MINERS’ & FAMMEirS’ JOUHHTAIi. PKi>’ii:i> AMU riHi-iMiKu KVIOKY sATi;iu>Aijjij^iioj« noi/rox....ciiAKMVm., Mi;( Kl K.MII Itc Oi;XTV, NOIMIM AitOMl^A. . vo„ TO T,.K ....wr.. „r nhk rAKT;^... r.oM th. wn. „ VOL. IV, NATI KI)AV, i\>\I:MKI:R 1>, 1H3:). I'lIK *ftVr the rxpiritiDo of Uiri-e month*; T/irrt:: ’** colcerous earlii ai() pnirefd until the whole has been gone over. /joJiari »t iht «nd of thf yrar. No paprr will |I 111 this vv:iy, OHB iiiun could carry out, be di^contilIu^^^ until all Brrrsragi;* are paid, 1 I. plaiitl marl should bo cnrled out in thr suv, forty rari loads a day at the diMaiico u„M.atthee|.ii«nof the iiJiloi. ! full, and spread as directed f..r clay. 'I’he or'haira'milo, «.r halfthat IiuuiIkt, if a milp^ APVKR I'l^l-'IKN'*^ will be insertrd el A’l/fy , other kiiidN should be thrown up in a dry I as but little tiino need bo npcnt, either in ‘ ^ ^ '■* tinloadlng. A(,«..t t«n load., of a hui'dred gallons each, would probably be surtinrnt for nn acre at any one time. Hut ihis IS not all that may l»e done with »(]U.trc. A litx-raldiiiroiinlwill beiiiadelotl)0»« flloicirnlly firm tor tho purpoiX*. who advrrtiK by the yrar. II i’ On all advi r- Aahi H, aHa manure,are I'ounH to l>e more t„^int:iiu comiiiuiiicaiid for piibh. aiiun, ihr ! p(}ica ious ill ».>nie pnrt» of the cwuntry than sra-waler: It may b« drove any distance frthf^rnSltTtVryT'il J couUuu* U 11" J’“7* ’ ,1?,'^1“'" 1‘-‘-“‘“O-. "> aqu«ducl8 for the purjK,.e, nut,! forbid, and charKcd arcorditigly. ! J." U'-ar the ocean. J he Long hinnd with the an) of w md macliinery. Kay, for “ j furnilT can afloril tuf>lv(> rr>nlti 11 t^.r I i.» upon them as a manure. Nor would we ronfino this observation to common salt alone : we believe it may be applied to all the salts which oi>erate aii manures. If too much common salt bo, however, piven to lands at once, it will prove injurious, for a while at least; and perhaps the same holds equally true, in re gard to the nthf r falts. ('J'u he Continued,) . . AM rommunicailon. lo Uie F^liior inuM comc I can alord twelve cent, a bu-l.H for | invtanre, that it can Ihj drove on ascrndin- *rrcH or i*n-y mijr iK»i Im‘aitetidic to. learned ; nhile, in Ilerkiriier landN, t*j ilii* of nn huudii iJ county, they are Kt;tiered to lie uutouchcd with or;r wheel and craiik lurn?d by the ■ l>out the |Hita«herir8. , wind. \\ hen raiwd that hei^fil, and einp- AMhcsffcnerally answer the most valimble tied into a ciMlern fitr the purpose, it mav, purpoM) when applied to Indian corn, par- in the same way, ln> drove up to the hei;;ht ticularly where the b hI not Kiiitabie to ; of another hundred fi ot, by another wheel tbiM plant. \\ here the poil is wet, cold, land crank turned as l)c|bre ; and so onto A. K It I' l/ri I A L. (From Nicholaoii’a Farmer’* A»»i*l*iiL) MANTRI^J. A knowledge of tho eHicary of difT rent alid^the rntrnronnah^ loamy, ..r clayey, the plants are apt to ;;el any ;;ivcn h.vht r* qiiired.' So that the ^.'u .. »„r.hv ,S It.i. t«.rti. Ml..r Rtrpniion the cold ramswhich usually fall hifrliest cultivable lands, or those most re- lay in this way, and ricicrilxd, be manured rii « r.r...«r I Ti*du are Beldoni rich |»l'»"linK ; and then the ashos j« rve to i mole Irom the wa, mi r™ r. r;™r“ V i- 'i. AC .. t. .1-'ertilijy-d b\ the summer sun. w ith w a-water. NO. !«:)• 'I'liist. The devil you did! I sow notb* inp of yuu. Pr. Dec. Nor I, of you* Tuut. How did thal'happen? Pr. Dtp. \ou know best, Sir; I cnlled according to your orders, and you happen^ ed to 1x1 out. 7'icist. Are you sure you called at two ? iV. Dcr, I am very sure. 'Jirist. Well, it’s very strange where I could be at that time. Hnwcv*r, I'll see it' I’ve pot money enough. [Takes out a roll oj hank no^f.t.] How much i» the bill ? Pr. Dcr. [His eyes glistening at night if money.] 'I’hree dollars, Bir. Twist. 1 hav’nt any thing less than a ton dollar bill. Pr.Dt'p. Shall I fake it and get it changed! Tu-i.'it. No: I wont put you to that trouble, Pr. Ike. It’s no trouble at all: 1 can do it in half a minute. tlicir fertility ; and few trurln arc tw pK>r but, with pro|»er tillaj:* and manufin;;, they may be made the rr'^idence of plenty. Manure** ore composed of all those sub- y'.anceg tthich either dircctiv or indirerily, bopplv plants with their requisite fond, by wan* of which they are Kuablcd lo exj»and and come to mnturily. In the tiritt placf, Jiffcreiif earths will servfto manure encb other. 'I'hus, cl«\ i» a fi'itih£er cf a heht fand) muiI, and Miid M e(|ual \ a fertilizer of clay.— here clay lanrli are in grass, the saixJ khould be laid on a» a lup-dreaning ; l»ut wiiere they are It »hiHjld l>c Wfll mixrd with the >il, for the purfxnw* of deilr>\ inj; its ad- ir«;oo. SjikI which hait been washed dwwu n rxaJiand elsewhere isi t>e»t. VN hereeliiv applied lo a »ody •«il, it aUould U' carti d n in the fall, and spread evenly »vet the fc-jud, that tho frotit truiv pulverize ii lx‘- r* It ii mixed with tha 8*.>il in the *(>ring. The U-lter tlune earllis an- mixed in tiie tive »)il«, the iiion* seiinible am) im- I'rom the AVi/>- York Constellation. AVOIDING I'AYMKNT OF A lilLL. 'I'here is often a wonderful deni of inge- luiity evereised in av)idiug the payment ol' a small hill—and by [icrsons wlu» are abun dantly ahio at any moment to put thoir bauds into their pockets and meet the demand—1 lu'ist. No; I’ll get it changed,and sencl by [KJrsoiis, who are prompt at discharging money early to-morrow morning, their large delits, and would sofn(;r drown | The devil being fairly heat, returned ; and thei:is«'lve» than have a note prote-teJ.— ! presumed the ten dollar bill is yet un. \ et th^'?e pr-rsons, much as they value their ; ^jianged, as neither the money nor Mr.’i’wia* credit in lar;;c maliert-, aiu not ashamed to J t'fitator has yet appeared, put oft’ the (laynient of ymall bills, on the prompt discliarge cf which the comfort, miiw, irti ltj(hng all other necesr.irv u[>piira 111 ■■ M»ttiiig and tbrming. Ashes should geiierully be ii^ed for top- dref»:ng«: tlu ir i«lts lose noiliing by ex- poHurt? to ihe air and *oju tind tiieir way intu the suil. Sijoi IS much more rfiiracious than a.-hes ; centurv. 'I'he e\f>e!i>, Iw^ide Miitv, It ccinlaiiis nil. The s*«it o| fall xhort of ten cfiit^i j As IT SHOI'LD BE. Our List of Svbficri- Imost every paper with w hich s complaining of the slacknet>!f hers, and while so many in circulation respecting tho I j—., we cannot forbear bestow ing , , : a compliment upon our subscribers for their 1't. tv Iiule in lenfflh woiiU'^^/vi* I'ur 'i i protnplness—a promptness so unu^ual iti i.T r\ miif, in l nglli would m ivi. lor tnudc; ihev meet Ine Mjbject ob-|ihor.f, two Mpiar, mil. s of land. The vw...l lorm- , , ioM. ad of looking it in the face. | ing the nquediicls, b.‘ing coiistai.llv sutur- . r ' ated with salt water, uuuld prohal.lv last a ! ^ | subscribers during the whole cohI is t-Meemed eqiinlly a« good us that i f winwi. It IS uw‘d lor lip.dressings, and re- quirrn alwut forty busht-l tor an a rr. \\ lien applied to winter grain, it )>huuld be sown in tlif spring: and the wrnie niay le ob>erv-d ol ashi's. (’iKil s»>ot [lartii'ularly is er\ good for meadow-lands which have Ik-coiii»- •«Hjr uud iiiiissv. 'I'hi> manure can, how • r\rr, oiily be had in ct>n»idcrable quantities m large luwtis. Ol wilts, which serve as mnnurep, the ^a!e will b** Iheir etli-cts ; but their prin-., , I ,, .1.1 I ; , priiiriiMl arf* tho common ifile\ce,|*ncp IS, that they are cah uUled rmanentlv lo iinpnive the s«ilk to v«huh are applied. StilfloAms are alsi in the MK> way H4>i»ted by sand, and Hand n;.'aio these; but neither m (to great a dei’rer . n i i. ■ , , f I' II . '•** «lKi«iiiie jijilts, and iierlians the neatra - «in th« former ca»r.—(lenprallv, it mav _ j , . . i, , I I .1 . II 1 I. I r ■ '• enntmiis aMs murh to its vn iic. ofmTved, that all light drv m.ila are iiii. i . ... I .1.' I. .1 '* usual to throw this manure awav ; ut ‘.*cH bv twins uii&ed with heavy earths, , . , • “ ^ ; tins IS a neediefcs waote. It mav b' taken I If -I t >%au*riin: p»t, nrul ptrrno*! o\or tfn* ^ind and fine gravel n I grrativ f-rti i7.f , , ^ , i^arden, where It wi M-ol In addition to the use of tiie water for manure, a great scvin^ ceuld b! inaiic in Ihe us* 1)1 s;i|tj (;,r c-aiilo, and in vaneuH dthf-r ways in which this liquid ini,f!.i be, i in pMTt, a PulMi’.iite, for that aitic-lf. ' Tlic ni iIkhI ofdrn ir;^ w iter up an afpie-1 duet 19 by a p!ijii«fr and two \;;l\r>; one i within ill*' aqimiuet lo keptlie water tVoin r*"lurnu»t:. as ihr p''jnger i« drawn f>ack by i Ihe eraiik ; the otnrr \uthiii ihf plung«'r;, \ould proi'alilv l ist a ' u o.u |.inun; ui I \juT ii.«i Ol suuscriiK;rs curing me wnoie at this rate would i resemblance i jicriod of the publication of this paper has •'•Vucre b’* the ^ car '^ general .averaged r.i(K),and there is now due us iVoni . ’ '• ,■ i likeness of the sj-ecies. W e w ill here sup-1 these subscribers FIFTY DULLAUS f pose oursrivi s to be the creditor, and the , W e challenge any newspaper eslablishnient printer's d( \ il the iiiesB;nj^-r of bad tidings ^ in the United States to produce so punctual to a sIiutHiiig debtor. la liitt; and so far as we are concerned, wo Printcr'a Ih ril. Is .Mr. Tw istificator at ■ inclined to form a very favorable ipiniou iioinv ' ! o* tlia* class of individuals who subscnbo Tirixlifienter. Thht's my name. j for newspapers. Pr. Jhf. Mcrrs a litthibill against you. j Thero are a few however who owe us for 'Jirist. A bill again.‘t w» / what for I | •“st year, and did they know how their Pr. I'or newsjm|H‘rs, sir. | n>i!T>*s appear by the side ot these punctual I'lrirt. Ah, so, so—“Timothy Twistifi- men, they would nnmediatelv send us tho I. whil'- this IS ft I'cdinj. i!s \al\c o;ii,-n>.' rator, I Nq. to the Constellation, Dr. §1.3 00.” ' !'>“'^unt of iheir subscription, and reinovo pleasant feelings ' with ihe bill. the man w ho “/wi/ tJie J •oil of h)g nK*ad«>ws, and this ••atlh ** , ' c n . i a nianure, and in e\i*»‘|lmir ln^ecls idin IS a very go*^] iimnure for all u|ilanl ... ' great service is .. , , \ L Pr.Jhr. Hercs vour bill agoin, .Mr. I “ U e are cnnsiderablv annoyed, savs the ''hf .ii'T the advanta.cc''fo be i!"nved!'i> . t i ii n u ■ • ' u ' ’ ■ . I - , , , 1 w i>iilicator. t har>el Hill Marbincer, “ bv persons wha lrr>iil iMilflti;:: u i.|.;n ol this kind into Ot-c- : 1 i i i I n . ir J I I L , ' ,7 ' . « Ag'iin: what do you mean by a-' w alk into our omce and look over the ;nanu- rarion, wnuld warrant the cxpciKP, r;,uvt de-' ■ ® i . . . ;>»tid on the result uf exjicriiiiLula lo ht j ‘ hi >fnie p:i»fs of o'lr spa’on«f it woiil«i V. «X#| uti 1 t| /• I •• * ^ il». It IS |-*cuharlv excellent for Indian' " -b* • fr»*«‘'ntl% s:»> som-thmg furth.-r ,mrr:.rii,ahlr ; particularlv p ills.arid ,»,v,.rv that of North Carohi.a; w h^re dwelling h«Mi«w. rn, whfn a|iplird tu the h Kid for flax, hemp, and most other (.uminer • ., ..|».— L.ke gxpsiim.Uis friendk to Hie ^‘^*"l'‘‘re ►h-u d be d.ssoUed in lev ol mth of w hue clover. U hen applied to pland jrniMws, it shmild l»»- Imd on iis b top '’***"'^ '•""'•'K "r planting. >,it.K. r.verv kirxl of hlac k mud, froui . ‘ •*’^'“1’! arvl HwamtH, Bn--wprs a somewhat " '«l«able addition, m muk- lUn a liquor lor stiH-pmi; it'eil Iwltire sowinr. Sa-watcr is s.iid to c>>ntain ^all[»'lri‘. ‘■ulphur, Bud ml, tw^id»» rommon salt ; an>i IS theref'on' preferable to the latter arlu 1 Hwanqis ■mil.ir purpose : though, if the mud b- slid'. ••I riavey, it ahould iHily be uppli^'d t» a iht f^rv Mill. 1 he dilh rent sorts «>f mnrl found in l>og. tamp* are also excellent manures tor all ,..ind gfiils. The«* earths am usually uik) at the drpih of from one to thr»f li »«t , . am the -urfarr, and are either of a wh.t.., I"-'*"--'', "hi.h had iwoqiiartsol «a- trr applied to each, immediately alter plant ing ; and he s;i_\s that the product ol' tiie~e was oiK'-half more than the same numlier ! script w hile m the compositors’ hands. 7 V. Dcr. Why the bill you pronjised to ' To us it s ems an act of imprudence.” ’av on J'litiirday. i If the Harbinger were so greatly annoretl Th'ii,t. I |)romised ! Let me see—“'I'o iii this way as we are, it would use ii '** the Conslidialiuii, >!i 00.” .\o amiolatiim . harsher word than imprudence. We con- , . , , .... '*'!’ * 111 that, 1 think. Here, boy, 1 do recoUcct sider it unmitigated impertinence; and wa am ex.Mis.'e somethir'k; aliout it now; but it escaped my j think this a favorable time to tell the few 11 . K mar e aik ,im k o soiim s u )t--1 recollectifJii entirely on Saturday, llowev-1 intruders who take this unwarrantable liber- tween iho sea and mo^t ol the ni.iiii Kind ol to-morrow ty with us, that they will confer a favour without fail. I by paying their visits elsewhere. Spies arn Day al'tor to-morrow comes without fail,' unwelcome m the camp even in times ot* hut no Mr. Tw istificator. 'I’he boy is dis- peace.—Scwbcrn Spectator. patched a third time. j ^ Pr. Ihr. Here's your bill Mr. Twistiti- : Powder Plot.—About four months ego, calor. iF-dward Wilrox, Esq. of Westerly, Rhode for iinni.riiifT u l...ti ooi m romiw ..r I i L.1 'P‘>'i't. Ah, truc. Let me SCO, didn't I Island, and late Lieut. Governor of that lor manuring, wiien pul in compoHs, or rommi>n suit, and perhaps in part Irom its .i..., ? ! o. tendeiK v to prodiico riiiaMiiR, s' pton. Ibnt «t.ife. i 15iil th»'re is much i.f our roast, and the | coi'tiginiis islands, which I tier many mil-, li Mis ol'arres lo l»e Ih>ii« filled by this meth- j od cif manuring lands. I 'I'he stai»> ol atl!»' is in part valuable, on ' n'couiit f Its cotilaiiii:':' more or less of; otherw is*>. Mr. I Vine makes mention of a hundred fM\, tir bn wmsb cfilor. Tb*- former is Ihf -t lhcacKMis, and the latter the IcusI so; ir -tr*-ijgth [>firig in proi>ortion to lh' .... , ,, , , ,, , ., uant.lN ofcarU^ale of huie they contain. ; hi Is prnduc.d. M.«t pr.dwbly, t b-st f mix thr.^ earths with the m:i*. Ix-'t-r. liliick enrth, or Iwg dirt, that forms the ■ *"'*t>tions aNon piece ol fliiv.ot which nhlf, as pus>fsoiii" the [iroperties of that ol " r Mralum, in ord'-r lo ri duce thi ir short and \ellow ; l>ut, on its cattle, but in a h gher d“gre»', and should fneth : and, wb»'n thus n'lxed a |o;id of: alwavs Ix' saved in the inaiiner we shall "Mtlio weakest kiiH IN nmrc ellicacii>u-» . presently iiK nlion. It has a powerful ef- ttt two «'f common l»«ri:-duug. ' eveniually was the tj*>«l. fei t, wh' n sprinkled over prass grouiids. Th( ir o|»rr»tioii as manures IS Kimilar to ! I heso two ex|»erimenfs were made on Common salt is cori«idi'red more elnca- I -f the Nova S-ntiacxpsum. havm-ht-’""I''' •"* I’" "riio. (iiM-t when first appluHl to wlmat grounds equally l>enefitted by this manure. r>*-; but, by itsafterwardxeovermg Ihe This water might Ik* carried Irom the promise to pay it a day or two ago ? j stats, received in a sloop from New York, , ,1 Pr. Dir. \ es> sir, you promisttd twice lo a leather trunk, with a label attached, slat. I./..,H. some or all o| whu-.i ass.-t the growth ^ Twist. V\ ell, I ought to have done it, I Somethins, however, excited the suspicions ni know lfdge. I hav'tit the change just now, ] of .Mr. N\ ilcox that it was not a friendly but if you call here at o'clock, you shall ’ present, and cautiously raising the lid a have It. I'^ry little he discovered cords within, so .\t twelve o’chx k the imp of the otTice, | situated as to strengthen his su-pirions. having washi'il the ink from his fingers, once He, therefore, set the trunk aside until more of plants. 'I he older the stale tht better it IS, MS a manure. I m'rr soiliii", one method of .saving it is ini-nlioDi'il. aiKl another will be spoken of U l'or*' w»* close this artirle. I rine from the domicil is still more valii- riiore takes the hill to Mr. 1 wistilicator’s. Pr. Dtr. I'\e brought your bill, sir. Ticiat. Is it two o'clock already ? Pr. Dtr. .No, sir. but it is twelve. 'J wist. 1 told y'U to call at two, did’nt I. Pr. f)tr. No sir; at twelve. should lie known. A few days ago, some young men determined to open it. 'I’hey cut the cords careliilly, and opened tho trunk, »vhen it was found to contain two hoise pistols, with the muzzles buried ia upwards of thirty pounds of powder. Tho Twixt. .\n't you mistaken, boy ? I’m pret-! cords were attached to the triggers, in sucU ty sure it was twn mentioned. However if a manner that if the lid had been raised a I did say twelve, I have forgotten it. Hut f'ew inches, the whole would haveex(i|oded. cii'us, wh*'ii mixfd III compdsis, than when applied in its crude stale to the stul. .>lr. Mllu't makfs mention of live bushels of this ■uiid with u thn k crowth of w lull* clover.; ^ea HH)inedi-iance on the land, to advaiita;-^*, manure Immiii: sown, in Us crude state, on if you will take the trouble"to call at two and dreadful must have been the efjei t.-^ I* Itien rrnderrd fit lor protlucing lart-ely t:i the following mann«-r; 'I'ake n Mie horse an acre of llax, and that it had a suiprising i precisely. I’ll have the money ready for you. 'I'he pistols have been sent to this city, in ih »^ rri.(«. 'I'll.'►niiK'may Ik-olwrve’.l « jrt, and susiK'nd a tight Im.x, rinhtly sha|>»-d, efi: rt. W e have seen this crop very much , At tv'vo preci.-ely the imp is again’de- the hope of tracing out this murderous vil. und«‘r the axleirwe ; th- box having a valve asi*i>|i‘d, with the application of only two liie boj-c’iit. Like this, too, theiio marls •- peniliarly excwllent I * Indian corn, and *1 "iiiniiier train, and a less quant it) is 'lli' i'iif. Tbey may be used as top-dres- or ollierwIS*'. Dll'upland marls nrn giKHl manures tor iitly, ;jriive||y, and other drv wnU. The\ f'' alfci v.ilualile in pro[Mirlion tt> Ihe ipian- \ of r:irlMinal«* of lime ihev coniaiii. Mr. '’ifii: iiieiiiioiiN the irai-t of coiintrv lyiii" " •''■ii I lolkam and I lHi);hten, in Ln>;land, in the under side: drive the cart into (he bush'!** f>t' it to liieacre. water, and the vahe opens, and lets that An inlrlhgent liirmer once observed to us, lluid into the box; and, when the cart is that diirin:; our rcvolulionury war, wh«n driven out, the valvo closes and holds the this article was >;o dear lliat he could not wal*r. allitrd to tive it to his cattle, his barn-dung VN hen the cart IS driven out to the ground si eim d lo he of but little service to his on which tho water is to l>e spread, tlu- lands; but that he lound the case much al- Operation may Ite performed in thu manner tered, when he could again afford lo deal we shall next descrilx': A liitx* is to bo out a sullifiem y of it to bis sto k. provided, say twelve feet iii lergih, with We will also here mention a small pain- hi;: |.ern converted into g.Mxl farming "mall holes Ixued into it at the di-lance of phlet we saw in Marvland, some years which forme r!y were so li’ht and^i-ox inches apart, and the ends of the IiiIk' since, which was mostly the certificates of c|os«-d ; atlarh this to the under side of ihe planters of the inferior o| that state, de- Imix, crosswavs at either end, so as tu lie out si ribinu the surprising eliects prinluced on of the wnv ol'the w bct'ls of the cart. lands there, by sowing ii mixture of salt N\ ln'11 yii come to where the wafer is and line mold upon them ; particulnrly when to be spreiid, It IS to Ik* let t.ul of the box ai»plied to crops of wheat and flax. 'I'hese lands weie such as had become nnich exhausted, by (onslant crops of tu- ler runs out of eai h of the small ln>h s in Imceo and Indian corn ; and on which few preci.-ely the imp is again de- the hope of tracing spatchcd wiih the bill. lam, who, to gratify his malice against an Pr. Del'. Is Mr. Twistificator at home ? individual, would not only have taken his Vlak. No; He's just stepped out. Pr. Dev. Here's a bill for iiows|«f)ors, which he told me to bring at two o'clock, and he vvould pay it. Clerk. I tlonl know any thing about it, he lelt no orders w ilh me. Pr.Der. What time will he be in? to Ivo kept only lor sheep-walk . «:is eflcclt d l»y digging up the marl, h vvas toiind to he at sum** depth no- '■"' alh, snd manuiint; soil wnh it, at “ 'Jte of about OIK! hundred loads to the ^r.’ _ I into the liiU-, b\ an ap|K'rlure for the pur his kind of mnrl is merely a clay, with ■ [Mise ; and as the cart moves alon;;, tln' wa 'netunrs a mixture nfhiie ‘mid ; having a f|.iirr or hss pr«i»ortion of carlMWiale of 111 it; ,i,„) ,(„j ,„r,p. j|,„ i^.ticr. It I* "'jrn.iy,,( „ lilinsh roKir, and like other f i!> lo bu know n by the cfi'crvcsct nrc the liiU*, and thus sprinkles over a piece of cnitle had ever lieen raised ; itf course little round of iwi lve lit t wide, till the whole is or no salt had ever been given them, since cxhaiisiid. \\ Ilh tho next load, begin where the ihey were cleared. \\ 0 mention these uiatters, «s iuducinj life, but in all pn'lmbihty the lives of a whole family.—[.V. 1*. Jour. Com. RrrF-.NTAXCE. The following is a copy of a letter sei,£ to the Cashier of one of the rhilodelphia Banks. We have seen several account.-* ( tetk. I’robably al halt past three; you ^ s,,j,iij,r nature, which tend to conhim had Ix-tter call then. 1 the moral government and influence of tii« .Accordingly at ha.I pa«t three, the bill-1 on the actions nfmen :— lous imp proceeds to Mr. 1 w istificator s. : mi •; j » •• ...... ... . 1.-.30 ,, i,' MM'.,-, . ' " P/iitadelnfiia, 2htfi Sept. I*r. Dir. I1U.S Mr. 1 wi&lilicator return-1 , „ ■ 1 ,1 i - l “Sir—l-iiclosed is ten dollars, winch t 1 *.,-1 11, 1 was unjustly received from \our bank.anj (VrrA'. 1 e«. but he hnsn t linished his din-. . , . n .. ,, , 1 -I, thoutfh to von unknown, well known to Hin» Mail hall an hour and hell tie « - ’ 11 .n with whom we have to do. u ill Vou l)Q ner yet. done. The devil, dctermiiied to hook him this time, vvaits patiently lor half an hour, uiid luckily jrets sight of bis sweet phiz. Pr. Der. Here’s your bill. Sir. Tu-i.'it. I.t-l's see, 1 told ) ou to call at two o’cim k. didn't I 1 Pr. IKr. ^ I’s, S!|r. an? ! callrd. go«>d enough to place it to the funds of you# batik, and oblige. Voiirs, v-VC.” f’alviu Kdson, known us the “ Living Skeleton, weighod r.t the t mc ofliis ileath- f.irf'. r- n"';!) !f.

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