THE MINERS’ AND FARIVTERS’ JOURNAL. POKTRV. From the lUic« Observer. THE UNNATURAL MOTHER. ■ V K. lARKCK. It I* related among ihe liorrors of the rrtrrat ftoDi Mvicow, tliat a mother abandoned tier child onl; five years oid, in spite of its tears aud cntrea- ties. Th« Hcanc was witnessed by the generous The Rubscriberti r‘s|H-ctfaily infarm their t'ricTidH und tlx* public tliat they arc now re- ceivinf; their supply of l'nll and IViiifrr ItioodM, ronsistmi; of Frenrli, Britiiih and liiiiia Cuuds' Nev. Twice did lie replacc U.e infant in the arm. | - . .... . ■ ' or Country irodurc. I i-rsons nan alw be ucconi. of it* Uofialural .Mother, and »wic« did she caM , witheoods by the single picct. bim oB*on the frozen snow. The inhumnn act did not )(o unpunis^icd—Uie Mothtr ptrithed, uud ihr Child teas tattd. An inlaot’s cry—an in&nt’s prayer, Mingling with deep distresti. Rose on tiie quiet pri'sxingf air, In all its belplcssiirsN. *Tv\ as like the music of the wind In nature's melody, That plays ii|H>n the froxen snow Of winter’s jewelry. His little arina oxtended wide— His lips in suppliant prayer t Looked 10 the mother at his side. And sought itx safety there; But horror had enslavt’d her heart; She iclt a demon's glow. And bude the child from her depart, T® perish or» the suow. Twicc from its mother’s arms ’twaa cast; Unheeled was its cry ; The cruel (lariMil onward past, And l«t\ her child tu die. tjpiiii it* lovely “waxen face” Thu tears of narrow rest; Yet Mbrcv found no dwt llinp placo U’lthin iJiat moUicr's breast. Ifrr iH-art was like a flinty stone. It Iflt no (jrief or joy ; Shr had nn love, do tieling—iion« For her d.,- t.ted boy. CuiArd is the soul that thus could hear An inllint’s nieltinp cry ; Tliat Ihut couM acc its suppliant tear. And leave it then to die. Pear no*, a voice exclaims on high, Above tl.c snow-uhilf mild; “ I who have heard the mourner's cry, \V ill now protect this child ; And tliow It hose heart is s'alcd and dried Unto the infant’s prayer, Sh.ill Icel di nolatioii's tuncly tide, TIh’ cruel heart's dcupair.” The soldiers that beheld the scene, .And saw the inraiitV (ears. Alwndoned her lio should ha\e been Protrctor of it* years, ■While Mrrry bade Ihe noble N»:y Tilt Iwcly infiiit cherish; And vhe who cast the pearl away It MS Itfl aluae to ptruk. f'nshionnMr t'ull tttnl IVitifer Jutt frtim l‘htlud(lphia ttrul .\ev-York. FV^dKSiiharrilx^r is nnw rtrxivinir uid 0|Hcing JL a larj,'e ajid handsome iwsorluient uf (initable for the seawn, iKxight before Goods had advanc'd hut very littlf. HIS srm;K roNsisD* or Pnperfinc Blu»', 131ack and Olive Cloth Ortninwi do Sled mix'd Sattinets Itiack lialLin Silks Ciro «k' Nap. f*rudei)«ie, I,utr»lrinjj, Paltin, Sin- chew,fhaiigt able Orren & Sarcenctts, all colors Meriii'w, Printed .Muslins Merino, Silk and Fancy Shawl*, Rilk (Jlovrs and .'Stockings ALSO They have on hand a good assortment of • liUitury €!oo(ls (lolri Lace, MUitury Huttim.i, various kituis, Hiirseiitfn's Caps, Swordit, Holsters, PLstoln, c^'c. t^r. S.MITH &. WILLIAMS. Orf. in. |HM.__ 5;iif smj: of riiilniidrr Ale\aiidrr'w i\\ I LI. otTer li)T sale, ul the lale ri sid iico ot Pliiiundcr .Mexunder, on the'JC'thof .Novem- lier next, all tlie pio|ierty of said dcceaxcd uot willed, cunsihting of Cort), Ftxhitr, Cotfon, Jloiuchold anil Kifchcti Furniture, Hof^x, Shetp, Cattle, One Larf'e Ui,t'i/», Fanninf; I'ltiutilx, t^r. Also, .1 or 6 rrr///jAt/v .IVyrOfW,' CYKl-S ,\. ALKXANbtU, l.uculur. Oetolier i!l, 1n33. ti|.5w To JuiiriirviiK'n C'nhinrt .TlakorM fW^IlE aubi'crllMT, roidiiij; in Charlotte, is de- ' J. siroiis of obtaining go^i workmen in the j above buiiincss, h ill give einploynicnt to one or two I first rate workmen, if application Im' made iinnie- IdmUly. JO.S P.PKITCIIAlil). Or/, u'.”}. iNlS. tiltf I.AN1I AND J^KfiJKOKS M'»n S^tMjE, Y virtue of a Dei d of Trust, executed by Henry W’orkinan Condor to us, lur ce'.'tuin pi.rpu«eH therein siieeilied, oij the !jrtii day of , lKi3, wo will seJl at Public Sak, a Trart of containing 242 acres, situntu and lying on the CatawiM Uiver, in Iredell county, about five milrs abive lleiitties Ford. 'I'lie Tract contains a large porlion of low grounds, and ik eoiifcidered u very valuable Tract. Also, FI prKK.\ koks, conKisti'.ig of iWrn, H untrti, liuytand likely and valuable. Also, all the Slork tiHti i'rop on said plantation. The sale will b«! on the above dcscrilied land. 'I'eriiis ol .Sale will be then and tlicre made known. KOBT. II. HI KTON, M. BKLV.\KD, Trunlftt, Oft. H 1P.13. 58.!;/ HoyiVn MAttr of i*ost ( oitrhes, I»LANTATION FOR SALF. >|^IIE subscriber oti'ers for sale hit plHiitation vJi, on which he now refiidus, lyiug on the head waters of Steel (^letik, containing 1K5 acres.— 'i'lurc is on the prciiii.‘H.'s a good I)welling House aud other out-huuvcb: also, a (iood Orchard. SA.V’I- NF.LLY. Or/. 2.% lau bl.3wp i> 7 Di*. I>. K. Iliiiilap Sff M jkFl'r'KS his services to the Public, • y " " in the dirt'erent hruiichts of his Profession, but espcciHlly in •ISitht'ifiry. NeeesKity seems to rei|uire it. Ills charges will be moderate; and so proportioned, that while the rich are attended, tlie pour shall not b«s neglected. Si'jittnilirr, 1S33. 8ttJ3 .\«)TIt'K. ■ ■ JERSONS living in the bounds of the Town M Company, ('apt. IVwese's Company and I apt. Harry's CuMi|Uiiiy, who have not paid tin ir I taxes, arc rei|iioi>li.d to route and settle between tlilK I and tJic Noveii>b r Court*. J»XS. .MeftNAl t.11KY.S,\eriJ^. Orl. I«/, lf».1ll. ,')'-tc KtK'Uy Bi«rr A'ait‘iiiy. Vt I, .N'K \L A.SU M.V'I Ilh.M.U l( AL St IH X )l, hat bi'i'ii o)>r iH U in an .\cad> my laUly built, hxatid near Ko' ky Kiver i hiircli. 'I’lie year will le divided into t^o .S-sbHHis: cacli live moiitlis,one eoiiimencing the Istol July, j the other the 1st ot JaiiiiHry I Tuition at the rale of Sl'u |»cr sessions. Iliiard can be oljttim'd in re»ii*clable famihes at tiie rale ol >.» |k r nkjiitli. The *.iib.'*cril>er proiiiisrs to spare no pains to de. Tp|ope ill' taeiilti.N and to itivu a healthy tone to the niincls ot' th( youth entrusted to Inn eare. 'I'he coume will b« tegular and extensive, embracing sll braiiebe* essentikl tor cult ring tl.c Junioi ( lai>* in lulji gi s. 'I'lie disiipiinc will be tlioroiigb. StUiii'iits can enter at any tiine and a eorrt'«iion- ding dedurtiuu Mill be made in Tuition. l{. I. .MelKAV I;LL. Calmnriit ro. S/pt. I f33. .'itif ~ niu i I. A it i.staMishmfiif. C'll.VKLOIO.N, Mil itj- \Kol,l> A, ^ Si/ttrmhtr \ft, I "33. ^ fl^HK Siib«cribrrs beg leave to inlorm tin ir -M. Iru iids anil tin publie, that tliey have enter ed into L'ojMirti.i r^liip, undtr tin hrni ol »llar tin mart! ^ I'hdttn 4* in. Anri will ojK'n a .Vlere;inti|e Kul.iblii.liiiicnt in liiiiiniiif; i ICC II ud k mill oiii k, tnlircen Charlotte, A. C. and Camden, S. (\ rjj^lIIE Profirietor of this line informs the public, I\oli«*c lo Klirrifn*. rp^llE Shuiiti's ol those Counties where a vote jL was taken at the August Elections for and against a rhini);t uf Ihr Consliliitinn, will please make returns of the votes to his Excellency the tJovernor, at Knleitrh; ond in ortler to provide a. gninst the eoiitiiigeney of a niiKcarriage in the •Mail, they will oblige me by sending the same to me also; at Salisbury, N. C. On behalf of llie Meeting held at I}aleigh, TilO.'VlAS ij. PoLK, Chainnun. S.;pt.2, If S3. ~ A Br%%nB«oir ;/! « hi; .'^ubscrilKT having ^ no prosiKM-.t of iH'ing ngain able to (K'rforin the la. Iiors of the niinislry ; and feeling, in romnion with other men, the ini|iortaner SADDLES & If AKNf T. ASBLKV & CO. AVE on hand and will con. tiniie to manufacture at ,tlieir Shop in tlic aouth-east wing' of Mr. Spring's Briek Uuildinj;, £.(nlies and GentUmi'U'>H of a superior style ol workiiianahip and good north- cm materials, by the Messrs. Jettons, of Lincoln county, who arc well known in the western part of th State as superior workmen—Also, Saddlebags, Valiimes, Martingales, Riding Bridles, Coach ^ Gig Harness, Carryall and Wagon Harness, Horsemen's Caps Sf , Holsters, and all other articles usually manufactured in shops in Ihe Southern States. In addition to tiie above, we have on band a grU'. eral ascortment of tlig and Coach Mounting, Bri dle Hilt, Stirrvp Irons, and all other articles ne- cessary to trim oft’ Saddles and Harness, whiell will be sold low for cash. We request the public to call and examine the materials and work manufactured, hear prices aud judge for theniHclves. Charlotte, Dtc. 7, 1832. I5tf Four or five journeymen Saddle and Ifarncs* Makers is wanted, to which good wages will bo given, by applying to JiVS. T. ASULTJY A CO. that he has lately furnithed him»:elf vntj, I ^ new coaches an.l he hope-* that he wil noir be en- ble him to provide for the wants of a rising familv. abled to render satislaetion to Iho-^ who may tra- I j.asoiHiied a K.^,k Slord in hatlolfr, N. C. He vcl on his line. I lu- mail Icavts Charlotte every , b, |„ ves. that such an establishmeni was needed re*»- nnd all Sunday aud WtdrieHdaymornii.f-svidrUurnsev.j in W eslmi siction of our State. He ery Monday ami 1 liurs.lay w nings. Persons ,,^c,rul|y i„vit,-s his friends ae.iuaintancesnnu a., wishing lo make an cX|jediliou^ trip to N. w.\ ork, j ^^ho feel any it.lercM in his nndertaking, to call are informed thsl by ( harleston tlw shortest pas- and sce his 'lJooks. He will l«- hap|.y lo cxeeuU- sage can Ik- made, a steam U«,t starting for New , „HS.e »ho live at a distance. ■V ork every other .Satur.lay--lhe pasra^e iH ing | ^ j^rtonmdin . days. 11,„ line w.tersecU wilb M. di^ne, most of the Ore* k the Cliarltslon liueat Camden. Charlottf, All p. 20, If-33. THO BOYD. lualilc wf>rks in k and I.atin ( ltts-ics, and other books usd in oiirSrhoolt and ■\eadt niies, msny works in Theology, and many ^ Mis-eKaneoiis Isioks siiiled lo almost every class of readers, lie will Ih- able to procure on favorable terms, any bfsiks lo Ix- found in the Northern liailiiiior* l>iH‘ i'oiiiidi’y. ^ H ' HE Proprietors of till-Ifciltiinorc Tyi>e Foun. Cities, or in the lAindon Market. It will give M. dry resjieellully inlorm the j rinters in the - him pleasure to st-sisl profi salonal gentlemen or I niti'd Slate', that thiy are now jirt-|Mred lo fur- i private citizens in enlarging their Librsries, or in nish them with a variety of letters suited lo book, ' piirchssing ni-w ones. He looks with confidence news and job work, at priMs lln same as lliey can ^ and re«;)e(:t to an enlightened eommunilv for en- Im.' obtained at trom oilier foundries—coiiMsting ; vonragem> nl. I).\NIEL (JOl'F.D. C'liarleMoii and C'heraw. raiHE .sTi;.\M uoat ^ MACOX, apt. J. C. tiraham. having ab-cn engaged the last sum- iiiei . iiiL ir.idi running between ('harleston and I heruw, calling at (Jeorgetown on her way up and down, will resume her tri|ii in the course of a lew days, and is intended to lie continued in the trade the ensuing season. The exceeding light draft of water, drawing only four and a half feet when l->adMl, will enable her to reach t.'lieraw at all limes, eieejil u|sjn an uncommon low river, when her cargo will be lightened at tlie exptnse of the float. Comfortable accommo'lationii for a few passen gers, with oil due atleiition. J. B. ('LtJUGH. CharU.tton, Srpt. 2G, 1831. 56tf prinei|>ally of tlie lulluning siies, viic; Nonpareil [ Ureal Primf r Chin loti f, .V«y 23, 1K33. 3:itf I P. S. I have coiilraeled with the Secretary of I the A. T. ."i. for an E«(itinn of the Clirii.lian .Mn a- I nac for Nurlh-Carolina, for It will contain . I'.* paifes iimre of useful matti r than hitherto and I Ix's ,ld at Ilie same pricr. It »ill l>e p iblishol in I July, iinil iiisy be had by the dozen or hundred, of ' John P. Havdi, No, 1 1-} N ipsail street, X. of llurhes \ Turner, Huleigh, and at the Charloltt- Iliwk .Store. * *“■ ' Clll.KAW . S,C. on the l-l. »etoi« r n. U. !0L'|{ .STt K K will (oiiiprise all the b-adiiig ar- tieles, llt't’l.^sar) lor Uie country, wi.ich wo Kill seil al till lowest prices, and our purchaxrs will extend to all descriptions ol country product, lor j nhii’b we ill |iay the liigftest priies. , ,, ,, I .Mr. Joll.N ,>IA(iHA'l'll, lor louiiy years larce ny si-ur Hat, and Cups ,|ycstabli.h,dasa A larg.; quantity of brown ^ bleachcd IlomCipun ' rior ({'lality Common do. Children’s do. Puporfirie Silk and Fur Hal* Co’iiiiiDn do XVool do .Minion I Doubb. Piea Bievier j l)i,ubli' English lluurgeois I iKfutle (irtul L’timc lying Primer j Caimn Small Pica I I'lvi Lines Piea Pica I .Sevtn Liuea 1'n.a Enu'lish I .Nonp:ir il "] Hrevur Inturgiois i . , I'run.r I'l.a Four Line' I'.ca J Six l.iiie-. Pi d, iiiiiamriiteU Ei;/t.t l.intB I’lea, Xnliijue I.ighI I.mis I'l.' a, I'lijt. d l iijiil Lines I I d, Oak l^-af l.igbt Lints I’lia, orndi.ienlrd, A t. To;;et„cr with loads. htaMi rule, ilu.lies, plain land ornamentid; a great Vdriet) ol'!lo\%cr.>i ami ... eut«, suitable tor hook«, newi.|Mp rs und hantlbiiis, l> 'irtne of two l>ei ds of Tru>-t lo me execiiti-d card boiderK, A.e. A r. I'V the said navidsoii, fur the lH.iiefit of the Ilan'K Orders lor any of the above, as also tor pre^sef., of Newf'-rn, John Irwin, SuuiucI .MeCoinb and ea»is, gjlieys, ink, variii-h. or any thins recjuired '^trms, t ash. in IIk- completion m an j.tfiuc, will bt- t.\eiuiei on I . " • MORIUSOX, Truntrr. Il rms favorubit as at any otiier e-.Ub;i»ii«iiiit of a ’ _Clinrlntlf, .V. C. S>/,l. fith, l'.‘!3. ^Is similar kii.a m ll.t I nitidSuiwi. ' vim •/'/'/11.'*\ / ■//; I'Wuti I \ i D!dT3p.«illbe Uken .0 exchange at U c. nis ' MUt 1 JJ-L A hULl A, ;tr ;>ounl, dclivend at tin Fouiidrv. I K'- «'oi \t\. Air. I.dwin ■''larr, who has lonu'brrn en'-a'»id ff I'lcat and (Jiiatirr Setnont, Aiiimsl .. .1 ■ _ T loo #'«/{ OS Ihe lOlh and 11th days of January rii .'(t, at the Court- Houi-e in Charlotte, .MeeMrnburg County, NcMth-CaroIina, I will sell ihr proptTly ni U illiani I)av»ilM>n, A\.0 A f.AlGK ar-ANTITT OF IBai'duari* and i'lillcry, Ci’orkrr;/ a tut ti r o rrr i c s. Together with everv uther artii le suitable lor Ihm market, all of whicii he will sell at the very lowest market pricis. Factor ty Commisxion Mtrrhant, III Charli-vtim, has «tarlrd his steunilioat LllillK'iV, on thi; Peu 1> e, leween iCtmrlestoii and Cheraw, to Hi.1111 I...ill di I as ,\;;enls, whirh vull give advantages and laeilUus, that few (sxiiets. It in carrying on Ihe business, is sujxrintendiiig llie Italliniori Foundry, anil froiii bis «ill known sx- |K-ri nee, will U. enabled lo attvi.d to the orders ol Print)Ts in nuch a inniiner, lor proiiiptuesa aud ac curacy, as tu ensuic satisijciioii. I . LC( .VS. Jr. Agent of the [)..ltiiiiore Type b'oundry. I »■ Printers of .\w«|>«|*t-rs who will ]>ubli>.h this advi rtisiment to the auiount of two dollars. Charles Mitchell 7>rm, Ifj3. t>rigina! Attachment. AIinnNi all kinds of country produce will be ta- " >11 enable iis lo (siy the highest prices for pro ken ill exchange for (iriods. dnce, and also lo ke( p ronhtantly on hand a full His friends and customers are respoclfully in\i- snpjily ol every article neei ssary for the eoiinlry, ted to call and sue if prices will not correspond and Uj sell at \i ry rrduPed rales. 'I'he iieei «.sary witli the alAive. funds for the piir[si-«-of advances, will b« held JOHN M. MORHISON. ready, to anticipate the wishs of such as may Chuilt.llf, A'. C. Oct. ith, l^.'M. SS-.Ot j please to entrust tin ir liusiness lo our care ; and stiould the Planter or .Merchant desire lo fry tlie Adiiiiiii«trafor% Sale. c liirb ston . nrket in jirefi rence to Cheraw, we «N' Tuesday, the l;Mh .November next, at fhv "ill liirward Iheir proiduee Ihe first opfmrtunily Mnntalion of llie lale Eli Springs, dee'd. I that olfi rs, by the Steam Boat, to Mr. John .\la- will sr 11 to the highest biibler, on a credit of twelve tiralh, by vvboin every exertion will be made to cf- ; feet prompt and ndvanlogeous sales. I MACNAMAKA, PHI LAN A CO. j N. n. We have extensive Warehouses in Che- raw, where Produce, consigned to our care, will lie stored and liirwarded to ('harleston, agre«ablc HiOIitll^. T/tree % roe,Sj Fir‘ i/ 'rms, Four Mules, About sijrty hrad of Hogs, Slock of Cuttle, I’lontnlion 'I'lxds, Wagon and (Sears, Together vtilh ilie entire crop of ( orn. Cotton, Fwlder and Oats. JOHN SPKIMi.S. \dm'r. On. Ifi, IK13. b()t(i4 .XOTK’F:. \*nluuhlf Arsrocs for Saif. A. ILL lie soli), lor :ash. by the undersigned ▼ w Trustee, for the piir(wjHes in the Deed of Trust mentioned, on Monday of tiicCounty (^irl of Meeklenhurg county, at the Court.House in CiMriotte, the fiillowing N l-.ttfjl >|),S. ficbjijvijiM to fisA ^ t * 1% A ft ^ - I .11 A to ordi r. Alwi, »oh1s tor Mcrchan s and olliers, will l»e received and forwarded as dircclcd, by the first op|xjrlunity tliat ofTi rs. M. P. A Co. STATE OF MmrH.CAHiH.L\A, •Mi:( Ki.KMirm; *oi-ntv. Court nf I Itan (^umhr Sin$iont, AuguH Term, Ic33. John Wiillace i ri. f John Peniinn. Orig-nal .\llaehmcnt. L vi d on a tract of land, the profs rfv of diTm- duiil, on the waters of 1^ Mile Creek, adjoin- ing the land of VVillinni Rnjie, .Michael Polk and others. rT apficaring lo thr- satisfaction of the Coiirl, that Ihe deli ndiiiil is not an inhabitant of this 11.. ' * mat iiit ui.M IliJUill IM nOl all llllldUllBiH Ol lull* the estate of I lionias II. SuK.rtI, dec'd. lo w it : : Orrferert. l/.rrtfoir, th.l he Ik- and ap,K ar at V 'n'!' J'J[rr,n,i, ,1,^ next Court o( Pleas ai.d Quarter S. ssions, to iShSr,:.. . S: .r:'*.'i'™::«., wishing to piirelia«e valuable young negr's^s will do wiill lo attend flu- sale. N.W. ALEXANDER, 7'rii.ffe. liOte Oft. 1.5, IKI3. Valiialtic l^and Ibr .*ale. IM, Is-sold, lor i-nsb. Ill the Court llonae » » In ( harlotfi', on the ?.’.*>th of Novenibi r nerl. It Ih mg .Mondnv of Ihe County Court, a Irael of L.ind, tl.i iH fipi rty of Thomas li. .Sinartl, dec’d. joiiih ir tlie lands.,f if..hi it VViUn, Pliili|. Sii,|dl. r and iMli' rs, lo satisfy an execulion from ly ( oiirt III favor o: Weed ,V K. ,u diet and others. .r m.;CO.\>aU(;hev,w,ci-/. 0'7. li,leJ3. tjjtg county. House in Chnrlntte, on the Ith Monday in Novem ber next, and tin n nnd there pN ad, answi r, or re- plevy, otherwise judgment by default will be en ter) d against him. Witness, Kraly Oatf », '''lerk of sail Court, al Ollice, the Ith Monday of .\>igii l, ,\. D. I^3.'l. |{. OATES, C-. c. c. Price adv. \vT>l~rTr), rF applieafi'iii hi- madi- siKm, Two Journcym'’ii Coaeli M.ikjrs—otii) « hii l-maker and lln .jilu r n Ihidy-maker. To such conslant ) ii/ploy will b «iveii. iW'/'IIAN BKOWN. October 11, 1>33. 5y-lw lliomns .Mi-^'orkle. ^ L«viiil on a tract ol land, th)- property of defcn- li-ndaiit, ailjoining the lands ol Charles .Milch- rfl, Kobcrl Henderson and olhers. IT appearing lo the satisfaetion of the Court, tfiat the defendant is nut an inhabitant of this Arniutl I Uh. I'ii:). and forward a (,a|s r eonUimng it lo tfie .\g«iit, St»te, U.derrd. thrrrfotr, that he U and apiK-ar at will lit ollowid that sum in |Mirt ps)ment Ibr aii) , the next ( ourl ot PI- as und Wuarlcr Sessions, to bill tiiey make w ith tiie l aundry lor type, to tlie { Is- In Id for .Mrckh nburg couiity, al the Court, unount of III*. , ll.,u»e in Charlolt)-, on llu- Jth .Monday in Novem I b r next, mil tlx ii and there pliad, answer, or re plevy, olherw i*e ludgmcnt by default will be tn- I) red sgaiii.| him. , U lines*, HraU Oates, Clerlt of said Court, at /J If •# J/If. I '**’■ ■*'*' .'ioiiday of August, A. D. Ie,'l3. «AN \\V \ V'from the Subs)-ri. I l , V 1 L', c. c. c. ber.fiii Ihe Vflitli of I>ecemb» r laM, my N.xro U-.y j ^ ^ //.' (Hi y //.( I UOLL\A, Jl I .Mi; KI.1 Mil K; « OIM V. 9 ' Court nf I'ltag and ilmirlrr Simuns, Aupvst Term, about .‘l.i y itrs of agi', stout built, j lt33- fi-el or 'J inehi'S high, and has Saniuel T. Hutchison j a sear o» hi. I,«-* h.-«d over one of hi, e.y es, caiis. d | rs. f Original Alfaehmcnf. troni tl»«' kirk ot a lior»ir. U hen niK>kt*n lo lmi ' Kohert l*jiwinp. i ® a pleaung c.Minl.-nance and somelhinir of a down uirdTITTTda';;!', lul. rcsl in Ihe lands of An- liiok : his wearing ap;«irel nut reeo .i eli-d, and if it were his f'riend John I'ndi rwood h«i got him others, as suspicion rests very strung agaiiiat him for liarl>oring the said Ik>y. A I'urthi r row ard of TWK^'I V l>OI.I.AKS will Is- giv( n for saiil Hoy and prrmf siiiricicnt lo convict any w hile intmju of harboring him. drew Lawing, dec'd. IT app-nring to the sutisfuetion of the Court, that the dcfi?ndant is not an inhabilaiit of Ibis .S-.4le, Ordered, thnefure, lhat he hi- anil appi-ar al the next Court of Pleas and (jiiartir S-ssioiis lo Is' held lor .Meekleiihiirg county, at the Courl- Hous)’ in I barlott)-, on the llh .Monday in Novem- lier next, und then nnd there pleail, answer or rc- From inlbrin.ilion. I am led to b«lievc he ' I’lcvy, olherw is.-judgment by delault will been, has been ut work at ditrerint («>ld Mini-s through ••-''''•‘I «({n"sl him. Ihe hnv)'r eiiilol .Mei kli n!>urg Couiily, N. C. with this said John I'nih rwood in an Uiidoihundi d wsy, such as carrying oil’ the Ore af\er night and wash ing it w hen Ust suits thiir cuiiveiuence from bc- ii-.g dell ell d. John Unih rslooil, at this lime, is oHsent from his family, nnd il m-iy be that he has got in with the ll.iy to go off with him. The said l,'ndervvo;d is alMHif 30 years of age, dark coinplectid, black hair and eyev, alioul .'i fi el (i or 7 inches high, _ . . (loe-esses a mean look and is a shoemaker by trade, i •'" * i"ehi » in Id ight, spare made, dark com- is fl.nd of spii its und ly ing in negro kilchens. ' plexioii, almiit Iweiity.fivc years of age, and wore 'I he alsivc reward will Im- givi n li.r the »oy if, n«'*y « ''•’at and pantaloons. At the broiiiilit to me, or hxlged in any Juil so that 1 can ; ‘‘"'® leaving, he was under a partial abi rra- gcl him. ^ lion of mind. Any informntioii wiiieh may Im- JIWU'.MIMI CIIRF.TON. Si-n. | vvill bi- tinnki'ully received, nnd the iiilbr- U itm-ss, Hraly Oates, Clerk of said Court, at I mice, the 4lh Monday of August, A. I). IM.3. U. O.VTES, c. c. c. Price adv. III Ibritiafion W’a iilcd. SOMI': ,i-w inoiilbs since, h fl his lolging* in Woshiigton City, [sinii- when ho has not bei.-n heard from] a gentleman by llic name of .Sid ney Smith—he is of small sfnliirc, say about five till/Inn’ll Siuie, l.uiicuistrr l>i». IS. C, .S. pti-mb r !Hh, I8.'I3. If—in3iii mcr will be suitably ri wHrd)'d. Direct to IH'TCHLSON (f). Near Ihe Wist Kurkrl, Wathinijlon, P. C. roiiHtitntion of i'aroUna. . ,',^1 i-.iv i ANDoi tiii:i\i'ii;i)sta'iion M!hIvll'I^N DI'.KDN, ^■^OI! Sale ni ihis Olliec, a few- copies of a| Lnnil.^ miIiI for Tnx'-s; for Lands sf.Id ■I l'aiii|.li!el I'oiilamiiiir the ’ii»s/i/u/i«H Ml'' I iindi r a \Vi il of'I'irri Fiieins ; nnd liir L.indi / niud SlnliK, th)- »'nnntiltiliiiii of Surlh-Ciiiutimi, ^ solil imiirr a AVril of \'i ii)liti->ni I for ■. !■ and ihi: Pi cluiulinn »/ j i ndt iice- J’riee, -.’.'i Is. at Ibis M!i. ■. PKOSPEtTUS Of a novd and inftretltng Weekly I'ulAiralion, to be commenced on Saturday the 6th of July, TO ItK KNTITI.ED The ill Fliiladclidiia, AND SPIRIT OF I HE AGE. TT 19 very philospliicaily obst-rved liy Ad* ^ disuri, that our greatest pride anst's trom j d'Hiig to each tither.or, in other words, ;rrotn beinp iudividually servicealilc to so ciety. Tilts can be best ellected by a pro- I per application of our mtclli^encie.s, nieting ithetn out accwrding to the necessilies ol the I coiiirmiiiily, and less lamenling the tieclins ■of public virtue than checking the progresa i»r public vice-: for vice retarded is virlu® advanced. Aa the dirnction and dihcussum I of measures of imlioiial and state polity aro ' liie biisincM of the daily press, the full ap- j piiralion of Adlis«Hrs rtniark is necebsarily j ijej;|«-cted, and the coiiwqu»*iico is, tiiat vice i shielded by wealth apd worldly iiifluencp, aro abroad among the people, not only uii- susp-cted, but courted and requited; and jihat a publication is nece.sgary which will Hot only dctec-t, but e.xiiibit these wolves in I sheep’s clothing lo public scorn; a mark by 1 which ofliers will Iw warned from their in- i lent and service b»- rciKlered t> wx-iety. In leiri'Ctiiijt this object v»e shall pursue a yet iuiitriidden path; onewliere the necessary j thorn shall U* mingled (not concealed) wiili I coiitra.'-tifig flowers. TIte nannir of th© j“.V/n/ in Fhiladilphia'' shall be |>erfectly j (lelirale, and unconiaininated by cant or vul- i!:ariiy; its censure shall be judicious, its j satire chaste. Literature and the arts shall I find in It an untiied friend ; Dnmiatic and I Literary critici.^ms shall meet with most at tentive and imfHirtial duty, nnd sketches of I the Har and Pulpit id' Phtliidelphia siiall oc- . casionally apjjear from the pen of compelent !jud;i|;es, uninllueiiced by personal acquaint- ! ance or profc-.ssional attachment. 'I'o j recommendalions, our I’oetical column will I add another, which, corning from nn alrea- jfh piipuiar source, will, wc trust, lie equal i to lhat of triorc pretendin;: pubiii ations. It I is unnecessary to be more expln it, as we I presume tlie want of the propos*;d journal : I** not only admitted, bul f>eneralh ftlt.— \\ K therefore (ilace ourst>lves h«-fnre the I I’KOl’IiK and n lviiifj u(«m their love of ju>tice nnd of public virtue, await their de cision resi)ectl'ull\ but eonlidently. Cl’iND'TlONS. The first numlier of “'i’liK Sn- in Putt.- .\ni:i.r;nA” aiII Iw issued on the first Sat urday III July. It will be printed on Hno ' white pajH)r, in ei;ht quarto pages, and with luood typ'. As it is iiitendel to render the contents worthy of preservation, fur ainus- I ill" or instructive reference, tlie advantnge I of the pro[K>sed and more portable size will ; l»o evident. 'I'he terms are Si* per aniiiiin, payable m advance, or S'-i 50 if not paid be fore the evpiralion of six monflis. Agents will be allowed a discount of 10 p«-r cent., on nil sul).srril)ers they shall oLlain, on re- niitting one year’s payment in advance, or hecoinun; re.«ponsible for the same, and a 'Tmtiiitnu* ropy of the paper. “ 'I’m: Srv t\ I’ni!.Ai)i:i.rm,\” will con tain humorousengraviiijTi at^erllie manner of Ihe celebrated rrnikshank. They will bn execute.] by skilful artists and be nccom. panied with comin illustrations in prose or verse trorn the pens of ongmal atui coinpo- tent writers. All orders lie mlJressi'd, post paid, ti> W ILLIAM nil.I- \ CO. All. 1 Al/ientitn lUnldinc, I fiiliidrlphia. Care will be laki-ii to flu- wurk care- fiill} packed wlir-ii si iii out of llu- cii\. fy'. '^'iil' crip’icrts '•r,'r'r( .)/ flii.t Oficc.

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