MlJfERS’ & FARHERS’ JOURNAL^. TI_ PKIXTKD AM, la ilIJSIIKl, KVIOKY S VII HD V Y^HY i II«M iVl I WU.L TEACH vou TO „K*vK T.iK Bowri.. OF THK KARTi. ANo B^^ „u,.. .... >1K» Kl E>BI K(; COUM Y, NOMVIW AROMIVaT III’. ^ ^ an» pI^sU»k—i,e. •I III: Tliiirrw’ A Fariiiern’ .loiirnni iiriiil' il Ui'i publinlu'tl every Saturduy iiioriiing si Tiro ndlnn in-r annuiii, if |iaid in advnnce ; jVtf Mian and Fifty Cenit if not (mid until ,1'ter tl»e enpirtitimi of three inonthf*; Tnree «t tin-«nd of Uic y»ai. Nupu[Hr will 1^. ili^contiiiiK'd until all arrL-aragL'it art- paid, unit> at tlif option of tlie IJditoi. (i\ i;K'riSKMK>iTS U'ill be innerti'd at Fifty uiiti ralilicd S-iTl HI>\V, 1.',, NO. 168. by the two (lovernnjenlri, and and H I'igiw'K Virii.>tr... i.\ • . ^ - 111 mil lorce lUiil under tlie ciicouiu'>eiiienl luHt H.okuiiho iiw.n.rt. ..• fifu* , , I ij “ VO, ; v#i V iimi-iu ill iiuvniiu j uui iiit'usu liuid lli»» inlertbl im\ul»le willi it TM l.!li T l«*tn t.iken which it iei believed win cxpe- ,.„..f,hc ,„.nWr,i.t.or they «ill b,- continued j ‘^’'■awii ut' V\ u.itil five cl'.er "l.‘d Lwa'rrS oircr until forbiii, and cli«r){td accordingly. 1..'*'“ iiisluliiiriit whs paMibIt? (it lijiiiiii'tn coinniuiiitated for (iiibliratiun, the runilHrof iu«*/Honn niuiit be iioti d o«i tin- mat ill cxpe- ul^Mr the iiisluliiiriit uiis and I Congress wero inf'orined, at tlie niieiiing IC iiliuidM iii‘)tcculiar fiatiiitiiclion to state \ lli'-’ lafet sr!ssimi, that, “owitii;, as was al- of rf.e d A(ruies at I’aris, pur- j to both llous-ci, at the upciiiiig of tlir (’oiij’resi*. ttiiW of the SrnaU, lid Huuit oj l{rytetrHtalire$ I hiM liitler [loiiit, it is protiahle an under- ‘'ur citizcns for proptrly ille|>all> caplurrtl III iho blofkade of Terceira. SSince that [tune, a poatpuneiiicnt lor two jearai, with i ll..,-I I .. .• 'i .1 . •■ '"i'« i«re me tieceasfi (II me late ' iit’Ibe two rt iiiainin£{ itistuln.eiits, \ill l a; K"‘e atid, unless that e^el,t n.ay «uh requested by the l*oitu«uese (iovcr.,- and as a coiiNideiatioti, it oOi'red to su uiiIm iiiwtr.., t.,, r .1 i\ poiiii, II IS protial.le an under- i.T S . • K r f'"'" ' ‘ -'andinp had taken place lM3twcen the M.n- | I I N,It... Ihebdl, however, though not i.ter of the I’nited State, and the Si«ni.h i llrd Tv f’; ‘‘"V"" “ I f fore thedecease of the late' j third day Mart h, wa« not paid, and l..r Kiiic of Spain • and unlr OinourHH»emblin,{ to perform the hieh«*8t Ibc rraw.ns nsM-ned by the French Minis- havrT dcla\Vd its coimiU li ,isl, v»liith the IVople of the I nited ter ol rinam c, tio appropriation hiiJ to lioi^ ihat it iiiav U-in i.tei have conlidfdto yHJ, of iegii.laliii^ !»•. n n.ade I,) the l'iiali Chanilxjia. It rioun.'.-to \ ou .irlv in\o , ili.‘ir coinni.Mi wclfaic, it givm me plea- j in not ktm%»i. to me tliat, up t.i that |,« riol, , o.i. Iusim’i .'f i voum tie them to crijtiy. H ith those btates our relations have un* dergotie bJt little change during the pres ent year. No reunion having yet taken place Ijetwcen the Stales which compo.-ed liie Republic of C'uloinbia, our Chargt d’ Aflaires at Hoyota has been accredited to the Government of N«w Granada, and we have tlierefore no diplomatic relations with Vcix zuela and Equator, except as they uiay be included in those heretofore formed witli the Colombian K-public. It is uncierbtood that Reprc»enta’i»e>i from the three States wen about to assemble at Hogota to cnnfor on the Mdij' t .1 then mutual iutere»ts, par- iicularly that of their union; and if the re sult should render it neccssry, meusurrs will be taken on our part to preserve with ench that friendship and those liberal cominercial connections which it has been the constant d* ?ire of the United States to cultivate with their sisti r republics of this hemisphere.— le to Coiij{ratulate )ou un the happy con 1 of our ln-lovid ciHiiitry. Hy the fa any appropriation had Ix-tii required ol the j tinoralile than tlios** entered into i>o l*eltcr arrannt nii-nt could bo made, my ,..„ „| our l--loveu CHimry. ny tiic ta- ( ban.U r. ; «„d although a coinmunicatiui ,;,r ^iih other nations. onseiit «as given ; and u roval order of the r..l )M me,M-«. heaHh i. agum «ul»-ue..ll.M..a.le to the .,c( of justice nould «ell accoid with the King of I'oitu^al «as accordingly u.ued on M.„,d to us ; |.cace reign, ou. by dir^ tiun ol the King, rtcommei.ding ch.iadcr of .«pam, and is due to the I'm- the Jth of 1 ebruarv, for thcWe.luction abumlaix-c crowiu. the luU-rs ol that the necessary pr.MM-ns .houM In. ^ f.ioids. It the duty on rice of the I’nitcd States.- •|H!d,:co,...M-rrea,uldon.eM,c.ri.^ iimde f-r . arrjiog the ( oi.wMion into el- (ad to Mu ngti.en the M-ntimf nts II uouid give me great pleasure if, in speak- un.l. »iidiruie.,M-;undimhMdualhappi. l.-.t, it at an adv ant. d | the „l ainii\ ai;d go..d w ill l^etwrcn the two na- mg .f that com.ttv, in whose piosp.iily the r. ^ .rds the private virtue and enter- won. Hti.l the Mibj. ri uas (i,.al!> po.l- „'|„ch n ,h m. much the «i»!i of the , l »ited Slates aie s.. much interested, and iM-ol'"Ur ci'zena. , j>“ii* d until the next iinJ^lmg of the ( luiii- ( intc d State.-to cheii;h, at.d so trulv the ith " l»«f» » long sub.^istmg, extensive, and (Uidiiioii abroad is not Irsa honora- U is. •• tlian ill* prosjH-rou» at hoine. S-t k- it has boen supjwwd b\ n*.l!.in^ in not riglil, and determined lli»* rrencli Mlnl^•try, that the fniancial > - ibiiiit to tKHhliig that i« wrong, but de- »li|.iilal|i n of th« treaty cannot b*.- earned b. rriend.thpii Mild hhi-ral int(r- n.ta tli-i t witimut an appropriation hv all N4I1011N, the ( iiited Siati*i> lit*' tiua.bers, it appears to me to li^ n>.t HI'j-.iineii lliri.'O^hout the \Aorlil the confi nee andr**j«* l which are due to the iNitdue tolh-i har.icterof|>-iih(it)\eriiiM ni-, arnftrr vf tin Anjcriciiu People, und to a ui« well im to the rightii of onr cit /emt, tii ‘ic\ r*« ju't, ami so congenial to the spirit iLc Ci>n\i ntioh made 1* 1, m iij. ir iu>tiluti>iut. ipiojHT fiiiuix, IIS pl'il;,iiig t!.e g«Kid luitli of la tnngiij^ to your notice the fmiticular Ihe 1 rcnch tiiivrnimt iit lor I'l e\ cuti 111, there is iea>on ii>*^iit in my powir to an- slipulutiMliat liceoftlie I nited Statoss.hould our prestm se:^ion, Im’admitted into Portugal at the same du-j Untilth' important question of reut'iion shall on\eiition u|Mjn terms 1 **s IJra/.iiiaii 1 ice. Hoiug sati.^fied that : be settled, lio«ever, the diflerent matters which have been under di.‘oussion betweea the United States and the Republic of Co lombia, or either if the States which com posed it, are not likely to be brought to a satisfactory issue. In consequence of the illness of the Charge d’AHaires appointed to Central America at the last Session of ('ongress, he was preven ted from proceeding on his mission utitil the month of OctoU-r. It is hoped, however, iiitereftt of both to maintiiiti. |{) the fir.'t sect inn of an act of Con^rew, passed on the lH h Jiih , 1-3'J, the tunnage d'-,ty on Spani-h ships arrivii g from llie |xiits ol .'^pain, was liini*e.i to the diit\ pnv- iiiutually adMintagious coiiimcrcial inter- curse has strcngti.eiicd the relations of | that lie is by this time at his'post, and that riiend»hip, I could annoiiiicc to jcu the res- theoliicial intercourse, unfortunately so long toratiun ot its internal tranquility. j interrupted, has been thus renewf d on the qur-iitl) to the commeiiccinent of'part of the two nations so amicably and , L I I r bio on American ve>- If m the nMts of il*u last se.-,si..u h1'Congicss, the linal iiistal- advantageously connected by engagements on y cuiiM-lcut w ith the charter ot I lanrr-, prcMoiis to the ’Jotb 0 toher, I*"!?, pajiiblc by iK'iiinaik, under the Con- founded on the most enlarged principles of Irfiiig li\e Cl Ills |M r ton. 'I !io «•! was in- of the •^"th day of .March, l~3l», commercial reciprocity, t- niled to gi\ * til cl, oil our sk!'-, to an ar- ici;ei>ed. 'J'he rominissioiiers for ex- ; It is gratif) itig to stale that since my last raiiffiiient n.ade uithihi Spaiiisb lioseni- ‘"‘ ii-ii'g thi; cluims, have, since teriiiiiialed . annual message, some of the most iinpor- ineiii. I y w hu b diM.-riiniiiating duties of iirti- labors, and tlicir awards have been j tant dawns of our feMow-citizens upon the . w.'re 10 l eu!>.>h-h;ed in ilie norisol tlio government of Brazil have been saiisfacto- u ol our l-ori ign Alt.ita, it otl-.rd. me . as up. ci f lu h d. |KirtH.ent an , ^ ,,j ,;,r. 'Mie juhtice rcndeied to our citi- 1 ily adjusted, and a rcliance is placed on the ihe two ri;ilioi>. I’ursiui.i to that aiTMii'fC- hy that tioverniiient, is thus coinple-■ fileiidly dispositions manifested by it that mini, w liK h v\as carried into ilfect on The , thereby alfoided for ihe | justice will also be done in others. No new (lait of .‘^paiti, ..11 the VOih of Mav, iiiainteiiaiice ol that liieudly intercourse be-' causes of complaint have arisen; and the •»> a M*\a! onii’i, JuUd the •_’f*tii Apiil, r-a.*, .\im-i K Mil v. 'iseln 111 the [virts of Spain have pahJ live re; Is jrf-r ton, whi h rale of duty 1*0 paid in th.**'.' poit^ by Spanish sl.i(>s; ,ii gratifiiatiofi to inii»rin you, that th«y ..bliijnlion to luiln it; im.i I t.ave received ; in 4 coikIiIioii whirli priii^ii>ea • coii- niwuraiice thi.jugh our Cliar;:e d'AlUiin-sat of friendUiip with all Nations. I’aii.H, ni«l from ih* French .Minister I'leni- V> ilh ;p at Hritaiu the interesting qu. • '»ary Ml V. a«binKloii. uimJ more n*o. nl- •ifour .SortlM-mnlerii Kouudary n;maii«k *.> ihr.iugh tl^e Mim»ifi ol ibt- I luted. State* uoicci‘.C'l. A n«rg«itiBtioii, Iniwevrr, ' th»l the delay has u it procetilcil ,tU|.ulj.rt h«b.en on the ,.;nl ol ,s aUo pai.J m th.*.. po. I. l.v .'Spanish ships; cWoMlie la.lC.n«n-i..; WKJapro,H . King and hi. Minuler>, to tullil ihe tf. al), an vJ.eN ,.„v i.n tonnage !lu- ..... ha. been submitted to the Hm.ah ; ••"‘“hat me^siires w ,1 be pr.*'nled .it tl,- ,l.e i^ iof lii.' 1 i.ilJd Siatc.., ihe du- iti willi • VH'v* of iii ot Iho i iumI a rmilv with thr r*-«.lut.oiii.fthc.S tiate, • reii.>n«We I.ojk? ol ^u. tl»^, lu obtain lh> iitie d^Mgi.uted by the 'I rraty of l7-a. noc wrtiry apf-r->f>r.aH.m. u.,h Uo detiii.le aOKVver Ims been rect-iv. ll ti n'Vf«jr\ lo i.> Ic^w.-mt, ihul the il ii.a) look, d lor, and 1 niter- i|.i«.mH-iil«, evrepl ..rtain li'in if v«>‘-el,~ 'a J the overture may .m.uedi- • « upli.r*'d, . onileitiiie.l, ir burnt at sea, prop- kod to a katikJactory u.ljuitmeiit ot ' r I-) la. iliat‘ lb« examii.ati. n hikI liquid.i- > iai|>oiluiit iiiattrr. Ui'«n .if the reclamiit.ons «-oiiipii>.ii in (he I h.*'• the wili..larl.on to tf'fortit Voij thnt 'IH’ul.iti-ui .-I the ( oiiv.^itmn, an.l whi. h, -..nation which, by di «ire of it,’. I>\ the (ilh artielf. France engaged to rom- K-(.rr- r>liitivfH, was €)|H‘.ied, suii.c v.'nr.. mnn.i'Mle l.» llie ( mied Stales 1>_\ the ii.|. r- coiijiug the relations that the two nations j trade between the two countri-,s flourislies mutualU bear to each other. j under the encouragement secured to it by , . r ly of five Cl Ills pax.Tlile ill «.ur porls b\ Spaii- .sii \essi‘l.-4, ui.J.T till' ai t :iluiv(’-meiitiiiii-d, is >e,il'\ a disci iiiimaimi! duty, 0|n lating to the disiiiiv ar.lage of S|i;i.ii. 'I'lioii^h no the liberal provisions of the treaty. It is cause of regret, that, owing proba bly to Ihe civil dissensions which have oc cupied Ihe nllention of the iMexican Gov ernment, the lime fixed by the treaty of limits with the United States for the meet ing of the Commissioners to define the boun- ll IS satiafactorv to inform you that the Danish Govermneiit have teccnlly issii.d an oidinance by which the couimerce with the Island of St. Croix is placid on a more liberal footing than hen.tofoie. 'I'his chuiige cannot iLil to prove beneficial to the trade l>etwren the Uhit. d States and that colony ii.d ilic advantages likely to flow liom it j duries between the two nations, has beea complaint has vet U>m made ..n Ihe |«it .d grcati;r lelavations in the colo- suffered to expire without the appointment, we are not the le^^, bound hv tiie oh- stems ol other nations. | of any Coniuiissioners on the part of that ii.'atioris of t.MMi I .Ith to remove’ the dis- 'I'he ralilicalioiis of the Convetilion with (iovernment. U bile the true boundary re- er.ii.inaii..ii; ai..i I M commen.l that the act the King d tlio mo Sicilies have been dulj , mams in d.iubt by cither party, it is difficult Im. amended ar.-oi.lin.-lv. As the r..val or- exchanged, and the Commissioners upiK.iii- : to give eHect to those measures which are d.‘r. alluded t.., includes the p..rts of tml for exaiiimmg the claims under it, have , necessary to the protection and quiet of our the hah-aricand Canaiv Island^, as well as entered n(M.n the duties assigned to them by , numerf^s citizens residing^ near that fron- . ».th the I'.iit.^h G..vernii.ri,l. lo'r the ntedi ir> . f ll..- I.e^nf.on. th.nirli re,.eat. d- ,i,„^ „ „ould sm in that the pro- law. 'I’he friendship that the inier«sts ol , tier. The subject is one of great ^licituce • • • ,, . .... ... ii,e two nations require of them, U*mg now »«» the I lilted Mates, and will not tail to re- e^.lablishetl, it may lie hoped that each will | ceive my «urnest attention ttiui ol a Light lio»i.«. o«i ill" Mjhuma., U-. 11 ^ul■|■^■lul. 'Fhov woiks when , till, lo;:.lhor with thi«e vvhiih the I" li .";.il..s have coii»triu l.'d on the w. ^l• >l■•. «.llhe (lult .>1 Florid I, u.llcoiilri- ijt nlially ti tin' «al'iv ..I imvig«ti .ii KmI m a. 'Fhis Joint |Kitlici(uit.on in es- ‘>'1111. Ill* li.lcr.-tii.g to humanity and .'lu'ul tocomiiu rc', i« woiihy of two rn- ••ned .N.itioiih, and .ii.liculeH li-clm, l\ Hpplietl !'.r bv ihe \iii. riean ( h.irue d'\l tillr..ti, (iiMler yist ruetimm Irom this (lovei n- iliefil, h.ive not ve| IrfM-ii roinmuol. rtli'd ; ar.'t till'* dehiv. It n apprehen.I.'d, w ill lie- cess.iiilv (irevoM lb'! f.f ill** du ties assi;;ii. d to the ('ommiH'ioner, vvitliili the li::ie at pre*t‘nl pr s rit»»d by Inw. 'I'll.* r a»->ns|V)i dehtving to rornnmiiiratc lhi'e d.H iimenls liav'' not bei n explicitly vi-ioiib ..f the act of Congros ‘hould Ix? e- .[Ualh extensive; ai.d that lor the rcp:i_\- inciit of such duties as may haw b. en im- pr>)i.»'rlv rec. ivcd un addition should b»' iiid.le to the sum appropi ialcd at the l,i>t s. ssi,,n of CoiigM-so for lefui.diiig disciiuii- naliiig duties. ■As the arrati;>efni‘itl referred to, however, did not eiiibrare tin,. Islands ol I ulw and I’orto Ilico, disiTiniinating duties, to the >t.lied, and Ihm i> the more to Ik> rrgretted, ' .'I Kiiinol fii.i to h.ivc a hap|i> .nliuei«e as it is n"l .inde.stih d llul the inler|H)sition prejudice of .\iiierican shi(>,»iug, conimue to 'Hitheir jH.hlical relationi. It is grati- of th** Chainliers ih in an) manner rciimied |,.v,c4l ||,ere. From the i xleni of the • ,i-r of Foreitin Aflliirs 'la to the friends of both t.» (wrreive that lor ihr delivery of tlios^. pa|ier. comineri’c carried on between the I mted ” * _ .. i,:,.i. i.;. (.|ijo\ the belli fits which a liberal commerce should \ leld to LkjIIi. A trcat v of amity and commcrce lietwecn the Unilc’d Statis’and Helgium, was con cluded during the last winter and received the saticlion of the Senate ; but the exehan-e of the ratdicalions has betn hitherto delay ed, in conseijuenco, in the tirst instance, ot some delav in the reception of the treaty of Hiussels, and sub?equently, ol the absence ii:lirr.Mirv! between the two jieople .s | nder lhe»e circumstances, in a cosp Stales un»l IsIhii.Is, particularly tlie iiing dailv lucirw evteiij.i\c ; and that ,ni}M^r*a»it to the inter, s’s of >.ur cili/.en.s, (ormer, thisdiM r.niination s«.rious in- ■>‘.'iieiiti« III iiiiilual gcnnl Mill have grown i,im| to tin' cliur.icter of our coimlrv, and, juries to .>ne ot thi>se great national mter- at the iiiqM.rtaiit conferences in which his tJovernmcnt i> en^a^ed at London. That treatv does hut .-mbtM'y those I'lilarg The treaty conc\mU»d with Chili, and ap proved bv the St iiate at its last session, was also ratified by the Chilian Government, but with certain additional and explanatory ar ticles of a nature to have required it to be again submitted to the Senate. The time limited for the exchange of the ratifications, however, having since expired, the actiou of both Governments on the treaty will u- gain become necessary. The negotiation commenced with the Ar gentine Kcpublic, relative to the outrages committed on our vessels engaged in the fisheries at the Falkland Islands, by persons el principles’of ft lendly policy, w Inch, it is acting under the color of its authority, as iiiiruiiid..j. l’> til" «^conl article of that, ‘ii" "tipulated lliHt the sum pavable to the i'tiiti'il Ma>H nhc.uld be jiayed at I’ari®, in -.t«m»iHl inhtHlinentH, into the hands of such • a .... I.A . ..• 14aiv I r\r (IIOf'Dn. of amity and that lil>eral cominerce which belong to the relations in which all the in- dejiendent States of this continent stand to wards each other. I ilocin it proper to recommend to your : :iii l hy ihe -•nmr net of ConKrcH.|, the .,f ( ’.ingress m sii. h a iiiiiiiii.' •’•P'.imifina on the part ol the Ui..l.-d Slut s, , sion m‘>' ri .|uii.'. ('onveniidii, were, in all reripecl '* ' ‘ Ift III.. Ijlliilf.i. No doubt that a treaty thus made, The frien.llv reln\ioiis which hnv.' al'vav s i|..ii b.™ ,1K- r.»t, d S,„.« valm.Mo u,»l» i. «1 agait'ist each other, having i i i ‘ lUiDgers ... W..1C.1 iiiH. their civil dissensions having so far subsided, | iposcd bv the obstiuc- us, v« ith few cxt‘'ptif'ns. no longer lo.listurb ' nio.hi seive to Ctvo force to his rnpresenta ^ ” |,V show i.ig the dangers to which that their ci\ il dissensions having so tar tion which innv b«' uxdi.l m i'i'> inquiiif' \l'onti!WcH on fvvrth

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