THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. SADDI^KS iV II aun kss. OUl>KUi». REGIMENTAL I SC EL I. A.\ KOI Si From the New-York Evenine Po«t. naval ANEt’lX)TE. Some lira# «n the early part of the Into war, between the United States aoti Great Bntain, a« the frigHte President, Commo- dore Rogers, was standing in for Block Isl- anJ, between tiny Head and Mautaug Point: under a full compliment of canvass, she es- |>icd a Innj sharp “ clipper built” schot.ner with Cnglish colors, under the lee bow sail ing towards her, lieai ing a set of signals which wore not umlerstood : the schooner was therefore proiiounced to be an enemy’s coinpaii«:j vessel. The Commodore, however, by way of ma- j _ king a feint, ordered a flag run up, and hiiul-1 ed down again iramediately. This had the effect intendetl; the schooner believing that his signal had been duly answered, and not vrilhng to appear dull on the occasion, forth with hauled down his signal and stood lor the President, supposing her to be one ol his B. M. frigates. The President now hove too under Eng lish color*. Tlie «hoiner came alongside, and was hailed, ‘ hat schooner is that 1 ‘ Ilis M. schooner Highflyer,’ was the an swer. * Come on board, Sir, with your pa- jiers.’ ‘ Aye, aye, Sir.’ The boat was now i lioisted out and' a British I.ieutenant came j alongside. He was piped over the gang wav, and immediately ushered into the cab- ^ R. gin.ent HEAD UUARTFRS, ( CharlMv, A'. C. August 27/A, ) rilllE Offio«r», (C'ommi»t>iot»'d | and iioii-C-otniniKsionrd) .Mu- ■ MiU BOOK NTOKI« M hi: havinp -v, vt pros|MM't of bcin" ngBin «lilo to p«Tlbrni ihc la- \ I**’*’* “* in CTMiinion wilt' othir men, Iht- iniportanpi' T. AnIU KV a I'O. 1 % AVK on hnnd and will con-' Ji I tiitiiu to niBtiiilatliin? ut their Shop in tlie soulti iait wing ;S£££^^ of Mr. Spring’i Brirk Building, iAidit H mid aenWwrn^B sician* and pri\-«lM in thv , ' ‘ employment w hioh will inn- j Ist ri'Fitn* i>t of N. ( . N oliintccrs, ■ p^vide for the want* of a rising fan»iv. wUl p.iraricin(h»r^^^^^ ' has opened a H«k Store in thatkm.-, N. „ras«priorH>U of woikinanahip and good non li the llh of ^ ;, lliat such an .-3tal.Ui.bni.|r.l was. md.U ...jierials, by tlie Mts-rs. J.Hon*, of Lincoln tKpiipi^d according to \ the \V,M«rii stction ot our Mat?. ll' 'j «ho arc «\ell known in the weateru part view and f ! ,,o.-tr«llv i..viU>» hi. frirud., nc.,Hn.ntanc..., and . | ^ work..u-.i-Ali«,, Ik; fornivd pr.cisrly at .> o clock., nndcrtakinff, to call ; '■ . Ridinp Carryall ‘t Arud. inirs, many worli* in TLcoloRy. nun nini.^y j — - S/>u*hcrn Statm. 1 Mis« cllr.ncotii Ixxjkii »uitcd to a!ino*it every c.a . addition to llic above, vc have on hand a pen- of readers, he will be able to p«,euro on favorable r,«f* W«u«.,.ir. Iht- l. rins, any b.K>k* to be »*>''•»* '" , ‘''V 'Hit,, Stirrup /ron*. and all other arlule. nr_ k it:cs, or in the Lniu.on .Market. It will rh , olf .Su.Ulci and Harm**, which him plea..ire to as,.,t profc^siond r. ntlenKi. o , private eilm ns in enlarging their I.ibraries, or the public to rail and namine the I piirehni.irg new otiej. He l^kn with eonti.Icn . nianufaclumd,hear priti-a and I and re*iK-ct to an jndpe tor then,s. lv eonrapeini'iit. damll lau LI). 311L1TAKY ORl>KKS. IJEAU Ql'ARTI.R.'t. Concert/, .luff. I C/iarlottf, !>fa^'2^, 3Jtf r. S. I have eontrarliHi with ftto S*rretary ot 1 the A T. S«. for an r.ditioii of tliot htihtian Abna. nic ibr .North-Caroliiia, for I- »t will contaiu 1-i pag' K more of useful iiMtU-r than hitherto and lie iMi'.u at the winie price. It will te pu'jl»»btvl in Julv, ami may b* ImJ by the ditrui or hundn .i.oi .lohn 1‘. No^. VW Nas.'iu atrnt, N. ^ ol Hughes Jt '1 urner, Ualuflh, and at the QwrlulU linok .'••lire. •f .'^>•17 JiHHorlmmt of • WAT€HK»i, JKWELKy aubacribcr rcaiH-ctlully informi hi, n». JL tomcra and the public genoriliy, ih»t . Ut*ly received the tbilowing articlei, vi*; 4iiold nii«l Silver l.ov‘rH, li(‘pinr A: Plain U atciirN, ,>i«. M»rtrl, ’ ^ 4;4‘ii(lriiirn*M (liold tiiains MciiIm nii«l KeyM, ICnr niKl I'iiiKvr Kini^N, llrrant TIiim and Hhiri fiiind, which, tnjji'tber wilii hia fornicr Stock, nui^c, preneiit awixrtnient nearly complete, all of *1*.^ will be Bold ^t a very atnall advanctt for caih,« a •hort tiinf, to punctual cuatoiiieri, Hr ftill pontinue* tn manufacture SU.Vii SI*tK»NS and other articlviof Gold and al»o, to reimirriicka and Watchea, oai Ar i vj hrrr tHfunn Ike miUn, that IiIr i« (he only ^ town where nuej! artielea are repaired. H will alao I LUX (JOLD in any quanliij g the lihortent mitieo. (•ILlHNCi and K.NfiRAVINtJ, alto, dixyi, ord..r. THO.MAS Tkurui 1 ('karUtttr, May, lt>33. '3^u' VharUtt, Her. ", IJ^33. IjIT Tour or ft\o jwirm-ynien S.iddle and Ilarnew j ^ic|«>rl 'iri*HlHlinS:, \lakera la want-d, to whuh pood wag»« will 1m- (Vn/jmiM/r ff S uiveii, by applying to j.\.« T. AnruY A t o. igside. He was piped over me gang- ! ^ rommandinic OtHctr-*, k-lon.ii>c to the j l-'OI' I'l'V S VLI’. r. and immediately ushered into the CHO-I I' of I'avalrv aiiatbc«i to the Ilthj . , . ' , i „f p.m *.*">1 -• ► ^ i i ,i i ■ ', .1** Hi.'f>enioi V I ,.V w ind d..wn, wil rcMinie her trip* in the cour«-«l ; lion rniunat'\ I. ^ tlieinaelrc# at a^Rri»t k in, where sat Conj. Rodgers, to whom he Hnjratic of the 4th I>ivi»mn of the NorlhCarnlina I ■ f I h.raled bin imtroctions. •I'mph, so V''r"V'' TOU looking oul f..r ih. A.occnn In- : »■“ «“ “ >“'«■« 1 > N preaenting to tlia piihlie a periodml, ,n«iir €’liarl**»tOII aiul liirrau. ** |y„rwinilachararttr,it»illbcei|*,4 f aiHH S'l'KAM I the piibli»btr thoiiM dtfcribc hu plan. aUilni^ H jject* hr ho{H» to accoinpluh. . . Capt. J ( Uref.ain.hjvtns: ' 'I'bere ia growing U4> in the fnited »r^hH. n Mi rccrd th. la.t Kuiii. 1 mrrou. fopulation. with literary Uatet. »i mer in ihv traie runninc I. »* i -n ('l.srlerlon and I .rattmd ovrr a large apare. and who. diiUn „ ( ill raw, tnlling tt (ieorj-rtown on her way up the loralitu-s wlieie tjooka and hlrrarj r unday 5>ctiool Ijbrarica. .Mcmc.irs of N- " • Dickerman do do lo do do looking gate President, Com. Rtidgers.’ ‘ here did you leave the squadron 1’ ‘ Yesterday moniing off back Long Island, Sir.’ ‘ How was Com. Hardy V ‘ He was very well, fcir. ‘ Have you a sufficient description ot the President to enable you to recognize her when you shall see her ?’ ‘ O yes. Sir, we cannot fail to know her immediately.’ ‘ U ell. Sir, without keeping you longer in suspense, I haTf the honor to inform you that you are now on board the I.. S. ship President, atid 1 aui Com. Rolgers!!’ Meantime all hands lieini piped to dinner, the offircr of the deck ordered the boats wain's mate to invite the men who were in the boat to conic up aiid partake with the crew. The boatswain's male accordingly looks over the side, and says-‘ shipmates, come I ahc ard and get some dinner —‘ Shipmates, jj^u '.1 Li. tun s eh,* says a dr\ old fellow in the act ol takitig out his last hours quid of tabocco, and look ing up at the same time very quizzically at the President's jib—‘ I say Tom, do you twig that itpiU canratitjtf/ ? Shiver my top masts, but Brother Jonathan has diddled us this tune, as sure as the devil’s in Lunnun. j But never mind Tom, we’ll go aboard and : sen our new messmates—mayhap we shall find pl^-nty of Vuokee grog, with a dish ol' long mccettrungs, and a comfortable drop of old A'tn/i/fir. Losg Tom. rc^jK-ctive subaltcrna and prixotes equipptd eording to iaw. tor Rcvi i% and Inapection. 'Ibc Rtt'iraent will be formed at 10 o’clock, A. .M. Lr order of W M. C. .M EA N'S. Col. rom'Tt. I JIAS. J. l\.\WU\ii,Adjl. Si:w icooK^ lit Monday, beini; iht llli ii Ao- llic I'ocrt lluUM- III Ctjailolie, 1 * I race auction a Vt'.luabk Tract of fMtul, containing one h'indrcd atid tiiirly aeres, jiMi.inir tlie liiwU of Joliii * bffk. haui’l. >,iiitb, Ain. (;o6in»-n and olbcri', fornitrl) own* d bv K.-Url l.ti>(l>av now decea«ei), and »>ld tor tti*' t» n til "! his iieir* al Uw. nionlh#’ endit » nl l»- tliat nn ntal f'x>d whleli education h»» fillft enj*’y. J I’ST received, «.me of them very .uiUblc for gi'tn. '1 h.- purcha^r givu.g i«.,u uuU «li.:ac- tifiy kccurily. of J'>lin -M. .Mead ol' riorrcnce Kidder of Felii NelT of John Knill of Uabella t’amplK-lI of Francis V. Ri-inbard Scontal'* coniplctp xmrku St lil t Workii of -Archbuhnp iglitoii Tayk)r’s Holy Livinj and l»wng Owen on Spiritual Minkdiu?a .Advice to S'oiinj C'unaiiin* on Fxliic^tioa IU1!’» I-«clur('«i on.**' Iifxil Keeping I.dtrrstua Vonng Stude nt liiographv of S lMaujhl .Men I‘oliticai i -bs' Ro-ik Atnral t 'la*.' lliok IVilor I.rtiires P.jHeL'an's (.reek and Enjli^h Ixxifon tiould’s Virjil Gonld’s I.atin Oramtnar, Latin Rcidi r, T.rtck ' 1). U. L>5 NI.Al’,! . «. Ausiitt 13fA, l'^3. rj.i>J 13ii:Ai* vioiti:, fii the 'i'tnrn of hai iottt'. ffciiil; »u6»tritx.r liaMii*; purcna»»U x l>r. J JL 1) iHMii, ills cuUre Mo a ol «■ou^l^ wiueb wt re S'-lected laat fall, entirely new. in ^ ui k 1 and PliiUdelphia, With a r»-cruit tf Sprint: unii Summer Fum y (i(KiJ)S, j ' .1' ftiinil quiintity oj ilartivnn , . Crockir^, Cojjir and .SV"ar, , Salt of a sujn riijr qtaliti/, ‘ all of wLich I will acil low for cai,!i er t- p’ V day*, and u ii.l.r.di,d tobccontii.ned in tlte I Uia the enMiii g pca«>n. The , . .iin- li-ht 11« en^v. It»k. are cheap in their prir,- .Iran of wMir. dia.unc mW four and a halftWt ,tif». Hut in the interior they cannct br prw,. when l.i.Va will enabl. h- r !o r. ach ft^'raw at ^ a> *.».n an publi»bed, nor without cmiri.-. ill HUH .-, t xert t .i;«i an • -iii' ' !■•'» riter. j To »t.pply thia d^-aideratum i. U. *l..n i,.r earfo *;U Le ol lU e.i^ i.K , of the prr-ent unkrtakii.g. the chief r if the I; it i whiohem;ili»lieally ii.loniaWegnodreaditr foiMloitablrace.m.m. btioi.). f.r a ftw p:‘.ei.. j »r. ?nd to pul (t ii. • form Uial wiU bring ill,, xwtii all due atti n;i«-n. ■ ms- . ilooc. , , . , J li. t ;H IJ.x kataanotbrafntl.y mail, while iK,- r*«r/-.'-til..'■>/». W. l-’U. .Mf i ire.i.»lin>r IjHrary”may b're itedaf - ' ... ■ ‘ di«t»nt (i^.rt ^ i It.'' ,f>f a imrrl anW »«ifrif»iaf l^rrtiu /‘uUiralioH, fa It cuiumenct^ OH Sjluitiuf l.'.t Glk uf T“ KE »:\TMI » t» Th(‘ K|>> ill l‘liilatiti|i>iia, ANU M l KIT OF I Hf. A«^K. \d- I'lTm; in the ( nim 1(1 fmr: twmty.fiTe day* after it w poWuhed. at i;.. i'i|«n»eof two and a half ctntattr in cli:! !>rt>>rr a lv«k could In Ivnind in lt.ilae , ^u'.l»l.rlb« r« in »hio of >ermotit irjiy U It in tlx ir parluiir* ; T.nluciditr tJ.e fi'vanlayea of 0 > • 'rulatme I.ilirary" »neb a« we pru{*~ > ' nei .iwiaty to ru'jipare it »ilh amn« of'T - I lion*, 'l ake !l;r U aterly ii«»«l* |i.f’»is I’hnmielca ef the t'anongaie oc«'ipi i» d«.nigg«odt»eichotli'r,or.iiiothir worJ?,j ■ I'rorn beii’g i;.ciivi>Iu3lly »er\ to ao- numhcr wmilj br readily contamrd m U.r jtiely. '1 in'* cun U- I/m rff. ct. d by a ber* of thi* p«iodir«l, at an »»p*nar - ii'-r f _. ili'‘r:i >ut uccor'liii); to the i.‘cc^aitica ol the f'V IS 'T\ pliiliMiphir^tll} ol*^*r»ed hy diiMm, that our gn ati >t pride ariH*-. IW , ,' i’K-r ai.plkat,on’or..ur ...ttllige:,cic.,'»K-'ting ^rrtntl , »• , . .1 _ .... .... ,4.” lhf« ^ liiiicf quartiijr Ot i»trT%f r . Taler,. 'l bv clo-e allenUoi,. to Mm,.-a ,~r- tll- r.l ..ut accordl.^ to ttlC l, CC^a.tlCS ol tlie , I tiw. 01 the latrui.ij. nf Metklmtmr; .nd it. 'i rotnmuni'v. and l'*^ laii.'.Mitiug the ceclme f^rin. I ' emilv. ll I” the w .-di ol the pf.p'ut..r for la» ,,f |)iil,!ic Mrtlie thiUl ciivt kltl)( the proy;re»!i oy fi.ail. and the fririioi t I ifi''- bun tlie pka«uri of fli hu SloO«, hiir pritt* .ird llien Jocj,e lor lt:> i ,tlv.,. JUII.N .M >iUiCkl.>*).S. ju'.j 23.:, i-m. »tiwe moi.ey by ai' Hut w«- ron.-.i-r Uti. riy rwript »t a ne» iny^xUrtu of jiuUic vicr : for\ico rtlartled n virMir a iuoM difiirr-aiihif.ff uitomrf ih« ol iiubuc vicr : lor ^ico niurwu is ...k--- -• A,.heo,r...-.,Id,.u»„. cl iiicii'-'ir'"* «,| i.ational uiid ^tJte |>olitv are the-.r fn.n honn • wrth •■»)>iaJ w> 'I — tilt Ikisiiii *>t «>f ;he claily pri'S?, the lull tu>- : Vnlumrs of tbr |y«nloii rw «.■ A man KtUrd with a Candle.—.\n in- q-j. st was held at Ciewer, on Friday la.«t (.n th Charloitc, and allowing thera to rcniain in „r any eAjicr '1 Ik r a la it .jt'le .'■•i.rt ilctfTt. hut exhibit IIm MS WoUe III ti e ,trfeu alter P oMock at ni«l.t. alttr the (j-. m' on the ,.r. ...i- T. rn,» e.n l-> u.a... .n.blic-^-orn ; B mark b\ krown by .ppuatp to J-u, i{ U-l^ax,... who •irioiaC. J\ ( R V. II.I.IWS Ktiirr M1 iMh l>ndy of tt man, Charles Hore, who ^ in*t. may expect to have iheni p« nred and the own Was unfortunately killed the samo moniiup i er« liin.d iO cer.L« for carh m.e. accon^m:: I'j an ut„i Li. .1., foliow,.» .l,oojh,l«. ^ npfieartd in evidence that the poor lellow j -lo jKi.r liad been engaged the previous evening as ' ZT'iZZTThTZ an extra waiter at the Cavalry Barracks, KiiiIJtl S Ltttr of M OUt iOHflUS. and had returned home early in the morn- i ^ ^ ing w ith a friend, with whom he was laugh- I iDg and joking. Kn he walked down the | \aH at the back of his bwse, the other! ^5^^ loaded a gun willi powder, and put into it! rZllir. Ti'.e^ol tiic lown om;nny ari- now M ai'd .I'l r»on» ii»in? wiiimii ;:i'- : art re*,u»U-d to e>'in; llir . an! ard ( ;»y up I'y th* Au:»'ist Coiir’. 'Ill* I'ax I.i-t in i’al>»eur. aid li ft in tliC I: iiuif. of .•'Illi'l. ■ I .il''^«cll »I:oM .iiiitiAriatd to ritnvc ti.c taica, and rt» rin;i,>U , inttr-.s;»—filfy two uuu icra beirg Ui' liir h\e tiolUri. .^rrer "i nw nl» hate }»*n roai!e U lx».'»dKi ai' r«rlr c«-pv if . r.>ry t- w e.lh«r in that rmrt of litct.t nr in Ui- getiier willi til* (►•run.ual hti ral ir. Itritjin.—FrfWii the torr-i r ' s ■' \oti !i. Miii»>.r«, ’I'i I'lan fifrH|i)iy, \e. and p«iblnh llwtn i'! ' ptdity a id aeriiraey ■» "" nfi r .nr ^ “ S/.y in 'Philad,li>hta' shall be |erfe«tl) f.« '**11 adn.u. ^ro.n il.. Ut(rr. r dc'iicute, and iim'oiitaminat^d h) cant or \ul- ‘ ■ t»'nt and sTr^ice lie reiidenil U> iK»:irly. In jclllctii'g thii i.hjtxt wc ahull jKirsu's a )t lintrc«lJen j>alh ; on*- where thr iM'ceiwary thorn shall b«- miuyled (tiot coticcjlcd) with rcn’raMiiig lliiwcr>*. ’I he rnannrr ut the hilfa nistli-ht, and fired with the mtet;lion ;I '^ur aje,lc an>i i.u k, h,frrcn mx oNNAroilI of coverin;' him with grease. The poor j ( harlotte, . ttnd ( amdrn, S. L. r!.,trIoiif,July.i.\\'\:i. man instantly dropped down, and died in i •'BXHF, Proprietor of thi« line infor.n* the puMie. le»-H than two hours afterwards, the candle ' ■ «hat he ha* lat, ly tumi-lRd h... !f wiit. having pass*^d throiigli his kidneys. Hr lias left a wife and five bmull childrcu desti tute.—Louden pcprr. GLORGIA vf. DOWN EAST. Sctn?—Bir Room of a Tavern. yutmec-—(AddrcningCracker,n Ccor- Ilf. i eoaf litti. and h‘ hopes that he »ill r.cir be t-n- ‘ abled t/i rend r Mlikfaction to tliO'e »ho may tra vel on hi* line. Tne ruail lc.iv' » {’harlf>tl'' every i Sunday ii;d Wcdnewioy mornings and rtlurn* ev ery Monday and 'lliursd^y tvcninff. 1’ r*'>nt>| wifhin? to make an ex[)editiou« trip to N- w York, are inrorriitd thst by Charlc-ton tli*- i-Iiort'*! r.i»- «a"i; can bo made, a iiteam l>oit »tarting for Ntvt York every o’htr Saturday—'he paiik.-i^« b mg io(''!!ig»nr«" will i« anKiually hr c-; • * iiitrrcilir g and inl'rtaiiiTc In .. j«aril> ; its ccn-ure sbnil In; jiidtciou-, it* *„,• lit. riturr = . sjitire chn.>-lc. I.iteratiire nnd th*-art* ahull ..»! •tandard nii»-l», ar.d oth«rr • , lind in it an untired trieiMl; DrMniatic aiHl «ii prim, may alao»««ially U r. • Literary rnticiMr-»hull n.ei,'t witli mofct at- .i t-ut J . I J . J I . I . 11 ' publi»l»«r rcnridfntlT aaanm « N.H. AI! thoiC w ho have I ot taken (/’Jt l.cen*' teiitive and iffi/n/r/lUi 0(lt\. nilT f*ki’lIl«'.s o| |i.,, fj ^ nrrd hare ih> dread c • ,r n tailing Wuri», Mi rchii.di/'. A e, »ill )ii> il,c I’ar add I'ulpit ot Philadelphia sliall i>r- rmir’.I)* “'■•■t'-'-t I'ireolatirg Lib?jr»” ' ;:11 and lake out Uwir ltccniu.f by IJh: 3d .M ca.ii(i|ialiy :i;.j?ur from tllC |«’n ol Corr|>».!enl .jjiirotie ein i •, w th«' g ntjrman who k»' ^.ii:u>t O. XI. jud"' -., tjiiihlluem-ed by per>*>niil ucquaint- i»’^'*n tl»t ».i;.tofial do" lo litcra^> u- # Vj*•)•#>#A III.:,' .am eor pr.ifehMoual attachme-nt. 'I'o iIk'm; an l>TAUI.I^II r- oiiimendatH.ns. i.ur l'«.tirjil roluinn wil! r^,„,n.,n„v. and «f th: eor.^ iii'n ■ ^Hl.t'ib tiUr^'-s aii l unoth*-r, wim h. rurnmg from iin alrea- «i,d u-, if j.t will f.difo th* > • pian) I MV, .Mister, you haint seed nothing ^ performed in 7 day». Thi'a line iiitir.c(.t* with of IK. unibreila no wheres about here, haint thcCharlwton line at Camden. M 11 lO. I” / I I *. - TM, . 11 I , I f y1.1^.20, 1&33. Crrrkrr.—Sow I 11 tell you what, stran-1 ■■ ^ crjr. if you’ll jifct ur.tvist that and say It o\er Wa^SOil for Sale. aJT-din, ril gin yean answer. ! A *'^Lw Now'—do tell; I guess you are - * tbf'iji as snappish as Deacon Holmes new i in%entrd sheep .shears; they not only tojk [ the wwl t lean off, but shaved the tars and 'I' W'.XOtjU.N tor fcjle. Ap- TIIO. tail with It! ('rack.—Vfu're a screamer !—('ome fig \()Tic i:. MfK miW»erii> r having purtiiistd from Ko b'.rt Irn in, hta entire ■f otin* »is:ii» lit wlx'l' ■ • ‘i * ■' ,ilual.un ^nd n('a;jfrv ut* »ii'ird .. n i' \ and la‘ i'il'*- - b't tf'' ^ ‘ rtiiM-wilhth' addilii’i al K.inn* i" a.'M ••'•at l^iioun. Lt»erp*il tnd Mm' l' not oiih ni!inill''l. li-it ^'«*fH'r«lly _/«//.— mrt Ihr pf..;.n* tfir m snaranli nnj » 1 S^K.n, r,n tin: main rtrert, on*, door ix Mh-we .t ol j. (hr-r.'toro I lace t.urM-lv* s li»'rure tin-‘ th, J...I, in all.Uvariou. branch. ». «„d f hlllg llJHHi tl.Mr loVC cf U r d.-. I. itenlir* )v »n;». rllii*i:ia lo Cl'' a l-ili'd , i . def(ri..ii.,nof ihc kii.d. ai ,iiualiti..*.f bw »r.rK, i'J>li e and ol pch.ic virtue, aw;iit their dc. nor «i!l h* »uy tliat it shall U- • ;rpu>--'d l.y i.oi.r, ciaion rc«jCctfully hut ri>iif».!i nti} . butrnhiH part will only invitf the p'.jl,i;' to rail ^ I I )N IjII'I* The fir«t niiTTilK-'r of “'i'll» Sr\ i\ F’lm.- will [jfi i‘-«uf'd on the tir*t Sil- Stork of in” with me m a~mint-julep, if y..u know ! cor.Kiatinj of »uch uMi.lly are kept , . . u tl„. :*r.l thii aettion of country, bPL’* have to in;orm It.*- what that IS. .lint sail h-„ i citizen* of .’•I'cklenbur**’coiirty that he inl'nd t" if),uwantto the first rhop go ‘o the M,.,cantii; ]tii''in(si at th i’utitioii for i>ivorte. (f r, I ;>u‘ ss you never drink'd no Idnck.ilrap, I r;ount, wUi pl»j««« aettle w ith th*- Mibscribrr. fiidyou’ YOU havn't. W iiy, blehs " M. H;W [ V. -.our ;;e>ol fKi-il, it the swtetest drink that »ver ^t^eak'■d down a cormnon siz' d gullet. * and rum with a little dash o’ water \Vhv,dov*'.j know, w hen J)L-acon Snwiks diel he wa'sk iri' d in thrmfr tJreg’s old lot, jUMt behir.d M-j"r .Stakes’ rroeerv and j ^ liquor rtore ; you kri'>w '\here it is ell,' w'p *|,]w*rin)? to i rver since he was laidth* re^ winch may b«! M tliat J.ihn ,\1.1’ ST A 77; OF \ nu’l Hi 'A Il(tU.\A, MK Kt.rMU kr; oi >rv. CvuTt nf Eifuily, .'iloy 7Vrm, l^^JS. •Mary I’arkH and uliieri tf. Andrew il Parka, Wm. N. Parkn. Jahn .M. Parks, Alex. M’Lnrty and hia wife Kh/a. ihe katikfaction of the roiirt. ark», Ali.xanih^r .M larty and 1 about twelv'- y* «go, there’ti hu wi.t l;!iia do not r.-id*- within the liinioi ot . ’ r I r,,r.nt..>r j tili« SUite, /t I*/Af/T/ure OrrfrrrJ that piiMifutlon V**-*-!! a nDriiiir «i b aekstrrip nitmiii". i ■ .i m , • r v-yii a r . I Ix- made »IX w.ehi in th«- .Mintm’&. laniem rr.fri-.—V\ ell, atranger, you f in take ! ^ the ra;i Ftf the bush about a lecttle thf elean- ^ -'ourt III l^juity to lc h !d for the f;*>unty of .Mti k- ♦'it I «-v.-r heard If II* I reckon vou’ll l>* lit I'-nbur", at tfie rourf-IIo«iin'in ( liarl*)tt(, on the nur old ni 'cer C^k)!, wb. once nii, ajjm a "‘h Monday at^.rth. 1th Monday in S.|.t.mlKr 11 iiw. n# xl, ntli^rwiv th»-Im!I wijj Im* !akcn pro crmfihho law >* r, :ind has n^ver iK-en ah'e to e l the truth hiiire. ^ ou ean rorr.c L'Uckl'-bcrry i 'j , ,( ovtsr ti ; p' rtiujrucn Ic day. j Auff!/$( I'M, I'J'J. Ii.a>en.i»ir«»|>**t- (Jy |H>^HjlHr «'*urce, »ill, we tni-t, lie rqual , f,iil> 1.,inform h,*t.i. r,*i. p„.tending Mild,. nii*.ns. It ai.l thr Ii»iblir r»-rtllv, ^ I . thaihe I. i.owc .rrui:ij '* i>nn*re.i.ury t.) li^ iiiore . xphrit, as we IT' c ?i the farri.^,"- Mai I'lt pr* *utne riic war.t d' tiK- |.ro(K)^ d j-Hirtial Hunaeta at hu N* iiiio of the lilrrary .I«'par1iiui.t. It would W mi( r* rojjatory todl.»l- .-ral aovanta"* • and *Tin»*niiie • “ = iilhlir»tion prf “nil. to pr.iplo .>! h!''"' «h.r‘ - r Urated, but more j>artKeii Iki r* aide iii rrtirrd fitualion*~ll''' . Il« ll al th* fir»l I'l'n**- rann-.l la>i uiliiMi of i!a «ligibilily. Tir Cirnilitir- l.i'Tiry » • w>t oil a i!. uli!e n * diittn• " • x*a u form, wilh Un-i *. i!nT.«rn » mail, d » Ith gr nt rare an lo • iM.v. i!.4f (lit tf;* ''. . . , h vill U prii.t.d and finml 'rt rare Slid 31' itraey a% Ux k w i-rk. ty.tvo ii’iriih r« «i!l form a pr*-* rvati'in, of paif' *. '■'jual 'i l ','Ml pi^'*-», or thn - \..!unic*. «i ' _ dia. F.irh will he a'-eo- i"' f'lrlhe aid llifii.dant to api«ear atoiir next S»ip. , on all f*llb!rril).TS l!i \ hhall ohtiiin, on P- l),,« f’f nor oiirf ot I,aw, to Iw h* ld f*ir the county of Miltting onc yfiir’s pawneiil lli a.l\!illC;, or i n'jijrn'^pai.o'a rich —a price . 1 '‘UU'e, and a ' ,ir..rH. d nnlew rx'. nMul; ‘ ^ - ' n.*-nl at al! tiin-» in adrai.r • A"> n1« V h'. (Toe.ire hvc ,, r. ■ r,pt -n full by r* milimi: I '• ’ _ . and examine liH work, h ar lii» pri'.i « iind ]iidi for Itieo.^ Ive-. N.\ 111 A.N llKOW .V. I liiirlnllr, July 1 sTA 'j j: or Mtin H I \uoli.w, MK KI.KMil U.i Ol XT\. Suprnor ('ourt of //Oir, SjirMig 7'enn, l3'13. Uobtrl .\1. .''terluig . \n»;t i iii\ unlay in Julv. It will l>e print'd on line wiiiic |,n|>or. Ill eijjht q'.mrto page-, and with ' :>ood lyp^. It IS inti'tidefl tu retnier thi , contents worllij f preirrtatii.n, for ani'is- ini; or inctrii.'tiy*- ret»-r.MK*-, tin- adv.iiitncf ..i caiPnourr, ai in. > «!iri ilouse in,on , |M..colnin;i' re«i.on«lble lor Hie same, a the 7th Monday after tlu-'lU. Mond.iy of S..pte,„. I ^ ,.„per. r tf liirn arul ihf^rtr to iilf'ari in ar»i»vv r to till , o H .1 I'laiiitil!’’* [M tihon, rwi-,r jiid;(itienl pro con. I *' • Hi’ ^1’' I’jl I t.Ani'l TM IA Will 1 con- fen«> will be ent. red ajaiiift l,i r and d> cn e a»-. 1 lain huinor(.iis engr:i\ iiigs olV.r llic inatirier (ordin^ly. U’iinei.ii, IViir-all '/'h-mi(ium, ( lerk of the cclehratrd ('ruikshailk. 'Ih* vwili of Kaid (>,.irt. at Ofl-.c in harlott.-, the 7th M.m-!»,« evented by skilful urtist^ and be :icco,n- day afUr Uie ■Itli .Momlav ol .Mar. h, A. I) l -.i;i. , . . panifd willi coinir illu«lration^ in pr j^w or ■ tlv jiine, .o j;.3n. > thrm. I» I!. 1)1 r..c. i I.M’. C. M £ /’. '] !! i.MI’Sl ),\. r. m.i.c. I. I’ricc adv. $.'( .NOTICi:. ~ m|V AUAHIAN STAF.f,- >f H lON in for (hI^ :ii n fuir \VM.S.N0K.M!;M\ U AKitAM’KK I>Ki:i)S ; I.;; s' r i it on r. r. Jiint l,>r/i, I -.'t;t. pt ?n full by i.r*)fiTtH.nale mmpen* .I:-!' l-r 'rhiH arr.i;i';*iii' 111 n n. Ufinii f.) .on ••yt' nt whi. n ui- piy 1, H-ri^y ( '. !.,1V thu. pr tiie «Ofi. K'f > P' ,».ci ,11. ( verse from the ik>iis of ont i^l and coti:p» . . , ' “ ' I t/ieir reinlftaii' — tent writ. rs. j . ,wiit.* r.. I» nnr .Ml orders !>e a(Iire«-* d, po't pniJ. to ' .(;^,ci:,'ti'in» to tin m. tl UIMdVM llll,I,\ (>. A’«, I Athi ni/tn IfaiidiMg, t'! t'.U'lf ■ ',ii. Care will k- i.ik'-ii to hm*‘ th*- woi U . are. iV^ly paekfd when m-hl .ait of tlir . il\. (j^/'Siihxcriptn.;;, rrr,f] r.f lh;n ttffin , I Il*« .,th tK'*® inriy r. mil t!:c am'’uni I" f..;.:...e,.t Ml .'. to tl h-. .ll/. .»■ natn. * "1'(lb. uykU'"' « „rd. d. in ..rd. r that Ih, many to prinl of tlie ^^ m s\ Uhlid.'^ nf' all i. h *itr I