MINER!^ & FARMERi§’ JOURNAL. I'RIM’KU AM> I>LULiKili:i) F.VKItY SAi LllDAY, HV i llOMAS .1. li01/r0N....l'llAltl.m i:, MKIJil i:Ni>. H)|:NTY, NOR'i H-t AUOLINA. I WH.L TKACll YOU T(» IMKKIK TJIE B'lWKl.S OF TIIK ».\RT1I AND miMi Ol'T HIO.M TIIK CAVKRNII in’' TIIK MOIATAINS, Sri.lAI.H WHICH VMU.I.IVF STRF,.\frUI TO OL'R IIANU3 AM> Kt.'BJFni' Atl. NATCHK TO OUK USK AND PLKASURK.—DR. JOHNHON. SAIM UI>VV, 1(1, IH'.llU NO. 104. nil: ITIiiirrs- A: i'nriiicrM’ Journal I tlii«icin umstuiK:e alone is almost a sudicient Is printfd ami piiblislii-d evury Ssaturds) iiiorriiiig I mduCLMiietll tii ap|>lv llino to sucli yroutlds, at Ttpn Dollar* per annum, if |>aitl iu uilvaiicc; ] || ,[ itdsMJHsed no tettilizinu properties. Tteo DoUart and I'ifty Cents if not paid until I n . I alter thr, exuirution of throe niontliH; Thrre \ »'llially,tl much eavit-r wnrki d, r. Ih'ii v»t;ll huxd, tlmt to, Hslx-t'or**; and, wlicn this nibsidce, the nia:«s i^to lx.‘ appticd to tiic soil. 'I'lie mass ot' iiiHnurc thua made is found Hhtrp Sitaling.—The following is rela- j Munrliiwuen.—Many doubts have b«en ted, B3 u fact, as tuving actually happened exprcssfd whether stjch a person ever ex. ... . ; istrd : the following brief sketch, by Mr. some years su.ce ,n the btate oJ Connect,^ j , ^ cut:— fit rc*Mt :-^Jerome Charles Frederick Von aquarc v.ho advrrtivc by the yior. (LriJii all a»;\\r- tisfnients coininunicati'd fnr publication, the nunitx r of iniierlions must Ikj notfd on tlic mat jin ot'tlie manuscript, or tlipy will N; conliaucd until torbid, and chargcd accordingly. «• All coininunicationf! to tiu- ICdilor inu«t conic | especially t'r(eot'f(«i/«|ir', or tiny may not b«^ atlcjidfd to. administered. quuiitity, than to bt; Ik>Iow it; for tlmt, in tins j tniii.porlation hitter ciise, the n.;mi.re inav prove ulmost i "'“’‘‘"g' ‘‘a'“ '*« •" I g«» ^ ‘ vUu.lly u^ lpss ; xshile it rarely happens tlmt ' , . , , , , """ oxtra.irdinary lus«, he resolv- | ho really believed li the .rronnd is injured bv an i^xcc-ss of lime, >' ni«lits alter to wutch. Aln.ut mid- i im|.o8sibh, fictions especiallv if more or le’t« duii" be soon {ilii r S'" ''^'“'"1“' •* leudily deconi- night, he observed an uncommon (iisturlMiiice , I' lided il any (Jouui to lie as g(Kid, us the same weight of rotten alter uir, ixuirution of three months- Thrre] * iiiumv, that thoUfih stronj^ BoiU require experience seem, * i , i ■ , r i_ » i Dallar, at th.^ end of Ui.- year'. No paper will to be au’in.ated with u piK,d dose of lin.e, 1 l«>« cv,-*r, necesMiry in n.aiiing thi8 manure i A man in rather indifTerent circuniston. Munrhausen, the original of the well knowa bo diHcontinuod until all nrrearngt. are paid, | v^|,iie those of a li-ht texture renuire but' "* peifectioii. In .summer, |t may be made ces, oiirrounded by n lar^e luiiuly, being en-. narrator cl wonders, was a German otficer unlessaf’ - ' '' I i . . .... . . . - . . .... . . . .. ADVEKTI CeHtu the cewlini; A i:i I j; . ...;m u i.^ i f. unit i»'i ni'- |/««. wi ^ ^ The com- iindliit, was missing—and counting bin slieep gaiit stories; and his fancy finally so coin- ■ Unable to ar-I pletely got the better of his ineniory, that Ins most improbable and , and was very much of. iiubt was e,xpressed on the post'd bv the nppiicatioii of lime, and mixing ainoiig th*‘ sheep, by the sudden appearance : siibj'-ct. it wilh this eurth. among them of a man dressed m dis^.uise. j In relating these monMrous lies, his eyes W'e w ill m'Mitiun another kind (>f compost, ^ Curiosity, as well to observe the conduct of; would shine and stare out of hia head, h»3 in w hich lime is an ingrediciit, as reconi- the |Mrson as to find him fiut, induced him j liice liecame flushed, the sweat rolled diwn mi’iidi'd by the S.iciety ot' Improvers in to lio slill. In the t]K;k there was alarge'fiom his foreh»‘ad, and he used the most .'Scotland, tor miikin;^; u-e ol' ihe ridges along ■ ruui, w ith whom, it seems, the nmn was m violent gestures, as il he were really cutting side of f( nc( s, HI liuldii which liuvc been the habit of converMiig as if be had hem , "H‘the heads ol the Turk.s, or fighting tho long plMighcd. the actu.il oivner of the bhf‘p.—“ W ell, i bt:ars and wolves that figure in his stories. I'lr.'t [tlougb the ridge d.Tp w it!i^n el'av- ■ Mr. I’ am,” the lUM'tuniiil slieep-steal- I ing furrow ; tlif'n cart on a 1.1) t-r ol'slill’clay, cr, “ I um come to bti\ aiiotlier she»*(i, have , Tbs Po.'t Master at Orangeburg, S. C., tlifii a liiyt'r f f Lani-dung, thfii another of \oii any nuiro to »ell !” I pon which he ro- i w riting to the editor of the Charleston Mer- jihed as in the i-erwm of the ram, “ \ es, I cury, «iyH, that .Major Barry has maie an have ^heep toHcll.” I?y this time the own- [attempt to turn him out, but nobody w ill (ako or of the fhii p pprceived him to b.' one of the nppointment; and after making iJixera his neighbfir.s. “What will you take for ■ complaiiitsof the l‘ost-Master Geiieral’sowa ^ „ that large wether'!” says the purrhaser.— I short-comings, he adds, that unless Major cnt; as we ha\e seen a little ol it used very*j /i ?.!!* *!, ii\' it uyain with "athering tiiriotA.i; tin. “ I’oiir dollars,” nays Mr Ram. “'I bat is , I5arry resigns, hr intends to ron/ini/e in office succcs'^fully, as a manuie for onions. ** ' ' ' * • *" ^ «|i,,l(; n tluown u|miii ii.to a liijb a high price,” (.siys the man, “ but as you hini^elf, maugre the wlmle Kitchen Cabinet; hclhfif common sail fuaj b** pniliiably , • » > ' ) | mIuuIioii kl it uj'uio he are si* as lo wait on ine tor the pay, 1 sitfiiH hiirisc'lf—“ JoA/i Am Jylcr^ npplied, a?i a n»aniirc, must do|>onl nn its: Litiu-is aUo of sinnular in producing; i ihinU I s\ilhiikf liiiii-” ‘‘U ell .Mr, ! iW JWtr o/Vm.’’ fricp. Its etP^ts on the growth of dirierent a high d.-ree of ti rm.-nlution, in all soi!s| pr.K-e-s of el.-avinn d.wn, ci^.tii.iied the ImiK'st sheep biiji r, “ l. t us I Boils and situations ; as it is supposed m.t to which rcipiire it; and this is essential to ' pro|H-r int. rvaU, till the se- how many slu.i p I Iibnc b.;u’i;hl of you.” j Melancholy.—\ short since one U .so powerful in Its eliints on land.s near their prodm tiv.ness, in every country and f,.,,n.-ntod ; and lii.-o “If I am nut n:l^tak.•n,” sa\s Mr. Ham, [ *f th.'deck passengers of a stenuiboat fell the ocean, nor, periiaf*-', on some soils, as It , climafe. ’ c;irt it out, ai'd iiu\ it w ii!k the s. i!,*at the “ this makes tli*-fililiand tlan be w.-iil ;o\erlK«ard between N. Orleansand Natchez, is on others. ! TIk' I'nti.^h writer to whom we l'a' j loiidi. to tin-acre, on to cabt up the auiouiit of the whole—j As his wife saw him sink for the last lima Hilt little attention has been |>aid, in this just referred s;i>sJiow ever, that e\pr runt e J i„. , ..mp'inent p.iris of mauure made in Alter givii'g Mr. Uuui a polite invitatKUi she cried—“Oh me! there g««s in\ [Hwr country, to the ofteration of lime, as a nia- had shov»n that lime will not re-tore l.iiuis ^ similar, sbonld lie to call on him lir hi.'* puy, and bidding him j.l>hnny, with a span new vest on, and three rure; though, in some in.stam es, we have which have be» n cninpli t* ly worn c ut by Hn; b.,i1 inli'iulcd to Ut niiiiiuri d. a good mght, be look the wether and led d«.llars of silver in his pocket.” heard ofitsb!ing very siicce^^lijllyappli.-d. I constant cro[K^ of grain. I|.-tlitnf^re su|i- j j,,- li,.)aware, griaflv im- him home, w lii'.e tho owm-r lav lauuhmg at ' (From Nicholson’s I'arnicrV Assihtaul.) M A N U R KS.—('oNT I .M' E i». We have seen a late newspaper publica tion, which very highly recommended com- non salt, as a manure for turnips. Mr., . Deane, however, savs he once made trials i"* country are mm h moister and of it upon this crop, upon onions, and on ;«'urs; still tho>o of tho lormer j A circuinstanee calculated to strengthen the belief, that lime w ill an«wer widl as a ; manure, in uliiiosl every part of this coiin- ]tiy, IS, that the llomuns used it as a ina- I nure in Italy, w hen they conquer*^d Hritain, I and are siipiMised to have tir^t intiilue('d it I in that Island; tor, altlioiigh the !''umiiicrs cpssary, as a ».1>III(IUIICUI jmii, III UI. ... j.|, ; ,i,jj ^ tl,.-j>oil nt llie s;.un* l.tlglitxir wa.'i licaii, out OI milllun, ne looit- iiiiio oiirc (niitr iia •firiiiiy ; — Jurably fertile s.il, j b.\en'eroppiii:;. Hut again be says, that ,i ,rk. i iii roUr, Mi.d lost that caiigl.t tlu-old ram, lied a htllo bag umler [ “ May we bid what we please ?—“ Oh, yes,” Limr IS of singular u«e, in destroying ; ail lands are I * netitt. d by Iiiik-, “ which a,;j;,..4u;ii-.ss, »u troublt-»umo u bi» neck, and pl.iced a piece of |Mij.er lie-* replied the s«-ller, >• any thing yf>u please, tho adheeive quality of stilfclay 8 : and it is, can b‘ ritrcshed by ;;ra«, or ^ , |jv I tween his horns, on w hich he w rote in large sir.” “ Why, then,” said Jack, “ I bid you on 9^ihr*f this description, and «n umr.ir.‘^ j of rcf^Ps>]\ar,)a, pol twu leJler*. I ll.^VE COME AIT J:K .MV a good bight'and be hanged to you.” )oam», that It has been considered. Ill • I real ; We hav** thtis far'.Mvpn tho rea*I''r to''^ i) t [j^licln of liiie- «n nine ;.cich : PAY. Inditr this lino Iw I'ootfvl uf> tH> n-f l?rit:>m,as most ellicacious. On such soils, '■ubstimce of what w»* liiid in the lati>t'.md the liiitish farmers ii'ually apply aUiu two i U >t I'riii^h iiiihlu-ati'-ns on lime, u-» a m i- liuiidied and forty bushels to the acre, w hich ] nure : lint trim iiiformali’.n we d' ii\e 13eotisidered a full nianurm:'; the effects of from Dr. ..Uia.v, of l !n!;idel|.hia, we an- uln>:h are usually manifest for eight, ten, nableti more i-articulnilv to >i:ite ilie qiiaii- and twelve of the succeeding cro()s. lily proper torati aere m ihw ••,iinir\ ; and If lime be applit d to the lighter and drier a|j«», that whielilias N'c n tinii.d most eiii- l.nnds of that country, nit much more than eai n.u^, a- a mat'iire, in I’niiisy Ivauui. half of that allowance is given at once. | \v li;ue mentinned two hundred and .\n opinion was heUI by Mr. Livingston, bi sliuls to the acr^, !s bi the al- that liine is most suitable to l:tnd» in a cool |,n^, C,,rt-l:)s soilu ni (iirat Knt.iin; but i'l iiiK ii tie-;-r..iiiid wiHi liuli.in eomjleii mount of the slieep exactly ; he then took j i:\TIKrATIM; .'^A^ArRAS, o!.c acre i,iiliini-ii; cmp of com great, the ram to his i;ci ,>hbof's h'u-e, where he | Scotland ISeck, Sept. 13, vvlicio the liiiie wu^ nppliril. Next \c,ir. !,ed liitii ni ai !ii-I»or, and then went hoiiiC. i Di’nrSir: In answer to the qiiiTies of .s-immer-falloA.-d. aii.l bad-.K.d «l,e:,tund \Mien tl'.c n: i_lil-.r arose in tho niorninu, .Vnti.sassafras, extracted iu the Farmer, iy’, wlii'ie the laii i w.'n lini'‘d. ^||Wc,| he w.is not a little Mirpristd to tind a sheep Irom tho tariner s Kegister, it Aiiti-sas> l.cid-gru-sand cl.n-r. and applied g\ |l^.um ticl ut his ov. n d.K,r ; but it i» beyond words safras will cut all the sassafras bushes down to t!ie whoS-; had a c " d «-rop ot’grass to e.\pre-s his a'-tonislwnent when he t'.,und m the spring of the year, that are ol any \vi.eio the liind wrs n anured wiiu iime; ii wasti.” old ram wilh whom be had late- and pasture the land, with cattle and out poor, wh. re it w,.:- m t. I\ l.ecn deulmi; so much m innlton, with slieep for two or three years in succession, I lii.s was i ;t.hal!\ lai.d s im-what st.fT, ihis errand on 1.is forehead, and the nmoiint •• will ellectually destroy them. I had i4 and conidi ral)i\ ■••vliuiiMed. Iiwuildseem of the shi^p accnratelv made out, as be hud piece of land thickly set wilh them; I moist rlimate,such as that ot Clr*at Hritaiii; „■,. iiidutcilto Udi' ve that w iiere S'l il,j| ntilf lands are commonly \i r\ eon- made it a few muht.s In-lore, in the |H‘rson pastured it w ith cattle nnd sheep, the years and Mr. Itrownel consulers it as an imprtiper u.uch is ajij liei!, m that ci.niitr',, il must be ^uleraMy a>'.i'-t''(J h\ gy psijin, after b.i\mg of the ram. .Sitlicu it to say he obtained 1 ^df and to destroy it; in the full of manure for lands containing much ve;;e. from chall,, whn h ismuch |Hcn nni:,uie.l with Inoe. the money, ami aliertvmgit np nicely in I":}-* I broke it up andsiwed it with wheat, tahl> earth; but i^rhaps ex[.‘riencf nmy weaker than lliat made of limeMone. i .Mr. .bA/'.in/siiNs he ploii-hs his land (he liitle iwg, uimI teaimg the paper from I rode o\er it a few weeks past and could show, that b.thof the>eopmions are in a , bushels to ih^ hci»- isalH.nl the f..r Indian o-in in the tall, lay > .n his lime his honw, srt ihe ram at liberty, who ini- not see a single spr.iut of it. Three years gr.-at measure erroiKous. Iii-uil allowance of hine if tlo.i latler dr- in the spring, und is never iroiibled with mediately ran home, jmghnii Ins money ns will etlectually destroy il, and I think two liiine will reduce p;at and turf to a mere p„ ([„. |im,is cf iVnnsvlvama, i iih'-r wormstT weeds, lie hnnt.’s home if pn-iid I’f iiavnig necomi'hsbwl the object is sutricienl. Sheep and cattle are very v-'gctable earth; but we Ix-heve it iMver ri„„,„„nly a ham mixed with ' all hiscornM.iIKs in the lull, la\s them down, of his errand, to the no small yratificution f>>«d of the sprouts, and they contmue to prnceeds SO fir in the work of decom|«>-• ^ ^.„„i It h i lirmi) Irwlden, w itli aliernaie ia\ei.sof lime ; of iheowncr. .triiti them ofl as soon as they make Iheir sition, as to de.slroy vegetable matter or n,.,, the lan-ls w Incii have there ■ :.nd next spring Lc tinds the i!ias;4 rotted | ap|iearnnce. lo satisly any pereon of the K.-se„ Its quantity where it abounds. previeiivU limed, no morf |K.werfullv , and lit for n.-e. J„nall,nn.^ llunUne Kscvrsion.—'' Did ‘-'"/wetness ot t iis method, let him notice, Il would l>c desirable that accurate trials ,.,,„,i,oati„n of gvpsum,! If he -vue to add so,no l.irn.dnng, and , ..t he.r of the escaiie that I and | of hiiic were made, m order lo ascertain its j,; | e;,rih>, Miitable I., the hod lo U; nia- j,,,,! „ ,|„rkin on't on Connec- iwested vjitli this growth, « plenl\ may cntlyapplied. Ir.nnd. i.e wouM find his heap of compos. ^.vera^keo .loimthan Tnnln-rt.ies, 7" I iider I'l.MtTti ■, wc have mentioned that, iiiucli inipro\cd lii quuiiiity, and [iiriiaps III ninn.^in''his o!d Dutch hostess, who " '* i ’ ' ' ,r '** * ^ in Crea. lir.i.ni, l.me which has ll,e mo-l ' qualitv. l„.i „^irce,l to*’enlertain him under the roof ‘ irMt 11 acr(Miiil*.*d !l»i* Ici't^alu-j IVn ii tror**, w u*'n [tlaiitcil in ;:ra»*s of hot lo^ ro!ta;;o, lor and in cont»idcratioii able ; but, in I’t-iiii.-yKaiii.i, it is tound the ! gromids, '.vliere thiy natiirally grow Init m- jiew tin milk pan. “No I never ' inosi eificaeioiis. ' | dnl'. n nily , ure n.ii h ussisieil t.y strewing ilj,]; Hew till it,” was the reply. This probablv •« \\ p|1_m.,i tnust know that 1 an Tncle as will us 111 took it into our heads one Saturday ' s( r\iiig as a manure for itie tree^^. nfterntK>n to go a giinin arter diii ks, m la- (To hr ('onliniHfl.) value 111 oiirsoiN, und whether it should In h'ld in as liigh estimation here, as in (ireat r.ntain, wh«re its use, us a manure, is very cxtensivi*. We w ill here give the inferences of an rvper enced practn al I'armer ol that coun- trv, from various tiials of lime on clays, on lii'iin-^, and on sandy loams on a close reten tive b^ittoni. f. That lime operates eijnnlly wall, w heth- Tiieqnalitv |mssesseil bv lime, fif prodii- | some hme lound the roots, cingagreat il uree of I'lTiinTilatioii, rendeis ' a“si-is in re|«‘lipg iii.- ets It of smgnlar ns! in niiiking com|>o“ls-. Th'-se are iVeqiiently mad'\ in (5real IJrit- er applied when tiesh sUcked, or when it i>„,„ „,ere collei Hon.-of alluMi.1 or oth- l.as iK^ensomc time slacked, provided '*>e , cr i ich e ,rth.^ w hen vi'r ihev can Ix.-had, e.ai.hlion of the L'roundU; such as to render a calcareiiua application lienelicial. I i|n. requisite tle^^rei’of l«Tiiic;nl.ition, ‘J. That It IS not materia!, w bether lime , he etH-cted by fr> .;iienilv Mir- !,e used on grass land, or on Mimmer fallow ; • ,1,;. ,l„. y ars. but may Ik5 applied as may be most con- this si.ite is carted out, and Ti'jm»l.r Kicliiiioiiil I ai'iiiif r, Uespectfully, vour ob’t serv’t. \VM. U. SMITH, Scnr. Hannah Miwre.—The Philadelphia Ga zette pays the follow ing well merited tributo Iher's skitV; so III we got an.l sc ulled .low n '>•" .m'uiory of Hannah Moore, lately the river; a proper sight of duks How ilecoased—than whom the last age has backwards and forwards 1 till ye—and siircely produced a more useful writer:— ;'l •;r^\n'hcld. Ill (a- i,^ |;.^v on’eni lit down by the marsh, h is al last true, that Ilaniiah MM)re is rohne eoiiiily, on i'liitday Iasi, .Mi^s Cai ii *. I!Im; Kam;ins, ai;ed one hhiutrid ami nini Stie was a native ot' \ ir^.inin, and horn iieai Poll P.oval. .She distinctly vem. nt, especially on new clean grass land. „„„„,d,utelv with theBoil. and went lo feeden on the muscles. I —She was human, and has left the calc bed np my p.eauder horn to prime and ^vorld ; but strictly speaking she cannot die. It slipped I ii;ht out my haiiil and sunk to Ihe ^ precious inlluence lingers in the world IhiUoiii of the river. The water was amaz- |,|,p h sweet savour, after the departure of recollected the place where the town was j„„|^ and I conid see it on the Ix.tloii m„.|, ^ mind. It is not death, when that Now I conld'iit swim a jot, so I sez to „hich was mortal of the gotxl, is de^rted t)nlan.lwhi.h 1ms long lam m gias.s. it is , „u,, ....^e hi sotne parts of I, ,? - , thoicht b.-st to tak.- onecrop alter b.eakiiig | svith the Indians at the loot o the ,Sonlh ,,,,,, | . ^,he„ ,,H,iecay It up ; and then to summer-lullow, and apply , i.^nlis of the mass ; ‘the re-1 ‘'f'"'i>ress. d corruption. Ages we may I I... I -....I. I her memory. Mie retolktlnl with i „,i .i,,,'. vnn ilnnU the stiin'V enter would ...«ii 1...1....... ..ill ainr.c« tur.>re ih» mim m. ti.e lime. liliies almost full fli'V, to hung them into aclioii, as puch V i!s arecajiable of absoibmg a -leat «|uai.tity of calcaroiius inatti i ; and tha» heap, in (lillerent | to ascertain the degree ot'heat the mass has acquired; and whenever it approaches to blood brat, it iimst lx‘ either watered, or i Khler soils require less lime, to stimulate hloo.M,rat, it iniist ,.. e.llier watered or then. ; and may he inp,n-d by a quani.ly | turned ov, r, as there is.lanirer- ot the whole that wMdd prove but nioderatJlj lieneficial I‘ •’'-"'''■"■'I. piTticilarly m warm ,0 those of a heavy nature. I d the mass become t.m watrn. .■). That upon fresh land, or that which , After the heat siihMde,#, which il diKg 111 in in a projH r state lor an addition of c.hI- tune accordmi: to the stale of the atnios- j-aieons earth, lime is much superior lo [ here, and the de cree of [lerficlioii in pro- dun", as Its ctfcf Is continue for a hiii,* r porlnmmt; the mal*-rials of the heap, it is lime, while the crops thus grown are of a l-i he nniil aheiii three we ks iMiore it is lo biijK-rior kind, and are less liable |, be m- j b; applied to lh' s.al ; when il is lo be turned jiired by dfvught, or by e\ «‘ss of moisture ; ' u| side down, oulsid‘ in, and a s «-ond beat uiid that the itilf soils particularly aro so ! comes ou, which must be carefully attended -I Inoked down, ami " hat | « told patent lever watch of tho the criiter were a dom !” I yf i5() th.Hars. ject of the sovereii-ns of l^tiKland, and |„,lded - viewed Virginia as Mill in a state of rel. l- lion. Her health mild the last month was „ 11” exclaimed Ihe ..hi ladv, • I'm sure, her spirits cheerful, and her mind , i„. said our | ror,.,cifmr.-Mr. Harvey, uncle to the nnimpaired by tho prcsMiic of her iiumeious ,i„. hoftom of thr ,,Cl{,,st,,l, was much in favor with I riivT ihi [H UUtkr out oj my hitrn King ('liarles 11, and } el iijHin a great occa* iiitu luzfu.' j 81011, he voted agninst that which the king I desiied ; .so the kini; chid bun severely for “ .May 1 be married ina'tn.said a pret- ; it. Nexl day, another ini|vtrtant qiieHion ty brunHleofsixlernto her mother. “ U hat ' falling in, he’voled as the King w uld have dovoiiwani lobe married f.r I” relu'ieil ' liim. tin- king Ih k notice of it al iiinlit, her mother. “ bv nia’m, yon know that I ai'dsaid, “ Yon vM>renot against 'ne to-dny.’’ A II...- is exhibited in \lhnnv, weighing i the children never have sren any bod> mar | - .\o, sir,” he rephod, “ I was agaiut my MOO ponndw. ried. nnd I thought it inig'it please Vm.” ' conscieu':e to-dny.” The I’nited States (Jaz«'tte fills out n co- Inmn witliih(‘ following distich, in which there is tiulh, if not jioetry : “'I'luTf is nolhiinj in lilV so fliK-kin» y\a a line girl with u hole in her tiliK;l,ili|'."

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