MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOVR?fAli. PUj^ KD SAH;KI> A Y, MY THOM AS J. FIOI,r«)^.^( II AKl/»TTi:, MIi4 HI COUXTY, NOR 1 Il4 AilOLINA. I WII.I.-TIt4L'M rOIJTO ril;»CCTII« DOWKWOK TItKCARTll ANI. ElTlNo'oi TVliftM TiTE rAVrilN- c.rTliK MIM vrAiN;~ - — VOIj* • Min WHICH WIU- OlVK KTKKNOni TO K B IIA.NI)J AXU SIBJWrr AU- NATl'HH 10 OI'H IJBK AND rLEAflllRX. UR. JOHNtON. 8AriL:Ki>Av7\tni^ ^ NO. 162^ 1 HK Hiners^ ^ FilrincrM^ Jon run I I MvlaWity of hu„uinffrtatne»s.— \tt the | iittfrUftl twm'OVf UHkit, ijeur 15()4, acconlin;; lti n liib(t) wliicit luitd aud iMiblwhi d evcrj S«turd«y iiiornui); j Ix^Core us, Kiigland only rankt-il i I'rom /Iir Cntolina \Vnt-hman, ^ ..If It ;j -U. n«a in • 1. fV'I'f f^VAf T « T I* f »ir r* ■ ■■!■■■ I , ■ I - ■■*iii».i - --i|- -|,ti.. ti'iTT iif I/, liut cuncuile will) clicprf\ilii«»i, the right of Vention that a due rejjard by the I^gisla* —! all and evcjry cilizin toappropriato his nion-1 ture, for the interest and wellkre, oi’ h larcQ I'mlt H*' •S'**''® «c edim{ 20 linok,) Inr Ihe flr*l ui»frl)on, »nd 3j criiU for eacli inc. ^dinr iurk—or $1 for ibrt c for orw ^,a»re. A libtTkl diwxMint will l>c iiiid«- to Ihaoe *1k) idwrtine by Uie yr*r. iCOn &1I *»iv l,,(.incnU comHiunictWd (at pnblictlion, ihc niimhrr of iniiortioii* muil h« noird on tbc m»t. (in of »►« minutcript, or th».y will b« continued gntil forbid, and char|red »« ordinfly. • \|| eoimniinicalion* to the Kditor inu»t they nuy not be ■tlciidi-d to. MetuMr nM atttf Ciocdst* Jutlfrom Pkiladelphia and y'ctt- York. I^llE Hubacriber i» n«*w receiving and npenin| t large and bandaom* >«forUo«fit of OOOIPSy ilsble for the •ea»iB. bought before CJooUt h«d dJiocKi but very liitle. III8 #Tt>CK COXSIBTi Of -rfint Blue, BUck and Olivet loth dw cfjfisidert'd in the samo point of vie» hy th« n^st of Kun>pi‘, UH the (Joth« and V'^amlalu forin*rly »er« by the Ronmns. What n humiliating n Hi ctinn mi the inutnbitity of hutiian grvtttiiues ii« presented by this atute- ment T Sjuin, wliich tlien lerj »h« taste of Eu- ro|ifl—tSpHiii, great ami jKiwerful, after ruiichiDj{ a pitch of national prottperity to which few kiii^doiiit have ever yet arriv- eH, bn« Mink nfniost into the vale of for- »t'tfu!noii». Hrr Navy, at oue time the iiiuHt (;Hllaiit in the world, is no longer knnwu or respected, while her Army, mire the terror of Kiirope, is only the object of deriiion ahread. England, pnmd and litfty as she now i«, thrre centuries mnce, stood ctnly teraith on ll>e catalo^uo of iiatioiii>. She, above nil ' th« ret, has k» t>t her place, and risen in j pr>« t-r nml doinnumi, in tiie same pro[»(iti >ii fas tiio nahuiis uliicii preceled h>r, have |»uiik III i ll«*niinar\ and disgrace, i VVIirn we r«-ll«-ct that Amtrica, nt the ' P»tiiiH to which «** have rei»*(rfd, in .■J|«'ak largo ,ey to whaiWM.ver object of internaliinprove.t portion of the citiaeiis of North Cufolinn eDcourapeinerit sljotikj^ Roannke navigation them in the improVenient from Milton, N. C. |o y, the present ternnnatintf convention was called to order, ‘,7 7'"T ^ ."/‘‘""rr’."'";"'’,, ^ , r P«r‘SB'‘^utli, anj I. „ 1. ,, M>i „ ,1 f.u J I . Jii:uilrtd further, I bat it be the duly of Roanoke Rnilrnads. Ijy lieu. I hoiiius l’»!k, one of the delesrntes .. . '' ... . ' . , . ^-x , i .l mi . . * from the r.mniy of Rowan, who moved that 'f"s convention; lavmg aside , evolved fvrther, That ,t ts e»ped.cn» Samuel r.PHllersonofth^counly of W.lkes, a''l«rty feeling ^nd sectional prrj.id.ce, to for tbis convention to adopt measures to and John W. Hu.ke of the cninty of Cum- endeavors, in their rc8,.ec., have metnonuls circulated, and signaturet b^rland, be appi motion lieuig unaniiiKH Hwnimed the duties of ineir Kiaiiun uecor- .■ ' e- . i • i i .i . j- j I tioiis in anvaucing the cause of iiitcrnal un-, under the standing order ot llie coBVentioO| /»■*.« r r- n II .1 . • ' provcoietit.” i to the general roonmittee. □ mi 10 o len. o , le serre arie«. | ]t,gvlctd Jurfhtr, That in all cases in Mr. Seawell from the General commillea w'ere rtipirs f o on J® n.unes o | ^vijj^h n‘'-poii.=ihle individuals t>lmll sub-1 to whom was referred the several resoiutiopa lh« several rounlies m the .Nate, when the I ' c^n^dentials* *a^'*took Vhm 'wu"" acconiplishinent ofany particular oh-' thereon, accompanied by sundry res>o!utionj from Art.'on — W lilinni II. (»rcen. . . . ^ ■' pj. use all laudable endeavors, in ttieir rcspec-! Have metnortuls circulated, and signature! us c o H. coun y o urn- criunlieg, to impress upon the niimis of; ohiairied to be presented to the Leaiblaturo pointed secretaries which , citizens the importance and ne-1 on this subject^ ® laniiiious y a^reec o, ‘ ) p,.gj,jtv of prompt, active and uiiited e.xer-1 These several resolutions were referred, lies ol their station mxor- . . r- . i: I .i j _* scrilio tiii'c fifths of the amount necessary submitted to the convention, made a rt port ilir ihe acconiplishment ofany particular ob-' thereon, accompanied by sundry res>o!utionj ject conteinphtcd in the general syslcDi for : which were read, and on tiiotioa of Mr» „ , ,, ,,rccii ^ improving the Stale, that then and in those lleury, ordered that the said report tog»‘ih* iW ” ,, 1 cases, it l>c recommended to the Letiisiature ' er with the resolutions, be recommitted t9 C/j/>orn/«—}’dul Harrinonr, I). M. Rar-1 V , . . . , ’ i7 ■ 1 I I to contribute tiie otb'T two (iiilis lor (he ac-1 the punie committee. olfnStiir (’ha* VV Harri.s'"^ " complishment of said object, and if neces-j Mr. .McQueen submitted the following resolution^, to wit: *• Rt sulml, That in as much as the pres* ent (-ysleni of working the Roads, and pre§ servinsj them in repair in N. Carolina ia radically defective, being productive of sig» ’ iUK)n do. iWrrn'a do. (Ktflne .‘Sjlk anJ Fur flats ~:iarau do ’oi4 ^ .»'• For lUl* and Cap* lu^Kioantity el'browa & birarbed Mumrapun. al*o a UK.C iiL«iTirv or llnrrfivarr niid C'iill'r>, rmckrry and fmrerfrifn. ringer, John Still. ima. *« . ti^irii.'». ' . i ~ « f Vm/H dward 1.. Winslo.v, I,ouis 1 i I). Hi.nrv,John W. MusLc, iWn t'orniick. Olid James Seawell. I KmiUi prcstiiled the following reso- /'AflMom—Hu^h MrQ.-cni. : lution, to wit: ^ /n(/,//-.la.iK-s 'n.e«pH!us | ll.rolrul, That this convention recom-; "^lie'^uTributmn oH hallS.J..hii .Mu,!,at II. 1 . .Nevvart, havid !mend the cliar.cnr g ol any compame.s lor biirtbrns m regard to the relative po, Ra,i.=.ey, W ii.iarn Kmj:. A1,ih r !■ raukliri, the p.jr,-«e of con«tructir- rail roaJs lead-1 m:r to market, e.tlirr w .lh.u or with.mt the , prosperity, or the convenience, j.e suicidal policy ; ^ of the grarid divisions of iHimaa , 'society—that the members of the ensuiiitf o inarke s wi hm ^ be earnestly requested to adopt , , I such measures as will be calculated to lu)* „ , , , „ „ Kin-presented tho s-^v-n I A,A-Henry I.. Llho t. ^ la>t roM.lutioiH ndopttd t>y a convent,| ,hr„u„hout the State, and to secure a niora /.,wn,_fcj^uccr 1 avior, James ( r>o!, ■ held i.i Raleigh on the Itli day of J'* > ast,, of keeping Jame«h„„th Rob.rt .Macnamnra, Or John toaclher with ttie r. dn-.s puMi.hed bv a ' „« .Volt, J.-sse \\ . W .ilton t. HnnKle, feurnu- i con,mittee ot that l.^ty, to the peop.e ol the | „ resolution was also referred H Linu, \^h Partee A1|t1 .raham, John , blafe on the sul.j^^l ot iiiternal improvement. committee. . A- .Meroriy, f.cii. I. Hoik, I homns L 1 l,.*€e sevrral resolution., atter being , ,he conVehliott eTjMTiotK-id i--re m th- „».e,;f ih. ddeM in-1 ' then adjourned until 12 o’clock this day. Mil. hell. M.rba.m>nmn,ll^nry .Miller, lee nppointid uudt r tho ic^lutiui ofiered The convention met pursuant to adjuurti. .-I mil’d Saltineta trii lulian Kilka n • c ‘ ' i - ^ro de Nap. Prud«)*le, Lnte»trinf, Sattm, . in. (;oveniir’.Ciil.>* of Kurop^, na-a -SanjriaWtOrrfln *. Sarcuoetu. kil cvlot* I riooa, Priofad Mu»lir»« iirino. SMlk and K«ocy SljawU, Ik (.lofea and .'‘lixHunjrn dll'* and (;eotl*oi«u’a f^boirs and OooU fetior ijMiiiiy iarnvi d, whoc.m l>e bold'•fiou^'h to pr*’ilirt ■ til'* jjlor) «l»c m dt-kiiiK'd to uttHin. “ N i.v j ions t/1 gl iry ' »>pure iii\ arl ioi; si^ht.” Kt"Uhr. We were visited on tbe rveniiijj of Sa'ur- dnv laM with tlieino«l Mtilent burncanp ever lin L. .''inith. hitiilHnl4. Il niiiiii.riU'C.i iilrf'tit curn.spwid y„j ,i »c.;ccee»Jt!d in ^R-ei -t abotc. JOHN M. .MOKIMSri.V. fkriwia, S r Ort. 1»A. by Mr. ('raige. On imtioii of Mr. Ilenrv, meiit. Archibald G. Carter, Robert Fleming and Rufus H. Kilpatrick, additional “WfWr(/, I hat in the decision of a"! delegates from the county of Rowan, ap* •luestions ari>-ina vn this convention, the i (hej^ geats. vvfes -hall tK> taken by cunfics, each coun- [ Scawell from the standing commlttct ty n pres4'niHd, l)omg wititied to one vete.; which was referred the various resolu* Oil miit:ou o! I*r. I ranUlin, the conven-1 submitted to the convention, made a tioii tiien adjoiiriifd until to-uiofiow niora- report thereon accompanied by the following resolutions, to wit: The General (’ommittee to whom referred the several Resolutions submitted prijstntin^; .'Vxeriil h*-iis*‘’ in the more ojK-ii • hi nio'.tun of Mr. I>. M. narrin;:*'r. His ipartxol the town, riic lium ilniillerv, »nd l Ac llericy (iovmicr Swam, ih' of the '.i ha!rtini..hotJ dwrlJii)^ h..u-- brlonuiiie lo[ dfleg-fr!. from Coui.ly of >V..ke w.is mg too o ^'OTIC'F^ Mr. llu*.. H. Wnllace, weit thrown to th-''>n»"*'J'«U'l> apjK.intidI‘rrfei(!onl«.fthe( on- r|1HK.ub«-ribef willoflWforwIc. '1 he aalf bad not Milluient eastioi; I'^■n':on. w hei-euf->n, oD Hiolion of ,M r. kin^, ] i Hin.w, t S roJtrR 1 S, i {ifn^joidjKivai.ljr ke»ort)l.i. ,„,nj„r^thr vct^-Nui jH,rf. We hav.-1 he wan c m!u-ted to the chair by .Mr. .S.a. ! 1 he cot.\L.Ui(,ii met p.jr.-uunt to adjourn- consideration, beg leave to I. ..f **i ^ .... • ... ’ REPOKT, •ir^\ow.mbl.rnriMrui'i* 1*1 ^k-.’sonihoi'«“'‘'''rt'ct»'dui«mscveit;IUr:ns in t»K-i'h*‘ nieei.o;;, lu a tuccmct and mituble Ihe follow mg aooilional doiegate? ap-, That they have bestowed Upon the im» ^ie,inrrovid*iu».si.uiri,rt:i.t. otiihc wii/r. iKighlwrhood. —SaUtml. Iac!(fn“^“. 'reared, producwl t.iiir credentials, and tiK>k • j,octant subjects submitted to them sucb re* Me Vi(Mu'a codUiDing l(iO "I, Mr. .‘ra:':r pri’srntrd !!;e ro!h\vii;g rcrjo- llieir scni'j, to wit: Irom ilections as the time afforded your commit- “t, witiiafnod MmiJow «iid»rcbat(i,i*iUitvcry j Yurikre rrr.v:t or hi tr to rollcrt olulmn, to v. it, ' ^nr Ilnnotcr F.dwd. B. Dudley, Aaron ha.s allov^'ed. In the examination of ct cwiv n»et|c^i»eci^«« cjrr>n.j; ou a —A i« w da»im i'a ('ontirctirui ' IU.wfr,d, 'I'hnt a 't.nrdirz cornmitJce, J-aZar«!«, and Aiexundf-r .McRae. which, they have endeavored to unite in a * U'aptuin caiur'into thiji poit witlia Mimll 1 conm>liiiii of nue uif mlj-r from t jcIi courty,' f OA»rW/—.Nathamel J. I aluieri condensed t'orm, the views and sugg«sticna UeiwI load of •jiplex. — VV liile he was ro-; r'-pn-« nt d iii tins onvriition, lie apfMuiiiiil; lioljerl Hall. exprefssed in the several Proposilion.s ^o a9 1 tailing them out, there came down to th' bv ti.e chair, to whom.all re.solutions sub-1 ^uicUt nlrt,rg J. 1). •M'jd. ^ present to the convention the subject iri jvenae! amoiiysl other customer* a hawk t imited to thin coiivealion sir.ill bt* rtferreil, . ir mslow presented the follow mg rcso- jj jj^ht best calculated to attain the great i v^ U|MIU oiouthi'd j*k»-y, wiib an old aod that said committee report to an aj. to "it: ^ ^ ^ ^ _ 1 object in view. They therefore n^oni* 1 Mjuare nti hortte and wagi.u, bikI atur in-; journed rnettmir of this IkhIn, which wa.H quiriiig the prior, hf a”r »d to take twenty ' uiianim«-usly agreed to.—\N lu'reirpoii tho tihod Ct^ton (itn, Pattcnl Mill, PlanSatum lUarkmiiih'* V oo/*, t'om, Foddt r, Pttk, and Stitck of all k ituii, vilk HoumLM nrul Ktlrhm Furnii%rrf, «lhr ariicU-* nut rnumrrati'O. Tvrait «ill tMie kn«w n oti day of aaJe 0'> Ifi. |‘v^^ SAM'I.. RKi;i). H>Jr , bu*lK‘l». Tt'n buKhelh were measured up following jK*ri«ons were 3ppoint«-l to coni- aiid (lut intii hi!« wagon, wIm’d he said he • jmse .*:iid roiiimittcc.to wit. \\ >n II. Green, 'Would ^’o up to hi'J»t/r« and carry ttiein, I*. Biirrin^er, Hugh Mt tjiien, Sami. . and come l«fk tor the r iiiaindrr. j l\iii{», l^ltvund Dt ^>trr\, 1*. L. Siiiith, II. 'I'tie I'aptain wailod m vain for the fMir ohaiM r to return, ami at l.iKt U-gan to atus "Rrgolrol, That while this convention „,e„d ,he adoption of the following Reso. view With deep and lively interest the adop- |u{j(,ng. itionof a General system of Interrial Im-! Rr.TOZircI, That in the opinion of this provement m North (iirohn^, and while convention, due respect for the convention they would eanjesily urge on the Legisla- j «hich is to assemble in Ralegh on the 4tb lure the ad..ption aud vigorous prosecution .Monday of November next, "m which tha H. Klli'itl, Hurton C’raige, Johiiti. I’vuum, “* k'' ‘"’I ways, and ^hole State will be represented, requires Jr.iin I inley and James Soawell. ' , "".v that the particular scheme of Internal Im- tjM of Mji ltvrn tAf MMNc; in lb* I’lat Ortire ui ('harloUr, larMhr, K. .M Al tauiii r, Jo>r(>ii Al». f‘Hir dav» |«»*ed awiiv, und upon in«iuir\ lution, to \\ it: (‘r ' . ’ . ’ .-’,1 . body. ^r, \V,„.T.A.^.ndrr. UwkwH. AU»am!rr. he f.uiml it was iuKoub!nllv n W d.ht,\ That if is the opinion of thi's '"o or more of the grea 2. Keso/red, That such a system of iffl. « Allni. XN ,n. b, AU ..„der. . , casr-. At Ust tho Cuptaiu wn. ’,1 at I o ImsitT "f^kiel J provement should be devised and prosecut- State of North-Carolina. Kenolced, That notwithstanding tha established conviction indulged in b> this ention, that the most important lu ne- fils would flow from the construction of Rail herever it may be desirable and practicable to do so in the State, yet, we are not insensible to the immense advantagos Mr. Musllat presented the fo!low»,gres,. I result from the improve,„eul . It- ito. f,f ,,ur channels ot water conimumcation, lutions, to wit : , , ! On motion of Gen. Polk. Genl. Graham ijoj}, t,,. clearing them of their oUstrurlions, Utxolnd, That, while with regret nml f>oni Lincoln, and on motion of Mr. Craige, a,,,^ h\ connecting their waters, at suitablw imilration of feelings, we witness the pres-. {;,.nl. Dudley, from .Sew Hanover, and .Mr. .^.ints, bv the establishment of Rail R^ad3 It condition ol our State as to internal im- |'uln,er, from Caswell, were severally ad- or (’annls. IJ^rryhill, ku-l Blark, itirhard |l4rton, (1«nnikrn, 'I'. J -. .)o«faua Darnall. I.—Tho*. l.iniui>M>n. 1—^lophm ti«lry, Andrr ■n». •■—Jim GriiniJi, Jaiiiei (V liritfilli, Jolin 1 itiann, Abnrr t.arri'tl, Ik-iijaiiiiii (ianintr. )l—'JinuiiiA llrjidrrkon, .\iidnw lUrri«, Jiio ■lni»n, Jiio, Jno. ilacUin|i, \\'iii. !• M»rv I . lUrlrrovi-, Mitirri’and Far. J*urii«l, .Margaret Julin. ^ -.M. \. Kerr, Jm>. Kiimnoiii, Jamoi .\. King ■ •—Will l.urkv, jMtiia II. l,ni>, V* wa^ agr*fd upon for a couple ol quarters of j Veal, a eoupit’ «>r bushels of potatoe.s, and a li*w ral*l».iges. .\nd now Captain, where will )nu have them F ih just drive down ; lo the wharf bv the mde of mv vesw l. Si •down tliev went and the articles were de- humilration ent I proveiiu'iit, JVC n'joice to se» our citizens on !^p,j jq the general standing comrnitiet!. 4. RtMhed, That the General Assent. .'I—Lsvid Urlfn:, .ln>. \filli, Jitu. \l« \liin«,. Iivcn-d and (wlelv plai‘«'l i»n board the ves-1! hissul'ii“cl arousing from their lethargy and 1 I- V. V.' .; . alMiut und marrhed off, muttering that if fi'i-'v. jI.’o H,y,u.vVlUia*.''^' then* waaany law in iho laud hn’d »o if / "^Ih Sejion.’sunaona s.uarii, J«iii.-« Sir. ' lie c uhln't collect w.— l\>nlantl Courur. Jnii s. Siiiall, Srjtiir* StfTens, \V m. V f.ondnn paper states that eight or ten riiilluMis Mieriin^—nearly filly millions of Math, vs'\vall,.. R„).f, S.ml. Wait,' .lo'lars—c.in Ix- loaiir.l t'o this Country, on WiKm,, Vi.i Marihi VV likiiiK.n,Sally U il , the H‘( wrily of -m il .‘'t.ilo (.ov»‘rumenis as Amir, w WaUli, It,-*. Jno W HiiH. Jmiii ■. V* li I wiiiil ninxtiiict intrriial impmveioents AUx. Hpfiitgg, Kohi fl Siiiol), J-»hii - I .Nanry Tavlor, II II. WII.I.IAVIS. / M. interi'Ht. 111*Jn I*’ |\S’ I) 101'! I )S, TIu' I'antn rs' *V Vltnilt rs^ 1..U..IH ...U) »;,r Tav.; for «,id l.ilK-i: ""'I'-r a \\ lit „r I „ ri I arjii^ . Jiitl !or l„iM..* ■ ... | •, > 1 a \S ntn,'V, ii'liliuiii l.v[)(»iu!«—'.iir Ir I Jp -il V ^ ■ I /’rr S,!i at ihia (^jtu r, ht/./n i^rorr. vrr-.f,!., (/m ogirt. ‘ filaiiks of nil ktudx ftr sale at thit OjficK. ■ , , 111, • ............. .......... ...V, opinion I - salubrity of her climate entitle her. j ('asw. ll t . H. the High R.«:k on convenlion, it is the duty of the State to aij “ r, I hat it is both pracfi-j Haw River, (.iieeiisboroiigh, Saism aiiil and ercouragc the ente.rprize of her citizens, cable and expedient thus to encourage, at j Lexington, N. or some other route mon‘ ^nd this convention doth, therefore, rt'spect- this time, tins spirit ol internal improve. ,»||gible, lo the \adkiu River near fealis- |\j]]y recommend, that provisions be mads merit i and that if ihc pre.sent opportuiiitx be j bury.” bv law for the Slate's subscribing ftro ffths neclecfed, there is great danger that many | “ Rrsplnd, \s Ihe opinion of this meet- ^j- tho in any ccmjiaii) hen after to venrs will i>a.-8 away, which, with their j ing, that the navigation of the Rriaiioke from be ineorp«uated for* internal improvements, sive revolutions, will bo accom[)anied , Milt(>n to W eldon, altho’ sufliciently g«o«i uh**iiever the other shall lie paid, .. 1 __ J . . . . i. .. ... opinion, we would at- improvement, an impmvement conimcn.su- recommend to the le;:islnture to carry on, rule with the incn ased quantity of freight the funds of the Stale i/«)n« , such a w hich the constructinn of the [in pusrd rail jr,>|^,al sv stem of internal improveinents, road would send down the rMer.” ^mI! ron>|.ort with the character and dig- •Mr. 1‘almei also presented llie following t|„. Smte. reso!ntn i:s ; j 0. Th:it to the surc«s>ful pros« '• As the opinion of this ron- rntien of o'"-ol iritcrtiul improvt Jmo 1;, WiUon.’tim Wrbb, w iir»l. w liliiniN. i 'il!iiil:> nt tour oer cent* i “ decrease of population, and even an ; to admit of the transportation of all inirsur- secured to be paid, fiy individuals. ’ ' ‘ I entire abandonment of tho fairest and choic-j plus prothu e, is yet susceptable of uroat nln|c we declare this opinion, we w01 ^ ! est [H>rtion of our Slate to waste and deso- lation.” j “ ll Koln >1 fiirlhtr, That among the dif- I ferent modes of faciliating internal com- I municaiion in «'iir own Slate, that by Rad I Road- IS lo Iw pruf«Tred.” ‘ lit wiped further, 'I'hat wbile wc cannot