THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. Jt^rngn Mntelligenre. New York, Aoc. 2. From London we tiave, by the bilas Richarda, paptij-e Ut the 25tb ult. They are filled with speculations nbnut Portuguese afTaira, and we copy the report of Dun Mi^^uel’a having ainde pn)pr>Bition8 to capitulate, without however, attaching entire faith to it. I'he Lisbon dates re ceived in En(i(land were of the 14th. By the way of Boston we have accounts direct to tbe 18th, which are silent respecting this matter. 'I'he London Times of 24tii do«s Dot confide in the report, though it consi ders the eventual defeat of Miguel and Bourmont certain. Paris pap* rs uf the 21st announce the arrival of our Minister, Mr. Livingstun, in that cit}. The Hagve Journal states, after n letter from Lubeck, th^t a Kiii^ian 74 gun ship, with a crow of 750 men lias been wrecked upjn the coast of Finland, and only 15 uien saved. 'I'he London Spectator says, " A plot to Bfl8!ist.iiiate the Kniperor of Kussiu has beeu discovered at St. Petersburg, in which several Poles are said to be iniplicatcd. A report has also been circulated, that letters from goneml Lafayette were found iu |m>s- session of one of the conspirators, ur;>injf him to the commission of the deed. 'I’his the gallant and ht{{h-uiinded old Genbrul most indignaotly denies ; and wo sup|ioMo there is scarcely a human being who would not at once acquit him of the chargc.” HusjKiuum of Uoxtililien—Meditation of England. The Erho Government steamer. Lieu tenant Otway coiiiiiiatider, arrived here on I'hurwlay, from Li.’^lmn and Oporto, i^he left l>i!>bunon the 12th, and 0(>urto on the 14th iiist.; und has brought Iiouh: proposals from Don Miguel for the lutervention of Kn^land in the quarrel between him aiHj his brother. List^tn was cl«Mvly b»*siegcd, and there had been some severe tit;hting, but the Miguehtes had been re|HjlBcd at every point. Sat York, \orrmhcr 4. From Europe we have, by the Ajax, later dat«-s by a week iH‘nrly; but they lurtii>h little (political news if iiitercsl. 'I’hi- com- HKircial account!*, especially in riwpect of Colton, s1h>w an unfavorable reaction. c «>py Irnni the Courier. Five Days Latub fkom Knkla'ud.— InMi Kvetiing the sliip Ajat, arrived l^ivnrpnal, vthfore she Milird »»n the ilOlh .'jfp«etnJ»er. M tr are intirbteti to the Captain (or Livrrfxiol'papers of that date, and Iy>i»dofi ot'tlie UOlh. No further intelligence hod b»*en receivH in Enjiland front Lisbon, ami we have there- fon', iir>thing l'urlh‘r on the stale of titiiiirs in i’ortu^al, except a contradiction in a Jyondon pa|)er, theitiobe, of the re|if>il that Marithal Bouriiiont had propwed to capitu late to l)'«n I’edro. That |»ap**r states, that in niiNwer to a proposition to that eilwt made by the l(^ltl^h Ainbiissador, Lord NS ni. Ku!*«ell, the Marshal had replied that he did iMit feel himself in sticli circum:tances ns to render it ex|>edient lor him tolt‘cliiie reconiineuding a turthcr prosecution of the conl»-8f. liATtrnoM Fkaxce.—Ry the Sully, from Ilavn-, we have Hens and Havre papers of I>t nil. 'I'hey furnish little politirjil news. 'J'he rumors fn»m (^mManlinople were nu- inerHJ»,>fin«iirrectionary movements therf; hut nothinp further was known except ihat n great (iro occurred there on the 1st Sep- tenih*r. I,I\ KUr(K)L MARKITS, Scrr's 0?.~Thf fotloii iiiarlkCt cmtinue^ in • very depri’Mcd owtc, vtry lutle doing, and )(rlc«ii nir rrly iioniiiul. Of lalanU, ISruzil, Wt-tl liiiiij, kiid Surat ut- li rrd bv public ulc y(ittrdsy, only 3fi4 li»lo coulil )« forrrd otF Kl ■ di'cline ot to Ifjid (>cr Iti. on tliP liiuliCHt prirrn ot' liif>t inwiilli. 'I'tn- im|M)rt m 4JM kfttrn, aitd (lie oilc* are 3:U0 bai;*, vix: 13U ^^cu Island 13 to IHd; 30 Staiiiid do. * to I'ijd; I IJ.iwcd f"!! to llJiJ; TOO Alntiuiiia fc lo K'ti Ni'w Orlrani y to 13J; 40tl I’t riiaiii'* II lo 13d ; luO !i>tliia and Macnio 10i to 1 Ijd ; ^73 .Mi- ranliani* Hljd lo 1‘Ji^d: 3U Drinrrsra 10 lo 13id; •TtO Siuiil* at I Id to prr lb. I!v |>»blic Sair llii* «i«V ; 10 S'o Island at 11 Jd lo l^Jd ; ‘..‘•’0 IVrnaciif lo; to li;d ; ‘JO Doinrrara lO; to lljd ; and :il (owl non VVrKi India at t*Ad to Kljd p r ik cnjr joitftiiii* CHARLOTTK: SATI KnAV,NOVFLMm:K Ift, 18.13. 'I'he Superior Court for this county com menced its session on Monday Inst, ills lion. Win. NorwfK)d, presiding. No budi- uess of ini|mrtauce has been transacted. The Lefjislature of this Slate will con vene in Raleigh on Monday next. 'I’he peo ple of this State may look to the proceed ings of this body with great anxiety, 'i'hey will bo called t» legislate upon scvoral sub ject of great imjKJrtance to the prosperity of the State. 'I’ho expediency of calling a Convention—Chartering a Bank—and au thorising the (jovernor to borrow money on the faith of the State, for purposes of inter- iial Improveineiit, are suLjocts of deep inter ests to a large portion of the citizens of North-Carolinu at this time. [OOimi NFCATION.J In accordance with a previous appint- menf, an Internal Improvement Meeting u as held at the Court-iiouse in Charlotte, on 'I’uesday the 12th inst. NEW HOOKS. . . I^HE lubhcribcr haa jutt rcc.civtd a valuable . • addition to liia stocH ol beoki, ccnsistiug in pirt of Bibles of vmioui qualities and pricea—viz: Quarto Bibles, plain; do Sliecp, extra; do Call, extra fill Octavo Bibles, in different bindincs We publish this weeh the concluding part of the correspmdencc IxMwcen the Secreta ry of War and Gov, (»ayle, ef Alalwina, relative to the removal of intruders from the Indian Lands. It will be seen that the Pre sident has determined to sen the law enforc ed. Wc also insert the Proclamation of Mr. Madison in ISl."^, with orders from the Se cretary of War to (}en. Jackson and other ofliceis in 1816 and 1818, to remove intru- On motion. Dr. Stephen Fox was called ' p^.*ri a„d Polyglot Pocket Bibka, ia different to the chair and Janies M. Hutchison, Esq. | bindings appointed Secretary, of the meeting. VillAge and Methodiat Hymn Books, in Mr. F. L. Smith after, in some general remarks, explaining the ubjcct of the iiwet- ing and ndvix;ating the importance of pres ent action on the subject of Internal Im provement, introduced, the following resolu tions, which were uiianimously adopted : llexolvfd, That this meeting ajiprove of the Internal Improvemeiit (’onvention to be held in Raleigh on the 4th Monday in this month. Ri solved, That a committee, consisting of live |K)rsons, be nominuli.-d by the chair fur the purpose of appointing delegates to that Convention on behalf of Mecklenburg county. ,. v.i. . - B--r Whereupon the chair nominated W^n. j jiapnaVV^re’i Work, roinplKo in a'vols. Davidson, Esq. James M. Hutchiso i, j Biin>an’» Works, in i vols. couipK te rarioua biudinge, some vury fiiic and large RolM>rt Ilall’a Wurka.conipltte iu 3 vuls. Uarper’i luto edition Satiricr’s Sermons, in 2 vois. Dr. Wni. Kubit.sou's Historical Workii, complete in 3 vols. Miir*liair» Wasliiiijjton, in 2 vols. with Atia* MurKhull’s (:olonial(History \V ehxtcr’a octavo Dictionary 'I’he Fedoralltit Nicliolii()n’»(.'arp-ntcr’e fJuiile Btu)(rapliy of the Signer of the Declaration of In* deiiendence in 1 vnl. Do in 9 volumes, very fine (.'oiirt and Cnnip uf Bonaparte ( roly’s (Jcorue IV. I.ivta of Distiniriiished Fenioles lliKtory of Jonali, by Gallaudet ' Peler Parley’s Aritlinictic und (J.’ojfraphy Col. John II. Davidson, Col. Evun Alexdii-. der and Capt. James Wilson to compose the committee under tho 2d resolution. On motion, the meeting adjnurned. S'l'El’UKN Fox, Chahvutn. Jamf* M. Ili'TCHinoN, .SVrrr/ory. OBITUiUlY. Died, in this town, on the l.^tli intt. Harriet Eli- llritlHh Drama, in 2 \ols. VVilliion on the Culfcliisni Dr. Mason’i Works, coinplete in 4 vnls. I.ndy of tl>« Manor, in 7 voU. Ji'w isli (’UKtonis, in 1 vol. IVislon’s liiiir-tiild State Bevcriilgc’h 1‘rivutc Tliuugbis Jay’n HernioMS I Scott’s Coniiiirntary, in C voU. I do in 3 voliinics „ ,,,, ,, Ucnry’ti ExiK)8ilton», in C vols. different bindhips dttugl.terof Mr. 1 aus M. and LlauJm L. Bis- .Uove-mentioned books, together w ith ma- ders—these show that the J'resident is not ; sell, aged 10 inonthsanU IU days. I mi,era, will be sold K>» tor cash or n|>|)roved exercising any new jKiwcr, hut seeing that the laws of the country arc duly cxecutcd. Curious Natural Pkmomcnon.—On Wed nesday morning last, a most singular natu ral phenomenon was observed by a great number of p*rsons iu this town and its vicin ity. It was a constant succession of shoot ing stars, fir rather an vninhrnijted show er of thooting stars. The stars seemed to After a pceuJiurly dutressing and unrclirvcri | ctcdit. sirkucKS of many days, inont try ing to a parent’s | i.’/,arloftf, A’or. 11, 1‘!.33. heart to witness, tiio little sulTurer is rescued from all her earllily woes. One v.onlil have tl.ought, to look upon it, that the plant might live and tlourixli. 'Tw:ih w.iterrd by atiVctioh's pirc!«t tears and warmed by t!ie genial rays of a fatiier’a and * iiiutlier’* love. I nder tliis kind influence tlie leaves put foith &nd unfolded llieir beauty lo the admiring eye. 'Hie tendills started and closcly eurlcd around the parent ttock. '1 lie bud appear! d—a bud of lively proiiii^ie. .Ma ny Eli eye w as turned uimhi it; and many a heart procei'd chiefly from a point 1(* or l.j de grees east of zenith, in every direction to . wards the earth, of them remai.ned i d how soon ’iwould bU.m and U a rose ^ . ,1 . j liiat all tiiou.u Juvo to look ujkjd. liut trt thotfc Most of whom are voun^ and likclv. •lutte brilliant till they ap|mrontly came , „p,.„ed,the fronts of .Kail, have uiip’t should preti-r p.r'ing the caih down, inter- very near to the ground. In one in.staacc,!j-, t. „jrils ore 1). (;OL'LD. fi4-3t Sale of JLnttd and *,^cgroes. % U ■ 11.1, be wild on a credit ol ninety day? ■ w * (the purchaser giving bond and security) ntCharlotte,on the 4th .Monday in Novemb‘r, (2oth inst.) for the [lurpones mentioned in Mjvcriil deeds of trnxt lo tnc e.xpcuted by ThoniBH B. Sinartt.dec’d the following NWillOivS, to wit: Jim, Joe, Edmund, John, Wanhington, Jtff'tTson, Ell, Turn, (Jetnge, Robert, Jjiuh, ^anry, Phillis, Cecelia, Mary and Sully, If any pur nn(;raa,K'd ; ils withered leave* j est for 90 clay* will lie (iednctcd from the sum bid. are fallen ; its lia^nH'nts are on the ground. Veji: I ——- 'Tis no illusioi:. Dv atli’s wotk is done. Her hril- ' *’>’' liant eye is .-l.-s.d. lily fin.ers erase to ‘ *" WEEKLY ALMAN.\C. SroTEXM, I .Sun I Sun i'mwnV t'l i 18J3. InseHlsets.j 16 Saturday, 6 56,5 Ji 17 Sunday, 6 57:5 3 18 Monday, 6 57 5 3 19 'I’ueaday, 6 SH 5 2 ao Wednesdays 59 5 1 21 'I'burtiday, 6 6!* 5 I 22 Friday, |7 015 0 /■‘or Fiovtmbrr, n. II. M. Ust 4 1 13 New 13 First 19 Full 27 0 IH 2 2»- 1 47 S. alfn. nll’n, ".'■rn, -u. THE MARKh'l». tw ine tlie lurthi r’s hair or pl-ny UjkiU hrr chcelt.— (111 her liprf tliiit oiiCC spoke elntjuently, is pri-s^cd next, d Vuliiablo Tract of Land, the land of the proiHJity riiid tract (uiitanis about 300 neccosiBry uf mo hue a qii .lity i* brought itilo inarkat, and all ho wish III purufiase valuable real estate will do I'll to attend. A credit of 1, 2 and 3 vcsrs w ill bo piven. N. W. ALEXAJVD1;R, I'rustre. .Vor. 1 1. tilts .Mr. Cl-vv arrived m Lowill at 12 c>Vl'.ck on I'riday. In the afternoon he \isitel the manulacturing estahlishinents, and 111 the evening, met the citj7.ens at the Town Hull. Mis lion r Lt. C!ov. Ann- strona, Hon. I^lward Everett, and several other di.stiiiguiahed g«>ntleinen, accoinpH- liiedhimoii hi.>» journey. He was cordially m'eived by all the inhabitants, without (lihiinction of party, lie has declined thu invii.ition of the citizens of Portland, to visit that place, «iii account of the advanecil state of the season, and cngngemenls which prevent him. On'riiiirsduy .Mr. Clay was greeted at Mount Auburn hy three revo lutionary soldiers, brothers, of whom the two oiliest, b!ing H(j years old, were tvvms; the' third was 70. The fiOv»e|| Juuriial ;in\s there art) four other tirothers and sis ters of tlif funily, and that the youngest ol them i* (i2 vears of age. All three of the eldest foU£;lit througli th" wliiile revolution, nnd tho twins were in tho l^oncord fight togctlR'i. A verdict of five hundred dollars was ob tained at llartrord, ('onn. by a man against nnother indiv idiial, for carelessly ullowint; his horse to run on the jmvcinetit, and knock down the plaulilf. a htar some distance from the earth, re- iimiiied several seconds spread out in length like u streak of hghtnmg, m great brillian cy, and then gradually vanished. We understand this phenomenon v» as first s**«n between l‘i nnd 1 o’clock, was prece- i itie aeul ol mleuce. Her vvit.xeu U'ttuty is in tin | ,„ Mi-cklenburg eounly, uiljoinirg d«d by a report similar to that «if a cannon, ! ?fave ; and prii f ha* t’ung her muutle o'er many Mrs Smurtt and iJr. Fox, and lately ami cof.lini,t>d till .)»v light. It occasioned 1 “ j •»>>'« ‘«"tai no litllf iiru'n.iiin'a^ amnnrr ,.f th« 1 rT‘"C “''d liicurn Our “comiort!-1 "criN IS in a g«ol ^.tale ol lnlprovemcn^ u well n . 1 ttte urn asincih among some ol the I v„ . 1 watered and has on it a cood Dwelling House and j»l« here. It was luderil an intrrestmc and ^ ,, I necc.aary out-houMs. It i.v-ry s«ldoin that land sublime di>p!ay ol'cel. slial pbcnr^oen.i.—I *■//•r'U-bt vonrl Uje b«mnd. of time, H, .rc .1,11,^ .....ncco give a satistactory « vplanati .n ol this pho-1 ^i.d bioom to ii.d. no more.” I ..oinenon ; but appr. heii.l it was in some do- j ij; „ „n anprl’s harp ! gree, it not w hully, occasi'.ned hy a sudden and singn mi tujjel’s wmg, tim. e wiio eouid i;ol, on , changeinthctcmjifratureoftheatmotiphire. | earth, d. tain her »,irit, may wijie away thiir tears, l •>'»! o » i and by tlie *;r«sji ol'living laith on Him m Iio is Llie [ W JL vliU.* JU 3 Peter V. Daniel, Es]., of Richmond, has “l^» and the Lite,” prepare tl.emselves ! ^ 1 declined the olVwe of Attorney (Juiieral, ten- } ted on the Charlotte road kading to ll.*ailieH Ford, { dercd to biui bv the President, ll is the ' | 3 miles uIkjvc lIo|)cvvtll Cliurch, is receiving and l third oliice w hich he has refust'd., j Died, in Lancastcrviile, S. C. on the 12th in»t.' I of pulmonary airietion, .Mr. Tl.imtas Mu»on Hob- j 4’ S^nrral assortment of Seasonable WiliiamCUston, of North Carolina, ar-i'*•7;I 10^ tltt'Siti ’ ’ Mr. kol.biiih, who has b.en travelling in the riVf-C in town last evening, from the South, ' Southern States lor several months, was a resident i i • xr „ by lit,'7 ' Ucu a Hicinbor ot the ConirrefrutioiiaJ Churuli in ^ . that piaee. Ilis health lia» long been infirm and I he Richmond Kliquirer publisheslhe fol- I lus surtVred much iVo.n re|.eat.d attacks of hem- I')' attention low ing extract of a letter from the Secretary :orrhage at tin; lungs. His premutuic death is of W ar to Mrtjor .McIntosh, tJommander of' ^ attnouted to this cause. Indeed, the U. S. troo(W at Fort Mitchell, it drn- FAYETIUVILLE, NOV. 12. Brandy, Vog. $1} a 2; Peach 55 a fit)( Afple 2Ha33; BaconiialU^; Beeswax 17aI7^; 23 a 25; Coffee 13^ a 15; Cotton 11i n 124; ( r>rn f>5 u '(Oj Flaxseed 145 a 150i Flour 5J a 51 ( lia. thers 34 a 3li; Iron a 5^; Lard 10 a II; Mo. lasses 3H a 40; Oats 32 a 35; Nails, cut 6:| h (3^ ; wrought 16 a 2U; Itum, Jamaica 140 a (K); New Knvlaiid 45 a 50; Kite 3^ a 4; &'ugar, hrowr 10 a 12; eoininon lU a 11 ; lx)al und I.iinip 14 il IB; •Vail, Liverpool G.S a 75 ; Turk’s Island 62^ a '01 .Steel, American 8a}*; Eng. blistered 16 a 20; (.»r. man 14 a 15; Tallow !l a 10; Wheat 85 a UO | Whiskey 30 a 35 ; Wool ly a 20. CAMDF.N, NOV. 9. Country I’roiturr.—Baron 12 a 15; Beeswax 13 a M; Cotton 13 a 13J ; Corn 56 a 62; Flour, N. C. Ca H; Lard 12 a 15.i; Tallow 10 ii 124; Whuut $1 a IJ; Feathers-30 a .35; Whiskey 35 a 45{ Brandy, Peach, 50 a 00; Apple 35 a 40. cor.UMBiA, NOV. n. Bacon 10 a 12.1.; Bale Ko|* 10 a 12; Brandy, Ap. pie 40 a 50; Peach 75 a 00; Butter 12J a 18; Cot- ton 14ia 15.^; Cotton Bogging, Hemp 22 a 25! Tovir 17 a 18; Coflcc 14 a 17 ; Corn 75 a 00; Flour, Country a 00; Iron, Swedes 5 a 0; Country 4 a 5; I.eBd 9 a 10; I.ard 12^ a 15; Molasses 40 a 501 Nails 8 a 0; Oats 37J a 00; Rice 2i a 3; A’alt in sacksa3; in bulk 75 a 00; 6'tel, German Hi a 18; Blister 10 a 12; (!ast 25 u 30; Siigiu-, loaf IG a 20; Brown 8 a 12; White Havana 12^ a 14; Tallow 10 a 12^ ; Whiskey 45 a 50. rHERAW, NOV. 5. Bacon 10 a 12^ ; Huttcr 15 a 20; n> csvrax 16 a 17 ; Bagging, tow 22 a 00; Dundee 24 a 25; Cof. fee, prime green, 16 a 16; 2d and 3d qualities 14 al5J; Colton 13 a I3J,; Corn TO a 75; Flaxseed $1 a 1 j; Flour 5^ a 7^ ; Feathers 32 a 3.>; Iron, Swides 5 a 0; Knglish 4^ a 5; Lard 1(1 u 12^ ; .VIolassrs 40 a 50; Nails 7^ a’8^; OatK 35 a 40; Linseed Oil SI j •> l^i 12 » 12]; Sugar, Muscovado prime llj a 12i ; com mon 9 a 10; lAiaf and Lump 15 a 18; Salt, Liv. erpool 75; in sacks, 4 bushels, 3 a 0; Teas H a I.' ; Tallow 10 a 12; Sled, blister 8 a 10; (Jcrman 14 n 15; Wheat 90 a «1. Hoprirtll, AV. M, 1R33. G.S.Sn.AW, (>4tf and low prices, to merit their continuance. He deems it unnecessary lo enumerate the articles, as they consiK*. of all articles generally kept in this the f. ». tro..(W at ^ort Mltcliell. It drn-S -1- "sVa^kinVin^hesUeetrana ihTflow o”t | of country. He pledges him«;lf his prices endit to the Administration, and wo record 'blood was so copious Uiut he was threatened with 1 »h“ll'>^a*l»wasany inurchant in Charlotte or Ui 18 it with great plousurc. ' itniiicdintc stranjjuUlion. I' roni timt event which ! country Extract of a UtUr fron, thf Secretary War to ' "! fe'f-dually dc- J. S. McIr,lo.,h,JatrdOrlof,tr-JHIh,lt,-S:i. , clining uiud lus dt'atli. , ■ V I.. I .It . I 1 ew w.tsuns, inrbaiis none, ever exhibited more I VCl'nr’It' MK_\ onr letter o the 21st instant to .Major i composure and resi;;nation under such an atilic- j . t T 1 I r . (.ereral .Macomb has U-en laid ^forc me-and, A I.L l^-rsons are hereby forewarned from tra-, in answer, 1 have lo in form you. that you will in- sfikingly exemplitied. The • f ’ ter,Km. noob..Ucle to the «,-rvjce ol I-gal process , j "Criber « 1 homas H^ver, lor H50 dol ars, dated u|«n any .'Ihcer or soldier under }>ur eommand, ' M«nv fiicnd, surrmn.d.d hiin- hut the first ol September and payable ninety t .J,.*, „f ,i,cof; i; 1! r' Alabama, or o. the Lnlted .Vales : t)n the eontra- ■ ai«coiuH rtion. It was not ihe prin- i TT T I ? I'HTefore , ny part 01 the -nihtary torce of the L'n.Ud State, , D' 'I’he Yorkville Whig will insert 3 weeks | should be brought into collision with the civil an- |,igg,,ui and ibrward the account. t^^iority. In all .,uesl>ons of jurisdiction, it is die ^ ^ dutyol thotormerto -uhmit U> the Utter, and no | , reuirrcnce of L hemorrhage, he ' , ‘ F .^nr^ ' considerations must n^erlerc with that duty. little, howe- j 11^ ver, iinilbrinly expressed an affecting conviction ' of his ow n sinfulness, a firm beliel in tlie doc trines of the (ios|H'l, an unwavering confidence in our lAird Jesus ('hrist, and an unsliaken reliancc upon 111* meritorious sufferings tor salvation. The Bible was his delight. Otlen, when it was read to him. would Jiis counterancc brighten and glow from the pious fervor that dwelt within. He loved prayer; it was the atmo|ihere which he breathed. He loved Christians anii took pleasure in their spiritual coi'versatioii. He k.ved the Church and prayed for her prosjierilv and (H'ace duty. “If, lhere(i>re. an officer of the .State or of the I’nited Stalls rome with legal process against yourself, or an otRw-r or soldier of your garrison, yon will freely admit him vvithiit tour post, ai.U allow him to execute his writ undi;>turb«d." Francis S. Key, Esq. IT. S. Attorney for (he District of Columhiu, pawwd through this city ou Tuesday night Inst, on his way to Alabama. Il is ui’derstood that the ob- Ject of his visit to that Slate is, to have the soldiers who were conceined iu the killing of Col. Owens, tried liefore tho L'uited States Circuit Court.—Ral Star. An ExfH-nnre Meal,—.\t the Zoological (lurdens. Regent’s Park, a lady was holding a hi«cuit to the elephant from tho top of her reticule, the nnimal mistaking the extent of the lady’s generosity, seized the reticule with Ins trunk, nnd conveyed it with its medilate and s(>eak and hear of death. It was the messenger w hom he e.vpectcd soon to discharge his spirit from its bonds of clay and bear it to a mansion in heaven. As he loved that which was eood, he also abhor red that which was evil. Sin was a burden to bis soul aiid he iiighml for lielivcranee Iroiii it. He died as he lived, in peace with God, in |>eace uith the world, in peace w ith himself. His List moments were not piculiarly marked, except by tranquility. He lell into a profound sleep which seemed to Imi sweet and refreshing, hut he nerer more awoke ; it l>ecaine the sleep of death. The spirit w hich he contents (a £10 note, some l.iose money, | maniicsted during his sickness and the holy com- and a bunch of kevs,) into his stomach, to posnre and delight which he felt in view of death! the dismay of the lady nnd the amusement I welUuited to prompt the wish in the heart* ■ ^.1 . , I f J ioftho5clhal saw him, “Othat 1 miyhtdie the of the bystanders. London jmjier. i t(,e righteous and my last end be like _ ||j^„ ! by Patrick Parker, on the 21st day of Jan- uary, 1832, Ibr the pur)>OKeR tlurein mentioned, 1 vvill procced to sell on the 4lh day of December j next, in the town of Charlotte, the following , projierty: | One IloMMC nnd Lot in Charlolle, sitnuled between the lots of P. Ilar- ty and II. B. Williams, known as lot No. 177, One Megro Man and One Negro Wemian, One Waggon and Team, He lov«d to consisting of two (irnv and t.^o Sorrel Horses, l>r. TllOn AM Surgroii ihntist^ OFFl K.'' his professioiiNl servires lo the citi zen* of Chnrlolleand its vicinity. He may be liiund at Mr. Hayes' Tavern, when not proli's- ^ionally eii|[nged. Ladies wniti ilon at their plates of rcsiiklicc. iV(;c. 15,1&33. BfOTK K. HAVINti this day fmsljioned tho sale of the Lands of the estate of Mrs. Jane Eineritn, (deeeased,) to llio lOth day of January next, at which lime they vvill ho sold i^sitively at the Court House in Charlotte, N.C. S.\M’f,. AT’COMR, Execnitr. \ovcmlii'r 1^,1 ‘'-.'I 01 ."'w Also, all his Household Eurnitiire. Terms made known on the day of sale. SAM’L .M’KEE, Trustff. A'or. 11, IM.r f.l 3t ATTK\TlOX: Rifle l*oltinteers. 'S'^Ol' are hereby commanded to m appear at McCord’ old tiv'lds, on Friday, tho fith o” Decemlx r, j armed and equipt as the law direrts. lo do nii'.ilary duly, precisely at 10 o’clo'k. W .M. F. ALEXANDER, Viiptain. Nor. n, 1S33. 2w I N. B. We think all the ineinbe;-* of this com- : pany vvill do well to attend on that day, as there i is some very impurtant company business lo be I attended to. W. 1’. SliKRIFFS’ DEEDS, Lajiris sold for Taxes; for Lands sold under a Writ of Fieri Facias; and tor Lnnri- gold under a >N'rit ofVendiliori Expftn?—fnrp."!.^ :it this r. )»50 UEWAitD V V/'H/L be given tor the apprehension of a ▼ * Boy named JIM, about 5 lett 8 inches high, yellow complexion. Said negro 1 purchased from bavid Moore of this county, 18 miles east of ('li&rlotte. I will give the above reward lor said boy if apprehended between this and the 20tb of Jannary next. GREEN HUIE. Charlotie, A'ot>. 11, 1833. 63-tit €if>tu'ral aiflvertisenu'tU- SEEDS, trees. P[,.VN'I>!. mMESTIC ANI- MALS, IMPLEMENTS. BOOKS, Vc. &c. fiir tialr at thr AMERICAN FARMER ESTABUSH.MENT, AV>. 1 (i. South Catttrf Street, Baltxmure, Md, J'P]HE subscriber preaeiits his respects to far* ^ niers. gardm rs, and dealers in Seeds tlinmgh. out the United States, particularly his cuslDiners, and informs them that he is receiving from Euro|ie, from his own Seed Garden, and from various parts of this country, his annual supply of FILL!) AND (iAHDEN StEDS; and that he will by the tirst of November, be prepared to execute orders, v^ iiole- sale and retail, with promptness and accur.-iey, at as low prices and on as favorable terms as can be afforded by any dealer in the L'niltd Sutes, for Jlifi rate articUi. t RUIT and ornamental trses and plants, grape, vines. Biirubbery. bulbous and other flower / jts. will be procured to order from any ol tin princi pal Nurseries or Gardens in this countrj, lor most of which the subscriber is agent; also, PLOUGHS, harrows, cultivators. >-traw cutlers, w heat tans, corn-shellers, threshing machines and all other kinds of .AgricuUural and Horticultural Implements, will be procured Irom the best man ufactories in Baltimore. DOMP.STIC Animals, particularly cattle of the Improved Durham Shorthorn. Uie D* von and the Holstein breeds; sheep of the Bakewell. South down, and various fine wooled bret>ds; swine of several valuable kinds, especially of 'he Burnit* breed; various kinds of [>ouItry. such as the white turkies. Bremen and Westphalia geese, game and other fowls and several oilier species of anm als, all of choice breeds {and no others,) are either kept for sale at the ex|>eriniental and breeding liirin of this Establii>!!!irent, or can be procured from tlie bfit sourccs, to order. IKWKS. Agricultural. Horticultural and Botan ical. in much greater variety than at the bookstores —some of them tare and |>articularly valuablti, arc kept constantly for sale. In short, all article/ wanted by farmers and gar. dencrs in the prosecution of their business, are in tended either to be kept on hand, or within reach when called for. And though last, not least, that old and well know n vehicle of knowledge (the most valuable of all commoiritiesfor a tiller of the soil)—the .^.MER. IC.\N FAU.MER, is [lublished this Es- tabiishinont, at $5 a year, where subscriptions and enmmnnieations are respectfully solicited,address ed, as all letters must be. to the editor and propri. etor. I. IRVINE IHTCHCOt K. Note.—An “ Extra” number of the American Fdraier. containing a Prospectus of the Establish- mint, and a catalogue of Seeds, and other articles for sale, vvill be sent gratis to any p»;rson who shall furnish his address, pnst ftaid, Ibi that purpoee. Th«* imerican Tarnier, Published by I. Irvine Hitchcock, is issued every Friday in lialtimore, atper annum, in advance. Contents of the 34th NuuiIkt, XV Volume. Editorial, lodging of Wheat; The Hop Cul. ture; On writing tor the American Fanner—Oo the farina of fruit blossoms—Weevil, inquiry— Orchard Grass—A .Miscellaneous Article of Ex. perimenta and Uesults on a small Southern Plan, tatirtn—On the Culture of Hops. Botanical De scription. History, Soil, PUntiiig, Dressing, Pol- ing. Tying, (iathcring. Drying and Bai’i,.'iog->. Stirring the earth a relief against Drot'^'ii—On the culture of llrchnril Grass—Diseovcivol Iu.. (lian (’.iirn—Scraps—Ths Worm Destruct've of Peach Trees—(irapes worth having—Oij i .Metb. nil of preventing the Attacks of Calt pillars— Large Hog—How lo cure good Bacon—To rcsioro .iiwleil Potsitw.f—Lafayette College—(Vl'on Seed Oil—'Hie Rhode Island Agricultural, .Meeh.mical and Classical School—Priccs iu ths Baitiujoie Ma-ki t—.Xdvertiscnat-nfj