THE MINERS' AND FARMKRS' JOURNAL. raenl. il ih«t evorv sw:tiu« of Ihp fch.HjWsuwnderlocHlprelereuces lo th*' :/^iwnil |>m»}HTity From tkr FtyftttPtUr Obtrrrfr, J Siitfffdur ih-currfiKT.—FrtMH MajDr Jack Dow.mng’s koinpi^mentn to a lulely rPtiirii«d I’roiii Ciiiciunuti, we Mr. Ilail, and br(>s he will prinl this Hmvc lifard llte loUowin^ jiarliculnrs, of per 7 ' That thi' G«>'«mor br re- ' *'“1 •* l-nkle Jush. at !V)wniiipvil— :haj»oiKs t.f the iiiowt irmarknWo ocriirrPti- nu^'sied'io communicaie thf proreedings of!'»« >*«]««■ « “f »*«•“ 'Vasliin:to». U-os tlwt evt>r to-.k |.l«ce ui thU r.xiiitry.- tbi.H r.tiveiWion to the nc*t Geucral As- Fatevil in KurrKna Octohtir jO.M) of titf rlerks lu n laipo wltcUsule rs- *einWv 8. Rrsoltfd, That it be earnestly recoin roenrl^l to the citizons of tlie *ov«ral cciun Dt'cr l iikle Jobh—As th« Giinrtil nnd I ! tiihli^lmicnl iu (.’iitcmnati, Hwukroed at was st^tliii in the cast nM>iii tothvr tiny, a mjjhi l»> a iioisf in the upper stwi v, and pro- SKiokin aiitl a thinkin, sajs he, Major I was cccdod t»> iiwi rlniii tliH inuHt-. lln^re was Nk\vb»;h:i Ims at la»‘ »'*“•« b,Yiuin« «'»«• provi’iiiMil. At a utfcetiny ju8t held there, \|r. in the Chair. Bwk« *tT» o- JAiu^kahle hriJnUs—The Bell-AirC iZL-n givea the following laughable iocui, on the de^Mit of Mr. Durant ,u h,rL.H at that place : “®® ties in this Slate, lo ehect or appoint tlireo I tliinkin, and there he s'topt. U cl says I an oj'*-n hutch way iVoiii ihc jfsrrct to the dele;:at»*«, not inciobers of our assembly, ! uiniml, what ware you thinkin about, as for cellar, niKl down this he lit-urd Hoiiicthing froitrearh county, t» h«ild a convention in i ok?, 1 was jist thinkio of nothin at all— fall. iJii|>jMwin^'that some {jiukIs had bt-eii the city of Raloijjh, on the fimrth Monday 5?uys he. Major, Squire Biddle is a cute feU thrown down, h« awoke u coui|>aniAn, and of November n«xl, lo deliberate Rirther ^ It, he had t very thiu^ nnly, when 1 sent they watched the premises ih) Ihut no one upofl the subject of internal iraproveineot ' >ihi to look at th« bank in Filadelfy, and went out until morning, w In n the cellar was within this State. I that whs the rtson you f«Hind everything oxaniiiied, nml the binly ol a iimn fiHind 9. Retoipcdf That the chairman of the ! strato, and J'ui heginnin lo think, nnirs we quite dead, and very much di»fij;uie*l in the convention appuiul a coinniitlee consisting can katch sum o’them chaps what a’nt redy, ■ tuce; ho was armed with a knife and piiitoU, of oof member from each delegatioji, lo ' the |»oeple wont like my prokleinashun agm ’and dii‘;;iiUed in a wij( and false whiskem. prepare and publish an address, to the citi- ; Bidil and the bank «cl pajs 1 giuiral. I’m Impending troai the hatchwriy in third or * y®'* thinks rile once.— Now sjiys he Major, if youl jist go as fkat U8 time can hurrj ymi and look at the bank in Fatevil and I'harlstowu, may be they liavent ^ot all things strate thare, and that zensof ibe State, accompanying llw pro- ce«diiigs of ihis con>-en!ton, AU oi' which, i« respectfiillv submitted. JAVES SEA\VKLL,Chnrn. Genl. Graham moved lo amend thesevc- fourth story was fouinl a cord fastened by a h«M)k, troiii which the tbief had evidently fallrn in the attempt to (k‘Hc« imI. The inun was Uirieil; but the iiost daj the Ma_\or ordered him to be taken up and Pen'ctl tbr M.hsciiptioiis of .Stock in a Com- On the Ikrm of Ca,,t. W. N. S. lU ,Kinv for inakiiifj a from neaufort j very neur this place, all the nearoe, to \\nvnestwrongh. A liUml sum was >ubM ni)fd on the spot, mid {\m Sinrtator Mivp, that Newl»eni will du hi*r full share. A Ke>uluUon w as also udoptod, rect miiit nd- iiijj to the 1-ecisluture t*> extend liberal aid i to"th« Impnneincnt ot’ ihe I |»v Hail Koads i li\ loans and iiieiit of them .lohn II. Hnan, .lohn M. Bryan and Mat- thu.s K. Maniy, l^qniros, were appointed Delcjjatcs to tlijc llaleijjh Conventkhi. negroes rlZ Nistiii||{ 4’ twohe or fifken, were in»tS ntwoik. W hen Mr. I)urant arrived diately alme tliein, he hailed thetn t«T certain if the town in si((ht wai •f he siHinds terribly startled tlvem, nut me from whenco they came ; and whent^’ 1; to raise the occessarv funds j »aw, far above thu earth, Ihe “ quent.oo^ I.roiide fur the gruoual jwy- »-ho|K', ’ they all took to their btels bv taxation. »«rkin* iinplen.ent lo (be mtrryrf Rentier. Mutton not xherp.—\X tli« late (’ounty Court of Person count), N. C. a man v,»n iiuhcted under tlie labt act of ihe tJeneral AssemUy forbidding the trading with Slaves for sheep and other article* tlierein luen- ral re?M>luti»»os by in*ertiin» after the word U‘ll help me out when Kongres cuujs. Says I publicly ex|>os**d, in ht'jiea that, souie one t,omd. In this case »!ie deb'ixlanl was tli'lfffiiteK, the words “ o/" a*-! 1 gininil,you know I’d go threw creation would recognize him, and perhaps ^lead to | charged »itb having purchased Jn»ni a slave stinbly," whicb amendment was agreed Mr. I). M. Barringer movetl further amend tlie rcsolutn>as, by insertmg the ful lowing after the fifth reaolutioQ, lo wit: Rt aulrrd, Thai to the successtul prosecu tion of any system of internal improvenieiits, it H r^sential that everv section of the State to. to sarvo you, Iwt if any man letches me the ihstectioo of the accomplices. He was (|,« property ol’ I. E. a »lieep. it t(i south side of P. I), he niay cull me a fool—[accordingly laid in an Kngine-ijause for that out in tho evidence that before the fol- viith that the giniral smasiieJ his pipe agin i pur(»ose, but his lace had been so much dn- uas s»ld by tlie sb»e, it liad bei*n but tlie poker, ami savs he, Major joure afi'ard i figured by the fall, that the |xvlice despaired logo—s;iys I giniral, )ou had*ful ought to of having him r^ogmml, until a gentle- !av that, i'm not afeard, but then agin, 1 man stopped to look at the b«iy, wht said It lonieii htiei'p butcliered uikI was ready tor tl»e p'l. 'I he coiinsel lor tl»e ucfemlaut cuit«ndcii that ihe *vi ileuce did not sustain the mdictment, and no the jury found, and the delendant was ac- «|uitted. Our 1 .egislatuee will have to pass a law at ili iM Xt atsbwu declurmg that mut- tiHt IS thitp, else oor tarmers and houst;- »ilM will *Te Iwig tifcl the Maul of good blankets and Mann clotlx**. Mtllon Sprctator. '«■> a K® recognized him, LhiMild'^i'rrendrr' the | bat k «o Hie hermitage. I’m I.. l>e president, hut was uimillmg to communicate his ni.- "eneral pr»speritv.” tbink, it Kurnel Mane and Mr. pici«i-»i uiiiil he had ascertiutwd whether or Which amendment was also agreed to. j Makduphy seed me in the .S mih State, that not tho ohj- ct of them was al^ ni Iroin Tlie Tfso'.utions as amended, wens then i'Kv me with a graip viue ? home. Me accordingly pr.x-^dfd to the aeverallv rend and adopted. itheres somethin in that Major sa\s the gin- house of one ot tlie m»«t Hcallhy aod res- The restJutioo submitted bv Mr. Me-^softinm down, but we hav many p« ctahle wholesale merclmnts m the city, Quet-n, in relation to amending'ihe general i friends lu the good old North .State, joul and finding that he was aU»nf. a-id the road law of the State, was then taken up : u’" ‘hun* wont yni ? thsl I will gujiral, says , ilv unable or uii^illin;: to give an a.cunl «nd adopted. ;l,and that about the quickest. Wei, so ot him, ho of>cnly avowed his bcliet, that Oh liJotiMn of Mr. Winslow. j ^ 'I'® gmiial had rit down all he won- the deceased was no other than Mr. J—. -'Rfsolrtd, unanimously, that the thanks '•^l me too do«, I startl'd in the hlew line , (m rnl coa'iternati.ii followed this a- of this meeting be tendeit-d to His Excel- traveled nashun fast, td 1 cum to the vowal, lor Mr. J. was a man of high Maiul- lencv David L. Sv»am, for the able and im- i rale rode m old Yirguiy, and then I thot I mg ami rospectabdity. havii.g an mtellinent partial inaiiner in which he has discharged i was a H>m, the l..kem..tiv went so fa;.t I well ed.tcaled lamdv, and p«se*s„ig a llie duties «f President of this conveotioo.” jc"udent think no how, ami it mnid me ».>r- CTtuno valued at not les^ than MUO.lHK).— On motion of Mr. Macnamara. •‘*'r w ide—btit wheiiit run to Ihe rownuke Some cl the members ol the family were^airfmiy imnlionetl, the lollomug peri*jn» “ iJtWpt*/, Tliat tlie thanks of this con-' (‘'***11**! **^r John of rowivJte) we cot to the bruuihl to the Uidy and ackr>o«letlged the ^ ,ire d* *d; Mrs. Hnns^i, Mrs. Hurgen.*, | venlion are hereby tendered to the SWre ''‘*^"d on it, and I got into the male slaige tact that it was tlie corj>»* ol their paiont., Mrs. 'riu)mpsi>o, at.d Mis. Hunter. 'Ibei taries thereof for the able and satisfactory’ and thi>t I should a had as gwl a rid«- as 1 i he house of tbe dect^- d was immediate- iKtdy of a genllemau was f'-mnJ near ihe j manner m which they have pcrforuied ihtir bad in tl»e blow line, and I had for sl«-ep- ly taken p*>«sfcssiou of by the p*ilic«, and |tf;eiM* of the wreck, »itb aleut ^1500 m ) duties.” j'f**—^ wonted to git to Fatevil before no was found to have beeu a jierfttl receptacle p^fhet. It »rt«uiider»tood Ike was bound I On motion of Gen. Polk, ' bo*ly ktiowd I wascunun, but the male staige of stolen jooUs, }»o«ie!w*i d of every c».uv»i-| Hartford, w hen.'ho was tw mott hia j ** Rcnolred, That the thanks of this convcn-1 *• pl^gy slow, that a teller lotin a buv nience of carrying on tbc trade. A rant.'e itV. A trunk ha» been pic ktd two or three | Uoo be pr^'sented U> the Ekkrs aod Mem-il'>‘‘'f eel talers lo market on his back ol'stores four stone* high, had been owiml | br low I lie p'«-o when? ibe acc.dent bers of the Pnwbyterian church in this place, ‘bere first aiid to.y era all alnxit It, and and occupied by him, and «cre provideil'vvhich on.iainvJ in motiey, for t)>e use of the church durin » the dt»- !as soon as I arriv, they cum running lo ax vvith vaults tor tU- j>urjH.,es tii c/nccalmfni, ab*AJt ClU.OOO la noiri-tiaWe paper.— tntrry ■j' —any but themselves. \V Ihjij they irr,',u Ml the quarter, it is suid the door tened, \» Inch they iminodiately Uirti owb and in they went, one over the other, trying by all iiH-ati« la make sure bnic,^ from—z/ip Drril, ^ A black man who was cutting wsodgei, ihe village, immediately oo »eein|ilie,ifj^ ful meiisenger, as be thought it, droppejj,, aie, and although a quarter of a giiie home—tlie balioou tiMiig about ih« distance from tli® village—arrn^ the strange visiter. A black woman, io the vilUp, ^ just goiuf home from tlie |nimp,«itk abut, kol of watar on her bead, it said to k«t| dropped her buckui of water aotl made “M reaks” for home "o /refit lir irf,** scrcumiug " Murder! Murder!'nj, hit;h'irt pitch of ber tua;;s. SttamhMit A« »r We hare but littie to add lo tbe mf«rinalion in our last. Hy the nt»-at«b'al Chief Ju>'.ice Marshall, ivccouiits from ih«* «'»Mie of disiri'sa are brouirht Ui six o’clotk on Friday evening. At that tune fourteen had died, and s«jme »*ltiei» not * ipet:l*-d III survive. It issl.ili-ti m a llartford |>api>r, that in addiiKuito Uin«e libt’tHlioiis of this cooveoliou. 0:i motion of Mr. Palmer, requested to di> the same.” ,'said he hf>(ied I left tlio jjoveriira»-nt a!! well (►n motion of Mr. D. M. Barringer, the i—all well, lliiuike .S}tiirr, savs I, and the convention adjourned sine die. jginiral has s> nt mo to io"k at your liank and I). L. SV\ AIN, Tresidcat |*.-e if alls rite.* he Major, }ou siiwll \. i . C(>»i. Adv. Aftci'.n^ InciJtHt.—The fulluwing inci- liicu d III New \ i»i k ; me about the giniral and the tiovermncnt. and with suS'terrmoous pa^jsag* s, U-^diiig lo Wharfs the Iwnk sajs I, I amt got tune to other buus«-s, over uhich no d.Hibt he IwJ j Rrtolred, That the pro^dings oftlii'? lehat now ; when tiioy showd me tbe Uink, llic control. 'I he M-cks »i chimiK)s had ; Aftct'.n'; Inridi conv.^ilion be signed by the President and • jumpt rite m among nm.and sajs I, been cucvcrtcd into cliauncl* l >r iIkj con- rrrnriv hap; Secretaries, and be pubhslied lu tlie Sfverjil I am boys, whares squire llusquo—says be, veving g'jod^ m aiid «it vvithixii e\ptr»(tiro j ^ St**«in II>al, [>;iJ.-ing from the Nf>rt!» paf«rs printed in this town, and that other • »‘n hear Major, and da^fxrafe glad to .see to the public eve. Gum!s wire Ihen-1. iiihJ ..pp.^ite Castle liar, editors throughout tbe State be requested J'*'*•!• that he shuk n.e by ili'^ hand and which had been st'>!cn I vjr y««ufs wIh-h a nu-i-t ali«H.Ihik ^n*l Irarful ac- and some >*iiic;i could havi; iMscii taki n oo-pl^„ A jreniletnan was b an- !y the night licfore his d alh. i railing, ou I'.e side of the The voiins Bei.llcman v^ho flmt Iw-ard his arms, when sod him, and caused the lull, it is said »a«. en- j fading'cracked, gave aay, sikI every thing, arid at it vve went, hwk- gag**d to one of ihe dau-l.lcrs, and K^h he , „i, ov»t hm.»e:i, he with 0\ Tuc^tlajr, llie l!«h .SovrinUr i’laiiUiiun ii( tbr lali! Kii tSxiap. «t( wiilM'lllu llic higbrst bitlikr, uuacrMiiM'.Mii louoiht, Tfiree Ftrt ll.'rmt. Four MuUt, Abtut sixty kfad vf liogt, Sifi-k «f 'alllr, Finn! at ton 7(Ws, U ami Heart, Tof^lh. r ailb l!>« rnluc i rop of ('•’Ta, L'Mon, Fttddrr ami Oait, JOIIS !»rRlN(.« Off Ifi. I‘31 &(M I'liluaMr for Sak % M 11 I. be Mi.1, lor C'sth, bj tiie w>4r>v{irf ▼ V 'I'niklrr, for tkr (mriw*.-* id tW Tro*t tnrnlMiM1,0(1 Mnadajr • lbfoo»«i i« .-> r»uii«_v. •• th» Cnnfl-H***! ( h»rt«.«lr, Uw fbtlowilHr .K brlo»r!(» rhr t»Ule of Tbofni* It Sn>«rtl, ^c’d- h rt Jim, Jt)f, l.dmuH‘1 Jwta, tl«Mia/toa, Kit, V^m, (•turgr. HuUft and Ijmk. f-m Kxhirif to purrtiAM «kluat>|« nrpnfl ilo Mia to attciKl lb« mIc. N \V .\LKX,OI)riI. r-ia* fVi. iu >. F P\nT»sn.\. > Joii.if W Iksfci, i Sccretarics. _ jin into one bo k and tlien lookin mtoanolh- ami she have attempted to commit suicide percipilated into tlc tide. Tr^ foUowmg geoUemen were appointed ' I * .t« .hr.ek.-d aud Uinted. Tl.e hu>b««J a commiitae to p;^pare and publish an ad- ‘ j howev. r, ar.-..- again to the surt .re o«l of dr«.Mo the people of the SiatrinobedieiH:e/.^"S- ‘ «'‘j To PRKSKUM. IIAM. ihe re,ch of the paddU-, and - i.h his l-.y to the last resolution adopted by tbe coo- •• • nn, we I ».,„.re ^ ^ I ,,,,^1, i.,.|i*trd abuve the wave. 1 h- venti*>n, to wit : ThiHi. G. Pr»lk, Cb’mo. I). >J. R^rringer, J(R>hua I). lioyd, J'tlui G. Byuuiii, Ivlmund IVH^ rry, Inward U. Dudley, Hf-orv U. Eilio't, Mu.«w]u« and these tUlers bear m tlie pinv I L L wfMida i>- ii»t as cute. 'Flunks 1, they haul Joseph Graham, 1 ,, .. I sot an\ *. the rmo. so says I,‘Qum; Mus»uie, m. rl. t^reeii, ■ ■ t • • ■ , * i, .i t n LI il U list look into your vawli, with that tliev i^'Uis i). Henrv, t i i n j , , y , ' 'turne'l out Ihe kags ot dolhrs, and peaces lliigh MctiL’en, K -I"'! I couwled awl waid, untill 1 N.J. Palmer, S. F. Patterson. jgot the bak every thing as made of wo«l ashes ; 1 comm..n- , strate as a pm and Ioann cfKi- ent „ ; find n..thm to help out the gimrnl s prc.kla- imashun agm the Unk, luruid r.Hind arnl tbriN* gallons I jsays I, Hus.pie lave you our ^ extreme exhaustion : jf^nshmiers? .Now, tninks 1.1 have you, but ^ ^,,wIk,||> engn^d hy I I he tel d one of his Clarks lo bring a great I big book, and savs Iip, Major lis>k ; I did _ I look Crikol Josh, and I’m a lier, if I did.*nt flUlFr.Mail (Wh7ro.r to Bukely. | four {^-ish..n. rs had got what _ J. will ifave Da/iviile every Tuesday, Jhur- Kongres gm Uijs and worms, and'iKj taste of ley IS per Hounokt- RaiURond liine. even ou the outside.’ [.V. r. Farmer.\ dar and Sunday mornin^j, and arrive »t Blaktly , pade em, when gdvermnerit haderit a dollar , , ^cIt nior/iinj, in timi- to take the H o’clock c*r« | jj^ar—savs the Sfjuire, Major are you sat- *'*'*''*■' ’ «nd ayive in Fricr.bur? b» 1-Jo‘cI^k of ti.e I J Mumiu**, its no u^ ' coDd dfiv;—«nl ptnu>u«i who ii»«y d€«irc it can , , • ’ , \ % 1 pro,«-d on iHKth «iU. u.e ereat aod reach 1f'V more-thal tarnalcritter Amus! f V.nri.-W.IsrHi, in hi any o' the Northcro houri iooncr than i Kindle, has got the goveronient in a puilj by an> otbcr lire. |«narl, and I must streke it bak ugin to T>ii »'ib»«ribcr ha» frtiblinhed a linf from j Washington to help to alter the MesKige itiUHbftrouffh to O.vfortl, : before Congres meaU. nut)on>2 ii) rj>nnf*KH» «itli .Mr. Carb»rry'» line | iSqiiire Husque and the hul on em, won- trotn liff-rnjh/ofough. I'eraons who mar df«ire ,„p to stay des|«ratc Iwd, to give me a to Irav l north ar., informH that the roi^ | p^blik dinner, as thev said f.iat dear meet /tr*-* n>*!ioroujb na ililhiliorouen and Oatord to / . - , , , bb ,Hv,i..t«-r,KMd.rcct,D.are.tandmo»t«p«. s«ert laters was pl.-l.ty Jist now ; tail I .Luo.i!. Ciiu h>! atkcif.1; (wbid. may U leant stay, and 1 will git Mr. Ilail to priul at'-n by rn rriKit la tl-.e map of th UniUd .‘^tat:».) i this that yw may know what I’m a doln. -IV ar.- informed Uic .ub«:riber ha. ; | j „ j^^k to W a>i.mgIoil and pUcnd o« ,b.. root, coo-lorUble , ^ I with Amus—no more at present, ! your netfu I MujorjACK IXJW.STNG. I To my Fnkel Josh 1 at iWningvil, way down cast. .N’oty Hiny—If youve forgot yourjogri M.anft lor SaU- or !>**». I\VISHln«llmy«low. tr rigtii in a Trart of M^aud UuaK-d o»i tS« M*in rtud li-fcuiiiK imn l«itle lo (riiratfriiUf. ' lati riktdri.Cf ol' Krrl r.t-k ntnkiai. T" in{ art a hirg anW mniinorfiuOa (Hcrt::; { |l«rn,Sub!i s, Kiieiirn and iiibrTouibrn.^1 I* a I’ui'ai ftand for Travallr ri, Tuot irtiM ^ ('UarMlc. 'I h* »oil u (fertile and prJao.'** 1 ott**!, nrTJ. \Vlv«at, I >•(■, Ryr. I wii! ym III tiie pcynirBt w %• to make it ra*t rba* r. Il I «k> no* sjll hr tlic l*t a( lv*al«. of hil«?rlv, who signs .l.ihu P.itt.r, savH:,tid.- was runnmg »v,th irrew^tihle force, and I will Ua« Uod^ ‘I have liir more than iwentv years pant, ^ the gtnlleman, wh«> *88 an indillen-nt «wiin-^ want lu pur a«^ o» *r, «i. ma ,v kepi meat hanging up in mv siiH'ko hi»u«e j n.'T, with grc:t dilhculiy susiaitt»*d hinikeh through liic sumiiKir season, and uo Hy or aittJ hi» Lurtlicu sU-ve tlie d.tshing waters. Tlie b«t was kiwercd and put utT to hia asaislance, while the slr^m Utal mth tho miarratiU wife, aad the atixiuus pesMengers'.u.'d its courso.—.\Aer a*«i.« Inna, anti With great ditfKiilly, thw gentleman was taken mto ihe boat, iiq was in a slate ol but his anxiety was puce moat, anil dip it into the ley, »o,v»lwlly cngn^ssed by his b«.y, »ho, having that It IS completely i%elted with il. then 1 b«‘en so in tlie water, apfieared com- I let It dry, then I Iwng tl.e meat in its fur- pU tely dead. 'I'liey were lak.-n to a i*ei,;h- mer placc. Hy this priK-ew I have mvari- j Uiring hiKi»*;. I'hvsicians were call«-d,and ably fiHind that it k»q.l tlie meat free from i the usual incaim .»f reslorati»»i tried, and, alter the lapsf of nearly half an hour, the l»oy was pronounced inil of danger. 'Il.e IsMit meanwhile returiM-d lioiu Ihe Fast rivpr With the vnfc, who was carried ihi ^hore lo her hiisliand and chill, more dead than ah«e, and r.‘Stored,almi«t frantic with bug has injured it. To prevent such injury , 1 take clean American Ornithology, sajs that crows, have lieen employed to catch crows, by jj'*y and j'ratitudo, to her lost and acovcred the following stratagem:—a live crow is liimily. JHirr t* Mr Mt«'oiuiau£h»y of I'kaflNr.rii « tli n.ake cmtracU for Ue aaU >jf Irur. SAKAIl Dl.VKI.Vi RmrmH rmafy, I’CU. xmrt:. To Horne, Ttosc nnd ftitik ukom:r% f Bill I. wtiWrihrf ia preparrd to lursi*" I* ■ Mtablc. ( orn and K.Jdrr, o« k>«'«: Ui llor»-, ll>.f and Catlic l>to»»r» Ai». ^ auti l^A.«inj lor Uic loan. ‘ pkbwoith f *irU/^ OrM0. 1-03. pmned by the wind's down lo the gnmnd on Ins back, by the iheans of two sharp f-trked sticks. 'J'hus situated, his cries are hsid and incessant, particularly if any oilier crr/ws are within vk w. 'I'hesc sw.?epiiig down Jfiat Thit.— We understand that Mr. Richard Dothon, who rsiJis alxKit ten miles from this city, on Thursday last kil- l‘d in trrrn shots, oar huudnd and sercii alxiut him, are intaiitly grappled and h«ld 1 wdd ducks,—fn>mo;ie shot be obtained iktr- fast by the proslrate prisoner, with the same ty. 'I’be nejl riiornm^f they w«fre brooghl Horne Pont ionehen G'nti 'IV-a I • and nl,i!!ful Driver*; and thr- puWu' are a-i.ur d Ibat lliv* line rwrja id roonciioii * iUi tb» K'>iifioWe I.HM- from llanTiIle; and lb« (lubiic i furlbt r a,aured Uiat no iklay of inconTi.iiienCi. *ha!l i>c i'X)K.iinic.4.d by tiioM: wl.o li.ay pstroijizt tliis litir. Tbia lino »ill l »r*’ llil'iii*ioroii;;h every Tu'r« mstiiiclive ini|Hils! that urges a drowning man t.i gra«pat every thing wilhin his n ach. Tlie game liemg discnjaged from bis clutch es, the trap is again ready for another cx- [.eriment, and by pinning down each captive siictc^ively, as «vki as taken, in a short lime you will probably have a largo (lo'k fv and d.,nt know whare Fatevil is. I’ll h-ll ‘^reaming about you, in coiK-erl with the - - L-i... ihismethol day.'I h.irwlay and iund»y tn>niii.z», at 7 ®’'lnck, ' , , . ’ oiltrageisw prisfjliers below. This meth A. M and Hlaluly o«t o.orLinp .» Ume K, V**"—“P*"'** ^ cl«K on upon ivap nrHCtised uki- i!ie - o'clock carx. I far river, nigh on to a big swamp. ' ueiiave, practised Both of the alr>rc lioe« are novr in order, j - England to catch jays, w at the (•ijbtrriinr haa Ut^fy made f.wauii-ralilc loi | Fndifir. Within the mofith of \ugust, ‘"'*1^'' most Violent outcry whtn pinned to provr.n. nl Nxi. n. expcd.i.o,, a,.d W II,.. .onjlorl ' ^ , {. s,;he‘nectadv ‘^C ground, ot u.oac wOo may f>nuomi*i cillier of the abon. ■ t , , r ^ , » ; . i ■ .i i', ' I was tM'liveredof firr chiitlren at out birth '! llMf. I’arr from f/iHilirreui^h (n fllaktly fi7 ()•) Far' (mm fhfnrU'r t» Hlakrly ^7 ij») All »C'- at th risk of tf« ow tk r«. W JKI l Ki ys, I'luiHirllir. // «»., A', r S*p( 2t'/A. i-.r(. .MHj puLN ri\(; f>, 1 he moth*r and children arc all iilive, lieallhy, and likely to live. A thrius.uid dollars were rais.(l m t!ie city and given to ! Ihe mother as a premmm. 'J’b»* young lady : has beon since uiarritd to the father of iIr* iniunts. Ilinr to fltnn (>ilt Frftmm.— P«-at up three ounces of white of eggs, with ooe rnirM;.- of chloride of potash, or ■, nnd rub over the frame willi a soft briith in tins niixtnri*. The gilding will inimcjiutely be* I cuine bright and fresh. to market, and sold nt tlie average price of 'U't els. a piece. This is whiit may b'' cul led going the whole duck.—Sar Ut/iub. AVw Improrrmrnt.—A machine has re cently beencotvilructed by a Mr. Job White, of Belfast, .Maiuc, by which a saw, of the pro{>er form, is made to op^rrate lengthwise of the log, cutting round it, and approach ing the centre in a spiral direction, in such a manner as to cut tho log mto oik! ciMitinu- «us bjard. The board unwinds from the log, like tho rloth from a weuver’a Is'ani. 'I'his mvfimon will lie of great value to sira>cd or ^lolrn IiltO.M lb* sub^ riber.fln ’^* in»t a dark U« lirn hand* biab ai>l ^ lalt apfinj. Hie hor»e _„nly a (V-r dayi befo»f h liuui ■ Kmiucky Urtnif, ind'no jt, Ilia coor*» 10 that dirwtion II mark* irmllrtUd Thr iiulnwiMbir f , doiiara td any «xi* wl»« will drjuer ^ m*, liviuK ail milt* W k>» t'har!o»i'» dtfu road. Any mfotioalmii ^ 11. M. H.A f>rl in. l^l.T ^ 1 The »t Utlwrfordton .‘ifKrumr * ^ 4b»ve »dv* rfrrwriil ihrvvwwk ^ it (oiial to thi« orti* r- ivu ^ ‘ -li. vPPDMTl.Mr , " M*in.»ti««t •ituaiioii tor a prival* taoiilr. 'T laid off. with r^ and 3 til- r iHloriiiaiion apply to | INoTOJ* an,.Ur m, isxT ' J ill« lliv«'liuini will %n ».inir |if carnage makers, who us’ liiss.wfxtd l»oaids j for ponnels, ns thev naiv U- cut fiorn much •rnalicr, or cvcu hollow log,. i ‘ ■" !, ' Fiirmrr. j n .rin«''v'a IJ' Of all!. ul- tv >ithj ij(ciU{:dat fhit ftjicc. iiecuuse be baa a finger lu tiie ('oniiruJrum-Whs is a priuter like a cook ^ I ('onimdnm^Why is lUack Ilawk like i mi’lcr’s bng'^ U jc:uu»; It is a Sue Ciimlierland, in one of his comodn-,, inak.'t a hiishaiid say, “GhsI riitnri; in a wilo IS like gold lfil'on a pill—it i n >' alter the* dov. !>ijt it nrak'*-* it "" d".v!j ” ' ,)o r.l.M.’s li.u. r on I „|,1 Vv'al.T ^ I ,l;,ii.irria4i 1''I'‘ |ii;OU^ r? V', ri,f

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