THE MINERS’ AND li'AIWfERS’ JOURNAL. EXliCl TION OF LK BLAN('. EuzAnETHTOWN, (N. J-) 10. On Friday test, lh« culprit Le Blanc sul- frred the penally «'f the law, for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Sayre, and their servant girl. 11^ wasexKUted hn the public square Rt MorrwtowtH a little at\«r 12 o’clock. A vast crtncourac of i«opJe a^wewbled to wit- Dess the sad spectacle-—it n cotn{Hited tVoiu M'loreifin MntetliMf lati:r news from Lrut)rE. fVoiw the K. 1’. CoKiifi if V.aijMirerof'22d uU I J'ntM the M athinfrton iilobt of ikt •JOfA vlt. ' We are authorised to stute, tliut the ue- ■ positfs oi'the public money will bechnnged I from the liauk of the United States to the I Sluto liaiiks, as soon ncccssary arrange' Real R^orm.—We have bad lately to notice with approbation orders which have issued from tbeT ^ _ Department for the correction of On Saturday anprmxMi the Havre jwcket 1cm be made for tlwt purvo»ei abuses which had grown up in the lu' ipl'oland.Capt. Ricbnrtl«on,arriv«J from I,imt is, i^lieved they can be completed in • ■ ®CC»8loii sever,! action, and the muscular apparatus was in constant motion. ExpcrimrrU Sectmd. Thepositi\'0 pole was placed on the brarhial plexu», and the muscular spiral and ulnar nerves were ui contact with the nrj^ative. 'I’ho arm was put in very violent motion, and it was diiriculty that it could bo held by ouu 7f.r I Or HnkpvPvtn,. t ' ^of Dctober, und f)orhui« sooner, it' circum- the newspapers, is not lessentitlcd toll" l^pcrimi Ikird. r. > X t -1 i,y ,|,p^ vessels, Ihivro and I.iver- , s should rtiidcr an eailier action ne- „,endation than those which hav- n certain 'tnue **'** I'oland, Capt. Ricbnrtlson, arrived trom , ||,ut ji i^ »»elieved they can be compn^i™ u. ^ : rp, r n ■ • that ,K>.t,and yr^terdHy the l.iverp.K.1 Pc- i l{altimo,-JM.ilnddpl,«,New.York.nd Bos- , ‘=';^«l«rlotheC^ I ketahip IJritauiiia, ('apt. Sketchley, whence ,y„,„ ii,„e lo muko the changi change by tha 1st j of tlie Customs, which we ten to twelve thousaud—a larg« proportion of them/*Mfli« / The prisoner was calm ] ed the spmous pr.K.-cs.. of the upi«r cervical: |;;V^'te7of"lhe iluiT. ai.d Paris ill.d Lo'n-'“JtTie l^ToVTbe^^renmielaV'” atKi collected, and « a short address , vertebra, ami the po^ applied to, ^5,,, ^ ^ ^..^emiluted, we uiHlcrstand, not to vrhiJeonihe^catrold. ll.s body,aftertemg the spinal cord, while the nci^^atoo was; j,,,, „ j„ 1 j ,he whole public money 8uspeud.*d for the requisite time, was hand- ; pteccd up«.n the scmtic nep-es na ,t ,K»s^d ^ ,h„, „,e the liauk of the L'nited ^ over 10 surj?^,us for dis^ctton. out of the pelvis. The body, uiid es|>eci«lly of LisIkm. by the adherents of, suffer it to remain there until, “‘‘ 'f ' Eiceptin* a fighl, which had well ingh | the lower extremity, was ccm-1 „„y p^Junllv withdrawn by the u.u- -. , , . . proved latal to one of the cambatants, we vulsed, and the leg could with ditliculty be • „„,H>rtai.t success. 'I'he armies of' „.H.,ationH of the (Government. And this ! **‘«y f«> 'odi-peS, have heard of no aerious disaster atleuding retained on the table. ,i,e ; to prevent anv ne-' "‘■‘c^swry as .n that ot the Revenue Cuti,^ It.—ISaltimal InteUigmccr. Trfomiy DrptitltMcitt, Auif. 27 is,, _ S,K-Altb.High fideHty,sk.n,,J. I aiilir, aro otsential in the execution of j _; public duties, 1 know no part of the on the execution. , Expirimait Foi,rth.—The infraorbilar, country except tl.e capital and >|huIo ; the p^^t of the Bank of the V-' '* “?!»•>»■* *« "™« »»'■* officers, whose haU, Uehavo seen a pamp»il«*t of 4-) pages,; supercilliary, and portio dura nerves, wen- xi^jarvebeven, after being overran by Villa ,„„H] iMuies for prossiiuj umm the commer-1 "®‘ P®®'“vdy sober, cannot bev,c,i* cootaimng a report of the trial aiKi convic- laid bare, und tiie countenance exhibited 1 pi„r, „,e murmng info the haiuJ:* of the to eiwible it to tHbnl, lion, and sub*equent confession of Le Blanc, j all Ihe varieties of muscular action. The; ,«,ri,aiw of .Mnuel. In short, it is ap[wr. I ,, ^ ,|,e u^ual fucilitie* to the i «hat an indulgence in one From the pamphlet we have gleaned the | eyes and tho li(« ..peiud ami dosed, and all | n„nk, that the succois of Kngbud > ,„erchanU It is believed that by this '>“‘“™Ily removeireJ following particulars t ! the |«is.sum8 were fully expressed. 'J’his ex-' „„j ,„,iv placed two importunt tw^ed not nr.Kluce anv in- i Antoine Le Blanc (accordmg to his own r'‘"*»€iit shcvsed that plncins a pole u[k.ii p.*s, svu.n Account) was btim at Chateau tSalin, in the i branches of the |«)rlio.durii controlled j j.jven him pti.t'essionofthescacoas.t, whilst N. E. defiartment of France, « the *JOlh j *he cxpressiim, as well as placiiiij the ihi1i{,' ihcmseUcsare geneiully in- March, 19U2, of reputable parents who are ^upon either of tlie nerves, above or U low ■ t„ the result of the contest, or are still living, lie enji>yed rather superior advantages of •■ducation: but neglected to impmve them, his mind being early bent on mischief. In the autum of 1826, finding his situation unplearaat to himself and bi« friends, he left home; and after rambling about for several weeks, took up his resi dence in the family of a .M rs. Smicht, a V placed t«o imporfunt the change need not itroduce anv »>• 1 , , , , 1 of I),.n I'cdro, and convinience to I lie commercial communiiy, 1 •“'»y duly, therefor*, i, und that c.r. umstHnces vtill not n-quire a ! ‘"1““'''" ‘f*'" «"«" ">e lh«t su.!den and heavv call on the Bank ol the-1 •» »«ve penn„. United flutes so as to occasion embarra*.-1 o indulge in iDtemper,^ „K.*nt to the mstitulion or the pubJK:. i e«n«.^ly to .4 i your aid to put anetRsctual teni»Mi,on i, I'rom the I’hiktirl^hi* Incjuircr. I •'^'’h practices. 1 will thank yoo to it» The l{, moral of the rubltc DijnmlrM— fearlessly, the opportunities which yourp»’ Public lntIi:;HuUon.— \\c never knew ajsition oHvrs, for aarertaining and imkir, the eye. The cxiH riments were varied,; „„h M,„ud. and tlie p-Mes of the buttery reversed, with | ,1,^ }a,, accounts from Pwitzerlawl, it no {iimiiiution of i tloct. ' vvoulJ appear that the meawres adopted bv The exjieriinents upon Le Blanc exhibit-1 ,(,e g^„frul government of the ('untons, had ed some 6trikm;.r foaluH's, which were ,n _ observed U|)on Johusin, Mill, and )t!iers,i .,p^ t^^t tht-re was every proLubdity it irr» ai*-r excitement in PbilaJclpbia than bas j known any nets, such as 1 have referw; whom 1 saw galvanizod in this city, and ( xisled since I'ridny evenin^tiiM, pn»duteJ 1 that I may porform niy own there are some tact«, which altboiigli lliey ' Admiral de liigny has ben nppointci] ad bv the j;aragrupb c»iucerniiig the deposites, re|H»rling cases of such miscwidociioiii widow woman, livingat Bistorff, (Moselle,) »'av have been noticetl, have not been re- i,,.e„m to fill the pst of miniM.t >f war if’,1,1 aj,|Kared m the ;ioU‘ of that morning. I'resideut, for his informatKHi anddet on the boarders of liermnny. Here he con- , corded. Inn death ensues in oniiimry 1 |„ I'nmce, in coDiM'queiiee of the at»?«'nce | F.ven the bitleresl opponents vif (Jen. Jack- berwvcr tl.e vice shall be obviou§i\ tinned in the capacity of a laborer, for seve- cases, the bUiod retreats to the internal jVom his postof the .Mimsler, Mirshul Soult.'v.n, and tho«e who bad licfore den-.uiicod tisi^I, )ou are at hberty to ■uipctHl.., ral years, and until his departure for the } parts of the s\ stem, and hlN the veins, leuv-1 ( l>lj,hppc .nnd bis f.imily have quitti d him as the u^t vindictive iumJ reckles* ol' wvice, until inquiry be made througli^ l'nited States. Diiring this period, a mu-; '“g the arteries einptv. In tins case the; for a short |eri«HJ for C’onipeigne, ami m. n did not, *5piU; t.*ic vjrious rumours in ! depurtment, giving notice of )(«r tual attachment sprung up between Le superficial veins were lull, while ‘lie large, behove he would be guiliy ol i “«»1 intentions to tlie person compW. Blanc and one of the daoghters of his em-,'«>"**. emptying into the heart, as well as | „f handed and dictatorial meas-i —•« “"y wch caw you will report |il-)yer. The old Udy opposed, and pre-, the right auricle and ventiicic ol the heart,! there is nothing stirring in the French me- ,iirc. It wa-. stated that th» IVesidfiit wa* Alhiw me to rtjcommemi that tbepUn*^ vented a matrimonial allianco. About the '“^re entirely free from all fluid ; nnd what; tropolis that excites public attention. ' bent u[-on removmg the de|M«tlrs—that the »dl be speedily made known in n*|[u!t!« first of .March of the present vear, Le Blanc extraordiiiarj, tlio heart ilselfloct. The British l!fus« of Iiords is occupied bas(‘and treuchcrous in^n nito who««e hands ••'>'* prc|»aringf of subsUlutmg •cce;4« took his leave of his betrothed, paid a hasty all irritability, ard was not susceptible cl in discusting ihe clauses of'the Slaverv Al>- he ban given luuwieir, l,*nJ received a pledge j cqui'aknts lur •piritoue hquors, in ike» visit t«> his parents, and embarked at Havre j the action of the galvanic |x>le when applied ^f \> ellingfin has , from him to ihis efKt—but iim one su:.™*-1 tion* '»f the crewa of the cutters, be tow_ for the I nited States. He arrived at New to it. 1 be lungs IR pcrf«>ct col- ,pade several strenuous effort^, Init without ’ «*d ha would venture uo«.u the exu'iiiiittol in ’ hy you in every proper inanoer. 0“, N Thurwlnj, tlir -*4tli day of m tl. York 00 the 26th of April, and took up his and noair could be percoivtd in tlten residence with Mr. Feusner, who keeps a It po^^sible that these appearances result- French boarding house in Fulton street, ed fn>ni the manner in which this n»an was The third day after, Mr. Sayre came to ' hanged. Tlie rope was placfd b» low thej Frusner's and inquired for someone to po cartilages of the larynx, and may have into the country and work on a farm. IjC lighter ed at the moment the lungs were ^ _ Blanc consent^ to go, and an agreement f'ft-'e from air, and their sudden c« station ot' j ^ Uo:.«u. was made, Mr. Feusner acting as interpre- action may have rF.tained the circulation on ter. Lt* Blanc went home w ith Mr. Sayre, I the surlace. In ordinary cases, the rope is ' but had not been a w»-«k in hi* family be- placed above the larvngoal cartilaj.'cs, and fore he became dissatisfied. He thought 1 respiration would, from ilicir firm ness, bej Le was misused, and considered more as a ''"ore gradually su'jx-n led, nnd the blood ttjenial servant than a hired man. 'I'he then woiiUl occupy the onliimrv iMsition. eff rt. !■> r.uisr s.->me of them to lie ahered. ; deiiance of the res».lutu»u ol' la>t I'ongrew, | , V ^ ^ ..V-ir-’’ ' and kubmittiiii; the matter to the cun-1 StUf of n’lllimu J. I) Ulnuu » o. ih« n;.:wlv .U«.d I tativfs ol'the people. It appears, however, j ' that he Las dotermirM'd to place the whole i c«Hiiilry at drtiance—to mot k and insult liir j ,p« oplc ibrou;>b tiu'ir Uepreseutatives—in' , nhort, to asMime aud CAcrcise the ptiweni ol a I'ictator. It in not kurprl^lng that one , ;;eneral feeling of cxat ration is exprvsaed j ihritugh'Hit Ihit ciMiiinuuiiy, at this lust and A nt lif nUifkimith Tools, 1 or!i t\'tton Machines, Slock alt kindt, A nimlMr of rtry titKflu !«. 1 am, respoctfullv, your obedient irnii* W J. N Ot, SterrUrr of the fiaw.-T CuDrefor of tbr r*uttonis, Pt>d«. RcnJutionary Antcdote tf Capt.CtRc^ —At the (ommcucement of the Revokr (leneral Arnold received a wound in Use-r which rendered amputation neccssan 1 place was sopplied by a trooden one. i.V lie turn«-d traitor he was at one titn» ii British Fleet lying ofl the Capes of V-; imos. d.-.i-Tuto ..f his acts: it is 11.4 sur- J,v C'sot. (albs Lis work of death, and robbing the house, Lis n itiv e land. But Pr«vidcrice interposed, and put a stop to his iiiKt'iitous carccr. .Vtu- Jersey Journal. r.Al.VAMC KXrnRIMENTS. T)ic b(d\ of Antoine Le Blanc, when cut Uilabie to the ro|*e being placed verv low i ^ _ Lis purpose was to embark immrdiatelv for down upofi the ncck, aral ;>ro«hicing siifFj-i ^*3.# acres in Iredell C«Hinty, on the - ' 1 f>e galvamc ar- »'« , '11. . ForiJ, Ixirnf tNirl o! >lo*c« U » o!J pUc**- lion up(,n .1 large muscle, did not pro.!me I^vnchronoiis etiLCt upon every part of the; „ «.a Uio , imi'cle, but one fK>rfion of m'j.'ular fibre |ir'>>r»(t o4'• il l) MIM:. ' commuiucated the inipiiUa to the m-xt one,' I^vrry (»cfs*»ii mdehtid to satd estate is prxjin;ing a wavy motion, or a cliam ol f'^oiHipdi.jjt'til. bvNoirofpsjmrnt. AiulifKow fjown from the ^.'allows, at Morristown, was -iueccssive actions. i '1»oi>k t7>nii't mhI tmaic, sre f. rvby fio. imme.lmtcly oaiKJtd to Hr. John K- Ilbine-1 There was no chyle in th- throrv k duct,! j't; lander, for dissoction. It hung tbirt)-five • or in the la( teals—m every instance except J McKMlT,/.'jffnfjr. initujtes. and the galvanic ex|>erimcnt.a, this it was very ahumlant. ! 10. l-r.D. t. wliieh were conducted by Drs. Ilalsej, I ha\e verv little doubt widitrans-' Tin *roitn» Wjiphmsn will iti»« ri ihi* sd. Howell, and Uhi.Ttlander, were commenced ^ fusion and ^«!vamc action, hie m most eas*-, «d'* ««r-v«rl ih«, ar couoi hlfHjt twenty minutes after the body was,could be restored after Iriiiging, but in this — — taken from the acafTild. The pri>ner was ir .tnnce, w here there was no blood to stnmi- (1K I I..1K. nbKit thirty years of age, wi ll formed, and late tiie i:ction of the h'-art, and which muscular. After the execution, the face would h.ive l>een assisted by the warmth of was hvid, but not much altered ; the mark the mjccted fluid, the chanr- was very sn.all. j of the rope was deep in the neck, and the The boJy retained ikucIi galvanic mllu- wifjerficial veins wort* much distended by ence; lor upcm placiiis the hand u(>on the aplain “ w fiat punishment tlie Air>cri(‘«ns wouM inflict on bun. j: It IS undrrst.«d that Messrs. .M. L%%r, ^icdthryrould get powe«ionof hisp-.- Hrv.SK niKl t eariKsth opj^-iod tl*.- re- | he fapt.iin prudently A^hnwl aru»r- movalol the depoeiies. and Me-«rs. Wool.- tl.c interrogatory, kno'wing A rn4.r. Ill u\ and I A.MTV su;|H>ited it. ."Sal. Intiliii^nctr, Siraufic SmuU.— Thu last VamluUia : disposition. But ujM-n Ihe quesiion >r, repenfptl, ami an as.MiraiM-e tliat no wo«ild be taken at the answer, lbeCi‘ coolly repheil, “tlmt in his lit * m«ncati9 wouki susprnd evrrv hmfc tt- Miles recen.1, hung buiiM.'f ...r Curroll- ton, IIl.-He h.'id fre.,tH.nlly decided his ^ .'1 oei,.rminati.-. to ,mt an end to his UU* a.Kl w.fh o///A. A.s-^r/rc* .IVir ilHtablishnunt. ii\ki,l.sto>,no« i iih \,^ S jitnnl-rr l$t, I».13. ^ |1HK Siibt'-rilx'ri Ix-j |r»rp lo in'orm tlmr to desist iV'.Ul his ailful purpine. had attempted to hang him'e|f two or three liiiios, but vras prevented by Ins wife. ()o the moriimg preceding his dtath, he told his tvile he would liv* no lonj;er, and pro* ' curing a roj^e. left tl*e house. Hi* w ife f'i4- lowed, er.treaiiij.; him wilh all theeame%l ne»s and utF ctn n of a faithful companion, AlxHJt a Llcod. The temperature of the body wa's cartilagc of the‘ribs, a very sci»sible shock ed int.! " “’“‘•’'“•'‘d natural, and a thermometer placed in the wase\[.»rienret]. imHith, gave 01’ Farenbeit. The results Tne dissection of Le Blanc shows that, of the exfXTinH-nls, which we subjoin, are wh»>n death is produced sudd.,nl> bv sulfo- taken from the New York Standard, 'i’hey cation the circulation doemiot n-lire to the j)0s8ess much lutercst. 'I’he (Jalvanic Bat- | internal cavities, L'it remains in the super- n«t.-wry for the cou tery employed consisted of three bundled ificial vesicU—that the heart loses its irri- I'-wc*t (.rirt*. and our purcha»ci will large tn e U-voiid the reuchofhis wife, aiMl §*hf‘lftn f O. attnrli'‘d the ro[»e to Ins neck, told her that And will oprn a .Mcnantile KnUliii.limciit in if site did not w i»h to ik e him I'.ie, she miijbt lea*e the pLce. Mrs. Mil.. i«rceninB This rutting reply so cocifoundtd .lro that he arose fmin the table JtH 1 FrciKh leave of the brave (’ipt»mC»l'.i> IjtTington Tiiovhstow X, (fieo.) Strr. I"- 'Ve believe it is n»>l generally kiKi*^ there arc two cotton factories m wtcw^ operation in thii county. 'IV 6r^ in oprratuNi by Hr. Joseph B. .Simii. *' l>che»e, more than a yenr since, »os «» we understand, bImjuI .VM* spind>. h'ffK K’'*ill rnmpriM-slI th« li sHiny ir. countrv. » hirh wr will ,1,1 ,y » I , III other, owned hr Me«sr«. aviimao A that her ( floitsand entreaties woo d I# vain, « l i ' , i- 1 r-... f , I I • .1 .1 I .1 r)-, has fieen in oiieration h>r severs!!T- ran fjr help tij tfu* iMraii '^t hoiiM!; but Ijc- ' j tubiiilv, and that the boiy b-com mg charged end sixteen pairs of plates. flrprrimcnt First, An incisoin was matJc "'t^* galvanic fluid, i:»eapa hie of jjiving a Mr J'*H\ M A(iK.\'I M, lor ii.«uy yian large in the cfmrse of the rmsttiid muscle upon the ; ^hH-k. Il, u[x»n further ex[>enments upon , •) •i4bii.l». 4 a» « t>eck, in order to apply the positive pole of ’*'*ifnals, these facts should Is* estabil^tl(;(l, i...-.-- j- the b-ittery to the f>ar vagum and sympa- »'ay lead to some i(np»rtant rcsulis, ( thetir nerves. Before reaching the sheaths and e«taWish views ot the rirciilation very ol the ve-.‘**ls of the neck, a hraitcli of the .diflerent Iroiri thoae now udrmlted by physi- niJI)erfK 1 11 jugulars was cut, and a ycrv pro- fus»' h:f.iiiinorrh.i»e ensued, of dark bbssJ, cholera blood. It difff-red in on; very imjxirtant [larticular, that it lje. the cam*: oxygenated after exp»isure to the at- mo:»pnere, winle cholera ble^ suflured no w iih alwnt ItKH) spindles. A»»f not lind an opporluiiity of •eeing tli^ Fnrtor A)' Commission Mt n hant, in t hntl( kUui, h»» tlarfrd his •iraml.oal IJItUH'/'Y, 'hirlrslon and ( Ik raw , to nlii:li l(«K»t » urt ax A;;crit»i, w hi b w ill K'n’ u» II ' • Slid facilitMii. lint t'rw iirr«»c».. _ *V/ioir t/i .4(/yi/jrf.—W e are infi)rme.|, .sa\s "dl iiul;n' ii* 10 fjiy tiir lit)()i(.i>i prixM lor i rfv 3 Litchlkid i:iK|uirer,bv a ceMloiimn from i ' f «u ha...i a lull _ t'7«0 by the snow whu h fell on J hurs«lay* Ur 0,r«... of adtdncr., mil be h. |d change. 1 was iri jch surprised m openin;; afterrifHm last, on Mount Riga and its neigh- '• »'). t» anir ijmu* the wkiIki of i.iich a* tt.«y the sbeatha fjf the vessels to find both the borhood, in that town. Snow was als** >h- ’? ‘ l‘tir lju»im »a in our rarr; arxl happy man was dnid—.Mile, was . voung ^ «p[»«r.u.ii.> n .'/'ill 11- . . ‘ ^ shall take an earlv opportuiiitv of mall—hud Uen married but a ewmonthi*,' , . r . ' 1 . mrir .,,,1 „ ,1. , , . ’ and at some future period give a mctt- and tor all that is known to the cotitrarv,' , . , ... I,>d l,„,.p,ly .1,1, W lie’,; I?!'-’:''T" A .I..C, ,h. |,n>pr,,t .r Mr. II. IV:-'’ . T , f I I I 1 the month of .Mnrch, and hi* \ iffrant Impisttrs.—I iider this head,) 1 1 . n ..-•n'lii-'' il.«vi ...i 1 f II M .1 11 produi edtliieepairolcxeellcnt iiifo’" the v\ «ri,ttlie»ier Herald gives the |,jilowmi> ' 1 „ , k-tt •i-' • * mgs. Me was ajnin shorn a i^» »,.|l .In..,.:.! „,c,i, .1,,, ,,,„ 1 ...M "• ‘ ' States thrtiu:>h, iiimI im^sise ujion the :;ene- rosily of the public. 'I'liey have prmtid mn*.|m, which state that ull, counlrv ; among tlllH- funds the median Uisi^ie vein, and it was lull. I 1 to injure the corn.—LUchfidd {Conn.) Gaz. th«*n m.d“a punf ture, .md iiilrodured the jiifKf for traiistiwi ,n, im'l inj' cted abnjt two psind«i of w arm the U;inpTalur of ] All irna«'ion was iiuide luider the carlihc'e of the seventh rib, and the nrgative j .leof the batterv pl;ce.l m csil,ict with r " 11 i . tho diaphr;tem, while the ,k,siIivc p,,h. ,a‘>'«'t t/o//,;rs, that toii' heti |l|») fi^lilli pair of nfrvi-, nnd tire the re^juiar chnr|;c—More than ten »\ mi.*«ili* tic HI the oeck. 'r:i- w h >|i-lyifly '"n's os mu> h as is customary to charge wa-vi'ilr'itly i^ilu'cd. 'J'Ih* cheM heave', b*‘ir, 'I hi^ aris»r( from the heuvv lax on aaJ t je ur.'ub a..'K ie-s were thrown m great nuw.-'i npcrs in Ftigland. to ortiir. Al.-,. «;„o.U lor Merclianli. nnd other., ' “7 "recked, su»ned lo the |K-litii,n, Cost nf nilrfrti.ting in Fnelnh nanrrs — ' c '** r c«ivfci and liirwa/dwl an d»r«ctcd, l.y tiiij afnl mjinetimcs certified by a notary r>ubh; Mr. a L I..,,/, fn,,irL„:k,,, „ .•. r, 'r,- 'V"' ""'r':' Mi..i,.atl..,i 1, ., 11 1 I .1 1 I -I- - 'gnornnt of our lnnguage,alihouy|i tliev Will at sthat he publi-he,. i„ ihc L-wdou 1 ime« 0^- 1,^. ||. j . I tos'>me sfM:nk it well, a notieo, making less than three squares, ^ hi. «rv.,-,.. to »i;, p„i,l.r ' “'J’hn i^tilions nre to Ire iTorured in r*"r- shorn in tl»e sjuice of one vrar niwU 'J’hiidcg I* of the Fiench wati r •' uihI notwitl*itarMli(ig hn snbmitti'^ iKirouglirnoncer’s slave*, to Is* wems to |sirtake n little of ihe (hi?" breed for he has Rttciidcd uli lj>' '' pr«we«siorn m ;in>»K'’"**" - tJreeiMu k, and all the drffuofl' ^ dinneni, for y.-ar* Uick,and isab*»V ’ on the>ie n cacion f>ert li d hi a ■ ' side of the prmeipal Belormi r-'. IS fjrlo, iMit nlVrward-i. on ucceiini'' Keforin prr>ce*»in pr dilectieii*, eallcJ t!ie Keforin f>eg, nnd Islter,} U'en iiuuied the .Slockinifmaktr. || kr r KK.- hii «rvKi.» to I'll J'ljlilir,' " J bn i^tilions nre to Ire |iroriired m ^ r III tli.r diir. rci.t j.r.,MdK-.of I... New York at oft cents rnr|,' 'J'hev have ro. i been practising this impo iilion about thirty t«rr.,nire U. Mi/'ar?- , will . ritwlpr^ir; ani Fo pro[Kjriionfi, tint wiiij#-(hr* , ^ t*v#*ry fu ila.> frir^iv ri r|i»l» at « cuW, h nrli ».ri the jKH*/*haJi i.oi U: ?m| ’ po^'crs 1(» llie i-iibUc, lint w^- rn ly ifMurd ’ l***r huIi*, Mfrurk I'''*'''’’ ioJ J, tjUJ3 ng*iili^t tLtU) .V/r-rtn/:*' Acrid,nf.- \ nei»hl»«)rhiM-d of I’f.a Itngi I’'-'''"* ^ hi.h I Jv «nn

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