HlJfERS» & PARMBRS’ JOlJRNAlr. PKINTEU AND FlUIJNliEI) |-r|-|ir II.L 1LUI?: . ■■■' m.k.iih.akol.»a. I W1I.L TKACH YOU TO fURCK THK BOWKIJI Of TIIK KARTII AND miP.O OIT VOI^ IV. THE CAVKRNt. or TIIK MOl-.NTAi;,, MKTAI.H W.IICM WlLI, OIVK . . > .1 5 '• n *••’**•***’* •iOliriinl Unulaling much Crom I iipriDieJ «nd publi.lwd ever>^tord«y nioriiii.p will,in llte control of the TO OIR IIANUS A.NU SUBJECT ALI, NATURE TO OUR USK ANU ri.KARURI.—DR. JOHNHON; NO. 167. |jro8|)ect of its accu- | has Ijeen lapully diminishing lor two \ears. any resources now J'rotn that slalcinent, and from the fjreat Inc ooard. 1 he re- scarcilv in iliprminin I'jKAIj . j for a Judge of the Supreinr O'urt, and ■ . stating that Williatn Gaston is in iitjniina* , tion for the appointment; which on niotu>n BtNA'l E. The resolution, pr^SY;iJirik;rd ;;W^^^ Montgomery, was laid upon the yeHt^.rday refernng the several subjects en.- j The consideration of the prorK^sition of braced n. the governor s Me.su^e, was a- „,e other House, to raise n joint Jel«ct com- t^n I ** fi • si« • lake into consideration the proprie* 1 be bill to roptal the act of ast Sess.on, ^, ofamending the Constitution of the State, estabhshmg the Bank of North Carolina I E^we^rds, pc«tp.,ned passed its second and third readings, and u„,i| Monday next wasordered to he engrossed. 1 proposition of the other Hous., to A rness„Ke from the other I ouse, propo- ^ committee to inquire in. sing that a joint select committee on M.lita- to ,),« expediency of selling tho Cherokee ry Afl Mrs U; I aised, to be composed ..fhve |„„d, belonging to the State, >,as Dtrr^d memlH^rs on the part ofeach House; which and Messrs. Kendall, llussfv, Klutts, proposition was agreed to, and Messrs. ii„„.c|| app-.intrd the com- Move of (.rctne, Norman Jones, Hinton n,jt,ee on the part of the Senate, and Kerr were apiMjinted the committee on ] the part of the Senate. !«.„•. . r, 25. Mr. Matthews presented a resolution,! Mr. Brittain, of Burke presented a bill authorising the committee of Finance to county, by the name of burn 'iv««.ury Xou« «« fc. found ' “"^7 ’’ wa* rcad the first time and in the 'I'rensury Ollicc ; which was read the consderation post- lat, yd and 3d times, passed, and ordered po'^Q until Monday next, to be cn{rosM.'d. H‘>ke, a message was A message was received from the House f‘o the other Housf, proposing to ballot of Commons, prop.s.ng the appointment of ® S..licitor of the 6th Judicial Circuit, a joint select coiomittee, of seven members stating that m. J. Alexander is in vcnieiice theiet'ofe, of being uni>ro\idcd with 1*^" part of each House, whose duty it nf Mr la plare of hafetv lijr dcoobitiiw the nublic ^ imder consideration the' motion of Mr. Gayton, the Senate p i '"C the Stale and P^‘>cee'cd to consider the proposition of the ' money, some action of the present gi,la-, ‘be turrtniy •! tlic fctate, anU ' lure would wcm to be necesstiry.” '"'1’”“' »•'« ‘ VlH-'diency of establish- 1 I mg a Bank ; and if, in their opinion, it be I'icrka of Courts.—Wc have heard ol '‘‘-'i'C'lit'm «o establibh a liaiik, then to in ! inVFRTISEMEN'I'S will br inarrtrd at i entirely sii.snended Thi* | per iquRru (not ciceedinj 20 line*,) Ibr i 1^, J -*,.1!^^;. V ’ * amount of 1 he necessity for legislation on the suh- „.e fir.t in. rlion. •_u‘=; j ,he b^n.l arr.onr^ " ^if'^ulating medium, has rcfdinj »juare. who «dvrrti tiicnicnU runiNrol - i emu hi H«ml at lln cloic ol the buiinc.of lh( Iih . , . r Jin ofthe .nani«cri|.t.or they will U- coiUiuutd ^ „„ , transacting the business of this ollic«, grow until forbid, and cbargfd Rccordinply. I tbllow\iz; ’ ’ 1 iiig out of the particular state of the local All rommonicitioni to thr Kditor munt come Amount is I’ul.Iic Trta».itrcr, . 21 currency in North (’arolma, yet exist: and (ntol-po^tage, or they may not t.e >tundcd to. I)«. Trca.ur, r for the l and of Internal in addition, the time has now arrivd when I I Hi n»i 11 « i - III 'im iiBiwi u 11 ' lMij»roM im nl, .... ftT'l (InI f TftKANtRi:K*N IIC1‘1>UT. Finances of Sorth Carolim>—The an- {p'ial Treasury Koport, w hich was crmmu- [ncated to the I^'gislaturc oa Tuesday lust. IK>. 'I'rcaAurcr Makin; an e^grrgatc ainount of 17.';,t'“l 11 With « bid. the Public •I'rHa.urcr, ^T^idT. aTIU ' V depof lle aa’I tcaiuttroflbr F.itrrary anil Iiilcriial lm..rovc have already ceased to l>o desirable, nnrl an •I till- crvtJil ol tbt i'uUlic 'I'ri-aHurur oil ibt lit day ol NovcinU.r, IriS.’l, HO.tiTH 17 f>o. ftank of .NVwlirrn, do. 0(j,.iis 5'J i)j. Hunk 01 I . i'car, 1 jy- tlU\.l!c, . - lU.Oil 3j i ^ lG6,‘2cl 41 i Worn Tnan'iry XutC'i. mIk r clittiigf, I \c. dr|>wiU-d ill tlic Vdull uf ti e 'Itruoty, .... 9,.‘i'IO 73 linjchas (nistible without omitting any niut |t»r of interest.—Fai/. Uban rtr, 20/A ult. I. Of tkt Rrrnuf. btlinc« m ll»c Trta*urjr, Nov. 1, I-3J.ua. •T,9-.M 73 rrccipu from all aourcc* of unap. propfulfd Rrvcnue durin( th^ year CDtiuig Nof.'l, iK)3, «ete as full«»«, „ '**• Kf'rom ihr SfHTiffa for Public Tai, GH.IW Dt ^ale lUnk of N. div'd of cap. atork, j t, l'*.1 ^ I'jrii of Xrwbcrn, do. 45.4.>0 (Kl ' Mi r^liof t'ape I'car, Us of 1 per c«nl. '.I.Col Ou ii’i of NcvLcrn do. 3,$s«7 L-'**' iUitk diTidrnd of prutil, on ‘21tH Siiartt, iKf. KW, M . Slade, Kxurity Mtftin, lohn SI «i), Utr in pari of jtuig ?»U$of furuitun .'«raio, (uardiaii 11. ofl. of J. N f(«»ylh, |!^iiicoaibe Turnpike Company, for dir. idriid* on »to»-il ownrd bj Ike Mat , >d« foi m1c« of late Juo. lla|woutl'a J pftrtr. McRao, in f\iH of (piio- 1 ct|mI Kkm, fnttrrtt 153 3",) J Hay worn), 2d and 3d txNid«. - a fl/ltgway, 4Ui bond for UcU near I,' !>, Manly, 9d bond for tract of land, |f«D«malt lUrtna to credit of late Jubii l(:T«aod, M of imblic krt«, an a^gre^ato of lyC.iil 70 • duly to .li t, and ill whom tl.isc ijuahtit'a jiW frr ihe ycir ending, tiotis are ao important.” Not. I, 1 (33, amount to 13^,^^i" ' “n'r of the L.tlrary'l uaJ, 117,oJI 2^ '»«n.e otlier pro ^ , viMun (or the public deiMiui public de|M)Bitos, if the char ters of the present banks are not to be ex tended. \\ ith the State Bank the depot^ites -rvor.nl instanctts in whirli the ronstin.iioii. uhty ol the law of oiir loat IvOgislatiire %Pst- ' L ing tiie riyht of elcetmg Clerks in the |>eo- It I'le, has l)oen calkd 111 pK‘stion. And we ^ “ IK-Iieve the decision has uniformlv been, It «i!l be sren ,n the course ol the ex- nniination aliout to lie made 1>% t ie ( orn. ! . quirn whether the same should be a Bank of the State, to be owned exclusively by individuals, or hy individuals and the State House of Commons to raise a joint select cummittce to take under consideration the propriety of amending' the Constitution of the Slate; when Mr. Edwards moved to amend the proposition by striking out the following words, to wit: “and to inquire conjoiiiily ; which was road, and, on motion expedi.nt to adopt for of Mr. .Martin, of Ro kingham, laid upon , accomplishment of the same, ’ and in. the table serting in lieu thereol the following : “ and •MessrJ-. Skinner of ( liowan, Moore and "‘■'c^sMry, to report some plan for the ac- 190 50 i • IH ople luul e',«ctv.l J. I). H.,ke. W e n„d. r- id, lyMthont a paraUel m an> pi. vi..us>car. ,, 00 : ,r d. U. the couis.- or l.is prtb-Liit Lii- ul^ham^M.>htgomeiVriluKVlc:^^ tin^rpossed, mul referred. Edwaidswere ap- . Mr. Hoke, from the committee appom ed .(ttroiuii I o. . , ,1 , In conduct the baUotin* tor Solicitor ol the ;and Con.ptro'lcr arc r..,u.i. .l .0 p.iLluh . n- ,.uil.-/O/wrrrr. ' 55 .niinlly, on the Kl daj i.( .\n\« iiiIk.m', a list ( 3 151 •»J "••'ikabl,., that there «,7r.„.orc fia-.ellc. V-0 iu '“•* •‘«es*ity l^r -;u h j.ub .cation the present ye.ir, inaH.i.u. 1. as ti.eio has not j,..., rritlny \or *'2 Hockingham, Edwards, Skinner of Chowan, The propr.siion, received Iro’m the House 1 committee u( Commons yesterdav, to refer so im.ch of ’ '** ^ ihe (Jovernoi-’s message as relates to Banks , Rx-I'^ond, a U. a jr.int select conuniltee, was taken up 'ncorporate the Richmond Manufac and awreed to, and Messrs. ^!al■t.n of R.K.kVCompany ; which was read the first «ill iM roinc of lumdml t>f iK I .'ii'o; a balance oT caah, No«*r. 1, of The diabursemcnts jg ilim«, VIZ: j’rtrsl .\i»rmtily, J 'btiiWinjr 'apitol, li rratary N'>lr» burnt by Kir.iiicr, tn3S, ^adKurjr >1- llank intcrckt on dcft;rr d pay. BMT>t of *t(>ek. r KtutiTc Drpartment, |Tri.*tury IV|/«rln>tnt, |!‘^r •ftti,e«;t of Statf, P Vu;i(roll r'l Dcpartuicnt, I? ‘ ml’.itf (or failini; to comply n iih art of 1~31, rruiHltd per rtaolulion of tifwral Atarmbly, |l4=,b.ral KIcctHiti, - riff, liir M tUing lai, 'i*- I’riiitrr, .... nt -(.rr*, .... frtuional ilkrtion*, |l--('.rii. (•riicral'a iHl’ue, ll’-'^ )■ .... r-l ' y burnt, mu-a of I7e3 and I7*>.'., -’.IllllI.CUH, .... m.i lie if t«o or llii. c !'• the Cherokee Indians, and to communi- '*ann and Wilder were appointed, on the id suiliti. N haveil.eif »>“«« /-''gislaturcs of other part of the Senate, to compose the joint li.e irtasurcr again rai!:. tue aitenuoii us even I*.r a li.of sca*..ii f” I he ai>- were agreed to, and, on inolion of sclect committee to examine whether Ihe of tho I/'gi&luture to tliu uiici'iiul 0|>iMatioi)' M'liC)'(I'*-n iMiiiv slii.iiii 'liuhts v'.otilil (‘fill- Boaid, a iiicsiage was stMit to that pu ) ic printing canno one on ertns . . ” • . * * . • ^ . II. ti.-,* t\.^ mAr#» nnvnnfn»rf*niis. following reso- (H); 'I'hat there could have octurrcd an;, dif- .ta'if; ‘’i opinion upon the [H.uit htiiti.il in (io the following extract, is leuliv, to us, u uiut- (»0 ter of surprize. l.ltjO j'l |j^ n’ceivingfif the Slate Hank the div. idend ofcn| ital which vias n.ade in Janiiarv and tuiiiLim;: about for the want of il. •Mr. Arpnle, Colmtz, in Altcnburg, has in hi^i gaiileti nn apple tree, which in the l.'HKt 00 **'I paid. On the other hand, it was contended numl)er ol little tjoaras, tnat iney uia not II r, m/ !•■“** amount sulVicitnl to pav for all the uiji.re it, thcHigh the\ cut down other l.uit 'Ub,l;;onl,id.WU^^^^ snb«T,lK-d, at one hundred dollars trees for h re wood. -1 oviso,,. |';i»r-r.,pi, for Ihr ytar ending Not. e.ich, shtrtild l)C retained out ol what wus S 1, lr3.’l, li»»r Uxn a* litlluwa, \u : i* f ntrin ol \ar«nt land. I on Dale* at auctioti, 'I'avirn tax rcc'd. from SlirriT«, ^'>lr Hank for dird'aof Cnjiilal >>lnck owned by tliia fund, I>" for divid..nd> of profit*, II inli of • Ab«rn Ibr dividi ntl ' H 'apiUil .'itock, - • ifx' l-i sr Na». Co. for di\id(.-nd to the IIouEO nt select com- on the part of inquire inlo , J . , „ exempting fro.n Moye of I'itt, Nash and Vanhmik form the Uic piTforinance of military duty (except in case committee on the pjirt of the Senate. of invasion or insurrection) all comniiBioncd ofli- A message was received from the other cer. of u.e miliua of the grade of Captain and up- ,, ".in.. r wards, wlio have served, or who may hereafter House, propising to ballot to-morrow tor with good reputation in the militia ot this voar 1-lH, b^.re va-? s.-rls of apples and I’rmter, and stating that Lawrence state Ibr the *pace of five years in succe«.ion; ;,therfr.MlJ: in luct, the tn e has ,'n it above L. nm , Joseph C. ales .V Son, and t harles and that they have leave to report by bill or other- Ruiiisiiv iiie iiMioiiiiinttion. On motion wise. was, on motion of Mr. j Edwards, so amended as to make it the On motion of .Mr Hinton, so much of the duty of tlie committee on Military .\ffairs (Joveruor's messuage as lelates to Revolu- to make the inquiry alluded to, and adopted. U'dnesday, Nov. 27. presented the petition of others, of Meekleii- of John Sloan, late released from the of 400 dollars, in- Sheritf, for failing to On motion of .Mr. Montgomery, a mcs- pny t|io public taxes due to the State. Mr. sa^e was sent to the oti.cr House, proposing Morrison also presented a petition from the to rai^e a joint select coinmittoe, consisting sj,nie parlies, pra\ing the passage of an act U . di l^ r ^ sorts, but these hist grafted have not «• Ka.-iy aie i.i i.o..,.in,t.on. On mo ion la-t, • oill..r« tice ot .^Miiion aroje as to t i« 'l h.« i.fntlen nn hns elK . ti d Montgomerv, the-mtssnge was laid \V hich resolution amount to which the .‘51UI0 was enlitkd; the >l l«'rni. I hi.s {,entltn.nn | ' i F,I«arris, so nmen liMdend U-ing liftv fK-r . oni. lt«a» ehnii.. this curioMly for his amusement by iikktu- "I "nn-no.t. tliHoiio hand. Iliat the St.iteoiiyht to lalmg and grafting, and has fastened to *>d, on C,.?70 13 fi7.'i t;i 11,100 00 5tit Wt 3,53.) 00 , as have not l»een paid for ‘inc«iotaltocrtd.lofthi.fundof 117.0-1 M ,,„n has accordingly Uen in«tilulHl, and Andrews, HolU.rn, lor the benrht ol rrv; »f i entitled to the four jM-r cent, interest on the tln'utre lor the benelit, cVc. lias lieen no rx|ienfhturu Iroin tt.i mil during the year. I 111. (ifthi Funtl for Internal Imjfrorcmi lUUn,. nn hjiid N..V. I. IMi. I'ftrivid purihanrii ofl'liirolii*c Mr. Arrry,—We learn from Bristol,says t>l3 40 |Mivnirnt for stock, which it has '•'•Vinir an «p.rr™t, „r •> , I T"' certainly sulwcrilied for the cd to that place about ten days of - . • ,»or share, aniljs UH much where he now resides with his family. _ - Itound to pay that price for it as Ihe individ- ^ Irani that he has l>een sus|>cnded !I7‘MH ,,„1 k(h kholders. 'I ho '’‘-'''y l'l"P‘‘'‘»tu«i ,|,p I of the sttK-k is ow ing, in part, to the enor- Conference, and that he now takes I inous dividends lortm'rly declared by v*^ or attends at any of the religious 7f. Bank, of which the State received her full which are observed by hia con- ' iirecation. • i'- i Of the jii.lgment against the late I reas. iurer Ha\'woiHl, the Imlance yet iinsatificd, KM? ‘J.l exelusi\e of iiiten-M, is 8^17,7 10 t> !( (H) i «i'ri,o demand at tins ollice t'or the re- , . , c, " I'und has l.eome m. rnhi. ed a. ' .l.-mpllon of Treasury noles, it will Is- seen - the ir.li inst. 11. the packct sh.p Susque- I'uve Ult httl.- more than a nominal cxis-1 by etatcmeut (K) accompanying this report, hannah, Iroin Lncrpool. i 'I l ilir. rlrnol—» lnli.»> nn.l ! coinmittcc was appointed to asceitain the ;vfr. Montgomery, I he justice ol know '*1^1 a.rjr»'»>^“'*'nniuint ol' divnleiuls anil Umo^ c»inniittee ap|>ointed to examiue whether diMdend ujnai the capital stock ol the State t|,c public printing cannot be done on terms Bank, the Bank of New hern, and the Bank niore advantageous, made a report thereon, ofCajH} Fear, since their organization, the stating that, iu the opinion of the conimit- umount ol specie actually paid m upon their tee, no investigation of the subject is neces- subscriptions of stock, and the amount jmid gg^y ; svhich report was laid u|M)n the table. in, in llank notes or other paper money, the amount of debts due them, and the u- HOUSE OF CO.MMONS. mc'unt of notes issued by them and now Thursday, Nor. 21. alloat at the mother bank nnd each ot the The Speaker, in obe«lience to the Rules l*'t *|wuOUurcthave ttiiiounted to ’•’ii'S a bt-lancf. of The e\priidilurcs consist of • »»li |*aiU A.ti. Keen, balance lor work ^'■lit apolVar, . . . • I”-. Snprrinlcndi'tit I’liblic '-'lory and ex|M'nmn, ' *11 binr, fur 'apr Fi-ar N.iv. Co. |"r bii|;„ui of Slutm* laMt nubM-iip. "■Ml 1^ ,1,^, 'n' II. Ihll, S rrt tjry to llic H.ianl, .Mr. fhichanan, Uto Minister of the I'ni- le«l States to Bussia, arrived nt Philadelphia brunches and agencies separately, designu- pf Order, appi>intcd the following commit ting the ainount ol debts duo thciii on ac- tppg; I'ommodation loans, the amount due them j«jici(iry—Messrs. narrln^er, Brajrg, on business fuiper, and the value of stock in (;rahani, Poindextt r, n«ttle, J. l>. Jones, Courts, staid Banks at diflerent periods, A:c. M«'ssrs. Outlaw and H. H. .\lexandtr. cwi.|»«c tlio omii.ill.o. Allien, (.'"otton, .Monlgoinery, J. N'illianis. The engrossed rcstilution, directing the a„d Corpeninif. Clerks of the two houses to collect the On Fiimncr—Messrs. Wyohe,Calvert, Leoiiard, .lournals and Acts of Assembly for the use SinalUvood, Lilly, lirandon, i:dmonston and .MiU- of the Legislature, was read iliree times, 1^>'. „ passed and ordered to he enn.lh .'. >n motion of Mr. >rar8teller, a message Ueceived from the other Hous •, a mes- was sent to the Senate, proposing “ $npe, propo-singto hallo*. onThiirs»lav next. i. i-.t select committee on .Military .■IHuirs.

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