THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. 100 NEGROES FOR ON the 10th and 11th dap of January next, at the (.'ourt- liouKe in ('liarlotte, Merk ion burg (.'ounty, North-l'arolina, I will ivll KK) NECiROKS, the property of William Davidson, bv virtue of two Dei'tls of Trust to me cxet'utert bV tlw faid I>ivid3on, for the benefit of the Bank • Monijoniery and Rojistir, Mobile, Alabania. kKCJ131EXTAL OUDEKS. l>OETKA\ Fnm Uf I’mvtdtwt Journal. TO A CHILD OX HIS SMXIN D BlUTIl-DAY BY Mas. SUiOl K.NEV. Thou dnst not dream, my little one. How (Treat the chatf* iim»t fce, Thr^e tw-o years, since the nioriiing aun Ftrtt sbed its lipbt on thee. Thy tiny liaDd* did helpless fall. As with a stranger’a fear. And a faint wailing cry was al( That DK'i ti)y m^er'a ear. But now, the dictates of thy will Thy active feet obey— And pkasrd th^ buay fin^rers stiU Aiiion^; ihy tootMep* stray— And thy fuH eye debglited rove The pictur'd page alonp— And hspin{ to the heart ol‘ lovr. Thy tliousand wishcii iltronp. Fair boy—the wanderings of thy way It is not niinc to trace. Though buoyant youth'c exultinj' day, Or niauhond'i bultkr race— Vhat di^ipliae thy heart may need, What cloud* may veil thy »un. The eye of .»od alone ran read. And let Hit will be diwe. Yet mifht a motht-r's prayer of love Thy destiny control. Those boasted giftn tliat ot^n prove The ruin «f the aoul. Beauty and Fortune, Wit and Fame, For t>K-e it would not crave. But fearful orce a fervent claim To jors beyond the grave. Oh, be thy wealth an upright heart. Thy Btrength the suffeter’ii stay— Thy larly choice the better part Which cannot fade away— Thv zeal for CirRurr a quenchless fire— Thy friendf, the men of peacc— Thy herilag>> an ans^l'i lyre, i When earthly chanjes ccase. ! .Yu/lira/ Curiomttf.—In tbe tovn!«hip ot'j Clinton, (Jistricl of Niagara, is perhaps,one j of the inosl curious caves iti America. It j is situateI about two iDtlcs from the mam j rwad frofu Niagara to liamilton, a litlle a- j bove the ba'so of a mouutam. Tbr scentnir- near the cave is sm^larly j romantic, and aside from the cavc, whtch J %vwld nchly repay the admirer of nature's „p^ Comman.linVSrrMoT.’inVto t.he wonders for the pains of a visit. From the •*. Rtgimrnt ot t'avalry attactied - , Briradeofthe llh Diiiiiiun of ihe circumstance of the cave containing ice al- hereby con.maud.d tc api^ar wa\sdunng summer, it is called let- Sprm llavinff twice visited the \he grratest heat of summer only time tlie ice accumulates, 1 will cn- :^EW BOOK NTOKE. STATE OF yoRTH CAlWLiyA, m^HESubscriUr having mk« KI.rNBfRO COI WTY. no pronpcct of lH.iii|? Siiptrinr Court of Law, ifjiring Term, 1S33. aijain able to j«'rform the la- jJuUTt M- Stcrliiip » liors pf the iiiiiilKtry j and j r«. ( Petition for Divorce. feuUn?, in oouinion with .Margaret Sterlinjf. i other men, the importance the untisfaction of the Court, of eng;aging in some eniiJoynicnt which will ena- i | Defendant in this case is not an in- (S» \ ' i v' ble him to provide for the wanU of a rising |,^bitanl of thi» State, thrrrlurt it >• Ordered, that hasoi>ened a Hook Store in t'harlotte, N. 1'. He | .,„hiieation be made for three months in tlie Ka- of* superior stylo of worknian»hio«nrf-»-j i believes, that nuth aji establishment was needed Miner?*’ & Farniers’ Journal, | ern materials, by tlio Mensrs. Jtiinn. ''“•''i. j —...-....I-...., ki...,, lU - . . . . ' 1 . O' Lum^ SADDLKS » liAliis pg" JA.MKM T. AMUl'ltY & CO. ' Have on hand and wi)|^ to tnanufj^.' '«»• ttoeir Shop in the •outh^sort " _ Bml? £.adirH and ^ tho Weiitern »ecti«n of our Mate. He rei«- i Defendant to appear at our next Sup.-. | tounty, who are well known in the ■■ invites hi* friends, oaiuaiulancei, and all i i,^|j ij,* county of of th Ptate aa sa|xirior workmcn-AliJ "“P*« StidiUebafrx, ValiMe», MartineaUii h.a Jitidies, Cmrh 4* fiig Jfamcgg, (Virrav I aitd IVujfOM llamrint, Horsemvn't (i,, i Huhtvrg, I and all other articles usually manu.'‘artiuM shop ill the Soiilheiii Statei. * III addition to the ahuvr, «ve hare on hani eral iwwrtii.eiit of U\k and VtMch Vou»i„''} Jit Uuttiltnrup and all ullicr articf oi' Ncwljerii, John Irwin, Samuel McCoiiib and j who teel any iiiterest in hi» undertaking, to call ; ;\jrp|;|,.„*,uru, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on others. Tirms Cash. and see his BoiAs. lie will U; happy to execute , ;\|onday alter the 4th Monday of Septrm- W. MORRISON, Tiuttec. orders for thow who live at a distance’. ] next, tlieii and ihere tu plead in answer t« the Charlrltf, .V. C, Stpt. Sth, 1833. ts Whilst ho has on hand some valuable work* in I pttition, nlherwise judgnieut pro con- !L‘ ■ The F^litors of the following papers will in- Law, in Meilii ine, most of the t»reek ami I.«tiit , j|| mtered aguiiist her and dtcree sc- sertthc above arivertiisemeiit, once a week, until iCkhsits, and other book* used in our S«'hooU and W itnt is, iVarsall Thompson, ('lerk thi first of January next, and forward a pap* r im. | .\rhdt iities, many works in I heolopy, and many (’’ourt, at Otnee in Charlotte, the 7lh .Mon- nieihatelv with their account to this office for net- | Misc rllaneous books suited to almost every das* j Monday of Marth, A. I). IKtS. tlement- viz: Tin? Times ami tK , Columbia, _ of readers, he »ill be able to procurc on favorable . Tilt ).MrS4 )N. c. m. .c./. X.C.; Courier. Augusta, and Journal, Milledj:!-- terms, any books to be ‘o'uid ‘ii the Northern | ju„^ 5 1^33. Friee adv. $.'1 vide, (in.; A'pint of ti»c Age, Tuscaloosa, Journal, Cities, or in the Ixmuon .Market. It w ill gi'e 1 — - — - him pleasure to assist professional gentlem*» or | private eitiieiis in enlarging their Libraries, or in piirc{ new ones. He looks w ith confidence and ri sp»et to an enlishti ned eommuiiity for en couragement. DANir.L tiOl'i^l). I'kirloUf, May 93, ls33. 3;»tf IIKAI) tJl'AKTFRS, f Charlotte, M. C. '2~th, 183.3. \ fHlllE Ouirers, (('omniissioned JL and non sicians and pri\ Ut Regiment will parade in Charlotte,on Friday, , be sJd at ihe name priee. It will be published in the till of(>ctoU'r next, armed and .July, and may be had by the dot. n or hundriU,ot 4 liarl‘»loii and I'lirrn^v. fflHK S'IF.AM IMJAT 1 MUON, CapL J.C. •■raliain, having jbei n enjai^'d the !a»t suni- mei III Uie trade ,-aniiing bttwet n Charleston and ■orgetown on h« r w.xy up fourw o! lied III the ding liirlit . — _ ilrart of water, rirawing only l«>'ir and a lialf liet ; %vlvvt ( irriilaliiiit; V V V when Inadid, Will enall' her to r.aeh ( Uraw at Co.ifjiuiB^ f^us/Is ps/smf* f»f i /wL j equipmd according to law, for Ke- j Jolin f llavtn, .\o. I W .Nassau »lrett, ^ . oJ ^|| except upon an uneoniinoii low river, PKl>Sf’F( TIN " Hughes A: Turner, Kaleigh, and al the Charlotte ^ |„ i, , ,arj»o w ill tie ' • • ■ i.. j rers, (Commissioned J’. S. I have contracted with the Si-creUry of ^ callinir at tJitirgetown on her i.Commissioiiedl .Mu- , the A T. S. for an FdiUon of the I'hristian Alica- ,low n, w ill reniime Ik* tri(>s in the t i\a'.4;s attached to the ' nac tor Norih-Carolina, for 1"34. It will contain ^ v, U- eontiMn of N. C. Volunteers I',’ [wges nwrc of usetui matttr than hitlierto and ,ra«m. The ix«. di er»iary to trim off Sa.Wlea wid Harnci. .i"? will be ..Id low lor c«».li. ’ We request the public to call md fjinu,,. materials and work nianufactLted, hi»r »!«. i judge tor Ihenim-lves. Chnrlullf, Pff. 7. l83'-\ ij.f Four or tivc journeymen Saddle «ud I Makers I* wanted, to which good wiTrf j riven, by apoU ing to ' 1 JA8.T..\.^I)niY A CO I view and lns|x'ction. Regiment to . I be lurmtd prcti.«ely at !• o'clock, IVmk .''•ore A. M. Commanders of Conipiinies will be rtquin-d to report tlx’ nuni- , _ _ „ . . . . ,,, b. r of pruaus in Uie.r respective ' 11' 'Virtue o, a IH. re. from tnot onrtof I-] companies at Head liuarters, at ^ o'clock, A. M. ' ■ » Monday, being the Ith of lightened at tiis cxpeuse EUl ITV SAI.K. o • r N presenting to Ihe public a iwriodia; J 'of lh, , , J. Iynewinilsthataclrr,itwillhc„„^ I omlortahV acccmnioft.Hiorvs f .r a ft w pa .^en- , descriU bu pUn wd'It >1-, •.nrr'ii 'r' *« he hopes to accomplish. ’ *• f . V ^ ar 1 11 ‘ { There is grow ing up in the I'nited te, I , '■»' Jnw^ous i^pulation, with literary l.tste,. By order of tiie Col. t 'omd’t. JNtX K. I’lIlKKR.jun. Adjt. imm MILITARY ORDERS. head Ul ARTFKS, ConeorJ, .4ug. 1S33. j veuitier next, al the Court lluuse in Charlotte wiU mU at public auction a Valvtibli Trnct cf Lar.if, jrontaininT one hundred and thirty acres, joiriin" ■ the UnilH of John S. Cheek, .''ani’l. Smith, Al« ». Kobiiiwtu and other.-, (i>rnN rly ownid by koberl | j Luicl'av MOW deceasi d, and sold for th ^ nt til ut j I hi>^ heirs a', law . '1 utlvu months’ cri'dit will Lh- ' I "svrn. 'I'll*'purclia»er jimiil; bond and »atisfac- j lory security. . I). K III \LAI’,rx. e. i / 1.1/A, 1 ■'.3.1. laili'J .>7 .1 TK Of \ (lin H.C.\HULL\.1, Mi;c Ki.i.Nut hi; mt .Nrv. Court of i'.'piUii, May Term, li33. Alary 1‘arks and othels I’KC'Tl c n S I scitt* .'»do\er a large spaoe, and wh«,ilw**4J Ot a nor.l auU /’uW.ojfiea, to aixl iii«rarylal^| 6e tummrnad on .Vi/ui«/«y t/it f-.* M Jul^, TO KB l>rill.fl> Tilt* N|»> ill riiilaiU'iphia, .V.ND sriiMT OF riir. a.p : ticn rinnatp, 1^1 iheR'sclTrs at a ^ ttint niknul fiud which cduntiun ha» I to entoy. Unoks are cheap to tlieir I ties, t/ut in the inlrrior they cannot ^ ! a* MMB as publi>h«aj, nor witliout roi»Mkrua» ' |» nac. 'J'o supfily litu dcsKkratuin u the tei .1 _ -» i. dcavor descrilie the place, although my J IT IS vtr\ phili'fcfihicaliy olxA-rved by .\d- 'of tho prt>.*M undirukmg, the chwf di^ii, that our greateiit pritie ariscK liotn . «hifhein,'>haiie*||y i«,tumakegnbdira(l>ri| ')^j diiing to cach other, or, in utlicr woriis, * '■ "[“* ■“ P"* '• i« al*rm that will being iturj /> . . 1 11 II man s door, from b*-iiig nil!:, u.'u^lly s»ervice«b.e to ». rifty. I'hiii can b** li**Bt etU:cte«l by a pro- 'Cir.uUtmg Library” may be rtceirH aitWM I ptr Hpphcp'ion of our intelUgiiucifs, iii«liiig , distant po*i .JTiee lo tlw I'nion m fmoi fitost ; tlu m wjt ' C''urdin|t to the ntce«ititi ot tUe ‘•■efiy fi'e d«y» alter a is pub!i*he4, at iw irrfai icummiinitv. and »«>-• lann iitini; the decline ... - , . , I befetr a hook rottJd bo bound m Phiaiu pfci4,» Andrew B Parks, Wm. .\. Parks, Ju!m M. Parks, chttkin^^ the progfci- .„w,.brr. .0 H,„ or Ver»o..t may te Al- I. .M’ljirt) and his wi/e public vicc : tor vic« rctarthfd id virtiNs it m thru p«rl«ur. 1r apprsnoj i«. ili.* ssi|v.,tt,on ot the Court, advanced. .\i the direction and diart^KiU ! To rioridatr thr adeanta;^ oftbe“f>r«ft tiiat John SI. I’d/ks, Altxai.d.-r .M'ljirtv and of ri)ra».iies of uatioiuil and state polity are •-•I'rary*’ such as «r pro{MMe, it (bj •d to the 11th Ins w»ie Fliia do not reside Uie hnuls 01 .J’ if>A Hsuk fn-v. li.s. t>.ll m, ' •” ^pare it with si,n>c sthtr fma. North.Carolina this Stale,/I u lAere/f* (Wer, that p.jb:.ct.«. ik«s. Take the W.,erly not.b lur .rma>H » tpfH-ar m Char- be in«(ie kii wtek» m Uie Minrra’A. KariiMT*' P*icnliuiicn Vutii^) !i rtinitrk IS fK*cf smrity , C'brmicica tbc (*4na(.gft!r ucrup^ tv« loiU', on Fnda> ihctih of 0.'lgl>crnti!,v. ilhtfatir I JHiruAlJori}icinUjajjpt'ar4nimi.i«er It oijr»*jxl c^^jrKxfcd, and ihc c0nscjii«^*fcc#‘ lh, that \ ice ' «hich nrt ai to TW n* !” *’ ri»p«cti>e subaiti rr.s and privates. equip|ied ac- Court ot F.|U!ly lo be held for liic com.ty ol ,X|i ek- shiuldel b\ wealth ai.J wvrldly inJlotticc, ' be readily eotitaiDed m thr*t w spring durmg cordir;; to law. tor Review and Inspetion. Thf lonburg. at the V>urt.House in Churl-ittr, on tht abroad amme tlio peopl** oot Wilv UD- i pernxJn*!. at aa expense «(aq wltirh IS thp : *dl be (brnied at ID o’clock, .\I. 7th .Alontl^v afu r tlic 4th .Monu«v in ■'v uUniber . . l . j j ’ . j »«ttn cents, postage inclu.ded' SothatmoiM ’ C^ li.tac. .. ^ .. next, oti.erwi^tue bill w 111 l^taU«pe.i^iK«o ^Ut courted and r«iUi nd ; time. tlisquanutyolUurary matter,. and U; I.earUtx I..irtea* totht in. 'hut a publicatlou H ue. e»wry wliicli 1* ill ; suj^jlied frr the »ame money by adnpi t» ft >t H K. l»l .M.AP,c. ». t not otdv ikti'ct, but eibibil tlu**« moIvm hi newt|*ptf form. But we eonsiier truiR>_ By order of W.M. C. MF.AXS. Col. C;md'>. ( HAS. J. HAKKIS. A,irt. pen will command but an imperfect sketch. The entrance of the cave is under an im- \t:\V BOOKS Jl’ST receivcd. M*ine of them very suitaLIc for Sunday School Librarii.i>. tnensc rock apparently solid; its depth or ■ .Meaioirs of N. w. I>ickfrman di.stance to the estremity is about 25 feet ; i rhe Sides are of hugely solid rocks extend- ! in^ to the mountain, some of which lie j partly above the surface. 'ITie water which j con;^a!s into ice o.ze9 out of the rock that hangs over the care; it hangs in icicles a- bovr, and may be found on the bottom frozen m cakes. A sudden transitioti Irom an atmosphere where the tbertnometer will rise 9tt to a region where it will fall several degrees below zero, on entering the cave in summer, renders great caution necessary to vis.ters, who sh«uld never enter in a state of perspiration, nor remain too lone- Near the cavc are gr«at numbers of rocks, appannitly solid, and of the larg-?st size that 1 ever have seen, lying above the griAind ; they all Lave the appearance of h.tving be«;n thrown out bj- some great con vulsion of nature. The w ild aspect of these rock^*, softened by a festoon of ivy and other l»^autifui vines, and tl>c corresponding gran- ijure and rarity of all surrrjunding objccts, reixieni Ihe scene higtily picturesejuc. do of John .M. .Mead do of I'lorrenie Kiddcx do of Filii Neff 00 of Jol;n Kiiill do of Isabcthi Campb' ll do of Franrii V. Keinhard Sto’i^al’s complete works S. led Works of Archbisliop I..igIiton Taylor's Holy Living and Dying Owen on Spiritual .Mtiidcdneis Advice to Young Christians l..ay .Misnionary Hairs Iicctures en Christian Fyl'irniirin Hall's I/ectur»-s on School Keefm.g I^-lters to a Young Student lliof^aphy of S;Il.taught .Men Foliticai i 'las* Book ■Moral 'lass Book Parlrr fiires Donigan’* t«reek and I'nglish Lexicon Ijuuld's Virgil (itxild's Latin (Grammar, I.atin Reader, Greek Kuiu r. iVc. vVc. For S.ile by I>. (iOI’I.H, .luirii» L’tj, l'J.3. i hnrlnttf. itoyd'H Jjine of i*ost i oarhru Auiruit nr'., l-Xl. Price ad'.. 4 iii:ap ^roitiii in the Totrn of i hurtottr. subbcriticr nating purena'vd (it t>r J. I I. I». Boyd, his entire Muck ot lioo«;f, wlncli jw»re seltet'd last lalJ, eulirtly rn w, m ,Nt*-Vora land PniUd>-lphu, with a i^-ejuit of • ,*j,rirt" aiid Sumtrrr t'ancij U()()I)S, .t ntttiU qunntUy of HurUuurf, Crvcktry, t'cffft aiui Sufiar, I Salt of a sujHTiiir /i/i/ifi/, I all of w l.ich 1 »ill sell low tor rash or to pum t'ial dealer*. 1 liope by elos*' attention, lo share a pof •lirep'a clothing to public sconi, a inaik b> and Um e«rly r-ceip of a nn M.i , II 1 1 .• .1 I a must diMiBguuhinr leaturv gf the which ottier^ will b« wartiod tivmi in- *^,11 b« pUor^ triit and service he rriid. red to iiociety. In «,Ui those newer at band, and will I- sa^« elilctinj; thi» objrti mu shall (>ucHie • )tt at tJ^ir own hofiw-s with Mioal tn ab* Ts untri^iden p;ith ; one where ttie i»ecr»«ry of U,e e««,moo I^n«k* novel ui ink. I J / -^1 4\ ..1 ri\e 1 hm luav txil Ukr fitlr Ivom tJi..rn »l.all b.. miii^lwl (n« co.ko»Io1) witb conlrustiiig tlow^rr*. J he mtirvur i.| the',^^1, ,j,p. between tlie •* in 1‘hilatlrlphta" shall U' |ierli-cti\ number yei, *ben there m a presu of terii dclicat*-, ai.d uiicouliHMiU4l«d by cant or \ui- ' matt. r. or wIk-o two m mom Bu!sl««e| earitv; il» c.^re shall be j.Mliciotis, its 'T."ViT Li*^ ^ , ' . . 1 "'ll leel himsrli at liberty lo pabltsh all satire chaste. I.itrrature and the arts thall . iwo numbers Uing tiw find in It an untirel fnend : Dratiialic and fur five dollar*. * Iiitcr«ry criticisnui nhull meet with uio^t at- .Vrrar.gemcrti hove been made torr-w«*«} tion of iht patronage of .Me«-likuburg and lU vi- tentivc and im/Mirliul Out), and hketctic-s of an early copy of evert i. » k«>* »r*l ( imty. It IS the wi.h of Ui. pr»,uictor lor hi, l»l„ladelphia shall oc- '■'‘‘I'' trieiids to ipve him the pleasure ot shewing th rn ii_ _ ,• .i,. , »• , . **'h tlie jwfwdieai litefslore m bis .Slock, prices and Uien judge .h,^hcu. compet. nt Hntain -From the former we .ha:i .eV^l*.. prices and Uien judg JOHN M. .HOKhl.'i.\. July a.3d, 1K33. FOR salf:. jiidat-s, uniiiJluenctrd b\ pi rsonal acquaint- .Sovds, .Metituirs, I'al-s. TiateU, Sietriea »| aur.r or pr>fp*«*i«iul altdchm nt. To tln*»o og'aphy, ie. and pubhsh thmi with m ai«i* in omwiHiation-., our roetical column will P'^'X ** ...... . , l*rr 1»IU ftiiiuil. >r«m litttr. add Htiotber, which, coming from isn alr#a- octa.i.^.lly be e^- u . ' jeirtof th. town and a\ahiable sUnd for a tavern is u»>t only admitUrd, but Mli«rally f 'tU.— . oranyoth..r busmeM, There is a neat I,til. .stor. ,J,erefor« place Our^-Uc. U fore the fa House on tlw preinisrs. lernis ean be inad i,,.. .... , I known l.y application to John K. W ,Hums, who ‘r. ljiii*; up*i their love el 1 residi» ni4r C. ha/lwtt'. « Ilunnini; Tirire n >ri>k iitul hark, /htirern i'fiartotlc, ,V. C. anti (’amtltn, S. C. ^K^IIK Proprietor of this line inforri's the piiWir, ■ that he htoly furnished hunsi If witti Frf qu»*nt calls through the public press, , new 'oaelK*, and he hop s that Le will noir l« . n. have ly^n made upon the scientific, to ac- ’ « h;> 'n'-y tra. ^ on his The n*iil leavm ( larloll# cvpry count for the ice appearm;; only in the hot- ^ Sun#Inv anl \\>f!nr-**av momint't and returns t v. test weather, and dissolving as sr«n as the : iVr^ ’ w ishirg to irnke an expeditious trip to New.\ork, weather grows cool; but none, i believe, are mibrni' d thst by linrh »tr;n t!ie short* st pji* JSfy R. w ILl lAM.S. IJOiri M OMU. 3t.-,li NOTK'i:. fBlHf, [axes of the Town t uoipany are now I dll', ind all ii^rson* living within tJ. hound* h:iv(.' \et ri.sked a public explanation of the sage can Ik- nind, a steam lioat starting for .New -tli p.i»>.a'jo being line intersectM with York every olher .''aturday—' causc of sin;nilar a phenomerifU. I may pef*’f>'’'n^d in 7 days. 'I Ins Ii , _ , , . tfie Cjarlestoii line at Can;dt;n. therefore hszard my opinion at some future TIIO. BOYD. time, though I am far frotD inakin;^ scien- CharUriif, Ana. 20, 1‘‘33 tifir pretension*. I only hofie that 1 may i Watfffon llir ^ialc. be the me-insW exciting some of our piivsi- j ^ clogists to tiie elucidation of a subject, Aus. -*i, l‘-33. v hich to thousands who never saw the cavc, | XOTK'F mny eo^m incre3ible, and perhaps lo all, ^ V.ho have, an irisolvable mystery. There j Storl' of iMOOtJfi ...... 1 * V ' w*« tii-* II ■upcr«iii«u» wi ffive a 0 are rnanj p.aces in Anicrica, where jce and con*i«*m:: of »uth «rticlcM aa luudlly arc in Uir kirdu ar.Ji|U;ilrtiriof hi» work, Niow remain during tlie summer, but it is Icli'ved that this spring is the only ®ne that apparently acts directly contrary to fB^HF. tubscriler having purchased from Ro a. bcrl irwin, his entire o«r column.; TV publithrr confidently »i**i*es thehisi* faoiilM-s that lliey ne«l have n« dread af rmg llie “N-leet t’lreulating IjbrarT" icWi** justice and of public virtue, await their de- cn lr, a. th- gentlemin _,1 . , 1-I •! Uktn the I-ditorial dulica, to llti rarv l*« ^ cision rcspcttlully iMit co»li.lei.tly. ,„poosik.= H CtlMHTIONS. assumes in catering A’r an nteiided ae s*n I h«* first niimlMtr d •• TmI', Shv in Piiii.- communily, ami of the fonseqwnee* det» “-^j xhki.piiia” will be isxiied on the first S»l- *'id oth' rwi»r. that willWlo* the di»s»»^ ^ ^ unlay m .luly. It v»,11 be printed on line “*■ , «s. Msiriir withm Ui( hound* . . ' . . iiluati'm aivJ ••n£a{frff;fi»U aff»fd him I fiTf r'qii' nfrd to c*>mr frjrward and pay by the ' ^ >*> rjuarto with vaiiUjri« «f|d firilitii•« lor i)i* »rlcctnT« of I* \ij£:>i*-li ourt. 'I’hr-Tax I/t-^t in my aWnrr hi!! Ah it H Ifslfnilt**! lo r*'iKli*r th#* Thf*^ with ihr ■dddmnal rh»nnrl« rrrM t»c in ilic hamM of ?^rn*l. (*-( uldwfll who ih (‘onttiilH worthy ot pr» !K;rvati0n, tor aaniK* l*ondoo,Li»cr}»noi tnd authofiM d lo n Otive tlio taxes, and give rtteipf „r instriKtive reference, the advantaff*- (""I''"’*-' *'• Kuarante. inj a U‘tw lor tne same. " eutirm ol ih^ lil> rarr drpartnKT.I- JOS. MCONNAr(.HKY..VAm/. '/* and more fH.rtal.le ai/e will n i.. calory u.dil.t-* cr.urli4tr,juty ‘-.'.i, If.U. 4'tf eviipTit. I he terilis are P«T iMiniini, ,„| ad^antagl■s and .N. B. All tlio»» who have riot taken oi.l license payable in advance, or .V( it not paid l>e- puhluatioii prinent* to ot lilerirv !br retsihng W.irrs. \I.rchiniJiK,ftc. will phase fore the expiration of six months. Anent* *hcr.vir l.Nat.d, but more parli ulirly ' .alland lak-out U.eir license by the 3d Monday ^ ^,|| d,.s,-r«,nl of 10 riT c-ilt., «n ftirrd jtl m Augn t ne»t. | ,, , , . ’ ' "u* that the fir.l glance cinnut (**1 « - «'*>«^nlrrM ti.ev ,hall ol.lain, on re. [ • 1'arria:frmtllal;in!' tmttmg one y-ur s puvmem m advaiKe, or 'I J Ix-coming re-f) for the same, :ind a T).*-s. V-t CireulitirK l it'rsff "'j' V. f H^HLsubscriberbegs gratiiitoim ropy of the piijM r. ’ w>- kly on a douhla iiiediuin «;.r>' • ; tio' a. leaie mosi r t.: “ 'I'lii: .‘^i-i in l’iiif,,\” will ron- eolimms on • humorous engravm^s all. r the munn.-r : ^ and the ptjMic rr nrralfv, f ,i i l . j /■ i i . ... . iim>»i distant JSIT that he is now carrying C^''-^»‘‘at. d ( ruikshank. I hey will |, , ,il hr prirVsl and * 'h ' ' on thf Carriage.Maliing ■ *‘'**CUled by skilful artlst.H and Ih* aceoni- , '■ars and accuracy book w>iil>. Ih^ f«iiied with comic illustralitHiH in pruse ir ■ *>"*' verse Bu-ineas at hia Shop, on th»- niHin atret, one jjoor north-west ol the Jail, m all its various branches. 'J'he su)>scri. Ikt de III* it entirely superlluous Ui give a dctiiil* d d with comic illustralitHiH m pruse ir ■"""*h«rs will lorm « from the pe-ns of ori{jmal and coi„,«- o‘‘ ! ’ vril>>r«. .. ... .nirt »• , I dn. La'h’volun- will b- a.c-n.pan.-I Allord*T-must lienddre.s^d, p*xt pnid, to I tiil». pag-* and indev, _ this seftion of country, begs leave to inform the I * iH he say that it khall be stirposs d hy none, 'W LI,I ,\ >1 II11,1^ { I hr prici is l ii' iMlIsr* f"f ciliicen* of Mecklenburg co'inty tJial hr intends tn i hut on hn part will only irivite the public lo call A'o. 1 Alhrvuin ItuihJiaij, daladrlnltta. n pag* s »i li—a prior al » | continue the Merrantile Business at the, mme and eiaruine his work, hear Ins prictfs anil judge j fare will be C.iken lo have the work caro* *'*' i.i h s* r p.i'f''"* sUnu of R. btrt Irwin, nine milea from Charlott*-, I lof thmi»rlve*. .NATHAN BKO'.V.V. narLpil wl.r.n i , i.i . f i ‘ , ni'-nt at all times in ad.mie . , •r. the road leading from Charlotl* U. Mason’s Ftr- I Chr,ri^,r, July K 1S.13. , ' ' 1'.'^’!? , City. | ^ ^ the seasons of freezing and tiiawmg, and [ ry, and promises to Sfrve all t)i«M who will favor 1 I •'Mtifxrri/itinrii rcnrtil ,if thin itfficr. ^ , rceript m full by re.niltmg ih- y which remains to be awjunfsd for upon ! “‘^e most •ccominodatmg ; „/• j ^ .VOTH'Hr i:?'"''*''''*'*' principle* satisfactory lo the cafjuinng i All tho« indebted to Reb*rt Irwm by book ac ‘ mu d.—[C'amirfa pci»fr. COXL'MURCM. ^Vhy is a coriundrum solved like afJen- tlfniun •Vothf:. ^|Y AHMilAN .STALL , *1 his srrangciiit nt i« itndc to ini Istion lo an eTtent which will ma*f ' ,„dnu'i*' Cluhsrfhw inJ'"' Jum I ■‘iiii count, will pleaae settle with j l'^\’'L^phl. t"ront“ mlr^JVh’.. rJlL7,Z\/tA' .. I f mttd Stfilrii,ih fo/ Smth.Carotin,,, I J |,'J 1^1 ^ I 'iidthi /lrf/i,r,,n«nof/Hr/f/,cn(/nr. Price, U.'iif«, B^^OK f.ariilH M)ld for Taxes; for I.ands sold I .1015 nsi,N’n\; diiilPg at aaotllCf’e tablt ’ bctauw it ! ,. “'"l tor L-nds | of „U kir„h, wady fjrrulnl tit thin Offlrr. o I s'llo uiidi r a \\ ntof\t;.diUoru Lxpon«s—.forsfcit ] '' _ ' *t'hu uiJy c. I WarrarUte Utfdsfor tuk «f this Ofjirv. Jdunkt f till l,n>h f >r v'. rt th in.S M fr,r »alr M fi r-iir pay atft nlg hN-rilly. ^ unitmt** (ifiiCs W.M S. XjU.M li.N'r, , iimj thn« prwurcllic mork fuf 'S , thnr ri’initinncc^ Stib«;ri!H.r., living near agents. batii ili'.iis lo th'in. tit*''-' f ,th'» ‘ r:y rtM.,1 Ihe amount t.) the fo, (M ij'ir arr.iiig'-inriiti arc ^ lh».' U'.MiKA.NI Ki: IlKKIlS roR s »i.i: A r nu m 11 i. •A OHo r. I p. n*r I'lilfilinenl of 'HI jiiil ot t'la roiitraet ai-a'1