THE MINERS' AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. MHternai Mmprorement, One of the first and most important bene> j Roads. He atates the expend per mile fili that we might expect to n»ult from an ! of the Comden and Amboy Ro»d, at $21,- enlightened aystern of Internal Improve-1 000 ; whit*» the cuat ot'the Southern Road, u«ut, is the prosficrity that the execution j embracing every thing necessary to its full of the system itself would ditl'uae through i ofterution, is only §0700 per mile : or less the comtuuiiity, by the extent of protitalle ; than one third of the other, liut, altlio, emplnymetit it would open to a large num- j the expense of the Northern roads is so bar of persons, bcgining with the day-la- preat, its slock is at least oO percent above bourer, und proceeding through all the I j ar. The Frenchtown and Newcastle Rail API Tothe CareiuM, The Internal Improvement Convention «vhich assembled at Salisbury on 17th ult. hare made it the duty of the uodersignttj, to «.xpreas to you some of the views and sen- timeuto of that body, on the important «ub- , ^ c- - ]ects which engaged their deliberation; and j f^radee of the nicclwuical arts to the scien-1 Road, he shows to have cost ?>'J.>,000 |ter while we undertake the task with a zeal! tific scholar; also the vigor whiv-h will be j nule, or nearly four times as much as the proportioaed to its magnitude, wo cannot ^ given to every kind of business, and all the ] Southern Rnad, ond the stock ot this i^d hel) rememberiag that our firebte ©tl'ort will j professions by the expenditure of lar^* j he quotes at (36 per cent ab«>ve par. 1 be be exposed to comparisoo with an accom-1 sums of mem-y. Wo may the belter eeli- Hudson and .Mohawk Rail Roads he states phshed production on this subject from the ' muto this etiect, by coosulering what hte i to have cwt $.H),000 per mile, and that the pen of oM of the most talented and cxpe-1 and activity one miilion of dollar* would in-1 stock is still at 'M per cent, above per. As rienced Statesmen of tlie present day ; did ' fuse into the trading classes ; we must net! oxtravaguut as this ap|>ears, yet this gen- we not hope that the deep intercbt which j contemplate the amount as diviiJcd amongst j ileinan assures us, that theso ISorthern attaches to the occosioo would throw a voil j the iieople and ask what would be the share | roads coat as niucii to keep them up Rut are we ai»ked how all this can bo dene? Ami we know that many are in- credulous as to the success of North C«roiin« m such undertakings for the wsnt ot means. The dreadful idea of taxation is also con jured up, to drive away these bright an- ticipations of good. The most ol us who address you art farmers, am> all have a deep interest in that clasa of people who ure eiwentially the foundation of human so ciety, when we therefore solemnly tell you, that we are all assured that much of the blessing!) of BU b a syslcrn can bo atuiiHul by th* Slate of N. Carolina, without tax- mg her citizens to the amount of one cent III money. Very few of us are in the habit of aUstractly contcuipluling the va»t resour ces of a Sovereignly like North Carolina, as It Slid the reasons is, lhat they have in her Hut tion of our State, because we think late cir- ] made to extinguish i d i cumslances (and some of them sufficiently ' ten thousand dollars, by passmg into the, of every Ka.l Koud galhfig in their character) have awakeoed posse*«ion of ten persons successively who the public mind to a full sense of our humil- I happened to be at the same time in the con- iation; we prefer seizing on the present oc-1 dilion ot creditor and delitor. \ ou all know casion, to congratulate you, that a more en- how very generally this condition exibts larged spirit has cone abroad ; we rejoice j amongst our citiwiis, and how vainly they that a c^nerous determination has pervaded I have hoped for a change of tinics to alter — i i r i . i iv n«.at ever\- c^ss to do something for our redsmp- ■ it: many have bt'en the schemes and propo- already handsome; and the lands m its ini-, most apt to strike us in private ‘‘I* “ ® t.on from prejudice and supiw^ness. Ahho’ s.tions which our Slatesn.en h;.ve suggested mediate vicinity are increased at lea.t .".0 , *fo^ IW a long t„ie this spirit slumbered as as remedies for this depression and stujna- per cent, in value ; and that towns are al-: a long loen w. “ if II were dead; at length, however, we ; Uon m our business, and though fbw of ihsm | ready springing up along lU course, cent more lhan its amount. I 2d. The less un- i limo and at her own convenience, she can duUitina proble of the country. :W. 'i'he | restore it to tlie hands that fuinished her advaLtnge of slave labor. 4th the cheapo(«s i with it. There are hundreds of capitslisU of land ; allording almost a gratuitous right lu America, and many inoro in hurope that of way. lleg»eaon to show that though ' would advance to North Carolina alUhe this road pusses through a barren region ; money slio might ueod, on the sole pledgo lhat the profits of it to the proprietors are ^ of lier Governor’s ft;gnuture, and what is think we may hail it as tr’iumphant—the ' were entitled to the sjinclioo of wisdom,! the whole face of tint country brightening State of Missi>sippi that coutaina not oikt People appealed to bv a few patriotic citi-! some of them, we all admit, were a.iapfeJ, with prosjK^rity. W hat its etR-ct- will be,fourth of the wealth ^ «ns, amon^t whom we ms> number our to our emergencies, and but for the dis-j upon the two cilit. o| Charksloo ami Au- Slate, not long * sold her «n lb. high-minded Governor, enhghteived and in- traction and j»alousy that has so long pre-, gusta, the points ot its termination, he does I •pired bv the example of our neighbors, : vaiW m our councils, measure* of rthof j not state, but w« mav well cwk:.u^ lhat it | Jiave taken these mattors into their own would long since have been adopted, 'loj will be immentw. Now all the advantages »pmg. In their primary assemblies the> , this spirit of dis:-ention and wani of rr.ulual 1 here pointed out os pertaining to the South mtvt ve ar»ued and dehberated, and in spite (if > confidence amongst our citi2«ms, is owing i Carolina enterprise are known also to belong , ' blinded and self-seekinecounselsof those (much of our backwardness ill the march of I to this Stale in an eminent degree; and , l^u Northern markets, and on the amount (mie mtllioo and a half) received a premium of one hundred and nuiety eight tliousand ven hundred and fitly dollars, being about per cent, on ibe sum. '1 l*e Male ot ^uisiana and Teuueseee have also by lh« many as a prt»f that all other attei^^^ end 10 the same way, and that it is thamr best to sit with our arms folded and do mi ing. The amount lost, it it true, to many individuaU. but to ihaSuu"’ the aggregate, nothing was lost but ik. bor, for almost all the money remained mongus. But even if it had all been .H.*; loM to North-Carolina, it is, co»par«d her mighty resources, as a mere aoihin, she has many citiMns within her bsr* that havs in a single commercial »eotu" sunk fully that •ubi—reverses forever o,? throw the sluggard, but they strengtb,n,u sinews and nerve the soul of all that 4eie I —-cess. I Wc cannot retire frem this task wiih(« I a word of admoaition, which past ei^ I enca show* the propriety of addie**,,,, I you—it is, that at\er you shall have emWrk. I ed in a system of improvemoai, Mt loW ] your hear'u fail you under whatever rerene may eosue. There never was a gre«i d 1 penditure of money where *oin«tLm| «ni to be made a/a r, but al some pgioi ,f progretM it presented discouraging ipM^ ances and chilling anticipatioM of uliinuts failure, 'rbiscrims we Biaygeoenliye,!^, to find existing when the largest luiuef ^ I noy ban been expended and just before Us undertaking has begun to realise profit. |j the great I'ne Canal this inoBKDt of di. presaioo was a gloomy era, but the gfi,, which had projected the maasure tud ] sed loo much of its own energy intst^ea. I lerprue, t>r it to be thwart^ hy tkefey, of the timid, and leaving little to ke rr|Rt. I led but the insailt which these in|lorM« I counsels offered to the great l*atri« of tu 1 work, It suecrcded—a mooumeot do Iniii 1 the fame of Clinton, than a bond of nmi^ I to the unioo of these States. \f bco tkti>. I lore, the gloomy period shall conie ua« I uuderukmg, we ^lould be cheered qb a I our march, looking to this bright eiicfii I and remembering lhat the darkest iMura' the night is lhat which pracedet iiicdrK | dawn day. I'he Coaventioo with a view torrcsociJt' keep have the blinded and self-seekingcounseisui uiusc V-.. — , — -- ■= ■ . w ho have striven for preferment rather by intellect and gnat achieveii*ent ; it is then ; ihtre is one disadvantage which coii-xidfr-' use of their nam» alone procurtd large a ministering to old prejudices than by roam- loneof the most consoling anticipations of_ ably swells the estimateof theforint-r, which mounts of capital u^ equally tainin* truth, have generously re«!olved up. I the policy which we recommcnd.thnt these: none of the conlenipiated roulos in our terms. A late Loiidou paper awrlcd t *e on prompt and efficient action. The next jars and local conflicts of interest shall be Stats would have to Uar, and that is the , Uct that filly miliiot.s would be General Assembly, we conBdenllv believe, : driven from our Legislative Halls. Ry ' pa«age of this road through swamps. U e ( Umned m lhai cUy st four pt r cent, on Ibe , , , , will brinztoirether fresh from their constitu- ni>king the same interest common to the I mav reasonably calculate on the avoidance security of the Slate tiovernmcnts, aM j jarring opinions, to dissipate kicaJ prtju^i- ents and almlmt from everv part of the Slate, now discordant sections, by est..blishmg a , al«i, of th«* errors in the progress of our what seeru^ erjually singular, the longer «h« .ccs, and to bring about that unit) more enliuhlened zeal andVorrect opmion'social intercourse between men who have works which cost our Southern neighbors , time of pa)u.enl is postponed, the higher > and cflcart of actloo so essential W«Kce^ than ever united in lhat body before, upon ' heretofore U.-. n strangers, because no com-1 s«« deariv. It is also observable, lhat there I is tlie premium, and tlic lower m the rate of , bave, in the spirit of patriotic compmui, this subiect • many of them were elected | mon concealment has ever tailed them to-, are various charges rnenlioni^d lo this esti- inleresl denianded. W e then fearlessly as- | forboms to dosignate iho point at •bick.a uodor tire fo’rmal ph-dee of inamuining this igether, the evil will be destroyed by remov-i mate, which do not properly belong to it sert that North Carolina can procure, on ibeir opmioo, improvement nkouM br(«, polio in a liberal application of it whcrev- mg th« cause which produced it. such as the purchase of adjacent I.anU. the faith ol her name alone, any wm of ,.nd they earo-^lly recommeod lolber er It' IS required by the public good; the i One other consideration we beg lea« to ihsi the company u.ay avail them!-.lvcs of moii..y sho may choo« lo nan^ for the : eral Couolies of the Slate, lo ^ 6tkpm 'urceupon your attention and we will then > it» improved value, (there is one item of spnce of.nehuiMlrod )ear» il she wi»bes,ai»d ' i® ib« Conveation at Raleigh, on the 4 ^ ‘ - - ‘ ‘ *• .Monday in Novembor, (25tb insl.) *m latolligeoce and patriotism may aftn i rest have heard, and are still hearing a voice from the People w hich they cannot dis- pr«iceed to a more particular view of the; Ssl~,'*00 for this,) also charges forlheex-jwe are persuaded lhat such is 11>* c^ti- r, card. 1 fcubject. The reputation of a State amongst i p» use of running cars on il»e finished part, drnce abn>ad m her honor and high luUg- But while in the fullness of our heart-, j Us neighbors, is in a great degree foui.di^ j the Road wali passongers, merchai«li*o, | riiy that she can make lor herwlf as favor- e thus ofTor our congratulations, we can-! upon the .Miagmtudo and« of its &c. Tiiose things certainly «>ught not to be “hie *uc i a negotiation, a* any guamnleeibat local preferences will b>)sf^ I ed to in every questioa where Ibev mi;c» Ulirr uur tUUKIW^UIOHWlia, : U Wll me illUi;!!! iuwv «tsu Wl lat* ^ -w, ^ ’ a . .1 • a ^ ootd,sc.niise from you that our dawn of hope 1 Public Works, they are what a State ma> reckf«ed m the co6l of constructiim, «„d i one of her twenty-throe sisU rs. ‘I*:, ~ . r.>. ....... .1. il.A »iii A iMirtik^n ta I IIIOM AS w. ILK, I in ieUl/wfOuC* has its chnids; much of prejudice for old : point lo when aaked for her jewels.— Who were they excluded ihe difference would bf say tha interest will l^ a burtfien to cons,derablv ereaterm favor of.uch wurk. the people: U e tell you that in all proba- Sup|- adverted lo some of the general advaiiiag. s that sbe had obtained a loan at 12 per teiU. I which a Rail Road would produce to the mtercst, hi^re, il is evidcU, Ihatdunng^o [ country. We will now notice soaK^ of the )ear* she ,«)s oo intere*i al all. in about , moro immedmtc. To carrv a barrel of >ears, if we may calculate on iho »i- Rivers lo its channel, or of our young sister, fluur from Row an, for insiUnce, to I’ayelle- peri*-nce of our eiilerprisinf neighbors we tim*8 and old forms, and the every day ha- (ever hears the name of New Y ork without ■ considerably greater k bits of our fathers, graples closa to the hearts | thinking of her canals ? Or of Maryland in the Southern country. We have alread> **'i i of oianv—much doubt and ignorance of; without adverting to the magnificent struc- the necessity and use of public works, and | lures of her monumental City ? W bo tells of the means for achieving them remain to jof Louisiana without mentioning tbs cm- be dt*}Hled. The suspicioQ, and even rs-j bankment that commands the Fatfier of Bcnlmt-nt of some, engendered in the decay of ff>riner hopes and rendered cious by Ihe loss of fisrtune full upon our cause; we therefore, call up on such as think with us, that so much of the welfare and character «»f our State is la- volved in this policy, to be instant and per severing in seconding our elForts—and on all who doubt or disbelieve, patiently to re- ^rd the following consideraliOBS. Il will sink** you all as an undeniable n» xiin, that the inie wealth of a country coiiM-ts in Its capacity for production, and tj49Hd for Sate or Mxav, Vi w> •rff mj 4 ft njht in • Trart of txinH iiMlcti on U*« Mktn ro«d ri»a (1>«rkine to I'brHrrTiUc, ^ TW**! A: fiSr« I m ed almost fVro-! Ohio, without styling her the HoUand of ville, costs about one dollar sikI liftv cents, ‘hall have elRted works lhat will rw^ler j j.,, oT rredorick I>mki^ , will certainly 1 Aruerica ? North Carolina until lal-ly could 1 v,z. utxxit oik, third of its value ; whereu., 'a.ily more than that amount of profit on ! refore, call up- boast of one work that added much to the 1 if tlM?re was a Rad Road from that part of the erpeodilure, and that attor ho ^ ^ Trm»«Ucr». ms* su-* r credit of her name, she enjojed the rare ' the country to Fayetteville, a barrel of flour m*'Uts are complet^, tlie monrj which c ^ hsrWittt. Th* hmI m ixiosession of the best piece of statuary that: according to the rates on tbs Nortlwrn not pcrbsps more than five per (on«i.forB, Wheot, O piece ol statuary ^ . . _ was wrought by the great Canova ; but lhat ronds meuti*noi, wouhl coht from 40 to jo ct 'il. w ill bring us in «l least four tim«*k cents, VIZ., only about one tenth of its value ' anHiunt. But now lies a crumbling mass.—Can that State which 90 liberally opened her band to the chivalrous La Fayette, remain heedless lo thalThi^ es^nuat contr'ibutors to these I «»>• “f ”*ason and palriotuMn, Sijain bid- ore the induttry and wealth of her citizens, her^nonuruents^not lor par- Is it iKit then a source of alarm lhat so manv of the wealthy and industrious na tives of North Carolina arc continually witlidrawinj: themsf-lves from her hmits ? The evils of emigration have often betn set •ven if ihoso anticipw- at the highoM calculation. iVut llie savmg “‘® incredulous were realized, and foreign artist lo honor the memory of the lo the productive labor of Ihe ciAjnlry is a lime tl»e Slate wouW have to pay departed Washington, who so gallantly | still more remarksble; tocnrrya load «t. a small tax lo n»fei loterent, wftal would threw open her treasury to welcome the ! produce from Salisbury to Fa)slteville now ,!‘hat lie to the public, compared to the in- ade or useless show, but lo diffuse comfort and wealth among her sons—which s^iall add an enduring credit lo her name, because Ihey add to the real blessings of life. In veoluriDg upon a inorc particular requires a man and often a half grown voulh ' value even to properly every w lierr, and a team of five horses lo be gone eleven ' profperil) bc.towed upon llie wboJe day*, whereas, on a rail road, Iho wrm ! by ihe dillusiou ol so largo a could be carried in ono day, w ilhout Ihe i money ? man’s moving from homo with his wagon | Although our first attempts at improve- sud team : so that he may set down such a metil were muHjcresafijI, we think lliere is trip in compariMm to tlw oth* r nu>«lc of traris|vjrlalioo, as lost labor. W e think it a small calculation to say, that a man ‘ little foundation for the eitrnl of prejudico which has prevailed on this subject. I'bo fir*l lime at which Ixrgislative atlt-ulic»n seems the interval htlwecn the jeais lsl.'» and I'-'.'U. In the year 1?1?, the first of*era- forth so strongly and so eloquently, that we contemplation of the prospect before us, wc think It scarcely required that we should I greet you with the hope of b»-‘tter days to! •'Hh his wagon and team could make al | to have been directed to Ihis {>oltry, was m in this paper dwell upon them extensively ; • come. W hile wator communication was j home at le:ist two d«i!lars a day ; were be but we cannot pass by this part of our duly, ‘considered as the only successful mfHh> ol thus emploved, instead of going on an un- withMit asking if any of you have ever bad effecting Internal Improvements, they whoi productive j.#urm-y, there would be a clear, tiomt may lie said lo have eoiomenced, w* a neighbor, to whose kindness and inlelli- j had studdied tbo face of our country and re- i ^aviag to him of h'l'-l i we have authoril) ' were ilicn without expencnco, the scieoce pence you were indebted for instruction in j garded Ihe impracticable channels of our j lor saying, that two hundred and forty I of En;{incering was but little known among busin«-ss and examples in virtue. (>n whose ; rivers, however ardent they were for the , wagons go oncc a year to Fayetteville : ^ u«, and no iinlividual o«’coni|iclent skill be- wisdom you leaned in the hour of trial, | honr>r of our State, had nevertheless their 1 multiply tliat number by‘.i2 and we have I iiij^ in our roach, ihe practical oteculion of whose U-nevolence had helped yi>u in dis- I doubts whether our condition could thus t)ej the amount that now is sunk and wasted in [whlical schemes ware lell lo llio guidance tress ; and who was reluctantly drawn from ! bettered; and a melancholy destiny did it unprofitable labor, viz. for the wagon-, of the unskilful |>oliliciawi who had conlriv. amon;:!t you bv the more alluring prospects j •«em to promise us ; but thanks to the ge- ing to Fajettevillc alone, but soy that Faj-1 ed them. Owing to tf>« anisgoninng pur- ofth*; distant West’ You can appreciate, | nius of modem invention the best mol« of ottevillc does not roreive more than one poses that wo have before spoken of as ex- then, wilh some certainly the afflictioo of, transportation is within her reach ; nay, we > fourth of the surplus produce of Rowan,, istiog in that body, no measure could r«ceive the Slatttsman at this eternal drain of the are bold to say that it offers to North Caro-; the i.anie calculalion of wasted tim«J, aixl. Iho favor of Ihe Ijej^islaturo unloss all tha mn>>l f'iw'ntisl eleinants of his country’s | lina advantages and facilities that will put I consequently of wasted money will hold 1 partien lo ihis petty warfare could r«H.-oive her further ^‘yorid lhe(>omlof cotnpetiliou, | tpje, let it (fo to any other market in our' the *' plactbo” of a charter, and with it a than she was behind it under ihe former j reach ; we have then the enormous loss m' imidicum of tho public funds. SimultarMi- plan ofiiuproveinent. The profile of much | m Ubor of ^‘21,1;J0 yearly lo tho single! ous efibrls were made lo render oavigable of our country if so uniform—every sort ofj county of Rowan. Suppose this labor, in- j iho Riianoko, the Tar, tho Neuse, tho Cape dies.” W bo amonif us can look U) Ihe Senate'material is so abundsnt, and of sueh su-j Htearf of being thus wasted, been be-! Fear, the Vadkm and Iho Catawl«i—ihe of the I nion, and perceive so many of her i perior quality—our climate so penial, and stowed ou the farms of this country, eilfier ■ works wc believe, was in nearly every in- emigrants r»>flec.lin«the lustre of their names i withal, the scope of country that could use j in iniprovmg their fertility, or in actual til- j stance begun al tho wrong end—ioslea«l of upon other Slates, who can visit one of our | its advanlrges in in many instanrea so ex- j luj^c, what an astonishing difr;renco a few , commencing at the first olistructiocis that outstrippioff wichbors, and fierceive the | tensivo and fertile—that the Rail K'>ad years would exhibit in the fiico of Rowan ’ were mot m am;ecding these streams, so Ilench, the Uar and the saWn of the pri- ,■ would almc^f seem a blessinc peculiarly in-1 \dd to all this, lhat every tract of Und m , that every mile of improvement might fiave vate circle, graced with genius, and spark-! tewled fir N(^rth Carolina. W e have heard the couiily would be improved in value, pioved its own uscfulnew, and finally by de fine wiland ele;,^nce, wbichanarrowcourse ; it confidently anserted, that this sort of im- and in some iiistancoi*, noarly double], and grees bavo worked the whole system into of Stale pf)licy had driven from Noitli Ca- proveinent could lie completed in fnir Slate Ue have arrived at only h few of tha ud-1 favor—the visionary directorsol ,'icse plans fvrtifa sad praiiac.a t )«U, Rfs. I»i]l(mai in ih* (uymr«l so aS'to - iKafie ii rmtj fcr ik ihsacr. If I do oot wfl kv the la( ^ [Wall. I will Ifste ihr Und (ot mv jwu*. TTsw*^ want lo purcksae or Imae, wiU mskt l« .Mr. Mt('oansnf b«v of I'Wialti.'Is will niske louUstu fer Uie •si* or 8ARA1I bivt:ryi Rirrmn Stft. H. IfCQ. ttooMokr RttU-RoaAUm, greatness. Our arrogant neighbors have aoiiiotiiiies in moments of spleen derKtminal- cd 'lur land, the Bo-ot aof.\nierica—a coun try “ where genius sickens and where fancy roliiiH, without fe;ling Ihe agony of merited i for the amount that il wHjld take in tbo reproach and niortiti' d pridi^. It is painful i .Northern States to pel tfie land and ma te have pursued thus far this unpleasant I tennis, and lo seruro the work when com- topic, but truth, though it may occasion pleted against tlie eflj.cts of their climate. m«in niary mortificalmn, cannot pniduce We Ije^^ h ave here to submit some views of t»tl»*r than salul.iry efr»;ct*; could it but an ex^xTienred Knf;in er on the South (/a- Fhaine us into a system of public improve- rolina Itail Road, which wo think coiitaina men*, lhat by ojiennig new pursuits and | mofler of de«rp interest to us. cre.iling oew aiirarti vna miplit stay this • .Mr. I>exler in his remarks on the cost hfssl of such an improveiwnt; */ia//^rf/At tid- '.f einii Tation, and thus at once add to A:r., of (be South 'arolina Rail-Robd, ha-J thru arine. ami rr/rtthol by/nr the priHlu'.ttve ••(,* ryy of the .‘^tale, gone into a nimuie companion 1>*-I'.v( eu the |flap Ixstir hrry>lf in »c.'r ev«iry pjtriotic he^rt would rejo'ce. t.xperivj ol that uad scverul of tbw Northern' f(('jrt f vantages that such a work would give to ordered the maans in hand lo Im so Ik-hIow. Howan. W e neel not dwell uf»on the re- ed that no part of the undertaking could a- mole advantages that will be sure to ac-| vail at all until tho whole was completed: company the prosperity of the agricultural, the result was, that all theso ill devi«ed , class; such as tho extention of education,, schemas fell into discredit about Ihe same morality and the refined arts of life. What: him;: indiMduals in various fiarls of the we have said of Rowan, will in a measure, Slate lost il is l>*-liovcd, in the whole.aUiul hold g»»od of every county in the neighUjr. §10(1,000, rmd the Stale Treasury about half that sum. Il sesms strange to us ihiil men should over havr calculated on any o- rBIIIK Mwl I'oorh from Dsi »ilJ» «o Biiidr, 1 will Wsr« I)«n«illt r«ry (Jay and Svinilaj morniiif, sjhI trrlw »• BSMrtj o«*l rooroinf, in tim» to lake Ibe 6 s'clsti I and axriTc in l'«lcr»bor|f kv 13 ®'clock rf t** rottd day;—and prtiuna «)>o may pTorwO on north •ith lb* |frtal any of Uir Norlliom cities -4 kouri by any olb«r lioo. 'I'hf lubocribrr hsa e«UUi«b*d a hs» Mlillhboroitgh lo Ranninf in ooonetioo with .Mr. (’«fk»rr'^ Irotn (trtnifVoroofb. Psrsow* who nay to Usttf north, sr* infwneH Uul lh« !rr«ntbar*U(h *»• l!ilUbor«u|b aod 0^ Hlahely, U il.« mo*t dir*cl, o*srcft aorf iw>^'^ uilHMiS wf.icf» can b« sekctrd; %een by relermce to lb* map of Oi' ^ 'Dm- puUic are mformrd t)i«t iJi* (>lac«d on Uiis route coniforUblo Four Miorne Pont ;ood Teanis ond »V Hilul l>ri**r«. snl ar. aMurrd that Uiis line ruos is canwti* tbi' Knonolio from IHbviIK ; It furlltrr kMtirrd lhat no d«J»y 'tialf be expoimnccd by Uiosc wbo tn*f f* this lint. . jt0. This fine will l-sve Hin.»H»ron|b day. ITiurMjay and ,‘.ii«tlay it ■ A. M. aud r«arb Hlahtly neit oiwninp •« Uke til* 8 o'clork cars. , lloth of the aho»e lin«» aro now in a* the #ub«»cr bss laU-ly provpuirnt bolb in eipedilioti and of tliosa »lio may patruaiM " llnCt. , (y) I’liTf fton fhUihorvuih /fW'Jf ‘ ^ I'iirr from DunvtH* tu /li*A«y AU r.ii::i Urd Hot,If. A’, c. Sept. 2fv*. \ ltu»lll«.» will l«- '•*'6'' ^0* iher result fioiu hiicIi uiiwim- ;uid ill-con'er- Mr;d pro'.ortt: _• 1 tl.eir liiil'it" is >;rged In i|>lily hut •Ill’ll »• ‘ III liinlry aiiil Kn«*l iiiof'l*- «.ll rds '■/ till

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