receives or- jdera for breakfasl dinner and tea nets, i 'I’hey also make pitchers, urns, flower TOts, ' Initter-coolers, \:c. lo order. 'Ihey have ' 801110 of the handsomest, now made, that I have over seen. No |«r*on can go through, and see the whole «tperation ot this manu* factory, witlwut lieiiig antaiiislHd. 'i'he ipaintiiig and gilding are admirably well 1 d.rtie, as well us every other part of the I workmanship. I think, when this iiianii- I factory bocomes i • r« generally known, all I our m«>Ht rc8|iectuble citizens will feel a Mott Jhvgracrful.—U e learn by a gen-' national pri'le, in funiisliing their biases tieman fnmi HarnKlsburgh, that, notwith-! with breakfast, dinner ami tea sets, from standin g Mr. Leicher was elected from the this enterpriRe of their own Iteloyed coun- ^ ..... I 1 . - .1 . ...I.. ..A* itk tKjk From the I-cxin;;loo lntellifrcnH-r, Aug;. -3. KE.NTICKY KI.tXTloX. ' : (ifth Congressional District, i>v a clear and try ; as it ih the only one ot the kind in the CiM iNNATi, Aug.*.. . majorilvofCU votes over hi»: States. I hope it will n«^t with ample i, On Saturday , , |v(r. >|,H;re, the Siierillk of the encouragcmenl. Ifyousliould ever come have Item tellows at me and poor little o’clock, the warehoure ol Wedm-MJav hist to comjMire ! to Philadelphia, don’t fail to visit H. It is \ Ttey know loo m^h. Mea,™. Kilg«Mir di I’aylor, on I- ront-street, ninjoritv) situated alnKit two squares-we-l of the New C.ineraUays I, don t be addW. \ ou re city, wm entered hy a back door., ^.^^p'^^rtified to the election of Mr. Moore., Mint, m Ci.esnut street, worse scared than Imoc wa« i%n«n old Up- jfi-om whence, by mean* oi a barrel and j,.,, . bam gin him blue Betty—III row ein up . plank, the robber ascended to the npfier j., J'V* Salt River—that’s ftat. Major, says he, | j ’ '** I slrungc news, and would be incrtdi-, had we n«t received it from the most' you’re the naan—take then go altead. 1 telled 1, ketch a weazle asleep Crockelt would be lected, an I sot my trap, |euinslauces as rclaiod to us. an knotcbed him worse than a wbale with Hail Storm.—On Wedoaadty Uj,' village was visited by a tremendous •torm. Between two and three o’clock ,the afternoon a cloud aroae which hadi"* tW appcarance of a violent and destruct,, st«rm, wherever it should be to spend its furv ; a noise, rewmblin. i|J ef distant thunder, gave warning of n,, prooch, and in a abort time we were m |U mid«t of nil iU fury. The rain fell in ^ rents, intermixed with an unprecedtiJ fall of hail, both in quantity and size, of the tlonca measuring from two to iIZ inches in circumference,—Bccomp«ni(^|, a violetrt Hiorm, which lasted about 16 utes. Much dam«go is done to the com, a «« deal of it beiAg levelled with the the blades cut t* atoms, and the ean 4. off and scattered or«r the fielda. A Barn near thia place, the properit^ Mr. Rothaaa, and seme out houMfa u,;|^ place, were blown down and cru*h« 1, pieces; about 2UU0 panes of gba* it tj, lowest c4ilculation, were brol^; situated in low [daces, were swept (kij ; the water; roole of houses, coTer«J tile greatly injured; our garden* rneuuraUr laid waste; trcea tom out by thtrMU;i|j[ eome pigs and fowls, whui could outg|. tain i«belter, were kilkd by the hail. But fearful aiulawful as our situatiooiii, not knowing what moment our villain a,^ more or lew lie laid in a Iteapof ruuii,K have e^ped the ravages of a funow ly. a Bedford harpoon. How’s that ways the Gineral. Says I, give me . , s„,r,t..Buiruu-ii UK 0/-i>iwiZonJ 7Vi.f.—A servant woman, a drink of cider—I „ ig ho fcll. and (lashed bis brains _ I ncarour wasMiiployed todo tbecook- .sleep. I kno.ed bv. 1 hese are the cir-1 ^ V^dv? come to any drcsi.Ki. J bev a-scinbled a- j , ^,,e I Protected our lives aod property f,o« «iwl n»vnri>*/i H tvith : f ^ * i Ip to he well ore,«red fur the "T'"T , ‘ i ply ; I have not vet finished stringiiig the I i./ keCs, a’iKl a^’ane with a hook attached "T-rhe nl^h.K otJ^Sn/.he injury. ince the abo\-e we are informed tbi:^ storm extended live or six mile* bow the cat hopped in the bank, 1 knowed what petjple said. I says to Biddle, when I quit Hg^rin an syferin an hung up tlie slate—you know bribery and kirnipshin Datfjf Adctrti*iT, ! «hich rrfuMi b.-mg accepted bv the Shtt- f'>r of atteuduig colmr) work. iS of Ander«Ki, Jessamine, and the Depo- «' «»enK^ ol Hi porter Atf. i .Since our last, we learn that iht wn. A Dop.—Kn old free Negro who lived ,y Sheriff of Mercer, as u pn-text f-.r tv- her rrsidcnce, to U.1I tlie tea kettle (a verv * * J panes of iria« don’t “Z*t“T »';s te-Vf kS ’ •" t-rnmg Mr. Moore, they a^ordiugly cer-, c«umun phra*) a. early as po-iUe. \t ■ flat" had come te ma instead ot goin^ lie'd got IdOO in a minute. Nic fur sartio, says 1, Squire Vou’re oU * u«’ver had the benefit of a hearty meal, j 'Pbe dm- • *** ® perfect anatomy, tlie very skckton I signs Mrs. went in to ascertain »hy the dc- ^ The follovimg n*marks are trade by the lay—when, lo' tbr tea kettle was hwlmg. lo about 2).7tiO.—W e also learn ibstan liail stouea were ditcovored ta metK.- ^**1 '«r j of a shadow, remarkable for nothing but Its Kentucky Olive Branch on the . Ii^.!'i^^*'*_*!^*lli,[^^*ou.ntitv of hit n gi )ou ry roc e . race usually considered ihp most unpromi*- Cun^iress in the district in %»l.tcb be has al»*tit Palt) * by, 1 am doin;^ what you , * ’ ing sa%s t Squire. go e paper ^ n^ ranine^’i. Tim mnsicr . K>»n Inti-lv rlwii»il;—Au/. IiJiIiijrtncir. toUl iiie to do—the Ira k^tle. I UvitoH CllUintl. 1 " e recorded, > esierday, (says a Ur I («per) the death of Mr. W ilberf rrt. with ' hmis»-lf down upon an old cjat, i i,o^.pver, lo them to sav, lh:it the conduct' The meriran prc.-a i> more opprobious-1 tlie day of his decease, Mr. Buxl«»bv]M mv compliments in full." Now savs he, |of their Sheriri(Mr. Aiired Mocker) meets ly treated in Ham.ltoi/s ••Men ainl Mun-^^^j^n in the awrae of the diacw« Major wnteto Crockett-so down'l bcIb ^ no effort ot torce or penmasuHi rou d . ^.„h ,„,.versal execration m the cuiintv.- .«rs in AmerKra, than it l.w aver been be-1 ^.11 m ibellou^^oft V in tha biir chcer and writes—VIZ' as fol- ‘3^“ li^nc'er an at- ^Ve are informed that honor,hie men oj «// tore m any foreign pubhc.iti.iii. Congresd, f lows* * * [tempt was made to coax him away, he 'parfiei comur in proiioi-iicin- it a mow f/i,- as a bodj^ firas !^t little better with the to refer lo bis opioioo, thus centinuf.'- ri 1* 7; n r* [ed so piloous.'y, that tboee ^bo heard him, nj,„ h strii«-* at S:otmh c)nic. Some of oiir orator* are xlla couM not name him now d^^laredit was dirfres-Mns to hear him.-;"he ro«*t of uvii hberty aod d.cti.r haft-Ih-d a, focl). by him, ntth tha gr«atc*t ,Vcl,nfs of atm.tioo-be meant Mr. « DeahDav:-! hoppd like parch peas ^hen force met it with vfveriiv. (►f I'n^idint Ja and Mr. nenHram .ir. savage and ungoverimble fury. Thenei;{h. do hope tlie time ha not %ct ar- Wi;ji,frK.}/! Kivuki with graci>u» k,ud. ^I»»rcc; lie bore a high tcaliim^y tolaiar Him , country when corr.fHi Ai wch i*e.«. in his |)r«rf8ce, he avwws it to be one , racter of that gwitlemaa, aod regrtiif^ dollar notes to your uncle for sampl to make em at Downrngville Bank when I beard you was lected. rived in tbis country when corr.ifHi'jn wch n^«* »m .. ^ as this will be justified. An indigiu>iit peo- of his principal t^bjrcls to cure the Britwh , he bad not lived lo aeo the cau«e, be bK» oo quick the Gineral forgives all, and taking com[>assion on him, gave says you an I shall go on fo„d every day, but the faithiii creatur l!Tb7mlTrockett-t£«amr^^ '/'.e - pie' win fmwn 'i. t f>C‘-pte M ’jieir pr^nt propenvtv tuadinir. i ^ .hJy ^ 1^ I r* Lott IV. unir.n I oiilv uicniorial which he possessed of his ih«> perijCirutorM o( such dt cds be coo-signcd and covct Republican iiiililuli-/Os. . >r ii • Imn that can sund Crockett ami IXmn ng. ^ ^ ^ hich nothing could d.,„n,ce.” i -Va/. O'czettc. ««utian. To no man were the • .I*. Liddle says damn the expense and until death at last came to relieve, I tb« poet more applicable— bMidea What at. >iatuew ^.larne ■ „f ^ch noble affec ! ,„,on,H.d of van.. d^Jd^h^’T'Tbe £ forgiving’'”"’ '^hich can poesibly have its ,„„v,w, M. J. _ .ui i?lb . »tL* .inouy^, ,i,^ „„.at and nor The Cotton Spcntlatum.—VVe have b^n us larjie ?u:i;s of tntD**\ ithin tbe 1.l-«i t>.n davi, hv He savB tha bank votes eight '"‘'^7 7u" u’7 ~aT' great and uortn.rtoH n-ii, this sta(Je York-and now at iIk; tpnnga. He la a *a day to'tbe cleverest feUow to be I Ma^onan for travelhng. ll.Hiselo., lH>me. 11 Ao IJ i7 '—There it a crntl^Tnnn here, ‘ • \ r»irr*n wirrior in *Iw Oiri»ti»n fi'M. tlicre,and rvery wh^re.—to-day lu t *oor«#d, ' " rnrrrf »•» ih* »wo»tJ h- rwild m( «tit. —t»-niorroM ii a«hni2tXi—anoo in New lie la a says State banka is liliin Amos’ wallet. They j/in him in New York enuff to buy all your niggers and land ton. Now’s the lime dear Dav. Vouf’s te command, MAJOR JACK DOWNING. Wbo, wlwn «cca«Min juMiAcd iii n«c, llui wit a* t>rt(ht a« rcadjr to draw frcxn rrrard* uf an «arlK( *C' (>t froro philo*u|ihy'( rnlifhtmed p«fT, ill* nch niarertala; *r»«l rff*l« tlie f*r • W ilh •iraiu* it waii a luxorjr lo got eight dollars a day to give away, fur aOijctionale heart, two years, besides what St. Mathew Clarke fflvs. Nick S'veet oil f1 Miners. dollars a day to tne cievere^;! leuow lo oe r-,re—Ilirhmi.ntl XVlniT j . found—and says vou're the man. ^be liichmoml \Mng. , here, we n-iy l« “» f'^late. A |e^,w,fHew. heetectioneers id Stage coach. I .NewOrleans merchant, largely conc**rne.l b!c,u,i U*itti.—aMba Whita liouae and Sheridan was once endeavoring to com- in tho cotton trade, happening to he in .New SpriU2'—'‘ith men, girla and bova, bis j —— I pliment (vu!g» gammon) a city tailor oi« of York, the notion took hiui to make a trip fece ever lu ainilea, hi* niouih always in a i From tJ»r C^axlwton PilrioL .a new suit of clothes, aU promising him to I,iverpo.l,to which he wasm reality in- pu»k'-r, bowmjf and noduing. whiiiipenng } >1^. K^u>r: Our strecU are fullflfr I half a doz ;n similar orders every i “ You are an e,xcellent rut, my . , He had n^«so.Hier landed J'lfrtlatui Cvurier. cloth coata made in Ijondwn, aod *m;{ tell I’m done laughin—depend upon it he,'"** »*«« nouow. .. uj m»m m i.nerpooi. than he made himai-lf m a few ' into our city. friiTtrlfvl like vankee doodle. When he push vour thimble amongwl us? I'll recoin-. da>» prrlisclly familiar with the state of liie - . . « , »t l . >..iii fa^JkHi ^ ^ •nyho,K>r,(W.n Market. This knowled::.. to ■ D,srorrry rf Corn.-V \ Many ol the- gentry consider.. • * i'^'and^ewfed biiB * * replied the, “I alwajs take care . cAuntry, miiii>tied him that a rise was alxMit they f«.ruHil parties for the pur-! jh^ j They do not r«P** nii«ion—IllTre' «ir.t Smin iim •hmiH | !> i vcty’tatjc of miu..!.— »' Ne" K.isW,” ranm-.i.Jfl .«io «f lliey or* lh.l tvrn- do (hat to me. I’d dart daylight through i VndcrBtanding an ()ath.—K sailor, who IJ« (ore even the bills could Im mndc out and of men. In tbeir tmuggled in i» altrnded with a pei]un,«* Did’nl I tell the people at , luid been for some time umier the commHnd the notion delivered to him. the rise in price they met with t.cieral small hil- ^ho cuuntcnanca it are * y year. duc»>d more hv the supenor nrcommodalions and smirking—oil things lo all nn:n, to all . ,, , .... i« friend,-’ of the New-York jwckets. than from any *^„en aiid all ch.ldren-W|,o is it' Major, savs the Gineral, slop a minute «»‘d Shcndan, » and you l^i.-it our w.ijis of call of hiisiness. 1 I’m done’ laughin—depend upon it he 'h** »‘«d “H hollow. W hy dw.t you in Liverpool, thi rFled like yankee doodle. W hen he push your thimble amongst us? I’ll recom-, daj* p^ rti-clly fa laurliu and crvio says he, Ma-1)'" every where. I’fion my honor, ‘ Cottfm .Market. '1’his knowledge, i , - r • i ’s the answer? Preacnl arms, savs ■ >'f*ur work gives infinite credit.”—“ ^ es,” his full ncqumnlance with the market in this “ftllenwnt of the Puiilana in .New. | ther in llicir capa lo clieat tlie Govf.'»* L-wed hua * replied the, “I alwajs take care .country, miiii'tied him that a rise was alxMit they f«>ruHil ^ ’ ■ - - - -• * ' 1 .1 .., .1 — take place m Kngland. He proceeded p*^ « ^»ploring the « to employ an ng^nt, w ho |wrchiu**.f) mi hi» 'lde« .^fandi«h, who may iiccount a very large amount of c/>tti>n.— New-Knglaiid, o , ^ - , IJ«fore even the bills could lie mnde out and *hein, consist mg of «.rt« the people at I luid been for some time umier the command the notion dHivered to him. the rise in price pogrt-ss they met wiih several small hil- ,h,( they who cuunlcnance it K., and fM,. ;.rf. »W n.ucl, adJ,c.od to hard .bicl. ro, a^.n.w ll... .».rU,, ,wI,lo„h I-"';;;’';?!;’;;;;'! 2,1 !,Tt'l.'°v^d«.'.!;‘Jd''tad' ^ of S.*l»rnal.,.. of I' yas fi'»htin—I swearing, was called upon to give evidence took plare ; and so great was the ailvance •inoians, ^t, r» tiiev aOvaiicod. iieslilence was cholera—and famine was before a court of justice, m New Haven.— from day lo d.iy, that in ofi** week, the «a- '«i?«'=my more, they closely examined tliom, ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Fhon crops. I’m up to Old Nick or young , The judge, noticing the rough and awkward 1 g:»ci«HJs New-Orlcnns nieiclwint resold his discoTTxJ that lhy coii(nm»>d /Wiu/i Nic. But the bank must be cwisolida'ted— appearance of the son of Neptune, began to 'collon wuh.Mit having Ijeen oi.hged evfu to ' '”3 buried in the ear, it encited Itifu in a jiflin. Bull ('reek what war, pestilcr>ce ine was. 1 toll'd em war was mg nnny more, they closc-ly examined tliom, law of llie United States dirccis Ibf lor lo |iublisli the name of the •iiUj||'f ...... , p II f ,1 ■ ter cotiv iction. 11 would be wf 111^ •*** and I can’t judge of the bank up to its lecture him on the imiwrtance of the place , |«iy |K,rtera;re. for a cash advance of two ’ “7 f. I*"'7„K,,,h ,he names of H** nullification, without I try how some of the i he occupied, as a witm-ss on the stand ; and in .'toBLn tiioisa.mi noi.L*R*. thought a valuJiUo acquisition ; while . P« TW ruof^N rrasses every wl,ere. So aay rioth-' asked him if Iw underst.KxJ the nature of an j PhUaddphla "'hers, w ho ato in a rn»- stale, did not rel- for whom the clothes are smu-gW- in, Maj'ir, till I git the rino—and then f>ath.—» Do I, master ?” said the tar, rolling | jsh it, B^d tlumght it worth little or nothing, ownar* of vesaels ought to U: app^*^ we’ll treat the (uneml. j his quid to the other side of his in.uth Spontanrmt C,rmhv»ti(m.—T\\% town of >ihe ■f iiaHv in case the eooils excc«*i Your's to sarrf. |“d—n my eyes! I think I do hy this limr, Reading, was lately thrown inlosonw con- . prmg. Spianto, a fiiendly io-j ^ ^ luvoniej UAVY CIUX'KfnT, i for I've been with Capt.B—long enough.” [fusion, by an alarm of firo which proceedeti '""ti'uctcd iheui in the culture of it, | luo 4U0 Collar*. 1 lie snip House of Urpn. Cuiutellatiun. from the pfwr housr, between two and ttire© it was, proliably, ihe means of saving ud. Ha* Nullificntioo any thing t» I miles dmtnnt. An engine and hose com- ■ftcrwarda from fimine. Subtility and Pnidrnee.—\ poor man in 1 l«"y fmm the borough, anJ the ‘ CharUMon Cotirier. Give me that letter, says the Gineral, g,, „ flames were subdued, after burning aome i d w Ith j'« s>‘ Cf^k’i shop, vJ^iJo was disiiing up meat, that' «»• ^ ‘«ns of hay. 'I'he fire originated spot.- /Airenzo Dme't recfidimi of the Prrndrnt. hia stomach was satisfied with the smell and 1 taneously m soma second crop hay. which —When at Norwich C-onu. the itcenlrir the effluvia arising from the victuals, and gathered m, lu rather too green fx.rrn/.i Dow presenUd the i*rcsident with the choleric cook demanded »f him to i«iy •‘“‘e. ^ ^^,1^ having some clay fasteiK'd at the low- vimmv» , for bis breakfast, 'i’he f«or man refusi-d ; | ’ cr end. sonw motherwort m the middle, and ' ,he niirht of the 28th m^l. by pifl'"'! and the cwlroversy was referred to the urn-1 Mr. Rlade, nn Knglish ofTirer, who has some hickory sprigs at the lop. On pn»sen-^^ , . . ult *nd rol.b«lo^^’''* P, P. S. The People out here, aay* Amf* is more nave than CajI. t. and (■ring, an half dnncin;;, and singing the funniest thing, just like unto, “ I’wwucn up the (film tree, ;ot rmj f.'rocktM in mjr iockct. ^’anki Lkijdle Daiidee.'' Savs I. (iineral yoiu'll l»e fevery, and tbit violation of tho revenue la**’ Bank Ri>Lrrtj tn signed hv (iwo. W'. I.amar, a»hier*^**^^ ceived her* )o»torday, slating th*t ^ cimnics’ Bank, in Augusta, was rnlf “ flail • 'arininHr hsppjf Und, fU*ir «nd kiTidaU ‘li>;«v;o hiorn’lj»r,d AVbu fit an uiit in J«ck»ou'i c«um." , , ,11,, .1 • . . c - > .—i my wile Lucy and the cook should be rccompmsed by enlhusiusm of his subjects and the national How do you do, Lurv ? wild lh»-l're»idl*iil b-aring it jmglc, a« the poor mam wa- and fwwerl'ul in'hencc of old cintoa38 and as bf took ladv Dgw’l.‘.ind, nmid shf>n-* of, n«y •atmfitjd With tlic siucii the cw/k’i oieat. prejudicpf tninh. hension ol the roblier, siid «ftcuriti| ^ ; and a proportionate ^ ' port of tho inonoy-—

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