THE MINERS’ AND FAUMERS' JOURNAL. foktrv. fWm tht Vtica Ott^rwr. RKUUION IN ALL THINGS »V ». (ARKCm. »Ti* wnltwi on the arched »ky. It rtde* on cv’r>' •Ur: 'Tis Miliiig oo the cluurfs «n high, Aa4 «u the wiu^t •far. ’Ti* upon th« w»v« ami ihor«, Itw Tallies of the Ftrth; ^Vhere oatur«*« tboiMUMi vmom po«I, Tbrrc heawii it birtii. Ti* niiiTBw'd ea the iflaM; Where livinit waters ptaj; Slnnin* in pure aerenitj— In gisrteii full array. •Tis vhere Ihe sun majestic spring;*— I’poD a world below : It rides up«n the cloud's white wings, A»d wWe the waUr« How. *Tis smi in «r’ry ftowVls ferm. It breathes in erery sound; *Tis iMard amid the rafrin;; storos And dweUs in «U around. •Tu on \he mwintain's aiiire peak— *Tis on the bouodk'sti niatn ; In wintry storinK «-hon dark and Ueak, And in the summer rain. *1^ wn the vir^n blush of day, Where goldtn treasure’s flow j *Ti* in the swifvter’* grladwiine lay, Where gralit«de doth flow. TTe trace it in the Amffant flow’rs. Sweet as the breathing spring: We tocl It in the balmy khow’rs. Where zephyrs shalie their win^r. *Tn written on the cbristian'r heart. Is all kit purity: Where Miperstition ciainw no part. And free from bigotry. It ccirei not wrapt in lirlaoin or fcar, ftut with an an]^!'* siiile: When none but (iod hiinseif is near, •I'o cleanse the heart fro»n p«ile. ^irueral ^IttrcrtisewrMi^ I M',w .IHr S9tf}pty of I'tiU 4* II Viifr*#* ! ra^lir miliM ii»KT» reciKCtlully Inftim Iheir JusI ffotH Phthultlphia uml .Vrtr- Wrrk. I im nd.. ainl the public that ilioy are now rt I * —;— ! ctningtl'eir sut>i»ly “I’ j r J UlKSub>.» rib r in mm' rteeivinjf Miil ojwntng sF.r.ns, rur.K-s. plxx i's, l)(>^!^isT1c ani- MAIA l.Ul'I.KMKM'S IKKrtCS, Acc. A.C. In M* « Me AMKRITAN IAKUEB KrrABMSnUKXT, A'o. IG, ^«i«//l Citl-rttt StirtI, ItmUirnnrt, Md. , _ _^|\,II1C subscriber presents his reinject!, to for-j a large and han«i»oiiw aK»>rtJi»ciil M ^ iiiers pardiiens and dealers in Six'ds thruujh- | out the I'oited partK uUily hi. ci.,Ko,.K r«, ! ^ and in.Win* then. Uml he i. rt^mmff tVom h«rope.. jiuj,.. from Li»ow« S«.ed (..rde^ a..d from vanoj.* ,«r * ^ rON*I..TS , ot ihiJUHMiiarvJiwaiirmaiiiupplyol HbLn A.M)i ^ ,, , ^ ,., .. ! (iAKDKN f=iiKl#S: and that Jie wdl by the lirn SttprHGnc Blue, Llatk aiid Uiivc I I..J1 , ]Ol Noveii»b. r, be pi eiwrcd to execute ordtirs whole-I'* j ! »ale and r, tail, with promptness and aecuraev, .t , ' | i IS Jo.v prices and m a* »a\orablc Irrms as can be Black ll^un .^Iks * • c .. s „ * \ fiiiU nU It,'" «. ■’T J I '• Flil’l I’andornanR^nlaltreeaand plants , •'|'rnio.. I .ii.lrd M.i»l.ns ; vmea, s»r«!.bery. bulbo..* and other (lower root*. : will 1* pr«,ur.-d to onh^r Jro... unv of the prinei- | and , ' pal >ur*m^r. or i«rdwi. in Uii« c^.utrv, far .»oM | »"* “^1 DooU of a ru- , of «l,ich th.- .ubscriU^ IS aeent; .Ikk’ L I rUHUllS.lMirTW's.cullivalonsHrawcnttcTs. wheat liini>,t«rn-»lieiUr»,lhrtsbiiifrmschim s and. r it 1- all ..ther kwKl.. of Asrieuharal and IlnrlK ullural > ^>(Hrhne and Fur IMs l0i[tlrnicntH, will be j^ocured from the best man- ! ** , utactoririi in lUltimore. i .. . o n . i * ** IX >MI> lie Aniiiials, pMtieikrlv cattle of Ihc “P* j j|i Improved Durham sf.orll.orn, Kw IVvon and the A- iarcc ‘V IJpucl.ed IIoui«pun. Iiul»t(iu hre«-d»; Fheep of the iUlitucn, South.' ai«> a i.ASt.r. ur*>Tir» or I down, and various ti«K-wooli'd breeds; swine of j ||nrtlV)AI*t* niul €'Mtlrry» ' several valuaWe kinds, «»p*-«*ially of ’lie tarnit; I ^ _ i. ^ j• - „ - ^ j ^ ... .. hre.-d; various kinds 01 ,MJultry.?uch a? the white I • r Of h € I If Oil*, in rurei tfH, conlamin?‘2 | 2 arres, .Uu.U and ly inj on the I turkies, llrenKii aniJ \Ve»tphulia peesc. paiue and j Toj;* ther with every other article siiitaUe »i>f llll^ Cataw Im liivi r, 1:1 Iredell eoiiiity, abeiit live miles ! otlicr fowls sM M-versI otiier tp.xies U animals, murkeU »H of which ii« »iU wril at the w ry lowe.t abo*e Ihmttic. l orrl. The 'I’r.el iruttains a larjf* j -U oi choice breed# (n.W m wA»farc either kept market priocs. portion ol iww ^«!s, ai.d u ciM.'.HKred a very Ibr s«U* 4t Ihe txp'riiiu'nUl «ik1 briTlinj Urm of | AImhw* all kintl^ of f'oiinlrjr pctxlac« w;li be !•- v.iluable I r*« t. AIms I till* i^.’TahJiidinient, or tan be (KJH.uri'd from tlie ! rx'haiiee lur (niod*. >iit source^ to order. Ill* Iri-niU ai.d ta^K.tiirrs are ri-s(wetfully tnvi . ! HOOKS. Asriciiltiirsl, Jlorticii^turaland Rotan- \ u d to eaiJ ai.d ik« if pn. e* will n-4 cvtroupmm conM.tnut ol Mrn, »*«•'". •«« OuU, UiUy ,ical,iuiinichtrrcaUrv4riitj thajiatthebook»t.*rcs , wilh the *bove. , ,, ,, a' J-AI'>K all ll*e I—soiiic 01'them mre and particularly valuable,, JOHN M. .MOUiClS/i.N. j ttHtI 9'VOf9 : are kejH oon»tantly for “'c- | f' ^^ The nk will U ua llir abr^rr In short,wanted by farmcrsand pr- j » | -^-1 . d. .criUd i«nd. 'IVru- of .Sale will be Ihtu and dfutri* in the proacrutioii ot their busine*!*, art III. linuil iwr ^.11*. n„„. knuii 11. I. . . t ^ 1.^. i - :.L. I. : m & II I. U- ...U !,«■ .•«»!, »l lli*( ..,iM.House »'»«'*'»• Hoirr.!«. hi RTuN, SI. BliLVAiai, I chew,C’hiii>gea'«*i'lreen iV SarciiH.ll>,all colur* ' ' ^ ConsiKtingof i'ttnrh, llrHith and Mim f.W*, whieh they will sell at the tewest prices |t.r «'usA or t «.uiitry !’ri«luee. IVrsons can al*o be accuin. luodatid wilhjoodH by tJic single piece. —— They have on hand a pood atinorliaenl of (iolii IaICT, Mililory Jfuttous, raritnis kiitdt, HitrMiiuati i'upt, SirorilM, JlvliUtrii, Vinhi.'i, tSv SAIITH it wn.r.iAMs. a t. 10, l^33. 5'Jtf l,AM> AM> MX4KOKS ron s,tLK. HY virtue of a IVifl of Trust, ejeeutv'd by tlniry Workman luiiiinr to ns for w rtain jaif puses lilt r\ in kpeclticd, on tiis ilitii day ol ii, Ip3.'{, we will fell at Public 8ak, a Tivirf W I'iriJiivv m:c; koks. SADI>L^& »AnKKs. JAMli* T. AkhThTy a ui HAVKtx. hwdand’ . Unit* to Dunuf.! .Ihor8hopl„,hr3'''«. of .Mr. s]»i„B*. aAiDiba.ia^"'' •f a m,,vrior rtvte ot worh„„,,al,i,, ,nd cm materiaU by the M««ir.. Jeiton^r^ cmmty. who are well known in iL i of th State a. «»,«rior wx,rk.!!;.n!!Aw"« f^ddUbup,, ValiMJttn. Mfirtinnlt, (?=■ i.oach 4. Gig Ha„t,st (t uful U«A'i>« llarnru, ■ Holder,, and all other Brtieles titualU ■ shop, in Ok- Southern sK ' In addition *o the aho»e, we haveon rral assortment of dig mU Coark It dU lUf, Shrrvp ^«,s, and all cessary to trim oH Saddle* «ad M*r, will be srjd low Ibr cash. We r^w-st Ihe puWic to rtn iih| matrrian and work manufactured hr. judire for then»ul>e«, ' Vhartotir, Iht. 7, 1h33. Four Of five jnorncymrn ^ Maker. IS willed, to •hick » giveti, by applying to *a JAS. T. ARBIHY A rr tendt d either to be kept on hand, or withiii reach I **'*■* 'sild, lor eafh, at the t .>nrt-Moose j whrn " *** Chdrli*U*s oii Uii- oi No\eii;brr Aad la»t,not h-aM. that old and well ne>t, it he.nj .Moi.duy of tli^ I fourt,aUi4Cl ' known vehicle of k-owledjre (tht ni.*t valuable 01 «•» •-’•i'*'. »>“ !-rop«r»> of Tl.oma. II. Smaitt, di^ d all cfliimioditi, K'A.V Fa It tabluhincnt, at ¥0 a Tear, « h^n-mbn rijitiiins . _ . . _. ... ' cominunieatioiis ore re»p«ctlu!lv M.lici'ifl,address. J. Met 0.\>.\llillt.>, >WnJ(. COilflitVifllktMff M'^atnbiishUH'itt cd, as all letter* must 1k, to tin-editor and (>m|>ri- Of(. 11, 1 "33. t'ltc FUK SALE. leu^. I. IKVINK limiK (XK. ’/ I ~7a’ HE time of our CO-I Notr—An “I'ltra" number of tl>e .\meriean I . *V4/. . ( » ^ .M. partiirrshiphavini; ^ FitrDier, coiitaininc 1 l*fi*>i|iect(i* of the I^tabliHh- ■ IlllnilflPr .% W •xptrvd, and in order to meut, aud a catiilogoe of Seeds and ether articles || \\ JI,|, offer for at tii« lair ri>id« iiei ol close our business, (a» , ibr tale, will he M'nt ^ratis any person who shall M riiiianti r Ai-\aitdi r, on ll.t *JMh 01 m. one of the parties intends rurni»h his address. po«(/wid, Ibi purpn.e. ] fjer nexl, all llie pro|nrly ot di.tia.'itd ik.1 eir Oi K.-.uniru;je (inc iii«wi ,» -- — i --r-- .• - - , n i |c.|., i iti..f..ralUUrofthiM>il>-llH A.MKR. Joiiii' gtl «‘>anU..t Kobert W iW. Hhilip .Saodler, _ ' t >1I:R, is i.«blifh.dwivkly,»t this Ls-.sndotlK , at^ a Tear, wh«-n- niUeni.ti.ins and I ly fo«:‘ •“ >»‘or ol . ed .V »• mdict amlulirrfc ■ I .» I !»».■% f OK SALK. /^llKsu -enlwr ud'trsfor sale kia (>laiitali>n nuil tkrra* —steam’!: Ibi-en engar4 iinr III th» trail- running betwwu t'h«-ra«r, i-alhng at (»«wjf«-town o» tf ti, attd liowr., will nwume her trips it ikimtii a lew days, and is utletided to br c«ntiaat(a trade the ensuing •rasoti. The ttrmim draft of water, drawing nnly wlien loaded, will enable her to revk ‘Sii all times, ext^pt upon an unmoimie. wb«'ii her eargi> will be lightened at Ike iil'tJic Uuat. Cnuiibrtable armmmfyktioea fat 1 in gem, with all dw. altetitJoti. J R tlOt r* arlttttn, *6. 1 «>31. Un' un winch hi- iwjr reaidit, l}Uig chi llie htad 1 «*trrsulMl Cm-k, nujtainiin; I acres.—j n» r» IS on the pr inises a {;i«)d lUtlliiij; House aud Aitcr 0ut.liuj«LS : also, a (inod (irrhard. •s.i.Mi. m:klv. fVf >,'3, l(-33. t>l Jwr kaviD;; this section of country) on the 2>ith day December next, we will sell to the hi^hi-st biddtr, the l-^tablishuieiU where we are now carrying on tbe C'oarh .flakin;; Biisine«««. Then- IS two lota, iront and baok, both i .prcvxd. T?;e front lot has on it a large Dwelling,' liousi.', Wood SfKjp and Smith Shop and other m.-cc!^ry out-buildinps. The back lot has a Dwelling House and other out-butidiag» suituble for a private fani- Koanotie w Jlcd, couUKting »l’ t'om, /’ix//rr, t\>tfon, Ilouaehoitl anil h'iuhi.t FurKiturt, Hog», .S/utp, ('attir, One L7rf:r J-'unntn^ I'WimU, tV*"* Also, tl or C rfr^f Mth: C[i'orH% \ Kl ■" A- .A i.ffuiut. Oetober -’l. l''3J. Cl :w rKOSPtUTTS of • tmrtl a»i imtnrHmg Hreiiy tn ttmmrnrrd n Stlnrdcf/ til (di ^ TO RK r^tmrp Thr Kpy ill riiiladrlfihia. A>D JSPIHIT »F IHE Ar.t WT » Trry phtlMphicaliy oha»rwi W * diwHi, tliat oor gr*«te»t pfw^»rv*|- /'|£ 'il.. daii (oAtli rniJ I'o; VI,h t HlaSirly, m will leave l>aiiviili evt_r» '1 ue»day, Tliuf*- day and ^ li.oriiiiig, and arrive at lllakely i\r. T^ loU w ill be' sold together or separaUly, •■• in to taic the m o cl-^k ear- to'suit i«irchaser». V »”*'e in F. l.-r-bur- l.y I J oc.oek ol ifif s-- Al^ 2 kU opposite Mr. 1-onfc’.. I’'"*” ' * *“' ‘-j' A The front has on it anew Dwell, •’ '7 "•».ng House, and is well cakulaU-d •"> -■» ■«,. j "-VC'«, Mi,h,d . fror, ■nr„ Bi.c;.“SrT»I. «.) .11 Ik.' HHMmrons^h to Orlor,t. Tools attached to the Wood Shop, a quantity of Ronniii? in ccniitiion with .Mr. I arl-Try'. line ready made work and all the uiifinisiied work we •‘rof i «irctn»h(.roiigh. I’trsons wlio may d ure , liave on hand. Household and kitchen Furniture north, are infornMd that tiie route frrxji , -* P" '“''“W*- and a great many othertkmgs too tedious to men- tir.en.boro.ijh via IMIal^r.^eh and Oifvd to | } ■*« « prfn.-,^. lo-j^re r«> ... tiou. BUkclVi w iIm ino>*l tiinct, ncdtn-** and rmi*t €ipc. | tin’ to c" Tlif above propertv will be sold on rery aceom- "liich can be ie!ecled ; ' ihieh may be modat4njf urms. T^ Urms will be made known rrftrti.ce to the map of the rmtm Stjii laH !.> A’a«U'int. VtI.v.-v'I* \I, AM» M\ll.l,vu“llfAI. IKM,i|, h j« K rn opem d 111 an Aejil* inj lattir bu;!l, lceat,d ICo-a> Kivir t h’ireit. Ttie v^r will iie dirided into t»« each five nK-intli*,m:» e-»iitt!iei.ciiig t»« Wt ul Jul«, the otltrr the l»t n‘. January. 'I'ui'K n at Ibt. rate ul »10 per »c 'ion*. H ard can hv obtiinf d ui rv.».>«: litmiln'i at IS.'iltiiuorr l-'uiiiKlry. f ^ till! rr»jpri»'.o'» ol u«' lUhintort Type I’oun- M tlry r •peellully inlorm tlM |>rint(r» in tlw I t.tlixl .*>(ati a. ti..'t liiey art imiw prepared tii lur. ,.i»h Hum. with a vaik ty ol letter, .uitrd to b»ok. I J„i„g to cw.h o»h«r, or, 10 Othff ... w. a,.d ,,.b wo,;, at pr.ce. a.r wme a. tU, c«i k bf otf iif.iii Pt Ifom utl t-r touniru»—‘cuc^uunr \ . it * . l. ^ rirty, 1 Iiit can be WU rflbclftJ b;i . ;r nt I-nmer apH'falioo of our loleiligcfjcw' li-iuMe IV* llieni out aci'ordifig to the Bwemiwi Do't!'!' Ki ;!"h coiiiiniiiiity, and lc«s lamentinfi ibe iKtuuic Urttl I’lirc*' I «IM4I t ue f’ira '»;» n l.lii'-a Ti' a on the dav of sale. ' The public are informed tiiat the subacrilxr has An> ptV»o wishing loengage in the above bn. placed on this route comfortabic »lne^ will plea*e call and examine our ettabii.h- W'otft' Miot’Sf' M*OSt i'VflfhfH inent, a. wc will «;11 privately if we can meet with ^ b riiir^n^a^r • « a • i i ar^ aMnr»fj tnjilthi? liiif rtin« in roiirirxton »iili the li« Line Irom l>aiiville; and tbe publ’r a purchaser. A. R. WOLFINGTON Ai CO. Charlotte, A®r. 1, le33. €2ts IS I'urtlar assiiri d thut no d«’lay or incoiivcni nee shall be experii.uced by li>(i»e who may pitroi;ia; Ihii line. a Ih ailhy one t« the ot !.ie yoult. ( i.tru.t* d to hii earc. 1 lr> I co'irse wul be n gjiar and eMiiixve, i inbiaciitg I all branches cs^ntial for n'triiig th.' Jmitur t law 1in'ollei;e». Tbe riuciphnc n ill be llior'Nii>h. Stifieiit. can enti r alaiiv lime and a iixrispun- d.n; dtdudit^n will U. uude in '1'uiiu.ii. K. I. .w.i».>\vi;ll. CtjI'OTr’it tt Ipj-1. j'.u' — xnicK.” if (Mibltc Virtue titan choking thr; of pul>lic »ic«* I for *ir« retirdH u ixlvaiicrd. As the dir«H;ti«) lod of inr*i«tin?* fj" ojtiunal utiil ilit* poirti j tin- liUMiic*.^ the Haily pr«. tb» hi , plicution of .\ddiauo’i nrniark h' I ii»-;;li-cHtl, itMi the cooi»«jurncr tsW ; shicIdH by »»^th aiid «oridi} j ar« at»r«viti Ba>nng Ihe propk, ndi*’ ' KuaprctPtl, UjI coortrd and rre, ■'*( ! tliat a ptiMicatioo ii nrr>>«qir} ak«i I iiol only d*nvt, hot ethibit the* s*.- »tirrp'» i-toihing lo public scwm, i ti - i^olire to |]iiiar(iian*«. All >nardians who have iailcd tn renew their bonds within tl>e la»t three years, are rc- dav ruo^Uii to do sn, at txie next ttriii o>' our County A. .\I. and reach llUkcly next iimriin.g. in time lo Court, and save the cost of a .Vir focias. '1 here take the * o'clock >arv _ t'onipiiiv, t a;t. lKvt»c’s t’oiniCiiy and Tliii line w i.l leave lliil*bnroijh *very ru's- ; ( ^'>1. Harrv's 1 on.panr, w lio have not (iiil t? ir T, 'I hurviay and Snnday nK>rnmifs. dt 7 o'tU iU. rt'.me.lf d locome and x 111.- betwtin thi. and tin. .Noveinl^.r f .iurls. It a heavy penalty iniposed by law on the Clerk for a neglect of this duty. B. OATt^, c.c.c. A’w. 1, l»o3. Lint* «r ^tncvH. TB^HK sub^r riher having piirehuw d the Line of i .'“l«ge. Ix tween Charlotte and SiaU'.ville, from 1). Ac \ewUnd, informs iIm’ public that the line will be kept in jood order for tlie aeeommo. dation of {«aswngi r». He ha. now on tii» line a ricw roieh. Kvery exertion will be used lo give reiicrai ^atisllctiou. WM. KNOX. Orr2f., 1M.T 62-5wr N. R .Mr. H. B. William, is agent for the above line. W K. E,amt for Sntr or Mj««ihc. IJotl. o! the atiove line* are now in g'lefi order, as the sui^^'^rilx r has lately made eyjii:,iij r^hie im- proveniciil ^ th in exjudition and for the eoiii‘brt of thoM: wlio may p;tlronize iitli* r of ti.e above iines. fVr» /r9tn I'lUnfnrm^h tn Hluitly 00 Fare fium DnMrt'Jt tu RhiLel^ ^7 UO All Uj;r?a2e at llie rik of thr dwn r». W JhUKLVS. /'n/i/iiefor. Red Ih’Uft, .V C. Hrpt. Ir.VJ. STATK *>F .\Ol{'l Ml.f KI.KNBt K> Ol MY. Court fif t'Uuf attd l^u/irt'r >Vs«i«»«, August Tirm, Ir33. Jolin Wallace . rt. ' J« >S. MtCU.S.NAl t;ill;v. AA,n/. Of, 1»«. I'.Tl. U'\C John I'lnnian. Orig.nal .-\ttachment IW I.^IItOM-ll iny dow er right in a Trari of Mjftitti iliialcd on the Main roaii I hariottc tn ('h »t rvili. . t'le t o' Frederick Dinkins. Tt.e build. c’lm ixAi:. .Irir i.HUttilishmnit. CHAKLI>Hl>,s«M 'HIM \ilol.l\A,y SrpUmf-rr ls». I'.>3. \ fntiarribirs b j Iravr lo inlorm llu ir M. friend, ar.d ihe |Hjhlic, tlial th* y h:>ve eiit«;r. td into CopartnerrJiip, under the firm ol • UartunnarH, A' i'o. .\i.d w ill r.|^M'n a Men untile l>labli*h'iKnt in ( IIKK A\'. on tlw I•! r m tU oriJ STt K K will eiMnprisc all the It ading ar. tirie*, iie'.5«afy for ll.e c.»uutry, «ri uh wr will. » II at the K.wi «t priand oiir piir> D.m . will' exlnd to all dceriptions of counlrv prouuee, foi . niiiH.l|Mkl.y ol tl,«> luilowing »iu '.on[ri il .MlllK.ll liri tier IkHirieo.t l*n(i ^ma^l i'iCA I I'na I Lni'lidl >o'i-ar. il I r I Il...rp..a. J l«i!; 1‘iiuier ; * Ih. four I'-ca j Nil Liii* • I’lca, ori *rrfr?id I'.i^.lit l.ll'ts I'lea, ^lilHMiS Lin«. Hi* a, I lut. d I ii;» I.ieet l iri, lljt, |^«f LiKht Line* ria, oriiauieiiirfl. Air. T.«.t».er with b4d*. bra« ru>. da.lK*, plain { wliich olhrr* will b« wartirJ frootW and ori.aie. n(i d, t gMtl v.riilTut dower* and | lent aild smriC^ bt* f^ndcmj to MCJCT wa •hall punv i oO' VI bfre the i r«».galti V V ink, varM>h, or a?, tlm.i* re«imred i fl«ll h“ min^lrd (iiO cttlcttM II III. I oiniHt Ihiii a,'an lid. e, w dl la enecu;«idon»i({ Tb^ Wutv^ a “ Spy in PhtlaiUlpkia" »hail be • il**lK-atr, and Ufwoolaniinated bj ctoi* gurily : ii« crnnir* »hall b* pJ>ctr% .Mr. IaJwiii Narr, wici ha* long'bren enr-.^'rd Wtire chaiile. LllPMtOrC »ml tba »ft» in I airyiiif on li.e Ituiiino., i« >n|« riiitrriitiikg ilic i {jmJ m it an tffilired frittid ! l'ralM' ikiliiinore h>«>ndry, anil Iroin bi> will kiMiwn ex. |,,(crarV mtlCIMO* ahall mectwilbt^ ,« rienei, M lU be inabled toaUcnd to the oriter. ul ! . • , .1 .rJ «krti = I'rini. r. ii. h a mann. r, ^.r pr.Hi.pti,. ss and ac 'ff.K I uraey, as Iwtnaure wliilsr(i«u. ll*® ^ ulpit ol I hllaoeiph f l.n'AS. Jr. |raion«IIy appear from th«p«oofi'' Agent of the l y|« I .Hu.dry. Iji»dg».«, iiniiilliKnred by penon*! »r anew or pri»fi'*««ioool atlarhro«il- and> n(i d, a grtat v.riilv ul dower* and I lent aild smriC^ bt* cut-. .iiil/,b«. for bo..»», u ws|«per« and liai.dbilU, I ,.f|^tinff thu ohtCCt rard UiiUt r«, A e. | .. Ofijerr l-.r an* of »!:• ..l»>ve, «« a!.w> (It prrsats, | i ^ii l* ' ' 1JLRSON.> living in th-ftxi’ind. of th_ Town *' f*n» Tavorable a. at any ttlrer olatMiilnnint ol a Conipinv, t aj't. lK vti,c’a Ciiniciiir and •in.ilur kino in the l iiiled Null •. oKJ T/will b>- takru in ci hanj^c at 'J cents per [i^'ond, drliV’-red a( tl»r I mii.dry levied on a ir^ct of land, the property of d' len- danl, on the waters of Iri Mile ( reek, a'ijoiu- in" llie land of William Kape, .Michael I’olk and uth.-rii. fT app»arinc ir. the ksti.faction of t!^ Coiirt, that the lelVi dant is not an inhabitant of this , . I I, II ij •■'late, Ofrfere./, fAfK/orr, that he be and appear at ■ ^gs "rd commodious Dwelling House, , ^'"•’^‘'l'a.»\'t^‘'’^«‘‘l'^*^routl,.Mi..s. Ibis ^ Me,klenburg county, at the « .^rt- IS a good .taifd lor Travelb rs, nine miles from u, - . t.Xa/Uitte. Tbe ami is fertile and productive in (>>tton, ( om. Wheat, iats. Rye. I pur which we will i»ay the higi est prices. .M/UilCA'i Si, for many ly eitabli.hid as a Mr.JOII.N many year, larjje. Factor i)' ('tnrmmon Mm hnnt, in Chailexton, h»« .larlril his .tcaMiloat I.IHHUTV, on the Fee I) e, hetwe.'n baileston and ( her.iw, to e,ha>« r. If I do not sell by the 1st of l)e.ernbcr, 1 will lease tlie land for five vears. Tli'/^e wlio want to {larchasr or leaw , wifl make applieatirm to Mr. J'laeph MoCoiinau;rl>ey of ('harlutte, wIki Will maae cootracta for tlie »«fe or lease. S\RAII DINKIN!*. Fr/intn county, Sfpt. % I5tl»l loo .^i:gTioi^ t on wnieh txiat we act cs Agent., whieh will give adv.inla;;'. and facilities, that few poMos. It m ao'.wer, or re. I " ^ >»r“. will give tune judgment by dtf.ull will en- ‘'1'^ *'•" "" • '•>" ly for the pur. • ^ I sut>plT ol e'-rrr article neresa.irv for the ermotrv. is a good .ta^ lor Tr.velb rs, nine miles from in tl»e payment so as lo make it easy for the pur. • «= en- | „(■ article neresa.iry for Ihe ermotry, "u.picion re.t. very strong a|ainst bun 1 I'rinfri* m *a|Hi|«.r« who will (niUidi thi. ad*. rli« ment lo llie aia..inl of t«o dtJUrs, and lorn ard a jiap. r eo* Ivhiihk it to ilte .\gmt, will afliwed that sum in pa't f«yment for any bill thry make with tlie I oundry iut ty|ie, to llir amoni.l ol |l) dnila*.. A»in,tt I t»A. I-.1.1. DOIJ.AUS 11 A V .WAV from the .O.itxeri- H & bt r, on the •Jlitb of l>e«.euilM r U«i, niy .N' iffo IViv jurr, alnHit .T.’» yiar. of agr, .tout built, .'i leet M fir !i inch* . hi|ih, and has s '.rtr on hi. lorrhi «l o'er wie of his eye., eauaed from tin kn k ol a horw. W hen .[Mlirii to ha* a pll a»inj; en«iiiti rianee ai d *r>iiieihifn,' "f a down l»w»fc ! hi. wearing upparel not reeo'b ried, and if It were hi. fri.'i.d Jolm I nilerWKirt h.i. ;ot him W urn .., Braly Oatea. Clerk of said Court, at ' ’i l'* n. ee.a;.ry fJlFict, tb( 4lii .Monday of .August, A. I). 1>'3.'J, B. OATL.S. c. c. r. Pricc adv. ri{. III*. II. It. Illllllnp rfj for liarbnring llut >-aid lioy. A fiirtiier reward of fluids for the puffiose of advance., will be hi Id fitly, lo anticijMle the wishes of sueh as inav pleaM- lf> enfrii.l their Imsines. to otir care ; and sfotiid the Plwrir or ,M reliant disire to try the . . . ■, ■ ■ ( iiarlesu-n market in prelerrnec to heraw, we ■ ^ , »ill II,, ., il.„ inlormaUon, I am led lo U (trve that he T\Vi:.\TV DOMAKS will he given for said ffoy and pr^xjf mffW lent to OFI'LKS his scrviecs to th) I’liKlii. forward their prodiicc the fir.t ofinr.rtiinitv i i *. , . r . ..... , . in tiie ^lr!t Z^Z:::n:: ofi. r^hyHK>.Vu am IN-.., to Mr.j'Thn Ma^ fo^r n " * I L.f ^ u, -..II a._ i. .. *'**• *»»wrr »I in the difTerent branehes Prof’saion, but especially in . flithrifrrtf. .N,-) t^.iiy M-ems tn rc|uire if. Hi. Lliarges w ill I eralh, by ihcMn c^eryTxertiori wiirhe made to ef 1!“^ ‘"“y ' '-'I -f Me« klei.t.iirg t ,«infy, .\ t.. wilh leit promirt and advanlag.tons .airs. »n iin.leih-vnd. d wav, M \CNAMAK\, I'lIIJsAN A O. «'»ch Ciirrym^ otf lU Or» niUr tiiil w»»]i. in|( it wl»rti U mI ftUiU thiir co:)V( trmu U'« V IV Khb and lllhdavs '* m.xlerule ; and so proportioned, that while the-I ^ * I)*'"! •"‘ he. j.ig deteel, d. III. inn ana iiinoaTS of ,i.„ .i._n i... 1. . I raw, where I roduee. eon.iirn>-d to our care, will • January nett, at tlie Court- In Charlotte, tle«’kleiilHir(; Certinty, .\orthJ"arolina, I will m’II KM) \i:c;roe8. the (irorierty of Williain l>avidsr>ii, by virl .. tw'j 11 eds oi' 'rrorl to l ie i v»-ei)fe»l b» ll.i -aid l'ivii', 'or the b* rief;i ol' '(if lia/ik of Newtxrri, J-Jio Irwin. Hainuel Meoiub and •tiiiri. 'IVriiir, ash. V. MORfMS^JN', Tniiit^f. Vkarhtu, y C.S*i-'.M,l>m. U rich are ati> nd- d. tlic poor aliall n'lt be neglected. nderaloTK!, nt Ihi. lim' is aliser;! frmn his Paiiijihlet eoiifaiuine th»- Cnnnlttatum itf thr I mtril Statrt, the l'oH*lilulutri of jSniih-f.uriUina, iiiIiIm Prrliirati'in Ilf Inilrptnil'nft fVB l-VLK AT Tllli f,r» l4 I » V'l'|*|k i rpirit. and lying in iiepro kitehi'n*. iM’f/-r./irWini), I __i '* , The above reward will lie givi*n |„f (|„. Iliv if . l‘rie,.v.-„ ts. i I * •Pr»l>ca»t'>n be made swm, I wo Joorneymen bnMichi lo me. or lod;nd in any mIUi I la» I ..ach .Makers—one »l.eel rnaki r and Ihe jet him. maker. To aneh eon%tanf employ i N^TIIW UKOU V I •VJ 1 tv W AliH A\'n:K DIOKIJS i«‘^7«»>"Hy I wfill b- men. * tKloUf II, I-.'»3 JiruPMiAii (r:ii:n>.\.Sen ’ur'tnu’» Stfiif, I lit,rit/rr hit. .V. C ‘^ f'^rnUr "il [‘•■'I t'' inJ n T« nvomiofiKliitiotMi. o*ir I'oelical sdJ aiiolher, which, cotnirg ff* d> |x>[Milar source, will, wt trui. to tlittt *f mort prt’tendinp puUicaii^ it iiiiiKJCcMary lo be n»ore “ presume Ibe want of ih*" prop^^/ IS riol only admitted, but \Vk liiervfori! pla«« «jr-lvM ‘^‘'V I’KOl’I.K and rrhmg up'*" justice and of public virtue. cisiou rcfc{iectiully IhiI confidciiil,'* mND1TIoN. 'Hio fir*t niiitil>*r of " ‘ ‘ Anixi-MIA” will be ia«.rdon HKljW- urrUy It. July. It will be pr.r.lri-; V» bito pajier, id eifjhl quarto 1*^^’ g.wdl>pe. A. It la inicrxi**'* cwitfiiU worthy of pn^rvnl*'^-'' . iiiK r.r iiiMructive of the propo«l and nmre pi^f'" t>e uviileiil. The term* r _ po> able in advance, or fnr*‘ the ejipiralion u( »it mnn will be ullowi-d a disrrHint ol IJ" on fill »ub«:fihcr* they shall ^ mittin« one year’- ,1^.' gnilinl'^ui copy of ll*e pop'’'’’ ‘•Tfl» Sl-% ihcK f:iin liiifnorr>U'« enffraving* ■ ^ ol tho ccUhrated l>o executed b> kkilfu “f'*” paniHwilhroinic verte I'l f>m the pe»w "• U-nt writ.Ts. I.p.iO"’" Allonlcrmnti't , , d. wilJ.lA'i ‘Vw,,;- r.nru will li^ tnU.’O I'liMv parki'J r ' rro-ir I ^