MINERS &, FARHERIS’ JOVRWA1^. ANI> Ft;ilLlHIIM> EvKRY NATlJimVv. HV , ' ■■ !iffA -M ■ - - - lUIMEO FUllLlHllhO L’VhRY NATIJItI>AY, »V TimHAS J. II0LT0N....CII,4RL(>'1T1-; »IFS( KI K.NtilKi^ COiTnTY, NOK « H-« AIU)I IN A ‘ , wiLL TrAa. vo« Tor.McK thk nr,« K..« o, r..r *no «,n„ the nr " - --- " ~ E CAVKI^ THt. MOUW MINS. MkTAI.8 WHICH WILL OIVK *THK>01 HJTO OUft AM, HUBJBCT ALL NATUIlK TO OUH UHE AND fl.KAiUMr-DRTToHNlo'ir 8ATl KI>i\, OC TOBKK 12, 18:i:i. - _ VOli. IV. THE MjiicrN^ ^ FariiirrN' Journal Lprintrd tnd publiilied every Saturday niorninK lit T»o Ooll^f* |>er annum, if paid in advunu ; fro ^*/*y Cenli if nol (mid uiitii Itfti'f ih® expiration of tiirfe nioiitlii; Three I PtlUri at y* No l>«p r w ill be ditcon'''*''''''* arrc:ira|{oa ato paid, ynirM tt tii''of lim l^itoi. lnVEH'riSl'^'ll''N'rs will iumirted at Fi/ly I O')/* P>^f K)uarv (not excerUiiig WO liufa,) lor I the fir»l ioMTtion, and S/i « nl» for futh auc- [cttiln'C week—or 91 for thruc ww k», for om I Musru. A liberal diacount will be made to thoac |«ha idvrrtM by the year. O.rOn all advcr- I li>riit«iil* coinniunicalt'd tor publication, the Lmubtr of iiiM^rtioni iiiu«t Iw noted on the mar. I tin ol'Uie inanuacript, or lliry will l» continut-d until forbid, and chorgcd accordin|t|y. [• All cominuDicationi to the l^itor muit romc I-tti nt'OT they may not l»e attended to. [ I’UIJLIC llKroSlTtis. From the (iloiK, Srpfimbir 23. It has be«’o gpiicrully ItHown lor some innib past that thff propriety of wilbdriiw • L ilif jujblic Jepcwiti from the Hunk of ihf kilrd .Stntui wan umler roDjtideralioit, hiicI I inucli of the otlcrilion of the l’rf?*i- fitial delermination rt lative to the Bank pri or to the ensuin'' f lection. Many documents and articlen w«re printed and circulatcd at the ejiH>iiac of the Buiik, to bring the peo- pic to u favorHblo derision upon its pretcn. sions. J ho8« whom the Bank aiiprars to have made its debtors for the b^xxihI occa sions, were warned of the rum which await- ed them, should the President be nualainrd, and attempt# were made to alarm tho whole ariably direct translers aside, in Order to avoid any re8|M>D6ibility from the deposiles of the public money in aid of tlieir legilimate exertions to maintain their crcditand he asserted a right to employ the State Hanks when the Bank of the United States should refuse to receive w hich the high trust w ith which he has been honored requires him to encounter; and it beiii{( the duty of one of the Executive De partments to decide in the first instance, subject to the future action of the legislative power, whetlier the public deposites shall on dpjxwite the notes of such State Banks , ,, ^ I's tho public interest required, should be remain in the Bank of the L'. States until received in payment of fl « public dues. In | the end of its existence, or be withdrawn i*oi)le »,v lu.ini.n. .K. J Jole j several instances he did tnnsfer the public ; some lime before, the President has fell .^0 of urorrtv?M n I in the immediate | hini^elf bound toexainine the question care- prict, ol pro|«rty utnl prcnluce, and the yen. j vicinity of branches, for wti«i to the Bank. If it was lawful for Mr. Crawford, the i heretofore mentioned, are of lhemj.plvesafii- equivocal, or bad it not covertd lli« whole !{round—if it hnd merely taken exce|)tions j to the dcluilri of the Bill, or to the time of Its passiij,^—,|-,t had not met the whole Krouud of coiixtilutioiwlitv and expediency, • hen there mi;;lit have b«.*en some plausibility t I iLi • f*ii» ««a3 lawjUl charter oniL n!!*L 1 ”*' i of j Secretary of the Treasury, at that time to ply fcuflicient lo justify the removal of the election wind it I IT*** iT \ “ *•’ »ct on these pr inciples, it will be difficult to i deposites wilhoiit reference to the conduct elrc.ionwhichen.ued? Had the^ eio been ,l,«,,ver any sound reason against the ap- of the Hank or their aalMy m its keepiii;;. plication of similar principles in still stron- j But in the conduct of the Dank may be (>er cases. And it is a mutter of surprise found other reasons very imperative in thrir that a f»o\ver, which, in the luliincy of the i character, and which require prompt action. Hank, WHS freely a^serled as one of the or-; Developtnenls have been made from time lo dinury and fuiuiliur duties of the Secretary i lime of its faithlessness as a public a^{ent, for the ullex/aTion that llie nuosiioi7 wa~s’no't Treasury, should now be gravely i its misapplication of public funds, its inter- , divided bv the i.eonle h uh« ir r ....I ^’xcite and ; fercnce in electione, its eflurts, by the t.iandofthedifrerentniemUmothisCabi. ,k„ i.„..,,i' , , alarm tho public mind as if some new and ‘ machinery o}'committees, to deprive the k. all of wh..m had been cal W upon by the ; l^Vwas brouiV.tr^ r^^ ' ^ ! (Government Directors of a full knowledge Uidrnt to as*i*t him in hi» deliberatim,, . ,j « , |, illen,.e willm, ! t L ' ' ^^'c^utive branch ofthe GovernnKjnt., of its concerns, and above all, its flagrant bmmaion, heli^-sidentcaineto her.«-,,ear. tothf* termiuat.on of the charter of ‘Closed m placing all the funds of the that tlie public de(xwits ought to U- ,.p,„.^.tlon to tin Hank as beuiE l*oth ' *' «'"-‘i‘‘«'-ed as the including the money of Ihe Govern- figrtl to tli« Slate Banks, and hmopimon ■ unconMUutional ni.d meiDwli’ent On tl> u 'ol Ihe country that it shall then ' disposition of the President of IS . oinniunicated in writini; to hu ( nhinet . J. . cease lo exist, and no man, the President | •f''* means of operating upon public U edne^day last at a meeting held spe- j j , , , \ * i J Ixdieves, has reasonable cround for expec- i procuring a new charter with- llly forthnt ptr,K«.. «,kI the facts “'-y ether Hank of the T.I.ted r^^qu.ring him to render a voucher for smnt. on which It wan founded. As |niblic j iKiv^er which was Irofli | w ill Ije created by t'ongress. 'J'u theA brief recapitulation ntii« has been dmwn lo ihis subj^t, it ^ confu'ertK ' I>‘-partment is entrusted the safe of'he facts which juxtity these charges and " * ' detided. U halrver ni.iv Ik« lim IV'*' rierstanding or misrepresentation, lo lay l ia the peop!e the eoiiimuniratioii mnde tb‘ President aa aliovc tneulioned U has been furtiifhed lo us L, which we now proceed A plan of collection difFerent public and the President, will, he thinks, retnove every roasonabic doubt as to the resi- months, lf»/ to tit Cahinrt nn the 1 ‘•/A Ifaving carefully an>l inxious'ii [nil iImj facts and arguntenls, which have ^ fol and happv ; it not, 1 sli.tl! M julHiiilted tf> him, relaiite loa removal '** '^hu h iiiqiel in**, ample |h« pobhc deposites from the Bank of the conicntniei.t and |K;acc.” He wns sustained by a just people, and I he deHires to evince hi« gr.ilituJe (a carry- litfd States, the Pre»id»-nl deems it hi* I) In conirauniraie in this manner to hi« I I the Hnal c>Hiclusions nf his own V. ind the reasons on which Ihey are IJ i, in onler to jnji them in durable r, aiid to prevent tniscooreptions. pe Proident's r»nviciions ol' Ihe dan- i have united an> conidcial»ie porlion of the I :i.'« trnV*iicies of tlic Hank of the I nited ! I’oblic in it» la>i»r. .Mo-t o|' tln-ni are liable >(•-, since sij»nnlly illustntted liy its own ,'he Siime coii*.tilulioDul ohjc« lions on the I ivrn- w o>cr|»owering w h«-n he intend i •^‘•re of eiprdienr\. Fu ridding the c( iintry Ine diifien of Chief Magistrato, that lit "1 an irr*-^H.n>.il.i« (Miwer wtiich has at- hi*! tluly, notw iiiistai;ding the l'nipteii it, ct>iitn>l thi- (iuveiiiiiient, core ■■ of the frieiidit by vihotn he was siit- ■ '"Ust be ukcn not to unite the same [H»wcr ed, lu avail hiniM*Il ol the first occu'ion ■ "''h thf l.xtMriilive branch. I'o give a 'I the atlentiofi of Congress and the jh-o- I’reaideut the cotilrol tuer the curiericv, and I) the question of its r«' charter. '1 Ik , 'he f«.»er over iiuiivuluals n»)W |>oi)»«'H‘d b> ; to del.iv it tt>o lone- I .ns e\pres.-*ed in his Annual Mt ssajje the Hank ol' the l.niled Mates, even with ! tnlK-r, I "V?**, were reiterated in th' s*- ‘ho material difFfM rice that he is rrspimsilile I^'iTn.Scr, I'Jtttand I".'M ; atMi in that >he people, w(,uldlie asoljectionahleaud ax dangerous a* to leave it as it is. Neither the one nor the other is neccs«arv, and iht refon; ought not to Ix* rei->rtetl to. Dll the vth'ile, th*i Pr«•^idenl con^ulers it agent, Sion with no dejiofcitory for its funds, and tiie whole buvnjess of tho (lovtrnment de- lani^i d ! It is obvious that aiiv new svstetn although it knew the Governuieiit intended lo appropriate most of its large dejnwite during that year in payment of the public debt. It was in ]\Iav, lit32, lhat its loans attempted to be justified, proved that no ro* liance could be placed upon its allcgutiona. If the question of a removal of lht> de» (K)sitcs presented itself to the Executive in Ihe same attitude that it appeared before th® House of Representatives at their last so«. Sion, tlifeir resolution in relation to the safe- ty of the o'tepoeites would be entitled t«, tMore weight, although the decision ofthe question of removal has been confided by law K- an- other def«rlnient ofthe Goternnient. Hut the question nov7 occurs, attended by other circuinslances, and new disclosures «f thd most serious import. It is tnie, that in the message of the President, which produc«d this inquiry and resolution on the part of the House of Repre»entati?es, it was his object to obtain the aid of that body in ma- kinj( a thorough examination into the con duct and condition of Ihe Bank and its branches, in order to enable the Executive l>cpattmoul to decide whether tho publio money was longer safe in its hands. Tha limited power of the Secretary of the Ttea* sury over the subject, disabled him from making the investigation as fully ano satis^ factorily as it could be done by a committed of the House of Uepresentatives, and hence the President desired the asiistance of Con* gres?, to obtain for Ihe Treasury Depart* merit a full knowledge of all the facts which were necessary to guide his judgment.— But it was not his purpose, as the langtiage of his message will show, to ask the Rep resentatives of the fieople lo assume a re* sfjonsibihty which did not belong lo therni and relieve the Executive branch of the (Jovernment from the duty which the law had imposed upon it. it is due to the Pres ident, that his object in that proceeding should be distinctly understood, and lhat he should acquit himself of all suspicion of seeking lo escape from the performance of his own duties, or of desiring lo in(er|.iose another body between himself and the peo- ,000,1 pie, in order to avoid a measure which he is called ui>on to meet. But although, aa an act of justice to himself, he disclaims any design of soliciting the opinion of the Housu of Representatives in relation to his ov. n duties, in order to shelter himself from responsibility under the sanction of theif wliich may h>e sul»*.tituied in the place of|tiriivcJ at the maximum, and in the pro- - . Ihc Bank of the I'nitcd Slates, co*ild iioticeeding March, so bonsible tli6 Onilli I a WK-ui 11 UiJUV^I ^IIC Ul illClf iiiglHir fciaion, so lar as It di|>eijdau{>oii suddenly carried into edect on the ter-[that it would not be able to pay over the i couns«‘l, yet he is at all tunes read\ to lis- "*(')■ !l 1 h« f k r niination of Its eviMence without serious in-1 public dejxisite when it would be required | ten to the suggestions of the Representatives l a I le su - litiitrs for the present Rank convemerM o to the Government ami the pet.-. by the Government, that it commenced a | of the people, whether given voluntaiily or w lie I iHvebet n f>ujjt'»*>lf(l, noiiir scims tu Its va-a amount of notes are then to | secret negotiation without the approbation I upon solicitation, and to consider them witb l« retieemetl mid withdrawn from circula-' or knowledge ol’ the Govcrnnient, with the the profound respect to which all will admit lion, and its immense debt collected. 1 hese j agents, for about .S‘,',TO(l,UUU of the three operations must be gradual, othej wit« much per cent stocks held lu Holland, with a view Miflering and tlistrcss will he brought u|>on j 'f inducing them not to come forv»ard for tho conimur;ily. It ought to he not a work ' payment for one or more years after notice j the constitutiOD and the law makes it his of months only, but of voars, and the Pres- should be given by the Trea!*ury Oepai t-1 duty to decide, and must act accordingly } idwiit thinks it cdnnot, with due allention lo mciit. 'J'his arraiincn'.ent would have en- and he is bound to suppost; lhat such a course the interests of the people, U- longer po^t- f.LIed the Bai.k, to iicep and use during that on his part, will never be regarded by that poned. It IS sjifer lo begin it too soon than liiue the pul.lic iiioney set apart for the pay-1 elevated body as a mark of disrespect lo it* ment of llitise stocks. jself; but lhat they will, on the contrarv, It IS for the HisoVm ef (’ongrera to de- After tliis nenotiation had commencetl, esteem it the strongest evidence he can give c-J? upon tho h«‘sl sul»tilule to be adopted ihe .Secretary of the'I’reastiry inlbrmed the ' of his fixed resolution conscientiously to III the place ofthe liiink ofthe I'nittd .Stntes; Hank, that it was his intention to pay otTj f^is^'harge his duly to them and the country’, and the President would have felt himscli the half of the three percents on the first A new state of things has, howeTer, arisen relieved l'r»>m a heavy and painUil resptmsi- ■ ot the succeeding July, which amounted to , since the close of the last session ef Con* bility if in tlic charter to the Bank Congress atxiut S>6,r)(H),DOO. The Pix:sidenl of the j gr^s-S and evidence has since been laid be- that Ihey are justly entitled. Whatever may be the consequences, however, to himseiif, he must finally form his own judgment where had rcMTved to its lf the power of dircct- Bunk, altliough the committee of investi- ar comlusively f-ctilcd that the charier •( nt ils pleasure, the public money lo be gation was then looking inlo its aJiiiirs at the haiili 11 tlif‘ I mild Slates will nol Ik- dej/'i'-iietl, and bad nol devtilved l‘hiladel(ihia, came immediately to ^^'ash• leficued, and he has no iiMso;iul)le ground that power exclusively on one of the Exec- iiigton, and upon lepresenting that the to believe that aii\ (iuhsiitiiie will bo rsiali- nii\f> i>. t,arlm nts. It is useless now to in- Batik was desirous of accominodatinc the 1‘30, h" thn-w out l't»r considenition, fe jii.V'eslior;^ in r* ltilirxi to a subj-titule. the Mn«i.Hi of 1-.3I on act wos pas>rd •1 mijorily of Imih housrs of Coi,gr«is rirterin;; the pre-iont Hank, U|>on which PraiiWii ft It It hia dutj to pul hisci-n- Mif/tial veto. In hi> MenNigt*, retuniiHi; ’ ’ t. ho repeatctl and » niarged iqwn the I iple^ ami views brielly avsiTtod in his wuil M' «agrs, declaring the Hank lo l»e, [ .■ o;„n,. n iK.ih inexi^-dieiit aiKl uncon- pale the inlerfcrcnte ol the |*.gislaiive pow- ly „mi npproprialely the guartiinns of the j interest itself, procured the conscnt of the ^ . ai.d announcing to his country- er, for the purpose ol Irnnmig new sy>U'iiis, pul,he nuiney. I'erhapsit was an oversight, secretary, after consultation w ith the Presi- p. «er\ tinequivocally, hii firm deter- it is pro[«er lor him M\-i«in:;l.!y to consider |{ui as the Prcsi(Jent assumes that the char-j dent, to |M)stpone the payment until the sue- ptKfl never to Kinriioti, by his approval, the mejms by which Ihe serv ices rendered ,,.r to the I’.ank is to Ik> considered as a con-' ceeding first of October. **"■ •'Un*' o! the I lilted Stales aro to U imol on the part of the (u.vernment, it is Conscious that at Ihe end of that quarter f 'lei' ' perloinied aller its chailer shall expire. ^ot now in the jMivver of Congress to disre- the Bank would not lie able ty pay over Ihe ' .1 I I be eMsimg laws declar*', lhal “ the »!e-‘ ;ard its stqiulntiiHis; and by the terms of depnsiies and thal further indulgeoce was r lir rravins for believing (josiles of the money ef the I nited States, that contrai I the public money is to be de- not to be exjHCted of the (iovernmcnt, an r le Iiiotive I,I the H.tnk m at.king l.ir a m places in which thesitid Hai.k and braiM h- (vunited in ihe Hank, during the continuu:ice agent was dispalchcd lo England secretly F '■■'I' r at thal seMion ol ( mgre>tH, w.is (h.-rcof niHV lje e'tiibli'hed, shall l»*> made ; of its charier, unless the Secretary of the ' to negoliate w ith ihe holder" li»hed. li'injj Uiind to ri giilate his course, qmre why this high and important p»)vver i importing merchants of New York (which hv tlie Inwiat the\ exist, and ii*»l lo untici- sui rendered bv those w ho arc peculiar-; it tailed lo do) and undertaking to [>ay ihe •»ke It a leading qii.-Mion in the cleclion ' said Hank or bninche rs of tho public 8 thereof, unless the 1'rfa'ury shall otherwise direct. I'niess,' debt in Euro|)P, and induce them by the of- " ' “2h the chartcr was approaching Its , if nol, immediately alter the commeiicemenl the consent of the i^nk ; and consequently of public money which the Government !iiaii,.n, iind the Bank was aware lhat ^ of the n \t sessmn, the reason of such or- I Ihe public money must remain in lhat in-' should Bet a|»art for ihe pavmeut of that ' the intention ol the Government to der or dirt'clion.” | slitution to the last hour of ils existance, ^ debt. The agent mnde an arrangement on fore the President, which he is persuaded would have led the House of Representa tives lo a different conclusion, if it hadcon.e to their knowledge. The fact lhat the Bank controls, and id some cases substanti- ally, otrns, and by ils money svpportfi some of the leading presses of the country, is novr more clearly established. Editors lo whom It logined extravagant sums in l''3l and 1832, on unusual timeand nominal stH:urity« havev since turned out to be insolvent, and to others apparently in no better conditioa accommodations still mere extravagant, ou ■ •puhiip de|Mitiiicii(i« fii-l n» It accrued, ' pi>iiieiil of Ihc jniblu; debt, vet diil 'leiiiliu bans from January to ’ J'HI, iVoni ^v'4 lo «7(»,- ‘v, Iteiug HI) increase of in iixlet n months. It isconlident- The power ofthe Secretary of the Trra- j unless the Secretary of tho Treasury shall surv tjver the deptisites, is vrMiuoliftii. 'I'he | remove it at an earlier day. 'I’he respon- provis.on that he shall rejHjrt his reawms loLsibility is thus throw n upon Ihe Executive Congress, IS no Imiitiiiion. Hail it not b*’en ! branch of the Government, of deciding how insi rletl, he would have been responsible to | long liefore ihe expiration of the charter, ■ tigress, had he in-ule a removal for an\ I the public interests w ill require the deposites agent terms, in part, which were in direct violation of the charter of the Bank, and when some incidents connected with this secret negoti ation accidently came to the knowledge of the public and the Government, then and nol before., so much of it as was [uilpably in violation of the charter was disavowed ! A modification of the rest was attempted I ^ , I - - "ith the view of getting the certificates f Its ptiwcr and tiilluciice ; snd it has ;ject ofthe provision, is lo make his reasons j properlv to lielong lo Ihe legislative jiower, | without payment of the money, and thus nc isi|,,„.,|^ igrgmi huiiim j uccesKible lo Congress, and enable that b»v j yel as the law has imposed it U(>on Ihe Ex- J abi^olving the Government from ils liability ^ granti d on very unusual terms to con-jdy the more readily to judge of their sound-l eculive Department the duty ought to be | lo the holders. In this^ieme the Bank '’•■*01 the [>ublic press, in some of! ness and purity, and theieupn to make such j faithfully and lirmly inel, and the decisivn j was partially successful, (fft lo this day the >« Veil, that the leading object of this ; oilier than good reasons, and his res|M)tisi- j to l>e placed elsewhere. And although,ac- *’i«e eMri,«|,,n of iiR hrtiiis, wna to bring j htlily, uow ceas«>s, upon tho rendition of cording to tho frame and principle of our 't'e a [xirtion ol ihe |»eople at [KiHsiblo siiHicieiit ones lo* Congress. The »)ii!y oh- government, this decision would seem more •'•ses, the motive was made nianili'st j further provision by law as ihe legislative cient security tak- i power uiay think pro|ier in reiulinu lo tiir ^ ^ - largo amounts dis-1 tlepoNile of the puldic money. 'I'hose rea- ®*'r*ordinnry liuie allowed | sons may b«! very diversified. It v»as awtt-r- HhI b> th»! Secretary ol the Treasury wiih- fiul contradiction, as earlv as I‘17, that he had |»ovver “tocontrnl the proceedings” of the Bank of the I'niled States at any mo . , mcnt, “by changing the deposites lo ihe ' Th” '’"•f'’'''*’* asked a new char- Stale Banks,” shmild it pursue an illilx'ral •t by many of Ihe ad- course towards thuse mslilulions; lhat “ the ^ i^ol Ihe Hank, was lo/»(/f/Ac/Vr.y/»/(7i S>'cr. larv >f the Tren>ury will alwavs 1« lhat the country might know his disposed ty support the credit of the Stute Poyinenl, and especially by the sultso- I' *®fJ“Clof ihoM receiving the acconi- •It ions. laving taken these preliminary steps t* '•entrol over public opinion, the Bank mnde and executed U|K>n the best lights ' certificates of a portion of these stocks have thiit can be obtained, and tbe beat judgment' not been paid and the Bank retains tho use that can be formed. It would ill become of the money. Ihe Executive branch of the Goverouient to | This ellort to thwart the Goyemment in shrink from any duty w hich Ihc law im-1 the (myment of the public debt, that it poses on it, lo lix upon others the responsi- j might retain tho jmb'tc money to be used bility which justly Itelongs to itself. And for their private intei-ests, Tallialcd l>y pre while Ihe President anxiously wishes to ab stain from the exercise «if doubtful powers, nnil to avoid all interference with the rights and duties of others, he must yet, with iin- .sliaken coiislancy, discharge his own tibli- tcnces noioriously uni'»undcd ami insincere, would have justilied the inslaiit withdrawal of the public deposites. The negotiation Itself riMiden'd doubtful tho ability of the Bank to meet the demands of the Treasury, tjalions, and caaaot allow himself to turu and the misrepresctitatiors by w hich it wes terms more unusual and sometimes without any secarity, have also beeu heedlessly granted. The allegation which has so often circu. lated ihro’ these channels that the Treasury was bankrupt and the Bank w as sustaining it, when, for many years there has not been less, on an avenge, than six millions of public money in that institution, might be passtKj over as a harmless misrepresentation; but when it is attempted by subsftintial acts, to impair the credit ofthe Government ancl taniish tho honor of the country, such charges require more serious aitenlion. ith six millions of public money in its vaults, after having the use from five to twelve millions for nine years, without in terest, it became the purchaser of a bill drawn by our CJover«mrrit on that of Frawo for aUiut 900,01)0 dollars, licing the flrsC instalment of tbe French indemnity, 'i'ho purchase money was left in the use ef the Bank, being simply added to the Treasury depusite. The Biink sold Ihe bill m En gland, and the holder sent it to France for collection, and armngements not having bt'eo made In the French Goveriinient for Its payineul it was taken up by ihe agents nf the Bank in Pans with the funtls of the Rank in their hands. Under these circuio* stances it has, through its organs, openly aisuiied the crelit ofthe GoveriiuM-iit, and has actually made, and persists in a demand of'fifteen per cent, or I'-i 77 as dama ges, when no duii)a;;e, or none beyond somft trilling ei|»ensf has in fact lieen sustained, and when the Hank had in its own possesiotj on «^cveral milhotw of tbe pubHp

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