MINERS’ & r AMMERS’ JOURNAIi. iMUvi'Ko \i\t> i:vr.itv katijkijvy, ov tiiomam jr lioi/roN.UcirAiti.tvn r, Mi^hi f.mii Ki kums’iy, ^oii'iii^^Rt>LiN-^ VIL'*rtiir Bftu'iriatfkw«i-iw»4«’««it ^ ^ * . . . voi« • I WII.L TKAni VOl! TO riKKCr. TH« llOWH.(l OK niK KABTII ANK nRINd Ol-T FROM TIIK rAVKkNH or TIIK Mol’ NTaTni*. MmAW » UK II WII.I, (iM K B1KKN(,TH TO 01 R HANDH ANI> 111 Bjr.'T A1.I. NAT^KK TO 0I'» VXC ANI» - - sATi uiiiv, t.v, ik:i:i. NO. 165« * ***^' ^ |clitnute8. llie j>ri>uiiij will be rovried wU!j u j Mu ul.«o ctHisidftrs 4t a>i eHiri*'Ot on lime, TIinorw’A“********^ svvurd >l M lute clover ; anil tlicn, v«itli tiie I for tliv |>urpo««; ul't'xpcllitigiuittctu fruin the j, printed nft'l pulilit-ritMl cvury Saturday nmrniii); s>u(no nilluin, twedty bushels to lli« acrf w»il. Intcrcxtinff Arwctiotc.— VV*' tn‘«i linrdly j toFt our rcuiieni, timt we have bot-n uinforni A CARD. To the publi»iherf of Newspapom nna auil vory decided in eur opposition to (Jon. Periodicals in the United Stales ond tha nntiflh Provincps. ut)lii«hed : ground suitable 'i'lie nuuit „ at tlic opl'O" O*' *•“> ^p\i;i{TISKMF.>i'l'S will be inwrtcd tt Ftfly ' ( ni rr »qu»rf (.not rxcwdiin; JO liiir*,) tin imre, lU pmpoition ,ursl n.5. rlmn, and c. i.l=. fur e.ch ii.ic- • a,,„ly,„g ^.amc w.fk-or $l for tlir«- w.-ck., for on.-; I vur'c .MilH>r.ldi'somiutwillheiiiad.’-tothuw'^“l“'‘^ rprtili/,uir lu|iior, Kuob an a I ficior.tly beatcd. »Jv. riiw liy the yrar. ILr(hi ail advcr- inniure ol old unno, ley of \vuod-u»lic8, or Wir have Ixcn iniortncd, thnt gyi>«iin> Iins twmeits coinmuniiatcd for piibliratiun, the stroiij{ cioupwd.s, with u M»lutiun uf snlt)H.tre,' a ni«t«t pnwerliil eHi ct, wjiPii a(i[>li«‘d u« u pu;nt»ri>i iimcrtion* must b*-noifd on thr mar- and 8i>wn »r plnriltd nniimiiutfly. | iiiniiurfi to »tra»h«Trv plaiita, l»y j;n-all» *'"*VXa’^aird*cbarg^ arcwdiliKWr*”*" ^ li tr«>atn>eiit on serds or^nK’ri'a«iiig the iiiij quautity of tlit; fruit, uiitil • > “" K , ' Indian corn, buckwlirof, wiiK, ont, barley, I We b*;li(;»i‘that all IfminumHJS fUiitf*, aiuJ . . j«i-Tiinunicatiom to tho Wilor m»i»t comr , ’ , L i. i i ■ .. . . , i .1 ihry may not he attet.did ui. •! •*. "dl probably \ni touiid tl.o all tliow* u In. ii flirim «b..vf in the ujj ; *‘»t| jivpntim nf thr tiiulu of: ithupu of vinvs, dorive^iiiutii bftWil tioin New ^ urk lie UM>d« |«rliii|» its tiU cta may thii niamirr. i bt* tiiuiid more ally usi'l'ul. , .Mr. Livin"‘?»(tn snv), tliai in tnivrllinp Krom Farmor’a ,\ii*uuiit.) j \V Ik'Ii fH)tiitu« ii iiri‘cut lir planting, it is ihrnujjli Fl(ind.T> lif* t'oum! ilml |'V riii^s »mti; M.vNl’KKS.—CoNTiiiireD. I of 8ingulur u$K! tu tbtf (>ri>wili ut tli«) rrnp to iis«-d as u in.inurc, purliculiirly li>r AtillKTLTl UAL „al h.nor u,H,n On. Jackson, and md^«l ; n quc st all publisb.rs „.H.n the ..V.norican ch»r,»clrr. 'I'ho nu- a"‘l «!«« send them tiro ccpti^of ‘h^ir res- thenticitv of tiiH Mt.^ iH uiKiucstionable.— 1pvibiicatious id ■uccessico, that they We heard it tn»ui a Roi.tlon.an, of diMin- ] »>ny not fail «f receiving one, in ortJer to HuislK'd htcrsrv eminence, whoso writing* : 'J*® li»» coinplet^ have ,.l..c d hiin among the tlr.» of living | . to the \\ftkhj Re- iiiithuM, and ofw lioih any countr|jiniiiht l>e, , nnr, Harfjord^ i oune^^t. as hi«*»wo ifc-, iiiiitly proud. 11 was related w-. #• t- 1- . ut >• .. ... at. .ii.«r Thr Contfitution \ inairatrd.—ln a Ict- in a coni|>iiny,o» whom vtas another rtia-| , , . * tinmii»!n-l iiniivn!ti«l, now rcpr«'s«-iiiin^ his ter to Mr. I,. hverelt,daled in Aujust, 1.30, ruuntry ahn.ad, but, it the tune to which Mr. Madison gives, in few words, his vi«vv« ihe anc dote reler*«, ho.tiing a situation, nrar „f character of the Constitution of Pi^a-’duni{, which iscbieriy calcireoui ,,n cvp'Wtin, lM-|i>re tho cut parts lauds, at the rJiie ol about m\ Imi^IwIs 10 llie | the jicrvjii ol it> hero, winch enabled bun ' States. Wo are not lei** im» piji!' r. IS I'Hiiid very elFicacious, w h*n [kjw- have dried ; uiui also to apply miiue t-. the acre. 'I’he in'ed.^rdin i» aI»o r.vpn‘d w iili j t;» ln.'ar tc>.iiiiiony, Irom [(crsoiiul knowledge, j j[,p procision and condensation fl,--l.aoda sli^^ht fjunntitjr applied to lands;. hills, bet'ore tUe swd is cou icd, uU.ut a it, as it ix wuh gvpsi.ni in tliin r. iiutry.) to itji truth. of this extract than with the grout fuiida- at the same time, too much will; ejrh. The si.m* is wiin ai.ll> iirp.r-n .ti d wuli I In th->o«r 1-> I. our inlorniant met, at „,„h^ Vbirh ,t nuthoritativclv ci. tmve hurtful at first. fiic dunf; ot otlwr j In.inn corn also preatlv l>enelit« d bv sulphur to Lurn, wlun drv, and tins is the the t.iblo «.l t'niieral Sir tieori;e Airey, nia- %' / / / II 1!. very similar, though souhj more and ' „ u,,plitation to the hills. l>« t tin im tlitKl ihere us.-d to r.-ou. e it to fiowiier. ny di'.tinj.mishid KiiKlf,hiiHn, th*«n in 1‘iiris. |k>uo]s.—*>u^ IiUeiiigenctr. • less »iricac;ous. j5y p^uul be scattertd a little in both cu« s. K„r tl.i-ipurjx.se, it is U.id in heaps, and TIk! c>n\ci>.iiioi, turntd on the p.‘iK]my ] » J„ order,” says he, “ to understand the W.. Uiii't also notice human ordoure, t ' i„ ,.f,ect» on jiumpkins, M^uashei., and when it has Is-coinr n'd with bui im.j;. the I'reMdri.t.nl flect.on, and liars were i xprt!*- ime cliaracter of th« ('onBtitution of the «iiicii IS capable of bcin^ converted into a ' piam, gf Hun sort. i«. ^rtld t» be t:re«t; fire u> e*tinj:tiished ; fur if it burn h-ii^nr it, sed that. •li..iil.J« .-ikmhI Jackvjii U- electcd, i ,„ted States, the^ error, not uncommon, vr-N powerful manure, after bein*{ nuied „l^, ,«,eabbi«*!f., and prolwblv on turnips of tiecom»>s black, aiiO thui the nuality i« not! the unucabh- reUti.-n-i l. twi-,n ibe two be av«.ided ot view ing it thrwfih Ilia ,Mli suitahle earths, and huviiiK a du«> ri,ni-rf>nt kmds, as ihev are all .ii(i; rt ui 0 ^.«d. !i ouulnr-i iiinht l*e endun^^ered, in coiisc- ,„e,|,um, either of a c^noolidated (.overn. Krj'h of tune to prepare it in n com|*-*t of IJrasMca. .M..--*t prol.ahiv, all plant-i .\ftcr the burniRC, it is ea«i!y p * ..'ed to . |ueiicc of his luiplucaWe hosldity to hn". • (as Mr. .M Duftie, in I t.1, vi* woj more ch'..p aii«i uijablo manure, and this is pi;''U'n. ‘•ihiC hmidied pirts of gypsnm," raVH M'. ( h«r:ai, “ contain thirty «>f sulphuric sriij, ihiftN-twoof piir»*»arlh, and thirty • fi_> I i f water.” •• If It Iw kepi in a tire of c. ii>K.'*riWc interisity, in contact with pow- V r of rharc'»al, the acid is decomjxised an: I'lP residue is hine. ‘Miypnjm is luund in the ea " VT' iit fitatijs ; 1, in the pulverule f'i'/!r form, which constitiues his W.1I, the pi I.-.- >;ypvutn c«*i mm, ami ih- m it^ cl;pinii -il rfUtion, to c’- l‘'wu., or p. r uses to whitli he appliCK it Its nppii aliu), ti>j;ether with the ni'ti vation i-f red clijVt r, and ott rr sui' it k (;ra-VM .•> to aliii»t all the cry lauds ol tli AtUnlii StattT, ly 102 south ol l’rr.n*y Uaniii, IS a dcHid rutum of the utmost ii:ns>rtaucr to the plant) rs «>l that imt iTally fine tract , , c::u.:;ry = ; cou..,rv n..t o..;talU of . .. .t -r. ,M..!.-d -n.l a.plHd to the r*^’‘';""^;..erN ,t..ig duruUe J..l.lha ha.suthr..) ....%e>! w, .. «...la^.,.;. ...-i n,- i-l *«. tha. I iverulent s.kI r.h.u^tmK cro,«, aiut ‘ ‘ i'* -''■C, ^ ^ , U,.- worst of husUndry ; tn^t i., oe..rthele>,. V-1 .n ..... r - ■ *'* ' .'rV ^ "I 1 ‘.hI J.ick^ta, as an aliio and laithiul coininand r s4*qucntly by the same autliority »Uich fortn- u.i tli.tl K i ;i*t..ii, and ileciared that, had he p,| State ('onstitutions. Being thus de- M.t U'cd th*- p>'\-r c.»i lid.-d to liiui in th’ rued from the same source as the (l^nt.tu- •• l. -'ii liHMkii'’ wav nlliideil III. New Dr- don of the States, it has, w ithin each State, l.viij* w..id(i infillibly hiw; U-. n 1 .ipiured. the same authority as the Constitution of \h io tin* ch.irj;‘ol iiiiplueablo Inistitity,' (be State, and is as much a C'onstituti4i, in I'l 1. I iircl tred. III Bii tho inter- the strict sense of the terra, withtn its pro- scriljed sphere, as tho Constitution of tho Slates are, within their respective spheres: •i.i(M iiif that iH riton; s*»l iMe, tuuie ijnpre fiat- d with the acid. U'fcrrttij alto lo n ri.'-runi'tar.C'' nt n- ti.>»i^d by I MiSafi**-!, wh» rotf\u m nl l^ii*:: -^attcre.i verwe-d', with » • 'i**" of d- ..Iro' if! ' thpni. only ma'lo tli*-.n "ri» «itii a.!diti...Ml M-.r. 1.:- ..b-Tv^s, lint pr.duhlv cor,--, by ti.i^ and oiher-iv.-, Ut«ecn the *oniinainj‘*r>, i J VI K^i*N uinl lx*rn t». I-. i.iil huiiiaiH-, and to ^ t^it, with this obvious and essential difler- J nsvrtioi:, b'-'u'-u ica\.-‘ to men- nnc*,that bring a compact among the StutcM uiini.iin.e. tic then proteodcd , in tbnr highest sovereign ca|«cify, and b •i-r, n“, t» in.- iilr«*nH o«n- » . ch con^'itiite plaister stone •-; ami, 4, m detorummte chrystuls „„) „,• ^.,j..um, ai.U c! l: :• rent forms. ^ 11,,. s.iiiablo u^iiort s and k'’''"* '- “The Color of pypfium, he afjus, “is t KjfH.t to a creat number of varietie-*, o.ich are th»* Hjins of various qualitie', :*...tive to Its uses. 'I be white i- the mi-'*t >1 jtilul; blit s'Miictirnes it is pray, and in ! • ! .»««■ It IS b^-s esteemed, and less valu- II r-. 'I he several slates of the oxyd« f-t ^' n, with which It alsiunds, in gn ati-r or ,•••> r,'ia:ifities, ci»nstituie its rose-colored, r . aiiJ lilaf k varieties.” I r aliiifift all wnls, except clay* and wet V- n.vinw is the ch»a|)^st manure that can i*- ■ lird : and its nt.»- in this conntrv »r\f^_'rr'all\ to ei^ualize tin* value ol lanil«, \ f'r.il- finj; thow? which an-naturally )>oor «.•' a* iiri .luclive as the rich. , Vhn,nl.wmth.t abounds m the interior "isy jjre.Uly UK:r.MV. a «■" - 'trtte if New York IS uiuch su[.4-rior I'l lliat of N'lVa Scotia ; not only as to its to stnie, that, on tho d«y after il»e attack, ti.e i’.fiti'«h v.t rc |>ermiMe.| to Uiry their h. fossil tVmr. ; J. .0 »^il nui(^e »ec.H..i t-, n-.n- in l.' sr ^ ■ ■' .l....m.d. at a i- iiiov eX|K'i.--. I-) -r tw. yaivi.- in ai!%ai,c ol o. Jack^oii. (ii IK rallv «j»'akin;. little e|-*»' l -:t in'*-*#- are wuntin,{ to rtn-,*'. the v.t'.ii ol ll.*- pUu- tjliuos of tli-it ci-«iii!ry to In--, and, in - -i.e iii'tances, to |i n ti::i s the ain>»i;M of the prices they ,'»t prevent 1 ouKoand. Col. Tavl'^r, o|' \ir, i(iu, from vnriou- friaU of p\rHU.:», dri.k- i!>» c-n clu^i-lis ; 'I nat tin» funn'ire sluula iw n:i\- ed with the earth, hv Imrr Avin^or [i',*u^h- ing; that drought may d teat it* op-niti .n on Indian m rn, if tho nnnure be 11 • tbi.' v»orkeO n.lo th.- *« il; and liiat il-»ircN mi this cr«i(i sr** 3 "reat in this wj). as when applied to the lulls; that it iM ieases th* t i;tr( n hi-'itl —ill uiitiinthai line l»ciiig l>iiri.-u h\ li;-! \ ii.eri* 4il)> lliell.^e^e>^. Aa «K II as tins ii' laneiioly duty was jn'rlorio conMttuting tht Propir tkerrof oKe P»;t i-lB Jvr cirtatn pvrpooi s, it cannot be altered or annulled at Ihe will of the Slates indiMdu. ally, as tho (Vinstitntion of a State nn*y b® at il.s individual will. “ And that it fliririct the ff>prem /varfr# of Coccmmmt, Utwa n thr Gorrmmrnt of u*l;) rl; uc**-»K ni>t..cnH;n:,' lh- \aiivf ; .i‘ til'-e!i I.’'-.' •! w- ulii "I it- !i h'1 ■' *1 . -'i ' i.eb' iii ' e,J, t I" l.i;t:-ii t.ciKi.il 'vas -ur|'ri»-l at thr I'nUtd SlatcM and the Goecrnmnt "Vlr*' r',?in Ml ^rth"ro»;M rvf~^, that hr reo .viii;; .1 with tl.e hwor N. rpMuUtt« of the indiriduiil Statft, is stamped on tli» i, ,S s.*. I, t.v rr*r ' ^.!i' f.i oui.. .lut. ; ;uk( a.I- a..l wai. Ii. s ..f the ..lllccrs, wbo l.al tallen ,hce of the instrument; IIm» powere ot ^rar f 1 rxi.crii-..-'th b- nia.l.* of tl.i* and a iioi.- tr u.i «11. .Ia k'-rti, c uciied in ;iod of ol romnwrcr aral o|/rrafn*, .'••nth ’ it iH I., W hi.i m ul. ut f.ur ih.- nio-t c.urico,.. lai.gi.ayr, s.,yin4 that and other cnunier^atod powe^ vested m the f t fm s u-id w .lie b.jtiiin- HS..uld I-- .-ne p.ur ..f paul. I!-* wa. .till miNsing. hut (.overnment of th« I nited Stales, being of V rre,i wi.’h a r«t-. U hen e'ool. ■!. t-HJi.-i «hai d.hpnt «. •irch w mnkn;:. an.l when „s high and , I „i> 1, i'„. , aril, .h.MiI.l prov« I -VJi'd '»h uid I.- »* ol lu. I (ie»e artlc...^ of the powers reserved to the Slate Gov- I.K,' milaimn .ble, he adv.-^ ^,|^e it a -ulwaj, c.-i.sider. .1 1... ts ol plmidcr crnments. .niviure of l.u..-, w n. h. by th- of; ~«ere i- s.-..ed by (.-n. ‘‘'‘‘I iHirniP)!, w.HiI.l 1k'I'-Iiverlfd into (h>uio ; fert,l./.ing .»] .1, of coar^e barn-nn.g ; that ^ ^ ^yp.u.-;i msy greatly UK:re..v. a rr. p o. ^V..ar«- cra^el, U lo.e Uirnii..^. rpl , lover, when .own even l.te a- M'.y , ^ ^ . I', lliat of N'.va Scotia ; not only as to its * l.i ..Vik'i as "• I'''ff>C'l"n on ihi- *t inn*l.l !-»• i* 'L’ n cr nit'r siimnUnt to the growth « l •“ r* i may o en »ii^ of pr»xlucliv*- of verv m liil leMlIl^, a: im P .- '-. b-.t m regard to its b.>ing ne.re rnnch larger .jua.itity t,.at a 1 ' p.i^ of the ...u rior of tm. w' f li in it-* or»‘rati.'n, bettor culcui.aetl nioistnre, or o ' ' ’ ' i-r.uulrv n>»y b? l-.uud, aU.unding 111 py rites bunded over, wiih a rt ju "I lliat they ini-ht Crave Jolf.—Our^rtn/f/u/Arrs wer« !,7'w'«-i-a-^hes "-’••Vi'l. il l-olraijsiuitledtothei^ lulne^ofthe-allant „ curious p*>oplc. They wwild sonH>tiiiie« '■ Ill w h. Ill they liiiil U lonced. ^..-rfs'trnte a joke with the most grave and Tiii-i ani--.l.-!e, and the trunk an.l soldi»p- j|, faro imaginable. Witness tbe foU hke Myle in vWiu h it wa> given, turne«l the article from a newspaper published ••vhole tiiriciitot bt’liiig in favor ol theTj^ —/^vr. Jovr. ti.n. rul, and drew forih an c\pre^•.|on ot .VrirvorA, .Yor. l‘J. We hear from Mid- ajipl.iUM- I'roiii all parts *1 the table. “ I’or ^|L.ton, .Munmouth Ci>unly, that the wife of I- ......„i.au,,ni..jii...m..>M..>» mv>elf” Mul our n.fornmnt, " I fell a Hush ^^pj^hh MackenMer w as delivered of three -.., 'V,h^''.^nirthT,faFplai.Vs,n7iihsoils ‘roys its o{s;ration ; that the Mate ol '' 1 on my cl..-k, =md a thrdl of pri.e tbiou^h j aii bkely to live, l.emg h^r first ^ ^ „rtHind, or of ih*-«lmf.^ph ri'. whether wCl ( banman ..f jvnns\Ivan.11, tried n.y bosom, ui.d in my b»>arl ! thank the old ,.|„i,iren. and she upwards of fortv years of ' , . *. ,.#* «.ta/af«it iKih tikfillliri* ' ‘ • 4 .. I l_ M - It lin-> l)-en snrcessfully applied to cdd ' J. w land ol timothy j;nis!*; to grow in;.’ •• .f #hcai. and on l.nnds near Ihe ocean ; V v.hif h cartes the Nova .Hcotia gyp. '1 I" u*u:illy Bpplu-d with little or o. cl- or drv, al the li.n#- ot sowinji this maiiuri liciieral ti.r proving, by this chivalr- us act, 'I’he neighlwring women of all ages, ihat the de:»niie{» of our country were a- |'„r and near, come daily to see them; U.vi- Ihe Nord.il tleling-* of meri cnary war- i/ thavsht thin- trill Itr a great dit- fare.”—l'itiicrul»htirg roiiltnt onumgntthi married tr omen that aro nM so fortunate'" [.iiliMU corn, after it is up, ii.ay la.provetlie rop iwcnty-fne jier cent.; that, s«jwu in F’l ir.f.dier i^^t,■^pce, iKiwever. we have It iiiep«’raiive m liin'.thy arsiss, on a ’■ am ; whi!'* it had its uhmI eff'-' t on 'f .'Vt. gruwirig on the same soil. It • - 3,e m,t always thesan.c; bul most - „ ^^,|1 m-.st probably neither ' M..-n ... Ciw-r, bv great y .J,,,,, > - th.-it , r..p, ano by p.itting tb. .cmerr.bcrcd wu III l“''' "> iiov'e^er, not to -.new it on n . I the Browm:j plants, lest It kill them. .lone. It may improve l-n»jlihh grass , that ^ ^ ^ ,.,„.rmg son,.-, f^ra t!.e puns.He „f ('hihl Srnothi rrd.—Oiw' of o'lr packet ma!.l. rs, who airived within a lew days, smti-s ihiit 11 p's.r i^norHi.t Sivi-s mother, al llavn-, placed her s«.n, a lad about three ;i. ;»..d condition for alnio^i any other, ' 1.1.1c cl.yvi!|.i>ward IS liirned under. ■\« [-y;Mim, when sown on suitable . -, alw i\« pr(s!ii es a s[»f.nlaneous ' ■ of wi,ii- rjover, ai.il as this ^’rowlh ■111 IT. lihlde iikI.cation of the siil being r. i.dcred III a L^'Kid condition lor a crop ' '*^>.it. 'irr,^; wl.ere, therefor", either I ! .'•*■• crdpi ih to Is* r«is»‘«l on fallow ' tlin U-tler wnv is to s.\¥ the gyp- w.vwi in August, and work-d in, it may iin- I I I ^ he t.«.k twei.tv-four years of ag«-, m a 1h,x which she brought provo the grf.mid; and that h«wn m No- jhw earth, mivej ,t with three on Uiard his nlnp a her haggu^e, un- “■■’' Linds of powdered charcoal, ami pul the , der the false notiwi that she couM ui this way u Tboh into an earthern |ar, wilh a light, smuggle her child on Uiard. and save jmy- ’ cover tbcioou, uiid burned it lu a pollur’s i"i,mIs passage. Alter brmgmg the b-.yrn ' - I iiourtl Mud n'Tfrlly (»|>oiHng it, fuui»d to Nomi Scoiin ny psum. , , ,\Ji. Peters says the foregoing very nearly , aL'rees wilh his experience. Il« i*nvs he has alv»ays derivefl very ls*iiefieial efjei t-, in rai-ing every kind irf yram, from fir-l weltmji his seed', and then rolling or diymg it in gj p-'iiin, Ijef'ore sijwm^; hot that l.e never exj^rienced any benefit by sowing this manure on any kind of grain u-.uiiHy .,own in Ihe broadcast, except buckwheat. Me bad proliably never tried it, on peas. |)enmg Siibhur is a!w f.mnd to he nearly ns | her aslunishment that tl.e child was dead. ling ins»ets. |*,ilvcn.5ed «l(Kiecoal, says .Mr. Muhlen- f-erii, ^ ni“"Ufe for iiiowl soils. was no doubt the child was smolher**l by placing It in n sitoat.oii in which the air was excluded.—A. r. Jfaily Adnrlnftr. 1'i.ur biin.lnd fM.unds ace sutVicient for an acre. |'ulveri/.ed charr.wl is also goKl; and the some n.av be said of pulveri/.ed slate, ,|„ui called uj>on us yester.lay, and gavo uh We are inforn>ed that a gentleman in otir city IS disjiosed to give ?1,K)0 to the A- merican ('oloni7aiti«’n Sx-iely, provided a few other siibwcriptions of equal amount can Is- obtained. V'e think there is no rauso for him to despair of comiuinionship in his liberality. W e sincerely hopo that somo gentle spirit will touch the hearts of our rich men and incline them to hold fellow ship in good works wilh one who we era sure IS not willing to abow his charity in word only but in deed and in truth. iV. 1". Com. -it/r. ’ ' ci'ly in tl.e spring, and, as so«>f. an of tins cluver is prodm ed, break ".^..il,.,.d prepare Mll.r the crop, by and other leguminous cro,^. rt..- r tl...i,n„msm dm--ea-on ; ami m He found it exrellent for tohnero tU: pr.Hj.iit will eomnionly b- ,..ys it will not o,H-rate on an exhausted s.,1 1 wh.tt m;.ht t>e . x|H-cied on ihe tbiit ha« heci.mf detlilute of vegolabit ‘ ’ii'‘ gr.iiirnl, with'-ut the apphcatoKi of polres Ili’iliUre. He ,,.„..jei.t aiiim .l matter—but thal when either of Ihes.-, or lime, is applied to such ll )■. ■iu;i|K)«ie ti nt the ifroiind lio a dry s»»il, then the f.’yp''um, ** | 1 r :/r.,velly l.miii,««.'ex(iaii.led that lymj m the soil without efhet, wi 1. 'i-1 t > the i.cp', if whent, could only |t«t u^unl ojx^r/'lion. -•'! I ivrd nud for ^aln at this ofllce, rith *• oi.i,..^,. .1 bv tl.e e,,inn.on culture; iM nay-. Il.al lauds ntwly eleared, whicn na ^ ,;h.t the «i..;tI* "f «'«*»• I,, ot.i-lit onli.; di’«'ii7.>eciiN; irroM-*.. limostoi.e, ami shells of shelltish. 'Ihe latter lire also g(Ksl to bo ph.ughed in whole, m a dry so.l, for the pur|HJSO of increasing Us moivture. IJurnt clav, gord for cold, stiH soiU. (To he Contimnd.) The A' rtanttrs' t 'ST rr»-. I'liM .N of o.,.Hu„i to 11.0 ae.i^ Ik- ap. eomrnoidy mu. h ammsl and veaotable mat (■"'•■ '-Iv II. tl.e Spring, arnJ by tl.e mel ler in them, arc nut lu-.utcd 1a Hus ma-i '•-'■ '1 Ju.ie, OV sovdier in in- la wjulhcrly nurc. iShnhxf ii’l The fAmerick Chrimiclc of tho 4th S»>p- tember contains thi^ following paragraph; “ In couformity with an olFicial request ol the f.dlowmit mformation;—Mr. Hulliim, | the y.-ung Queen of I'ortiigal on Saturday I /" Ta. ndn .,niv Tnn i la«l, (iovemment came to the deterinins. near I,a (.range m l avettc county, lo"- ^ iies-ee, has raised this present year, on !.).» i.y^ugnl, to be drawn from Kngland unii 1 acres of laml, wilh fourteen hands, inland.” Isuty-two thousand live hundred piunds of 1 clean cotton, and has sold the saint* at th« «i Why dont you wheel that barrow of I IT in for m cents p»-r pound. Our infuin- conis, Ned ?"»pudh a known vendor ol black L,„, l„ ■.Vn„..».o I... Miminer, was particularly struck with Mr. j- „ .. .y^,, mailer,” replied Ned, wh» H’s prospect of cotton, and reqiiosled ! |,a(j rehili for wit than work, ''the nialion c»f the result, which bn roceivcH in plane ihhv lie inrli'ied, tnayh.ip, bnt datijf Oio above f.,rm.- . •'>’■ Co'.'tlr. ' n.e I am.“

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